This is the sixth webinar of the Adaptation Pipeline Accelerator (APA) initiative series. UNDP and partners organized this knowledge exchange to include experiences from two different countries’ (Germany and Moldova) adaptation policy cycle, including monitoring and evaluation frameworks, and a recently published guide for adaptation investors.  

    For more information on the agenda and speakers, please visit:

    um but let me welcome a very warm welcome to all our participants on the sixth adaptation pipeline accelerator webinar um I think we still have call people joining us but we want to just uh make sure we make a good use of of of everyone’s time um we are basically uh going to uh record this webinar and we’d also like to let you know that interpretation is available in French and Spanish uh the webinar is very much part of the adaptation pipeline accelerator initiative of the Secretary General which is uh really focusing on accelerating adaptation action and ensuring that adaptation planning is being connected to uh development of Investments as well as pipelines and this is an initiative that started last year and as part of this initiative undp has been organizing a series of global exchanges with Partners to facilitate exch change of information and experiences on accelerating adaptation and exploring available tools and resources so the webinar today is focusing on the governance of climate adaptation um according to the ipcc there is growing public and political awareness of climate impacts and risks and it has resulted in at least 170 countries including adaptation in their nationally determined contributions climate policies and planning processes while governance for climate change adaptation including on policies procedures and institutions differs across countries it is one of the key factors in ensuring implementation of climate policies and enabling climate resilient development and in ter and governance also includes financing mechanisms and the mainstreaming of uh of climate risks across planning and budgeting and uh the issue of Finance in general is one of the major gaps in adaptation planning and that’s also one of the topics we’ll tackle in today’s uh webinar uh we have four distinguished speakers who will help us unpack various aspects of this adaptation governance in the first part we will focus on policies and monitoring and evaluation Frameworks and we’re very um happy to have um uh a speaker a distinguished speaker from malova who um because malova has adopted a new National Climate Change adaptation program and its action plan in 202 3 and has adopted a climate action law and Germany has adopted its first ever climate adaptation law in 2023 and a new adaptation strategy is expected later this year so the first part we will actually focus on these presentations and then the second part we are going to focus on on a very interesting presentations from the angle of Finance so I think um and also just to uh reinforce that um the the the work that countries are doing uh along policy and planning includes monitoring and evaluation uh and learning Frameworks which are relevant for the ongoing discussions related to the global goal for adaptation and Beyond so um so we will so there are multiple linkages um so we have our four speakers and let me uh say that each of them has 10 minutes for the intervention and there is time for Q&A and discussion and I’d like to actually welcome our very first Speaker as as part of our part one adaptation policy cycle and monit ing evaluation learning Frameworks very very happy to have Dr Alona rusnak who will be presenting the climate change adaptation program of the Republic of mova she is a state Secretary of the ministry of environment of the Republic of mova and is also the associate professor at the department for private law um at the faculty of Law and is a lawyer she has a lot of experience in implementing International projects and is a member of several working group to amend legislation in the field of climate resilience and it’s published in many many scientific articles so with that I would actually uh going to I’m going to turn to to Dr Alona and I’m also going to request that if participants have any questions as the presentations move on please do share them in the chat and we’ll try to deal with them uh in the course of the webinar so I think with that let me hand over to to to Dr aliona for her presentation uh rohini I’m sorry I think uh our speaker from mova hasn’t yet joined so perhaps we could uh move to the second speaker sorry okay no problem so actually um while we wait for Dr Alona I’d like to actually go to our next speaker I just wanted um just before I introduce her I just want to make sure Dr Cornelia ROV are you online and can you hear us I’m online yes excellent thank you so let me for um have the pleasure of introducing um Cornelia who is a scientific associate for international reporting knowledge transfer on adaptation to climate change impacts and evaluation at the competent Center climate impacts um and adaptation Compass within the German environment agency she has a background in Asian sciences and environmental politics of China as well as environment and development studies and has worked in Asia and East Africa on topics such as the economics of climate change poverty risk reduction portfolio management and climate adaptation and monitoring and evaluation GIS and um Cornelia will be presenting Germany’s national adaptation planning process and uh with without further Ado I would like to hand over to you for your presentation Cornelia thank you very much um yeah let me share my screen um and yeah thank you and your colleagues from undp already for for inviting us and yeah your interest in our current developments um so just let me know if you see the presentation yeah it might take a second we just wait uh I think I think I’m not yet able to see it um yeah let me share now it should be now I see some so it tells me it’s shared but okay let me yes I think we can see it yeah yeah thank you please go ahead perfect so um apologies firsthand so we tried in uh previous to this webinar so unfortunately my video is not working so um but yeah as I’m as you’re seeing the presentation now mainly um uh yeah I hope it’s uh it’s okay but uh still uh very sorry that you that you can’t see me you can just see me in the speaker notes um but yeah let’s uh start so um as already announced so we um our new climate change adaptation law was announced last year so all the different political parties agreed to it and it was um published or became into act actually this Monday day so in July so uh we have a lot of press going on at the moment um and yeah in my presentation um I will touch upon our policy cycle um about the climate adaptation law and um our latest uh monitoring report uh and how it will change uh within new climate law and uh our currently um in development or yeah our uh precaution in climate change adaptation strategy uh which is currently under development um okay let me move to the next slide yeah um so here you see hopefully uh the slide changed our policy cycle for climate change adaptation processes in Germany um and in the very center there is the new climate change adaptation law uh and our new precautionary adaptation strategy which um is still in a different color and in italic because it’s uh not published yet but uh will be published by the end of this year um and our cycle starts with the climate risk assessment which always identifies uh the most pre pressing climate risks um for Germany um and once uh those are identified an adaptation action plan is being developed uh which then yeah lists um all the different measures uh uh trying to reduce um yeah our vulner vulnerability towards uh the most pressing issues um and with the new um adaptation strategy we for the first time will also have measurable targets and those will be then also integrated or are currently being integrated into the next adaptation action plan uh once the plan is ready we have a four-year cycle of implementation of adaptation measures um uh we have an ongoing monitoring and the evaluation um then usually also comes uh in a four-year cycle um and with our new strategy we are also reviewing the methodology of our evaluation um linked to the new measurable targets um on the next slide which hopefully comes visible for you as well soon is the national adaptation in Germany and uh there you see the whole process I won’t spend much time on the slide it’s uh we had our first adaptation strategy in 2008 followed by an adaptation action plan in 2011 and then every four years we had progress reports including new adaptation action plans um and yeah as just mentioned by the end of this year we’ll have the pro uh precautionary National adaptation strategy including the new adaptation action plan with measurable targets and indicators and then since 2015 we also do a climate risk analysis uh so far we have two the latest one is from 2021 and the next one will be available in 2028 so we start with planning now and um yeah but already have quite established methodology um and our monitoring reporting is also since 2015 every four years and the latest one was just published um by the end of last year and the English version is available since April and there’s a link on one of the latest slides um the presentation will be shared so yeah you can also then click on the link and see the report in detail for the evaluation um the next one is planned for 2028 and will uh also envisions to develop a monitoring and evaluation reporting and learning framework um to really uh yeah put on paper um and uh yeah for everyone accessible and for common knowledge how the different processes are linked to each other how data is flowing and uh what roles and responsibilities the different agencies Ministries and uh actors in Germany have um in yeah in the whole monitoring evaluation cycle to have more clarity and a clear data plan as well um and yeah then just now in July we published the national adapt climate change adaptation law and more on the law is now on the next two slides um so uh this climate adaptation law is for us actually the first binding framework for climate adaptation in Germany um and at the heart of it is that the um federal republic has to um create the precautionary climate adaptation strategy with measurable targets um indicators um and uh yeah shared responsibilities with all the different uh Federal Ministries uh it also um has in it that we have to do an regular evaluation of the progress Based on data and results of the monitoring report every four years that we have to do uh regular climate risk assessments um which uh soon it’s also something we currently develop is a register of Damages and expenditure um and yeah the federal states have to develop own climate adaptation strategies um also looking down to municipalities down to the level of municipalities uh who um then should develop local climate adaptation Concepts um and report to the federal government um and yeah then on the the next slide is just zooming in into the for for us at the agency also important um articles of the law is the first one is uh the development of the precautionary climate change adaptation strategy um and that’s under the lead of the ministry of environment and supported by our German um environment agency um It also says that um the federal states and ass associations as well as the public must be involved in the definition of the targets um uh so we had a very um extensive participatory process um and the Ministries um themselves are responsible for de over now we already started developing were responsible for developing reviewing and if necessary updating their targets and measures um so also as uh to to gain a sense of ownership it’s not mandated by the um Ministry of enement or like one AG uh one Ministry but each Ministry um has to be involved in defining the targets um and then the monitoring report uh will inform about climate impacts and state of Target achievement um so also integrate those new measurable targets um and just a bit about the process of the development so all of this started uh mid-end of 2022 when the concept um of the LA and the um no the concept of the strategy uh was developed by the ministry of environment and the a our agency um and the in interministerial working group of on adaptation um accepted the suggested um process uh and then the uh in end of 2022 towards end of 2023 the development of the targets started um and the participatory process so the um um everything circled in red here um has been with a citizen dialogue also focusing on um feedback of use then there were um consultation of stakeholder sessions in five regions of Germany um in the course of the end of last year um and joined working groups of federal states and federal Ministries reviewing the draft um targets and suggesting further ones um if it they saw it was needed and currently the draft strategy is being reviewed there will be once the draft um is agreed by the different Ministries uh there will be another consultation process after just after the summer and then we hope to um yeah have the strategy ready by the end of this year um here on this slide you uh just a bit of background for the measurable targets most of this I already mentioned but yeah the climate adaptation Act is really the basis it mandated us to do do the the new or develop the new strategy um we overall have six clusters on water infrastructure um health and others um which are spare headed by different Ministries and per cluster uh they were required to develop three to five measurable targets uh terminate with terminated indic indicators um and uh also add two to three effective policy instruments and measures um yeah to then later on being able to to assess uh what has been achieved and where we need to do changes um and now just finally few insights into our monitoring report here you also see the link at the end of the slide so uh our uh monitoring report is uh contains 117 indicators uh split over 16 fields of action um like water use forestry uh and so on you will see it in the um monitoring report um it has State indicators um showing the development of Germany’s climate over time it has impact indicators uh showing the a change of climate change effects on natural and socio economic systems and it has a set of response indicators um which uh try to show how do we act and what are the outcomes uh um and with this last monitoring report um there were new indicators added looking into the most pressing um risks identified by the last climate risk assessment um and yeah they were integrated into that um going to the oh sorry um to this slide so it’s also uh a revised structure of the report um with a simplified findability of V various elements of the report um it has a summary um for each field of action it has a sum summary of the results from indicator based monitoring a brief summary of the climate risk assessment findings it shows data and knowledge gaps which um we still um yeah encounter um and has a qualitative presentation of what is happening at Federal level with uh regard to adaptation uh and then um there’s also a QR code uh linking to to more in-depth data information um uh yeah for in case uh one yeah users are interested in the data backing all of that uh and now on the last slide um it’s just like a quick snapshot of um yeah the beginning of the report there’s an overview of all the different um indicators um we have for yeah like a quickfinder to get to um specific indicators of interest um and overall we have 67 impact indicators 45 response indicators and then five cross-sectional indicators which is like manage manageability of climate change impacts um um uh things linked to finance and yeah others so yeah this is a quick insight into our um yeah policy cycle in adaptation and yeah giving back to the group and yeah for questions or I don’t know how we proceed here but thank you very much for listening excellent um great that that’s that’s a great presentation thank you so much um I think that really gives a very good insight into uh how the new adaptation strategy of Germany is being developed and also the legal basis uh for for actually enforcing or or implementing um the the the sort of precautionary adaptation so thank you so much um Cornelia for that and I would request that people who are online that may have uh any questions they can start putting them in the chat um and in and then we can deal with them uh you know after this segment I’d actually like to Now call on um Dr Alona Rak um Dr ala I want to check if you can hear me and if you’re onl yes I can hear can you hear me yeah yes yeah I cannot open the camera but it’s okay I’m fine with that only talking excellent no no welcome to the webinar I did introduce you already before you um uh joined us but uh just to again introduce you um you you’re the state Secretary for the ministry of environment of the Republic of malova and an associate professor at the department of private law faculty of Law and lawyer with great experience in implementing International projects and a member of several working groups and um and you’re Dr Alona you’re going to be presenting climate change adaptation program of the Republic of mova so uh we really look forward to your presentation and over to you yeah thank you so much if someone can put the presentation on I’m talking from my phone so it will be good if you can help me technically uh you know while you put the on the presentation I would like to thank you for presenting me and we’re going directly to the to the slide number two to facilitate the discussions uh you know uh I have here in U in the webinar my colleague Marina lungu um and she will help me too you know with the Q&A sessions as I I do have our commitments too uh okay so uh I would like to start with the fact that the Republic of mova is really uh good advancing in climate change adaptation programs uh we have been very successful in adopting the climate action law uh on 11 April 2024 it’s been a very uh wanted uh and very expected uh law uh by the environment uh domain and by the all other domains because it clarifies the aspects on adaptation on mitigation and on all aspects but also on monitoring and verification so basically the climate action enabling the low carbon development and climate resilience and establishing a long-term objective in its climate neutrality by 2050 uh also I would like to to mention that the law is not yet in uh inforce it will uh be in force uh in November 2025 but nevertheless we’re working really hard on uh on uh other domains because we have several very good and very uh comprehensive uh uh acts so this is uh I would like to mention the the national program for adaptation on climate change until 2030 that I will emphasize a bit later one it was approved last year in uh September and nevertheless we already started to implement it and to approach the cross- sectorial mainstreaming and reent uh relevant uh sectoral policies uh also we very uh we a big step ahead in order to uh uh implement the national adaptation climate change program was the adoption of the government decision on National Commission on climate change uh it’s formed of the ministers uh minister of environment uh energy infrastructure and Regional development uh uh Health agriculture uh uh so the key sectors and the chair uh under the chairman of the prime minister so basically these are the three main aspects that help us to advance very well in adaptation program and in in general to comprehensively and to emphasize from all sectors please and next slide um so basically the Republic of mova has a very good and I will be really short on the history uh uh engaged in N processes 2013 uh U the ncacp uh uh the national program 2030 Builds on the first climate change adaptation strategy an action was first in 2014 2020 but nevertheless uh the all the cross- sectorial issues were identified during its implementation and basically the nation the current program emphasized the uh the cross- sectorial um issues that were not addressed before and they are so important to address now uh it contributes to the implementation of a Moldova International commitments and uh yeah here I would like to say that assumed Under Paris agreement Global agenda 2030 and the Sendai framework for disaster R reduction I would say that here the national adaptation program it includes several issues on the disaster risk uh uh management reduction but now we’re in the process of developing a disaster risk management strategy that will include the the key sectors that will uh work on that I’ll will not uh um stop on that because you know the program objectives are also included in the NC mova 2030 it’s uh ensure the coherent planning and concrete climate change adaptation measures and I would like to mention uh the six priority sectors which my colleague my previous speaker from German mentioned we’re also focusing on the key sectors this is agriculture Water Resources Public Health um forestry uh energy and transport uh and of course it it is u in terms of this cross sectorial sectors we avoid duplications of actions we’re streamlining the resources we uh ensuring uh integrated climate change um uh International and local development Pro really important because uh with the help of undp we we developed several uh adaptation programs at the local level and this is you know going from the Central and from the local level which is really important okay uh next slide please this is uh really shortly on the NCC development and uh I think I mentioned already uh the most important I just add here that the program and its action plan develop inclusive process and consultation with the stakeholders taking into account the recommendations from previous please next slide um I would stop a bit on the uh on the structure and the climate uh risk uh context on the policy context on the vision and strategy uh uh objectives for adaptation and and development uh on action plan uh for sure uh uh by Ure uh the um uh nap the nccp um uh 203 provides uh the creation and strengthening of nav mon NA national adaptation program monitoring and evaluation from framework we are basing on gender sens postive indicators with the aim to improve the collecting and distribution of data relevant on climate change uh adaptation uh obviously uh we take into account the climate risk and vulnerabilities economical sectors and this is really important to tackle the cross- sectorial um you know and we are in very tight discussions with all the ministers and I would like to emphasize that now I’m currently at the at the interministerial uh energetic uh uh energy community council with the my colleague from uh Ministry of energy we have very good discussions with the minister of Agriculture sensitive issues on Water Resources so all this you know um uh the national adaptation uh program are including and which is really important that we emphasize on monitoring and uh and and Reporting you know when the ministers has to report on the on the on the their domain and we’re working on uh clearing the data and providing the uh real and feasible data uh so basically the action plan uh the um the the uh uh climate change adaptation and uh and timely decision making and interdisciplinary policy area uh this is a key priority for us if you see here we have a climate change awareness knowledge gaps we have legal and strategic framework we have in institutional and stakeholder uh uh framework uh all these are have common goal to uh to uh to to emphasize and to uh to to involve all the sectors and to adopt all the sectors depending on the key and sensitive uh elements of the energy for example key and sensitive issues of the uh agriculture of the infrastructure and others um uh this this is really uh important to mention that uh um we are um basically we are um uh ensuring uh a coherent and uh planning of climate change adaptation measures and uh uh in the action plan it is included the facilitation uh and implementation on the short term on medium term and on uh uh on the long term and this is the next slide I’m going ahead the the machine yeah so in the longterm Vision we have to adapt to the impact of real and potential climate change in all sectors and to reduce the vulnerability and increase the resilience to effect on the uh on this changes uh on a we have a four horizontal um uh uh goals specified and this is uh specifically um targeting on Cross cutting issues uh also targeting increasing resilience in the six priority uh sectors in agriculture energy forestry Health transport and water and we have a courses action this is um 12 horizontal action uh 12 horizontal and vertical actions that need to be implemented uh why I would like uh the next slide actually uh emphasize the objectives that we are so uh um targeted uh uh uh especially it’s a policy enforcement and capacity building for climate change adaptation it’s strengthening the knowledge base and awar awareness raising improving budgeting for climate change adaptation and I would say on this issue we advancing quite well however the long climate action will enter in force in 20 uh in 2025 November but starting from this year we already have the first exercise on involving the minist of environment in uh the law budget uh law on budget and the minister of environment will work on the minist of Finance on uh on budget tugging and see the the key sectors that might be affected by environment so basically this is a really good example when uh you know having all everything set in the National adaptation program having everything set in the long climate action and I’m meaning in the in the in the legal base when you have a solid legal base it’s really easy to interact with other ministers so this is a very good example and honestly we saw an openness from the Ministry of Finance in terms of discussion already on the environment projects the environment laws environment policies so this is you know very good example and I I strongly advise you to uh to take example of uh you know of our country of other countries and other speakers I’m sure that they they will show you wonderful experience expence and thank you for letting us uh you know uh giving us the possibility to talk uh increasing resilience in the priority sectors I already mentioned on on this you know on the uh for uh in the horizontal vertical goal so this is um I will not stop here uh next slide is a cost estimation and CCAP also I will not stop uh very um this the the PowerPoint presentation will be uh sent already said it will be presented and uh we are very would be more than happy to share our contexts and we are very happy to to have short presentation with each country bilateral and me and Marina you know will help you you know in transposing and and avoiding the mistakes we we committed yeah last slide this is the next slide that this is a monitoring reporting and evaluation um I would say like to say that the uh National Climate uh change commission provide the institutional framework on the monitoring um um reporting and evaluation in collaboration with Central Public authorities private sector and civil society that allows us to have a core umbrella commission that actually involves the technical groups and help us to understand you know the sensitive moments for example if there is a moment in energy environment yeah we create uh according to the N NCC uh uh see government decision we can create a technical group and then they submit the proposal to the uh commission this is a really inter sectorial uh discussions and bringing on board uh private sector and Civil Society uh implementation monitoring and carried out by the ministry of environment this is periodical evaluation the degree of achievement of indicators objectives this is done directly for the reporting or indirectly for the reporting submitted by the um uh the depending on the beneficiaries or the reporting uh stakeholders we have annual progress report and evaluation reports intermediate evaluation we have 2023 2026 final evaluation we will have and we have proposed indicators contained in free uh results so macro which have a cumulative impact of the national level that will include all ministers what they have to do as I as I um make like a joke that all the ministers have their homework they have to work hard on their homework and then the ministry of environment and the NCCC of course as a part of the CCC will have you know an eye on the results uh we have the outcomes meeso as it called sectorial District uh level and mro we have output level and project and programs well thank you for your attention I try to be really short and to leave more uh room for questions and uh and uh you know and uh discuss discussions yeah thank you so much thank you very much Dr sh that was a very uh very exciting presentation and it had many aspects to it institutional aspects uh all the technical aspects of the risk assessments and also uh you know the the issue of monitoring so I think you’ve given us a very comprehensive picture of mova I wanted to ask you are you here for another few minutes um because we believe you have another commitment if we can pose one question to you yeah sure sure sure sure sure sure okay so so actually I think that uh uh what what I’d like to actually pose to you is that regarding the indicators um you know we we know that there’s quite a challenge with adaptation indicators and I think we have one question from our uh audience uh which is actually regarding the integration by the biodiversity actions and strategic plans so because this climate adaptation and biodiversity issues are interrelated the question is you know have they been any specific consultations uh or or any discussion to uh make sure the these topics are being looked at for the for the monitoring Frameworks and the indicators so that’s one part of the question and the second part is kind of related it’s actually my question you know you know how has been the experience of defining these adaptation indicators um we understand it’s quite challenging and and any light You Can Shed from ova’s experience will be very useful for the audience over yeah yeah yeah uh well thank you so much for the questions of course the uh this is uh the in general the process you know the or the indicators that uh were collected and helped by the experts of course when we uh on each sector they were they were uh involved to different key experts uh that have their experience on uh on uh on targeting the indicators you know and targeting their uh their uh their uh their uh the uh the the the indicators that contain you know the the free free results uh well firstly we started to the fact you know how the indicators are influencing at their uh at their uh at the national level uh because the national level you know uh uh it uh uh included the the result you know at the uh at the at the national uh country and uh you know uh at the um the uh the indicators uh showed exactly you know the the move of the country yeah but uh what is really important you know the result uh from by sector so by Regional by District level this is important and I know it from uh from our own experience because the uh and even since the adoption of the national adaptation program we saw you know how the movements are and how the projects are coming in order to improve the sector for example in agriculture there are more and more sectors especially in resilience and what is really important because the the ministers are working exactly to achieve the target included in the indicator yeah like for example in agriculture in energy so this is really important that the movement of their actions are taken in order to achieve and to not you know to to Really um uh you know to to really get the the right result I would say like that yeah so this is really important when you establish at the beginning National um meeso result of the sector Regional and mro this is really important that at the end you’ll have the whole picture and you’ll see exactly where is the the the Gap the problem and in especially in biodiversity thank you for this we have a very um you know that we have an a forestation program which involves National and uh local uh because local because there I involve the private sector and the local authorities you know that work on this aforestation program this is one example the of this uh because we’re working on the emeralds or on other on on other sectors that actually brings um and facilitate the uh first the discussion second to the achievement of the target so this is really important to establish uh the right approach or the indicator because the indicator actually shows how you achieved there yeah how you got there how it is really important and feasible to uh to get the result this is really important and uh for monitoring and evaluation it’s easy when you have the correct indicator and it’s not only on National level but when you have on sectorial level on the projects and program level that it’s much easier to understand how you um acted rightly and I would like to say that um you know this is is really important and um yeah to to to get it I hope I answered to the question yes yes uh thank you very much Dr Al because I think these insights you’re providing are very critical to understand for the implementation of adaptation actions and outcomes and I think you you you you know you’ve touched on many aspects of this it’s a it’s a it’s also critical insights also for the global goal for adaptation discussions which you know all countries are are also looking at so it it links to the you know adaptation action but also the the monitoring which is a critical part so thank you so much for that I’m actually yeah I’m going to turn to our our other panelists if I might turn to you um um Cornelia so I think there’s several questions for you but I noticed they’re kind of linked up because and they’re again coming back to the issue of the monitoring um aspect and I think if I might um just Club a few questions I see you’ve answered a couple of questions live but some of the I think questions that have come to you are I think one is uh you know in terms of the German adaptation law is it mitigation uh or adaptation or boths that that’s I think one part of it but the second part is actually again related to this monitoring and evaluation question uh the question is you know what kind of set targets um you know what are the adaptation targets looking like for Germany what level are they set uh you know what do you see as the gaps uh you know in terms of the monitoring of adaptation action you know and and and and how to really measure the manageability of climate uh impacts so so it’s it’s a clutch of issues really again around monitoring uh so if I might turn to you Cornelia for your insights on that yes um thank you very much for for the questions um and some are or or are current questions for us as well still so just to to already say that especially of the um yeah how to measure them um is still also kind of a puzzle for us in some areas um maybe starting with the first part um if the law also um is for mitigation or it’s really a dedicated uh law for Al it’s called climate adaptation law um and it’s uh purely focused um on on this and uh yeah just giving us us minister of Environ the differentes the agencies from the mandate to um starting to starting me the targets on the one hand also getting information for um Europe governance reporting International reporting and all that so yeah just a stronger mandate um looking into question colleague from movia just answered um in our monitoring we also look to strongly intering with colleagues and with existing other um like the biodiversity question guidelines and other indicators existing and what management regulations close exchange um we have indicators also Shar with biodiversity strategy um with Supply management we looking into in some case in the same data also linked for example to to health uh we have like heat related sorry I’m very sorry to interrupt you I think the connection is not good no worries oh sorry okay here I don’t know what to do is it better now if I change the height of the microphone I hope it’s getting better because there can you hear me hello uh yes now it’s much better Cornelia I think the first part of your answer we couldn’t very well because of the the connection it was breaking off but now I think rohin herself got disconnected because the no I I’m so sorry corelia I think yeah uh yeah yes yes it’s it’s yeah I think it’s better now you might need to repeat the first part yeah yes we can hear you now we missed the first part of your answer because the connection was not too good okay so okay so I try to be a bit more brief so um the climate adaptation law did you hear that one so um it’s really focused on adaptation there’s no mitigation um in that so there are other regulations for mitigation it’s purely for yeah um yes giving us a stronger mandate um helping us to gain more data for uh European and international reporting um and uh also strengthen our monitoring um then I linked a bit to the question that what was posted to both um the colleague from movia and me um if we’re um also yeah having for monitoring um are connected with colleagues from the biodiversity strategy um and also yeah there and also with other water strategies and other strategies we have a very close uh yeah interlinkage there and uh conversations with the colleagues and indeed in our monitoring report we also use um some of the uh some of the indicators used in the biodiversity and other strategies um and uh then concerning I also saw that colleagues were asking um if you can give some examples of indicators unfortunately since it’s still under development we are not allowed to share like specifics yet I can just say a bit about the process so um it was indeed challenging at the beginning especially to to get um more outcome oriented um like targets and indicators because it’s very difficult to to measure and the attribution issue is of course a big question um and our experience was that it needed quite and you also so it’s like one one and a half year progress of developing um measurable targets at the beginning most of them were really more activity oriented on output level um but uh step by step with a lot of conversations with the different Ministries uh we also managed to get some outcome level oriented indicators uh and the next big step is now and there we have a uh yeah we’ll have a research um project really focusing um on a evaluation system and how to best measure so unfortunately in this webinar we don’t have like a rate solution yet but it’s something we’re very much interested and engaged in at the moment and also interested in more more exchange so uh yeah I can keep in contact with suring colleagues um uh and once we have a can share specifics of the different types of indicators uh but also the evaluation questions have and maybe some first findings uh yeah we are very happy to share that uh later on and yeah stay in exchange also so at the end of my presentation there’s also um a link to my email address so um I also invite everyone everyone is welcome to get in touch and maybe have some more um yeah exchange than on specifics anytime thank you so much Cornelia AR rohin is your uh video working again the audio um I I think there is uh there’s I’m so sorry there’s an IT Mal function s could you please take over sure uh thank you so much for uh rohini is going to join us in a moment and I’m going to be the improvised uh facilitator here uh thank you so much Cornelia for very very detailed answer in that regard and uh hello every everyone this is Saran who has you probably all saw my name when you received the zoom um registration confirmation link uh so that was part of our part one of our discussion which rohini already told you will be focusing on the climate policies and the monitoring and evaluation Frameworks and we are now ready to move on to the second part of our uh webinar today which will be focusing on the finance part but as you know uh this is all very much related to the governance discussion that we have been uh having from the beginning of this webinar very interesting discussions please feel free to add uh your questions to the Q&A uh sections I see there are a lot of questions already and thank you also for our speakers for not only the amazing presentations but also answering the questions in the Q&A bar um without further Ado may I ask uh Sandra can you hear us our next speaker yes I can hear you SAR can you hear me yes can you uh okay now I can see you because now you unmuted yourself so that means I can make you the co-host and could you please try to um open your video if it works yes I will trying to share my screen too great see that means you can also share your screen while you do that I would be very honored to to present you Sandra for welcome and thank you so much for joining us today Sandra is the CEO CEO and founder of Sustainable Solutions for Africa and she is also the senior climate Finance adviser to the Africa Africa adaptation initiative she has over 20 years of experience in climate change diplomacy policy formulation analysis implementation working with over 50 countries around the world Asia Africa uh Pacific sits so a lot of experience here and she has also been managing International Teams testing Innovative implementation strategies and she was previously also worked in the GCF and Korea South Korea and she was also the direct director of the climate analytics office in Togo Sandra thank you so much for being with us today and uh you are here to share with us some of the findings of the state of adaptation in Africa report I am very confident that we can fill the entire webinar with this amazing report for we will share the link in the chat for for those who of you who are not familiar but today Sandra will be focusing on the finance part of the of the report uh so uh without further Ado over to you Sandra thank you now thank you very much Saran it’s a great pleasure for us to participate in this uh in this webinar indeed as you explain it we will be discussing the critical issue of adaptation Finance in Africa as we highlighted in this state of adaptation reports the 2023 Edition which was the first the inaugural version of a project that will be bringing us to develop a every two years a state of adaptation report as you also clearly indicated these presentations will shed lights on the finding on the report focusing on the challenge of mobilizing adaptation Finance for Africa trying to explore innovative option to accelerate adaptation Finance across the across the continent the state of adaptation report has this singular overing um aim which is to develop a deep reservoir of knowledge that is authentically African and relevant to a continent specific adaptation need the report set out several key objectives to articulate Africa goals on adaptation to construct a compelling Africa narrative on content issues to highlight gaps in our climate information system and propose solutions to mobilize the private sector in accelerating adaptation and thought and to align our strategies with the global St stock take here you will see uh the outline of the report itself which begin with an assessment of climate risk in Africa followed by a detailed look at how climate change impact economic and life livelihood then the report examine the effect of climate change on critical sectors like agriculture Health infrastructure Etc and strategy uh uh around key key pillar we look specifically in this report on financial needs and today our presentation will be highlighting some of our findings and at this point I want to put uh to have an emphasis on two on two key points the first one would be the criticality of investing in adaptation everywhere in particular in Africa which is presented as the most vulnerable continent and in this case we analyze the cost of investing compared to the cost of inaction not investing right one of the sector critical that require urgent financing would be the agricultural sectors because of the losses expected in this uh in this sector without adaptation climate change is expected to cause agricultural productivity losses ranging from 5% to 30% by 20150 this is critical since the sector constitute a large part of agric Africa GDP still and employ significant por of its population when we break down in the AOL sectors the cost of investing in different components against the cost of inection you can see uh the wide difference for water management it range for 6.1 billion needs to pay for adaptation against 90.7 for not doing anything in land restoration for example it cost 3.4 billion to invest in adaptation against 26 27 billion of not doing anything and this pill effect of those CR ac across the entire economy where climate change could reduce Africa GDP by up to 15% by 2030 due to impact on this sector Associated to other which is uh related uh to agriculture including infrastructure and and health the cost of inaction will also touch sectors like uh uh health social impact infrastructure uh they are associated to economic cost of drought uh loss of productivity loss of biodiversity and ecosystem Services displacement and migration uh impact Associated to the energy sectors as well as increase cost of disaster responses so this is one of the key findings we identify and indicating the need for uh uh uh urgent measure to finance uh adaptation as a as a as a critical interventions the second point of attention is about how to scale up uh adaptation investment in Africa and the role of the financial instrument traditionally loans and Grant has been used to finance adaptation in Africa with question been posed around the quality of the investment using loan we want to emphasize here that uh this investment for for for for adaptation are necessary especially uh Grant and in some cases uh loan might be might be justified but both have shown their some some sort of limits right for for for grant for example they appropriate uh for feasibility study pilot project capacity building providing financial support to vulnerable Community uh act as a seed funding to attract more Capital support policy development regulatory framework andeng strengthening they are good to support some short-term specific projects but they have found for example uh the limits uh in investing in uh scale scale scale intervention uh they might not be necessary uh relevant to promote Financial uh uh sustainability beyond the grant the grant period and in some cases M creat dependency in the case of Sor senior loan that also have been used for for adaptation in Africa uh they are relevant for large scale adaptation projects including uh infrastructure uh they are important in mobilizing private sector participation uh uh the risking project with concessionality uh they are good in creating greater ownership and they can provide sub substantial Capital over extended period for long-term project and uh the challenge here is how do you scale up Beyond Grant and beyond beyond beyond loan the reports look at some recommendations especially looking at Blended Finance approaches combining grants s Unown and if needed other Financial instrument to maximize impact enhance depbt management capability to mitigate risk with associate loan improve credit worthiness through policy reform and better economic management and explore Innovative Financial mechanism like climate or resilient bonds and impact investing so several Innovative Finance Finance are been discussed today and while all of them are relevant for the specific case and specific usage it always pose the problem of the role of the domestic private sector so today Blended Finance as I discussed previously it’s uh important to strategically use public funds to leverage private Investments green Bond and resilience bonds specifically designed to finance projects that enhance Community resilience to climate impact death for climate swipe uh one instrument been discussed a lot linking investment in climate adaptation to death relief uh specific targeted Insurance Solutions especially uh targeting agricultural sector or other sectors to address disasters carbon pricing mechanis that can generate Revenue to finance adaptation and in some cases especially for the community which needs specific attentions C funding or Community funding so this provides a range of approach a basket of menu of options that can be explored Beyond traditional instrument with the view to expand the pool of resources available to finance adaptation on the continents thank you uh thank you very much Sandra um for that presentation and uh I think what is very interesting is also you know the different uh I mean obviously the financing needs but the different instruments or the different kinds of uh you know sources of Finance I mean there’s a huge range there’s there is a potential and you know you’ve actually enumerated you know it’s a very interesting analysis but you’ve enumerated quite a quite a few of the kind of instruments that need to be deployed and need to be developed uh and I think that that that kind of thinking is very very important for for for addressing a lot of those gaps in the huge and considerable deficit of adaptation financing so I’m going to ask you to stay on please um and uh I’m going to ask uh colleagues who uh all participants who are here to hold their horses and to um you know either put the questions on the chat or you know we’ll have a little time to to deal with them uh before we go to the next speaker and then we’ll sort of take them together so let me uh just without further I do uh with a I think big thanks to Sandra freus and let me turn to our next speaker uh it’s um matu verus Strate who is from the UN office for disaster risk reduction he heads the infrastructure and finance and for resilience unit and has over 20 years of experience in financing and infrastructure development I I remember there were some questions around infrastructure so he might be able to answer some of those he will be presenting to us the recently published guide for adaptation and resilience Finance uh so without further Ado Matsu are you there and uh could you uh please um you know over to you for your presentation thank you so much har and very uh good morning good afternoon uh to everyone um and thanks a lot for inviting me to this uh to this uh webinar and I found the presentation really fascinating and so thanks a lot to also the the previous speaker so my um topic of the day and I will I will share my screen um I hope you will be able to uh see it uh tell me if that’s what you are if you’re seeing my slides yes perfect thank you so I’m I’m focusing today on an needed on this guide for adaptation and resilience Finance which is um something really that we have work on uh together with the um the private sector uh and namely two main organization called uh KPMG and a standard Charter Bank um and so um we have not only work uh with with those two private sector Partners but also with a number of um leading uh financial institution uh mdbs um that are uh also contributed to this um to this uh uh publication and the idea was really to see and of course we know there is um a huge demand for uh for financing to adaptation and resilience uh we know that the um limited uh or governments have limited resource uh we also know that the private sector is probably not investing enough uh in in this topic and so how how can we address uh this uh this Challenge and and and what are the missing pieces to actually mobilize additional financing from from the private sector um and just to give you an example and I think to illustrate that the lack of maybe private Finance to adaptation and resilience um some studies were conducted to see in terms of the green Bond Market on the green social and sustainability type of Market which has been increasing exponentially over the last few years you have about 4 trillion uh of uh of uh issuance um in those in those bonds um but only 19% of those bonds have some kind of climate resilience uh related what call use of proceeds so basically targeting uh activities uh that are contributing to to climate resilience and adaptation so that’s clearly not enough and and I think other Studies have also shown that the very limited percentage of of climate Finance is actually coming from the from the private sector so what are some of the some of the buyers and here was really talking about um investment from the banking sector investing for Capital Market investors so like the Pension funds insurance companies uh that are managing a quite a a big pool of asset and funding and and what are the the reason why they’re not actually investing more into into this topic one reason is for instance what we’ve been talking quite a lot with is the shortterm buyas so the Capital Market tends to be oriented shortterm meaning that there are risk that are Beyond five or 10 years time frame tend to be kind of overlooked uh and I think that’s of course when we talk about climate impact we are more the more you take a long-term perspective the the more you will integrate those risk and the more you will uh start pricing them there is a question about data and indicators we were mentioning but also data about to really build the case uh for for uh for making inform investment decisions so having um information about uh about country data or even asset level data like infrastructure uh data um in terms of of climate exposure and climate vulnerabilities I think this is still uh missing and that piece of information is needed to to inform the decision making um there’s also this question about limited revenue streams and because we talk about avoiding cost and not generating Revenue so which is for a private sector perspective uh can be a bit more challenging although if you if you make for instance your uh energy asset more resilience of course it’s going to be uh you going increase the value of it over time even if you’re not generating immediately new additional Revenue but because you will be saving down the line and this should be should be factor in into the investment decision but that’s still uh some of Challenge and then one more challenge uh is the lack of Common Market language and and that may seems a bit trivial but I think for investors it’s very important to have Clarity on what do we mean by investing in in adaptation and residence what are the invest that will qualify um for for that kind of of branding or or or tagging and and it’s very important because that create uh an understanding but also create trust and Confidence from the investors to actually um if they see an opportunity that is uh uh claimed to be adaptation and res they know what it means and they have trust um that is actually making a positive contribution to the agenda um so that’s what the is really providing it’s creating that kind of guidance on what what what does that mean to invest in adaptation and resilience from a private sector perspective and and the guide is actually unpacking this agenda into uh seven seven broad teams um and and you will recognize a lot of them of course resident infrastructure agre food system Cities Health uh nature and biodiversity and so on and so forth so it’s also also trying to create those kind of big categories because that also helps um people to understand what we mean by by those type of investment and they within those teams there are uh over 100 investable activities that are uh that are mentioned which are um that contribute to those uh to to adaptation and resilience and that create start creating that kind of understanding of almost taxonomy or classification of what it means to do uh adaptation and Resident investment and there is also include in the publication a list of indicators so how do you measure the contribution of your investment to uh to the goal of adaptation and resilience so also tacking a little bit this question of of of indicators um and and so basically the the guide provide this kind of framework to for an investor to say okay is my investment contributing to this agenda and the first question you have to ask is does the investment align with one of the teams that we were pres presenting is making a substantial contribution because it’s just a marginal contribution then um it should not be qualified it should actually make a real real difference then is there is there a risk for Mal adaptation or or significant arm to other sustainability objective and that means for instance um if you are making a coal fire power plan more resident and you’re extending the lifetime of that asset by 20 years maybe it’s good from a residence perspective uh but from uh from your climate goals or other sustainability objective um that’s uh that’s creat some some some negative impact and so in that case if there’s a potential for Mal adaptation or significant arm the guide suggest to do some additional checks and then the last question of course is that is the investment consistent with the the nationally or locally defined adaptation and residence strategies plan so of course there is a need to to be align with the with the objective the country uh a national objective or the a local objective um for that investment to be to be qualified as eligible and then then you can uh with confidence say this is uh this is actually an investment that contribute to this goals um and then what would be the use of that guide because I mean it’s good to divide the the the the taxonomy or the language but then what would be the use case for it and and what we are seeing in for instance that’s what the reason why Standard chter Bank for instance was interested they want to maybe do kind of credit line specifically targeting adaptation and resilience and so so they will be financing for instance local farmers or others to actually carry out those investment and um uh for that are contributing to to climate adaptation and residence and now that they have this kind of reference they can decide what are the the investment that they will be financing through this uh for instance through these credit lines that can also enable for instance Blended fin Finance instrument that was just referenced because if you do you might say okay but maybe the donors is ready or there’s some donors out there is ready to subsidize part of those investment so they can combine say okay well we’re going to subsidize those loans uh provided that are contributing to those activities uh with a positive impact on adaptation and residence um in a similar fashion for investors uh that they willing to invest in disaster residance now they have a standard they can use as a reference that give them confidence that the the money is going to be used in a way they they align with their objectives um and so they can start um asking um invest asset manager to create investment fund or product that are specifically targeting those kind of of investment and that and then also it helps to create some kind of of a framework for monitoring uh the uh or setting some Targets in terms of how much investment should be allocated to this priority because now you know what you’re talking about you can start measuring and you can say well as a bank or as a pension fund I want to increase by 20% my allocation to these objectives so that again create uh create a kind of an accountability or even a Target setting uh um possibility um and then finally the the policy makers and their incentives that was mentioning now that can be designed for Blended finance and other um to be associated with those those Investments so so that’s what this guide is helping and so I I hope you um I hope it’s it’s useful but um and I’m happy to continue the discussion and and feel free to also get on our website to to get more additional information on this but I think this is there a lot of discussion um going on on about U about adaptation and and resilience taxonomy and I think this guide is really uh the first one to to be as as detailed on this topic uh as it can be so maybe uh back to you R thanks for your attention uh thank you so much matth that was an very very interesting presentation and a very interesting guide because I think this is the kind of uh you know area that that that that has to be a lot more further work you know by countries in this area and and especially while working uh you know with with the private sector or asset managers Etc um I mean of course like the I mean some of the challenges will be in the application of it but it’s a very very uh you know good approach and framework you know to provide and to in a very systematic way to to to to look at this issue step by step and we actually seeing a lot maybe just to react quickly on that one we are seeing for instance a lot of uh countries being interested um in using them for their own um so for instance I think there are discussion in Randa in Brazil about uh how this kind of classification could be embedded into um into the national taxonomies and for for instance for government to actually start issuing for instance residence Bond uh uh and and and accessing Capital Market financing for adaptation and residence they need that kind of uh classification and and and taxonomy and I think that’s uh and that’s feeling a g there but sorry back to you yes uh um thank you mat I think that we also have I think one of the participants is actually you know found the tool very useful and I think uh there might be participants who want to actually get your contact and uh so you know we we we might uh sort of put you in touch with with with with with people who would like to actually apply that um but I think uh maybe we’re going to take a step back now because we are sort of at the end of our segment where we have our presenters uh that have actually uh you know dealt with the issue of Finance in the part two and then in in part one we looked at you know some of the policy uh Frameworks Etc so I just want to uh look at some of our questions uh that have not been answered and also encourage um you know um you know anyone that would like to you know maybe like add a question to the chat or if you would like to raise your hands you know you can also sort of come in um I think uh just to um there was I think a question um on the yes I think there was a question already on our for our Africa presenter for Sandra but I think Sandra you’ve answered that already live uh on the fiscal Revenue Mobil Iz ation fiscal policies uh so I think that that is already answered there I want to just uh check if there are other questions that are um you know that that are actually coming to our specific presenters I think I don’t see I don’t also see a show of hands I just want to check if there’s anyone which has uh let me see I’m just going to give everybody a minute to actually uh take take a moment to reflect uh on on on any questions that there maybe um yeah I think while we waiting for questions um I think um uh Matthew can I ask you one question about the audience of this tool and which institutions need to work together uh you know on this issue of taxonomy and also you know I mean on the various steps you onlineed what is the institutional kind of you know setting or or cooperation that is needed no sure happy to um I was I was mentioning I mean this is about uh how to mobilize Capital Market or uh uh Bank uh financing um and so we see an interest for this topic by those players so the as I mentioning the uh the big uh pension fund uh the big insurance companies um but also Financial Regulators at the national level which are also very keen to um to tackle this issue and mobilize additional investment in in those priorities so um so they are I guess yeah Financial Regulators are a key element because they are the one setting the rules uh and then on the use case is really the banking sector terms of their Landing activities and and then the investor community in terms of um identifying uh investment opportunities that are meeting their goals and and so when you look at the list that I was sharing we have like uh very and that’s include also the the um the the development Banks uh because for instance the guide uh benefit from input from uh from the Asian development Bank uh from uh from other development Banks um from the oecd from uh from commercial Banks so there are multiple um uh stakeholders that are interested in this topic and because this is something um I think that’s a gap that people recognize uh needs to be addressed and um and so I think there uh that’s why the interest is very very strong is because um no one has really been able to pack it completely so far and so I think we’re making good steps into that Direction with this guide and and with some other the work that we working on for instance with the with the climate Bond initiative uh to to name it thank you yeah thank you so much Matthew I think um I actually um no so so thanks for that actually um I wanted to um I think maybe ask one final question to Sandra and then see if there are any is there any one uh amongst our panelists that would like to share some experiences or the participants but I I think just maybe a question back to Sandra Sandra you know you have really looked into in the state of adaptation Africa report you know we we you showed we looked at a lot of these financial instruments that you know that that that need that development so you know what sort of you know enabling support do you think is needed uh you know or or what you know you know what can development Partners do to support some of the enabling instruments or you know are there certain actions that you think even the governments need to take you know to to actually make some of those Innovative sources of Finance materialized over to you thanks a lot uh R I think from the presentation we hear now from from Matthew it’s clear that uh money is there right we do have trillions of uh USD sitting with some specific actors institution investors and others while we’re still talking about uh challenge of mobilizing resources to to actual investment so there is a a paradox but also a gap there so everywhere I think there is issue of Pipeline and Deals right so I think there is a need to work more from my perspective that would be one on project structuring so that there could be a uh investment opportunities to be able to match those resources that are available that would be number one I feel like there is not a lot of work on developing those Pipeline on developing those those deals that would be one and second you know just like the questions I have been asked if there is possibility or consideration of uh fiscal uh instrument that could be leverage by government I think there are rooms to to to to investigate as I indicated these are emerging thinking uh what we come across was at best feasibility study to understand the potential of those instrument uh their implications too because no one should uh underestimate implication they have to be Implement in a in a in a careful careful manner to avoid other impact social impact especially so there is more work on this enabling environment regulatory framework and capacity building in that front will be necessary a lot has been done already but I believe uh we should expect more progress in that direction so that we can really connect the doct where investment money is and where they are needed uh in projects over uh thanks Sandra yeah I think uh I mean I fully agreed and and thanks for that elaboration um I am still looking at the questions uh I mean some uh there there is a question I think from from Chelsea I just wanted to clarify what that question is because it’s actually for the for for the first two speakers I’m not sure if we we have um all the speakers on the call it could also be the other speakers I think she’s asking she said she’s working on designing methodologies to measure adaptation reach of donor funded programs across key sectors agriculture food security water security and health do either of the speakers have approaches or methodologies they s have successfully used um I was just wondering uh if we have Chelsea online uh Chelsea could you explain what you mean by the by the by adaptation reach uh can can you just come in and explain your question please yeah I think you’ve raised your hand uh please go ahead and see yeah over to you yeah yes um we’re looking at ways of Shifting away right now from ex essentially direct head counting for example um looking at an adaptation program that provides climate Information Services to Farmers and perhaps technical assistance to act on the adaptation whether that be drought resistant seeds or um efficient irrigation uh we know our programs have a reach outside of the direct beneficiaries we engage with um especially when we do more systems levels engagement and uh we’re grappling with how best to measure that impact that reach outside of the direct beneficiaries we work with Okay okay you got it great okay it’s it’s on the indirect impact of the program yes exactly okay uh well this is a very interesting question I I was wondering uh if there’s any speaker I I I’m wondering uh if I could maybe uh put put you Cornelia if you’re still there on the spot uh you know is there any sort of uh you know um kind of uh intention of measuring you know at the local level some of the benefit of the actions or the indirect benefits or you know uh in in the new adaptation strategy of Germany that is forthcoming um so yeah I just entered the response because I don’t have a direct response at the moment I just can refer maybe to um eval forward so I I put the link also in my response um I don’t know Chelsea if you know that um Community but it’s a yeah community of practitioners um uh of evaluators who are dealing with a special donor um funded programs uh and it might be interesting there so at the moment I don’t have a direct response where I don’t have experiences there but um definitely interesting so absolutely yeah thank you so much Kina I did these are like kind of I think quite you know challenging questions and everybody’s grappling with them and I wanted to ask our movan participant um um I think Marina lungo if you have any experience on that in case you’re still there with us okay uh I’m not sure if we have um you know um all every all the speakers online so I think Chelsea that that that is this is a question which may it will be very useful to talk to the evaluation and monitoring Community further and we’ll sort of you know keep that in mind but I think we have uh maybe at this point uh that’s that’s what uh you know we we can sort of cover [Music] um I think there are some other questions but I don’t know if any of our speakers can answer this because I think they’re a bit beyond the scope of our webinar uh one of them is about transboundary CL climate impacts uh you know uh basically you know how you know what are these programs to address Dr boundary climate impacts for example forest fires in one country affecting the a quality of another country I just want to give any of our speakers a minute to see if they are actually uh looking at any transboundary programs um I’m wondering Sandra if I could turn to you I mean the African continent there’s a lot of transboundary action um are you uh you know do you have any insight on this aspect of of of programs that are really looking at these uh you know sort of uh you know how you know an issue in one country like forest fires affecting air quality of another country any insights on on the potential for transboundary programming well more policy more policy at panafrican or sub Regional level regarding this issue but actual program uh I don’t have anyone that come my mind in other sector years like water or others but in this specific one uh Beyond policy I don’t think of any specific program okay now thank you actually I think traditionally the the transboundary water resources are an area of cooperation as you mentioned but maybe not on this particular topic so um I think maybe uh with that we are coming to to the end of this uh of this webinar um we’re going to actually uh at the end of the webinar we will have a survey and we would request that participants can uh perhaps fill that survey when we close but I think I just want to uh really give a huge um I think thank you to all our speakers um uh you know which have shared the their country experiences our speaker from malova and from Germany I think some great presentations there and our speaker um on the for the adaptation uh for the for state of adaptation Africa report n speaker from unrr I mean thank you so much for really sharing your valuable time and insights uh and also responding to the questions uh we have had very few drops in this participation I think I’ve seen that most of the participants have stayed and others have asked us for recordings for those who are not attending and I think that there are many more questions here which are even broader than this webinar uh so you know we we try to keep track of them and to see if they can be addressed in future webinars so just just a massive thanks to everyone for staying engaged with us uh and um I think maybe with that we are going to uh close this and we look forward to having you join us for any of the future webinars that we are planning this year we don’t do them very often but uh we we you know we we believe that they’re really enriching for our participants and especially because so many of our speakers come from countries uh you know that are really working on the ground and are sharing those experiences uh so I think with that a very big thank you to everyone and we are now going to officially close the webinar bye-bye

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