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    ​Your Extended Twin Flame Journey: (40mins) €156 / $166
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    Readings schedule:

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    All signs – mid month
    Full Moon & New Moon Collective readings
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    Decks used in my readings:

    The Gilded Tarot – Ciro Marchetti
    The Tarot of Dreams – Ciro Marchetti
    The Sacred Forest Oracles – Denise Linn
    Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein
    The Hidden Truth Oracle – All Things Intuitive
    Twin Flame Messages (Vol. 2) – Mystic Moon
    The Psychic Tarot – John Holland
    The Lighted Pathway – Lightworker Tarot & Oracle
    The Archangel Michael Oracles
    Divine Love Messages (Vol. 2) – White Rose Guidance
    Work your Light Oracle cards – Rebecca Campbell
    Messages from the Heart – Lightworker Tarot & Oracle
    Ascension Oracle cards – Diana Cooper
    Speak from the Heart, Volume II – Dyan Garris
    The Twin Flame Mirror Oracle cards – Dyan Garris
    Andromeda Skies – Love Oracle
    Andromeda Skies – Silent Heart
    Messengers of the Heart Oracle cards
    Tarot de la Nuit – Alexandra v. Bach
    Arcanum Tarot – Intuitive’s Editions
    The Marchetti Tarot – Ciro Marchetti
    Tarot Grande Luxe – Ciro Marchetti
    Oracle of Beautiful Darkness – Stacey DeMarco
    Spiritus Solis Tarot – PIC du Soleil
    Thelema Tarot – Renata Lechner
    Witches Tarot – Ellen Dugan
    Queen of the Moon Oracle – Stacey DeMarco
    Wisdom of the Oracle – Colette Baron-Reid
    Sacred Soul Portals – Midnight Oracle
    Soleil de L’Universe – Etsy
    Signs of Sun – Etsy
    Gilded Tarot Royale – Ciro Marchetti
    Legacy of the Divine – Ciro Marchetti
    Star Dream Tarot – Etsy
    Das Traumerbe Tarot – Ciro Marchetti
    Sanctus Concordia Tarot – Etsy
    Tarot Illuminati – Erik C Dunne
    Tarot Apokalypsis – Erik C Dunne
    Ancient Whispers – Etsy
    Love Messages – Etsy
    Energy Oracle – Sandra Anne Taylor
    Oracle of Mystical Moments – Catrin Welz-Stein
    The Fortune Oracle – Sharina Star
    Angel Answers – Radleigh Valentine
    Lenormand ‘de la Nuit’ – Alexandra V Bach
    Lenormand ‘Gilded Reverie’ – Ciro Marchetti
    Gold Foil Tarot – Etsy
    Mystic Palette – Ciro Marchetti
    The Light-Seer’s Tarot – Chris Anne Donelly
    The Good Tarot – Colette Baron-Reid
    The Vintage Tarot – Etsy

    Costume Jewellery by ‘Tendance 24’ and ‘Aratto’, rue Massena, Nice

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    Legal Disclaimer:
    My readings (General on YouTube and private) are provided to those 18yrs and over, for the purpose of ‘entertainment only’ and that professionals should be sought for expert advice in all medical, legal and financial matters. I accept no responsibility or liability based on the advice given in a Tarot reading.

    [Music] hello gorgeous Pisces this is Debs and this is your TGF for Friday the 5th of July 20124 Pisces I hope you guys have had a fantastic start to July I can’t believe we’re into July it is really really warm here in the south of France let’s um get into this reading and find out how your person feels about you the deck that I’m using is the maretti deck everything as you know guys by now is down below the link to my website if you’d like a private reading all the decks I use and the link to join the channel if you’re interested in membership okay Pisces Archangel Michael thank you for joining us this is the TGIF reading for my Pisces sunbean Rising and Venus Friday the 5th of July 2024 what do we have for my lovely Pisces please Michael what do we have for my lovely Pisces the deck is feeling quite heavy guys I don’t know what’s going on here I keep hearing it’s it’s just not possible I just don’t think it’s going to be enough I don’t quite know what to do okay Pisces bless your hearts okay all righty yeah this is going to be a weird reading guys I can just feel it the air feels heavy as if I could just cut the air in half the air feels thick all right I’m hearing thick with tension oh my God go six of Cups Pisces you’re thinking about the past you may be hearing from someone from your past you may be wanting to revisit the past you could be thinking about childhood days maybe Carefree Childhood Days okay Six of Swords moving away from the past Pisces I’m hearing trying to trying to settle your emotion I’m almost getting a sense of resignation the hierophant Pisces you’re either trying to reconcile with a tan for some of you with a hierophant card or you’re deciding to move forward and follow all the correct processes in order to achieve something something but this person’s face is looking really sad it’s as if I just don’t think I’m going to be able to do this huh no I I don’t think it’s going to work out I’m going to try I I’m definitely going to try but there’s a sense of it’s not what I wanted okay guys wow the sun now you could have become enlightened about a Taurus or a Leo or simply a logical process so Pisces you may have wanted to move into a situation very quickly what you’re realizing is is going to take a lot longer than you thought because of the process involved so you may be realizing you’re actually heading to the sun right you are progressing but it’s not going to be as quickly as You’ wanted it to be that’s what I feel all right Knight of Swords Pisces somebody here feels as if you’re in a really good place in your life but why do I feel that only seeing the outside of a situation you’re in right I mean this could be somebody seeing you flying high in your job doing well on social media you’ve always got a smile on your face you always seem really positive but this is someone who doesn’t see the behind the scenes you the real you you know you getting up at 6:00 in the morning waiting through emails getting your head down trying to pull in money trying to pay your bills because all they see is this external happy Pisces on the outside they don’t see the fact that you may have gone through or going through a very difficult time in reality so you may have someone Pisces here who thinks you’re sitting in the sun everything is wonderful but you’re actually not you’re trying to move through shark infested waters it’s not easy feeling very nostalgic feeling as if it’s slowo but whoever this is seems to be angry that you’re not happy why aren’t you happy Pisces as far as I can see you’ve got everything you want well but they don’t see behind the curtain right and I’m pretty sure this type of reading has come out for you Pisces before so it may well be that you’re wanting to achieve something and this person feels why should you because your life is pretty damn good as it is right it could be you’ve got someone here jealous I don’t know Pisces King of Swords you may be dealing with documents and paperwork in the month of July or there may be an Aquarian Libra or Gemini who seems to be angry because they see you being happy nine of Swords this is someone who’s watching you Pisces H but they’re also sat in a lot of stress because you’ve left the building so Pisces this could be an ex you’ve left the past behind you’re moving forward it’s a struggle right but you’re putting on a brave face as far as the rest of the world goes you seem to be living a good life you seem to be pretty happy um pulling in a little bit of money enough to pay your bills they seem to be angry that you’re happy but this is someone who is feeling very stressed because they may have walked away from from you and missed a big opportunity and they’re spying on you behind the scenes but they feel as if you’re just not interested anymore this is someone annoyed and with the AE of Swords Pisces this is someone in their head about I’m hearing how to get back into your life okay heads up Pisces Knight of Cups this is someone who loves you I’m hearing still but with the energy of the Two of Pentacles they may not have anything to offer you Pisces they could be on the bread line and bless them you know it shouldn’t make that much of a difference but it could be a pride issue for this person or they’re trying to decide whether or not is the right time to come in to say Pisces I still love you they think it’s too late but they may want to try seven of Swords be very careful my lovely Pisces yeah okay seven of Swords Knight of Wands I don’t like this Wheel of Fortune okay Pisces you’ve got a fortune Hunter on your hands okay straight up straight up and I hate to say that but there we go we have someone who believes you’re sitting in the lap of luxury in this beautiful sun energy doing really well this is someone who missed an opportunity with you in the past they screwed up basically they left you right they’re looking back at you now thinking God what an idiot if only i’ stayed with Pisces because Pisces seems to be doing really really well so they’re planning on coming in they’ve been trying to make this decision before but but they’re coming in they are struggling financially they’re thinking about doing something deceptive and I think that is trying to seduce you to obtain The Wheel of Fortune which can be a large amount of financial stability it can be moving into a lucrative new cycle right an abundant new cycle but what they don’t know Pisces is you are struggling I mean you are faking it until you make it you may have an amazing profile on social media you may look as if you’ve got thousands of clients and you’re pulling in the money and you’ve got no Financial worries whatsoever but look at you in reality you’re on your own paddling forward in this tiny boat it’s tough goinging because you’re moving through all these blocks and issues and problems right so an actual fact Pisces this is someone who’s got the wrong end of the stick if they knew that you were maybe struggling a little bit in your life I don’t think they’d be quite so Keen to try and seduce you to lock you down because this person feels as if they want a piece of the pie but Pisces you may not have enough even for yourself so you know underneath the deck nine of Cups h okay the fool Aries energy this is someone who wants you to indulge them Pisces three of Cups they plan on trying to reconcile with you seduce you but what they plan on doing is having a good time or somehow taking from you now if it’s not finances it could be contacts it could be somehow they feel that if they’re linked to you their life would be better so they plan on coming in seducing you taking that leap of faith and a risk and then sabotaging the connection Pisces the moon which they will be hiding from you I think with the energy of judgment you’re going to make a decision Pisces to put out really strong boundaries it’s as if oh hell no I’m going through a tough enough time without you jumping into my life wanting me to indulge you or wanting to take something from me yeah no Pisces no oh no no no no wow wow so we’ve got strong fire sign energy guys we got a lot of air as well we’ve got Aries Leo sagge with judgment strong fire energy uh we’ve got Taurus energy we’ve got Scorpio under the deck with a death card be very very careful Pisces it’s as if you’re going to be thinking this is the last thing I need but Pisces they seem to have got it into their head that you’re sitting there on the T of Pentacles or you’re sitting there in a beautiful life I don’t think they really understand what you’re coping with at the moment with the Six of Swords you’re trying to get yourself to cala Waters it’s not easy so let’s move into messages from the Angels guides let’s have a look and see what comes through here we go so Archangel Michael what do the angels have to say to my lovely Pisces yes Pisces be assertive okay yeah they’re saying stand your ground stand your ground Pisces this is an opportunist this is someone who sees that they may be able to gain something from you so they’re going to be taking that leap towards you this fell on my lap yeah I think Pisces this person believes that it will be a good idea to move in your direction but I think what they are saying is yeah look at that communicate clearly that you’re moving in another Direction IE I’ve moved away from the situation with you this is over and done with I’m not going to reopen that door be assertive be assertive Pisces yeah and take action so this person is really clear that this is done okay make sure Pisces you don’t annoy this person because if they don’t get what they want or if they feel that you’ve sused them out they could get unpleasant with it okay so make sure things are nice and Cal arm with this person if this is someone who left you before sabotaged the connection with you before and they’re coming in again say to them you forgive them but make it really clear Pisces this is not something you’re wanting to revisit is that right is that right is that right yes that’s right that message was totally correct yes so you know say to this person I forgive you peaceful resolution but take action by communicating clearly that you’re choosing a new Direction and be assertive about it because this is someone who is just an opportunist all right okay final message from the Angels please yeah Pisces you are protected okay no need to worry so nothing horrible is going to happen nothing bad is going to happen if you keep that door closed okay be pleasant but be assertive this is really done because they don’t have the right intentions Pisces okay seven of Swords Knight of Wands Wheel of Fortune yeah no so let’s get some messages from this person to you so we can close out that chapter and then we’re going to be moving into the second reading all right let’s do that okay guys the hidden truth so Archangel Michael what would this person want to relate to Pisces please thank you wow Pisces they hid who they really are from you wow I wish things could be different so they may not be living a good life they may be struggling they’re looking for someone maybe to help them out okay I lost myself for a little while they may have fallen on Hard Times Pisces and gone down the dark route you know did things that were a bit deceptive to sort of stay afloat I don’t know I hope that you can forgive me one day so this is someone who obviously goes to you and and this is someone who seems to be looking back thinking well that was a bad idea because Pisces seems to be doing really well what they don’t know Pisces is you’re trying to leave the past behind you’re moving through shark infested waters you may be working from dawn to dusk right they just see you somehow sitting in the sun and they’re angry about it so Pisces this isn’t somebody who is in love with you they are envious they’re jealous and they feelit as if they want a piece of the hi it’s what this is yeah and they’re going to be pretty determined Pisces so just be aware of that they may not want to take no for an answer and you’re thinking hell no yeah yeah they messed everything up Pisces and I think they’ve been kicking themselves ever since what did I do anything else interesting I hide behind material things this is someone who’s all about the cash show me the money right and Pisces if for some reason they feel you’re doing well when actually you may just be scraping the bottom of the barrel okay um then this is someone who’s racing towards you because they feel as if you could give them a good life and they feel they could seduce you you and they could then move into the Wheel of Fortune energy I don’t think that’s going to happen first of all cuz I don’t think you want this person back second of all Pisces because I don’t think you’re sitting on the 10 of Pentacles bless you guys yeah I knew exactly what I was doing and I think they still know exactly what they’re doing Pisces they know what they’re doing isn’t right they know that they plan on being sneaky this is somebody who wants to be with you for stability because they believe you’re sat in the nine of Cups and I don’t think for the majority of you you actually are if you’re doing relatively well it’s because you’re working seven days a week guys yeah underneath the deck I regret lying to you so this is someone who lied to you and then just upped and left you had to cope with a heartbreak and this is someone who now is looking back thinking wow that was really not a good idea I should have I shouldn’t have left Pisces behind I shouldn’t have been sneaky so they’re jumping back towards you but I think this is really done for you okay guys let’s leave this behind and let’s move into the second reading let’s have a look and see what the next few months are going to bring all right guys I’ll see you there all right my beautiful Pisces let’s have a look and see what the next few months are going to bring um I’m going to be channeling through General messages okay I’m really hoping that that past situation is not going to come up again we will see so Archangel Michael what have you got for my lovely Pisces please now through until the end of the year leaving that past situation behind Okay yeah the Chariot wow you are heading off in a New Direction Pisces h do we take them all Michael yes we do okay we do all right very assertive all right yeah starting from the bottom okay Michael thank you King of Swords the Knight of Cups again King of Swords Knight of Cups four of Wands this is someone who is wanting stability Pisces and they’re looking at you this is the same person from the previous reading they’ve been looking at the past and they have been wondering if they could come back in your direction but Pisces Chariot you’re on the move you’re moving forward you’re leaving them behind so that is closing out the previous situation okay that some of you may have to face in the month of July you’re moving on you’re closing this out okay yeah look at you Six of Swords Pisces you are moving forwards again the Six of Swords moving forwards leaving them behind you seem to be moving into the 10 of Cups now Pisces if you have been struggling somehow it may well be that this is you leaning on your family at this point of time this could be you talking to your parents or talking to your siblings about a situation that’s been difficult for you I feel as if there’s a lot of familial support here for you guys the world you are closing out a cycle and you’re moving confidently forward it hasn’t been easy but there’s some kind of progress here Three of Wands and you’re still waiting for your ships to come in so you may be waiting for news over the Internet with the world you could be potentially thinking about meeting someone it could be you’ve got family members visiting you from a distance you are looking at the future I feel as if you’re trying to achieve some kind of dream but it is a little bit of a challenge in July you’re still hoping and praying you know know that it comes to pass the hangman you’re trying to see things from lots of different angles you’re trying to also look at the bigger picture you may feel as if you’ve been self-sacrificing you may be very tired at this point of time you may feel as if you need a break it could be you need a holiday or you could feel simply you need some good luck right you may feel a bit stuck Pisces bless you nine of coins okay now there could be some good news coming in for you financially which puts you into the nine of Pentacles energy four of swords and Pisces this is you resting so guys something’s going to happen in the month of July which is going to cause you to take a big step back I think you closing out a cycle of struggle because your ship’s coming in you’re seeing the bigger picture you’ve got money coming in now this could be a gift from family this could be to do with your hard work which is going to enable you Pisces to take a bit of a step back and maybe take a few days break it’s as if oh thank goodness I don’t have to work 24/7 for the next few months I need to have a couple of days off it may be that drastic Pisces you could be an entrepreneur you could be running your own business there is going to be some good news financially which is going to enable you to get a good night’s sleep is what I’m getting and it could come from a family member coming through as the empress so Pisces this could be a family member who is an older woman could be your mother could be your grandmother could be an older sister okay and Pisces this is someone who wants to heal the connection with you so there may have been some kind of family Rift and your family may have understood that you were actually struggling and this could be a family member stepping up to say okay Pisces I or we want to help you and this is you sort of breathing aide relief and feeling okay good well I don’t have to work seven days a week for a few months I can take a a little bit of a break this is relief for you I’m not getting you wanting to pop open champagne and celebrating I’m just getting a thud of relief thank God you know all right Pisces underneath the deck we have the four of cups so this person is going to come into your life this King of Swords this fall energy but you’re going to say no thank you I’ve moved on with a palace of Swords this person got you in your head and I think you may have struggled to move on with the Five of Cups they left you very disappointed and they’re coming back but they still don’t have good intentions so Pisces you’re going to walk away finally you might have wondered about whether or not this person would ever come back you’re walking away finally into your future and with the eight of Pentacles Pisces you’re working very hard on your finances is you’re thinking about the past so you could be also working on a past situation with family members it’s not easy they may have realized that you’re actually juggling two Pentacles you may have felt as if you were trying to get to some kind of dream here trying to reach the Golden City right I’m feeling as if it was never going to happen I think you’ve got someone coming in in the form of the empress who may be wanting to help you with the energy of the hermit Pisces there could also be a Virgo who’s wanting to speak to you or someone who’s older and wiser maybe giving you advice it could be advice on your finances going forward but I see you moving into a more peaceful place feeling a little bit more financially secure okay Pisces beautiful all right guys so from here let’s get some messages from the universe here we go guys so Archangel Michael what does the universe want to say to my lovely Pisces thank you Michael Focus Pisces focus on this butterfly this is you going through metamorphosis you’re coming out from this foggy heavy energy your eyes are going to open they want you to focus on the future because you have been sat in a five which is a challenge you may feel as if you’ve been underwater you don’t really know what you’re doing everything’s foggy right you’re about to fly free you’re about to receive some good news Pisces focus on the future keep focused on what you’re wanting okay blossom because things are about to unfold beautiful three is about change and three and three is six which is about not only the past but this is about you creating balance blossoming Pisces things are going to start improving for you okay what else do we have for my lovely Pisces thank you Michael patience all right Pisces don’t rush okay be patient I feel as if you’re heading through that portal you’re coming out of that cave ready to expand but it’s going to take a little bit more time all right so just be aware of that okay gratitude and Pisces be grateful because I feel as if something’s coming in and it could be a helping hand from parents family something like that something’s coming in which is going to lift you out of a difficult time be gracious and appreciative of whatever is coming in because this is going to help you move in a New Direction okay wow Pisces so as always we’re going to get our final message from Archangel Michael so Archangel Michael what have you got for my lovely Pisces please thank you Michael Pisces lovely you’re on the right path and the prayer reads Archangel Michael I call upon you now thank you for giving me loud and clear guidance that I easily understand thank you for motivating me and filling me with a courage and confidence to make helpful life changes so Pisces there will be changes but they will be to your benefit okay so don’t resist change Go With It surrender to the Divine keep focused and I think you’re going to have some good news coming in all right guys so I am leaving the reading there have a wonderful weekend whatever you’re up to all right and of course I’ll be back before you know it with your next set of readings see you soon guys bye now [Music]


    1. Soooooo, the Aquarius is my ex boyfriend that I broke up with 2 weeks ago… I am now involved with a Taurus, but I don’t see it going far, so I am getting ready to cut bait on that one here shortly. The Aquarius has narcissistic tendencies. Idk if he is a full blow narcissist, but I see several traits. He absolutely lied to me and I forgave it, then he posted publicly “poems” to his ex on social media. I called him on it and he took it all down. Then I worked 7 days per week and was going to see him for the weekend and he told me not to come (which would mean 3 weeks of not seeing him) so, I broke it off. I am sure there was another female in the mix, but I don’t know for sure. You were spot on!

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