Join us on Onel1fe Rally 2024! We drive 80 supercars through various eastern european countries over 6 days!

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    ah hello and welcome back to another o hello welcome back to another certified o Shing video we are here in Al baby we are in we are in Tian Albania today marks the day of our first ever Supercar ready that me and man were going to do because we are at one left R and we’re going to drive with a bunch of supercars all across Europe over the next couple of days it’s going to be a pretty good time I think I’m very very motivated of course I had to bring my shittiest car oh not not the shittiest car it’s not Eddie but I had to my R35 gdr it’s still broken I’m going to show you later one life R I think it’s probably one of the best relies you can do apart from Gumble and not really any other rally I know I don’t really like going to these Ries I have to say I did a small rally in winter but it was like 6 years ago but it was in Winter six cars or something it’s going to be very interesting as usual man and me we don’t really fit in the the arrival yesterday was also nice it was very very nice yeah we landed at the airport it was very confusing we got to the hotel the hotel was very very nice we had some good dinner and then we went to sleep because we’re so tired also we have the FBI Most Wanted with us we have Alex Joy he’s still sleeping as usual so thanks Alex for being so late in his dreams he cannot chase him and we also have Austin let’s walk through the cars really quick and going to show you everything but before we do that let’s go to the start I’m going to explain everything to you and then we’re going to come by back here so let’s go all the way back a few weeks ago Gabriel and man decided to fix up my GTR because it was still in a pretty bad shape from the time where we took it to the Sahara Desert I now got a new front bar bumper and a complete new underside of my car so it kind of looks like a car again except for the rear bumper that’s still broken we also gave the car a breake job because it definitely needed that and now one week ago my car could shipped all the way to Albania where it was waiting for me and the Really to start fast forward to yesterday man me Alexa and Alex we landed in Albania at tyrana airport where it was a bit crowded to say the least some shuttles picked us up brought us to the hotel where we did all the check in for the one lifee rally we got a nice little goodie bag as well which which is very cool to have for the rally I guess and then we also pretty quickly went to sleep because we were so tired so today the rally finally starts One Life rally is going to take us through several countries over the course of 5 days we’re going to drive around 2,500 km all the way across Eastern Europe we’re going to visit different Bal countries and we’re going to see some of the most amazing places in Europe it’s going to be an amazing time with many many cool cars and many many cool people so sit back relax and enjoy well smuggling through security is pretty easy as you can see but yeah it’s a super car r i mean what do you expect we have a bunch of Hans we have a bunch of Ferraris we have an M4 that’s some that’s some Romanian MMA boxer I’m going to show you all the people later bro there’s so many funny people here in this R I tell you guys we had a quick little stop it’s so warm here in alvania and the music is so loud down there so we can’t really speak to you but we’re going back now so the mys are true they loud what girl yeah no it’s insane today I’m a bit nervous like I said it’s the first proper we’re going to go back to the starting grid now and speak to a few people hopefully with normal music this week is going to be very very extreme by the way I have no idea where we’re going I kind of have we’re going to Greece and after that I don’t really know anymore so it’s going to be quite interesting and I really really hope that my GTR does not malfunction somewhere in the way we didn’t really do any big service on the car and the car would need a big service but let’s just keep our fingers crossed and hope that we make it that’s the starting grid going to show you around a little bit guys safe and video we’re here in torona Albania got the M5 drift car drift car you look good you want to switch cars what is going on you want to switch cars no please does it have FC no we have this it’s all one color look at the inside so the thing is they want to fly all Choice Huracan but it did not arrive today it’s here so yeah this is pretty much what he’s going to drive for the first day until his huran arrives he’s not very happy about it but I honestly think it’s a pretty nice car to try to airing so you go very very good also manual transmission we like I can finally talk in peace now as you can see there’s quite many cars and quite many people I don’t know 59% of the people but so far everybody’s super nice uh we’re having a good time really is going to start out in 4 minutes uh I’m a bit nervous now I think everybody is a little bit we are going to drive from Tiana to Greece now oh yeah I guess that’s the start of the one thank [Music] you uh we are getting a police escort now as MC okay we’re get police escorted now I don’t know where I don’t know how I don’t know what I know the route you know the route yeah where are we going to grease perfect like I said man and my first rally I don’t really like doing Ries because mostly it’s very very stressful and you have to you know get up really early party in the night drive for a long day but uh one life is a bit more chill so that’s kind of a good thing we more like a vacation with friends yeah and some cool cars and cool roads so it’s going to be pretty nice I guess and also cool to have Alex with us and Austin Austin is coming up in the back now Alex is actually driving with Austin now yeah Alex does not want to drive the youle which I kind of understand but at the same time we should try it tomorrow a little bit I want to drive it yeah fish you the c one life early 2024 I’m getting a bit of Morocco wipes here to be honest though it feels like we’re back in Morocco the roads are also very very slippery which is good for us I guess it’s so slippery that’s insane and with that we start a new adventure start a new chapter sheeping goes with the rich and handsome Mr yeah this is perfect we’re pretty much in front of the group which is probably the best for us Austin and Alex they did some relies before so they gave us some really good tips first tip is never be last of the group because police is going to catch you which kind of makes sense if you think about it so let’s just try to stick to everybody else and see what we can do it’s a bit cold I right now honestly everybody’s trying to get into the shot in the front this is so but I have to say Albania is actually pretty nice they it’s very very hot so stinking uh what I wanted to say Albania itself is very very nice obviously it’s a bit poor but country itself is beautiful but for us it’s good when it’s poor so everything is cheap yeah we are we are so rich here now I’m multimillionaire here luxury lifestyle baby think that teenag look at this idiot want to race hey come on man clch kick [Music] Austin’s car does not produce any smoke mine at least does a little bit of smoke although it might be from the engine as well I don’t everything the roads here it’s incredible you sometimes see on Instagram those like videos in Turkey where they slide around the asphalt like low horsepower cars I fully and with bicycles with everything I fully understand that because those roads are so slippery for some reason I don’t know why though the asphal it’s just it’s like it’s raining yeah drift Heaven drift Heaven yeah look at this yeah look at [Music] this why is it so slippery here oh is so we have everybody’s foll us see everybody follow where are we going it’s so [Music] slippery so we have I don’t know if that’s even police or just some random guy with a security guard blocking the whole highway for us now let’s go baby [Music] m [Music] [Music] you know what to do [Music] B yeah ladies and gentlemen this is the first stop I think uh gas station where we have pizza and sandwich and security he the security guys is awesome yeah this is such a nice guy yeah so first little pet stop this first little ped stop here at the gas station tan even more cars shut up we got rollsroyce now with us it’s so nice here it’s so warm as well oh this is so cool I guess this is this is a dream of like every car guy to do a kind of as a like this once in their lifetime and me and man were doing it right now well this AMG gtrr looks so nice it has the full ticked body kit on it I think this looks better than the Black Series if you ask [Music] me next St is going to be the Greek border which they told us it’s going to be maybe tricky I already know do I have your passport or is it in the back it’s in the back perfect B [Music] yeah it’s so hot outside the car is overheating instantly if you push it a little bit but that road was good now I’m motivated again feels like we’re driving in Finland on Pure Ice honestly yeah [Music] what is it I see he was sitting inside the Ferrari took a picture wait out thank you brother me bro police here seems to be very very chill thank you for the service thank you for the service oh his way this don’t have drift Paradise guys this is such a chaotic trip right now we’re driving on the smallest Road in Albania with the most traffic possible with like 50 [Music] supercars is this [Music] and away for 360 bro I’m driving 150 km per hour I step on the gas wheel spin wheel spin and I’m not even in the highest map I’m in the lowest map possible because I fueled up the shittiest fuel welcome to a slip and slide with Sheepman this is so this is I don’t understand how you albanians drive on these roads I today because this is like a it’s a death trip for normal driving people you don’t know what you’re doing and you’re yeah you’re just going to fly off the road in every direction especially if it’s raining like you know it feels like I’m driving on snow it literally feels like that yeah but it’s just Alan roads and a little bit of what man and me we’ve been complaining the last hour about wanting to to eat something we can’t find anything in total we drove through Albania for about 5 hours which was really really cool to be honest I did not realize Albania was as beautiful as it really was and seeing those super cars drive through these roads in Albania was definitely a sight to see especially since some cars were just so out of place here our next step would be the Greek border because obviously Albania is not in Europe so we had to go through all the trouble of getting the passports and everything ready and having the whole car checked before we could go over into Greece welcome to Greece and empty highways that’s so sick we’re pretty much I think ahead of of everybody um I don’t think there’s many people behind us and these roads here they are so nice look there’s nothing no traffic just empty Highway yeah oh yeah let’s see maybe I think joy and the others are in front of us but everybody else should be way way way yeah yeah yeah no job B yeah the worst map [Music] [Applause] [Music] I still this diesel so fun fact about Greece they don’t really have any gas [Music] stations still no food but we got some fuel under unleaded 100 action not oh God we in police trouble so police just pull us over but not for the thing you might think they did as far as I know we’re getting escorted now to our last destination for today so we are collecting all the cars here right now but is it necessary I thought for a second that we’re going to get in trouble how you like it so far you know I have to say I was going to make a joke and say yeah it’s a great time but honestly this is the best rally I’ve ever been on one cuz we can wake up late yes that’s what the roads are great all the rallies take note we don’t want to wake up at 6:00 in the morning to drive 400,000 miles and then go out and no one sleeps we woke up 10:30 had some breakfast drove we had a great drive today and you know a couple hours of driving we hang out we get some food we go out this is how you do it I’m very happy I have to say having done all the round same I’ve never done the r but same thing sleeping is awesome 4 360 oh what the was [Music] that can I have a bite very hungry we out of have to have [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good say good it’s funny that the police does not give a they are filming as well hey the only time the Choy comes out of the car is when somebody does Donuts [Music] [Applause] pretty good it’s your turn my turn no you you guys know this this is some weak this is very easy we’re not drifing in the canyons it’s not just one small donut nope go watch my videos online you’re just a hater [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] police officer FaceTiming so enthusiastic his wife of the cars yeah yeah yeah hey look what I did at work today let’s send them to jail how you enjoy the ready so far with Austin’s driving sh1t driver Austin Austin Austin driver no Survivor what the P1 drift car yes rotary so all the cars arrived we were like waiting for 1 and 1 half hours too long yeah let me guess what we eating nothing dust normally I would be very nervous when seeing two police cars pull up with flashing lights but in this case it’s pretty fancy yeah Austrian police take an example of that this is how you treat us need to treat us the city is up in the madness the people is giv the damage they turn into animal Savage Ranos and hles and M the hero was coming I’m locked in you know that I’m winning I’m top 10 you know that I came from the do p you you get it you Dro de the rebel Came From The Bottom enemies [Music] yeah wo damn girls yeah this one nice yeah this is sure this is brutal okay day number one we made it first off Greece we arrived in Greece I don’t know where we are right now though kind of looks like a parking lot of a train station yeah let’s go there look a little bit what’s coming here so many people that’s crazy yeah it’s a random town of GRE and like thousand of people they do I do you like it I love you br one day R this is crazy happy like in the US if this rally happened be like every camera would be so upset bro this is crazy man so many people I hope don’t go to our restaurant it’s like a main event in this town oh that’s crazy I that’s insane I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people at like a car B in such a short time yeah I guess that’s it pretty much for the first day from what’s the name again of the b b BOS yeah looks like dinner is served here in Greece pretty nice I just hope the food is good we haven’t eaten all day money is probably stuffed already it’s find Austin oh GE Ah that’s my ear how is it it’s the food is really good uh this you need to have this looks poopy but it’s very good and it’s going to come out of my bum thank you thank you [Music] Austin very interesting auson is like the most ad person I know but I love him so much that there by way it’s a Greek tradition to smash the plates so qu taking some Greek stuff right now smas oh who’s going to clean that got me [Music] [Music] well I think it’s better to go sleep now here here here no no no no no the seat man has to break some stuff let’s go I no not not with me holding the camera let’s go grab a big stack yes yes first time in a video was Stu it’s suppos to break yes [Applause] [Music] okay let’s go to sleep I don’t want to clean it up okay we leave now before we have to clean it up good morning Mone yeah uh it’s now the second day of the r it is Monday and we’re driving from Greece to Bosnia now today I think we’re going to drive to Bosnia I’m not 100% sure it’s going to be comparably short drive today it’s only going to be like 3 hours and 50 minutes I don’t really know anything about the route but yeah it’s going to be very interesting and also we kind of want to try the Yugo today so let’s see how that goes although I can’t really see the car anyway here anyway we’re pretty early everybody also still asleep because most of these guys go party every night which my body can’t handle so we just went straight to sleep yesterday after smashing all the plates we’ve been greeted by so many people already today in the morning it’s a good feeling to make the people happy with all of our car stuff the r is going to start in like 1 hour so we’re going to wait till everybody shows up woo good morning man is on the toilet so I have to wait to M to arrive so Mr Sheepman what’s our next destination so I actually looked at the route now uh we are driving to Macedonia first and then through Kosovo which is very interesting and I think our final destination is Kosovo Pristina Pristina is K right I don’t know almost uh look at the road map then bye bye ladies bye Che thank you we’re getting police escorted now again thanks to the Greek police for escorting us [Music] yeah okay see nice the fun maker [Music] our next stop on our trip would be the small country of Macedonia which we only needed 1 hour to cross the whole country but before we did that obviously we had to stop at the border crossing again because Macedonia is also another country of Europe so we had to check all the cars and passports again at the border crossing there was a huge queue and we thought we could just skip it by driving on the right side which turned out not to be a smart idea because we pissed everybody off which is very understandable we had to wait even longer because of that so we kind of got a Karma there anyway let’s go to Macedonia well maybe hitting the flowers was probably not the smartest idea I’ve ever had yeah that was pretty stupid they didn’t let you through or what yeah after being a jackass for holding us for 20 minutes he said I’m going to do your consideration thank you welcome to Macedonia I guess yeah for a long ride the count music Sola huh [Music] it’s so [Music] beautiful under land under it [Music] we made it to Koso we were only very shortly in Macedonia we have to buy insurance for a car in Koso right now really quick everybody has to that’s why we all lined up here toil Insurance what is that the toilet or what you can drive the whole year 15 for one year 15 15 for one year one year nice let’s go to Pristina last stop for today still a bit ahead of us tomorrow another day of driving on a Wednesday I think we go drifting I’m a bit motivated for that already because I looked at the route so we’re at a random gas station in can we just say the nicest gas station look around Austin is having some steak steak and the random other R just bro they have cooler cars than already we’re M5 all of us just breaking our necks looking at and a like how high are the chances that an another already shows up at the same gas station at the same time here let’s look at the enemies they have better cars than us this one is so sick I love it what the they came from my land America well that f80 is really nice though it’s R it’s not painted it’s rep yes it’s got L electronic exhaust has a stock exhaust with different tips now you have the opportunity burnout so this is our friends from Kosovo they came to say hi and they will drive with us to bristina L ability yeah he was ready to fight them but we are good okay so this stuff is pretty crazy we have like around 100 cars right now because the Y has joined us officially for the Sprint to Pristina and we’re going to get police escorted all these 100 cars into the heart of Pristina to a hotel and there’s going to be a huge public event again so this should be pretty phenomenal we’re still waiting for a few cars that should hopefully arrive soonish I think it’s safe to say this gas station is now officially ours wait I have to go over there really quick there’s so many cars at the gas station right now you can’t even move bro it’s insane so we wait for the police and to continue Journey which is going to be amazing I guess we are ready oh we ready so we’re in the middle of the highway in Koso right now they Clos down the whole highway for us so we can take pictures here it’s pretty cool beautiful out yeah [Music] baby noww sorry okay yeah yeah yeah uh they just took my license plate uh my driver license and my car registration oh well whatever that was a bit stupid I have to say but I was so motivated you know you know how it is so after I got stopped by police and they took all my documents we proceeded to go to the finish line of the rally and we kind of got lost in the city because I was following some other dudes and then we got stopped by police one more time this turned out to be one of the most confusing scenarios of this rally I still to this date have no idea why he stopped us and why he was being so rude and angry because he was shouting at us really really aggressively this all got solved very very easily though when the police officer realized that we with the whole group and they were supposed to escort us and not to stop us in the city so he let us go and we could drive to the Finish point of day number two yeah it looks like we came to the end of this uh second day you’re not enjoying this right now because of the give me a license I feel it I feel it in my stomach no enjoy life TR the scenery one life one yeah try one life really uh yeah but there’s quite many people here they all seem to be enjoying it a bit more than I do because they proba it’s Cal down it’s not so bad yeah so welcome welcome to Tian I [Music] guess what the doesn’t a go spin in the end like you have like all your go go go do it no no no what what what the they all want they all tell me to do donuts I think they want me to no no no no no we do nothing we do nothing no no no no no no no no no we do nothing you do it you still have your license that’s perfect you have enough space no they they told me when I went in no burnouts nothing guys of the R I think they really won’t be the go to prison I may not would have enough space let’s go baby wa I still license freaking out bro like trying to like I’m like trying to stay away like off the off the roads we were so late cuz we were afraid that you got all your taken okay so I spoke to the police officer now he was very very nice and he told me that I’m an idiot which I knew before uh I have everything back so everything’s how it’s supposed to be Public Safety announcement don’t do what we do donuts in coo don’t do generally generally do it safely when there’s no one around to get you in trouble that was actually stupid of us to be honest kind of fun Us Austin did it as well and yeah he’s he SM well this event is crazy though Burger King sponsored bro it’s Monday afternoon like almost 6 and there’s like I would say 10,000 people here crazy [Music] uh I need a bag finally our priz category thank you thank you bye thank you for your service good thing we didn’t buy anything in there it’s time to go for some [Laughter] lunch the richest man in the town go buy one of these Austin please please please Austin’s going to be so jealous that we came here I am so [Music] rich yeah I’m very it’s your boy it’s your boy Sea Dog shaping dog here and we’re going to go and get some nice luxurious dinner now here in Christina then afterwards we’re going to go and party party with the host you guys I’ll see you guys tomorrow in the morning when we only pimp no h going to head out for next adventure hey ladies going to be amazing yeah see you guys tomorrow oh yeah [Music] baby me a sh I SW like backing I’m better than ever I think I got a v call me I seen them all those getting I told them up they not tired of me never


    1. es macht immer wieder spaß diese Videos zu schauen und es ist auch toll zu sehen das Menschen noch spaß an autofahren haben

    2. Love the videos like always but I really missed you in Slovenia. And the driving skills holly, sliding everywhere anytime. Proper stuff

    3. I'm so jealous! This looks like a bucket list trip for real. You all seem so happy and it's rubbing off on your entire audience I'm sure, keep up the good content and stay safe!

      trust me bro go to sarajevo and try cevapi trust me bro as an german (ich kann deutsch bruda)
      just trust me

    5. best video ever l watched all your videos best professional driver and best youtuber and hello from kosovo keep going and come to kosovo again

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