Every true fan knows that cycling is a sport filled with passion and high spirits, but sometimes emotions can spiral out of control. This video showcases the most furious outbursts in pro cycling history, featuring incidents involving top cyclists like L Boom, Chris Froome, and Marcel Kittel. From physical altercations to dramatic fits of rage, witness the moments when cyclists lost their temper and made headlines. Subscribe for more thrilling and emotional cycling stories and analysis!

    00:00 – Introduction & Overview
    00:28 – #1: L Boom Throws a Punch
    01:12 – #2: Carlos Barredo and Rui Costa Clash
    02:00 – #3: Andre Greipel vs. Marcel Kittel
    02:49 – #4: Marcel Kittel Body Slams His Bike
    03:28 – #5: Chris Froome Pushes a Fan
    04:08 – #6: Alberto Contador Punches a Fan
    04:44 – #7: Tom Voeckler’s Verbal Outburst
    05:14 – #8: Cadel Evans Hits a Reporter
    05:48 – #9: Bradley Wiggins Throws His Bike
    06:23 – #10: Peter Sagan vs. Mark Cavendish
    07:04 – #11: Miguel Angel Lopez Hits a Fan
    07:46 – #12: Tom Steels Throws a Bottle
    08:12 – Conclusion & Subscribe Reminder

    Cycling Controversies & Scandals – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1jtRTCArgctT2609cgFUV6vXi9EHyi66

    Topics: Cycling outbursts, pro cycling rage, angry cyclists, cycling controversies, L Boom punch, Chris Froome push, Marcel Kittel rage, Andre Greipel conflict, Alberto Contador punch, Tom Voeckler outburst, Cadel Evans hits reporter, Bradley Wiggins throws bike, Peter Sagan crash, Miguel Angel Lopez hits fan, Tom Steels bottle throw, cycling emotional moments

    #CyclingOutbursts #ProCycling #AngryCyclists #CyclingControversies #ChrisFroome #MarcelKittel #AndreGreipel #AlbertoContador #PeterSagan #MiguelAngelLopez #TomSteels #CyclingHighlights #SportsControversies

    every true fan knows that the game of cycling is a game of passion High Spirit and with a whole lot of emotions involved sometimes the emotions can get out of control especially when frustrations set in resulting in Rage loss of temper and uncontrollable anger although these are all part of the game and that’s why we love it one L boom throws a punch running to create too much controversy with that L boom was disqualified from the tour of Norway after he apparently elbowed and then punched van Hecker in the words of L boom he was on my wheel and I almost crashed so I got a little hot-headed I don’t want to crash especially when an idiot does something like that one of the race referees said you cannot punch a competitor and particularly not in the face so we have taken the decision of taking him out of the race boom subsequently apologized although not to Fan hecka specifically L van Hecker said that boom’s punishment was too severe sometimes this happens in a race he said he did not hit my face but in the hip two Carlos beredo and ruy Costa come to blows between Spain’s Carlos the ler clap killer Baro and the Portuguese counter puncher Ru Costa as a result of an incident during the finish of stage six of the 2010 toour to France Carlos beredo hled himself at ruy Costa waving his front wheel in the air and shouting he depa that’s Spanish meaning well it’s quite rude Mark Cavendish may have taken the Sprint to win his second successive stage of the tour to France but for once it’s not the Finish itself that’s got people talking but a bit of fisty cuffs afterwards between quick steps Carlos beredo and Ru Alberto Costa of K not that it affected the result with both Riders given a time three seconds behind Cavendish the Portuguese K de Ryder finishing 110th on the stage and Spain’s beredo 33 places further back both Riders were find 400 Swiss Franks for insults threats and incorrect behavior and writers reported that Cas dep team director Ivon leoa had said I was told by a race stew that one of my Riders had been involved in a fight but I don’t know the circumstances lanoir added I suppose they were involved in a race incident and that with the sun Spirits heated up I wanted to talk it over calmly with ruy in the hotel three and re grico versus Marcel K if it was snow we’d call it a white out race leader Marcel K was left with blood streaming down his face at the Dubai tour claiming afterwards that he’d been struck by aana Andre grico who’s since been thrown off the race news that K had been attacked by an Asana rider was initially made on Twitter by his quickstep floors manager Patrick LEF it was subsequently confirmed by K who said after the race I got punched by Andre grico from aana that’s why I had blood in my face but I didn’t crash there was some confusion in the race my team worked well for the Sprint but I was not in a perfect position and maybe my head was elsewhere too four Marcel K body slams his bike involved in that too giant Shimano is that K it is oh and that Marcel K proved that he can deal out the aggro too if only to his bike during stage two of tyrano adriatico 2014 KD had been hoping to contest the Sprint finish but a crash put a peg to his chances with 2.5 kilm to go he really didn’t take it well he redeemed himself later by tweeting I’m very sorry for throwing my beloved giant Propel on the ground I still love it we’re just having an intense relationship five Chris FR pushes fan ah head of the race and thre behind just even the mild mannered cool-headed Chris FR has been known to get riled on occasion notably on the C de sword during the 2016 tour to France when he lashed out at an encroach in Colombian fan nothing against the Colombian fans FR told the Press I think they’re fantastic and bring a great atmosphere to the race but this guy in particular was running right next to my handlebars and had a flag that was flying behind him it was just getting dangerous so I pushed him away I lashed out and pushed him away so there you go it was a push not a punch or a forearm smash FR went on to win the stage the race and considerably more money than the 200 Swiss Franks fine that was imposed on him by race officials for incorrect Behavior six Alberto contador flicks fanor Alberto contador had beef with some crazy guy dressed as a surgeon who was running alongside him on Al Duz in the 2011 tour to France he punched him in the face to get him out of the way however a punch to the face would be putting it a bit strong seven Tom vauclair dishes out some verbal yes yeah yeah yes sorry sorry okay sorry sorry everyone’s favorite pro cycling gner Tom vauclair who retired in 2017 stopped on a climb during the 2014 tour of France to dish out a lesson in spectating Etiquette the French rider was on a or category climb at the time it was obvious the fans were in the way hence obstructing him anyways one of the fans apologized eight Cardell Evans hits out at a reporter worried it must be very touching when you have the an injured cadell Evans really wasn’t into being touched during interviews after stage 10 of the 2008 to of France he seems to hit the mic off his face in a reflex I guess he didn’t like it at all Evans looked pretty scary especially for a man who was clutching a cuddly Lion at the time nine Wiggins throws his bike it’s a classic how could we not include it Bradley Wiggins achieved a lot in his cycling career including winning the tour to France and five Olympic gold medals and achieving several World Records but unquestionably his greatest accomplishment was parking his bike perfectly against a wall from half a road width away while having a bit of a strop understandably during the fourth stage of the Jiro Del trentino in 2013 10 Sean versus Cavendish this one’s a questionable inclusion admittedly because the incident at the end of stage four of the 2017 toour of France didn’t result from a rider getting angry rather things just got a bit tasty in the Sprint for the line as they do on a regular basis Peter Sean’s elbow flicked out whether intentionally or in an attempt to regain his balance and Mark Cavendish went down like a sack of Spuds Cavendish broke his shoulder blade and Sean was taken out of the race so there were no real winners here apart from the other sprinters perhaps like Marcel K who ended up with five-stage victories even the best of people get to lose it at times it seems normal for people to get on your nerves in a while and getting in control could be hard Pro cyclists can get mad too 11 Miguel Angel Lopez hits fan the aana rider lost his cool on the penultimate stage of the 2019 guo Italia after being knocked from his bike by a fan on the road to cros Dun montava Lopez was among those chasing down the attacking Trio of Vincenzo nibali Richard carapaz and Mikel Landa at the time of the incident and gave the fan in question a few squats before getting back on his bike and eventually finishing 18th on the day more than 140 behind the men he was catching at the time 12 Steels throws a bottle at monan the finishing straight of the 1997 tour’s sixth stage saw plenty of arj Bari Eric Sabel crossed the Finish Line first that day but was relegated for a regular Sprint not far behind however then Belgian national champ Tom Steels was getting up to his own Shenanigans in the middle of the high-speed Gallop to the line Steels threw a bedon at frederi massan who’ pulled in front of him Steels was ejected from the race thanks for watching don’t forget to subscribe to this channel if you want to see more interesting cycling content like this one see you next time


    1. What a behave! These guys mistreated well their bicycles! How arogant, use your head idiots, you're lucky to ride those bicycle and shouldn't treat the bike like that no matter how disappointed you're!

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