Hello everyone! Welcome back to “English Speaking Course”. In today’s video, we will practice everyday English conversations that are perfect for A1-A2 learners. Join us as we cover common scenarios like asking for directions, making reservations, and more. Let’s get started!

    This video includes:
    00:00: Intro
    00:02: Could you tell me where the milk is?
    01:05: May i sit here?
    02:14: Hang on a moment
    03:46: What’s getting you down?
    04:38: Is there anything i can do to help
    05:35: I’d love to, but i’m busy
    06:39: Where would you like to go
    07:39: It must be your lucky day
    08:27: Is there room for French art
    09:33: It’s ridiculous
    10:21: A rainbow
    11:15: Street food
    12:03: Hand knitting
    12:51: Talking about the Geography Assessment
    13:42: Free-time activities
    14:34: Musical instruments
    15:31: Accommodation form
    16:17: Fruit picking
    17:05: Plans for energy saving in the house
    17:57: Food preservation
    18:51: My favorite animals
    19:43: Hiring a public room
    20:29: Everything gonna be fine
    21:19: Keep the change
    22:11: It was nice meeting you
    22:59: How was the party?
    23:46: Do you have any pets?
    24:47: I can play the piano really well
    25:48: How many brothers and sisters do you have?
    26:42: I have a positive attitude
    27:40: If i had a million dollars
    28:38: I’m surprised to see you here
    29:28: Could you speak louder?
    30:31: Don’t take it for granted
    31:27: Give my best to your family
    32:22: Outro

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    Honey, could you tell me where the milk is? Milk? I’m not sure, but it’s usually around that corner. I thought so too, but it’s not there today. I’ll take a look around to see if I can find it. It might be quicker to ask the supermarket staff. Okay, there’s an assistant over there. I’ll go ask her. Alright, honey. And could you grab three bottles? Sure thing. I’ll wait for you by the household items. Sounds good. Excuse me! Yes. How can I help you? Could you tell me where the milk is? Oh, we’ve rearranged the shelves. The dairy section is now to the right of the counter. Thanks so much. Hi. I have a reservation today. Sure. Can I have your name, please? It’s Anna Turner. Okay, you’re booked for 10 AM, right? That’s correct. Which service would you like today? I’d like to get my nails done, please. We’ll have a manicurist ready for you shortly. Please feel free to wait at the table over there. I’m sorry for any wait you might have. No worries, I’m actually a bit early. Thank you. Please take a seat. Excuse me, may I sit here? I’m sorry, this chair is taken, but the one over there is available. Thanks. Do you mind if I ask how long you’ve been waiting? How about 30 minutes? They seem to be quite busy today. I see, thanks for letting me know. Hi, grandma. Hi sweetie. How are you? I’m great, grandma. How about you? I’m always great when I hear from you. What are you up to? Just relaxing at home. You’re home? That’s perfect. Why’s that? What are you up to? I’m just enjoying a walk. Oh, are you on summer vacation already? Yes. It started last week. Oh, I miss you so much, sweetie. I miss you too, grandma. I wish you were here with me. You might not believe this, but I’m about to make that wish come true. What do you mean, sweetheart? Turn around, Grandma. Hang on a moment. Sweetie… Oh my… Grandma, I’ve missed you so much! Am I dreaming? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I wanted to surprise you. Hey, why haven’t you gone home yet? Just finished my workout. You seem a bit down. What’s on your mind? I can’t seem to lose weight. It’s actually going up. What? But you’ve been eating healthier and exercising more, right? Yeah, I hit the gym daily and only eat veggies in the evening. You know, you do look slimmer to me, But the scale… Sometimes it’s not just about the weight. Being fit and healthy is what truly matters. You’re right. Keep at it. You’re doing great, and you’ll achieve your goals. Wait for me, I need to use the restroom. Where is it? This place is huge. Excuse me, can I help you with something? Yes. Could you tell me where the restroom is? It’s on the first floor to the right of the stairs. Thank you so much. Why did it take you so long? Sorry I got lost. The restaurant’s so big, I couldn’t find the restroom. It’s actually on the first floor. How did you know that? I noticed it when we came in. I should have asked you earlier. Hahaha, no worries, it happens! Do you have any plans for tonight? No. I’m free. What’s going on? I’m thinking about throwing a sleepover party. That sounds amazing! It’s been forever since the last party. Great. So, can you make it tonight? Absolutely! Should we invite Kelly as well? Yes, definitely. The more the merrier! Okay, I’ll ask her. Hey, Kelly. Hey. What’s up? Quin is hosting a sleepover party tonight. Want to come? I’d love to, but I’m busy tonight. Oh no, that’s too bad! We haven’t partied in so long. I need to visit my uncle with my mom. He just got out of the hospital. Maybe next time. That’s a shame! Hope he’s doing well. We’re going on vacation in two weeks. I’m so excited! Me too! Have you made any plans yet? I’m planning to have the best holiday ever. Where would you like to go? I’d love to go to Australia. That sounds perfect. Who will you be going with? I’ll go with my mom. My dad is already there on a business trip. So you and your mom are visiting him? Exactly. I’m so jealous! Where would you like to go? I’m thinking about Hawaii. Wow, that would be incredible. Yeah, fingers crossed everything goes as planned. We’ll have to keep each other posted on our trips. Absolutely, deal! Mom, I’m home! Hi, Tony. Why didn’t you ride your bike today? Mom! It’s broken. What happened? This morning I found the tire was flat when I went to the garage. Oh no, did you make it to school on time? You had that test today, right? Yeah, I was lucky. No one was home, and my friends had already left. But then I ran into Uncle James, and he gave me a ride. Thank goodness. How did your exam go? It went really well, luckily! Sounds like it really was your lucky day! I heard we’re visiting a museum next history class. Really? That’s great. Who told you? Rachel Did. How does she know? I’m not sure, but she’s pretty close to the history teacher. That’s cool. By the way, do you think there will be any French art there? How would I know? We don’t even know which museum it is yet. I hope there is. I’m currently taking an art course focused on French art. It’d be awesome to see some real pieces. That sounds interesting. Yeah, it would really complement my course. Actually, I know a museum that features French art. We could check it out together if you’re interested. That would be fantastic, thanks! Let’s talk. I’m glad we could discuss this. It’s been bothering me. What’s up? You’re not in our group this time for the class project. What do you mean? We always work together. I know, but this time, we had to form groups while you were absent, and it filled up quickly. That’s ridiculous. So, you didn’t want me in the group? No, it’s not like that. It’s just that we had already formed the group of four as required. Can’t we make it five? The teacher set a strict limit of four per group. Oh, I see. Emma, come take a look. There’s a rainbow, baby. Wow, it’s so beautiful, Mama! Isn’t it? Do you know when rainbows usually appear? After it rains? Right. That’s right. But do we always see a rainbow after every rain? Uhm… no, they’re pretty rare. This is only the second time I’ve seen one. Yes, exactly. When the rain clears and the sun shines, that’s when we get a chance to see a rainbow. Oh, I get it now. Kelly, I’m going on a trip to Southeast Asia next week. That’s exciting. You know, Southeast Asia is famous for its incredible street food. Have you ever been there? Yes, I’ve visited Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore. Did you try a lot of street food? Absolutely, it’s amazing! The street food there is delicious beyond words. Could you recommend some must try dishes? I’ll be in Thailand and Vietnam too. Sure, let me jot down some of my favorites for you. Oh, Sarah, that beanie is so pretty! Thank you, I knitted it myself. Wow. I didn’t know you could knit. I just started learning recently. Really? It looks like you’ve been knitting for years! No, it’s only been a month since I started. What else can you knit? So far, I can knit scarves, beanies, socks, and gloves. You’ve learned so much in just a month. That’s impressive! Thanks. I still need to practice a lot to get better. The Geography Assessment is coming up soon. How are you preparing? I’ve just started revising. I’m really worried. How about you? I’ve covered almost everything, but I’m scared I’ll forget it during the exam. I heard this year’s Geography test is going to be tough. Do you have any past papers? Yes, I do. Do you need them? I don’t have any. Can i borrow yours? Sure. I’ll bring them to you tomorrow. Thank you so much. You’re welcome. I’m so bored at home lately, Anna. It sounds like you really prefer going out. Exactly, aren’t you bored staying in all the time? Not really. There’s plenty to do at home. Like what? What do you do to stay entertained at home? I do a lot of things: Listen to music, read books, watch TV, garden, practice yoga, make crafts… The list goes on. I guess I need to pick up some hobbies. Maybe start with something easy, like watching movies or a new TV series. Alright, I’ll give that a try. Paul, I want to start learning a musical instrument. Which one do you think I should pick up? It really depends on what you’re interested in. I’m not sure. I’m torn between the piano and the guitar. Have you ever tried playing either of them? No I haven’t. You should try both and see which one you like more. What should I do to get started? Let’s visit a music store so you can try them out. I’d be happy to come with you and offer some advice. That sounds great. Can we go tomorrow afternoon? Sure, just call me when you’re ready to go. Will do. Thanks! Aimee, what are you up to? I’m filling out the accommodation form for college. Mom. What form is that? It’s the form to apply for a dorm room. I want to make sure I have a place to stay during my first year. Oh, right. But isn’t it a bit early? School starts in September, doesn’t it? Yes, but if I don’t register now, I might not get a spot in the dorms. Well, if you need any help, just let me know. Thanks, mom. Jane, do you know how I could find a part-time job? Sure, I can give you the contact details for an agency that helped me. Are you working part time right now? Yeah, I’m currently picking fruit. Really? That sounds like fun. It’s enjoyable, but it can be pretty exhausting too. What kind of fruit are you picking right now? Right now, it’s strawberry and cherry season, so those. That sounds great, I’d love to give it a try. Definitely! Contact the agency They’re looking for more people now. Hey, Jake. The electricity bill this month is shockingly high. Let me take a look. It’s almost double what we paid last month. Yes, it’s been colder, so we’ve been using the heater more. Plus, fuel prices are on the rise. We should come up with an energy-saving plan. I agree. How about turning off the heater on the first floor when we sleep upstairs? That’s a good start. Any other ideas? That’s all I have for now. Let’s brainstorm more ideas tonight. Okay. Harry, you look unwell. What’s wrong? I’m so tired, had vomiting and diarrhea all night. Do you know what caused it? Probably food poisoning from eating leftover lunch. Did you cover the leftovers and refrigerate them? No, I thought it wouldn’t be long until dinner. Sounds like definite food poisoning, then. Yeah. How are you feeling now? A bit better, but still really drained. Have you taken any medication? Yes, I have. Remember to always store food properly, okay? Will do. Ben, can we have pets? Sure. What kind of pet are you thinking about? Maybe a cat? Yes, I love cats. How about you? What’s your favorite? I prefer dogs, but I’m also fond of turtles. Turtles? I didn’t know you liked them. Yeah, they’re surprisingly cute. If you get a turtle, then I’m getting a hedgehog! Sounds like a plan! So, we’re agreeing on a dog and a cat for now? No turtle or hedgehog then? Just kidding about the hedgehog. All right, let’s go pet shopping tomorrow. Hailie, we need to find a venue for our upcoming event. Sure, I’ll need some details to start looking for a suitable public room. It’s a large gathering. About 100 guests from major companies. We’ll need somewhere luxurious and easily accessible. Any places in mind? I’ll compile a list of potential venues and we can review them together. How about in half an hour? I have a meeting then. Can we reconvene this afternoon at 2 pm? That works. See you at 2 p.m.. What’s wrong? You look upset. Anna, I don’t know what to do right now. What happened? My grandma is very sick. The doctor says she only has two months left. I’m so sorry to hear that, Katie. What should I do now? Being with her as much as you can would be best. Yes. You’re right. Everything’s going to be okay. You need to stay strong for her. I understand. Where is she now? She’s in the hospital, but she’s not improving. Stay strong, Katy! So, you ordered one fried chicken, one cola, and two egg tarts, right? Yes, that’s right. Oh, can I add another fried chicken, please? Sure. No problem. How much is it now? Well, two fried chickens, one cola and two egg tarts. That’ll be $35. Here’s $40. Thank you. You’ve given me $40. Keep the change. Oh, thank you! No problem. Here’s your bill. Enjoy your meal! Thanks. Oh. Are you Katie? Jessica? Yes, we met at Anna’s party last week, right? It was nice meeting you then. I really enjoyed our talk that day. I forgot to get your phone number. Right, here it is. Great, and what are you doing here? I’m attending a friend’s wedding in this hotel. I have a meeting with my partners on the 5th floor. The wedding is on the 8th floor. I’ll contact you later. Keep going. Sure. See you later. See you. You look so happy, Amy. How was the party last night? It was amazing! You can’t imagine how much fun it was. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your birthday party. It’s okay. I understand. Thanks! I know you’re busy with your new job. Right. But I still have a gift for you. Oh, really? You didn’t have to do that. No, I’ve had it ready since last week. I’m so happy. Thanks! I wish you a great year ahead! Oh. Is this your new dog? Yes, it is. It’s so cute! I love animals too. Do you have any pets? Sure, my family has two dogs and a cat. Haha, your family really loves animals! Right. My dad said if I get good grades this semester, he might let me have another cat. That’s awesome! I’m sure you’ll earn it because you’re doing so well in school. I hope so. But how are your two dogs and the cat getting along? They get along well. They play together all the time. Nice. I’m a bit worried. If I get a cat, it might fight with my dog. Don’t worry, usually they adjust. The more, the merrier! What should our class do for the school show? It’s a big event, so we need to prepare something special. I agree, but I’m out of ideas. What about a performance involving instruments and singing? That sounds perfect! I know some of us can sing. But who can play instruments? I can play the piano really well. Really, Alex. I’ve been playing for seven years. We didn’t know that. I haven’t mentioned it before. Why not? You’re so talented. It’s not about talent. I just practice a lot because I enjoy it. That’s fantastic! With your skills, I’m sure we’ll win first prize. I think so too. Do you have plans this weekend? Yes. What’s up? Come over to my house. My family’s traveling to Paris. Oh. Aren’t you going with them? Just my parents and my sister going. So no one will be at home with you this weekend? No. My brother and I will be there. Wow. It sounds like you have a few siblings. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Just two. I’m the oldest. Then there’s my younger brother and sister. Sometimes I wish I had siblings like you. Are you an only child? Yes. That’s right. So it gets a bit lonely sometimes. Lily, what makes you such a happy person? I think having a positive attitude is key. But how do you maintain a positive attitude? I just try to enjoy what I have and think about how lucky I am. For example? Like realizing that everything has beauty and appreciating that I have more than many others. I usually worry that I don’t have as much as others. That might be why you feel less happy. I want to change that and be happier. That’s a great start. Try not to overthink, take time for yourself like skincare, reading books, listening to music. Okay, Lily. Thanks for the advice! I think I should buy a lottery ticket. Why? I read in the news that someone won a million dollars from the lottery. Oh my gosh. But we’re never that lucky. If I had a million dollars, I’d buy a new house for my parents. You’re such a thoughtful daughter. What about you? What would you do? I’d love to travel to European countries. Like where? Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy… It would be amazing to visit those places. Right. But first, we need the money. It’s just a dream for now. Jenny, what are you doing here? I’m working. I just started an internship in marketing. You’re working here? Are you new? Yes. I’m the new intern here. Congratulations! But why are you here? I came to deliver something to my brother in HR. Oh, really? So your brother works here too? I’m surprised to see you here. Maybe your brother was the one who hired me! Maybe I need to go now. Sure, bye! Julia, are you at home? Yes. I’m home. Why? Can you go downstairs and pick up my delivery? Could you speak louder? I can’t hear you well. Sorry, my throat is sore. I can’t speak louder. Ah, okay. You mean your delivery, right? Yes. The delivery person is waiting downstairs. Okay. I’ll go get it in about two minutes. Thank you. Please sign for it. Sure. Thank you. Do you need to check it first? No, I think it’s okay. You should see a doctor. You don’t sound well. Yes. I’m going this afternoon. Let me know if you need anything. Thanks. Your boyfriend is so nice, Lucy. Yeah, he is pretty great. I didn’t expect him to come pick us up on such a rainy night. It’s his job to take care of me. Why do you say that? It’s his job to take care of me. I don’t think you should say that. Don’t take his care for granted. He’s doing it because he cares, not because he has to. Just kidding. Jenny. Just a reminder to be grateful to those who help you in times of need. I know, I am. Please thank him for me. Sure I will. If possible, invite him over some time. I’ll cook something. Hey! Happy new year. Happy New Year, my best friend! How are you? I miss you so much. I’m doing well. My whole family wants to visit you. But we can’t because of the pandemic. It’s okay. We should stay safe and take care of our health. Yes, definitely. Give my best to your family. Will do. Oh, look. Alex is here. Hey, Alex. You look more handsome. Hi, Lisa. Long time no see. You look great too. Ah, when will you come back to New York? I’m not sure, but it might be soon. My company says I was starting work early this year.


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