Lors de ce webinaire, le conférencier revient sur son parcours professionnel et l’historique de ses travaux en tant que responsable des installations du Service central d’expérimentation et d’instrumentation de terrain à l’Institut Max Planck de biogéochimie à Jena, en Allemagne. Plus particulièrement sur la mise en œuvre et le fonctionnement des stations et réseaux de mesure et sur le contrôle de la qualité des données collectées. Un certain nombre de photos illustreront les endroits où lui et son groupe sont intervenus et quelles ont été leurs activités.

    Objectifs d’apprentissage
    – Conception des réseaux de mesure
    – Processus d’étalonnage
    – Accès aux stations reculées et transmission des données

    CONFÉRENCIER : Olaf Kolle, Institut de technologie de Karlsruhe
    – Études en météorologie (maîtrise obtenue en 1987)
    – Scientifique à l’Institut de technologie de Karlsruhe (KIT) auparavant connu comme le Centre de recherche de Karlsruhe, en Allemagne, depuis 1997
    – Responsable des installations du Service central d’expérimentation et d’instrumentation de terrain, à l’Institut Max Plank de biogéochimie, à Jena, en Allemagne, depuis avril 2023
    – Expert scientifique invité à l’UQAM (poste temporaire)

    [Music] so we’re pleased to receive today Olaf poll which comes to us from Germany and Olaf was a scientist as uh Carl Institute of Technology and then the head of central service facility ER field experiments and instrumentation at the max blank Institute Anda today is here to talk to us about his career and what he did uh in field workor and all that so I laugh uh oh one thing if you have questions please wait at the end of the presentation you can write them in the chat if you’re online and we’ll have a short period for answering those questions at the end so all yours thank hello everyone good morning thank you for invting me um yeah I’m I’m glad to share with you to have the opportunity to share with you some uh Impressions from my 25 years at the max plank Institute from I work there and um I also want to give you an idea about um the challenges and requirements uh to finally obtain high quality data which you are also or some of you are users of why is it oops sorry okay yeah so as mentioned I started u with a study of mology in kour City close to France in the Rin Valley and um then later I was working uh also as PhD candidate at the research center C which you see here and uh in I was U part of this project here um hydrological project with measurement component and modeling component so I did at that time I also did some modeling yeah then I uh had the opportunity to uh join um an expedition in 1996 to Siberia to Central Siberia with Professor Schulz my girlfriend at that time did her PhD with with him or at him uh and he was very active already before in in Russia early after it was open it was possible to go there and so we started with a train with 100 boxes all with all the equipment and then we were brought into the here into the Tiger in the middle of nowhere we put up our equipment our camp in tents and then we yeah we needed to go with the helicopter and also we were using um instead of not only but also this kind of natural Tower just a tree where we were mounting our Sonic animal on top yeah then um this professor uh he the year after he uh founded together with two other uh professors the max plun Institute for biog chemistry in Y which is in the eastern part of uh Germany uh there are in total like 80 uh Max Blan institutes all over Germany in different research fields and um yeah so and he knew me from this uh Expedition and so he offered me a job at uh this institute in this so-called Central scientific Service Group for field experiments and instrumentation I’m still working there as a freelancer with service contract with a few hours per month yeah what is the objective of this institute the scientific objective it’s I like this cartoon of the earth system and so you see all the interactions and feedbacks I mean there are some arrows maybe missing uh but you have the surface and below the surface the ocean the land surface and the cryosphere and uh then we have this very thin layer of atmosphere sensitive vulnerable and you have many arrows going here between the different spheres and in the center us the humans with all their activities influencing yeah the atmosphere and the land surface and so on so um there is um a cluster of of five Max plank Institutes these Earth and solar system re research partnership so it’s my Institute biog geochemistry and Y and chemistry in mines meteorology in Hamburg and then the solar system research in gting and another one in y the Geo anthropology so just Qui sorry this is only in in German um these are in this institute the three departments with the three Direct s two Germans and Susan trumo is from the US and then here is also former directors and this is this um he is the founding director with whom I was in cbera so you see here um two of the Departments deal mainly with modeling and Susan is the only pure let’s say experimental is well heads the um pure experimental department but also the other tools have experimental branches so that our my my former group uh for field experiments and instrumentation don’t read everything um we had enough work because all of the groups of the Departments had demands for us uh yeah to set up field inst and so on so here is my successor T and I want to draw your attention also to this here this is a book by Thomas foken as editor he is a German atmospheric researcher already older also retired but he is still active and he edited this Handbook of of atmospheric measurements also other books but in this book I was first author of one of six chapters so what are the fields of research in this institute so we observe uh and investigate the cycles of substances in the different spheres um one focus is carbon which we find inside of us and everywhere around us and of particular interest is the atmospheric CO2 uh because it’s one reason for the global warming and so there we do concentration measurements and flux measurements I come to that later also of interest is about sources and SS of methane and nitrous oxide as climate relevant gases and yeah in the last two three years is one group also looking at voc’s and their influence on the interactions the uh Forest atmosphere interface yeah then CO2 okay you I think you know all this curve here on the on the right side the red one is from from the maaa uh the long time series of the CO2 concentration on Hawaii and we are measuring or started to meure CO2 when the Institute was founded and our first tower started in 1999 it was a flux Tower so the concentration uh time series is not so nicely because we measure close to the surface and there are local L of lcal influences but the trend you can see also from this and in 2008 we started um to measure CO2 concentration with a high uh let’s say high Precision on our our weather station on top of our Institute Building so this analyzer is being calibrated automatically every night so uh measurements are pretty good and yeah follow also the monaa observations so when I started to work at the max plank the ambient cancer concentration was like 360 something and meanwhile we are at 420 which is an increase of 16% so what are the measurement methods uh one thing are high precise uh concentration concentration measurements so no fluxes but rear concentrations we do this with long-term continuous measurements uh this is uh Brazil in Brazil Central Brazil called Tower I show this later also and on the other side campaign measurements here with aircraft this is also over the rainforest and this is also more like continuous measurements the concentration of soil CO2 tubes are entered into the soil and then with continuous um cycling of the air cycling of the air we can measure the concentration changes in the soil then air sampling very important so the air is collected into flasks uh here they are coated are from glass and coed uh because of safety and um I don’t know if you have heard about the icos the integrated carbon observation system in Europe with 14 member countries um and for so they they have an atmospheric Branch with concentration measurements and a flux um our ecosystem Branch with flux elements and meanwhile also an oceanic branch and these um flask Samplers they were developed in yena in our Institute these are automated flask Samplers and you can put in 24 flasks here and there is then computer controlling the measurement the air is being collected from a tower for example with a long tube and the flasks are being filled with this Air closed automatically and then they can be stored for a while and later they will be analyzed in the lab so we have a g lab in our Institute this is the upper L upper pictures uh but since we have this uh experience and expertise also from the iOS um the this laboratory flas and calibration laboratory was established in yena in uh close collaboration with our Institute and you see there are coming all the flas from all the sides where they have flask Samplers this I think they they built like 20 20 between 20 and 30 flask Samplers which were sent to the different stations and all the flas are collected here measured and they are producing also very precise high quality calibration gases which will then be distributed to the different collaborators to calibrate their instruments so these were the concentration measurements then um the ovarian or the flux measurements let’s say so one part of it is the uh Edo variance on Towers with a Sonic anomer measuring the perent wind field and then here an analyzer measuring any yeah Trace gases can be CO2 water methane all those for which fast measure fast analyzers are available because we need to measure at a rate of 20 volts So Below uh this Eddie measurements and the so surface we need sometimes especially if we measure in the forest additional profile measurements to get the full flux picture and we measure with chambas on the surface it can be soil respiration only CO2 but can also be methane or n2o for example so this is the picture of our locations where we have been or still are active orange our former sites and the other ones are still operating uh yeah so Brazil then here some sites in different countries in Africa South in southern Africa Europe of course um then since 1997 1997 uh in different activities in Russia and this dot here uh only appears after we were not able to go anymore to Russia after the war starts every all all activities were stopped there and but I explain it later yeah then is also one dot here in Greenland I was once there was very interesting we put there flas so now just quickly the two um parts of measurements so one is the shortterm the case studies process studies and campaigns and the other is the long-term measurements on the case studies only a few words uh it’s important to have very good sensors for this because we we want to focus on the special process for example we need to do good calibration before and after the campaign we need yeah high quality data acquisition and storage and a highly reliable power supply because if some thing of this fails then the whole campaign maybe just the aims are not reachable will be missed in such campaigns often homemade components are also used I show some examples this looks a bit messy here uh but this were in early times the first aircraft measurements which we did in in Russia we were flying on the old Anon of 2 bwing plane and uh here we had all our boxes with um FL sampling with yeah continuous um real time concentration measurements of CO2 calibration gases for in between calibration yeah and then also Explorations with drones for example uh this drone we we uh our electronic Workshop they built a VOC sampler where the where air is trapped in small vials which then later will be analyzed the air inside and uh this drone is for example used in um the at the AO Tower in in the rainforest because there we have a lot of vo’s in the air and we fly over the ground so the trees and collect air and all this here is is homemade of course yeah then few words to station not in Greenland uh this is uh between continuous measurements and more like campaigns because uh the flask sampler is measuring automatically is filling these 24 flasks automatically but then of course somebody needs to go there and exchange the flasks uh and send the flasks back to Germany to our laboratory so I had the chance was great to install this flask sampler there here I’m with my colleague an engineer uh with whom I was traveling a lot and the Danish so it is military formerly us but now danish Army and there is also from the University of aus is a research station there and we were collaborating with them because they have on this Tower here uh it’s an iOS atmospheric station and we were adding uh this flask sampler yeah then also like more campaign wise here special measurements in in green houses which we set up and have inside a many different measurements in the soil and we have an automated irrigation system and here some um yeah chamber measurements with also homemade automated Chambers but this was running only for two seasons or so in summer yeah with a lot of um here with a lot of um different um analyzers and data acquisition and controlling devices and the sophisticated software piece here yeah then the last from for campaigns and things like this so we built our Greenhouse they had small Chambers um with trees inside where they controlled uh the atmosphere the concentration of CO2 in these Chambers and we built here a watering system with automated watering um for I think 72 different pots with trees and also like this is also compaign wise simple well not simple but uh just soil respiration measurements manual soil respiration measurements so then more important continuous long-term measurements and projects so uh the users and customers are can be governmental or non-governmental organizations climate researchers in general modelers in particular um what needs to be delivered of Time series of the tra gas concentrations and environmental variables and important always with as few gaps as possible as is to have a whole year uh yeah a whole year data set with only very short gaps inside so then we need to deliver all the meta data of the site of the measurements then we need to establish data use US policy data access me method standardization and the data security so how are data protected how many backups at different places all important steps then the objectives of this long-term measurements I mean it’s not necessarily complete but it’s came what came to my mind so the temporal domain we are interested in seasonal and inter annual variations long-term trends especially because of the climate change then we are interested in yearly budgets and we have the spatial domain so different ecosystems we look at precipitation gradients different climate zones and just geographical characteristics so what is important before we start measuring this is something we are also dealing right now with uh here at you so we of course overall question is what are our aims what is the scientific objective so then we need to select a site which is representative has sufficient patch conditions so not only a small patch but needs to be homogeneous over a bigger area and for any cence measurements ideally it should be flat uh then we need to decide on the tower you will see some um examples we have thin climbing Towers or scaffolding Towers walk up towers and so on um also sometimes we have wooden towers for example if we are at the coastline we started with a metal Tower but that was after two years it was corroded more less completely so we had to switch to a wooden Tower uh and then we have the T TOS so then the sensor selection here it is of course they should be good and precise but they must also be robust when they run over years operate over years they should be maybe low maintenance sometimes we have to look at the power consumption it should be low if we have only if we are limited in power availability then now this also the question about anal lock and the more modern digital um sensors then we can have different gas analyzers I will not go into these details here and we can have different Sonic anomers which are more measuring nicely and similar in all directions or we can have the non omnidirectional Sonic anomers for example if we have only a certain area where the wind comes from or if we have big tower behind then it makes no sense to measure from that direction then very important the power supply if you are lucky we have line power with solar energy and batteries we would be completely independent but this is also a big investment then we can have a fuel cell this is something we will most likely also have in some of our sides here then sometimes it’s the only way way is to use a generator with a combust combustion engine we have sites like this in Russia or a hybrid system with different combinations of this so now some pictures so this was the first Tower I was setting up at the Marx blank Institute it was at 36 M high in a nice uh Beach dominated Dees Forest it was later replaced by a walk up Tower we had a power Supply with solar energy U batteries and for winter time we added a generator which was running on propane gas this was our agricultural field with a power which could be adjusted in height so it could like follow the growth of the vitation to maintain always the same area the same footprint area uh there we had power but here you see for example there is in in not too far away there is already another uh land use let’s say so the farmer some other horn or whatever plan for here uh so this is in this situation not so good because we it is not homogeneous we will receive maybe signals from different land use areas so then these were early sites in in Russia TW is close to Moscow what we had two sites in a b and in a forest with very special Towers but they could be transported very easily and here we had solar energy and batteries so this these sites were operating only during the summer time yeah this was Central Siberia very basic installation here but uh it was difficult to bring all the equipment to that place and yeah so it’s not not really well Professional installation more yeah more basic so then a nice sight in Spain with a telescope Tower also could be high up to 25 M it’s driven by an electrical Wich and the whole thing is uh mounted on a um on a trailer so it can Al it’s also mobile can be brought from one easily from one place to another there we have solar energy uh together combined so it’s a hybrid system uh with a fuel cell and the fuel cell is running here you see the canisters on methanol so this is a walk up Tower in Germany the tower itself is bought material which we bought from the German army that is sold all is out material very cheap uh it’s a problematic site because it’s on a ridge and the conditions for Ence measurements are yeah really bad and in principle you can use directly only like 50% of the measurements all the rest um you have to yeah Gap fill or forget so it was not a good decision this place but we have this Tower still uh because that’s the last one we have in Germany um of this height so we use it for instrument testing and for climbing exercises and rescue yeah rescue exercises is also an important point and you see also the winter conditions can be very harsh because it’s in the clouds around zero and then everything freezes it’s covered with ice uh so also these measurements are not uh cannot be used like this then this may happen also we had this is a 50 or 45 meter Towers also in the beach Forest but then two or three years ago during a storm event a crown of a tree broke and hit one of the guy wires and upper I don’t know 15 M or so yeah you see what happened uh but we could rebuild that Tower and you can see here I’m using the crossbow for installing the guy wires so we shot a thin fishing line and then a thicker line pull up and then the final guywire metal guywire is pulled down that’s a nice method yeah so here we have a a simple scaffolding Tower which is in some way bit similar to that what we will get here this was um project in in Botswana but here we have to deal also with the wildlife and we need to protect the Tower with an electrical fence for example yeah then there was a project called Caro Africa which was in Zambia very nice project over three years the power was already there we could use only solar energy to power everything and it was an open Woodland here then we are also besides the to Tower um active more south in Brazil you see here the pin um where they deforested already large areas first to use it as pater later then yeah to plant soybean or m whatever and this is of course here ideal very homogeneous very large area so ideal for flux measurements and we have also two additional Powers here in this um in these Forest areas all these sites run also only on solar energy very nice so then the toall towers so our first to Tower was in central Siberia zoto called it’s three little bit more than 300 met High here the yeah infrastructure for living and sleeping and so on and behind this house here is a container there are inside two not three big generators one ger from they came from Germany they were maintained also from a German guy and here’s the diesel tank which can contain enough diesel for one year of operation so then measurement networks um we can have different kind of networks so I course I mentioned this is a more closed Network they have clear regulations about everything protocols how to install instruments what in standardized instrumentation the data proc processing is not individual all the raw data are being transmitted to the data center in Italy uh you can use of course for for your own use you can do a own data processing and do some uh publication or whatever but for the central database it’s all um yeah centrally processed standardized calibration routines then we have the more diverse networks with not not all are using the same instrumentation of this but it is the aim is to collect all the data this is one is theary flux you know that I guess then we had similar thing smaller euroflux Network and then over as an umbrella the flux net which is not directly doing measurements or collecting directly from the sites but they take they link the regional networks and collect their data sets yeah to create harmonized edor data products then our small Network we have a name now may I may I yeah sh we call it now caroni what what is the the whole was oh not not so yeah but it’s a nice name the you eat is for Quebec yes yes okay so we will have uh in the end hopefully eight Ed Coran stations in Disturbed and undisturbed wetlands we use identical instrum instrumentation we are using scaffolding towers of different height we will have smaller Towers like 6 M high and where we have forested sites that will be higher depending on the height of the T State also we are using different power supplies we are lucky our first site will have line power they are just about to bring the cable to the place and then we will solar battery only systems but also some with these fuel cells and then an important point is the instrument calibration so the atmospheric domains with the tall towers and the Precision tcas concentration measurements they are all equipped with gas big gas tanks uh with high quality Regulators High Precision gas mixtures for example for CO2 the Precision will be better than 0.1 PPM uh they are produced in our Ina in our Institute these gas tanks or gas which is inside um yeah then we have automated calibration and yeah then difficult how to position the the tanks normally horizontally uh so that there is no yeah no thermal effects on it and it may also happen if you place them vertically that there is after when the bottle goes more to empty more Direction empty that there might be um a Dem mixture we had this case and so it seems that the CO2 was accumulating more the bottom of the bottle and so concentrations which came out of the bottle was wrong now then the ecosystem domain with the flux measurements um the Precision I say is not necessarily so needs not to be so high because the edance method uses only concentration differences so if there is a slight offset it does not influence the the result of the edance measurement and the data processing normally or usually no automatic calibration procedures are implemented you can do it but also icos for example they do not have automatic calibration yeah so you can calibrate manually in fixed intervals or um in case of obvious drifts so you can take the instrument back to the lab do the calibration there but then you should have a spare instrument which you can put at the tower during this maybe takes some days bring it and so on or you can try to do the calibration at the side which we often do and then we have this um environmental domain with a normal mological sensors you some can be calibrated at home in the lab depending on your resources um instruments like for example the radiation instruments you can send to the manufacturer for calibration or what is more common you have a round robin system which you bring from side to side matter of how a few days in different conditions and then um yeah correct the instruments at the side with these yeah new calibration function so then um I want to show you this also this is chy in the far Northeast Siberia uh we were active there already 2004 and then there was a break and then we restarted 2013 and here we have two Powers one is here one is here in a disturbed let’s say we started undisturbed but then after a few years we were making this trench to um no um to drain to drain this area uh so there is an outflow here into this Channel and then we started set up this system in 2013 so we can compare an undisturbed with a disturbed one here we have only generator on combustion engine so the advantage is that it is running really all over the year the whole year also in winter this was operated there was a guy sitting there taking care of everything yeah and this is one of my favorite places this is uh yeah where we are hosted there and every year during the summertime many many scientists from from all over the world were coming young students from us old people like me and um you see all the flags here also Canada very close to Russia so this is the flow of money yeah the closer you are to Russian to the Russian flag the more money goes to this place yeah so it was a peaceful place it was science uh it was respectful sometimes not of what CS has been Dr drunken yeah but it is really a nice place unfortunately I think I will never be there again yeah and this is one of the towers here uh we have an open path analyzer but inside the hut we have also a Clos path one so why I’m showing this also is because of the calibration this can of course only be done here we can bring the instruments somewhere the site can be reached only with boats half an hour boat drive on this channel in summer in Winter you can go with a car and the Frozen Channel yeah and also here we have flooding every year when when the the river the Big River the kar river is uh going north and so ice blocks the water coming from South and then this area is flooded and for this we can lift up this with winches we can lift up the whole Hut for up to a meter and a half or so yeah and then very far in the north uh another 100 kilometers north of chelki at the poast of the Arctic Ocean there is ambari which is a meteorological station of the Russian weather service and we had the chance to install there an atmospheric station we erected this Old Tower and we put here in one of the rooms of This Old House um our equipment it is um picaro gas analyzer below the table here there are the calibration gases and everything normally runs automatically uh the people there have from time to time an eye on our system yeah then Spain there we are using this lyos 7,200 which we are using here in our project also and we do there the calibration at the tower with special equipment small gas tanks and so on we are I think here not fully have not fully decided how how we will do it here yeah then the access um and data transmission so this has in developed a lot during the last decades so from from nothing going there we taking the data on the dis or whatever our landline connection GPRS and so on satellite internet now in TR Valley Creek I think you have that Oliver Starling um but there are maybe cases is where it’s not even not permitted in Russia we were not allowed to have any remote access so the collaborator there had to get the data on the stick and then put it on on a server and then we could download it but now we can have all raw data all the high frequency data in in real real time this is important if we want to produce good data we need to check every day uh we will produce quick looks and a technician or so will check every morning how does it look are there special notifications about failors or whatever and how do the time series look like and then we produce yeah then we have an automatic processing with all checks and Corrections and then we produce uh we just talked about this few days ago different products on pure raw data we have then we have so called best data where we remove spikes or data where obviously something is not correct if you have more sensors in at the same height or whatever we can select the best sensor and these are the data for the modelist because they are not modified they are only measured and so this is what can be used to proove models to develop models and so on and then we will produce getfield data where small gaps are filled with different methods and these data can be used in studies or for end end users and these data go to Central flux databases and then it’s important to have backups of all of that so come slowly to the end this is ATO the tall tower also very nice place in the M here’s man on the Amazon uh and then oh 7 kilm direct line is here is the upper Tower you need to go by power and then by boat then you reach this place it’s called PTO ATO and then you need to go another 15 kilomet with the car and then you walk up the tower and then you have this nice view endless rainforest really really beautiful and then here are additional Towers 80 M high and yeah this is a few meters higher than the Eiffel Tower and this is the the camp and we sleep normally in these hammocks and on the base of the tower we have some containers and here we have been installing safety um no safety equipment or yeah and and we have installed this this rail here there will be a ro kind of Ro robot outside the tower a platform which moves up and down and has inside any kind of measurement device so it can measure profiles continuously moving automatically up and down very nice uh installation yeah so this was my group uh technicians Engineers a gardener here she is Gardener software engineer electronic and mechanic workshops so we were really a good group good team this is my successor and here is the Institute Building from a drone um we have here 10 m tower on top where the weather station is on uh where we do the CO2 measurements and which we also use for rescue exercises now why I am here how did that happen that happened because we had to stop our activities in Russia and our PI was looking for Alternatives and where do we find P Frost in Canada so for in some way he approached Oliver and since Oliver is active in TR Valley Creek uh we started to collaborate I was there one time and 2022 um I was the only one having no covid from our group all the others they couldn’t come with us one day before it turned out there Co and Matias got Co during we were there and so I was the only one working yeah so um and there I met Oliva and then I told Oliva listen I retire next year and maybe I’m I’m still open for work if you have something uh call me and then took a while and then he called me and so he then had introduced me to Michelle and to this project and I was they were yeah kind of I don’t know lucky to find have found some expert for this and so that’s why I came here and it’s now the third time I’m here I was last year in Autumn then shortly in January and now another six weeks and this is our lab in the you come we have set up a prototype system with all the instruments we prepar the boxes which will go on the tower this will be the kind of tower we have Scaffolding in different heights and this is now the the drawing here for the first Tower we visited the place the electric cable will go there and uh yeah it will be um Disturbed Marsh it is an agricultural field very wet currently they drain it and so we hope to be able at least in a few weeks to have this Tower running here and the next one will follow thank you now I have time for questions I’ll start with questions from the [Music] room uh how do you ensure the generators sorry I’m hearing not so well how do you ensure the generators when you have them or that they don’t like influence the measurements question of course yeah um we try um there are different strateg yeah you can place the generator more directly under the then you are not lucky really at no R um so normally we try to put them away in this Russian situation with the two towers is approximately 500 me and of course we choose the position so that you have um only rare situations where the wind is coming from that direction but sure this is something you should take care of in the data processing I either you see p or something or you just exclude for example [Music] automatic situations where the air is coming from we have also uh generator I haven’t mentioned that a big one really big one U but that is I think like two or three kilometers away and interestingly and at they I don’t know how the situation is currently but there work plans one guy was active trying to find money to have to replace this generator by solar system but that solar system needs to be very big because we have a lot of power demand in a instrument all the infastructure and um for the S Sy you need to cut Forest it’s it’s a national protected this area so negotiations I don’t know we have a question online from the chat if you want to read it is asking he curious to know more about your data management infrastructure uh so in terms of data services offered at Works to the great diversity of data sources you presented yeah I’m not the right person really with all data management I I always have to do very l so also directly in our Institute we uh we were responsible for the technical set up and everything and maybe also for the data transmission but then the next step were the pis and the eyes they have posts or their PhD students and they took care about all the data processing and what they did with the final results how they put it so this was never like my but I think it’s in our project oh yeah I don’t know who asked the question okay maybe works with yeah so um in our project we’re going to hire a data manager and um the best person person that could respond to his question is Saro within our group from Miguel so maybe he can be referred to to s or to me and then I [Music] can thanks do oh we have a question the back of the room thank thank presentation um I’m curious about your experience with vandalism I’m curious about your experience with vandalism and how you deal with that places you put up a station for tens of thousands of dollars and three months later there’s somebody’s battery all time and everything disappears yeah no we had discussions here also and it seems that Canada is more dangerous I don’t know no we really we were very lucky in this sometimes people climb these towers and drink a beer on top nice okay and we had safy Ro inside the power where we connect walking up somebody like this road really Hardware was we had on the on the biodiversity experiment per we had a lot of um sensors infrared temperature sensors surface tempure and it looked a bit like a camera and somebody stole one of 20 I think he could not use make much use of it yeah so I suggested also here so we normally put information play with information not uh that sh it’s not a good idea but we put also business finan by public money so please go to worse yeah so it’s really we were really lucky also like solar panels or things like this I mean in some sites you have like cars there in Africa for example they told us you shouldn’t have a there otherwi to do so they get money from us and other are so remote that nobody go there and it would be very difficult to take something away from there but also in Germany all really right uh yeah I think that’s going to be it for the questions thank you a lot for your presentation

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