    My name is Dan, i am 33 from Liverpool England with a thirst for Adventure!!

    Currently cycling from the UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ To Singapore πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬, through central Europe and then following the Silk Road and Pamir Highway into China before heading down through South East Asia.

    Would love a coffee β˜•οΈ if you like buying me one, helps me cycle faster!!! πŸ˜…



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    good morning day 38 cycling my bike from the UK to Singapore uh just woke up from the hotel in Demitri glad on the border of Serbia and Bulgaria and uh hoping to get to sou here today I think it’s just under 80k so should be easily doable just about to head on to the main street and get some breakfast weather looks nice should be a good day all right had a lovely breakfast there little bacon omelette and a banana pancake as well uh it’s only a couple of cases from the border now so Bulgaria beautiful views stunning day not too hot no wind let good there it is the Bulgarian border saying goodbye to Serbia Serbia’s been tough but definitely ended on a on a highlight the southern part of Seria is beautiful and the town of n as well yeah bring on Bulgaria catch you on the other side okay checkpoint one done in no man’s lands and on until Bavaria I’m just skipping all these keys I don’t know if that’s the rules but I’m on a bicycle so it okay we through that was pretty easy skipped all the cues very busy border but uh yeah probably only took me about 5 minutes and uh welcome to Bulgaria country number eight on my trip to Singapore okay wow started off in Bulgaria with a brutal 2hour Back Road climb then I’ve got to the top and now I’ve turned off to this path here it doesn’t look very promising especially if we’ve got like a big downhill coming up sometimes it’ll just like lead to a road but you never know you know I don’t want to go down it and then find out that it’s like this for 10 miles all the way down but doesn’t look like I’ve got another option the other option is the roads that going it’s going way round where I need to be so once again I think I’m just going to commit and uh find out what happens okay absolute disaster the bunge called holding the water bottle it’s C off on the bumpy road and it’s got CAU in the drivetrain and looks like it’s broken about five Spokes and possibly the worst location on a remote mountain in Bulgaria so that’s great I have three spare spokes I’ve never even changed a spoke before so I don’t know I have to get the bungee C out and uh yeah see how the wheel is see if it’s ridable maybe try and get it down to the town and take it to a bike shop and get it fixed okay I don’t think it’s as bad was a first s I’ve got one spoke that’s snapped and then I’ve got this spoke which is obviously bent which needs changing as well so if it’s just the two uh should be able to do it right hopefully I’ve got signal might have to do a little YouTube little YouTube video find out how to do it pretty sure I’ve got to take the tire off and the inner tube as well replace the spokes tighten them make sure it’s at the right tension and then put it all back together put the energy back on put the tire back on and then put the wheel back on so time to do a little bit of research and hopefully going to be okay all part of the journey I suppose isn’t it but uh yeah I’ll keep you updated okay little disaster update taking the wheel off taking the inner tube off but I can’t get the spoke out because I can’t take the cassette off because I don’t have the right tool I don’t have the chain whip tool to take the cassette off and I would have to take the disc brake off as well which I also don’t really know I’ll to do probably look it up on YouTube if I can’t take the cette off I can’t take the spoke out so I’m trying to like fiddle it out now but it’s not going great um and then I won’t even be able to get the new spoke in so maybe if I can get these spokes out and then I could push it into town and see if there’s a bike shop or get a lift to a bike shop somehow and then uh get it fixed but that is the situation I’ve got water I’ve got food so it’s not the end of the world but it is a bit of an inconvenience it’s definitely uh it’s definitely up in my day but it is what it is best just to get on with it try and get it fixed okay update report so couldn’t change the spokes CU I can’t take the cassette off because I haven’t got the right tool and it was very hard to get them out I managed to snap one and pull that one out on the disc brake side so there’s one missing there and then the other one if you can see snapped it really short soz I couldn’t get it out and then I’ve taped it to another spoke and the wheels kind of wouldn’t say it’s running 100% true but it’s almost true so hopefully that can get me to a bike shop so load the bike back up find out where the nearest bike shop is take it there it’s half three so chances are probably be closed by the time I get there then I’ll have to stay in that town and wait till tomorrow but this is the situation at least the view is pretty nice so go on my phone a little bit now find out what’s going on load the bike up have a little go see how it feels cuz I don’t if I ride it with a of weight especially on this bumpy terrain then it’s going to buckle the wheel isn’t it and cause even more problems so I might have to push it a little bit we’ll have to see but this is how it is so get on with it that’s what I say all right we uh fill you in on the next stage of events okay so the bike’s all loaded up wheel looks to be okay it’s definitely not doing it any good riding without the spokes um I’ve taken a different road which looks a little bit more less bumpy and not dirt road so hopefully I can limp if I can get to Sophia which is about 50k away that be great there bike shops I think there’s any bike shops in this other this other town so let just see how it goes today views are spectacular though it’s a shame really it was just about to go down that downhill about flying to sou here and it’s kind of messed up in the day but I was always going to have days like this eventually wasn’t I so maybe just see it is getting one out the way look at these views all right just got some Le out the bank didn’t even have any Bulgarian money either so this coke is very very much needed yeah the bikes really okay so I should be able to make it to uh the bike shop in Sophia I think it closed at about 7:30 the one I’ve scoped out so hopefully I can get there before then but looks like I’ll probably have to stay there the next day as well to wait till to get it fixed depending on how busy the bike shop is but we’ll have to wait and see but yeah wasn’t so much Mega disaster but an inconvenience let’s say oh I can see soop feir in the distance lot of bumpy cobbles which isn’t great when you missing three spokes feel like I’m on the Paris to re or something

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