Worlds fastest delivery guy

    hello my dear friends it’s timour fearless and we are now uh again starting live stream after 2 weeks of break uh I was sick and I didn’t feel well but now I’m back to the food deliveries in hinky in wal and now it’s uh exactly 18:00 and uh we are starting uh evening shift for VA uh let me start it for you and uh I will show you the statistics now we start it at Trava so you see 0 0 minutes there it goes and uh in the beginning of the stream we have a five deliveries and uh 29.54 let’s say €0 so let’s see how much I will earn from 6:00 until probably 8:30 2 and 1/2 hour stream uh I plan to do and we got our first delivery from Jin Renta it’s here at yasar we’re going to go and pick it up now so let’s go hope I won’t have any disconnect today so let’s see so here is this uh this restaurant let’s go and pick it up it’s going pretty far here is the water yes thank [Applause] you thank you [Music] bye-bye all right all right here’s our unicycle so we picked up the order all right so we picked up this order I hope we get a double no we didn’t get double but we need to be in 5 minutes there and it’s not far so let’s see how far it is actually from here so it’s 17 minutes 4.7 km showing by bicycle so it shows this is the best way yeah mhm but I think we were going to use the new way more straight so let’s go let’s see how much time it’s going to take actually it’s showing 17 minutes if I forget to check the time when I get there then tell me but it’s a 5 km delivery all right we need to go shortcut because we don’t have time to wait until this car parked here we really need to hurry on this one let’s put the darkness Bo so we see the speed and not overpower the unicycle because we are really short on time I was setting up the C camera okay let us go [Music] faster but fortunately they I heard that they open the bana road that that one will turn on left now go away okay good so it’s better going on the right not on the left for this one yes we need to open the darkness Bo up okay we can check the pvm and speed now if you see it on the camera and it will VI vibrate if I go too fast so I will feel it too many people and they have this construction here but it’s not a big deal just need to go faster overtake [Music] this all right they’re building here some kind of uh New Road that’s that’s like on the right going up for the bicycles and now here they also building this road up so in the future this uh will be nice bicycle road you can see that it will go from here so let’s uh put the light on just in case so people see us see us there is another bicycle Rider but for this we need to overtake okay good I hope he doesn’t turn into me not so stable okay good I hope there was just a camera but not a speed camera under the bridge I noticed they put it just for safety reason that under the bridge so there would be no nothing like dangerous because this area in the night theoretically can be bad can be can be good for villains and can be bad for victims so finally they open this Banner road now the bicycle Road let’s overtake this young man and we just continue go straight nobody on the left goes to us okay I hope she doesn’t turn into to me yeah she’s not turning let’s go wo wao wo they are not even watching like it’s a big bicycle Road and they don’t even watch what’s going on not so safe and this one they also just opened this uh in June last month in the beginning of June so we can overtake from here oh there is some bicycles actually there I thought nobody using this parking spot for bicycles all right oh George hello welcome back and now we’re using the new newly built bicycle Road from here hello Tim how are you dude I’m good I’m finally back I wasn’t planning to do a stream today but I thought like there is like 3 or 4 days ahead rainy and I was sick before so I wasn’t uh streaming and I thought it’s better to stream today uh than uh it’s hard to start again you know from the zero because for 2 weeks I wasn’t streaming but now they built this nice bicycle road but we need to turn here maybe I should try to to turn there but I would prefer to this to start from here here is also now good road I don’t want to go on this freshly asphalt because it will all stick to my wheel and I don’t want to this fresh asphal to stick to my wheel oo she made some stops okay there is green light now but we will use the left side anyways because uh we going from the left is better road because on the right there is construction through the through the uh Bridge bro well look at the road not on your phone especially when you’re driving with the bicycle okay yeah that new Under pass looks awesome yeah it sure is and the new new bicycle road on the left also that’s going very fast actually to so from I can check from uh 7 minutes 40 seconds from at kasar to hak we are almost here like less than 1 kilm away from the destination that’s amazing that’s really really fast but I will use the other Road also I will check yeah we need to go straight from here 300 M left guys and we are here I didn’t check the real distance I hope there is no tra behind me but anyways I can use the left Road and we just need to go straight I think we can use from the left side the road didn’t use it for a long time but think now is good time to use it there is still some construction going here but you can see very nice church temple in front the the Helsinki one of the biggest side things like the CIA church I think it’s the name okay but here is some little bit Offroad but we are basically here okay so we are here here in 9 minutes 12 seconds okay let’s go in now and we are only 5 minutes late thanks to that thanks to that we are very very very fast going to the second one all right we are in they don’t have the they don’t have the numbers on the names let’s see uhhuh it’s going pretty high floor and we will use the shortcut on the unicycle I won’t park it on the door because if somebody opens then the unicycle will drop so I hope the signal will remain great Improvement it sure is I love it now now I will make more deliveries to this area thanks to that they I use motorcycle jacket Terminator I need actually it the foot is fine small back okay [Applause] here we are the connection is still fine that’s perfect all right the first delivery is done in 11 minutes 32 seconds €7 it’s not bad we got another order 476 from noodle store no so we’re going to go going to go and pick it up because in Center there is no deliveries now so but in this area there is not many bicycle cers because you see uh there is a lot of Hills but you see here is another CER went in delivered the order he has a new bike actually maybe it’s Ruslan I’m not sure it could be him mhm but we need to go from down on the right this is faster way I could show the sh but I I think I I already did show it on the screen on the stream um and there is now this um Cobblestone Road and I prefer this road because it’s more straight and faster for now I try to make more orders because I have only 2 and 1 half hours time today for the evening shift and then I will go to SAA with my friend Andre and the order is already ready Simon hello you’re doing cash orders or just card orders uh I don’t uh they already pay in the app so I don’t deal with cash or cards so it’s already prepaid so I just give the order non contact just leave it at the door and I don’t even see the customer like 90% of the time go go because he has ride from the right to go so I stopped for him and we are almost there at the at the spot there is on the corner this noodle story restaurant this is rental car actually oh there is a doggy there okay thank you thank you my oh there is police there stopping somebody already maybe it’s a courier Courier or taxi driver usually that they stop either for check or for the speeding or red lights or whatever but 90% of the time I feel like the this is the ones that got stopped so this is the noodle story all right one more I take this one [Music] M we get a double no okay it’s going to S I got a last time from here there was like this uh lucky lucky cookie or whatever prediction cookie I think they name it and then there was a prediction that I should start that that’s on my mind so I think I’m going to use the the road that that it offers me yeah let’s use it and we’re going through the Hing in Cut I could use the other road but I prefer this one yes yeah this one is better much better yeah 2.5 kilm for this delivery let’s go but basically it’s almost straight line so we can get the speed up but there is this there is this uh light that I don’t like there is very long waiting light there so I need to find a way to [Music] to to avoid it somehow there is some some I’m crossing the road so I need to [Music] hurry yeah there is green light I need to hurry now I will use the not bicycle road but the the car Road for this one because then it’s faster there’s not much cares going going through here and I fortunately there is green light here but now because the cars are too slow I’m going to use this this bicycle Road and now there’s a traffic jam we need to overtake this young woman and then we just go straight and hope the car doesn’t turn into US yes we go here yes like this I hope the bus sees me and doesn’t turn into me yes good burning why he is stopping I don’t know okay there is woman we need to overtake here okay he’s turning here why he’s showing that he turning here okay never mind uh we need to go from there okay there is green light it’s very good for us also cutting in the bicycle and then we need to go on the left perfect perfect all green lights for us oh there is this hello bro nice here in the house all right and then we turn on the right there where is the ready and there is no lights there so we can just turn it like this what it D there is I wanted to go there but but there is but there there was a glass on the ground so I didn’t take this road so now we overtaking the bicycle Riders again on the three car road we need to go straight from there and we will use the bicycle road to do so we will use the bicycle Road from here all right we are almost there actually nice 800 M left and uh 8 minutes until the drop off fortune cookie yes hello my bro hello your bro Abu tamim gaming why you guys gaming not not working is that Kalo yes it’s Kalo but now it’s already almost actually this is kalas the the fish market the fish uh the fish Harbor all right okay let’s turn let’s turn from okay now let’s turn from there like this like this like this we go yes this is the correct correct bicyc correct road no cars fortunately and then we turn on the left and we are almost there all right I think it was one way road but fortunately for us nobody was there thank you thank you very much Mister we are almost there we need to go on the right side and I think we will use this uh this road here okay let’s let’s wait until this because we need to go on the other side and we are 6 minutes earlier for the second order because I’m playing eight ball pool and also live stream so you playing uh online eight pool not in real life or what but you want to earn money from this right and now it’s just a hobby as I understand but what do you do for living like what what do you do for work to to earn money I mean I stream also for fun not not for money I don’t get uh paid for for the streaming yet or I get very Le less paying if somebody don’t Ates or something like that but it’s very it happened very R rarely that somebody donates because my channel is very small yet uh [Applause] okay mhm okay there is instructions that uh don’t go to the after the entr turn right to the stairs the stairs are right around the corner so don’t go forward they say to the end of the corridor here is the stairs all right because it’s second floor we just go there mhm this is the second floor here mhm there we are all right enjoy hello okay we deliver this one [Applause] okay now we’re going back to Ria back to R some nice long corridors here but we going from here back so we got two orders now in 27 minutes and about €1 not bad actually for half hour in the weekday not even weekend I’m thinking how to overtake this red lights here let’s use this bicycle Road oh there is this underground passage I need to check where it goes not we can turn here on the actually let’s see in the shopping mall ready maybe we get some orders there we are just nearby let’s use the The Pedestrian W there to not wait for the for the green light there is one noisy motorcycle [Music] rider and cars cannot pass here as you see but I can cuz I have only one wheel some beautiful girls in this area with the tattoos and stuff and usually corers wait here for the orders are there many of them ah only one sitting and waiting but I don’t think we’re getting much orders from here so let’s go back use the usual road to C yes online I can earn from coins make what what coins you mean hamster combat coins or what coins how much you earning in a month bro what do you do for living like where do you work for the money green light let’s use the green light here and then we’re going to turn there turn in here yes all right let me show you this area around who his first time this is the electric station hel this Helen this is the ready the houses the new houses and there’s ready shopping mall here kalasatama and there is some factories and here is also some factories but usually the electric electric houses here is the skate skateboard stuff but I think they did they change it or not I don’t know let’s check it out there’s some nice nice skating area you can get in from this Hall there the ghetto area you can see definitely that this is ghetto there’s a lot of skaters here and there is another skaters from the left side a lot of people actually sitting here chilling skaters he I don’t know where is the entrance so maybe next time I will show it so we will use this shortcut and this area I don’t know what is this but I think maybe it was also with the electric okay we got an order from ready actually tandor Villa no it didn’t take us it it it give us but it disappeared immediately that’s a Pity that was a great order I was hoping to get it this kind of order on the way back but now we’re just going empty-handed unfortunately so we’re going to pass it here uh so we don’t use don’t need to wait for the green light e e even though it’s like going one way I mean the wrong way but we’re going to go up there and maybe they take some order from the Calio so let’s just go and pass pass here and poor bikers that need to go here up always and for us it’s just so easy but they need to really struggle yeah we could would be already delivering this order but we didn’t get it unfortunately I don’t know it it it appeared for 2 seconds and then uh I clicked accept but then it disappeared so I wasn’t fast enough I don’t know Constantin hello I’m working in turu let me stop for you it’s better to write uh one sentences like or one one one row in the comment uh in the chat so I can read it while writing because then I need to stop to ride it fully if there is two rows I’m working in turko as a corer and I’m wondering if there are a lot more orders in h i don’t know you need to see your market like uh I need more data like uh What uh vehicle you’re using uh what time you’re working how much orders how much money you make you know all this good stuff oh bro still here hi bro hello you still here nothing I just delivered to ready an order and I got an order on the way back but it disappeared in 2 seconds from tandori V it should go here but in 2 seconds it disappeared I click and it disappeared I come every day here CER to no Center is dead bro yeah Center is dead don’t be yeah I’m here morning to now I have like 100 for 12 what for 12 from 12 yeah to to now now how much orders 100 100 6 yeah 21 okay okay okay well it is what it is I work uh one hour and then I get h i don’t to much let’s go gym I’m going gy yeah yeah yeah Le yeah yeah because uh before I F now it’s good this month 7 kilo this month what 7 kilo 7 kilo you got off yeah wow good job good job bro yeah well done because uh I before I don’t try yeah yeah now it’s good for me I like it maybe I need also to try I never went to gym that’s good it’s feel is good yeah yeah yeah I work last year and 3 years too much I I don’t want the stress this this year I want to work you relax yeah some friend H they told me you not work this night or I tell him no 8 is enough for I don’t 8 hour is enough yeah yeah yeah how about YouTube yeah I’m doing live stream now live live stream on my channel team of is coming viewer no I don’t know how much is there nine nine people watching okay hello guys how are you oh there is like one one to three 4 5 6 7 8 nine people all the people are that are online are commenting good good idea they see who City Home c yeah yeah yeah one guy is from turko working in food delivery also yes yeah yeah my God uh he tells uh he works by a car and he did gets a 20 22 orders in 8 to 10 hour shifts in turquo okay bro nice so about1 you get in 8 to 10 hours in t 10 100 is enough bro not but it’s car you need to gas oh no yeah yeah like it he’s asking is kinki better than turo no no car is not good car is not I I told him yeah car is you need petrol insurance but if it’s electric it’s better yeah Park problem Park problem yeah parking tickets hello hello through the application I applied for wall job and choose the agency through which I would work now I’m waiting for acceptance for vault in my city oh nice in uh Serbia yeah Serbia have a VA yeah they have like one year now or something yeah hi hello animal hello George it’s all right but some days might be worse than that but weekends are often good in tur he say subscribe what if someone would use horse L I think in Kazakhstan there is some cers who use horse there is vault in Kazakhstan I see the Germany my friend told me we work there yeah and they have hourly payment like 16 per hour plus order payment that’s yeah but they have limit like 30 hours per week no no that’s not good yeah that’s not good maybe come to us and they need to use the Vol Vol gear like mandatory I I like V because I’m free Freedom yeah when I come but there there is like shifts and everything I don’t like shift if shift is coming that’s not good for me yeah because my feel is so bad yeah all right bro I’m going to go and ride for the content my brother thank you guys by you can also join in the chat if you feel like all right see you bro yeah sorry there is some guards here let’s go to McDonald’s hak and try to get some orders from there let’s go out of the okay we are here now all good all good all right let’s go from here nice okay this is camia Street the Main Street between uh hak and C this was C s in the ghetto area the most ghetto in central hinki a lot of junkies a lot of theves and you know all this all this stuff they have uh because there is a lot of houses for the poor people the you know where they can sleep for the alcoholics drug addicts and everything so they get a free sleep here and then they searching in this area around what the to get besides the kill money the the government subsid subsid so we to steal some extra money or get some bottles but at least batttle bottle uh collecting is a legal way to get money but you don’t get much money so they steal a lot of bicycles and they get a dose easily they sell bicycle for 50 and then they get get a dose or two for it so there’s about 50 bicycle stolen each day in hinki by the thieves and drug addicts yeah in Ser we have all since 2021 oh wow I thought it’s only one year but you have three years now W that’s amazing I thought it’s uh just recently but time flies so fast I just like heard the news that they opened in Serbia I wonder if there is same cues like 3 years skes like here [Music] oh these keys are so cute he’s fine all right going back to the center guys we didn’t get good luck we didn’t get the order on the way back but we’re just riding and chilling you know we have plenty of battery bye bye 2020 good to see you ah 2020 even wow four years then nice world the best I like VA more than fodora oh nice so you also doing fudora right oh we got to task ah sexy kacos 4.7 kilm N I don’t want to go too far on the on the North I will cancel this one it’s a it’s a Okay order but I don’t feel like I want to do it I want to ride more in the center like I missed after two weeks of not working properly the central the shorter orders you know I don’t want to go too too much in the north because if I accept this task yes I will get task and they will offer a lot of this task but like 90% of corers they just reject this kind of tasks because they don’t want to go back to the center you know they spend double time going 4 5 km North and then 4 5 km back oh they have still new construction here now probably they building a newer bus stop or something here or maybe kiosk there is also corers waiting for orders and now they they closed the the the window here so cers doesn’t don’t see what’s inside but I don’t care we have basically very nice uh straight road now oh there was some hole I didn’t even put put attention on this unicycle okay let’s turn in here I like this road more now because they just opened it all right what do you Rite and you can read while riding here is it cheaper to rent an apartment and C yes it’s cheaper but I don’t recommend because you can get break in or whatever like you know it’s not safe not safe at all it’s not worth this extra 100 or €200 it’s it’s it’s much better areas for example like in uh in other areas in the center not there even if there is same apartment and uh that I’m paying now and uh casar for example and it’s 500 cheaper oh look how many goes then I would still not not not take it look how many gooses there is like goose season now they all grown up there was a lot of small gooses like these ones you know this gray ones there and now most of them is small gooses and they grow up they get a lot of food here and now they’re like double or triple that they were one or two months ago yes who is your lead leader you’re the leader right all right let’s go from the other side Fair [Applause] Point uh yeah you don’t really get Shi on F anymore but the salary is better on F yes it sure is no I don’t deliver I only C I am only customer but I like watching your delivery streams fair point exactly Chief Goose Chief Goose yes the king let me talk to your Chief as they say there is two ways we can use either going this new bicycle Road or on the right there used to be this bicycle Road and and what you see there is the heel and some bicycles can use the heel but this is they just opened like a couple of days ago it was closed before like 2 weeks ago it was closed this road you could not canot go here but here is a big construction I don’t know what they going to build here probably something good like always but now let’s use the Hill Road from here I will just show you how it looks but I guess bicycles don’t ride don’t like this Hills but you can see the railway here and people are drinking chilling here oh parking look the bicycle parking here this guy uses even two locks here look for the scooter he uses two locks one and second one and this one is a really big lock and let’s oh and let’s check this other uh bicycle bicycle Locker that they built here maybe I should have accepted this other test to the north because there is nothing else there is nothing else but let me check let me show you this uh bicycle parking inside parking now how it looks they just opened it recently so we turning into here chck what is this Crystal [Applause] I don’t know so it’s showing uh until 7:00 now it’s how much it’s almost seven but it’s still closed so it doesn’t open like [Music] that okay uh so you need [Music] to P so you need to use the QR code to open it let’s check let’s check how it works okay translate 900 bicycles it’s from 1 July mhm is it for free [Music] mhm mhm this is the bicycle Road okay I wonder how I can register here okay how we can how we can get the parking what’s the translation I don’t know but how you can get inside from there how do you get here so you need a PIN or something so not every uh one so basically only registered users can get here this is good so th cannot get inside this is really good you can also get inside from from here but uh you need to like you know and you can see there is like this parking and I think maybe this is electric parking here so I need to check it out later will this uh will this one open and we could use it no no this one is going to the to the square but really nice they just opened it first July and this this road it was open already 1 month nice l so they they even have the free charger for the ebikes there in the pilot so maybe it will be cost money in the future but now it’s for free this is the Parliament building in the front let’s go on the right and this is the library building very nice Library here is the square they have some Eduardo oh wow interesting what is this Chila something they built here espa Eduardo Chila is pictures yeah he has pictures here oh wow Edo Spanish Civil War gravitations who is this okay he’s like a sculptor yeah so this is his works oh nice this one looks interesting from Iron there is some football team next p of plaster oh they have different on each side photos not the same First Choice goalkeeper for real so that he gave out of the sport he was a footballer all right what you guys write what you guys write so that’s how he makes from Iron the sculptures it’s amazing LOL King ping Goose hey man I’m starting on wton Monday great videos you’re welcome yonas I will make more in the future nice congratulations yonas where where do you start what city what vehicle do you fear the Thunder no I don’t fear EOC do you guys know how long time it takes for them to approve my contract in the app if you get already like uh to this point that you need to sign the contract usually it’s like 3 four working days I think L nice Badger profile pick well yeah Co SL I like this area very cool yeah I also like this uh Central Central there is this Museum there I never was there I want to there is some days that you can go for free for each Museum and I want to some someday because I didn’t want to waste time you know like because usually it takes whole day to to check the museum but I want to like go properly you know I will show you from this this point of view look imagine if you had this home all for you and there is this uh conservatorium like opera house or something like this m music music uh house all right let’s go back to the center maybe we get some orders we’re already 1 hour and we did only two orders and it’s a little over €1 not so much I know but at least we had a stream we missed one order and we canceled one order we could already done this one order that I took and it would be1 15 but it was just my choice you know I wanted to more right in the center and that’s what you pay rejecting the tasks you know but hopefully we will get some from Vault uh From the Vault let’s try to get up on this on this uh on this road there wish me luck guys wish me luck let’s try to get up here m one done let’s put camera a little bit more down and we are here at the Vault Market little shortcut you know when you have unicycle it’s very easy uh how do you say badger on your language what is Badger nice all right there’s a lot of all corers here do we get something from the Vault Market or McDonald’s two cers here two cars here one is not VA one 1 2 3 4 5 six inside seven went there and we actually got an order wow it’s 7.6 km for for 7.39 to to no no no no no sorry guys I’m not going to take this one I could take but compared to 5 km for same amount of money that we did in the beginning of stream I don’t want to bolt exploit me and doing the same job 2.5 km more and this is like two times more time consuming because there is light there is traffic there is City this was just straight B road so 7 8 minutes uh took me for the 5 km but this 7 kilm will take me like 15 minutes 20 minutes probably on here is 1 2 3 four four corers and how much and maybe uh a lot of sitting inside maybe three person sitting inside let check no four I almost uh I almost guessed we we need to make this uh a tradition to check how many corers are inside and you you guys could uh guess I was uh one one short so instead of three there was four corers sitting inside but maybe I should have counted the bikes outside it would would be a hint because there was at least four bikes outside nice okay let’s uh go and see do we get some orders in yasar in Yas for all right by the way guys I got good news the one that our members uh can see the training number


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