The Data Evaporation Cycle: Enhancing Marine Ecosystem Surveillance, by Ricardo Veiga, University of Algarve. Ricardo’s participation in the Future Talent Programme (FTP24) was supported by the Portuguese NREN FCCN.

    This Lightning Talk was presented at TNC24 live on stage in Rennes, France on Wednesday 12 June 2024.

    –About Ricardo–
    With a master’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ricardo has aptly fused traditional computer vision with advanced deep learning, innovating in the realm of indoor pose estimation and navigation. His academic journey has continued into a PhD at the University of Algarve, where he has significantly contributed to the MARREAL project, and the deployment of an underwater marine monitoring station. Ricardo’s research aims towards the automation of marine surveillance through AI, leveraging both edge and cloud computing technologies.

    Beyond his academic pursuits, Ricardo dedicates time to his community, offering pro bono services that have led to meaningful patents and awards.

    GLAD, together with GÉANT NREN partners, offer programmes that facilitate engagement with students and career-seeking professionals. These programmes exist to introduce a future generation of talents to the GÉANT community and vice versa.

    The Future Talent Programme (FTP) includes training in developing public speaking and presentation skills, as well as providing opportunities to engage with experts across a variety of industry sectors.

    The Lightning Talk Challenge is a GÉANT initiative in which bright students are trained to master their presentation skills and craft their ideas into a 5-minutes’ Lightning Talk to deliver to the wide community attending TNC every year. Organised by GLAD, the GÉANT Learning and Development team, this challenge is part of the broader Future Talent Programme.

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    [Applause] ladies and gentlemen imagine yourselves on the Mediterranean Shores a dreion know for his vibrant marine life and Rich biodiversity however beneath these tranquil waves there is a battle UNF falling new and invasive fish species are infiltrating these Waters threatening the native population which have tried here for centuries has the sea temperatures rise and current shift these Invaders are out competing the locals causing a dramatic shift in this delicate ecosystem this is this invis is not just a local phenomenon it is a St reminding of the far reaching consequences that climate change has on our oceans what if I told you that we could monitor these underwater battles in real time try the impact that they have on our marine life minute by minute this is the vision we in the day EV operation cycle an Innovative approach to underwater surveillance that promises to transform marine conservation by combining Edge AI with Cloud AI we are on the brink of a new era of ecological monitoring picture this cameras equipped with AI powered Edge devices are submerged into the ocean quietly observing the underwater Realms these devices begin streaming video data directly to the cloud much like water evaporates from sea into the sky on the cloud a massive AI Foundation model meticulously analyzes these videos the AI identifies the common species for that specific region and crafts a small specialized model once this task is complete the AI returns to the standby mode reducing its own carbon footprint the specialized model is then sent back to the edge device much like precipitation returning to Art this allows the edge device to operate remotely saving energy and resources while monitoring the frequency and abundance of species but the true magic happens when these Edge device doesn’t recognize a new species potentially an invasive species at that moment the device wakes up reconnects to the cloud and sends back this new streaming the cloud AI identifies the new species and updates the model this refresh model is then sent back to the edge device which resumes its remote monitoring with enhanced capabilities Beyond just identifying species and updating models the cloud service has a central Hub where all the metadata is sent and analyzed it delivers open-source data available to scientists all over the globe contributing to a global effort to understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change this energy saving adaptable design makes it feasible to deploy this devices widely giving us a comprehensive picture of how climate change is affecting marine life by creating a cycle where data evaporates up to the cloud and precipitates as actual information we can build a responsive Network that consulted resources while growing our ecological knowledge consider the implications with this technology we can respond quickly to the threats of invasive species safeguarding marine ecosystems and supporting conservation efforts we can monitor changes in Marine biodiversity with unprecedented accuracy allowing us to better understand and combat the effects of climate change this goes beyond protecting fish it’s about the health of our oceans and everything that depends on it right now there are teams of marine biologists working tless to protect our seas ecosystems armed with realtime data from the dative operation cycle they could pinpoint the exact locations where these invasive species are driving deploying in Target measures to control this populations giving native species a Fighting Chance in This interconnected web of surveillance every drop of data counts each piece of information help us bu build a clear picture of our ocean Health guiding our efforts to preserve these vital ecosystems for future Generations the dative operation cycle is more than just a technological advancement it is a revolutionary perspective into collaborative conservation my name is rard V I’m proud to be part of this groundbreaking initiative at the University of thank you for your attention and please reach out if you like to know more or join join us in this crucial mission [Applause]

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