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    [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is CBC Nova Scotia news tonight lesson burned Halifax Water says it can explain a delay in issuing an emergency alert about its boil water advisory check your phone Nova scotians Who are 16 and older can now access some of their medical files through an app and in the Limelight Atlanta Canada’s first solar powerered car heads to the formula Sun Grand Prix in Kentucky increasing clouds tonight and in through Thursday but overall a solid day shaping up across the province your full weather forecast is is coming [Music] up good evening the boil water advisory in the Halifax area announced on Monday has finally been lifted Halifax Water is still investigating what caused the problem but tonight they’re explaining why they responded the way they did Josh Hoffman has more this week’s boil water advisory for most of Halifax region municipality raised several questions an internal electrical issue at a water treatment facility allowed some uncoordinated water to enter the municipal system for about 30 minutes on Monday we’re going to have to wait a bit before we learn how this happened as Halifax Water says it’s investigating the incident and expects to give a full report to the province’s utility and review board but Halifax Water did tell us they identified the issue at roughly 1:20 on Monday afternoon so why did it take until 6:00 p.m. before they issued a press release Communications manager Jeff Myrick says it’s because they were trying to fix the problem before it spread Beyond the facility you have to understand how the treatment process works so that uh section of water was still within the confines of the treatment process we were trying to figure out how to get it out of the system uh and hopefully flush it out and uh before it started to go into what is a 5 km Force main uh before it even hits any of the distribution Network something else that wasn’t clear was why the press release was sent out at 6:00 p.m. but residents didn’t receive an emergency alert on their phone until almost 9:00 Myrick admits that’s their fault about an hour and a half later when we uh we found out MET aware that the Nova Scotia provincial alert system was also available to us and so we actually shared the information on that uh process as well which is is is separate but we didn’t know about it so that was on us in in in terms of the delay Myrick says there are several lessons to be learned from this week’s incident both the province’s emergency management office and Halifax Regional municipality declined to be interviewed for the story Josh Hoffman CBC News Halifax and just a quick clarification from last night’s program we made reference to the issue at the water treatment facility being due to a power outage as you heard from Josh there to be clear it was an internal electrical failure at the facility Well Nova scotians over 16 years old can now access some of their medical files on their phone it can be done by using the province’s your health NS app The Province test drove the app earlier this year and are happy enough with it that they’re now making it available to everyone but a je rash reports that’s based on a tiny survey sample and limited information about who actually made use of it we’re going to test live and see what works and what doesn’t so so bear with me the show Intel got off to a rocky start but the province says Nova scotians will find the app easy to use and useful if I go into a as an example you can see the next available slot shows up there appointments Pass clinic or hospital visits and reports from routine lab tests it’s all just a click away nearly 14,000 people got to test drive the app but only 173 of those filled out evaluations The Province also did not track how many people in the test group actually used it they’re still calling the pilot a big success we know from our evaluation here but also from other jurisdictions around the world this empowers patients this allows patients to to manage their own health um and the impact on providers is also profound I can’t imagine that it would be of no benefit to anybody I think it’s a wonderful day for Nova scotian to be able to access this information in the palm of their hand but this opposition MLA is underwhelmed ultimately what we need to be able to do is access people who can tell us what’s wrong with us and that’s the that’s what so many people are missing these patient volunteers Who provided input on the app are excited it has fully launched a lot of us have family members in other provinces and other provinces people have access to this kind of information so we’re lagging and it’s about time I mean for self-management um trying to take care of yourself and not relying on the health care system um I think it’s just astounding to be able to have this information at your fingertips to date the province has spent $15 million on this app the hope is it will give Nova scotians the information they need to better manage their care and more easily access care when they need it Jean L CBC News Halifax the provincial health authority has updated its critical care assessment forms to be more inclusive the change followed a call from several nurses who noticed the forms did not account for a diverse patient population as Michael Gorman reports healthc care providers say the new forms have benefits for patients and providers working in the ICU at the Aberdine Hospital registered nurses Yolanda Baker and Robin Frasier had to fill out plenty of forms each day it was the portion of a form that measured change in skin color that caused concern for both of them we had a lot of people in the unit that were of different ethnicities and the form didn’t seem to reflect that and it just always said pink warm dry and I found myself scratching it out on occasion and then I noticed scratching it out more often and just saying normal for ethnicity changes in a patient’s skin color can be an early warning sign of more serious health concerns not being able to record those changes accurately can affect patient care Frasier and Baker each brought their observations to health authority officials a working group was struck and now all critical care assessment forms have been updated to be be more inclusive this family doctor in Cole Harbor says there’s a history of medicine not including all types of patients she says making the system more inclusive helps patients and providers so to the healthcare provider you’re thinking this patient might not present typically because he’s been flagged up on this form gets you to look again to the patient it’s signals to them that this person might be aware of me might understand that I’m different might be able to look after me appropriately so everyone in that room’s getting the right care and the right assessment and hopefully the right results that we need for Frasier there’s also the consideration of who might be filling out the forms we now have many nurses working in our our hospital and provincially um from other countries so by doing this it also um allows them to see themselves represented on these documents Baker and Frasier say they’re pleased that their feedback was accepted and acted upon they’re both hoping it leads to other changes to make the system more inclusive Michael Gorman CBC News New Glasgow hurricane Barrel is bearing down on Jamaica as it continues its charge across the Caribbean and here in Nova Scotia people with family ties down south are worrying from afar preparations continue as people board up buildings and sandbag properties Jamaica has closed all three of its International Air airports and imposed a curfew the category 4 storm has sustained winds topping 200 km an hour and it’s being blamed for at least six deaths and extensive damage in the Southeastern Caribbean Christian Christine Allen rather runs a restaurant at Halifax but she’s concerned about her family back in Jamaica that they are not prepared as they should be but I’ve talked with them and they said that they have done all that they need to do um you know in terms of battening down ensuring the roofing is as secure as they can um trees are not in the the way of toppling down on the house and that sort of thing my conversation with Christine Allen about watching and worrying about barrel all the way from Halifax is coming up that’s our newsmaker interview just after 6:30 and speaking of the weather on this glorious day here in Halifax Ryan snoden joining us now from the CBC weather center hey Tom yeah what a day indeed temperatures high 20s and flirting with that 30 Mark in a few backyards no doubt about that today officially didn’t reach that Mark but yeah 29 Greenwood 27 in Kentville 28 in Truro 26 and aanes down towards sheet Harbor it was just a terrific day so much Sunshine uh a little bit of high cloud cover starting to Fan its way in along this warm frontal boundary which is uh lifting off just to our North and that will be basically remaining off to the north though we will be seeing some clouds building in for tomorrow and some shower chances which will Edge in uh as we work our way towards the Friday time period as we’ll show you here’s how things are playing out for tomorrow note the stronger southerly flow tomorrow today was like a day with sea breezes everywhere so it was a bit cool if your feet were in the water anywhere tomorrow that seab breeze is going to be more pronounced along that Atlantic Coastline so if you’re beachbig cooler here whereas the NorthShore will be an offshore flow and it’ll be quite lovely there along the North umberland Shore and lovely everywhere of course with those types of temperatures uh but yeah we will see a little more cloud of the mix tomorrow than what we’ve had the last couple of days uh particularly in through the mid uh midday time period a mix of sun and Cloud though throughout the day and then those shower chances will Edge in for Thursday night Friday it looks like the shower chances maybe along the Southwest Atlantic Coastline but overall Friday is another fine day uh Saturday looks like we’ll really see that humidity increasing and so that sticky feel is going to be on the rise shower chances increasing through Saturday but looks like Tom we’re going to hold off until Saturday night and Sunday but we’ll drill into that in more detail with your 7-day forecast coming up we’ll want to know more about that for sure okay Ryan thank you so much thank you Andy Filmore has joined the race to become the next mayor of Halifax he has been the city’s MP for the past nine years filmore’s background is in urban planning and he worked for the Halifax municipality before going into politics if elected he promises to freeze the municipal tax rate for two years the biggest issue facing Halifax right now and the municipality is housing affordability so this is the work that I want to focus primarily on my first act as mayor will be to call Premier Houston and tell him that he’s got a partner in me and in the city to to uh address the housing crisis head-on um that part of addressing that is controlling affordability and and that’s why i’ I am planning to have a 2-year uh Municipal tax rate freeze uh while we understand how to better deliver good value for for money uh on taxpayers dollars Phil Moore has also talked about improving Transit filling potholes and building more homes Phil Moore is the third high-profile candidate to join the race alongside current counselors Pam love lace and Way Mason well start your engines or rather your controllers a free competition friendly competition rather in shed Camp last week had students racing radio controlled boats across the harbor Aaron potty was there to capture it all a gathering along the warf and shetta Camp is not an uncommon sight but instead of fishing boats they were there for a special [Music] race small handmade vessels zipping across the harbor the waves seem very harsh and I have found some sea life under there so I’m kind of scared this was the first ever dearon bot challenge meaning ready your boat in a Cadian French it brought together students from grades 5 to8 from four different French schools around the province for the past few months teams have been working on their vessels I think that our boat is going to do fairly well and that we might win a prize or two they say the design was something they all took seriously we were watching YouTube videos on this stuff then we finally came up with one and that was our final choice and boat back there is what we like and I’m confident that we’re probably going to win with it it’s got a lot of mechanisms it’s got a little antenna inside of this so it can go from like distance to distance really easily with no bugs or anything students attempted to Pilot the boats 560 M away to shed aamp Island once on the island a teammate was expected to load it with a chess full of candy but choppy Waters during the race meant none of the boats could make it ashore one broke its Rudder at the start of the race and another lost its radio but the events organizer says it was still a success it was absolutely awesome uh we finally have the sun is out we have the barbecue with laa popular uh it’s a great turnover and uh we have lots of fun the event was created by Stefan son of a Cole NDA in sheda Camp I really wanted to do something around boating and uh uh water activities and stuff like that and many communities where we have Acadian School are also fishing communities so many kids want to be fishermen in the future and I wanted to do something for the kids who are not that much into sports or art there was something lacking for like the little nerd like me and I wanted to have like a tech competition in their school the school team from shed Camp was awarded a prize for fastest boat for going the furthest in the race son says he’s already thinking up plans for another competition next year hopefully with less wind and more competitors Erin potty CBC News shed a camp and in another race Atlanta Canada’s first solar powerered electric vehicle is making its way to Kentucky next month the dous solar car team will be racing for the second time in the formula Sun Grand Prix the cbc’s Molly MCN went to the shop to see how the team is preparing slide it forward a bit okay just hold it there these student volunteers are hard at work they’re making repairs and upgrades to a 5ot long vehicle powered by the sun this is our solar car uh you can see we have the solar right on top of it right now and underneath that there’s a chassis which has a battery or which holds a battery and motor motor controller so the solar array constantly charges the battery as we drive and then we use the battery to propel the car forward weighing in at 600 lb Daly’s car can reach a speed of up to 65 km an hour but the winner at formula sun is awarded based on the number of laps over the span of 3 days bugden says last year they drove 135 laps which works out to about 540 km the main thing is getting the see of the car in action we spend so much time here in the shop working on it it’s it’s rewarding to see the car move and especially if you get the chance to drive it but working on a car like this comes with some speed bumps one of our big goals was to um redesign the array and its shell but that didn’t end up happening for various reasons I don’t think we got the parts in in time we did yeah so you know that’s that’s really common when in any sort of project you know you get roadblocks things don’t always go according to plan so the road bar is probably our biggest challenge this year because the one we raced with last year no longer meets the race requirements so we had to design it from scratch finding funding is another challenge and so is balancing their time in the shop with time in the classroom a lot of it is just time management and being dedicated to the team and making sure you’re showing up for that but then also focusing on your studies as well but nothing is stopping the team from showcasing the possibility ities of renewable energy at the race Arseno says their goal is to inspire Big Industry leaders to commit to lowering their greenhouse gas emissions if students can make something as efficient and green as this they can do it as well like we’re students we’re doing our own funding for this they have the funding to do it as well and they have the expertise the race will take place at the National Corvette Museum Motorsports Park in Bowling Green Kentucky where 34 teams from all over North America will compete Molly MCN CBC News Halifax impressive well the Caledonian Orchestra of Nova SC Nova Scotia began 30 years ago with the aim of bringing the traditional sounds of Old Scotland to the communities around the province today it has many new members and a few who have been there almost since the beginning one of them is 90-year-old Nelson Ferguson the orchestra’s conductor and Musical arrang Alex guy paid him a visit to see the audience so happy and enjoy the music and to see our puppet make the children smile I think that’s one of the biggest Joys and when we get together when we come in this room to practice you can just feel our excitement we’re bubbling we’re with energy and positivity to see each other and to make the music together I always used to say it I could never understand why some of the rock groups needed to take drugs to get a high give me a good audience with a lot of Applause at the end and I I’m as high as a [Music] kite 1 2 [Music] 1 so I’ve been music director for what 20 years or more I don’t know a long time I want to promote Scottish Celtic music and in a variety I do not know any other group in Canada in fact in going online that’s doing what we are doing I was born in Edinburgh those days it was a little a small sort of theater same sort of theater we have here in our towns I had that Scottish variety show and it changed every two weeks and my grandparents took me to that show and that’s what we’ve been working towards and I I think we’re sort of getting there pH I’m I’m tired now time for interviews well this one’s called Ashton ganella of shreport Louisiana and it’s going to sound something like this one of the things I like about him the most is the fact that he’s so committed to what he’s doing he’s 90 years old turned 90 in February kind of as he says he feels like he’s 68 he’s funny it’s it’s it’s a good time playing in the orchestra it’s not too serious and and I like that when uh because in other groups I’ve been in sometimes it can get too tight I like the fun aspect of the orchestra and I think Nelson has a lot to do with that what year was it when you first met Nelson well as far as we can remember it was about 1957 what I’ve always known with Nelson whenever he asked me to do something I knew it was always going to be a lot of hard work but it was really going to be fun and that’s what we have here as well it really is fun and uh it keeps us young I swear that after 3-hour practice my brain is sharper than it was when I [Music] started as you could probably tell from today’s rehearsal that we don’t stick to Jigs and Reels and stuff we we go to slow airs and waltzes and and and I I want that’s one thing I want to do so the Caledonian Orchestra uh is is the main feature in the Caledonian show of course and I I think it’s cutting its own swath here I think it’s I think it’s doing that and and I must say that this you’ve maybe had a chance to talk to some of them they are dedicated they really are because to to sit down there and listen to me for two hours of 3 hours in rehearsal I I give them credit and they they love it they they love it let me lift him up so we have John Angus and actually we’ve had this marionette probably I’d say at least 30 years we’ve had this in our repertoire we have over 200 marionettes maybe 300 in our studio and he he retired from a show and he just hangs around and he plays on special requests and when I joined the uh Orchestra he I thought maybe he would fit into the show I mean I’m there anyway I might as well bring him along and and I talked to to Nelson about uh having this marionette and he and Nelson just looked at me with this quizzical look like okay I don’t think he had really uh two Clues what I was talking about at [Music] first he fits right in with our uh our Scottish scene for me to do an arrangement for the orchestra starting from scratch I would say at the least 40 hour a week takes one arrangement of I’m lucky I left out the most important thing which I say to the orchestra all the time My Philosophy is our job is to please our audiences and have a heck of a lot of fun in the process that’s and I mean that sincerely [Applause] [Music] coming up leadership concerns prime minister Justin Trudeau faces the media for the first time since the byelection last week and people across the United Kingdom go to the polls tomorrow to vote in a pivotal pivotal rather national election beauty shot now from Lake Charles in Dartmouth Ryan’s up next with your full weather forecast we’ll see you back here after the break [Music] e e e e e e well we saw that shot of the paddle board as we went to commercial there what a great day this would be we wouldn’t know Ryan because we were indoors for pretty much all of it but what a great day this would be to be near the water in Nova Scotia yeah a perfect summer day A+ plus as we would say uh light seab breezes kind of across the board as well so there was no Coastline that was real cooler than another uh tomorrow is going to be a bit different as we said earlier that southernly flow increasing and so a place like lunenberg which had a seab breeze today we’ll feel it a little bit more tomorrow how about this they’re not minding the tonight in lunberg are they yeah definitely not a beautiful beautiful evening lunberg sitting around 18 degrees right now mainly sunny skies though you can see that wispy High cloud cover starting to wisp its way into the province and we’re going to be watching that to increase through tonight into tomorrow with some building cloud cover temperatures you can see pretty lovely at this hour yeah still 18 in lunberg uh and 24 Halifax downtown the airports at 23 still hanging on to the high 20s up through Colchester Cumberland and into the valley region note the D point it is still nice and comfy which is great and we’ll we’ll soak this up as long as we can because yeah the muggy meter as I’m going to show you in a few minutes it is climbing upward toward the weekend and that’s where we’re going to not only increase increase the humidity uh the mugginess but also increase our shower chances as we get more moisture in the air so there is that wispy Cloud that is starting to work its way into the region backing things out that’s in association with this low which is actually over Hudson Bay it’s a pretty large system stretching all the way down to the US South with some showers and that is going to continue to work its way Eastward over the next few days cooler air in its wake just 15 in Calgary today 19 in Edmonton Toronto or Vancouver excuse me is just at 20° uh edging up into the high 20s low 30s in through the Great Lakes we’re going to continue to see temps on the warm side right through our 7-day forecast as you will see in a moment winds light tonight temperatures ranging between 10 and 13 14 degrees pretty similar start to what we’ve been seeing the last couple of mornings note for the cloud cover is certainly going to be in the mix overnight tonight and throughout the day tomorrow we’ll see times when it’s a little bit on the stubborn side but a solid mix of sun and Cloud throughout the day but be mindful that that will be times that it will Cloud up a little bit particularly in through tomorrow evening is when things do look set to Cloud up now as we look at the forecast for tomorrow across Cape Breton it’s a Southeast wind so Sydney Richmond County tempere and also Victoria County that’s an onshore wind so temperatures here High Teens low 20s work your way Inland towards the Bor lakes and then down through into inest this is going to be our better chance of climbing up towards the mid 20s uh then the heat will really be on across the mainland with with this southerly flow will really turn warm across the North Shore tomorrow much like today 28 and Truro 2728 degrees in through Northern parts of H County towards kabid Bay through the valley kji around 28 and again that southerly flow will keep Coastal temperatures cooler along the Southshore now for Friday we’re looking at a shift back to a Southwest wind so cooler Atlantic Coast again in those onshore winds looking at that uh North land Shore Valley those are going to be our hot spots high 20s and for Friday we will be increasing the humidity uh so it’ll be feeling into the 30s especially for those folks there that do uh edge up into the high 20s temperature- wise shower chances for Thursday night in through Friday morning but that does look set to stay mainly that risk stay mainly to our South on Friday uh the cloud cover I think a little more dominant towards the southern parts of the province on Friday more sun in the North and then for Saturday a mainly cloudy day but some sun breaks but it looks like we’re going to stay dry but be mindful if you’re traveling this weekend it does look like it’s going to be turning wet on Saturday for New Brunswick and keeping an eye on Pei Cavendish Music Festival this weekend big forecast there looks like maybe some showers creeping in there on Saturday and certainly a risk on Sunday and note that muggy meter for here across Nova Scotia creeping up Friday into the notably noticeable range especially Saturday and into Sunday and Monday and so that is one thing to keep in mind that those uh that humidity will be increasing through the next three four days and then next weekend or next week rather looking pretty summery Tom liking the look at that okay thanks so much Ryan thank you the weather update is brought to you by tourism gasp C plan your stay in gasp SE at tourism gas and enjoy extraordinary moments up next I’ll talk with a Jamaican born woman living in hallifax who worries for her family back home in the path of Hurricane Barrel that’s our newsmaker interview stay with us you’re watching CBC Nova Scotia news e e e e e e preparations continue as people board up buildings in Jamaica hurricane Barrel is a category 4 storm with sustained winds topping 200 kilometers an hour and it’s being blamed for at least six deaths and extensive damage in the Southeastern Caribbean hard to imagine that on a day like this you’d be concerned about the weather downtown on hellofax just a beautiful day but Christine Allen is certainly concerned about the weather as it pertains to Jamaica she’s originally from Kingston Jamaica now the owner operator of the brought Jamaican Jerk Joint here in downtown Halifax I know your mind is busy on your work here but it’s also other places tell me about what your connection is to Kingston who you’ve been talking to there recently well I have been in touch with my cousins most of my um immediate family are away um actually living abroad um but my cousins are still there and um they have prepared for the most part um still concerning because you’ve been through so many hurricanes and storms you have an idea what to expect although it’s always not what you expect but um they are prepared most people she said are taking it seriously um Jamaicans we tend to make light of everything but um it seems like you know the government is taking it seriously have put in certain precautions in place and um people are doing what they need to do to prepare what’s it like for you as you watch some of those images coming out of the Caribbean the last 24 hours or so my goodness it’s devastating and I’ve I’ve come to understand that seven PE persons have died um I’m I’m I did social work in Jamaica so I’m aware of some of the living conditions of people who are um you know on the outskirts of the formal living structure structures so um you worry for people who don’t have the proper housing infrastructure right who are living next to gullies and um waterways that can be easily displaced flooded out so it’s concerning and a lot of the housing as you suggest is not all that stable some of it’s tin walls tin roofs that kind of thing particularly vulnerable to a storm like this exactly and I my first major hurricane was Gilbert that was 1988 and that was devastating for Jamaica and um when you’ve gone through something like that and other major hurricanes following um you know when you survive it you you you build up some amount of resilience but you still worry for persons who don’t have the same you know opportunities as you do well what are you worried about in particular I know Kingston is is you know sort of right on the track of this thing or pretty close to it um in terms of your family what’s your biggest concern in terms of my family it is mainly that they are not prepared as they should be but I’ve talked with them and they said that they’ve done all that they need to do um you know in terms of battening down ensuring the roofing is as secure as they can um trees are not in the the way of toppling down on the house and that sort of thing um ensuring that they have enough water and you know food to make it through a couple of days if it need if needed but um so for them I am somewhat Comfort comforted um but for other persons who may not be you know as I said I’ve seen I’ve seen some pretty not so nice um living conditions and you you you worry about people who are having that to go through you’re here they’re there there’s only so much you can do from here isn’t there you you can only pray and worry what is this day been like for you have you been able to keep your mind busy I have been able to keep busy today we had a catering order so it was just rush rush rush and um of course you’re you you’ve come in after the lunch hour so um that kept me you know going a little bit but um I was able to talk with my cousin just now and um they they said it’s just rling right now and they’re getting different reports of the time for landing so um they’re just watching waiting and seeing what’s happening well we hope things turn out well for your family and for Jamaica and anyone else in the path of barrel really appreciate your talking to us about this I appreciate you coming in and checking we appreciate all the support that we get you know all the good intentions and Vibes thank you [Music] coming up screen time Tantrums new research done in Nova Scotia suggests relying on digital devices to calm kids could impact emotional development e e e e e e welcome back prime minister Justin Trudeau faced reporters today for the first time since the Liberals lost a by-election last week questions about his leadership dominated the event as Ashley Burke reports divisions in the caucus about Trudeau’s fure future persist what’s your name the Prime Minister back in his own writing showing his constituents and cameras he’s not going anywhere despite calls to step down last week’s uh by-election loss uh not to sugarcoat it was was challenging uh was uh something we need to take seriously that stunning byelection loss cost the Liberals a longtime seat in Toronto St Paul’s caused division in caucus and led liberal MP Wayne long to call for Trudeau to to go privately another liberal MP told CBC News there are a number of MPS now considering if they’ll run again if Trudeau stays on are you willing to stay on and lose members of your caucus I think the conversations that I’m having with uh MPS directly right across the country and the conversations that we’re all having as liberals uh are going to continue but that Source said every member of caucus deserves a call not just a select few as minister continue to defend Trudeau publicly I think uh he is the Right leader for us he’s won three elections uh we formed government three times others were asked if they’d run for leader if Trudeau steps down I have been very clear uh over the last few days that Justin Judo is the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada uh I support him obviously when Pig North MP Kevin laroo says he’s not pressing panic and will only run again in the next election if Trudeau does I’ve made a commitment to uh Justin Trudeau uh to to be a candidate in the next election I’m committed to running as long he is the the leader nine liberal MPS have signed a letter calling for an immediate Caucus meeting to talk about the byelection loss but today Trudeau dodged questions about if he’ll do that Ashley Burke CBC News Ottawa voters in the United Kingdom are going to the polls tomorrow and all indicators are pointing to a major change change in government Brier Stewart takes a look at the last day of campaigning it was Lewis flat 8 undecided across the UK the final push for votes okay right in the town of Watford volunteers canvas for the local labor candidate Tores have not been good for the United Kingdom and that’s the essence of it and they say that’s what they hear from the voters they manag to speak with on the doorstep this constituency is a real priority for the labor party because they believe there’s enough support to win a seat here which they haven’t done since Tony Blair was prime minister Watford is a commuter town just outside of London it’s considered a bell weather riding voters here usually elect whichever party ends up forming the government everybody I’m talking to it seems like they want a change I think I would vote for the labor party I think they are more geared towards looking after workingclass people labor leader Kier starmer is on the brink of becoming Britain’s next prime minister we are fighting for every vote polls point to labor winning a significant majority even some conservatives believe their Scandal plague party will lose big which is why in a last ditch effort Boris Johnson popped up on the campaign Trail throwing his support behind rishy sunak the man who helped push him out of the prime minister’s office you sunak spent his final hours on the campaign Trail trying to appeal to families but his time in power is almost certainly fleeting the big question observers say is what happens next we in this country face really serious economic problems if labor don’t manage to do something about that the danger is that the next election will be an even more Angry election with more and more people voting against the mainstream and looking for Alternatives because while labor is poised to take over the government it will also inherit all of the country’s problems too Brier Stewart CBC News London WestJet passengers continue to face some travel frustrations following a weekend strike that later ended the airline expects a handful of flights to be cancelled today the two-day strike resulted in the grounding of more than a th000 flights affecting 100,000 passengers some were stranded outside the country the company says it’s Peak Travel season so there’s limited availability for rebooking on WestJet and other carriers the airlines says it will make every effort to get customers to their destination but some say getting in touch with WestJet customer service was nearly impossible the flight cancellations after the recent West WestJet strike has many passengers wondering about their rights more than a year ago the federal government proposed new rules to simplify compensation regulations but the the changes have yet to take effect Sophia Harris reports retired RCMP officer nor Massie enjoyed his trip to Vancouver attending a youth basketball tournament he co-founded but he didn’t enjoy the trip home his flight was delayed more than 14 hours so what was that like to spend 14 hours in the airport I’ll tell you it’s not pleasant at all Air Canada rejected his claim for compensation in an email to Massie Air Canada blamed un seen maintenance which was within its control but required for safety related reasons under current regulations airlines must pay compensation up to $11,000 for delays within their control unless they’re safety related do you think that they’re just using the safety Clause to deny you compensation absolutely that’s what I feel and until they prove otherwise that’s the way I’ll continue to feel Massie has company the Canadian Transportation agency has a backlog of more than 72,000 air passenger complaints many over compensation for flight disruptions there will be no more loopholes more than a year ago Ottawa proposed new rules to simplify the compensation process and close supposed loopholes like the required for safety category it’s a huge gray area that really only the carriers know can can take advantage of this consumer Advocate believes the new rules should have arrived by now this is really becoming a very long delay and it’s very unfortunate for passengers there’s a regulatory process it takes a certain amount of time the CTA says it must consider all sides before changing the current regulations we are looking at how to factor in the airline uh input as well as the consumer advocacy uh input that we receive Airlines argue getting rid of the safety exception penalizes Airlines for taking safety precautions that delay flights meanwhile Ottawa has yet to announce an arrival date for when those new rules will land Sophia Harris CBC News Toronto child Tantrums can be hard to handle and it’s no secret a tablet or a smartphone May buy parents a few moments of Peace but new research suggests when they give kids digital devices to calm them down it could impact how the child manages their emotions in the future Desa Reed has the details a team of researchers from Canada and Hungary surveyed 300 Canadian families in Nova Scotia with children 2 to 5 years old the results were published in the journal Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry parents reported how often they use digital devices to calm their children or to stop a tantrum then investigators followed up one year later they found the more often parents gave their kids screens or digital devices the more they reported higher anger and frustration in their children the paper adds to Growing research about the impacts of screen time on young kids from language delays to attention problems it again drives home the point that screens um used as a calming strategy becomes a vicious cycle in the long term it actually creates more of a problem because then it’s harder for that child to learn any new skills without the screen experts say it’s important for parents to teach their kids how to handle difficult situations without a screen and not all screen time is bad especially when the child is using the device with the parent things like video chats with family or virtual stories or music time can be beneficial or on occasion if parents just need a breather you’re frustrated the day has not gone well your child is tired and hungry and you’re just buying some time for yourself to calm down and they’re using the device you know this is not the worst parenting decision in the world that you’ve ever made still experts say parents should not over rely on screens the Canadian Pediatric Society says it’s important for parents to set strict time limits ensure content is age appropriate and educational and be sure to monitor their own screen time in front of their children tsha Reed CBC News Toronto Canada’s main stock index Rose slightly today while us markets were mixed after they closed early ahead of the July 4th holiday well here’s a look now at how the markets did as we head to [Music] break e e e e e e [Music] what do you call it Cracker Jack of a day what I mean this was this topnotch wasn’t it definitely topnotch and uh perfect day for getting on the water you mentioned that earlier and let’s show you a pick from the water we’re going to zoom in south of Halifax this is Long Cove and have a look at this that’s a nice vantage point isn’t it and dire lucky enough to be on the water in Long Cove and perfect perfect perfect not sure if this was taken yesterday or today but an thank you so much beautiful pick Ryan picks at so for tomorrow we’re looking at a great day we’re talking about temperatures the along the Atlantic Coastline 20 to 24 degrees Cape Bron a similar range and then you can see where the orange color starts Inland and towards the Northern parts of the province that is where we’ll be away from those cooler Coastal temperatures and getting into the 26 27 28 range maybe even a little bit more warmer in some backyards and a similar story for Friday little bit cooler down towards the south and west where I think the clouds could be a bit more dominant but it is going to be a lovely day for Friday as well increasing the humidity a little bit but it does look like that humidity is going to kind of stay at Bay until more so Saturday and that’s when we’re going to really increase the clouds as well so a couple of Fine Days no question about it there are those showers Thursday night into Friday morning isolated risk mainly along the Atlantic Coastline in through the Friday afternoon time period and then we’re going to increase the uh the showers for Saturday as uh especially for New Brunswick and looks like PE will clip into those as well slight risk for Western areas so those isolated shower chances we’ll keep an eye on uh for both uh Friday Saturday and then looks like they’ll be more scattered in nature on Sunday that’s I think going to be our muggi day as well and we’ll likely remain muggy into next week as well so enjoy the kind of the last of the dry summer heat yeah it’s been lovely for sure okay Ryan thanks so much for that well you now have a chance to see the British Royal Family’s Scottish holiday home up close have a peek at this for the first time in over 170 years Balmoral Castle has opened its doors to the public tickets which cost 100 or 170 Canadian dollars were all scooped up soon after they went on sale in April visitors get a guided tour of the castle including its entrance hall family dining room and Library the Royal retreat in the Scott Scottish Highlands was considered late Queen Elizabeth’s favorite place and it is a lovely looking spot isn’t it that’s it for us tonight thanks so much for watching we’ll see you next time good night [Music]

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