🇬🇧 | Eco Conception Prize: for a project whose ecological impact has been considered the lowest as a whole (propulsion, design…)

    -Physis Polimi Energy Boat
    -University of Bologna Argonauts Team
    -Messina Energy Boat
    -Team Elettra UniGe
    -Técnico Solar Boat (Energy)

    Special Prize FPAII Award : The university with the best technological solution for yachting regarding energy efficiency & carbon reduction

    -Alexandria University
    -Università di Bologna

    🇫🇷 | Prix Eco Conception : pour un projet dont l’impact écologique a été considéré comme le plus faible dans son ensemble (propulsion, design…)

    Les participants :
    -Physis Polimi Energy Boat
    -L’équipe des Argonautes de l’Université de Bologne
    -Bateau énergétique Messina
    -Équipe Elettra UniGe
    -Técnico Solar Boat (énergie)

    Prix spécial FPAII Award : L’université avec la meilleure solution technologique pour le yachting en matière d’efficacité énergétique et de réduction des émissions de carbone.

    Participants :
    -Université d’Alexandrie
    -Université de Bologne

    #energyboatchallenge #monaco #yachtclubmonaco #innovation #MEBC2024

    in it but one of the beam broke and U everyone is okay which is the most important but some of the student are a bit late due to that so we will start takech talks uh in about 15 to 20 minutes so sorry for being a bit late but uh I hope we will be happy to have everyone safe tonight thank you something so she m so e e e e this good afternoon everyone we are starting the tech talk soon please take take your seat thank you is phys here physis poly Technic de Milano is here thank you University of Bologna University of Bologna thank you M energy boat yiji onei and Technical solar boat energy thank you so we are just about ready to start we are starting today with the Eco conception prize and our first lovely presenters are coming from Milan fces up on stage please [Applause] hi every hi everyone I’m Gabriel defendini the mechanical technical director of phys PEB hi I’m Greta and I’m a m of the structure unit today I’m here to talk about the project of is PEB I’m proud of these teams and this work um our mission is to innovate create and design solution that can Mi uh our present needs but also the long time uh performance so this year as you can see on the arbor we are here with a boat that has a cockpit made with full carbon fiber but if we take a look closer to the boat we can see a lot different materials like cavlar glass glass cavlar carbon fiber glass uh glass fiber uh Basel fiber and flux fiber because we think that every components has the correct materials for each uh production one of the biggest challenge of this year was the reduction of overall weights and so it was necessary to switch to carbon fiber and um this year we we worked a lot on the lightweight design because we had uh we have a NBD propulsion so with hydrogen and lithium batteries and this system because um it has to be really safe so there are a lot of parts that are safed um we was uh it was necessary to switch to carbon fiber this year we have um reduced a lot the weights and now I want to um tell you the amount of per for example the cockpit is the 40% less the longit longitudinal tubes the 55% the transform is the 30% and the and the or custom transmission is the 30% now uh take a look on the datas of the ls of or Bo let’s go Greta okay so for the global warming the main impact is given by carbon fiber made components I want to say that lots of companies are made in house so we were able to manage uh to reduce all the waste the energy consumption and also the transplantation since uh the company that provided us with the carbon fiber is located in Milan for gral warming and fossil the main impact is given by the design phase uh we work mainly in our laboratory at our University which is provided with solar panels we also have an impact for freed printers but we are able to print so fast uh some components that meet our requirements and uh we avoid all the wases because they’re so little and particular so they perfectly meet our requirements for mineral resour scarcity uh we had to use uh copper for the wiring in the electrical comp for the electric components because of his conductive properties but but uh when it was possible we used aluminum one to reduce uh the use of the copper for the energy consumption both renewable and nonrenewable uh as I said before we mainly work in our University so again uh the uh electricity needed for our PC to work is given by our University and obviously the electronics and software unit are the one who are using it the most for the water consumption again uh the carbon fiber uh components are the one that having the biggest impact but um we managed to study that using flux F fiber in our overall cockpit was worse than using carbon fiber especially in this parameter because of its requirement of water for the production of flex fiber for the Marine nutrification uh the carbon fiber uh we decided also to um use uh less supplies and in for these reasons we add a little bit of flex fiber in our cockpit to use less supplies of carbon because we see that it was actually helpful for us to use just a little part and not doing the overall cockpit okay now take a look on the highlights of this year we have an hydrogen um uh Energy System and uh we reduce a lot the waste of the materials for example just to say something when we cut PES we take uh apart the filament that is uh Aid and make some components with uh forg carbon forged then uh we choose we choose a lot of different material to make the the correct components at the same time this year we design in collaboration with our sponsor a filament for the 3D printers and so our um our propeller are designed produced from us with from 0 to 1% and also the material is us is made by us and um one of the most important things is that everything of the boat is made from has to reduce also the transportation pollution and uh we can go to the we o okay so we are ploud proud to say that physes collaborates with JY which um is a company that has the aim to take off 280 kilos of plastic lit so our um boat will be waste neutral uh it’s is a um big Corporation funded in 2020 with the aim of taking out 1 million kilos of plastic lader from the ocean floor by the end of 2024 I used the Marine shift 360 tool to calculate the um impact of 280 kilos of plastic I made an assumption of using 50% of the weight in ldp so low density polyethylene and the AL in poin and we can see that actually like our boat would be was neutral because of the offset of this or that this organization organization managed to do they do not only make our boat waste neutral but they also help local organization and local businesses since the people that are catching the plasy from the ocean floor are local fishermen fishermen located in Italy Greece Indonesia and um Brazil so they’re getting paid to actually take off this plastic so uh we are also helping some local businesses so this is our catam uh we are actually having hydrogen on our boat which we think is the future of sustainable boating we have a neutral waste and also we uh actually are helping some organization and and local [Applause] businesses you have now five minutes for questions hi guys thank you for your presentation I was wondering why you have chosen this plastic topic since it’s not uh I I think it’s not so relevant uh considering your environmental impacts why have you focused on the collection on plastic instead of for instance water consumption or energy energy consumption and if you are aware of what’s the most relevant environmental aspects environmental impacts of your of your boat uh so um actually uh for the use of the pr 3D printing technology uh plastic is actually something that we have to consider and we do not only want to uh put something in the future of sustainable boating but also helping the world today because there we taking up the plastic of the ocean not only helping the Marine Ward but they’re also helping us because of the fishes that we’re eating so they will have less Plastics in their body so we uh so we’re going to have less plastic inside us um actually the main impact in our boat is the global warming fossil so um probably also taking off some plastic from the ocean also help this thing because we want to have a future uh an impact on our future yes so thank you very much for your presentation thank you and your uh report was very comprehensive and very impressive um but I I want to ask a question about your use of carbon fiber because as you said it has a very high carbon impact uh although not as high as uh obviously water impact is high for Flags but in terms of carbon which is one of the main pollutants that we’re having to to deal with to tackle climate change you moved whereas some teams are moving away from carbon fiber you’ve moved towards carbon fiber and I’m just wondering have you looked at you know what difference that made to your carbon footprint the increase in your use of carbon fiber and also have you thought about ways to minimize the impact of that use of carbon fiber for example what to do at the end of life or reusing recycling it things like that yeah um the last years we was here with a bzel fiber cockpit and I think that bzel f is the best fiber for the laa for a lot of reason this year we are here um a l overweight but the moment the this this boat is the um lightweight boat hybrid boat that ever been here in Monte Carlo so this is the reason why we switch to to to carbon fiber moreover I want to say that um in the last months we had some problem with a batteries a custom batteries that we realized and we if we um bring it here we will be under the limit so this is a huge demonstration that we can make an hybrid boat in this way as about your question it’s uh it’s a race it’s a competition so we would like to go fast but the time we would like to uh consume um less energy so a less um less weights um it’s at the same time less energy consumption it’s okay and I want to add that um maybe when we were hand laminating if there are some filaments that were like we realize that we were not using we could like reuse it for like chops or if there were like a waste part of uh our laminating pieces we would use it for something else and um also our LCA we decided to do a cradle to use not a crle to G over of Life yeah also at the same time if you build a boat that maybe weights like 320 of bzal fiber it has it’s a a beautiful fiber but at the same time it has a um CO2 emission if we make a boat that is uh um um it’s less weight less weight at the same time the the energy consumption the CH do emission is less so it’s the reason why and also in the graphics you can see that uh the amount of H2 emission is uh for the cop is very very less this is the reason why thank you so much [Applause] gra and we continue with our other Italian team we’re welcoming uni boo on stage [Applause] good afternoon uh I’m Leonardo and I’m federo uh we are representing now uh unibot University of bolog argonut team and we are here to to present our Echo prize and EC conception um where we focused on um sustainable engineering applied to our futur camar firstly we can talk about our e conception philosophy we we can start uh with low impact materials um um um we um um our effort was to use recycled materials and uh from um uh scrubs from partners and all the Futura components uh of our prototype and uh which led us to decrease environmental impact promote a circular economy and um reducing waste uh um Futura also aims to compete so so attention must be paid to uh energy lasting power and Energy Efficiency naturally so um we uh we committed to uh reduce our uh load and uh optimize our propostion system uh that led us to enhance perform performance and minimize energy consumption um as you can see uh we have we have uh the pictures of our new consultant propellers but we don’t want to spoil anything about later um um presentations um we made a LCA life cycle assessment study um with the MS 360 Marine shift 360 software and the goal was to evaluate the the environmental impact of the T cataman throughout its uh entire life cycle uh we made this uh with the six um uh main indicators calculated by the software and uh we gained several um insites uh that can be useful for enhance and improve ourselves in our project um a relevant information is that um the 38 five um global warming potential of the pro of the entire project is caused by the trip from the the trip of the team to Monaco and um that has led us to consider um a more sustainable um uh way to travel and um most of the team um travel by train uh so which think we think that is sorry uh we think that is the first step uh to move to a green mobility and um a eco-friendly um way to do this project um we want to maintain this mindset also for future years and um we can talk now about um another uh few further um information that is um the use of scarse mineral resources um we analized that F components like fuel cells batteries and cabling contribut significantly uh to her um ex exist station and uh to deal with this we try to um recovery and um uh m better uh the use of these materials we had taken some actions um to improve ourselves in our project uh like um um implementing uh uh program recycling programs and um Precision manufacturing uh this has led us to improve uh uh the efficiency of our sourcing uh for example we adopted the new components of this year by uh to um hold or previous um um uh mounting system so uh another uh important aspect of the of our e conception philosophy is the the life cycle Management in order uh to uh consider the end of life of uh our components we wanted to uh go uh A Step Beyond uh what we can do with Marine shift we wanted to uh give a second life to the components also that are not actually mounted on the Prototype so uh we made um a uh little uh database that was useful to consider uh the components that are not still on the boat or are not already on the boat and consider our uh CO2 footprint about these components um we divided the components in reusable components and recyclable components uh in order to um uh choose what uh will be the end of life of this component uh we uh made a little bit of count uh about this components uh so uh we are aware about what is the uh CO2 uh footprint of these components and uh uh so uh we decided what to do with it uh an example example of what we did last year uh maybe someone of you already know uh we have the front fairing that become from a uh formula student car uh that uh uh for rules uh need to be to uh uh need to um made new uh cockpit every year uh so we uh so after the season this cockpit become a waste and uh uh we decided to reuse the component and demonstrate that uh this performance component that has a evident uh problem with uh um uh production uh process so the impact of this production process can be uh reused and uh be uh useful and uh uh reliable on our prototype another example is our new uh bhead and pilot seat that came from a part of the aerodynamical pel uh under the formula student car uh we uh collected as for the other components that are not in the boat we collected the datas about the material uh about for the laminate components the laminate Stack Up and also uh the uh cat geometry so through uh FAA analysis we um validated if it was suitable for our application or not thank you uh for listening us and uh we are ready for [Applause] questions thank you um it’s a very nice presentation about the life cycle assessment um I know that you have tried to do it last year uh were you able to make some compar between last year and this year uh if we have a comparison between the uh last year boat and this year boat yes please uh it will be not uh be uh so suitable because we needed to remove the hydrogen system from our boat but anyway we can say that uh about Energy Efficiency not not the LCA but about Energy Efficiency uh you will see in the next presentation that we uh improved our efficiency through uh removing the um emerged volumes and uh uh improving our um uh transmission efficiency also um we made comparison between the uh weight of the previous boat and this boat and this uh um through the uh Graphics of the uh drag of the HS uh gave us the uh information about what how many um how many energy we are saving uh being light more lightweight than the last year than previous year and another question because by using recycled materials uh you authorize yourself to use carbon fiber um did you make the comparison in between having recycled carbon fiber compared to for example flax fiber or other uh neutral fibers coming from let say natural production okay we don’t have uh percentage but we can tell that uh this approach is more sustainable because uh in our University we have a formula student uh team that uh need to change the components so uh these components are really performing components that are uh overperforming in our boat so I think it’s more sustainable in our application thank you thank you for your presentation I very much like your sort of life cycle circular economy thinking I think that’s a very powerful philosophy um I was going to ask a similar question about you spoke a lot about all the insights you’ve gained from the life cycle assessment that you did travel being one example and and lots of other examples you gave have you looked at next year’s design well how much lower impact you think it could be because of the insights you’ve gained this year maybe you can tell about the travel impact we can uh or can we reduce the uh Transportation pollution yeah uh we can uh do the transportation of the boat in a more efficient way we uh came out here with uh two trucks and several cars and much of the the team traveled by train um we can organize ourselves better the next year we can come here all by train and minimize the the vehicle that can come that come here or use some vehicles that dry um that go uh with uh also um by electrical cars or uh something more um sustainable moreover I I would like to uh give another uh Insight uh we saw that that electric and electronic components are really um have a really big impact in our life cycle assessment so uh I spoil that uh from the next year we uh we are starting uh collaborating with a company that uh has a software like our uh database that uh uh insert the electronic and electronical components and will help us to um make the dis uh to analyze the disposal um process of this compos components and so uh we will insert it in the Marine shift 360 um LCA next year and we will see what will be the impact of it thank you sorry just a quick notice uh regarding the you to me you were not so clear about the boundaries of your RCA to me it’s not so important your trip because you are you are measuring the impact of the product of your boats not the impact of the event otherwise you should measure the impact of your stay here as well of your food of your I don’t know where do you stay so to me you had to be more clear regarding what the boundaries you are considering and that’s was not so so precise so I don’t know if you have something to add but just a notice okay uh we will do it and uh thank for your suggestion and we will endle with it next year uh we never so the datas about it so thank you for your [Applause] Insight right you thought we were done with Italian teams that is not the case mesina up on stage next hello to everybody I am here my name is Joan I’m presenting my team asina energy Bo team we are a team of 40 people that we are part of this project we are researchers PhD students students of uh uh Bachelor and master degree courses uh our goal is to promote the culture of the sea in the metropolitan area of mesina and the straight area so we are building this boat we are taking uh we are part of this project in order to participate to the echon consumtion prize and so let’s start um we used recycled aluminium uh for the hour frame that you can see there um it is very important because because it’s possible to recycle it so we decided to use it for a green choice and we use it also onon panels for um several structure in the next slides then we decided to optimize our steering with a am so additive manufacturing you can see their PG print printed of our maneuverability system and we also used am for mechanical connection of frame and the holes um our goal was to reuse various components for example batteries and engine of the last year competition in order to reduce the impact of uh the CO2 uh we used Marine shift 360 for making these type of analysis and our goal is to reduce the environmental impact so according our trials during the the trials in the straight of mesina we took a lot of data by means of our transmission system and inserted like input in our uh software in order to calculate the impacts so we used a cradle to grave approach so processing raw materials transporting construction component to uh to build our model to evaluate some to evaluate emissions uh this project um was uh our our main goal is to digitalize our straight of machine in fact our boat is full of sensors for monitoring a lot of parameters that could be useful for other types of ships or other Marine Vehicles like autonomous underwater underwater Vehicles aerial so it is an example of vehicle to Cloud uh ship or boat U we developed a digital architecture that can send data to our server and take a lot of data from sensors for example for the water monitoring and for the structural monitoring so structural Health monitoring and our goal is to use all these data uh to train neural network machine learning uh tools uh for optimizing the roads of ships and in order to reduce the impacts so um you can see from this slide our concept we made a comparison between the boat of the last year and with this one boat we you can see the name shiroko 48 was the last boat was 1,600 kg of sudu equivalent so we reduced the impact of nearly 600 kg kilogram of CO2 uh the most um important factor according this type of emission was the photovolatic panels that are nearly 30% of our impact now this year we decided to put nearly 650 BT of solar panels that could help us into the endurance race you can see here uh some other parameters according our analysis of our boat called the Gino of this year and some examples some some examples of additive manufacturing for realizing our uh structural components for connection of frame and the holes we made uh some fem analysis according a static point of view in order to prevent rupture and um our maneuverability system so this is our frame is made up of two parts where is put the battery on the on the left and the cockpit on the right um where onom that are made up of a of a COR and two skins to distribute flexal strains as I said before so um then we developed how maneuverability system with a gear and two bearings in order to improve the gear ratio to guarantee to the to the pilot uh better sensitivity accuracy and the possibility to regulate the the diema ropes that grants to him the possibility to have a better maneuverability H everything is made by by us so you can see some trials that we made in our straight you can see the straight of missina with our Pilot We emulated some trials with the boys you can see as you can see there okay thanks for the [Applause] attention um thank you for for having sharing with us the comparation in between last year and this year which which is quite useful unfortunately we do not have the the the same color and the same thing so it was quite complex for us to compare um but in details basically we understood that you can you were able to reduce by 20% compared to last year um but you could you give us some very big example about what were the decision you took this year compared to last year in order to have this impact yes the most important factor that reduced this number was reuse the batteries and uh and the motor this reduced a lot of the the impacts and then we choosed um some other green choices for our transmission systems that helped to this okay and um could you also explain how do you um qualify that was recycled aluminium because it’s quite complex to be sure that it is a real Al recycled aluminium because we all know that aluminium is also very pollent so how do you qualify this quality of aluminium please because uh we made it the as some Reflections about the process of Rec Rec recyclability of the aluminium and uh and we stated that according a certain point of view until a certain point it could be recable okay after that point in a graph in our study we stated that it was not convenient so we made internal our University study to discuss this and we realized that could be a good choice for us do we have other question thank you very much for your presentation I think uh 1 Point 63 to 1.05 is more than 20% reduction but uh unless there’s something else there that uh I’m not not catching but my uh question was about uh your report your LCA report which is very well written very clear um but it was weak in the area of interpretation there wasn’t much interpretation of the results and so I’m giving an opportunity now for you to um explain what you leared from the life cycle assess what we learned yeah from the life and what it might mean for future designs yes uh um yes we learned that I think that the most um important problem is always buying new components so this is important in this field but in other fields okay so we learned that re try to reuse the old component is always the best choice because is is is worth buying always new types of things so we improved our components to adapt them to our boat but our main choice wasn’t to not buy other components so we learned this to reuse everything that we had last year and try to do this until if possible okay mhm I have one remaining question uh why do we have to select you to be uh the winner of the echo conception prize why we uh because we developed a a very interesting digital architecture uh that uh could be useful not just for this type of vat but for an ecosystem of marine vehicles that could be useful for the environment where we are going forward uh then everything that you develop will be shared and given to the other H then everything that you develop will be shared and given to the other as an open source platform yes because we can image you know we can image a boat with an autonomous drive that goes everywhere to make tests for the water for the hair for the pollution of the ships in the port h and send this data to other Marine vehicles that can change because they are electric between them and make a sustainable environment for taking data because uh we saw that at January there was the new guidelines of the European Union for monitoring emissions Imports that ships are mandatory to the to Monitor and this systems could be useful for checking possible violations in emissions into coastal areas of European Union states and other countries for this thank you very [Applause] much I hope you’re not tired of our lovely Italian colleagues because we’re inviting University of Genoa up on stage [Applause] good afternoon everybody here is Nicolo or head of Neville Marine in team of Electra and I’m Cristiano of electronic team and we are here to speak about uh Eco conception price of our project this is not my slide okay uh we started with a goal and the goal is understanding how to reduce the environmental impact of each of our component of our boat and we do we we did this with the philosophy and maybe the philosophy is uh uh building a green future of course because maybe if it’s the reason why we are here now everybody and um um and so to do this we carried on with different plans for example uh we call this one that one plan a plan B plan C but the plan a is the plan we that we used the previous year the the first year that we participated here the plan B is just the the it’s the same as plane a with modify that it’s a new kind of batteries with more efficiency and finally we had a plan C that is the plan B but with a new kind of inverter that increased our instantaneous potential power thank you Cristiano and now let’s talk about the scope of our study uh the scope is to assess our environmental impact and by analyzing the data we identified some areas where we can improve uh also this year but also for the following year and so this study provides new approaches to become more sustainable uh we to do this we use Marine shift which is a tool which permits us to uh anal in some impact categories like example water consumption Global working potential mineral resource quantity and now uh we also have the possibility to see uh the different areas of the ship for example in the image it’s reported the production the use and the end of life we don’t consider the end of life because at the moment we are not sure when we will dismiss this ship because most of the parts we think we will reuse in the following year so it’s impossible now to make a correct provision and then now let’s talk about the our philosophy uh we use a data driven approach to project the boat just make some example the propeller the propeller we use pla instead of nylon because pla is biodegradable uh another example the cockpit we decided to substitute the KY fber cockpit with the new flex fiber cockpit uh the flex fiber cockpit is almost carbon neutral because the raisin is carbon positive but the flex fiber is carbon negative so it balance uh in in a very good way the impact so it’s not just about building a boat but it’s like uh shaping a green future okay here we have our first uh graphic of plan a in particular we have a Graphic about total gvp that it’s global warming potential regard to Fossil um I didn’t say that um um I want to compare plan a plan B and plan C because uh one of the most important things that we did is that we uh carried out carry on um all of these in parallel and and so to find the best solution for us so here on the left we have the production um so kilogram CO2 equivalent regard to production um and so this means the Quant this quantity for each uh component that we have in this Legend and um about the use is the CO2 kilogram CO2 equivalent of the materials that we used the previous year and this year and so we can see we can see that we reuse and so we recycled a lot of materials here we have some number and for example um uh we will see that for example GV fossil just for Simplicity um is four .8 uh kilo kilo kilog CO2 equivalent Plan B is very similar about gvp fossil other numbers and also for plan C but maybe uh it could be could it it could looks like a contradiction but actually in this way with the plan C that we we are current using we increased our efficiency and also we increased our instantaneous power and so this uh is what we use we used okay now let okay let’s talk about the comparison between all this our plan with last year uh boat so uh as you can see for fossil for non fossil and mineral resource quantity the global consumption is about just as slightly the same the main difference is from production and to use so this year we were able to incre increase the use area and slightly reduce the production area uh this is also uh for energy consumption is slightly different for renewable and for water consumption but the the value are very similar and now uh just to make some conclusion we conducted a detailed LCA study to assess the environmental footprint various Improvement have been presented to uh enhance the sustainability and the efficiency just like the propeller or the new flex fiber cockpit and then a detailed analysis for each impact category have been conducted and the comparison between the plans footprint against this year and the last year was presented so so thank you for [Applause] hearing thank you so much for the presentation and um it’s true that from my opinion sorry it’s not the best presentation I have seen but that was exactly the kind of uh subject that I want to highlight so very congratulation for that because that’s exactly the way I think we need all need to think about designing the future with a life cycle analyzing approach uh and uh helping us to decide about what will be the best design in between the building the use and the recycling um so I I have to congratulate you for that um could you please maybe answer uh the the difference between the plan uh B and plan C uh we understood that there is a huge difference about efficiency this difference is coming due to the weight or is it coming from which where where it’s coming from these different views and where is a tradeoff in between you know let’s say we can take 10 kilos if we are 5% more efficient because we are considering the bird during this amount of hours you know like giving us big numbers about helping you to take this decision in between the plan B and the plan C okay uh yeah um Plan B use a kind of custom batteries of lithium in particular nickel manes and um and um nickel so n MC um uh but this is not important for your question uh the question um actually we reduced the weight of 20 kilos kilogram and also we increased the efficiency but U and we can say we can see this because U before with the plan a we have we had um 6.5 kilow hour of energy and with with these new kind of batteries we have uh 9.6 kilow hour of energy you’re reducing the weight of 20 kilos and so um this is um the the the good thing of this change of plan but the 20 kilo representing how much of efficiency what is the percentage of efficiency you save by 20% weight saving yeah maybe uh we used the cfd analysis to estimate and we also uh see here in Monaco the difference the difference is about 11 12% so we thought it’s a good uh it’s good amount of efficiency to make this change your answer is 20 kilo is around 11% of efficiency yeah the differ it’s too bit complicated to estimate properly because in cfd analysis we had the problem to estimate the current center of gravity and the in General use the same uh the same M but they’re very heavy so it’s complicated to estimate properly and so uh maybe after this races we could be more precise thank you I just wanted to to to underline that the the end of life is so important in order to to measure Al the impact of the materials for instance the FX you mention it’s carbon negative but is it recyclable because if it’s not recyclable it’s not carbon negative so you have to consider the end of life of trying to do some hypothesis on that so the the best the best option can be I don’t know that all the materials will be recyclable or I don’t know but to be to to do a complete presentation the end of life it’s fundamental I uh we know that the fiber is recyclable but also the raisin so we uh we were so happy uh by introducing the new cockpit because we know it’s recyclable and the old one is uh also with us just as a spare parts because this is the light uh so we are not uh sure that uh this cockpit will probably will be reused for many many years because it’s very lighter so we don’t consider the carbon fiber in the end of life because it’s still in the team perhaps uh we can start thinking about projecting for this Mount from the beginning it can help also to understand the end of life our project yeah this is our second year so uh probably uh we didn’t decide to make this but in the next year we will consider this opportunity that’s and our next team will be 1C after 1C is on the way I see [Applause] them hi I’m Andreas and just like last uh year I was sitting there and watching all the tech talks and trying to figure out how to make our boat more echo-friendly and just this question I’m trying to answer today with Felix for you so we had some um regarding the design decisions we always try to make them more eco-friendly and more sustainable while saving energy and making this process happening to paint you a picture to paint you a picture what we were able to work with we last year had a budget of approximately 60,000 which was cut in half this year and also this year we had a battery saving uh not saving I’m sorry um our battery budget was around 15,000 and that made our total budget around 15,000 in cash as well so with that um we not just had last year two electric motors um which were overpowered by the Mediterranean heat and that is why we launched uh our own design competition um yeah in in this we finalized one part which had a direct drive uh and the solution is completely in the gond encased uh didn’t need any cooling because of the surrounding water which is flowing by and the different part is trying to use the complete um cycle which may you may see here as counter rotating propellers and yeah so right now we are using unfortunately none of these because we’re not completely through with the technical inspection but if so we are probably using in this year’s mono enery boat challenge the direct drive because it has less moving parts and will be more um Su sustainable yeah might say that yes so to this year’s Echo conception we try to reduce all parts necessary that’s also main focus of the direct drive and reuse all parts of U the last year’s competition which were able to um reuse and exactly the problems which occurred from this uh now Felix our head of design and construction is trying to answer you all right so let’s talk about our material of choice um so as um Andreas already told you we have reused um lots of material and compartments from last year so the big change uh this year uh we’re only in our longitudinal struts that uh keep the boat together and unfortunately we had to get rid of our bamboo um which was quite the signature of our boat last year and replaced it with aluminum to gain a weight reduction of about 8 kg um as we had to get um so light this year and and so we also looked into our uh into some Alternatives we tried to um get the weight reduction and still be sustainable so we looked into Bal fiber um which um as you can see in the graph is uh almost um concerning the global warming possible global warming potential as good as the bamboo struts um however it is really expensive to get those and uh we were not able to afford those and in Orange here you can see the global warming um potential um of the um aluminum struts that we are using today it is the percentage uh it is shown in a per percentage and um yeah since we uh since it has such a negative impact in um global warming potential um we want to make sure that we re reuse these um components as much as possible in the next coming years um now for some numbers um we consider every boat that we buil each year um as a one boat and uh that has a lifetime of one year and um so therefore we don’t in the use phase we don’t see high numbers and in the production phase most of the negative um environmental impacts occur and uh with let’s take a focus on the fossil global warming potential um yeah which is uh mostly driven by our new change uh in the longitudinal struts um uh and makes it really high and um since we use uh lots of wood uh this year again we are negative in uh the non-fossil global warming potential and uh due to the time constraint I will not go further into the other details okay so as I said uh almost all global warming potential uh was uh produced in during production phase and practically non during use phase and um as I also said we want to reuse those aluminium struts for a long time which we uh probably achieve because uh we have made almost non- modif modifications to it and uh we will probably keep it for several years from now and um as you can see in the total breakdown uh on the bottom right here um those changes make almost half of the um global warming potential of our whole boat so this is due to uh reusing and so much uh of the material that we had last year and uh because of using so many uh natural components like wood and Buel fiber H not Buel fiber flux fiber and yeah that is already it and I’m opening for questions thank you I I hope the the scope of the use will increase when we will have the technical inspection so you can use the boat yes yes we are almost through it uh when I came up we only needed to wait the boat so or is clear I believe cool um maybe a question why do we have to vote for you as an Eco conception price um compared to the other ones that you have seen in front of you um I would say because we try to use um the most natural components um of most teams and um try to um really um bring the focus on the construction of the whole boat to um reuse as much and also choose the right um components and mostly focus on natural um comp components also because uh of the waste that for example um Composites produced in the sea like um if we use wood there’s also less microplastic around and um so this is also a benefit in terms of um pollution and not only um global warming potential and if we compare to your predecessor we have seen that by 20 kilos they were able to save 11% of efficiency uh so we have seen on your this decision about using aluminium on the place of bamboo you are saving 8 kilos how many Efficiency do you save and this that efficiency was it was compens this amount of emission with aluminum um what what do you mean with efficiency uh of the boat when you save 8 8 kilo on your boat you are gaining in efficiency how many efficiency did you one and due to this efficiency was it able to compensate the over emission of the aluminium um I I think I still don’t understand the question correctly correct um so the main reason we choose aluminium was not because of efficiency constraints but of weight constraints in the overall uh we wanted to use bamboo still but we’re not able to because we are already scraping at the uppermost limit of the overall weight you thank you very much for your presentation and uh when I was looking at your report I saw you did have the lowest carbon footprint of any of the designs and I think you’ve explained well why that is obviously it’s not the only thing we take into account but I think it’s because you had so high level of reuse from previous years but I’d just like to ask a bit more about the bamboo and aluminium um was there any other options you looked at for reducing the weight so you could retain the the bamboo struts um we have also um built um a new battery or Electronics component that is smaller so this would um fit into the reduction um category of just reducing the material used and we have almost um used non new newly bought materials we used um since it is so small the battery compartment we could use um like materials we had still um left from last year and therefore we didn’t have to buy any new um almost no new components for that part but did you look at any other options for light waiting from the battery um we have uh done research in it um for reducing the weight of um the wooden constructions um but we have not applied them because we um still have the old um cockpit for example and um the some of the old compartments so um only when we uh think we have to build a new cockpit we would appla those um principles like um cutting um the wood thinner and um researching more um uh firmly constructed um compartments uh out of less W and material thank [Applause] you and for our last Eco conception team we will welcome the Portuguese um technico B on stage okay good afternoon everyone my name is Miguel I’m the current team manager for the technique solar boat team and today I’ll be showcasing the E conception philosophy of our newest energy prototype um the S Migel Ru and how it adapts to our um current uh game plan of the team so Technic solar boo was founded in 2015 for a group of students um as an idea to bring a little bit of the nautical industry to our University through building sustainable um uh through constructing um sustainable energy powered vessels um to compete International competitions where we would would be representing Portugal we started with solar energy um with our first Dev constructed in 2017 and we embraced hydrogen as an alternative energy source in 2021 marking this year as our fourth participation in the energy class plus one online before um diving in into our newest prototype I would like to start to give a little bit of context into what s Miguel 01 the our first energy powered energy vessel powered by hydrogen um really was so Miguel was construed on three premises reduce reuse recycle an idea to construct a prototype that could compete along with our solar powered vessels our s Rafael series and but would be more even more sustainable and would embrace the green Mobility um that is at the team’s core and so we wanted to build a prototype that was more um sustainable so we want we didn’t want to construct an entire new mold we used the most from a foral student team from our University we didn’t want to use carbon fiber so we use flax fiber that was more sustainable we didn’t want to use petroleum based resin so we used a bio um based resin and so on the idea was there to build a sustainable power a more sustainable vessel that could represent Portugal internationally unfortunately s Miguel 01 wasn’t as perfect as we imagin we had some problems with the molds at first the molds were not ours we had to reuse them so we spent a lot of time in the mold treat in the mold treatment we used a lot of resources and in the mold production to get a nice finished for our final cockpit um and the B production itself also took a lot of time and a lot of care to get uh quality that could again compete in Monaco and represent Portugal at the highest level this was uh this worsen when we started working on the vessel itself the cockpit of a former student car is not um suited for um C we had problems with accessibility we had problems with reliability on the vessel and we realized that s Miguel 01 wasn’t as perfect as we initially imagined it was sustainable it worked it repped three years but we knew that we wanted more we are a competitive team at our heart in in our core we represent our sponsors represent our nation and we wanted to give more to um the energy class so we started working on s02 um at the start of this year we wanted to build a boat that will be lighter faster more efficient and this was a challenge not just because we were constructing a new entire new prototype but because we were trying to get hydogen powered vessel that would be competitive for those who work with hydrogen know that that’s a challenge and an acceleration in efficiency in all of the problems that hydrogen has even though it’s an incredible energy source that we believe it’s the future and we have spent this past three years since 20 not this three but five years since 2019 we started working in our in the in development of hydren Technology we know that it has it’s um it has potential to become an incredible future for sustainable yarding but it’s a challenge to get a boat um in the energy class that would be competitive and we wanted that so it was a challenge to that and also to manage resources without Sol boats that will also be competing this year um so we knew that we had to unfortunately abandon some of the ideas that some Migel drone brought we had to go back a little bit we had to go a little bit back and unfortunately abandon the flex fiber idea and we had to go back to the carbon fiber that we have been work that we had been working in our solar powered vessels since 2017 we through this year our design and Composites um Department started working with different kinds of laminations to get a cockpit and enclosures for our systems that could produce uh qu um um vessel with quality and at his score to be competitive we work with prep infusion and wet leg eliminations we used M and female molds for the cockpit and we use again carbon fiber cavlar and glass fiber materials to get our boat working it was not perfect um but it worked and the boat was in water a just a me ago um for our our first um water testings um so now to get a little bit more into the uh Echo conception part I will start by giving a scope assessment um we work with four sub categories um we use the we analyze throughout our report in the Marine shift software the element Elementary flows um where we analyze the extraction of the raw materials that we used the distribution of those raw materials to our production uh to the production part where we work with them the the product fors themselves where we work the products to give the final material and finally the usage of the boat itself and how we would adapt to monos and the boat’s final conditions and finally some of our results this is the uh CO2 emissions that we obtain we estimated the CO2 emissions to be around 2500 kilg and with most parts that attributed to the cockpit production after that the our two electric propulsion columns from turquo and finally our battery I didn’t mention but we also had to abandon another idea that some room had we couldn’t simply have a hydrogen powered boat to be competitive it simply wouldn’t be possible so we adapt the idea to construct a more hybrid vessel uh bo that would have both a fuel cell hydrogen and and also a battery that could give us um that could fill the gaps that hydrogen simply couldn’t give us to compete here in Monaco and finally the um energy consume the the energy consumption for the production of the vessel themselves we estimated to be around 40 ,000 um Jews with most of that attributed once again to the cockpits that’s after that the proportion columns and then the battery these are some scary results at the first glance it might seem that the boat is worse in a lot of ways it is indeed an increase in 20 to 30% um for for our last vessel so Migel one however it’s important to note that we reuse most if not all of the systems for our hydrogen um part of the vessel our fuel cell our humidifier uh most of the pumps for the recirculation of hydrogen and for the water pumps our blower most of that was used for our vessel we reuse a lot of materials in our construction our design and Compass its department has been dedicated to a zero waste policy to protect um our future in a way so these results might seem scary at first but we believe that this might or must be the way to giving us um a vessel that um it’s not just a vessel that’s competed here mono it’s a vessel that we will be using for studying new technologies um at its score Technic solbol again um once developed new technologies we want to maximize what we do and we simply couldn’t that couldn’t do that with a prototype that was just heavier less efficient and at in theory it might be good but in practice it simply is not so someu was born in that way and we believe that um it’s the right way thank [Applause] you I’ll ask first question maybe um so uh um this is maybe one Jeremy’s going to ask but uh why do you think you should be winning the co- conception prize um again as I mentioned um so miguel2 for us is not just a new prototype it’s a challenge to bring um competitiveness efficiency to a very competitive class here at Monaco and to manage resources that could again bring this um equilibrium let’s say in a way um and again the boat it’s uh test bch for us to develop new technologies also in the hyrogen um we presented an innovation prize to in the hydogen part yesterday but also in the electrical and the mechanical Parts um and in even though we can do all that we imagine to the Prototype because lack of resources um we do believe that s miguel2 is a step in the right way for even more ambitious projects um in the future we want to keep working with hydrogen we really do we want to keep um innovating in Composites in electrical mechanical parts and we want to maximize that to give a future to Ying and that’s on the core of the project that’s why I believe that we should really win the co conception prize thank you I I like the word about we want many things but uh I want also you to be an engineer and give the numbers in front in front of the wish you know um so you say that you were obliged to go back to carbon fiber because you have some flax fber that was I understood a bit too heavy uh could you give us the numbers why was it too heavy how many weight did you win and what was the impact on the CO2 emission on your boat you know in this EO conception price in the life cycle analy the idea is to have the tool to help us to take the good decision in order to have a better future yes it’s not only just I would say we all want to have a better future here but why I with ding then electric while the electric is Ping a lot because there is an impact and we know when this electric is become becoming better compared to fossil fuel so if you take the decision we want to have the argument explaining why you took this decision we need this information in order to be able to give you the correct grad duration um I completely agree we try to be as transparent and honest in our report as possible and like we mentioned there and I can mentioned here um soig2 has an increase of around 20 to 30% in both energy and CO2 emissions again that’s scary but that’s natural considering that um carbon fiber is petroleum based as the resin that we used that taking into account now the part of the flex fiber it was heavier because it absor it absorved much more resin than we imagined at first that resulted in a much heavier cockpit in a much heavier systems enclosure and and we estimate that the cockpit of for this Vel so weighs 5 kilg if if if if that much um and the L in the last prototype weigh is 15 to 20 kilogram that’s the um numbers we are working with flex fiber it’s on paper but for us we realize that it absorbs much more resin and let’s take into account also the fact that um bior resin if even though it’s biobased it has a very similar production process to a simple epoxy resin so it’s not as bio as it might look at first as much as Flex fiber is not as efficient or sustainable as it might look simply because it absorbs more resin it gives a less efficient prototype then on the course of its use it might just produce more emissions those were some of and then could also share some ideas about hydrogen because you are one of the only team taking the risk of having some hydrogen so that’s a very good step very congratulation for that but uh what are the impact in CO2 emission in the overall life cycle and this might give you a good chance about having a better gr from the jury tonight if you can explain what is the impact of hydrogen compared to a battery for example um so let’s say for instance on our vessel soigo through2 we have more or less half of the power from the fuel cell and the other from the battery and we can with some rough very rough results we think that U the battery has uh let’s say again it’s very rough results but [Music] um battery as you said as as I mentioned on reports and as I mentioned your in the presentation it was one of the highest consumptions um of the CO2 emissions and of the um energy consumption if we consider that if we use the total battery just for the boat we could imagine that those numbers would double or even triple so this just give an Insight on what hydrogen can really give to the yarding industry [Music] [Applause] so thank you very much everyone uh these were the presentations and the finalists for the echo conception prize but before moving forward for the prince arbel Foundation Award I would like to invite Craig Simmons to as head of section for the EOC conception price to summarize uh and uh share some insights with us regarding the finalist presentations so Simon please thank you well firstly I’d like to thank all the teams for being here after a busy day on the water and a not uneventful day on the water so thank you very much for being here um and also I’d like to say the Eco uh conception prize attracted more entries than any other of the prizes and I think that’s a very positive thing because it shows that all the teams have an interest in sustainability and looking at more sustainable design Solutions and we’ve seen that here today um what we did was give all the teams the same instructions we gave them access to Marine shift 360 uh and you’re in good company because that’s currently being used by two America’s Cup teams so you’re you’re using the same tools as those professional teams use and I know that’s challenging for you uh but I think it’s important that we do stretch your design skills and your sustainability skills and expertise by giving you the tools that the Prof professionals use um we gave everyone access to the same software we gave everyone the same instructions we gave you the same reporting templates to use uh with the aim of making our job as judges easier because we could compare things like more like for like but have to say it’s not a very easy job because when we did the short listing I can tell you that only a handful of points separated the teams in the top six so the quality of the submissions was very high much higher than last year so thank you everyone for your efforts so the presentations this evening did make a difference will make a difference I’m sure to the way the judges score and you did get some challenging questions and I think that’s important because we’re really trying to differentiate between teams which are very close in the way they scored that when we looked at the reports some were strong in some areas some were weaker in others but overall they were ended up being very similar so thank you very much you’ve given us a difficult job and now we have to go and uh all the judges uh scoring this category so we’ll we’ll be doing that now but thank you very much for your [Applause] time super thank you Mr Simmons we are going to move on to two entries now for the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation of sustainable yachting technology award this award is dedicated to recognizing and supporting outstanding initiatives presented by universities or research institutes during the Monaco energy boat challenge the winning organization will receive a grant of €25,000 Euros to further develop and Implement their Solutions we’re welcoming now online a the Alexandria University from Egypt so welcome Alexandra University it is perfect that’s an overview for what we will talk about today we will we have introduction uh and H generators practical experiment and why we we use H gas actually we are concerned in producing and generating H gas and using use it as a secondary Fel in the interal comunion engine gazoline uh Fel so first introduction about it one lit of water can have 1,000 235 L of hydrogen 622 lit of oxygen with submission it we have 1,857 liter of uh H H gas this gas we call it the next generation of hydrogen because it’s an hydrogen attached and bounded chemically with oxygen uh and we will know in the next slides what the reduction in emission the the what will this gas do with the Fel consumption and this guen of hydrogen and it’s very have a lot of benefits in using internal engine uh also this guys is another phase it’s another gas phas of water in normal condition in normal temperature and normal pressure okay H generators we have two types two prototypes to generate this gas first bwm electrolyzer BTS with modulation and uh voltage potential electrolyzer first we have bwm electrolyzer uh we use this prototype have current 3.5 amp and voltage is 13.7 volt our power uh is 48 don’t don’t remember don’t forget it uh 48 Watt and the production was 18 L per hour in this device we use bwm circuit we enhanced the power consumption electric power consumption in this circuit and in increase the amount of gas production in this prototype okay uh in this prototype we interest and concerned in reducing the gap between the anode and the cathode what that’s lead us to generate the H gaps the more than more the the gap between anode and cathode is increase more the chance for hydrogen and oxygen to separate we didn’t want to separate them we need them in h gas the another thing in our design reducing the the gap between and the cathode reducing the the the amount of power consumption why because the current in water is run away and and convert in thermal temperature increasing the temperature of all temperature and there is a steam produced in this electrolyzer so we didn’t like that we reduce the current we reduce the Gap and reduce the current and reduce the steam which can produce in water if the water go to the boiling temperature the next electrolyzer was voltage potential electrolyzer this electrolyzer we concern it in two things the high voltage in the in the cell and the high fre in our cell we this this prototype is not completed we are working on it right now but the the papers research papers which make it have current with one amp and voltage with with 12 volt and the power was with 12 wat the production here is very very uh High the production is 3660 lit per hour this is a graph for our uh prototype we have here anod and cathode as you know the anod and cathode can work as a capacitance a capacitor in any electrolyzer it’s like a capacitor so in our circuit we concern it to increase the voltage in this cell so we have inductor we must increase the volt to up to 1,200 volt so we we make the capacitance resistance equaling the uh inductance resistance we there we have the the resonance in the circuit we achieve the resonance in the circuit the next thing we have we have to calculate the natural frequency of the uh the material of our cathode and anode to prevent the high frequency to make this to reach the natural frequency of the of the cell and our cell failure so we have we know the natural frequency of the of our cell but we induce uh natural electric frequency to our cell away from the frequency of of it to prevent the resonance in material and the dynamic res to prevent the dynamic resonance in our cell uh and to make make our cell not to fail we make to to to make our natural frequency to the natural frequency of anod and cathode equaling each other we make a slot in the cathod as you see here there is a slope to make the natural frequency of inner tube and outer tube are the practical experiments actually we don’t have the financial aid to make practical experiments but we take this this experiments practical experiments from research Pap will documented and we that we What will what we will show you right now this a schematic for uh gazoline car gazoline car motor as you see there is we have an input here the air flow and the filel is an input we add the our F cell connected to to the battery of the car and there is an exhaust gas from the engine as an output the exhaust gas is attached to oxygen sensor which which calculate the amount of oxygen not burned and we have the mass air flow sensor and the main absolute pressure sensor go to to the control unit electric control unit to control the amount of fil which will be injected in the uh in in the engine actually the air flow rate the air F ratio here is the same before using the H gas and after using the H gas H not our first experiment was on H 2,000cc they use in this experiments current with 15 aamp and volt was 12 volt the power was so high 118 80 WT and the production was so low 6.2 L per hour our power was 48 Watt and the production was 18 L per hour but what we want from this experiment we have we want the emission reduction and the F oil consumption reduction the CO2 reduction inside the city was 31.4% and the combine inside and outside the city was 32.9% the fuel consumption inside the city was reduction with 30.6% and in outside and inside thetic combine 32.8% in reduction of power consumption and uh CO2 emission there is also an increase in mechanical efficiency thermal and Brak power efficiency as we see 24% 47 and 22 respectively second experiments here we have sca FIA one ,300 CC in this experiments they use a volt 12 volt and the production was same of our production 18 L per hour but they didn’t talk about the uh the circuit ere and they didn’t use bwm circuit so we assumed that the power was to high and the current in this experiment was high because this experiment was kindly old before using the bwm okay there is a thermal uh efficiency increased by 10% and break specific pool consumption decreased by 33% and monoxide decrease by 18% no nitrogen oxides increase by 15% and finally hydrocarbons increase by 14% in this experiment why we use H gas the advantage of using H gas as we see using h gas gave us a complete combion complete burn in the internal comunion engine in the comunion chamber so it’s hands Fel consumption enhanced Fel efficiency and we as we see we have reduction in emissions increasing the engine performance because as we see the increasing in thermal mechanical and Brake power efficiency finally ISE of installation integration it’s easy to install the H gas by with the air filter go directly to the engine there is not a no there is no problem in using it and install it to the engine lowering the operational cost because it’s lowering the fuel consumption eco-friendly alternative because it’s we use it and ruce it from Green energy and electricity finally sa safety and reliability because we produce it and it’s go to engine direct uh need to be stored and is reducing the risk of storage it which can be harmful in the future which can be harmful to the environment if there is an ignition can be uh finally remember that green hydrogen for green future the next future is the green Edge the green ede of hydrogen green ede thank you so much than thank you so much Alexandria University now you will have 5 minutes to answer the questions of the international jury thank you thank you for presentation um that very nice but uh I am missing some numbers I want to see some numbers about the energy you need to produce the H I want to see uh the efficiency that I increase I want to see the total efficiency in order to be able to to calculate that increas yeah I understood that but how much do that do I consume to produce okay 1 cc the consumption of G will be between okay thank you maybe I could follow up uh on one of that those questions so thank you for your presentation I think the question that you didn’t answer from from Jeremy was uh the production of HHO Gas the energy used to produce it as opposed to the energy used to produce hydrogen gas I can see the advantages of H gas uh in use but what I don’t know was how much energy to to produce it uh as opposed to hydrogen gas as we see in the consume produce [Music] 18 AI the the same in thetic experiment the second experiment had the same ruction of as we see the the CC of the car the Cub CM has the to 1000 you have to use we have achieved in oury and what we see in the experiment we see the reduction consumption and reduction in uh monoxide carbon reduction hydrocarbon and the reduction all emission only yeah so I I understand that maybe I’m misunderstanding but to produce the hydrogen gas which is your alternative to HHO Gas what is how much energy does it take to produce the hydrogen and then how much energy does it take to produce it in the first place I understand it’s more efficient when you use it as we know to reduce one kilg of Hy we have to produce it with 50 50 Kow hour which the same uh kilogram can convert it to uh uh to electricity by 33 kilowatt hour I I know you I understand your question but the when we see the the efficiency of fa cell hydrogen F cell it’s very low because the steam the production of steam is so high so we have between 80 to 90% of the production gas is steam because the high ampere is there and this make the water boiling and generate steam there is just we have with 10% of the gas is hydrogen that what we prevent in our uh cell that what we prevent in our fil cell we have reduced the ere as we can reducing the another gas and we can use it in the internal comunion engine easily gasoline CES to to reduce the P consumption as we see thank you I find it uh interesting that you are proposing not only let’s say a purely electric or hydrogen solution but something that is reducing my question is uh what is the impact of retrofitting and existing yach with your technology I mean there is the the engine there is uh the storage of this uh gas there is the distribution the control and and the refurnishing of it so it’s it it is not something that uh comes for free okay this guas we we have an advantage in this gas we don’t storage it and this is an disadvantage but the advantage there uh we can produce this gas and directly go to the engine as I said to be burned in the engine the another disadvantage of this gas the power consumption the to produce even the hydrogen we need a high power consumption we reduced it here in h gas and in the future we aim to reduce it more and more this is the the the the har the more disadvantage of this gas the another thing what we it’s a big advantage of this gas the autoignition of it is 570 celius which can make us if the there is more we produce it in the core more than what we need we can release it in the air without any harmful thing to to the environment thank you may the last question that might be useful for all of us um uh if you won these Awards of uh the prince albet foundation with this 25,000 Euro how it will help you what you will do with this amount of money and if you do not have this money what will be the future of your project in in this competition today that will inspire us and motivate us to complete our way and continue our way to complete another device which I talk about which have a lot a big production of hydrogen of H gas and the low consumption of power that’s what we want in the and we want in the future to use H guys as a primary F not as a secondary F uh to reduce to buy to we can change the world right now immediately we can change it steady step by step so by 2050 we have zero emission zero using p the harmful harmful p in the for in the future so that that’s what we a to complete our our project to complete our research to complete our uh goal to to make something and leave something to to the humanity to work on and it’s we will be very happy to win this competition thank you thank [Applause] you thank you very much Alexandra University and the representatives for their presentation take care and see you in Monaco hopefully in the future we will end our session here with one more representative for this prize that is the UN bolog up on stage for that presentation [Applause] hello everyone hello everyone I’m yakobi the team leader of the University of bologa argonut team I’m glad to be here invited by the Prince Albert the second foundation and I’m here to present you computer the first electric outboard motor with counter rotating and tractor propellers How It’s Made we have an electric motor in head that moves two counter rotating and tractor propellers that’s um with the specific aim to reduce energy consumption during its use phase by up to 15% we aim also to uh reduce the global life cycle uh um by choosing uh recycled materials such as aluminum and low carbon footprint such as flux fiber one of our Innovation is to introduce the one to one Transmission in the ogiv that limits the RPMs of the transmission and we did it in order and uh with a special design of the oiv that the frontal section area in order to reduce the drug another Innovation is the special shape of the stem which can allow the height of the um axis to be regulated of the axis of the propellers to be regulated during the navigation uh this allows to uh sail also in Shallow Waters another Innovation is the simple and flexible design for example we separated the structural part from the hydrodynamic part introducing some hydrodynamic covers on the structural part that allowed us to reduce the cost of production we found some implication of this product uh of course course the catamaran application and also the filing application because the clean water flow that invests the propeller is enhanced in these situations so yes uh as you can see here um we put some values um of the electric outboard motors Motors uh value uh Market these values are wrong we didn’t have enough time to gather enough information since it is a quite Niche sector but I can tell you that uh we made uh rapid analysis and the value for the market in 20123 was of around $120 million us doar and the expected compound anal growth rate for 2027 uh which is the final year of our potential collaboration is of uh around 8. 6% meaning that by this date we can estimate that the market value will be of around $1 170 million us why I say this to you because I think that we think that this product is marketable and that this is the case because we are able to satisfy various key drivers of the market of the bullish Market Trend so first of all environmental regul ations especially at EU level Echo conscious consumer demand increase technological advancements but most importantly the uh Superior s sailing experience and short bar our solution meaning that with our solution we are able to ensure a decrease uh in noise in the use phase secondly a reduce uh in um vibration for the electric power train and then lastly um there’s no need of fuel management meaning that you can use it whenever you want and you don’t need to uh recharge a fuel I leave the floor to Professor cavina okay so let’s see what we have done up to now the computer project started in September 2023 with the concept and state-of-the-art Analysis corresponding to TRL number one that was the main idea as we all know inboard counter rotating tractor propellers exist in the Market Volvo pen IPS is one of the main examples but our solution our solution extends sorry about that what happened oh okay maybe our solution extends this concept to outboard motors thus allowing to bring the has higher efficiency to due to this specific configuration also to smaller and Leisure boats this is the main point I think in December 2023 once we thought that this concept was valid we started the actual design and virtual prototyping phase so we defined simulation environments both for the structural parts and for the fluid Dynamic parts so both structural simulations and fluid Dynamic 3D cftd simulations to optimize both the design and the shape and the efficiency inside the water we found very interesting numbers and therefore we went on and in just 3 months we were able to build the First full scale demonstrator reaching TRL number three by March 2024 here you see can you can see the components in the lab and the fully assembled first pro of concept that was reached just a few months ago the next phase was the actual testing phase by April 2024 we were able to test in the laboratory environment TRL number four both at the bench test so by assessing the performance the power and the efficiency of the electric configuration the motor and the transmission and in a water tank that was made available by our University to actually measure the effective efficiency that we could reach and verify that it matched what we expected from the simulations there were some redesign phases to further optimize the entire concept and then we were ready for the next step that was tests in a relevant environment such as C so we spent a whole month by testing the full boat with this concept and by comparing it also with other commercial solutions to Define The Benchmark and validate our approach so here we are now beginning of July our boat is just in the harbor and today we also showed that it actually can confirm what we saw during the test this morning we filed an application for a patent so we got the patent protection there is going to be a couple of months to verify whether the patent can be extended both in Italy and internationally and the next step if this process provides us with the right answer is going to be to establish a spin-off of the University of Bologna based on this concept and the corresponding P patent so now we can present it to you because we have protected the idea uh why a spin-off company for two reasons to take advantage of the intellectual resources of the institutions and provide the opportunity for the students that develop this concept to jump on board the new company and go to the market following phases will be essentially in May 2025 we think we can Define the production process by choosing what to make and what to buy and strengthen the supply and Commercial Partnerships then by September 2025 with think we will be able to industrialize the production process relying on Supply Partnerships for materials components and machining such that we could reach the market by 2026 we think that this time frame is fully compatible with the print cber the second Foundation Award because we would be able to update the Y CL monoco every six months about the progresses that we will be done we will be doing and of course the first Market that we will initially Target is going to be the Italian market but with already have an a marketing plan in mind to extend it to let’s say the entire world hopefully this is it this is computer and this is part of the team that worked on this project here you can see a picture of the Prototype but we would like also to show you the actual demonstrator this is one sample we have another sample in the boat that is actually running in the water so thank you for your very kind attention and we are here to answer to your [Applause] questions congratulation to the professor and to all the team because I am saying since five years that we need to design a contar rotative propeller driving train so very happy to see that it’s arriving um I am born member of several company that are developing in outboard and electric engine so I can maybe give some question maybe for my U my colleagues um to to see if that’s the good one to to to invest with it uh could you please uh I give you many question and after you you reply in the sense you want um could you give us an idea about the kind of application between engine let’s say boat electric boat motor boat and sailing um compared to the existing because there is also new existing outboard engine with a new kind of propeller not anymore the standard propeller but also like a bio mimetism with a fish and many other thing which are a lot more efficient compared to uh to the standard propeller and um also could you give us an idea about the the power range you want to have with your uh engine the power range in between 5 kilow to 30 kilow he has a power and um where if you will just remain a company about outboard engine or if you will pair with a battery sorry that’s a lot of question but it is important for us to understand all these pictures uh before giving the grants I prefer to answer the second question because the first one I lived it I didn’t understand it very well uh the second answer this one is a 5 kilowatt rated Power electric motor with 20 kilowatt Pi power so and we calculated that uh the amount of efficiency you can you can gain with this solution can vary um from 10 kilowatt P power to 100 KW P power because of the configuration of of the transmission and that’s it can you please repeat the first question the first was a kind of application you want to sell this to who uh to someone that has a outboard engine and you want to replace his uh uh thermal engine where an electric engine you want to address it to selling boat I I I have a selling boat I would love to have this kind of engine if the prop can replace himself so that’s a question what kind of application you want to to Target well we have in mind a few possible applications one of them is to establish some Partnerships with companies that produce boats small boats typically either catamarans or small sailing boats mainly foiling applications that could be another point that would be very important for the clean water and the actual effective greater efficiency that you can reach that could be one marketing opportunity so to Define Partnerships with companies that build the boat and we can provide the outboard motor but as maybe I’m answering also the other question the other the other question we could also provide the entire power train package that could be also the battery and the inverter so that we would provide a kit that could be just installed and this kit could also be sold to private customers and we would also Supply let me say the the uh the installation facility and the the maintenance and all the things that are needed so these are I think the two main targets that we are heading to then there was another question maybe or um it was a range you know if you want to be create a company and address a need on the market you need okay I I have a product range in between 5 kilowatt to 30 Kow I don’t so you answer because of the peak you know but when you buy a 20 kW engine Mercury or Suzuki or whatever you just have what this kind of power so um that was a question about okay you want to address Market with with range on that question I would like to add one more comment depending on the power range that you want to sell so the range is by between 5 and 100 kilow that’s what we think but depending on the specific power that the customer wants to buy the battery would be essentially designed not not designed produced to match that kind of power so we designed a essentially a modular battery system that would give you a certain amount of energy but specifically different voltage levels depending on the power you need so you can go down to low voltage up to 48 Volts for the small power applications and then you might need to increase up to 96 volts as the configuration we have in the boat here in the harbor if you want to have higher power hello yeah um a good question for me um so do you have in mind so you will create a company uh do you have in mind like the next products you you would build with this company and uh how you would expand your maybe the ranger product or not or yeah thank you that’s a very interesting question as I said one first product could be just the the one the thing you see here okay the outboard electric counter Propel counter rotating tractor propeller motor The Next Step could be to to to sell the entire powert Trin kit and that could be a next step let’s say to increase the the market share and and to also increase the the revenues of the company we are not thinking to start building boats at the moment some some question so first congratulation for for the presentation and for the overall concept of really how to go to market so you’re really working on on a clear uh path to to reach my question is uh have you done any comparison if you see the total cost of your system because obviously you need an electric motor you cannot leave a wire on sure you need to have also a battery and inverter so you have for a certain specific power obviously some hypothesis of cost when you compare Your solution to an inter combustion engine how much more higher first cost you will have you have any idea yeah we did this comparison I don’t know yob if you want to add something but what what we see is of course this would be a premium prodct compared to a standard let’s say internal combustion engine application the Delta cost for this power range would be a few thousand roughly something about 8,000 if if you think about starting by 58 so I try to be clear somewhere about 5 to 8,000 more than what you would spend that means something about 50 60% more than what you would spend okay more or less our assessment it it should be refined but this is what we thought uh maybe one more thing we did a benchmark with other products that are similar to this one so with electric uh outboard motors without this configuration and in that case we think we can be well we think we we verified that we can be S very competitive and we can produce this component and sell it at a significantly lower price than what you can find in the market today okay thanks last question thank you for your presentation I have just one question so we see that you have a clear plan for the future if you receive the grant uh where you will use it ex exactly with your plan in the future in the creation of your company what’s it the plan to use the grant thank you I don’t want I don’t want to answer all those but we discussed all those things together so I’m answering for the entire team okay we have a clear idea about that part of this budget would be spent to complete the patenting process so we filed an application but we still have to go through the costs especially for extending it to the entire world part of the cost part of the budget would be spent to establish the spin-off company and then we would keep part of the budget to create an event to promote this idea the solution and essentially to bring on board investors such as business angels or Venture capitalists or things like that [Applause] thank you thank you [Applause] again thank you all for being so attentive doing the last two hours and being here with us as we check out these fantastic innovations that we keep receiving at the Monaco Yak Club I invite you all now to head back downstairs back to the paddocks to enjoy the rest of the atmosphere and there is an esport Championship going on downstairs you can Google quickly check that out on the way the teams are participating and it’s a good time thank you very much have a good of their day e

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