July 4/2024
    Hey Riders…..
    Well, well, well….we are back banging out the watts with the Muckers World Wide Thursday Championship race. It’s on Thursdays were things get very spicy, no toodling on these routes, it’s an all out hammerfest.

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    hey Riders Thursday muckers Championship race series here we go okay I’m a little bit uh shell shocked right now just jumped off the bike at the uh I think it was 11:45 here in Alberta and uh this race starts at 1205 for me glad I’m not racing it I am just destroyed right now but here we go big brother is watching as usual okay let me load the map in here uh so we can see what’s going on so we’re doing Hamberg to uh what is it gundan Germany allout Watts apocalypse coming up here folks should be a ton of riders here lots of names I know it’s been a while since I’ve done a Thursday race oh there’s Thomas Lynn right there okay Clyde 235 this is Hillbilly that’s his name in our Discord anyways so it’s good to see him here David 1951 actually let’s go right to the front see where all the big hitters are okay uh we got Neils Bren up here silly sill m4b here’s Neil mucker 1974 right there Steven ludford Mike Hagen Carol susek tudan shenik that’s what I call him uh I know it’s nowhere near the pronunciation of it uh this Rider right here from Poland from Kau rides a lot I think he’s done uh probably the last 678 uh GRC races probably wins them 70% of the time ah biker AP saw this riter on the Tuesday route tranberg yes more names I know Breer 33 more okay we’re going to getting a bounce back here’s Chad Richie Chad’s in the Discord with us quite a bit Brian bgm 151 naby Styles representing GRC here Lise 73 Lis 73 was in h the Tuesday race as well and uh what happened in that one oh that’s where Louise got away and was it uh oh I’d have to go back and look at that one got caught at the very end I think by proat I believe let’s see how quickly this is stretched out here so the race is starting to stretch out got some stragglers at the back here probably some late starters let’s keep an eye on everyone here so let’s just bounce through the field a little bit let’s see how many people we got uh how could I do this quickly okay so looks like we got 50 people who actually registered and started at the Finish Line uh this Rider is in the shoot not working yet uh looks like this is probably going I’m going to say David maybe how about that it’s probably what that’s trying to say I believe Rocky B forther up the road we’ve got uh Bailey boy who has actually bailed and uh left the race it looks like Salvo suda from the ger team decked out in the Leal Trek kit Mo poo red BC Jeff 65 hey Jeff good to see you then we got CD Chris CDT Chris in the mucker gear rgma further up the road Isaac Lopez from G I saw Isaac uh yeah Isaac was in the Tuesday race started late I saw that with okay we got Hawkeye 77 here and uh yep I’ve seen this Rider before too um who was it srel seen that Rider before David 1951 got himself a nice little crew here jumping up we got bat Builder Lany oh so many names I remember I just okay Duckman 2 I saw that riter uh I believe on actually I think I saw duck Man 2 on the Canada Day race so we did a Sunday team GRC race uh that would have been June 30th and then July 1 we did the Canada Day race Tuesday I covered the uh the marcker Tuesday race and now here I am doing this one so I’m kind of losing track as to who was in what races but um yeah right here I saw Regina Regina L where is she now ah James mcgrant so James here he was in the Canada Day ride with us in fact James slowed down at one point and there was a group of five of us uh who picked them up we and then we formed a group of six okay oh here’s hensbergen hensbergen James mcgran Brian Stefan Schmidt tranberg shenik Carol Suk biker a here’s Al Roland again just a Roland Sylvia right at the front here uh let’s look for some new names o takeing some hard Corners here uh I think Lenny 111 here is a new Rider to me let’s take a look at Lenny here folks pushing about 5 wats kilo oh yeah my numbers aren’t good right now maybe an 80 kilogram Rider I’m going to guess yeah what do you guys think looks good to me James mcgr sorry I’m on bjm now this is Brian Brian comments a lot lately in uh the Youtube channel so again appreciate the support from everyone commenting like the videos watch an add or two uh over at inside cycling World Don Mato yeah it’s been showing up a lot for the team GRC races on Sundays Lobby Styles here see what nav’s up to today riding with uh Neil here Neil rtim Chad Richie hey there’s Phil from the SC race team mm MMS 3v okay I should know this name positive this Rider has messaged me at some point I just saw shenik has had a disconnect very unfortunate so at this point what you need to do see this here it can drop this could be there’s so many different things how this could happen keep pedaling keep pedaling keep pedaling I did talk to uh I think I talked to Stephanie or asked Nelson and maybe Stephanie as well because in the Canada Day race they both dropped and yes what you need to do is just keep riding as if you’re still in the event and then when once your internet figures itself out once the server reconnects once whatever it may be happens it’ll replace you on the race course as to where you would have been based Bas on the output that you were doing as you were waiting for it to reconnect if that makes sense so never just stop pedaling and you know throw stuff around and all those kind of things just keep going it’s going to be hard to do uh because you’re not going to really know where you are on course compared to the other Riders okay he’s back but he didn’t get repositioned o terrible that is terrible uh I’m glad I caught that to see how that went down so from what I can tell there’s that’s going to tell me that there’s different types of disconnects so you just saw someone here uh I’ll have to look at the video afterwards there but he would have been like in the top 15 at that point now he’s down in 41st so a different kind of Disconnect I guess uh so shanik uh when you see this video maybe drop a comment as to what happened there uh you know what happened on your end so we can start figuring the stuff out so let’s Che jump back to the front here uh tranberg up there with this is a new Rider this is the one I was trying to see before Curry 2 German Rider uh Neils Burnham’s here El Roland everyone’s keeping eye on each other so on this road here there’s not a lot of key points to attack on just these little tiny blips of orange on the profile on the bottom this is where people are going to try to put in little digs just to get like 10 15 met ahead problem is there’s so many people in these groups that let’s say you get out 15 20 me ahead you’re going to have 10 people chasing you this front group is uh let’s have a look here it’s it’s I think it’s 17 people so biker AP is just bridging on to it right now look at the effort seven mons per kilo trying to get on made it in in the draft Sylvia’s just getting a nice draft at the back here behind all these hitters up front Mike Hagen so biker AP straight to the front and cruising straight on by uh 65 kilogram Rider maybe 643 maybe yep just over 60 kilogram Rider so fairly light being chased by Curry 2 so yeah like this group behind will easily pull that Rider back so let’s just see what happens at this next blip here I see a little yellow blip on the back here this so this would be we’re g to just call him just call him D for now but I’m GNA say David maybe that’s our last r on course 48 Rider showed up Rocky b a little bit ahead Jeff 65 here and yeah very unfortunate for shik so totally want to hear from shaesta what happened there hawkey 77 riding in the uh skeleton Halloween suit Duckman 2 so it’s interesting to see all these Riders participating in different events from the Canada Day event to the team GRC Sunday short race the muckers events rat him Thomas Lynn strong Rider here okay let’s see what happens at the front here so here’s the front hitters a little bit of a blip here look at the see L Rolland put in 910 watt per kilo dig there tan almost 10 watts they’re trying to just shake people off not to like you know put in a huge attack and like try to bridge away but you got to whittle the field down this is like a war of attrition now who’s going to get pushed out the back this time so I think there 17 before 15 16 so we’ve lost Sylvia now so probably that last little attack there was just a bit too much for Sylvia and she’s out the back still in an excellent position in 17th Place uh Mike Hagen just up the road from her uh and Mike is actually falling off the back now too I’m not sure if he was trying to wait for Sylvia a little bit and finds himself in no man’s land now he’s got 20 something meters to bridge back now it’s 30 it’s gone that’s how quick it goes so Mike is going to be alone now so Mike’s going to have to decide does he want to wait for Sylvia to catch up Sylvia might uh soft pedal now and wait for James and uh Steven ludford to come up and get a group of three going maybe team up with Mike so yeah that was really cool to see WEAU right at the right time so you can see now just after the split on the bottom of the screen the little black dot I don’t think nothing’s going to go on until there but just after there’s another blip so I think we’re going to see more attacks there see now we’re back into that more four five there’ll be little things going up and down sixes and sevens here people cruising at like you know under three when they’re in the draft still everyone’s pushing a lot of power here so here’s two doing six Watts per kilo where’s hbur is nice in the draft three watts per kilo yeah everyone here is so strong I don’t know this writer uh Maga Yol not really sure how to pronounce that so what do we have left at the front here let’s have a quick look so m4b and I think M4 and Claus kinsky are just being shelled out the back yeah oh yes they are they’re gone so they’ve been left behind at high Pace uh riding here we now have 13 Riders back at the front ooh it’s stretching out again we’re down to about 12 now let’s take a look at the map here it’s getting hard to keep up with now so there’s just this big group here that’s slowly stretching we’re coming up to that first little bump now we’re going to get right back to the you puts in a dig who’s racy watch the profile and watch the the power number start to go up on the side here there might be some attacks you know everyone’s still doing like seven watts per kilo at this point I would just be completely dead at this point right here look at this 11 watts per kilo out of L rolling nine Watts just puts in another nice tack gets on the downhill now can recover at two watts per kilo did we lose anyone I think they managed to stay on there oo I think we lost Lenny Lenny is desperately trying to get back on now pushing so hard six seven wats per kilo with a 25 meter Gap it might be over for Lenny as well Lenny is only a level 14 only been around Ru a very short time Lenny’s doing everything they can to bridge back on but yeah yeah You’ got uh 12 of the strongest Riders around uh taking turns working against you right now now so let let’s keep an eye on alen here see if they can make it back okay uh and you can see just up on the profile two here within the next oh 4 500 meters there’s going to be another kick let’s see if El Roland pulls that off again L Roland is whittling down the field at this point keep a close eye here just looking at some numbers Curry 2 probably a good 80 80 kilogram Rider I’d say yeah right around there somewhere so not a lightweight okay here comes that little blip now who is going to go on the attack let’s look at the numbers here take a look at the leaderboard it’s changing all the time but you’ll see the numbers come up okay let’s go starting you can just see the road climbing to the distance this is just going to be like you know a couple hundred meters of a climb but people okay we’re getting to that 6 s watts per kilo stuff look at this car’s pushing at eight now almost nine making sure no one gets the attack in okay I think this one is going to be a lot more relaxed they’re all watching each other now okay everyone’s doing a little bit of coasting here catching their breath great job job just bounc in the back still got D back here David I think got a g Rider as well Jeff 65 bat Builder Phil Brian okay there she is here’s Regina Regina someone I started watching probably way back in January uh when she joined the when when she started showing up all the time for the muckers races so she does quite well here’s Neil just trying to see if there’s any names I haven’t seen Lany this name’s kind of new to me not I’m not really familiar with this riter uh let’s work our way through the field oh here’s hillbilly sorry I I call him here Clyde 235 in the Discord he goes by hillbilly he’s got quite the storied past uh told me we had some good chats last night um he likes his history and uh yeah he’s got some really cool stories and knows a lot about uh like the west and like what we would call the wild west here in North America uh likes to do a lot of reading about that kind of stuff I learned quite a few things yesterday learned about Captain Jack pretty famous guy in California okay we’re on Mike Hagen let’s take a look at the front again now has anyone just fallen off the back due to the PACE how is our group looking so I think we had 13 before yeah we got 12 so biker AP is just hanging on here Lenny that was never able to make it back uh yeah once you’re out of that draft you are gone there’s no way to keep up unless unless the you know you’re super strong and the group that you’re trying to catch is only riding half your power okay you’ll catch them then but when you’re trying to chase these kinds of riders good luck okay so it’s probably just going to be chilled out here for a little bit you know guys riding four five six watts per Kil kilo I guess I’m calling that pretty chilled out and the next attacks are going to be coming before the split you can see the mouse pointer on the bottom of the screen here probably going to be maybe a bit of attack here after it’s been mellow for a couple kilometers uh we’ll pass through the split and then you can see there’s a series of bumps here so if you don’t have a huge Sprint that you’re going to need at this end of the screen on the very far right you better be getting away somewhere right here or you better start limiting the amount of people you’re going to have to Sprint against let’s take a look at this Rider uh Maga Yol probably just looking at the rider here I’m just trying to figure out how big these Riders are do they have Sprints are they more of a climber this is going to be more of like a 60 kilogram Rider so probably not like a gigantic Sprint but you never know [Music] tranberg tranberg 70 kilogram Rider I’d say tudan Lis let’s take a look at Luis Luis is more in that I think I said in the last ride that I thought Lis was more of a climber uh probably like in that 52 kilogram range something like that 55 yeah something like that 55 kgam rter so fairly lightweight fairly pesky as we like to see over at Team GC land uh Stefan Schmidt 60 k Ram Rider something like that am I right sometimes my math brain doesn’t work that good on the fly yeah so I’m little bit uh like I was saying earlier a little bit tired right now a little bit nod on the game uh oh here here comes that bump here comes the bump yeah see I think Louis is trying to get away here it’s just a little bump you barely even see it but it’s just enough just put 10 meters into them but it’s going to be pretty hard to hold off these guys whoa magga just came over his shoulder at 11 wats per kilo uh the rest of the group is here biker AP still just biker AP I notice every time I come back here I’m just finding them just off the back just watching wonder if biker AP is conserving something till the end it’s either that or they’re just holding on so I think it’s going to be pretty chill now oh when I say that here’s tuden doing nine Watts a kilo now seven L Rolland pushing eight I think people are just putting some digs in hoping they’re going to drop people at the back which could happen here when you blow you blow like take a look here Vier AP just blew and he’s still pushing six Watts a kilo that’s how fast the front end is you know they’re they’re in that drafting pack taking turns at seven eight Watts a kilo Riding Solo at six you can’t even catch them get in the draft you’re doing two and three in there really good to see the numbers okay so it’s eased off now now we’re back in anywhere people are riding from Two and a Half to like four and a half watts per kilo you know it’s it’s going up a little bit higher as they’re taking their turn at the front so I think it’ll be chill now until we get to if you look at the profile of the screen the very bottom here okay so what did I get up to today so I was going to do one of the French medium routes the vivaa France routes um and then I saw the July 4th uh Ruby ride Crater Lake I saw a couple of people I know join it uh I know desz Dy was in there uh I think Kristen was in there too from City I I saw her signed up for it um so I went into it just kind of riding ah whatever maybe I’ll find someone to ride with you know won’t be too crazy well up ahead on the road I saw Nelson Snyder one of the best Riders on Ruby uh and at first I didn’t think he was moving because he was going so slow and I’m saying he wasn’t moving because he had a disconnect at the Canada Day race so I thought o is he having a problem with his equipment but then it was I realized oh I think he’s waiting and he was he slowed down and waited and towed me all the way to the base of the climb and I was just holding on for dear life to be honest uh you know Nelson’s riding three and a half I’m riding three Nelson’s riding 3.9 I’m riding 3.3 uh yeah probably way faster than what I wanted to write today it felt like I was motor pacing today um and hopefully Nelson could see that I was trying um cuz sometimes you know I think can they tell how hard I’m trying and I did think about that too at the time if you set your display at the top of the screen instead of it being watts per kilo maybe if you put it at FTP so you can see what everyone else is doing relative to their FTP so if someone’s behind you and you know you see that they’re only doing 50 to 60% of their FTP they’re just drafting off you they’re they have they’re not really trying hard at that point um but I’m pretty sure Nelson could see that I was like right close to my FTP most of the way but I was struggling today I just didn’t feel it I did the almir ride yesterday 54 kmet and I’m telling you I was cooked after that I haven’t been doing a lot of riding lately uh I don’t know how much bit more I can really improve at this point or what I can get back to but yeah just holding on to Nelson’s wheel uh but the coolest part of it was that right at the so there’s a climb at the beginning like in the first half and then it flattens out couple little rollers and then there’s a good 400 meter climb at the end which I’m sure Nelson knows well cuz I’m pretty sure Nelson is from Oregon uh this is Crater Lake really cool geological feature uh I I think it’s the deepest lake in the US I’m not sure about North America maybe the US uh it’s I think it’s like a Remnant uh volcano you know it blew up filled in with water but there’s like another little island in the middle and I think there’s even a lake within that one it’s a really cool feature uh this is just going off memory here comes that attack right here here comes the attack 810 watts per kilo here El rowand is just routinely putting in 10 11 watt per kilo tan put in 11 magol uh nine Stefan nine everyone’s going for it who’s gonna fall off here’s biker AP never got back on Lise fell out Lise got dropped out of that group and got passed by biker AP who’s chasing as hard as they can still 50 MERS back but it looks like tranberg is out the back Curry 2 is holding on for dear life trying to get back on with tudin and the others tudan Breer Carol Suk El Rowan okay that’s how it goes folks uh so now we can jump back to my ride um I’m getting some energy back here so I stepped off the bike 15 minutes before what I’m doing right now and um so yeah with the at the final climb on Crater Lake and actually it was really cool to watch Nelson do this because I always wonder how people see me do it because I kind of do the same thing if I see one someone are let’s say I’m riding at 3.2 and I feel pretty good I can pull that all the way and I see someone riding a 2.4 up ahead of me I’ll slow down and let them jump on and try to tow them a the bit if they want me to we picked up another guy named Alex Aston asona or aana however you want to say it and I saw Nelson slow down and pick him up too and so he told the two the two of us along for quite a while but to be honest I was dead today after yesterday and it just worked out at the perfect timing because I was fading and that last climb came up which is for I think it’s uh about 420 M and six K and 7 kilm 6 km something like that so it’s about a 6% climb all the way and Nelson just took off like he lit the afterburners and was gone and I could watch him on the leaderboards for quite a while 5 Watts a kilo plus all the way um and so myself and Nelson were riding in a 12th and 13th Place maybe 12th 14th with Alex included and at the end of the event Nelson passed everyone on that uphill after he toled along pulling me and Alex to the base of the hill and he took first place and from what I quickly saw on straa he’s got the king of the mountain now so thanks for the pool Nelson you killed me today uh I probably worked a little bit harder than what I was expecting uh this is really fascinating here folks um okay I’m going to go review this later because check this out biker AP is back biker AP made it back on after being 50 meters back caught onto This Crew here goes El Rolland let’s see another 10 let’s drop another 10 11 Watts here so they got to go now so like I was saying it’s this little section here with these three four little kicks where they have to smash each other apart now everyone has gone full for enemies if it’s time to go full chipo get those elbows out do not let anyone pass you somehow some of them got back on I don’t know how how biker AP made it back here I’m this is going to be one of the few videos I watch again okay biker AP is just coasting now I think they might have cooked themselves a little bit there trying to get back on and there’s been more attacks put in curry at the front Neils Brams right there Neils is so real strong like Carol susek tudin very rly through here you know it’s kind of like up and down there’s there’s no flat through this section here so there’s going to be two more kicks this is the time the problem is after that you’ve got like maybe 500 M to put two attacks in coming up and then you’re going to have about 3 kilomet to try to get away by yourself so I think it’s going to come down to whoever’s left in this group is going to have a Sprint finish at the end I don’t think they can drop each other at this point it’s just who get shelled out on these bumps uh so you’ve got less people to Sprint again against at the end looks like we’re down to nine now yeah nine see biker AP did get back on and then just fell out again Luis tranberg is gone great ride tranberg I don’t know biker AP uh let’s see what they’re doing here 60 kogam Rider doing a lot of coasting actually God I thought I was the only one to do this getting back on it okay getting right back to the front here I got to see what’s going on the last kick you need to be gone by now I think they’re all together yeah they’re all together so let’s take a look at the map quickly and I folks I think I’m back to normal now I’ve recovered fact I’m going to have to drink of water quick I was pretty uh beat up there when I first uh jumped online here feeling better so let’s watch this finish so we’re now Less Than 3 km to go and we have a group of nine Riders nine strong Riders here this is when they start taking shorter turns at the front I think they’re all here yep they’re all here hbur still here toan’s here L rolland’s here I’m waiting for the uh elone patented one kilometer attack from the Finish look at these people get out of our way okay the hitters are coming through hitters are coming through so you can see here biker AP and yeah that’s just the name I made I made up for him U bkr P pushing hard again like yeah 65 kg you holding uh six kilo six swats per kilo all the way through here seven trying to get look at him he’s trying to get back on with them he’s only 50 m back just putting in a huge time trial effort here we’re we’re less than 2 km to go if he gets back on board with him he’s digging again 8 watts per kilo he’s got the momentum on his side here coming up over a little roll and then downhill we’re down to less than we’re down to 30 something meters just pushing super hard here it’s a level 80 ride or two been around Ruby a long time I honestly don’t know who this person is coming back and at this point I’m going to say they’re back on even though they’re not in the draft very close could have been a huge crash right there with Granny I think they’re out for a little pick a neck so he’s not back on yet let’s just watch this 18 M I think the Draft starts around what is it like 13 14 meters something like that we are one kilometer to go so now he’s dragged himself back from The Edge he’s back in there now just lurking outside the draft with 900 meters to go is there anything left for a Sprint still not on the rest of them are going to start speeding up here soon let’s get back to the front oo yeah the hits are coming in out 10 11 Watts kilo 12 watts per kilo here we are Curry has gone from a long way out solid 80 kilogram Rider L Rolland right on tudin 12 13 watts per kilo look at this they are sprinting from like 6 700 meters out this is going to be epic epic Sprint finish here to and hinb and Stefan MC Curry El Rowan this is insanity here folks Stefan Schmidt okay so who’s at the front Stefan Schmidt and hinsbergen Breer is coming through at 10 watts a kilo probably at just at the right time wow like I mean everyone finished their side by side that’s going to be something we’re going to have to check the leaderboards afterwards biker AP just coming in now at an impressive 10 11 12 Watts pilo coming across the line so again don’t know who that Rider is uh here’s lwis 73 from uh I think I saw the Tuesday race like I was saying again I think this Rider got second place on Tuesday coming into the Finish now uh Lenny was part of the original big group looking sharp here Lenny’s probably like a high 80 kilogram Rider great job Lenny 111 tranberg excellent effort today too riding at a more relaxed pace now uh riding with that group of hitters at the super hitters at the beginning would just like crush you like and that’s how I feel after riding with Nelson today uh it’s not what I was intending to do you know cuz when I was riding with Nelson I’m kind like oh this is great he’s waiting for me but Nelson’s waiting for me is like a really hard effort for me and and that’s what sometimes you forget and and sometimes I forget that too because when I see Riders on line so again I’m just going to jump back here a little bit uh Mike Hagen silly s here you know and S did it today too syia did it uh you know like to be in that front group to ride at their Pace even though it’s assisting you it is so hard um and so what Nelson did today by waiting for me and then pulling me along not really riding at all out Nelson Pace was a hard effort for me because there’s different levels of cyclist so I see it all the time out there you know I I try to slow down for someone and I’m like yeah I don’t really know if this person can do this with me so I give them a while to let me know they’re trying I watch their watch per kilo are they going to come up a little bit to try to stay in my draft and if they don’t at some point you just got to move on by yourself so Silly’s here with uh Thomas Lynn Chad Richie Mike Hagen Okay so we got m4b and Claus kinsky coming to the Finish now 300 meters to go riding strong three and a half four watts per kilo just ignore the dog noise in the background here lot of yippy yappy little dogs uh 150 M to go still pushing hard but no huge digs yet all as I just said that m4b just unleashes eight watts per kilo here on Claus kinsky to take it at the line excellent job Mike Hagen coming in Dom Mato Steven ludford silly sill let’s watch Sylvia here let’s see what happens coming around the last few bz 100 meters to go you come under this little Bridge up Domo 13 watts per kilo 14 watts per kilo silus pushing six there nice job here’s shanik uh okay so shanik had that very unfortunate disconnect um so my theory that if you keep pedaling you’ll be reset wasn’t totally accurate but I know it works for NE Nelson and Stephanie it used to work for me in the past so Nelson and Stephanie both disconnected on July 1st at our Canada not our at the Canada Day race that ruy put on it was a ruy official race and I asked them and they said yeah you just keep pedaling and it’ll reset you um I guess my next question for shanik would be did you download this route because my guess is the fact that I watched you restart on course like reconnect was that you don’t have it downloaded so therefore you couldn’t keep progressing along the course on your local system and then when you got your internet back it would have communicated that to the Ruby server and then it would have reset you so let me know still finished really well still moved up a lot of places still picked like 101 places were picked back up there by shik uh so we got dimma 101 new here bat Builder Phil SC race team Lany knobby Styles representing GRC here getting this ride in srel Hawkeye 77 ears Collide 235 riding nicely Duckman 2 Isaac Lopez David 1951 guess is Ryden the muckers and the GRC events great stuff David awesome to see Jeff 65 making his way through the gravel section here CDT Chris so you know it’s funny I was Neil must have been mixed in somewhere in that group with like Sylvia and Mike Hagen and all I didn’t even see where Neil finished uh Rocky B and uh then the person I’ve been calling D or David mupo salvas sudo from the ger team beuker uh here’s someone that joined super late I mean look how far hard behind they are for riding at a fairly decent level this Rider should be way more up here uh so here’s someone that just joined the event super late but yeah just get your rideing more coming to the Finish everyone else now here is pretty spread out uh outside of Cel and uh Hawkeye here so anyway folks I’m going to call it quits here early today uh only because I just got off the bike myself 15 minutes before the started uh I did record that one too so I can show you basically how you can p pull someone else along and I’m the guinea pig on this one and then you can see uh Nelson take off and just decimate everyone awesome to see love it catch you real soon


    1. excellent video Colin. Nice to see the efforts from everyone. No one wants to roll over the line on a Thursday if you are even within a sniff of another rider! Shame you missed my sprint finish win as its like the saying about the tree's falling in the forest and if they make a noise if anyone's around to hear them?? If inside cycling world doesn't catch your finish….. did it really happen?? 😂😂😂😂😉

    2. Loved watching it again with your commentary Colin. Great chill activity right after riding and a shower 😉. Thanks for your focus on my final sprint 🥰

    3. It is hard for us mere mortals to hang on with the big guns. I managed to for about 4.5 miles then my daughter came in the pain cave to ask a question…I looked away for a few seconds then looked back and the pack was gone!! Oh well…not like I would’ve lasted much longer 😂

    4. Hello Colin. In June, I was second in the Muckers championship three times and once 13th because after the new Rouvy update in this race and a week ago I have problems with the application, I have never had this before. Tuden won all 4 races. I have a cable connection to the Internet. Even when riding 318w is unable to catch up with the group.

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