2023 06 19 POLAND DAILY TRAVEL S2 E1225
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    foreign [Music] daily travel I hope you’ve had a swell day we’re going to the Polish bicycle championships where Tony McFarland Gonzalez is and Tony how are things there actually the weather is cloudy but it’s really nice the road it’s not rainy anymore uh my wife and her colleague just finished and uh tomorrow’s gonna be even a different story well there’s gonna be crap and the weather’s going to be bad we you know this is uh we had some really hot days and now we’re getting a bit of the rain to cool things off um your uh your wife has done her time trial yep uh they’re just finishing up the oh sorry they’re just finishing up they’re riding they’re on the left side over there right now and a couple of our colleagues are on the line but yeah this is the Polish national championships here in uh Global I have guys who can kill me for pronouncing it but I have a really hard time pronouncing that one that’s okay you better brush up if you’re gonna be a Polish citizen oh yes uh and I learned to say a Cosley canvasion this week which was not easy for me I had to say it on camera and it really gave me a headache I can tell you and Chechen it took me years to pronounce that and I don’t even think that’s exactly correct this question yeah one of the people that are from stretching they’re like yeah you’re still saying the wrong link yeah yeah I know I know I got that too well not bad for a foreigner szcc you know and so forth It’s Not Easy uh but anyway yeah you’re you’re in you’re in eastern Poland that’s the point and uh near beautiful bio stock right [Music] from here is two and a half hours oh no it’s not that near then are you North or are you in the North or the South uh [Music] um it’s on the it’s literally it’s directly west of varshada Easter version yeah yeah well then that’s that’s oh two and a half hours from varshava you’re saying from Warsaw uh so that’s about whereby our stock is yeah okay and uh beautiful countryside there we did a lot of reporting on this show from that from that area yeah it’s absolutely stunning the I mean the well I believe the drive it just it’s awesome yeah we saw uh uh wussy so you thought you saw a wash man it’s huge the European the European one not the American the Americans are Jesus monsters yeah definitely moves yeah they’re huge monsters yeah yeah they have them near they have a lot of them in in Poland and and they have them in the forest near Warsaw uh in the campinos which is a huge National Forest people may know about I mean Polish people know it for sure it’s one of the biggest national forests and and coolest national forests in Europe actually and it’s uh uh they had a uh sometimes from time to time the wash will escape and one was running down the the stooler in Warsaw a couple of years ago in the summer he was on holiday from the forest foraging no doubt so Bullwinkle on the loose right exactly yeah where’s Rocky to bring him in no I know it’s crazy yeah now the Polish national championships happen uh yearly yeah and what happens do the winners go on to the World Championships or what happens uh the winners have to qualify to get onto it but they’re invited to go uh the country has to put them forward for that so the country still has to be invited to go to the world championship the guys then have to qualify for the Times uh that meet the standard for the world championships yeah and how many people can go uh the three Podium winners plus five percent so the the the gold the the the the the the silver and the bronze medal winners can go and and where are the world championships this year lasglo Scotland and Glasgow what time of year I hope it’s summer August that’s okay that’ll that it might at least be warm I lived in Scotland it rains and the wind blows all the time but it depends on you that you’re in because uh the the race that she they’re these guys are going to be qualifying for is in Dundee so hopefully Dundee has good weather for them but if it doesn’t well we’re in for a rough ride for those who don’t know Dundee is between uh Edinburgh and Saint Andrews the unit where the university is um and the and the Royal and ancient golf clubs the first golf club and the first proper golf course in the world actually um it was the it’s the home of the British Open um in the home of golf they say in Saint Andrews so and I remember going to Dundee and boy in the winter it’s not very welcoming no it’s unpleasant it really isn’t yeah the place you want to be uh during the winter but in the summer it’s okay there’s like two two days when it’s warm uh yeah it’s not that bad the weather today so Dundee if it’s their summers are like this right now here in uh okay well we got we’ve got to go now thank you very much that’s Anthony uh McFarland Gonzalez Tony Gonzalez McFarland Gonzalez from the Polish uh the Polish national championships uh you’re riding in the amateurs right yeah it’s tomorrow uh nine o’clock in the morning and are you gonna win I’m gonna try we’re gonna see if the weather is a Cooperative because in the in the full men’s the including the Polish citizens you are you’re uh in the top ten usually in your finishing as I remember uh so you have a chance uh to win this one tomorrow or at least to be right at the top yep I think you’re gonna be neck and neck that’s what I’m betting that’s what I’m betting don’t let us down no I’m not Adrian the one that usually wins it uh he’s the national champion from last year me and him are 20 seconds apart and that’s just because of my start so I have a really good start you know wow okay and and what’s your resting heartbeat these days 37 beats per minute and my wife says lower than good Lord Great Scott okay that sounds impressive you sound impressive thank you for being with us and good luck to Olivia your wife and her racing and good luck tomorrow and uh that’s all we have for Poland daily travel tonight see you tomorrow night [Music]

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