In this video, we look at the beautiful city of Copenhagen. I was there for 4 days, but I’d love to back to explore more. My favorite part has to be the biking. There are trails everywhere, and it’s the best method for traveling the city. The Frederik’s Kirke was also really nice, as was experiencing the Reffen, and Christiania.

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    0:00 Intro
    1:01 Canals and Downtown
    2:47 Frederik’s Kirke
    3:35 Christiania
    4:40 Thoughts on Danes
    7:02 Reffen Street Food
    9:34 Interview with another citizen of the world
    14:44 Wrap Up

    guests welcome to Copenhagen Airport please remember to remain seated with us with your seat bird fast to reach the final parking stand and the seat bir signs have been switched off well with Denmark being on the coast there’s a whole lot of seafood take a look what I found here this is a lucus SM brood I’m going to try this out it looks like it’s uh baked or fried fish and it’s got shrimp on there some kind of caviar as well and I don’t know maybe some kind of tartar sauce on there let’s give that a shot one time M good oh good so there’s a ton of water of course in all of Copenhagen um canals and yeah everywhere kids and adults too were playing in the water here you see that there’s the structure that the kids were climbing up and then uh jumping off of I thought that was pretty cool I mean really everybody was just enjoying the weather I guess they probably don’t get that much really warm and sunny weather up there in Copenhagen so yeah everybody was just um outside tons of people outside ready to go swimming playing in the water was fun to watch quite fun and of course it’s really the city of biking people biking everywhere they got different kinds of bikes up there in Copenhagen they’ve um I hardly saw any ebikes at all which I thought was nice oh the EM was going on that was Ukraine against Belgium playing on the open air and here you see people biking again there’s a bab yeah really just it’s so nice then we saw these girls they had just graduated and so they drive around the trucks and they play a lot of music and I think they must be drinking something they got this funny hats on Copenhagen is a very vibrant city with a lot of tall buildings actually a whole lot of water about a million people biking all over the place it’s nice to see as a bike lover I love it they’ve even got fishing right in town and again a whole bunch of big buildings some nice churches to look at as well nice city to visit so this beautiful piece of architecture here is the Frederick’s church and it is famous for having the largest dome of all of the cathedrals in Scandinavia and I love going into churches so let’s go take a look those are some massive columns son of a gun massive doors too as I would expect not going to be quiet all right so here I’m going inside the Frederick’s church and you see um the large doome inside you see I think those are the apostles painted there and I think it’s also a Luther Roe up there at the top yeah nice Church to check out on the inside and beautiful on the outside then you’ve got chrisan which is a self-proclaimed free town it’s got big time hippie Vibes there is a lot of art going on a lot of graffiti a lot of cannabis um it’s not completely free because uh in some cases you know the police have jurisdiction here as far as I understand but it certainly got a different vibe than what you get in other parts of town so this has been a self-proclaimed free town since 1971 and it’s uh it’s cool definitely something to check out when you are here in Copenhagen apparently the residents also still pay taxes and stuff so so I think the main tenants are art progressiveness uh freedom and weed so after spending a few days in Copenhagen I have some thoughts about how the people are here compared to Germany or in the states the first thing I noticed is that they speak way better English than you’re going to find anywhere in Germany they just do hardly any accent at all and I think the reason is they don’t synchronize the movies or any of that stuff what else I noticed is they just love love love love love biking I mean there’s bikes everywhere here it’s their main method of transportation I think they transport themselves their kids their food everything with bikes something else I noticed is the women are pretty goodl looking like quite pretty and um I’m guessing the men are too or like whatever I don’t really know and of course it’s a town on the under water so there’s a lot of boats and stuff and the people when it gets nice outside they really take advantage they just jump right in these canals or I’ve seen them like go up tall structures and just jump in from like meters above they like to play in the water when it’s nice outside and it has been nice see the building is pretty similar to uh Germany to an extent right three pane windows um what you do see is a whole lot more brick the buildings are those small bricks that’s what I mean in Germany the buildings are basically the the really big bricks those blocks and then they have the puts over it so Denmark is definitely different with the smaller bricks that they use and I would say the feeling here the vibe is very Progressive um oh they have uh un unisex bathrooms here so a whole bunch of stalls no urinals for the men but a whole bunch of close stalls for the men and women to share the bathrooms at the same time so quite Progressive uh they’re pretty friendly as far as I can tell and helpful and considering that they all speak English it’s easy to get around so yeah Scandinavian Vibe I’d say more than I thought it was going to be similar to Germany but I’d say it’s more Scandinavian than it is Germany and it belongs to Scandinavia but I just kind of thought since it’s attached to Germany it would be kind of like Germany but it ain’t what do you guys think and then at the tip of the peninsula they got this crazy place it’s called Rin and they got all kinds of goodies they got street food they got vintage items it is H what the young people would call A vibe yeah it’s pretty nuts got some 80s music playing it’s pretty neat I got got to say you could hang out here all afternoon Mexican street food holy cow what is this that looks amazing some grapes going on here if I had to describe this place I would say hipster street food meets German beer garden meets hippie Scandinavia that is really something they even got a brewery here look at that this is probably the coolest place I’ve seen so far in Copenhagen yeah this place something else and what else I seem to notice here in Denmark cuz they seem to like their R&B that Soul music M me too once you get out past the street food you come to an area full of sand it’s essentially uh a beach over here don’t know if it’s a natural Beach or man-made but yeah look at all these saying people seems like there’s a lot of a lot of people up here all kinds of good stuff they got a um all right here’s a pretty good view into the city back behind that big cruiser boat is the round domed um Frederick’s church and you got these these big boats I don’t know I think those are just fairies got sail boats around here as well pretty neat here look at those big hooks dang my channel is really just about the cultural differences you know but this is also interesting to see what you’re making how you’re making it you know everybody loves food everybody everybody loves food yes and it’s it’s people food bring people together so that’s also that’s right it’s actually the most boring thing is live is to eat alone yeah yeah I don’t like it I’m here without my kids without my wife it’s not so nice it’s not so nice to not be able to share it food for you I get food but it’s nicer to be it’s nicer to be somebody with so you told me that you cook it’s Kurdish food and you cook with no spices there no spices only fresh vegetables and uh fresh herbs that’s it and we we the only spice we use is salt it’s not a spice it’s a natural product and we have use actually also sumak and sumak is not a spice it’s a berry okay so it’s not a really spice so in kistan you use it almost for everything and it’s very healthy [Music] a citizen of the world yeah yeah yes yes is is here fam [Music] kind this you have a Danish wife I have a Kurdish wife uhhuh but she lived here she is also the reason I’m here yeah love love does something to a person what yeah yeah there is there in in in Courage they say always you you are you are coming from there where your wife come from yeah so right now kurish danish my wife is German that’s why I’m still in Germany yeah yeah but you have for American you have a crazy German accent I can hear it no yes you you should you should have a have an English accent in your German but it’s the opposite what you have your German is better than your English huh no I think I have an accent in both languages now yeah the same here I don’t know what which language I have to choose here Kurdish English Danish is or German I told German to my kids so they can learn it and we are also every year in in Austria couple of months he nice so what do you like better about Germany or Bavaria compared to Denmark I love most Vienna Vienna Vienna is the beautiful city in the world so what I like about Germany the language the language is very interesting actually uh German is one of the language what where do you can say every feeling in words and that’s German yeah yeah I think they have they have something about 7 800,000 words one of the highest one but they they describe differently than in English yeah yeah English you have 400,000 or something and in Kurdish you have over 1.1 million wordss and the best Kebab in Iran is cish all of them the best thank you very much thank you so do you make also a vegetarian ke we have also one vegetarian is based of eggplants or we call it oin so it’s also very tasty I eat everything okay that’s nice I love people who eat everything yes we have also vegetarian actually we have everything we made the we have a a menu where where we have vegan vegetarian meat chicken lactose free gluten free and we made it like that you just need to change one thing or remove one thing so you have everything thank you easy for everybody so everybody can [Music] get so to wrap up yeah it was a beautiful experience in Copenhagen there’s a lot to see and it was just nice Vibes with so many people outside enjoying the weather and enjoying the water even met a fisherman I heard people shooting at a gun club there which is really cool they had a golf course there there’s really a lot to do and in just a few days it was not enough to see everything but um I definitely would like to go back again thanks for watching the video guys


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