Live from Henley-On-Thames, Day 2 of Henley Royal Regatta 2024.

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    e e e e e e [Music] and a very good morning wherever you are watching around the world Welcome to our live coverage of day two here at Henley Royal rata now start of the morning down at the boat tents area because this really is the busiest place at this time of the day lot of the crews get out and do some early training in the morning so they’re still hanging around obviously the early races they’ve headed down to the start but a lot of support people friends family teammates are all Milling around here and they’re forming those famous guards of honors to welcome the crews out of the boat tents and down to the pontoons now today we’ve got new events starting we’ve got open events starting to join the Juniors intermediates and club events that started yesterday before we hand over to the commentators though here’s a gentle reminder of the format with Sarah Cook the Henley Royal Riata first held in 1839 is one of the most prestigious and historic events in the sport each year thousands Converge on the small town by the temps as Crews battle it out over the six days of the rata to win one of 26 famous trophies these are straight knockout races setting out from Temple Island at the start of the 1 mile and 500 50 yard course one boat is drawn on the buckinghamshire side and the other on the barkshire station crews are aiming to progress towards Sunday’s finals there are four trophies for junior Crews as school and Club rowers aged 18 or under Viper Supremacy in quads and eights three student events attract the best university and college Crews from the UK and overseas four Club titles are up for grabs in fours and eights three intermediate events sit between club and open level competition and the strongest senior Scholars and sweepers compete in the 12 open events six each for men and women the world’s Elite rowers including Olympic world and national champions aim for Glory the open category includes the premier race for men and the oldest event at the Retta the grand challenge cup for men’s AIDS won for the last 2 years by a combined crew from Oxford Brooks University and the Leander [Music] club for all rowers competing at the Henley Royal Retta standing on the podium at Sunday’s prize giving is the ultimate Target that remains one of the proudest achievements for any rower and a memory to last a [Music] lifetime lovely thank you very much Sarah now we have a mammoth morning in Prospect for you we’ve got 86 races today 40 of them are in this morning session it’s going to be taking us right through to 1220 uh and the lunch break at there Princeton University they’ve just come out of the boad tents they’re going to be taking on Durham University that’s Princeton B team and they’re going to be in the temple that’s one of the new events starting this morning and guiding us all the way to lunchtime then is Sarah Eddie and Sarah winas good morning morning and welcome to day two of Henley Royal rata I am Jess Eddie I’m joined here in the com Box by Sarah winkers and we’re excited to see the cruise come down the course this morning aren’t we Sarah oh it is and look at the conditions here they’re absolutely perfect I was watching Always as I do the flag on top of the church and you can see that it’s absolutely still some great racing Jets we’re about to watch we are we’re kicking off the day with the white old challenge cup with the men’s club fours the Prince of Wales intermediate men’s cords you see some princess Elizabeth there Junior men’s AIDS absolute ckers on the program today the visitors we see intermediate men’s coxes fours and the REM them the start of our International women’s AIDS races we also see the start of the single schools today and we’ll see some goliaths of the sport battling it out down this course Elite women and Elite men the diamonds and the princess world challenge Club yeah really really looking forward to that and look here we are at the start of those moments Jess what was it like for you in those moments you like this this one’s a real special one you’re starting the day there’s not many people on the course today it’s early it’s half past it we started it early this year cramming those races in so it’s almost a bit special to be up there on the start by yourselves oneon-one when we talk about gladiatorial this really is it so we joining us for the start right now of the Wold you’re going to see upper temps R Club bring on their home water here against Nottingham Ro Club on the right of your screen it prends on the top of your screen yeah we talked about it quiet but up ter preparing to go past their Club in a few minutes I bet we’ll hear some noise there start cleanly along the island it’s going to be so quiet for them they’re going to hear just the sound of the ORS moving in and out of the water and a g great spirit start there from on the top of your screen yeah this is our’s top crew isn’t it and look at them they have been training on this water they know it like the back of their hands they’ll have been working in this circulation pattern for the last three or four weeks and so they will have been rehearsing this noing of course yesterday I umpired that race um and we saw that they got uh oh no actually I commentated on a Jeff I don’t know what I’m doing but they the crew they were racing hit the booms just about this stage yeah these Cru know first races down as yesterday they’re getting used to that course you can’t get used to that course if that’s going to be your last race so you have to make sure you do a clean race down this course Finish First to qualify for the next day it’s knockout yeah and you can see there now The notingham Stoke man he’s making sure that he is in the right place just looking over wondering where that upper Temp and just a little bit of um wash there they’re having to contend with a few people trying to get to places this morning yeah indeed but look of 10s top of your screen there the bar station have just zipped out they’ve got broken clear I’d say relaxed loose rowing lovely shot of them there in control yeah upper turns were incredibly fast yesterday also the Canadian crew we watched the calary crew they were quicker in the early Parts the race but up attemps they put a really strong marker in their heat and they’ve gone out again to make a strong marker in this round definitely up there as one of the contenders for this Wold race aren’t they Sarah as they’re approaching the barrier they’re not letting it right now what would you do in this situation you’re you’re beating a crew that came through qualifi as Nottingham giving a spirited race yesterday what’s that mentality going to that first 500 M for this Up’s crew I think you just have to really concentrate and you have to practice what you’re you’re rehearsing we talked about getting used to the course yeah there is nothing like sitting next to a crew even though you’ve been training every day and the Umpire saying go so you have to rehearse and practice and practice and practice what you’re going to do and what’s going to take you through next rounds they won’t be backing off at all at this point this is absolutely their best effort we might see later on down the court that they come back off a bit and want to save the legs but right now they’re in race mode they’re practicing certainly are prends their backs come towards us racing down to the finish line here we are situated pretty much in the middle of the river Sarah and I on the Finish Line watching these Crews come down towards us and right now they know they’re in control they’ve got a few lengths they’ve almost done the hard work it’s keeping your heads keeping calm you still got to cross that Finish Line in first we saw yesterday lots of stuff can happen down this course yeah and you really need to make sure at this point actually when you get ahead that you arm in the right part you can see the upper 10 SP it is drifting away into the center of the Rope River that’s what they will do in training you just use you the part of the river that that’s available so they need to get themselves back onto the booms I’m sure the Umpire will be cing a close eye because as you said this noting and this qualification cre they’ve come through around they are going to be in it they’re going to be fighting all the way look how flat that water is Sarah great Ru conditions and just looking there it is actually the Nottingham Crew That’s come away from the Buckingham side so you can see they’re in the middle of the water and actually they’ve taken themselves back to where they should be where their station is and so they’re really managing their boat well now the middle of the course here it’s a bit quiet you see how far away you are from the actual bank and the crowd supporters it’s a moment to really gather your thoughts and dig in what are that Notting crew going to be thinking now there Notting crew you saw the stroke man look out you’ll be wondering actually how what the distence is you know where are they are we pushing is it working have they gone off too far cuz you need to be in your Rhythm and make sure you can go as fast as you can and hold your boat speed we can’t you know you can’t affect now the opportunity C you have they have to make sure that they’re doing what they’ve done what they practiced their notingham every on their 2,000 M course and on their River Trent um and you look now you can see that as they’re pushing on you see that bow man is indeed wondering where they are are we coming back to them have they done too much too early Look Around by Christopher Finch in the B seat they’re looking relaxed they’re looking like they run very well they’re just meeting a faster crew here aren’t they yeah they really are and as as we kind of suggested we saw that the ups crew they went right out fast that first marker and now actually right past their Club here up a 10 they are at a lower rate you can see that they have on their feet they’re keeping the length but they are allowing This Crew at this point to come back to them they’re saving their legs they’re thinking that they’ve done the work early on notum of course will be holding into this and making sure that if they get back in contention that they can take um advantage of any chance they get this is a very experience of T’s crew you’re looking at here several Henley medal already in this boat running different clubs Steph GTH in the three seat when the TS C for TS in 2018 and Tim Granton strs he’s actually won the Temple cup so they you know they know what it takes to win on this course and it looks like a confident calm relax row by this Upp 10’s crew and we’ve talked about the power of Oxford Brooks and some of these athletes have come through Oxford Brooks and it’s great to see that learning happening that an amazing system that Henry Bal witch and Richard SP which scly at the moment are are running and then they’re bringing it out into the club and this is the result some fantastic Club rowing absolutely you can’t Ro for your University forever and ever so it’s great to see these huge programs producing these athletes going on to support clubs like of attempts and right now they’re putting on a great show shot of Nottingham there still keeping that R High when we talk about right how many strokes are taking in a minute you can see it’s a little bit busier it’s a little bit faster than the but we hand to that up 10’s crew but nice rowing by this crew they really are gelled well together aren’t they you can see again they’re just having a small amount of problems with the steering I think having seen the crew they raced like um yesterday catch the booms on that station they are avoiding the booms and that can you know play in your mind as a steers man or woman this is steed by one of the the men in the boat they’ve got the steering um Ruder on their foot and so they will be managing their boat the won’t worry about this because once a boat is be behind they can’t interfere or at this point foul with the other crew which means they hit boats blades or um ores and so they will allow them to go where they want as long as it’s safe and fair a spirit of push there by Notting them as they’re coming down the enclosures the Crowds Are clapping the morning as early wakers R and stewards but look at this it was a great display of rowing they got out hard they got out fast uper 10 one of the favorites for this event towards the end of the week keep your eyes on This Crew yeah another fast start for this upper temp’s crew and when you’re side by side racing that is such a weapon to bring out a wiing the whiteall challenge cover ends ring Club over nottingam Ro be racing the winners of moldy Hano know who that is later on in the day he Jo to start with the Prince of Wales cup we have colner ratburger versus Reading university ratburger on the top screen the yellow boat bar station Bing station Reading university just come down the river this Powerhouse of skulling this is one of my ones to watch this morning Jess I’ve really excited about this race you’ve got the Reading university crew they’re going to be really really well drilled will R coaching them we see how strong they are will r d sit coach me back in the day so amazing to be part of that but look here now they’re actually that reading crew they’ve gone off really well but are they in the right foot of the river those Crews look a little bit tight together to to to me from this camera angle a bit f further down the course now ready have taken a length lead but this German crew is still keeping overlap sah there they’ve not let them go yeah and look at that Cole ratburger they are over on and you know hustling if you like that upper 10’s crew and if they come back on the line they side by side they will need to move closer to the Booms to make sure they do that some great experience in these young athletes here yeah Reading university very strong sculling here nationally in the UK with always a bit of an anomaly when you come up against a crew that’s traveled here from a different country you don’t know the pedigree but this crew from Germany’s got stacked full of trialists and Junior and National representation in that crew so they know what they’re doing and they’re holding on yeah it’s really really impressive isn’t there some lightweight athletes in here so they have been rating at 11 stone 72 kilos um in new money uh well 7 chilo maximum average 70 for their Bo no weighing at Henata they can be whatever weight they have but we know that the reading men are likely to be what we call open weight they like to be a little bit stronger we’ seen they have um um U represented in under 23 and other levels as open weight classes I think they just made a move s they’re just broken what we call broken is when your crews are slightly overlapping this is a great shot to see that you’re still in contention you’re still in in touch as we’d say the many you get kind of clear water between one end of one boat and the back of another it’s almost like snapping elastic band isn’t it and and you have that power to move away now it’s almost like a Vortex isn’t it CH I don’t know what it is cuz when you’re trying to break you get a little bit tense and put a little bit more work in and then we become less efficient and it’s just you know keep moving keep going relax oh now it’s easier now you’re using the big muscles and you can see here reading are really using those big muscles legs the back the the glutes all really efficiently and you can see the boat is just lifting and singing giv that from Sarah wink a former world champion in this boat classer she knows a thing or two um how does that feel now then as you coming to the middle of this course oh and the quad as well when you’re in that moment in fact I’ve been down this heny course in the quad with some very very famous names in our sport which is a massive privilege and you’re there and you trust your athletes and your your your colleagues at this point you the coach has given you the race Clan you it’s your job as an athlete to deliver it so they have been thinking about that but here it just gets so exciting cuz your teammates can really really inspire you through this part of the um course and you can see how well this Reading university crews are giving themselves to each other working as a team and you can see how effective it is down this Hy course yeah they they’re tight I said in their blade work they’re loose in their shoulders and now it’s almost take a breath you’re sitting a few lengths up you’re probably going to win this race now is the time to start thinking about your recovery and tomorrow it’s been a really tight race actually for that first 2/3 but here as we come down towards the Finish Line reading have managed to take R down slightly they look a little bit more relaxed little Look Around Here Comes The Finish Line we’re moving on fantastic R there reading University and as spirited effort as we said by the colonal renberg team there R University ready for tomor that’s a win for R University in Prince of Wales challenge cup of colner ratburger joining us at the start line for the princess Elizabeth Cook men’s a Chester King School Chester on the top of your screen rley College in the red and white on the right hand of your screen and some real pedigree you’re seeing here in this Radley crew yeah that’s really exciting isn’t it from both these Crews you know King School chest ire them yesterday they had a great race against Mont and Kon but they met a very very good crew in this Radley eight um today they were LED actually Radley Yesterday by hon for both um parts of the barrier so both to the barrier and to Farley so they will have had to take their boat all the way but today they have done the leading Bradley are up now on the king SCH Chester these Crews will L to the well the RAC to the all through the year and King School Chester really had it up against them this morning knowing they were coming to line up against Ry one of the fastest school boy eights this year than silver National schools they’ve been very dominant in the past few years we’ve seen them at Henley towards the end of the week numerous years recently and you know that feeling of lining against them knowing the crew that probably might be a little bit faster than them what do you do in that situation Sarah oh it really is that privilege of Henley actually you often have you know side by side you often have six lane racing when you know you’re not going to be the fastest but side by side when you’re not you absolutely have to have the mindset of going out giving it absolutely everything you can and making sure that you stay in touch for for as long as you can sking King School Chester they broke mon cumes yesterday we saw them push away and push away and push away and radly they’re trying to do that to them now K chest their lovely shot of them Roar down towards us here lots of many famous Internationals coming from from their Club Tom James Chris Bartley to name a few that I rode with and it’s great to see them here Rex the name on their boat you see the bman there Ben wilstone again the rowing is high standard looks loose it looks relaxed Canan down the boat see the middle of that crew this is their rata stick at it guys what distance can you keep that to at the Finish Line yeah really really important isn’t it you can see 310 there the time to fall and really good around that point um and they’ll still be pushing on and looking to move on I think we’ll have some mes very much Stiller than yesterday so we’ll have some slightly slower times um we had a Tailwind yesterday but it’ll be giving us some great comparison because it really is very um very sort of stable and look here you can see the race and we’re watching in a bit coming down the course this is you know how Henley Works you’ve got two races in the course at the at the same time this camera is fantastic you can pick up the Bradley there having done the work you can see the play work at the start of the race we’re going to be watching in a minute the CHS challenge cup yeah the moment this early start of the race is 5 minutes apart so they’re coming at you thick and fast stay with us and we’ll bring you all the commentating for the race of the entire week I should say today we’ve got 86 races and we are on to the third race of the day today so you’ve got a lot to get through 83 more races we are here really early in the morning and the winner with this race when we get there we’ll be meeting the winner of um shiplake saratu racing later on and of course there’s a psychological advantage you’ve got had a bit more rest you rowing is a sport that hurts Jess isn’t it you know you no way about it you have to have a different relationship with pain and you come down these um really long races and being able to recover being able to feel that your legs had a little bit more um than someone else can give you a bit of a psychological advantage yeah and if we’re all watching certainly here in the UK and in Europe um for everyone that’s watching that’s not based here there’s a big football championships going on at the moment different teams are playing on different days and I think that definitely plays into that feeling of extra day of recovery it’s almost like playing a tennis match having an extra day of recovery as we head up towards the Wimbledon finals so yeah for these guys they’re racing early in the morning they got the rest of the day to chill out hopefully don’t get distracted though here at Henley so go home rest up eat some food it’s a long week you’re on weding day you want to get to that last race on Sunday Bradley looking calm relaxed taking the weight really low now as they approach this Finish Line coming towards [Music] us King School Chester there taking away to keeping that Gap as small as possible great Sprint into the line Bradley across this line the princess Elizabeth challenge C be going on to the rest of the week yeah great event for that wasn’t it the Bradley Crew The power was on the rate was down you can see the athletes breathing hard still trying to look like it cost them nothing if anyone else who’s watching it’s a win for a Radley college and cup of a king School chest and we’re back at the start line once again for for the race of the 10 challenge C Royal Chester Ro Club on top of your screen versus mosy book club here in the [Music] black it’s start by both Crews and actually spirited start there by Royal Chester yeah Royal Chester they a fantastic Club you you know that they’ve done a whole load of work who AG Pro Ro Chester the clubs in the north of um London north of the CH Valley it’s great to see them here competing at the Riata and of course they will have used their time have been maybe a bit more water time than some of the crews that have been working on the T are on the tideway Ming you said formbook is going to be with mosy crew This Crew the black and the white on the left hand side your screen now but the Chester crew really taken it to them and push them in this first quarter as we head now down to the middle of the course let’s take a look at where they’re at yeah really interesting Jess isn’t it so The Moldy CW on the left hand side they’ got the M on the back you can see that actually their heads their bodies they’re just a little bit quieter and more together I would say than the Chester crew on the right hand side and these are subtle differences that make a tiny bit of boat speed so I’d say the Chester crew is still working a little bit harder than Moy to stay in touch and Moy is just keep keeping that relax keeping that long and pushing just pushing away yeah good call Sarah and as you see and we going to mention all week this is a one-on-one race it’s quite rare in our sport in rowing we normally race either a head race so you professional or you might race internationally you’ll see the Olympics in a few weeks time six boats across so oneon-one it does make it more intense and it means you have to go out and you have to battle in that first little bit to stay with the crew next to you and that’s exactly what this crew from Royal Chester have done but mosy the form Bookers with them and they’ve broken away as we go through the middle of the course past R Club yeah but I’d say Ro Chester has still in touch interesting moldy there you can just see a tiny bit on the blade work especially on bside the side further from it’s not quite as clean as it was earlier on and Royal Chester they are really pushing it and leading it and making sure they they can stay on I bet the Cox is talking to them right now and saying stay in touch for Chester this is your moment they’ve dug in and they’re staying with this miy crew Fair player to them I agree with you I think they’re looking a little bit cleaner now this Chester crew can they hold on and Sprint to the line that’s what we got to see here these big boats these Menat they do have a Sprint in them yeah it’s great isn’t it and you can see there that Ro Chester there working together really really pushing their heads moving better and back together and the coxen and the crew have really come from there dealing with this wash you see the water is just rocking the boat up a little bit up and down there they’ll be through that wash in a second and moving again but they have managed it really well Moy however though they’re still there we can see them on our screen pressing away they’re cson we’ll have to look over her shoulder just to check what’s going on with the Royal Chester crew Emily Jardine there to really make sure that she is giving the correct information of course you can see it as an athlete but it’s tempting to look and you shouldn’t I mean what a weak before the Chester had they came last week they came for qualifiers so they had to qualify to actually get to the start line um really strong week for them and being here it’s a great representation of the crew as they sprinting towards the line this is a great finish from the Royal Chester crew moldy look quite relaxed now their heads are up their chests are puffed out and they’re crossing the line ahead of this world chest yeah first round of this temps cup some great racing World on Rochester congratulations Moy that’s a win for Moy B Club B in the 10 challenge cup it’s Royal Chester Roy Club start line for the start of the island is the University women’s eight see University of London B in the purple on the right hand screen versus the light blue edbury University a at the top of your screen and off they go I’m really excited about this race J it’s again one of my one to watch I’ve seen some fantastic raring this year actually by en University as I’ve been either uning commentating around the circuit and really impressive Squad we saw a b and c boats in this event is real depth here University of London be here in the purple went through qualifiers last week they were absolutely Overjoyed the vat T when they got that call saying they’d made it through Ed recuit just taking a slip on them in these opening stages and you’ve got a bit of VI knowledge there Jess tell us about what’s going on at that club at the moment yeah we got great representation actually we qualified this eight last week so we’ve got a really strong a crew in this event would like to see them do well today very strong Prince of Prince Albert Cox 4 racing also through the week so um some real good representation in purple you’re going to see but today in this race it looks like it’s going Edinburgh away yeah and I think it’s worth just remembering this is Edinburgh University a crew against University of London be crew so these University squads are really strong and everyone wants to get you know as high as they can you want to be the worst athlete and the best boat you can get into cuz then you’re absolutely kind of in that your dream position um and the edin university a women will have had to trial all year to earn their place and now they’re making sure that they make the most of that opportunity yeah coming down here they they would have known on the start line they’ve beaten this University l and bew all year but this is Sport it doesn’t always go that way you still got to turn up and do it and put The Strokes in and win and right now lovely sideways shot there you can see how actually horizontal our sport is by that I mean look at their shoulders they don’t go up and down the sport is about moving and pushing the boat horizontally yeah it’s interesting John hickon he’ll be on the boat behind he’s the professional coach at Eden bre since 20133 and he really has got a way he’s getting his athletes to row together and that efficiency you can see they come quietly onto their their feet and then press with the legs it’s a real not a long stroke out the front as we see in some of the other Crews but you can see how they efficient is and when you do something together in a r it works you have to commit to what your coaches and athletes are doing otherwise you just fight each other that is a lovely shot this is you uses some training to show you how to actually row a rowing St great stuff there from edinb uni can out and see the university still right there few length behind in the purple the B crew did very well to qualify here for this Riata and they’re going to give it some through the middle of this course to stay in contention yeah it’s interesting isn’t it because University of um Edinburgh they’ve been used to winning actually they’ve been racing up in Scotland they won the Scottish championships in the championship eight and then they came into down south if you like and they met regata and on Sunday they were fourth in Championship eight and on the Sunday Saturday sorry the sixth and I think in those Championship eight they had Edinburgh University three boats in the top two finals so you can see the strength and depth of of these University squads and you need that depth don’t you so you need the kind of bottom of the pyramid the mid pyramid to push that top crew right at the top you see that across the board in Lots these big programs in your T run club and your Oxford Brooks and your leanders you bigger programs generally really fuel that competition and you get a lot of cream at the top it’s really interesting is it and you know being able to push each other on in the right way so you don’t pull each other apart is really really important you and I J over the years were in all sorts of selection ending up in a boat together actually in 2008 in that Beijing Olympics um that was a good day at the office at the office there and I both got turn up ing blazes from Beijing so um the eight the ultimate team sport nine of you in there got the Cox at the back of the boat steering and telling the crew what to do and it’s about communication it’s about trust in these big boats you can’t always talk to each other that person there you’re seeing in the bow seat Talia Johnson of University of London she can’t talk to her stroke person Maya Valley it has to be done on Rhythm has to be done trust has to be communicated through the Cox at the back of the boat all right that’s interesting St PE appear be really proud of these women they’ve got themselves through the qualifications that was a tough old day a long old day last Friday they’ve had the weekend and now they’re here at the rata and they’re going to push all the way as we have seen so many times you’ve just got to stay in touch you’ve got to be brave if you’re not winning at this point in the race because you never do know what’s going to happen ahead of you and this is it this is their Henley let’s see how close you get his Ed be University crew they look like absolute Class Act can University London B close that Gap have their heads up sit strong through the enclosures you see there still that beautiful style that all these women of Edinburgh eff effective efficient cross the finish [Applause] line great row there by both Crews lovely conditions be pleased giving each other cheers on to the next day the island challenge cup win for Edinburgh University a against University London D things are filling up now as we’re actually passing the 9:00 a.m. marker here in London welcome if you’re joining us from around the world it’s a little bit damp some some people over there umbrellas this morning people getting the best seats there towards the Finish Line we’ll see it fill up won we Sarah very soon definitely and if you’re watching this you know we can have a blaze name the Blazer competition coming in making see which club I’m guessing that’s an Oxford Blazer on the right hand side start line a few Flags fluttering the wind a little bit picking up it’s fine where we are right now in the Finish Line joining us for the next race which will be visitors the men’s intermediate coxless Falls they do not have a Cox way steering them steered by someone in their boat looking there Cambridge University in roskill blue of Cambridge famous through the year yeah it’s interesting these Crews just come together I think for this event and best issue there she stroke the Danish men’s for that just missed out on Olympic qualifications so that happened a few weeks ago in lucern and now he’s already thinking about what his next step is here um rowing with the cambrid men against Riverside boat club USA blue and white stripes at Rivers side from Boston almost match our boat tents don’t they Sarah perfect Cambridge Riverside when I see you are both straight and ready I fin check down the course there LCA Ferraro seasoned International rower Cambridge blue got his hand up that signifies telling the ire they’re not quite ready little bit of a breeze there the minutes hand comes down the race will start good good see C there just tapping on one side it’s clearly that wind what we saw is causing a bit of swirl for them go adjustments as they go from Riv side quite close to those boys there back to the middle of the course and they’re away yeah interesting both these boats are steered by their stroke men so they’re sitting closest to us they’ve got the foot um and that is a really good place when you’re on a straight Lane course cuz they can see really clearly on a river course when you don’t know that what’s coming up often you give the stairs to the bow cuz they’re looking around and they can see what’s going on but can hear there stes it’s really good work here from this Cambridge crew you’re seeing a mixture of different experiences here this Riverside boat club crew here B the white stries in Boston they all got jobs they’re all got stroke man’s actually um actually a pilot but they um they they really are got pedigree theyve tried they’ve been up there in the National system they’ve got big Ur go I’ve been told but they’re racing against this slightly younger if I dare say Cambridge roskill Ro Club yeah it’s really interesting we’ve got a huge experience of the Olympic trials and just for the UK we know exactly what happens when you go off for your long distance skulls and then start working your single and then seat racing but the Riverside USA have got experience about what goes on in the US system lightwe double sculls they’ve been trying and and my understanding about system if they have one race you youut you turn up at the trials with your doubled partner and those who win it get to go to contend for the Olympics they get tested on the international so these um it was Ashton Knight who came forth in that scenario so we’ve got some lightweights get some heavy weights of things here yeah absolutely you’re seeing the kid blue there as they’re moving out these guys have just been thrown together really quite a recent crew two the members of This Crew been racing and racing the Blue Boat this year they put together potential intermediate crew will they race again this y might not see it this might be the icing on the cake for them for their season and they’re doing a good job here yeah we’ll see how go and his visitors we’ll see where we go later on and then it’ll be back to elely for them um to do their long distance and their minds I’m sure will be thinking about the tideway in March but right now we’re here in July in Henley and it’s a little bit warmer it’s definitely got a course and um it’s funny as a boat race umpire I go from being on the tideway which is so wide and you stand and you’re thinking as number exactly where are you where’s the proper course which crew would you warn to when you come to Henley where of course we have the course with these booms delineated it’s a very different experience and it’ll be a different experience for these athletes too and I wouldn’t say they’ve broken clear either this crew here as they’re trying to get the Ducks to move out the way ahead of their course Riverside is strong members in that crew there three men we’re looking at there William drer he’s actually won what we call the crash which is the world champs for indoor rowing if you s those indoor Ro machines one of the guys in this build has got a huge Ogo way under six minutes for 2,000 M so there he is there with a cap on The Tall Man in three seats you can see you know that those lungs those legs that give you those big Eros he’s keeping them really efficient really relaxed really working you can see MSA oen these gentlemen are getting the air in but they’re staying in touch and Cambridge are coming away a little bit you can see them towards the center of the course no Advantage for them doing that really apart from the fact that it might be boat R habit I want to get in front of the other crew so you’re an Umpire in this situation do you is that a moment to warn someone what would you do right there well I’m watching Fiona Dena she’s there with the flag in her hand and she looks pretty relaxed I suspect what she’s seeing from behind she’s standing right from the middle is both crews are moving in so Riverside away a little bit off their station and Cambridge are off there but actually I seen just now she’s warned Cambridge back and look at that immediate response you see as an Umpire you can always see that when that foot goes on you see when the boat moves and you know whether a crew has actually done what you’ve asked them to do or not I warn you move please you are the referee in the in the football match you’re the Umpire in the roar boat and you have to listen to that umpire they are there to keep the race safe and fair to listen to what they’re doing and react and these boats are quite small actually it’s got like four men sitting in them they’re probably anywhere between 0 and 100 kilos each these men um boats the shell underneath them it’s actually relatively light compared to them it’s almost like half a man it’s about 40 kilos so you know the minute they start moving you can see the boat me yeah minimum weights for those boats when you race internationally cuz they want to keep it a fair you know I I always laughed and you know of course we’ve got beautiful boats of these athletes are run them but we do row in a hollowed out log and compad to say and other sports that are allowing to use technology cycling to really make their vehicles move on and on what how rowing wants to do is make sure that everyone has the availity of the boat so the athletes skill is tested not necessarily um the boats as well Bill Lucas there Rob B looking on from Cambridge two Cambridge coaches checking out their Cruise yeah there on the right hand side rob you never get a lot from him always kind of sunglasses on just watch ing quietly and he’ll be you know looking at this and seeing the Riverside they’re staying in we’ve watched the be Crew The Crew That’s down at this stage staying in on the racing here but they’re off their station a little bit it’s making it a little bit harder for them I don’t think um the Umpire will be warning them at all CU they’re not in contention she’ll be having her eyes on Cambridge and ensuring that this base stays exactly where she she wants it and they are doing a beautiful job at that right now look at this stroke it is long and it is loose you can see how efficient the legs are coming through the legs and the elbows are just coming down I know Rob Becky used talk about feeling like he had a book under your arm on your outside arm and you can see that that gets your LS moving in and you can see he’ll be not able to see the backs of his Crews but when he looks at this I’m sure he will be pleased at what he does see experienced crew here in the light blue of pen and the rosi Ring of Denmark Ferraro 23 champion last year boat race winner they kept their heads Riverside has stayed in touch they put them under pressure they’ve not let them had it all their own way they’re coming into the closing stages think cambrid R could almost take a [Applause] breath great entry in their visitors here this year 16 bats it’s going to be a great contest they hear that famous beat telling them across the line side watching there the Cambridge you can see yet again they’ll be pleased with that but it has not been e they’ve worked giving the cheers giving the respects this is such a respectful sport that’s a win the visitor challenge cup for Cambridge and rosi or roide boat club USA start TS challenge C TS B are racing in this in the black in the top of your screen against Mitsubishi of Japan in the red off they go I’ve been really looking forward to this one Jess cuz it’s really hard to know what the form is I can hear now the Umpire just getting involved a little bit but this Japanese crew we don’t know how quick they are and neither will temps be so they’ll be absolutely um fired up for this is this a crew I can beat is this a crew we’re going to have to contest H what you just don’t know what you’re going to expect on the start had some for through the year that’s why they’re here that’s why they’re racing on the Wednesday they up there against 10 but 10 are such a Powerhouse of men’s and women’s rowing in the country at the moment so they have a confidence and momentum of their boat club and their history behind them today don’t they it really is impressive isn’t it you know Charlie Clark the coach there will have you know been watching this crew ensuring he will set it up you know he’s got the bucket rig he’ll been looking these athletes and thinking how do I get this boat to work as well as it possibly can you know it’s our B booat it’s supporting our a a we need to make sure that these guys are working as well as they can and the mitubishi men from Japan have come out they come out to the hos that really fast start that they came alongside but at the moment temps are giving that power that push you can see the cover on their boats and what we mean by that is what you can see where the blades go and we can see the the stroke man going into the two man’s puddles or even just clearing a little bit and on the MIT bitt one as well that they’re working it well but the power of the t’s crew T power of that club system it looks good at the moment see MIT here most years at heny it’s great to see them here cuz they’re actually staying in touch there’s only about half a length of clear water i’ say between the two Crews the Cox is going to be telling them we’re going through the middle of this course now stay in touch yeah there they are they’re going past the mile signal there and yeah this is where it really hurts doesn’t it the race you can see here from the picture actually how far you have to go and already you have covered a fair bit of water just as hard as you can because side by side racing you’re going to be sprinting and burning and pressing your lungs and you’re if you’re behind you want to stay in touch and it’s just that temptation to stay out of rhythm stay a little bit High fact the best cops Mo I had at this moment was a cock’s going right it’s going it’s going well you were length down drop the rate drop the rate and we’ll go back through and we listened to her and we believed and we did and it’s amazing is it cuz sometimes when you’re a little bit scratchy a little bit behind you you’re putting the work on in the wrong ways and Well Done sus Ellis who did that it’s about relaxation and power and sometimes in the rowing boat if you’re too tense you’re not allowing yourself to transfer that power to the to the a through your feet um we have a famous saying and Rowing people shouting shouting relax well that doesn’t help you just got to be relaxed and you got to comb in that flow and T’s here are doing very well you know this crew Sarah are actually well versed in racing here and Rowing here we’ got some good experience down the crew yeah it’s really good isn’t it appar one of the next pro boxer which is interesting in their F but you know never say never we’ll going to be talking to him I don’t have a fight with Richard whom later on if he’s about um it’s great to see that they are here and they learn to R all sorts of universities we talked about this University Club system before you Bal Man David pter learned his room now at the brockford and now he’s at TS again coming into the club system and learning another way the back there of Ceda from mitubishi if you’re watching us mishy hello afternoon crew here staying in touch looking at a strong race there yes the Land of the Rising Sun got the sun before us so they will be well into their day now watching their Cruise they’ kept this energy they kept that Spirit through the middle of the course actually keep ters under pressure ters have not dropped their rid that’s not comes the place to be is it no I love it and you look at this and this is what this Vata is all about you’re in front of the grand stand you know you’re nearly there and you just have to go and go and go as the crew that is behind at this stage see if you can westle the other crew T are probably thinking go away Mish but Mish keeping this pressure right to the Finish Line as they’re coming hurtling towards us what is this distance going to be T’s cross in first place but mitsubish I tell you what they said put them under real pressure at the end yeah that was great was it t had done enough but Mishi they should be absolutely deeply proud of that performance well done gentlemen a win for t r be crew in the TS challenge cup of a mitsubish club Japan here the temple men’s University a it’s dur University a in that platin at the top of your screen the white boaton University B America here in the famous black and orange there’s nothing like an a there off the start it’s loud it’s proud and you can hear the Americans they’re making sure that they’re moving together and D on the other side and equally pressing through what a start I love it this are The Punchy starts there and look at them go you heard the are shouting there’s almost some Yelps in the middle of the crew you’ve got to get out there you got to get there hard and fast in these big boats and it was just Durham on our screen right now maybe a foot yeah dur they raced against Oxford University a d I think yesterday and you they had a good race against them a spirited race from Brooks there another amazingly strong Squad but the d man will be pressing on and making sure that they um move away from this Princeton University b um crew another great Squad with Princeton it’s great to see them over there I suspect anyone up very very early or late at night I think watching that and there are your men competing for a place in the temple challenge cup if you’re joining us from Princeton uh qu 4 in the morning won we applaud you but this crew here is staying in contention you’re in for a cker yeah this is really exciting isn’t it the Princeton crew with the black and the orange ores there they’re really big PE on the top you look at them they’re pressing and pressing and pressing and they look now but they’ve got a really good Rhythm they’re flat they’re a little bit higher than Durham let’s see what happens they fought back here in the middle of this Course Durham looked like they’d started to slip but Princeton have dug in and look a look across there stroke seat Oscar patteron where are we the Cox is going to be telling you you really reel the Mac in that gives you energy it really does and you feel like a million pounds at that point don’t you or a million doar if you’re in Princeton boat at the moment because every stroke suddenly feels like you’re being effective and efficient and when you’re in D we’ talked about stra stress and tension if you can see a crew coming towards you and you’re not listening and relaxing you know that you can just get that tension coming in and you start doing their work for them it’s aggressive it’s fast and it’s working for Princeton because they’re really putting Durham Under Pressure here yeah Durham coached by Will Fletcher fantastic lightweight r that we race with on the squad and against cuz he was often in one of the smaller lightweight boats and we racing a larger women’s boat and it’s great to see that system he will have F this he’s got the experience he will prepared these men for this attack but let’s see how well they respond just got the upper hand right now Durham as we look at the white back of Princeton those camo caps got a real draw through at the end of The Stroke don’t they Sarah the punch through the water there yeah they really really do don’t they and they just a little bit less shape at the stroke at the spont but pressing it through in the back Dar you can see they come through round a little bit more onto their toes and it’s just that tiny bit more effective and efficient but Princeton pressing it’s Princeton bre crew they’re going to go all the way and you know what Fair playge of the D University crew Princeton put them under real pressure through the middle of this race that’s a testament to the athletes in this boat they kept their heads they kept the confidence bit of a bang of the boat they crossed the line that famous platinate purple there a win from Durham University a in a temple challenge cup over Princeton University b d University again using that fast start great to see them through to the next round join to the start for the first open event of the regata the Diamond skulls we’re seeing here a pson of Denmark versus Tim Wilkinson Green Bank fouth Cornwall yeah significantly 24 men in this event that’s a big entry for them but that shows the dep strength and depth of this it’s great to to see Tim Wilkinson I think he’s in his sixth Henley um to there Green Bank um fouth athlete very experienced here but a little slip that Danish SC pson has moved out have a clear water as he come off the end of the island that’s interesting isn’t it the pman you’d expect the form to be with this athlete he’s got a whole load of years at World Ro championships in eights um and fours and he’s come through and now in his single skull um having work in Copenhagen regetta ruten back regetta the regas that we all hear about and he has now come to heny Roa to try his luck against the 24 men he’s met Tim Wilkinson from Green Bank fouth an experienced henle competitor but it’s the Danish athlete that have pushed away now every event here in Henley is stacked but the diamonds this year is especially stacked we’re going to see many many International rowers just like Thon coming here and really putting on a show for us probably the jewel in the crown OE zidler the world champion scholar about to go to Paris we’ll see him later on in the week yeah I am I uh umpired O’s final last year and it was an impressive sight to watch and all those men who are coming here will know that they have um him and and other Olympic qualifiers in the in the draw it’s a really exciting draw and that’s why we were able to put 24 Crews into the event now Jess you and I are both on the committee so you know how much time we spend around that committee table you of course um we have a couple of members who spent a lot more than us we we’re lucky to come in at the end but you know making those decisions we when when we get a field like this we make sure that we can have as many athletes as we can into it the 24 here Tim Wilkinson find himself up against pson from Denmark in this first round pson here I mean this is a rower who trains and competes in in the national team really that’s who we’re looking at just missed out on a seat in their National four he still races a spare with them he’s full-time athlete he’s training three times a day um that pedigree is hard to come up against isn’t it if you’re Tim Wilkinson from Greenbank yeah it’s interesting isn’t it because he’s been racing at that club now for 12 years he rose on a 1400 met stretch at C tiian Lake in Cornwell so you’ve got a fantastic Lake we looked at their website and it looked amazing really beautiful sight to row but now you know you’ve only got, 1400 M of train on you’re having to turn a lot I used to remember when Ean Dorney and I am that old was being dug and we only had at that point about, 1400 M so Tim we have also done that and we know what it’s like we also had a big digger um put coming in to dig it while we were rowing and that created a little bit of wash I can tell you but you know it does make a difference doesn’t it makes a massive difference there the record here looking at is St down towards the finish line is 2,112 M so Tim doesn’t actually get to race or train that far in a session so it’s it’s hard I’m sure he’s very good at spinning around I’m sure he takes his boat to other bits of water but um coming here and seeing the pedigree of the skull and seeing his actual his pedigree through the Earth here at Henley really Testament to how good athlete he is and it is it’s a great opportunity isn’t it for athletes in cornw to have a club to come and RAR at and it clearly isn’t stopping them you we’ve got Tim here a fantastic performance here we’re watching right here and in The Princess Grace cup also we’ve got Zara py she’s racing now she’s gone off to unit Reading university she’ll be under will Rand at the moment um but yeah we we’ll I’m sure be still giving a KN out to her Club Cornwall very Southwest of the British Isles it’s mainly famous for on on the sea rowing gig rowing and Beauty what a beautiful part of the um aisle it is it’s finished for its pasties and it beaches and Al Annie ver who we used to row with and I think Fran is hton as well she’s gone there and Helen Glover we can’t not mention Helen Glover who’s preparing for um the Olympic games right now so it turns out it’s a hot bed or International roow is cornall you heard it here first crew come towards us now they’re just approaching the enclosure so you can see them out of our window it’s it’s quite a long way this race in a single school you’re rowing against the stream so here we’re on the temps it’s not a title course down where you see kind of the boat races or the big races further towards London which is about 40 mil further east of us here but there is stream the river still flowing out and they’re going against that stream yeah it is and there’s been a fair bit of stream and it makes a real difference doesn’t it over the over the course and I think the wind is just a little bit of a headwind a holding wind for these athletes I used to quite like it because you can lean back into it and you can see the Danish rower there um ASC tson here he’s really pressing through using his legs leaning it through and actually not doing so much with his arms and his back at the end he’s just using the strong big muscles he had a collaps towards the Finish Line everyone applauding this is probably one of the hardest boat classes to race in you’re all by yourself no one around you no telling you what to do you’re steering at all and you’re giving yourself the race plan so huge respect to these actual Warriors of asport in the single skulls is a lonely Place see here pson crossing the line in first place Spirit row again the win for pson of Denmark the giant time Diamond challenge skulls over Tim Wilson yeah and you can see what it cost him those lungs they’re being filled back in now getting ready well Race 10 mine’s good my start another round of the TS challenge cup City bristle Rowing Club B against Mo Rowing Club of Munich on the bottom of your screen yeah very story on their city of West and I watched in the qualifiers on Friday I with standing as REM I’ll point it out we go through what in the Cru going in the time trial format and there was an audible G for City at Bristol be qualified ahead of their acre so they’re here now in the main draw facing the Germans in this club men’s TS challenge Club it’s great to be drawn against this kind of international crew from Munich M Germany as we pan there we can see they’ve taken about length and half they’ve got clear water over this city BR be crew striped blades blue and white looking quite relaxed now yeah interesting age range in this um city of BR M mber boat that we’re looking at ranging from 20 to 30 and there all of them having full-time jobs we got project managers civil engineers doctors who in their first years of redon redon we know how busy they are police officers and students all coming together to race in this club crew yeah Sarah said this is the t’s challenge cup so it’s the kind of Club level men’s AIDS so we’ll see a real range of athletes and people rowing in this you might be fresh out University new to your club or you might be a seasoned rower having been down this course many times it’s a real special one for that atts challenge c yeah let’s just talk about the rowing here on this m Munch boat it’s um absolutely beautiful again isn’t it very very well drilled crew are just coming up together there you can see how they’re coming through the back of the the cre together the and and a whole load of chaining going on so their blades are going beyond their puddles which makes is something that the coaches will look for in fact they used to look for didn’t they before we had speed coaches and other things to tell you how well they were doing yeah it’s a good call you want to clear those puddles you’re putting the All In and Out you want to move away otherwise you’re going back into your own dirty water we’d say we progress further down the course there you see Bristol loud and proud on the back of the bman there Ian Harding he very seasoned row I’d call him yeah interesting that b man he’s at season Beyond veteran will say he’s certainly not in the CD or E-class I think for those who understand that language and we’ll guess his age and his two man in front of him just 17 years of all under 19 trialist in February so fantastic experience and learning from each other in that city of brisol f and that’s what club rowing brings you here in the UK you can turn up and you can row with such a range of people and seeing the Munich crew come down towards the Finish Line we pan back looking at the City of Bristol be crew had a really great race but being outclassed here by this German crew today yeah looking for seeing what they will do later on bonds for life I suspect and forging that City of Bristol B boat that’s a win Muna Ro Club Germany the temp challenge cup of the City of Bristol be many thanks to Sarah winers who started the day with me and we’re now joined by Tom Morgan in the ComEd Booth good morning Tom hello Jess delighted to be here heny orata my opening Salvo here at the 2024 Edition super excited for the next block of race Tom is going to be filling us with stats and info from way famous Junior Rowing news we’ve been following them seeing their information and their great previews of what’s happening this week so we’re delighted to have him on comms today to tell us what’s happening Tom I’ll send you that 50 later Jess thanks take a little breath now as we’re waiting for the next race and here we are at the start the PE princess Elizabeth un men’s a took USA going to be taking on local crew ship Lake College yeah we should get a pretty neat comparison between the relative standards of the UK and US school boy Crews given that shiplate were bronze medalists the Nationals here at eatan dney and Saga took I think was seventh in the final of the youth eights at their us Nationals so not only is this a match up between two pretty informed Crews it also gives us a benchmark to understand how far other Crews from the UK and the US may go in the regata top of it good point sometimes we’re a bit blind not knowing how these Crews going to match up against each other I’m sure a lot of other coaches going to be looking at this race this morning joining us from USA if you’re logging on good morning it’s very early morning for you 929 okay Jack T go the Co in there just telling the crew what time it was they know this race starts at 9:30 they know they’ve got 60 seconds going be asked to come forward by the Empire and prepare to race little on when I see that you are both straight and ready I will start you like this [Music] attention get ready please it’s like the holy text those words from Richard Phelps it hands are up by the coxes they’re telling ire they’re not quite straight hands going down attention [Music] go out they get cleanly both Crews we are starting this battle who is going to Triumph in the PE today Snappy Dynamic starts from both Crews we’ve seen throughout this Riata and previous editions a lot of the international Crews go out really hard they try their best to end the race as early as possible and maybe cyber took there in shot have got one eye on trying to scare shiplake a little bit but shiplake known for their fast starting they’ve got great technique in this boat really well coached by Dave Curry and Hugh man you can see their Jess that’s a few seats already to ship Lake a really really powerful opening exchange yeah they’re not messing around there they’ve got out the start hard and fast they look very competitive here as we coming past the end of the island relaxed face there St went Isaac Dean looks like he’s barely trying yeah that’s what you want the guy in the straight right you want him to be laying down that Rhythm transposing what the coach and the cops are telling you and making sure that everybody else behind him just follows in sequence it’s a sequential thing rowing through an eight and you want the stroke to be as relaxed in the shoulders in the legs as possible so he can just make sure that that Rhythm passes down through the crew but ship late flying really really impressive here and they’re one of my Crews to watchs through the rata they’ve often Str to translate their speed from the winter into the summer but starting to put that to bed with some really strong performances both at the national schools regata but also here on the heny Straits they definitely give themselves a Target on their backs wining silver medal in the champ to national school so we know they’re fast they’re one of the crews to watch might t for that they the bronze medal a car race this morning they’re not listening I’ll tell you one thing though Jess it’s CTIC here in shot it’s really gratifying since the princess Elizabeth challenge cup opened up it’s roster to clubs it’s really wonderful to see so many US clubs meeting the call straight away coming over wanting to try themselves against the very best that the British have to offer and in sort of conversely to that it’s great to see that the school boys in the UK are still leading the way are still the goal standard in school boy rowing I think we’ve seen a real demonstration of that over the past decade with so many International winners up until about the middle part of last decade and now we’ve had a run basically of sort of six or seven uninterrupted years of UK success in this event so it’s going to take a really really strong crew to unseat the lights of look down the sh crew there s won’t let them go they’ve got pedigree this American Crew they’ve been up there they’ve all raced head of the charge they were second ahead of the charge this year they they know how to race as a crew they’ll have that tight Rhythm as a unit but may when they looked at the list this morning and saw they were against shiplet college is that a bit of a blow when you’re looking down the list yeah they would have been thrilled with that as a draw because there was certainly been easier potentially roots to the Friday than that but look you we were having this discussion earlier in the week about difficult early draws having to meet some of the best Crews early on in Arata if you want to win the event you’ve got to beat these guys at some point anyway so from a saric perspective I don’t think they can have too many complaints but ship Lake here I think your point about Isaac Dean in The Strokes is is stew J because he looks so composed I mean he 17 and he just looks like he’s in complete control of that entire a I can certainly see why Dave and Hugh have put him in the stroke SE yeah what’s the what the qualities you’re looking for for somebody in that stroke seat I think it’s like I said you want dynamism you want someone who doesn’t get rattled very easily you want somebody who’s able to translate from the through the rest of the crew and and Isaac is showing exactly what it takes to stroke a school boy crew he’s looked in control right from the off and actually at this level when the maturity maybe isn’t as high as some of the student club intermediate open events that we see you want as much I guess maturity but also s of development in that stroke seat so I think for Isaac he’s showing us here putting on a clinic on how to uh how to stroke an eight and it’s still close this is crew from America not let them go they still be feeling the pressure of your ship leg but that maybe shows their pedigree that they’re feeling confident they’re coming in through past the remant club this is into the final third of the race looking strong as we look at Sook now aggressive into that water you have to be in these big boats don’t you yeah aggressivity is certainly part of the formula I guess it’s it’s really hard Henley when one crew breaks clear the other to find the physical and mental resolve to regain terms because rowing’s one of these peculiar Sports where you’re facing backwards so not only can you not see your opposition you can’t really hear them anymore despite sort of the the distant CH sort of distant calls of Cox so From sok’s perspective it’s going to take something pretty extraordinary for them to overthrow shiplake from here I just think the way shiplake are rowing they are so well drilled every time I watch them I just think that the the technical proficiency on board is perhaps amongst the best that the UK has to offer and they’re showing every inch of that here but coming back to Saga took I mean look they were the second crew from the schoolway eights at the head of the chars you see there Phelps just warning ship Lake to make sure they stay on their station and that’s just an interesting little Nuance there Montgomery Walker in the coxing seat for ship Lake just adjusting their line slightly they haven’t got enough an advantage there Jess to maybe push out into the middle and I think he’s just rich just keeping Taps on that ship cre making sure they’re respecting the lanes that we sort of have to intangibly visualize here on the screen both getting War warning there trying to keep them apart don’t you do not want to clash here honey I mean there’s the threat of the clash of the booms you see those white posts alongside the crews they’ve actually got wooden booms in between them to keep the lane but down the middle as Tom was saying there’s nothing separating the crews apart from themselves so don’t want to clash into either one of those sides well it’s also every time you have to sort of pull on that Rudder it slows the boat down a bit it unsettles the Rhythm it unsettles the sort of fear and and run of that boat so ideally you want a straight line as possible they’re putting on some real pressure now these last couple hundred meters sh like have got one length s keeping the momentum and then closing this [Applause] Gap I think ship leg have done enough through the start of this race through the middle of this race to just have that little bit of ease as they come towards the finish line and they are going to cross the line first a slight bit of overlap by S took and it’s real big blow in the PE it’s a big win for shiple college princess Elizabeth cup over sag roaring Club USA and others will be looking at that yeah there’ll certainly be some Keen eyes watching that especially some of the counterparts here in the UK very interesting to see how they develop as the rata goes on start L for the white bold are The Men’s Club fours cockus fours four people in there no see M CL top your screen gets Hanover in the Red White and Blue on the right of his screen I always look forward to the start of these ones Jess because you can just see there the two Crews coming towards each other quickly correcting although the [Music] Germans really not staying on their station at all they’re going to have to adjust forcing mosy over to use the full extent of that bark share but you can see there mosy already with a left really Dynamic start and actually mosy had a blistering race yesterday against Sydney I think got caught a little bit napping off the start but down to Sydney and managed to recover and I think they’re Keen to not repeat that they want to get out as early and quickly as possible here wow that is heart racing Stu you saw both Crews there slightly having to steer off the start almost went over to the temple L and then both came back to the bank it’s unsettling but mosy have taken real advantage of that as you pass the barrier as you come to do this first third of the race they’re looking control Tom yeah that’s a privilege position to be in there you can see there stroke Luca H and Bailey just laying down the Watts managing to enjoy their row now because they’ve just done all the hard work in the opening exchanges as I said they were Keen not to be caught out like they were Yesterday by Sydney and having to really negative spit the race here they’ve just got complete control over it and Hanover well it’s not pretty watching if you are tuning in from Germany they did win their race yesterday but here they’ve just come up against a crew that I think have just had a better start really exploded out the blocks and taken control of this one when we talk about that agility and the power mul have used that at the start of the race and now they get to be looser and more relaxed so we we can say see that by looking by eye at how many strokes per minute they’re taking in normally when you’re racing flat out you’re in the mid-30s 30 Strokes 35 stroks a minute now they they’re right down they’re down to the mid 20s tapping it along we’d [Music] say that’s what we all dream of at hle isn’t it it’s a luxurious position to be in the ability to just dictate the terms of the race write your own narrative Moy doing just that as they move past reman Club there on the left hand side of the the pitcher I’m sure that’ll be full already of keen Moy fans who will give them a Roar as they come past Han crew toal brand B edar K in two Thor Sega 3 and Cornelius Dietrick there some two guys in the middle of that boat there pretty young 19y olds just leaning away from their riger bit aren’t they just stay Cal in a rowing boat in that sweet boat there is a little bit of a sweep around to your riger you should come back to your riger at the finish of the stroke you start peing away that way that wobble can happen in a boat well it’s sort of the the fallacy of the winning versus the losing when we watch those winning Crews they’re able to relax their rate the shoulders just look a lot less tense and the technique naturally improves whereas if you’re chasing the race it tends to be that your rate is higher in enity is very much on in the boat and that means that technique can struggle but two lightweights in the middle there from the Handover crew Edvard and Thor and I’m sure their names for the future and they’re flanked either side by Cornelius Dietrich 32 and tomus Brandis 22 so a little bit more experience on board but that’s not really serving them at the moment wonderful to see so many German Crews I think it’s a record German entry at heny Roat in 2024 and deuts Ruda Club Hanover of Germany just one of of many crews who have made the trip West to race on the iconic Henley Straits but looking like they’re going to need something akin to a miracle here J to overturn this mosy boat club crew yeah it’s great to see them and they’re actually putting in some real big Strokes now as we come towards us in our little commentary Booth they’ve stuck at it they’ve been aggressive through the middle of this race but again we’ve seen it a couple times this morning the MSY crew are just faster than them that happens as for sometimes yeah that’s exactly it we often try and find here in the commentary box reasons rationale rhyme and Rhythm as to why something happens but in this instance J I think you’ve hit the nail on the head M are just quicker yeah really steady really horizontal in that Noy crew almost just look like that for a paddle now and know getting some real pressure of the start they held their heads and moved away well we didn’t hear it on the chat about this Moy crew Pata all the focus was on Sydney Marlo TS they’ve now dispatched two International entrance maybe a boat to watch they love that as well Dark Horses ofata moldy boat [Applause] club few miles further east than we are here back towards London next to Hampton Court Palace pleased with that win a win for M the wall challenge cup over Hanover Germany start of the visitors challenge cup Brown University USA on the off your screen bsh Berlin and Germany espania Mexico in the red boat on the book station on the right of your screen I love this event Jess you get such a smallest Board of caliber right across the board in the intermediate Cox’s forwards and you also get some very curious interpretations of a straight line which adds that Jeopardy to the event but Brown University wasting absolutely no time at all here they are already out to Clear Water four of the guys from their vity that won the Eastern Sprints one of the Premier titles that you can win on the collegia circuit in the United States Berlin Mexico getting very close to the booms there as we come up live here Jesse it’s brown in well I would say that is complete control wow they’ve really laid the hammer down here and they’re dominating this crew from Berlin Germany and espania Mexico they shown their class there and we might see repeated previous race where you get to just relax up a little bit well Conor Brown there in the B seat of that Brown crew a Brit Road at Abington School and Henley Roy Club back on his home stretch of water here and he will be enjoying this rad down the course and that gives you an indication of the margin that brown have now established on this race because the camera struggling to get the Berlin and Mexico combination in but just coming back to my earlier Point here Jess about the the sort of entrance the variety of entrance that we get in this event I mean a crew from Germany and Mexico you first of all have to ask how on Earth did those two find each other but also it’s so good to see Crews from all over the world combining to try and tilt for Henley silverware but it looks like that Brown University crew again one of the outfits that I’ve been having my IR all week will just Just a Little Bit Stronger on this occasion we absolutely love to see everyone and anyone that wants to come and race here and again I Echo Tom’s words there struck seat that famous star of Berlin kman stroking that boat behind him Brandon Mark Leander colors on a real mixture here Diego ruo from espania Mexico and Charlie McLaren up in the bow seat yeah the unpredictability of this one is also what makes it so interesting we just don’t know how far some of these composite crews are going to be we saw uh the Cambridge Danish combination ear dispatch the boat from Riverside boat club so that was a composite that worked well on this occasion the cohesion that is formed by rowing we’re the group of lads all year just seems to be winning out and it’s this Brown University crew it’s William sto Nate swidler Gabriel Mara and Conor Brown a Brown University happly named there in the B seat just doing the business and what you looking at here in this Brown crew they’re actually all Internationals Tom aren’t they I mean we see a a plethora of representation of great Britain of the Czech national team um we see people that vote for the Dutch national agent William St in Str seat so they know what they’re doing well that’s so often the case with some of the big us universities they have such strong recruiting pull and a lot of the talent from around Europe just gets sucked up because the education system is second to none and the quality of the rowing is similar in parallel so it’s a a real experience for these guys to go out there and ply their trade for a few years in some of the world’s most venerable academic institutions and brown no stranger to that and just enjoying now their row down the course it was a shame really that brown didn’t want to bring their full V8 of course winners of the Eastern Sprints and a disappointing Ira campaign they were winners of the B final by pretty much Clear Water which was not what they wanted to be but I think they’re back here with a real ambition to try and win the visitors challenge cup another strong crew here in this event one to watch definitely through the week once again the come dominators their opposition just looked nice and easy now a few claps as they come past filling up seats of Stew enclosure few hats today is a bit more damp than we wanted to be for Henley week but a confident strong dominant Row from the men from Brown University USA even a little bit show boting there get a pause their hands away balance the boat and wait for the B man tell them to them into the water that’s actually quite hard to do few breaths but it’s a win in the business challenge cup for brown univers USA of a Berlin Germany Andia Mexico join us at the start of the island challenge cup University women’s AIDS we have dur University bew the top of your screen versus Notting University the yellow ores right hand side your screen B station strong start there by both Crews Tom yeah Punchy Dynamic not a lot to pick between them at this stage I think Durham coming into this one the slight favorites on paper and that’s bearing out in the opening 20 or so Strokes they’ve got looks like about half a length which isn’t decisive in an eight but what Nottingham now need to do is find a way to respond and we come up live actually Jess things don’t really seem to have changed all that much Nottingham’s still in touch which will give them a real sense of satisfaction knowing that although Durham jumped out and tried to end the race early they’ve just clung on they’re still there this run is definitely definitely not over not even keeping their Rhythm keeping the power I think they’re coming right back in this dur University be crew it’s about taking those famous quotes about the inches you’ve got to just be a little bit faster than the crew next to you and if that adds up through the middle of this course you’ll start really clawing back and Notting are doing that here yeah I totally agree Jess they’ve definitely managed to regain a footing on this one and that shot just giving us probably one of the best shots in rowing in terms of Illuminating what’s happening on the course side on side with these girls in the island challenge cup only instituted three years ago I think it was in 2021 and we’ve had two domestic winners from Brooks and one international winner from Brown in 2022 but here Durham’s be crew up against Nottingham University who themselves have had a bit of a meteoric rise over the last few years under this stewardship of Peter boy and Aid Roberts and showing that proficiency here on the heny stretch and this will be a really really good scalp for Nottingham to take if they can just find a second half that allows them to move slow slowly but steadily through this Durham Bo not University the yellow there on your screen they’re probably sick of seeing dur University because the D University a crew actually knocked them out of Henley women’s rata two weekends ago but they’ve really come back here through the middle of the course the has a little across there she’s just going to tell them Charlotte brand you’re moving back you’re coming back on Durham University let’s move this is shaping up to be a classic Henley race vintage stuff here from Nottingham University they’ve clung on in the first half despite the efforts of Durham and as I am talking they are drawing level with Durham and Stroke by stroke inch by inch they are moving through we love these battles of attrition on the Henley Roar stretch and Nottingham at the moment showing us that Perfect Blend of balance and maturity and they’ve broken them Tom they’ve just gone through them Notting him taking a foot of Durham University B what a great start for Durham University you looked like they is going to move away but this is Sport this is rowing they kept their hand in the fire and this noing University crew coming towards us in this last closing stages they’re coming to the last 500 me here have they got enough to keep moving well to your point Jess this is what we love about sport the narratives that are unfolding before and during a race and to your point Nottingham losing out to Durham at heny Women’s rata they wanted revenge on that very same course and with an extra 600 M to row compared to the women’s course that is going to play into to Nottingham University’s hands because I think the momentum is with them now Durham University are not letting Nottingham have it all their own way they look at this they’re Clinging On they Cox is going to be screaming at them now what have you got in these last few hundred meters Cox is basically eyeballing each other Zar Barry from dur University Charlotte Brown shouting at their Cru they willing them in these last closing stages we’ve got an absolute nailbiter here don’t me to find an extra gear it’s going to be really really tough for them to find the result but if they can do something in the last 10 Strokes it’s been a bit of a disaster there in the two seat for Durham Davis just looking over her shoulder I think Notting we’re going to clinch this this has been bow ball to Bow ball and noing of coming up to the finish line and they’re going to take it they just Pi them by a canvas and that was showing you resilience it shows you confidence it shows you belief in their program and their crew hands in the air what a race and not a university Durham absolutely exhausted over the line flat out out there what a fantastic contest it’s a win in the island challenge cup of n University against dur University B who going on to race Oxford Brooks University a I’ll take a breath with the start line for the Prince of Wales men’s quadruple skulls here Evergreen versus skull Evergreen USA skull are from the Netherlands so Evergreen in the white boat top of a screen skull the red and the white well that Dutch crew on the right hand side I’ve heard a lot of good things about them they beat the Dutch under 23 crew at the Holland Becka a few weeks ago so I’m told reli they’re very fast I’m told Rel they’re not very good at steering because you can see there the Umpire getting involved early doors having to just warn them back onto their station and we see Crews just evolving in their understanding of the course through the week and this is obviously both of these Crews first run down the heny straight so skull will want to to get back onto their station and focus on their race here air men’s p is going to be tight it’s really fast boat you an ore in each hand so actually the surface area you have to push against is a lot more than in a sweet bat so you can get out and you can be Punchy Evergreen holding on anyone’s race at the moment yeah these quads are thing of beauty my favorite boat class by far eight blades four people locked in unison so much Symmetry and skull I mean we’ve seen them win this event before they’ve come over and shocked some of domestic entrance I think this skull crew here with similar Ambitions so many strong Dutch skulling outfits right up to their international team who of course are some of the uh Premier entrance in the quad and the double of the Paris Olympics and this skull crew I think Jess just extended out but unlike some of the races we’ve seen in the last half an hour not able to relax by any stretch in the IM This Crew still very much in this one still tight there now as talking about the speed of these boats the quarts are very fast but the biggest fastest boat you’re going to see on the course this week the men’s eights the slowest boats are going to be the women’s single skulls so that’s the span cords are probably the second fastest boats out there skull look like they’ve got this and they’re looking back at the Evergreen crew but not letting it whatsoever well Evergreen over from the United States of America it’s Jack Stone Edward Tuckerman Alex Warden Christopher Stitch this is their first time racing in this combination and I just think the cohesion and the sort of knowhow the understanding between the skull athletes who’ve been rowing together for a few weeks now has just paid dividends here because despite the early pressure from this crew from the United States of America it’s skull who remained composed and coming down past the stewards enclosure they now have what I would describe is a pretty good margin of advantage [Applause] yeah they made their Hammer blow there in the kind of second quarter of the race I’d say skull from the Netherlands as they approach the Finish Line Evergreen have kept in touch the start of that race and they definitely keep that margin as tight as possible but as they come towards the Line crew from the Netherlands Prince of Wales challenge C SC defeating Evergreen V for the USA yeah very excited to watch this skull crew mature through the event so often this category for intermediate quads won by Leander Club on their home stretch and it’s always exciting to see like all the intermediate categories a range of Crews come from overseas to try and challenge the might of Leander and this skull crew one of my favorites to to try and unseat the Pink Palace let’s have a little look back on what we think is probably the best race of the morning morning so far there’s been some good ones been some tight ones but that race we just saw in the island challenge cup between durh University B and no University the lead changed several times didn’t it well those were the money shots there Jess on screen right now Illuminating what was happening in the middle of the course and you’re right Durham out to a fast start but Nottingham there we go we get the slow-mo Nottingham about you call that a quarter of a length but a phenomenally well timed race from Nottingham to unseat this Durham crew this is what it’s about that pain through the middle of the race the belief from Notting him but the absolute distraught crew from Durham smiles and Nottingham and they’ll go on to race Oxford Brooks University a big crew and a big challenge for them the rest of the week yeah unenviable task anyone who has to face up against Oxford Brooks but like we said earlier Jess to win it they’ve got to be in it and Nottingham certainly are as we come back to the start line those flags are blustering a little bit bit more of a headwind now and we’re going to the Open Women’s eight event the rum The Ivy Club of Princeton USA Green in the top of your screen on the bar station and the familiar pink of Leander roaring right here on their home water bottom of your screen bu station crew still sitting quite relaxed wait for the calls from the Umpire tell them to come sit forward but right now those moments of breathing do not worry she’s not she’s not yawning because she’s tired there six woman of the of the IV Al let Patton that’s what happens when you have adrenaline that feeling of fight ORF flight your body trying to get in oxygen so you see a lot of the time in the start line they’re certainly not tired they’re actually preparing themselves getting ready it’s a natural response they look they’re having a great time I don’t think I’ve ever looked that relaxed on a start line and that’s sort of what you want to see to be honest I think often the crews who have that sort of lack of tension in the shoulders they just look like they’re enjoying themselves that can mean a looser more relaxed start so let’s see how out and I see that you are both straight and ready game faces on from bit of a j serious and ready to row they told to move forwards sing at the start of their stroke which gives the best kind of Leverage through that first squeeze of the drive mot start race want to go as soon as that flag moves down attention go start the ROM challenge CL iy Club USA Leander club right here in Henley The Open Women’s eights this is the international women’s eights race it’s the Pinnacle of the big boats for the women was going to Triumph today iy Club in sha Alias of Princeton University iy Club very kindly supporting these Princeton openweight ladies in their trip to the United Kingdom they’ve had a really really strong season over the last what say three years three times Ivy League champions you can see that precedent paying out here or playing out here because they’ve already got three4 of length over favorites from the Ander Club but one thing I would say just before we comment any more on these two competitors is what an absolute pleasure it is to see the remant challenge Cup on Wednesday Testament to the depth and breadth of the entry roster this year yeah we as the committee and as a steward we trying to make sure we can keep the depth of these women’s events and it only happens when we have the entries and the pedigree we’ve seen across the board these women’s events who getting bigger and bigger each year um makes our job EAS um and we are more than happy to put this event on on the Wednesday if the crews turn up and they want a race gives us a headache but um it’s a nice headache to have certainly as heading Ro G increases every year in popularity you get a wider variety of people coming to chance their arm on this world famous course at the ivy Club from the United States of America certainly doing that here as I say Princeton University girls in the boat coxed by Sarah koven who won Varsity gold in the IV League women’s growing championships and steered and undefeated 2024 regular season so if anyone knows how to win it’s her and of course these American colleges that come over they have so much more experience of this match racing one-on-one format than the UK counterparts with their Leagues with their regular uh season matchups throughout the year they understand how it’s uh how to win in a one-on-one for and just showing Leander here what it takes but Leander credit to them having not raced as a full crew this season this is a new lineup from the Pink Palace they are clinging on for dear life here they won’t want to let the ivy Club get away any further than they already have because we’ve already seen Jess one example between Durham and Nottingham where Nottingham just hung on hung on hung on timed their move to Perfection and more able to take the lead yeah certainly theander haven’t rolled over here they’ve stuck with them haven’t they they’re not letting them move and this Princeton Crew The Ivy Club crew they’re pretty stack crew let’s not beat it around the bush they’re all linked to Princeton University in somewhere shape or form so you got a real mixture of very high Elite University rowing there in this crew and leanda probably know that seen the entry but they’re also one of the high performing clubs of the country and not going to let them go away easily well they had a brilliant year at H ragata in 2023 winning a collection of trophies so certainly a club that knows how to do it I know that this Leander crew are something of a development boat it’s not their best athlete in the women’s Squad but I’m watching those two boats in profile here I think the momentum and the boat speed at the moment is with this crew from Randa on the top of the piture in pink they seem to be making Headway here against the ivy Club of Princeton we haven’t seen this Leander Club as this lineup um domestically yet so we actually don’t know how fast they are so this is real test to see their speed and a test for the rat to see how far they’re going to get and then they’re sticking with the ivy club they’re not letting them move an inch well this will sure bond them together What a Feeling for these Leander outfit the nine athlet stroked by Amelia gleed this will be a really really good position for them and they will feel every single ounce of support on the back because they are drawing level with the ivy Club from Princeton as we move towards Remnant look at this Tom they’ve really clawed it back in this second 500 I’d say they’re moving back on that’s not a nice feeling if you’re from The Ivy Club but I tell you what it gives you energy it gives you power if you’re in that pink crew from theander and they are edging past the ivy Club as we speak textbook Hy racing absolutely textbook it’s brilliant watch the blades there from the under you can see with each stroke just inch by inch they’re moving away now from The Ivy club and now they are out to a quarter of a length and continuing to move and is this going to be a decisive moment in this heat of the remm challenge cup it’s Leander moving out seat by seat brilliant brilliant performance so far if you’re in the Samaritan crew if you’re in the ivy Club your will be telling you to really soak up this push hold on to them don’t let them move again if you can stop their move you can cling on to them and you can see what you got as as a Sprint but right now that’s an absolute Hammer drop from theander as they’ve move right through the ivy [Music] Club yeah that is Sensational racing from meand perfectly timed and they’ve sort of Taken almost a boat length in the space of about 25 Strokes that’s an impressive feet of engineering from that crew and if I look at that Princeton crew they look a little bit they look a little bit rattled a little bit disorganized now I think that’s taken them by complete surprise and this Leander now you can see almost a smile flickering onto the face of Amia GLE in the stroke seat she now knows that her and her crew have done a really hard shift there in the middle of the race and they have control here the Cox of Leander G sag she’s just having a little look around over her shoulder and she moved her boat into the middle of the course a little bit hope she doesn’t get a warning for that look there and she knows she’s done enough they’ve just broken clear as they’re coming towards the enclosures here well from an ivy Club perspective it’s going to be difficult to say the least to find the resolve Now to respond to what was a to say decisive and explosive move from Leander Leander with the benefit of Home support the stewards rising to their feet to salute this Leander crew as they come through the enclosures that is a really impressive performance stressing of how hard it is if you’re behind in these kind of races to have that confidence to keep doing doing and move through especially when you’re lining up against the caliber of the ivy Club here you’ve got multiple Internationals in that Crew Alice Patton is an international got Mia Brown who’s won the Prince Philip cup for headington in the two seat Luc koven he’s medled at the junior worlds and under 23 worlds in the B SE so these are really well seasoned rowers this young Leander crew are taken down right now well spare thought for Catherine George in the five seat of this Ivy Club crew a former leanda Club athlete herself and now she’s faced up against her probably former teammates and has been unseated here on their home water by a really really mature and composed exhibition of rowing here from this the handup group take a look at these faces you’re going to see them in the national team in years to come this is the remnant challenge you looking at the elite Open Women’s eights Leander crew in pink shown his time again he don’t need to be winning off the start line you have that power and the confidence through the middle of the course you can do it yeah that is exactly right the start is only half the battle and if you can’t break clear as the ivy club didn’t manage to do you always leave yourself exposed to a moment of real real disciplin down the throwing it down here on the heny stretch that’s a really really mature performance it’s a win forand Club in the REM challenge cup over I Club USA confence the start line the temple challenge C men’s University eight lger of Del the top in the red versus Mighty Al Brooks be crew B station on the right of your screen yeah one of my favorite events the temple challenge cup for student men’s eight or open eights I should say and it’s Testament to the quality of the Oxford Brooks program there we look at be Crews and we think they’re probably Saturday contention they’re probably that level of quality and this Brooks grw showing Laha what it’s all about here in the opening exchanges they’re already out to half a length and we know how Fierce Brooks are as races we know how Relentless they can be not only off the start but they have such an inexorable midra Rhythm that it becomes really difficult for even the most composed and controlled boats to stay with them and lar just trying to stay stay in touch but we can see here just as he moves the live angles Brooks extending out well it’s a familiar site we see o of Brooks here absolutely dominating many of these University events and actually if you think about Paris in a few weeks time most of our men’s eight going to be made up from Brooks athletes I think our men’s four is almost only Brooks athletes so the program is a Jugger Al the rowers know they’re coming here to Henley and the pedigree before them is huge but it’s a testament to the work these rowers put in it doesn’t just happen does it Tom well it’s a testament to the work these rowers put in that they’re just part of this production line of talent that Henry bash web and Richard spratley have cultivated over the course of the last 12 or 15 years they’ve changed the actual fabric of rowing in this country to make Brooks into the I think the most pound-for-pound the best boow club on the planet if you look at the Quality the crews that they produce year on year they’ve got four eights or they did at the beginning of racing yesterday they had four eights in the temple challenge cup I mean that is astonishing and you can see here as they move down past what I think is the beginning of the rata enclosure this is two B Crews on paper facing up against each other and Brooks showing everybody just how strong they really are RO with many Brooks throwers at different games and they just have this different spark to them car delin who my crew in Beijing con around sat in front of me actually in the Rio games you can almost shout Brooks at them and they just flick a switch and something happens to them in International race you know they they’ve got it in them in it’s in their DNA and they replicate it time and time again here against this this ler crew from Del University crew famous Dutch town I didn’t get a chance to tell you about their Ting glaze Pottery but that’s for another time we see the the red shirts a little bit unconventional but we see that with lots of the Dutch Crews the they K they were Tom well we’ve seen some of the near House Blazers that like they’re better suited to a museum than on someone’s back at Henley roata but this deler studentin crew as you say Del beautiful little town in Holland and their regular visitors to Henley rata I think they won this event in 2013 outright and they’ve got an AC crew here or I’m to of pretty quick this B crew I think they’ve just come up against a faster boat on the day this Brooks crew just moving so smoothly able to take the rate down now enjoy the Acclaim of the enclosures already mindes will be moving towards their next race which I think will be on the Friday of heny warata in the quarterfinals of the temple challenge cup where Brooks are likely to have at least a couple of bootes representing this famous famous Oxford share [Applause] institution nice and easy through the enclosures you hear the the splatter of claps there for them as Brooks oh they even wow even pausing with the blade Square that’s quite hard to do see ler come towards the Finish Line finishing their Riata that’s a win for o Brooks University B in the temple challenge Cup against ler the start like the diamond single skulls Open men’s single skulls race here Philip Piper of Slovenia at the top of your screen Denmark on the right of your screen [Applause] Fifer on the right hand side there one of I think five single Scholars who we expect to see competing for the nation at the Paris Olympics and wonderful to see such depth of Olympic caliber here at henle worldata despite the fact that the Paris game starting just over 3 weeks time so he’ll be Keen to put in a good performance here but at the moment it is do of Denmark or I should actually reframe that sorry it is 5 who is leading on the barsh [Music] station and great caliber and pedigree of both of these Scholars actually they both raced internationally both seasoned athletes but again on the start line if you’re com up against someone that’s about to go race in Paris in a few weeks time that’s a hard askk isn’t it Tom well you’d expect their program to be peaking in the next couple of weeks and you’d expect them to be pretty close to full fitness full form and and interesting as I say to see so many Paris bound Scholars coming over to get one final run down a competitive course just before the Paris games and Fifer from Slovenia one of a number of Scholars who I think will be vying for the chance to face Ole zider in the final can ask you Tom what why would you come to Henley a few weeks before the Olympics what’s the draw coming here how does it fit into their training program well it’s funny you say that I actually caught up with Mah d St just before the rata who was talking to me about when he came in 2016 and lost to Hannah in the final but as far as he was concerned he got everything he wanted out of the trip it was a chance to race different points in the course to get some exposure to that sort of unique one-on-one side by side racing but also to get a chance on bumpy water and in Rio particular and I’m understood to believe or led to believe that Paris is something similar that the water is a little bit choppy the water is unsettled and here at Henley it’s very difficult to row on and that means that these skulls want to come here to try themselves and test themselves on bumpy water so that when they arrive in Paris ready to race they’re they’re battle ready they’re good to go some great Insider knowledge there thanks that Tom and yeah these guys are using this part of their touring program but right now looks pretty strong for Fleet fight for Slovenia little bit of headwind now we’re slowing down a little bit isn’t it out there on the course yeah definitely the wind picking up we expect that through the curvature of the day they looks like he’s enjoying himself little smile on his face course he’s had a good season already eighth at the second world rowing Cup in lucern and Ninth in posan just three weeks ago so a scolar with form not sure he’ll be a final in a final contention at the Olympics but see how he develops and if he does get a chance to race idler there’s no better barometer than racing the world champion shot there J do Denmark tall rower got a range in his stroke mouth open he’s gasping for a bit of air there it’s all by yourself in a single sko no one no rhythm no the crew members no one telling you what to do just you and your limit yeah he’s jumped back in the single actually he spent a bit of time in it last summer at the Holland Becka the ratzburg rata and then was in the quad over the last few months racing at the odense long distance Copenhagen open regat Copenhagen open regata I should say and ratzburg again all in the quad so jumping back in the single for Henley roata clearly couldn’t get a crew together to race in the Prince of Wales but like all things at Henley it’s somewhat dependent on the draw as to how far you can advance and I think DOD here just coming up against a skull who is at the peak of his powers slovenians if you’re watching Slovenia sorry you’ve been kicked out the Euros but maybe you can start watching Philip this week support him for the rest of the week see how far he can get strong row atom it’s very muscular doesn’t he he’s got power in that upper body how does the upper body help in a rowing stroke well it’s about leverage rowing is so often defined as a as an arm Sport and it’s really not it’s all about the legs it’s all about that physiological capability from the waist down but the arms just help with with the leverage you need relaxed shoulders you can see there it’s often the case when a skolar gets a bit of an advantage is able to take the rate down you can see the tension come out in the shoulders and it means they can just find their Rhythm find their length just enjoy themselves because actually there’s so much going on on and off the water at henle roata that the more chance you get to skull the course the more chance you get to experience the Roar of the crowds the floats on either side just the the sheer density of people and distraction will be a valuable thing for Fifer for later rounds but enjoying a generous clap there from the stewards I think he’s got this one under control I must point to anyone watching normally an International race these these guys and girls are used to going down a course where probably most of the course no one sees them maybe at the end might a smattering of people here at heny we are packed from start to finish people on the banks cheering you on you get a different experience and they’re almost within touching look at that how close Viper is to the crowds and as a spectator it’s such a special place I really encourage anyone to come down here and in the race with these rowers come towards the Finish Line hear that beep telling Philip fiper he has won his race he is through for another day he can breathe a slight smile on his face James da crosses the line in in second second place here means you are out of the competition and it’s a win in the diamond challenge skills Fifer overd of Denmark start line here the Princess Royal challenge cup the open women’s single skulls we have L of China against titon of not sing is one of our best domestic prospects in Jennifer Tian I should say of roing Club against the scholar who placed second in the single at the Asian games last year first place in her National rowing championships in China this year so arguably one of China’s fastest single Scholars you can just see there Jennifer on the near side closest to the camera rate slightly higher at the moment L of China just with a lower rate and actually managing to get more purchase out of each stroke here this is a really good start from Jen tiffton here of Nottingham she is up against an international scholar and domestically Jen is very good she’s up there second at Wallingford there the Met big National races we have here in the UK and to line up against an international scholar who raised the World Championships last year for China it’s a big ass but she’s really stuck in there in the first third of this race yeah China are progam we come on Leaps and Bounds in the past decade the various stewardships they’ve started to produce Crews that are able to compete for medals at the world championships at the various World rowing cup riatas throughout the season and Lou as you say Jess one of China’s brightest prospects in the single skull she is the national champion in her Homeland but Jen tittering and titterington I should say we were talking quite a lot actually at heny Women’s about athletes who make the transition from one sport to the another and you can see titterington former National Standard swimmer in pool and open water and talking about OE zidler he too was a national champion as a swimmer made the transition over to rowing and clearly not bad at that either and it does just tell you that actually people who row are able to do other sports too despite that fallacy that they can I hate that fallacy I can play net ball thank you very much kick a football around I was actually um I know you mention it under 10 County champion at mini rugby so um goes up there in my sporting achievements put it on the mantle piece literally is so we see here Lou China giving us a bit of textbook growing in the single sko see a leave arms out nice and long talk about arm how they’re using R but you don’t pull the arms really the arms just use to keep the acceleration on the hole at the end of The Stroke it’s about the legs and the hips oh a little catch of the water there from titterington it’s bumpy out there Tom it is yeah the rain’s just starting to fall not that that should deter anybody who is coming down to Henley rorat and Joy pims on the bank we are expecting that to clear up but yeah it’s tricking conditions particularly in the single you are very exposed in these boats but just on Lou her technique is exceptional it really is you’re you’re right to spot those arms she keeps her arms straight she’s not bending the arms that means that the power is flowing through from her hands right Dan’s shoulders into the legs and that’s where the engine room is for the body you want to make sure as much of the power has being transposed through the legs and she has really really strong technique in the single and what I like about her and I have liked about her right from the off in this race is that she’s never looked flustered even off the start the rate didn’t go up it wasn’t anything silly she wasn’t crashing up and down the slide she was just in her Rhythm managing to keep her boat smooth keep her boat steady and in the single whereas the eight it gives you a lot more protection from others in the single you’re on your own you need to make sure that your Technique is as good as it can be because any small slips any mishaps can result in travesty at the moment Lou just in complete control I like there she a little look across um can’t see on your screens but there’s a progress broad that tells you how much you’re winning by you should a little look across at that as we see some of the deck chairs clearing out as the rain starts but a few broles there come towards the finish line Lou is going to take this race today great Race by Jen titterington know Jen well she’s on couple of committees with me she’s involved in the sport quite heavily it’s great to see him out here taking on one of the hardest races we have regard to the single skull Nottingham he crosses the Finish Line in second place that’s so we’re in the Princess Royal challenge cup for Lou China with titton of Nottingham and I must say thank you to Tom Morgan he’s just stepped out with the comy booth and I’m joined by call Olympic royalty Steward Mark Hunter here what do you mean royalty how are you Jess you’re Olympic champion Olympic s medalist come on world champion yeah they’re all old stats though it’s about the Here and Now isn’t it we’re watching today you know the history is going to unravel this week the amazing experiences people are going to have um I’m just so excited that we’re on day two 10’s challenge K final off the blocks Riverside B Boston in the blue white stripes and top of your screen bar show against Marlo local Club Marlo R Club a in the red on the right of your [Music] screen and as you know especially in these windy conditions about getting off the blocks clean you know no mistakes no early mistakes getting into that Rhythm even earlier than normal because that wind is definitely building as we kind of gone for the morning these Crews will not know each other they won’t have raced each other all year it’s a bit of an unknown isn’t it Mark yeah but that’s the beauty of Henley though isn’t it you know you come to this event you will have Crews that you’ve race domestically for you know the summer season up to this point then you’ll have the international kind of cruise coming in at Henley and I think that’s part of the excitement of not knowing what you’re going up against so you’re not really knowing who you’re going to fight if you want to think about it you can have the best play in the world but then how quickly can you think on the moment or in you know the kind of heat a battle to what you might have to adapt and change and that’s where the importance of a Cox especially in these sort of races is so so important 3/4 of mile marker there Marlo a local Club just the other side of the lock look back they just taken the slip on Riverside of Boston and obviously having that kind of HomeField Advantage as well you know the local kind of crowd would to come out from Mar I’m sure this morning evening the kind of wet weather which we know is going to pass um and that would just give him a kind of bit of confidence different parts of the course I may have different people kind of cheering them on at this kind of early stage in the morning can Riverside hold on crew I know very well myself Simon luden there he was sitting in the seventh seat in the blue and white stripes I actually stay with his family when I race ah head of the Charles and they’ve been over here they on the banks watching today what have they got in the closing stages of this race can they hold on to Marlo can they close saw it back Marlo LED from the start they’re leading this creef from USA Marlo Roy Club a they’re coming in the last 100 m here of the race can they put their heads up and breathe yet I don’t think so Riverside of Clinging On they can just see Marlo kind of edging out Stroke by stroke you know that homefi Advance if you want to call it that that home crowd they’re really driving them on as they come through the enclosures [Applause] and that is a great row there from Marlo Rowing Club a we’ve see them come through the race it was being kept tight all the way to the Finish Line Riverside from Boston what a spirited row if you’re watching from America hello good morning Rec cre put of a good fight today but it’s a win for Marlo in the temps challenge cup over Riverside B getting a bit rainy now Mark isn’t it did you bring your umbrella that’s the question I’ve got one in my bag which I’m just going to rush off and have a look now as I’m going to pass you over to the wonderful timel thought we had a similar sort of weather yesterday morning didn’t we it kind of bit gray in the morning and then it turned into this stunning afternoon that you know we love a Henry rata where the kind of sun broke through the clouds it was kind of clear blue skies and fingers cross we get some more of that this afternoon thank you Jess morning Mark how are you I’m good thank you n for the factor 50 today normally see you with the factor 50 on at this time of year at Henata but not requet I don’t think we’ve had that all summer have we briefly last week yeah just umbrellas popping up and little drizzle falling now but it’s an outdoor sport isn’t it we are not complaining you know if it was too hot I’m sure we’ be complaining about that but this is idyllic weather really it’s not too hot for the athletes they’ll like it the rain they won’t but definitely it’s a bit cooler than normal or last week it’s definitely cooler than last week the wind has picked up a little bit in the last hour or so it was very still this morning when I arrived at 6:30 this morning morning it was mil Pond really still no wind at all but little bit of a breeze now not anything that’s going to cause a problem I don’t think no I I don’t think it’s it’s not an unfair wind is it it’s kind of right up a course which is quite nice it seems for the crew so um you know there won’t be oh we’ got a benefit about being on kind of close the a or anything like that so and also you know athletes who got the head into gear around the condition is going to be slightly slower because of the wind you know the kind of markers will come a little bit slower so just being prepared so Caitlyn Armstrong see that you are both Ashley ha and ready I will start you like this attention go get ready please attention racking moment go Princess Royal challenge cup and away they go open women’s single skulls go lots of work for these two ahead in the next 9 minutes and that’s thing is a long way a sing into that wind but you just got to be patient you know get into your Rhythm early we talked about the the weather we keep bringing this up the wind is going to make the course longer so get into your Rhythm as soon as possible rather than spinning the wheels early issues on the buck station for Ashling Hayes the Umpire saw the White Flag be raised Ashling being encouraged to get back onto the buck side of the water it’s very level but Ashling hay is on on a meander to get there yeah you just look at the difference in height of shoulders between the athletes it’s a great shot I love this shot side by side see how’s just the shoulders are just much lower there’s not so much tension so we’ll see how that kind of plays out during the race whether she’s able to keep that kind of shoulders relaxed the way she is right now yeah there you are perfectly synchronized these two could be throwing in a double actually couldn’t they on that side shot is so perfect synchronize nice smooth start for both of them this event has been dominated by some superb athletes over the years five wins for Ren of Sweden at kova of the Czech Republic five wins in her time Denko winning Princess Royal last time out and wi single relatively new competition only introduced in 1993 this one yeah I’m one of AF of fellow sters Debbie flood won it in 2000 before she went to Sydney so definitely going to jump Debb’s in that long of incredible athletes that have won this event in the past yeah it’s a good one to win isn’t it good one to get your name on Ever After so just there is something special about the single skull and kind of you know these events cuz it is it’s like a gladiator race isn’t it you know head-to-head one onone you can definitely get inside uh the character’s head watching these races unfold nowhere to hide that’s for sure but this is a sort of racing that you know that I used to enjoy being part week there isn’t someone who just leapt out your side by side and you’re just feeding off each other so and the racing tends to move quicker that way rather than being behind or kind of you know miles in front yeah it’s uh everything can happen here Temple Island and hamon Valley in the background looking a little bit murky today but stunning bit of Countryside [Music] bucking up you can see to the top of your picture there that is the nice thing about all the rain we’ve had this year you know you get to see everything’s still beautifully green there’s nothing that’s kind of yeah very positive today Mark yeah you know what I’ve been so excited looking forward to the Riata you know we had the draw on Saturday you know yesterday was the Riata kicked off The Buzz around the kind of boat tents was incredible just with some of the kind of young athletes I got to speak to when we doing the kind of 10 duties about their experience and just hearing their experience and stories makes you realize the power this event has um and that just you know makes me enjoy every day I come here and getting to chat with different people well I hope you still got the same energy and half full attitude to Life on Sunday when you’re L eyed and sleep deprived it’s it’s Saturday evening when I get home and I Collapse on the couch that’s basically what happens now there just a little bit of an advantage being taken here you can see Ashling Hayes a length a little bit more than a length up and whilst we’ve been wittering away about Mark’s mood she’s made a move on the buck station and that is potentially a it’s the first significant move of this race isn’t it Ashling Hayes just trying to take advantage the Irish woman there in a good spot yeah she’s kind of definitely seized her moment that’s what it felt like she was kind of edging out and then she’s kind of she’s kind of put the hammer down there ready to open up that that Gap and broke contact so it’ll be interesting to see whether she maintains that move and just keeps edging out um it definitely seems that her Cadence went up a little bit or rate was slightly higher than it was previously but she’s still really relaxing her shoulder if you look at her shoulders they’re nice and low she knows about winning at Henley Ashling Hayes Highland challenge cup with Oxford Brooks in 2021 that must make it a little bit of an advantage as well you have that mentality of knowing the C will be in a completely different boat in it now 3 years ago but nonetheless it must help it’s just that experience isn’t it of understanding where you are where the markers are cuz it is so unique with the different points you have where normally on a 2,000 M course it’s very you got every 250 then 500 makes it very simple but the the markers are very different on the handy course it brings that different understanding of where they are and it’s amazing how many athletes when the race don’t actually know where they are so it’s just that experience does play out when you’re thinking about your race plan um and how to maximize your your speed over the course ashling’s third Henata 34 years of age now a pharmacist when not in a roar boat and putting down a good marker here that was a really good couple of minutes for Ashley Hayes in this race a princess Royal challenge cup heat Buck Station that’s Ash ha going well just I love the concentration when you get that close off of someone when they’re in the zone no it’s hurting it’s never going to be easy but you’re in that zone just pressing away Rhythm yep you can see the weather closing in see the flags telling a story on the background and now I look at Caitlyn Armstrong her boat you can see her boat name there is senon after her grandfather now 18 years old the boat well loved apparently you can just see how Lively the water is around her as well can’t even that that shot there there’s a lot of energy in there with the kind of wash that’s coming back and forth and don’t underestimate how unsettling that is in a small boat we mentioned that Ashling Hayes is a pharmacist when not in a boat and Caitlyn Armstrong works a lot for the Silver Lining brain injury char volunteer coaching with them work to do here for citen Armstrong just never know what’ll happen though it’s worth hanging on in the race if possible because with this uh increasingly challenging conditions Ashling Hayes appears to have it all under control as she moves in front of the regat en closure but got to be there to put the pressure on force a mistake definitely you got you got take capitalize on your moment if it comes about being in a position to attack you know if you get that opportunity so yeah and because it’s the additional length of the course with the kind of conditions we have today um it it will feel more like a head race in a single than a then a kind of Sprint race if you want to put it in that context yeah there definitely nothing Sprint about this one glance over the shoulder to check on the booms and check on the line she not got too far to go now Ashling Hayes moving well and that’s something as an athlete you just need to look at the umpire’s launch cuz that umpire’s launch will be in directly in the middle of the course that won’t move from side to side so rather than looking for the booms just use that as your reference point and just keep your head still so that’s your marker that’s your marker where the launch the umpire’s launches they’re bang in the middle of the course and that’s your reference point that’s your boy line your Invisible Boy line basically so a test of spatial awareness if you keep the same Gap the same angle so the Umpire launch then you should be okay but you’re still going have a glance of your shoulder every now and again aren you you can see uh that happening with Caitlyn Armstrong you must be unnerving a bit of pressure on now quite big crowds and stewards in Clos you can see on the right hand top of the screen crowds will be building through the de feel them have cowed beneath the main grand stand out the ring and towards the finish line Irish row has done a job here Ashling Hayes will progress through in the Princess Royal challenge cup providing nothing goes wrong in these last few [Applause] Strokes seiz control CGH of the way into the race and then just sat on that Tempo that Rhythm a well executed race that’s that’s a b to hear as well I’ll [Music] bet some deep breathing going on there Princess Royal challenge cup Ashling Hayes beating Caitlyn Armstrong America against Netherlands in the visitors challenge cup attention go men’s Falls this is a really old race 1840 this one first began this competition so how are they going to start past Temple Island this is the very early stages of the race and it’s on the Buck Station the Dutch scadian lagaga who sees thatly initiative is pretty level coming off Temple Island and then as we move a bit further down the race as they come towards the enclosures on the barer station barly going well here yeah maybe you’re talking about kind of experience of the Riata kind of I think pays out in this one you know there’s there’s no previous experience in the kind of Dutch crew here but the Cal verle crew has got numerous years of experience with the athletes that have raced here that understand the course cuz sometimes you can leap out thinking you need to get out cuz it’s one one and also the calber crew will be used to these kind of jeel meets that they have kind of on a regular basis in the US yeah just looking in that boat there’s previous heny Mo G experience in the stroke seat Robie across a five previous Hy Ro GS that’s kind of make a difference isn’t it you really know the draw you how to pace yourself through the week and especially going off the start you know being composed being relaxed not getting overexcited going off harder than you normally would not the adrenaline get the better of you and they’ve dropped the rate right down and the Americans look like they’ve got this one in the bag slightly Scrappy strengths actually towards the end yeah and I I just remember there was a race it 5 six years ago when the cow buy crew was leading this event and they hit the booms in the last 100 meters I don’t know if you remember that one I theyve watched the video yeah it was horrible that etched on your mind if you’re in that boat but they’ve come over the line successfully so the Americans beating the Dutch comfortably in the visitors challenge cup pretty unfaced by that don’t they the Americans so I kind of job down I guess and think about the next one now that recovery element get ready for the next round well I’m not normally a Gambling Man but I’ve put an enormous amount of money on T’s Rowing Club winning this one the Wold challenge cup go it’s an inter club race T’s run Club a against T’s R Club B and B are just finding the steering tough going in these very early stages this is a bragging rights race if ever you saw it I always think this is a hard one very tough you know you you’re racing your teammate your clubmates you know that’s always a hard one cuz you know you’ve got these friendships I’m sure coaches atts was really close to the booms there now they’re going have to steer to get off that’s definitely going to inhibit their bow speed there this is the B Bo and yeah it’s different sorts of pressure isn’t it so if you are in the tone Club a boat the last thing you want to do is H give up your place in the pecking order by being overturned by the B booat the B boo is settled down but the a boat there on the bar station you can see nearest the camera they’ve uh taken the grip you might expect but in many ways this is the biggest pressure of them all isn’t it it would inter club race yeah cuz there’s an expectation that a should definitely be B if the selection process has been right it shouldn’t be B overhauls a in any way whatsoever unless your squad is so on an even kill an even level um and as you can see the kind of AO has definitely kind of taken taking this race by the kind of scruff a neck so far and really looking back at it kind of fellow colleagues and kind of teammates of TS so this is the aoat winning the race at the moment ts are R Club a and for the coaches as well as much as anything Johnson Davis the coach of this boat that we’re watching at the moment and you’ve got Pat torns looking after the B booat they need to get the right result here as well don’t I suppose Pat torns is uh willing his boat home but regardless you’ve had a selection shocker if it uh if it goes the wrong way I don’t I think that’s always if if you could be like a fly in the wall video in because that relationship you know do they talk to each other do they go their separate ways are they in the boat tents watching the race and they launched they talk up till last night and then close down all Communications yeah that for me that would be really interesting that Dynamic of you know what happens do they literally go their own way or are they sit in conversation it’s a good reflection on the depth of the club if you can get to into this stage of the whiteold challenge cup must be in decent health T’s R Club just having a look there close look at what’s going on on the bar station Grant Taylor James Woodford Hugo olini and Oliver AZN and they’ve got a lot of previous Henry Ro gatricks which another athlete in the stroke seat who’s got loads of heny warat he’s only 24 he’s been here six times time for four that’s impressive that’s yeah and I do I do like that kind of insight we get now how many times of people have competed here cuz we we talk about the importance of that experience but also wanted to come back again again again very impressive this is Club men’s for so it’s not like the full-time athletes who are doing it for a living this is uh good commitment to the sport many athlete who in their early 20s and been back that frequently and that’s why I think that Putney area is so unique isn’t it so close to London where people are working and they come out mornings and evenings to train and um that’s why you know temps has so many kind of athletes competing at rata because of the competition with inside the club so 10 throwing Club a you can see to the right of the picture as they head in front of the enclosures the rain a little bit more than drizzle now falling T’s Rowing Club B work to do on the Buck Station see the fou seat you and Jarvis there only one previous heny Morata for him and this could be it for this second outing because there’s the lead that the AOS enjoying in front of stewards so I think everyone can breathe easy after this as a coach as an athlete pretty much what you’d have expected it’s so hard they racing your you’d love to race someone else wouldn’t you that’s the thing you know that one of your votes is definitely going to get knocked out yeah but that’s unfortunately as we say the luck of the draw isn’t exactly just the way the Draw Works and it’ll be a memorable experience with nothing else so bragging rights to T’s R Club a normal order has been established t r Club big over the line now well done to them unfortunately had to row against their own club but good work anyway student women’s eight next this is the island ch cup Oxford Brooks University B on the barire station and Edinburgh University this is the seab booat on the station so away they go off down towards the bridge in the town center and you really get a feel for the effort in these eights don’t you you can hear and see the power off that starting pwn two just keeping a very close eye on Edinburgh University C who are heading a little bit Central in the water and now they might have to head back towards the boom on the right of the picture it’s just that noise off the start isn’t it you know there eight athletes generate as much force as possible trying to get their boat up to speed as quickly as possible but to crank it up and get some speed in the boat and it’s Oxford Brooks University B who have done that more successfully in the very early stages of this race going a good rate headen BR University C stoking at a decent rate now yeah they’re really keeping that Cadence High aren’t they they’re not not willing to set one I guess cuz Brooks have just taken that early advantage that they sensing that that they need to kind of keep hold of them for as long as possible it’s a fascinating combination the physicality that you heard the grunt at the start to get the power in the and the speed in the boat and then you’ve got the the Tactical side haven’t you as to how long you keep this up for in terms of rate and then it all becomes mental cuz I always think about the you know 100 m obviously over a lot quicker but the process you go through from trying to explode off from standing to into that flowing to then cruising is such an art and the skill yes I know the 100 m got to be done even quicker but that process of change how you go through the different gears the acceleration to get to top speed as fast as possible but then in this uh event you’ve course got so much longer for it to unfold it’s much more fascinating from a psychological perspective isn’t it once those uh rhythms have been established and you have hit Top Speed cuz I think also that you know the more endurance thoughts we’re talking about especially what we’re seeing here is that those mind Gaines play out as the fatigue starts to hit you that little voice in your head you know how you kind of keep closing the door on it which is the added entry you don’t really get that 100 me to 9 and a half seconds and and you’re done not too much thinking time whereas here there’s plenty of time to think I’m can be the undoing of many a crew well it’s really CU I remember like you think back 10 years ago we got Edinburgh University C here like that’s incredible yes how big that program is now women’s last isn’t it great numbers not so long ago that this event didn’t even exist and now you’ve got universities producing a seab booat only 2021 this student women’s eight competition was introduced Oxford Brooks are the current holders always strong and they are with their B booat here moving along very nicely and I supp as that adds to the impact that the Reg has the impact has on rowing programs with you know facilities equipment people want to do the sport because there are so many opportunities now for the breadth of people that you have in clubs schools you know universities to kind of competely across kind of both kind of genders now yeah there’s no doubt that henu or aat gives everyone a motivation sport a bit of a spark cuz I was I was in the boat tents last night and chatting with some of the young young ladies that competed in the kind of the junior women’s at yesterday and just their experience they didn’t win unfortunately but their experience being the regata for the first time sitting on the start the nervous energy the buildup to it um you know just takes you back to those you know really precious moments of being able to compete here and what it means yeah and interesting you were talking about the 100 m I always compare this to the London marathon in as much as you’ve got your Mo faras and all your Superstars here and you’ve got your your Club Runners yeah a bit further back they and they’re all doing the same course they’re all having the same experience on the same day but if you’re in a junior 8 that’s an amazing experience to be on the W potentially straight after an Olympian or just before and then watching your Idols prepare for their event and you know what things can I take and learn and use for me getting prepare for my race next time Oxford Brooks University B on the bar station keep up that program’s terrific record at heny roata and’ve seen off Edinburgh University sea in this island challenge cup heat over the line at 8 go good work from Ox of Brooks Emily M the Cox will be very satisfied with that there was absolutely no drama there no nonsense performance we like you use the term textbook you know kind of left from start to finish EAS that off the kind of start just kept moving out took control of the race made it very it’s never comfortable but it’s comptable was possible for the kind of straight forward though yeah Club men’s eight the TS challenge Cup London Rowing Club a on the bar station to the left of your picture and mosy Boat Club to the right away they go again you can see the and here the the power there as they try and get up to top speed as fast as possible and I’m just watching London Rowing Club very carefully those walls aren’t far apart are they yeah they’re really close there aren’t they there’s definitely be a little bit of steering there but unfortunately we’ll just take the speed off a little bit both boats converged Central didn’t they it wasn’t uh one offender particularly they just both crept a bit Central but also as an athlete trying to keep your head in the game not worried about you can see in your periers that that boat edging towards you and getting closer and closer I’m loving that shot where you can see the the rain drops falling pry Bleak I thought you were going to start singing then I could do don’t even tempt me just for a crazy moment after you suggested that no spare everybody so good lead being carved out by London Roar Club on the bar station they’ve got a lot of clear water here and as we join the action live further down the track they’ve maintained that lead and now they’ll be able to drop things off they drop the rate off a lot of flags fluttering in The Fairly stiff breeze but it’s always that that’s what you talked about that dropping off that always an interesting balance yeah cuz if you overcook that must be very difficult in an emergency to hike it back up again yeah and the last thing you want to do is have to kind of go up through the gears again so you know I’d always are on the ti of caution get at least three three you know three qus of it done yeah B yeah as much as possible conservative chat like yourself small SLE so yeah they’re moving along well they gone past remant there so they would have been some cheers I’m sure from the there’s not that much more of the race to go so London ran Club have probably judged this to Perfection but they definitely I was quite early to be doling along wasn’t it let’s see what else Moy had in the tank they can maintain that without any trouble but yeah MSY do ask them the question and they need to move back up especially in a bigger boat in an eight to try and get all eight shifting it up you’ll always find the stroke person will never you know in my content I’ve never kind of eased off cuz you have to keep moving where other people down the boat may you know not be 100% there because we’ve got so much margin and it is like if you’re on the stroke s then then you have to go again to get it up your legs are like lead here’s Mosley in the B seat Philip stury there you can see Samuel Knight and Benjamin rich in the seat MSY boat club giving it their all but I don’t think that’s going to be enough on this [Applause] occasion that’s a pretty comfortable lead in front of Stewarts like Ripple of Applause for London that’s a good feeling isn’t it or does it still hurt I’m sure it’s a good feeling but there you know you still going to be a little bit tired cuz it’s all the process not just the races the preparing Before the Race mentally know get your head in the right place cuz you never know what’s going to happen in these races that’ll be substantial Victory though won’t do their confidence any harm at all that one on London Ro Club going in the t’s challenge cup at the expense of M so The Umbrellas are up it’s an irritating drizzle isn’t it now one’s quite sure whether you need a Broly or not today yeah I do think it’s going to clear very soon though I’m very confident I know you are you’re annoyingly upbeat today it’s Wednesday get look it’s beautiful maybe a bit drizzle but would you rather be out here would you be in an office or in a booth talking where would you rather be there’s nowh I’d rather be beautiful the ground sounds quite busy actually underneath that main enclosure fish should just scratch again right the temps challenge cup Vesta against star looking relaxed or trying to look relaxed but the nerves will be felt there this is a great place to go and watch some of the racing if you are coming down to hen orat this week take a walk down the tow path it’s only a couple of kilometers and it’s a really good atmosphere down there you really get a different sense of the race yeah that’s why I was thinking this is the Festival of Rowan isn’t it because you get everything and I think that’s the uniqueness of it you get to see different parts of it if you you know if you get to the start you get to see some great action as well cuz it’s definitely where the boats are Level so that’s a good thing yes cuz you never know what’s going to happen further down the track or further up the course um and that noise you spoke about how elevated that gets when you’re right beside it yeah you can really sense the nerves and anticipation so umpires getting them under starters orders Charles Cummings up and out again fish and goes down from the vest to Cox this is what we locked in now there’s no escape this is it you know you’ve got a few minutes of pain you need to deliver the race of your life get through to the next round the 10’s challenge Cup in this case so away they go CL men’s eight they’re getting very close there out into the middle of the water when Star club that was a anxious moment I think in that boat yeah you just saw that they kind of drifted but best definitely taking a better line off that start there yeah they’ve darted out on a much straight to course as the crow flies with Vester G four of a length up as a result of it and that will just about be entirely down to the better line they’ve gone rather than anything else yeah and that’s why you know when the C has got their hand up it’s so important they get that right when they take it down that they don’t drift in between them taking it down and the UN saying go another Surge from Vester this is the star Club boat you can see here they came through qualifiers as well so they raced over the qual the course last week in qualifi so wherea came from that direct passage as they kind of pre-qualified Vester showing their class in these early stages stretching it out to more than the length now Charles Cummings in the stroke seat there a great shot you can really see what’s going on with the ORS there up can’t you yeah you can just and also the different kind of rigs that eights have and you bucket or have a standard rig so it’s always interesting you know what coaches to decid to do with their athletes the folks are set up yeah and you know every crew is different so how do you maximize the talent you have to get the best out of people so much work goes into getting that combination right ahead of this it’s uh you not you’re not waking up on morning one and all the gas and thinking let’s do it this way yeah exactly you know these Crews would have started training last September you know the ambition of racing at Henley the training in the evenings in the mornings on the weekends the commitments all geared up to come into this one event and you know C their best opportunity to maybe get into the regat or win a round or make it through two days or to the weekend or ultimately the dream of standing on the on the podium on the weekend Club main eight and stretching away well here station you can see them flashing past the camera there [Applause] all that water stretching out before them down to heny Town Center you get a a close up here on the Vester work with the yours good rhythm game there yeah they seem to be in there my worth the Zone they look like they’re in the zone Focus yeah it’s quite well Bal there not too much going on in the boat is there minimal move economy of movement yeah don’t over complicate it which is easier said than done only tired and adrenaline pumping but that’s why you spend those hours so many hours you know training as a unit you know the drills they would have done the racing they would have done all in preparation for this week at Henley regata it’s a discipline to then deliver it isn’t it it’s all very well doing it without the pressure of and that you know you see that in all walk device you can do the best preparation but can you deliver when it comes to the moment there’s critical moments when you’re under pressure um everything’s on fire you’re burning with lactic acid but can you stay focus on the kind of Jobing hand of the processes that you put in place well star Club are a good way back here aren’t they probably the best part of two lengths back if they’re going to make this a serious contest they’re going to need to make a move now probably too late in truth but little bit of the race to go they look like they’re grimacing going on there isn’t there in the stroke seat from Matthew Fox never try and read too much into the body language and facial expressions but it hurts yeah especially when you you don’t know you’re not in in contact with the the boat you’re up against and that’s thing he the last thing he’ll want to do is look and he’s going to be relying on his to make sure that land kind of information of kind of where they are and obviously that motivation part is really important with the the language the Cox uses to not sense of panic but to keep everybody on board and focus on what they’re doing just steering again you can just see that that is that doesn’t help the boat speed at all that’s on the star boats the right you can see they’re just having a little bit of a warble there you can just see the Vester kind of the trailer water hasn’t moved it’s in one line where you can just see the star boat moving back and forth yeah vestors is like an aeroplane vapor trail isn’t it which is exactly what you want yes perfectly straight through the water so heading into the business end of the race and sure Vester will be very pleased with what they’ve put down here grab the early initiative not too far to go now for them see in the bou seat there Christopher Hall Vester in the orangey Red Hat they’ve had a really good season you know this bester eight they top 30 in the head this year made the fin at Wallingford in the eight so you know they’re up there and the kind of you said the big six I guess in there 20s and star well battling [Applause] away not far now in front of Stewarts good work from Vester now’ll head on to later in the week you know your 16-year-old copton the star what an [Applause] experience and what would be great is you know what she’s going to learn from this experience as well that she can take forward especially you know being 16 competing out first hand as a Cox that is incredible yeah this learn lots although goes out Bo star Club over the line they come and that’s the t’s challenge cup Peak and sees Vesta moving on and star Club bowing out get ready please ready reading blue coach scor the princess Elizabeth challenge Cup against the Australians the Southport school from Australia go way they go TSS on the right of the screen reading blue coat this is a proper local boat meets International Boat quite an extreme version fascinating match up from the Gold Coast in Queensland the Southport school and they are away on that buck station nearest to the camera now in the bright yellow hats and they’ve taken an early lead blue coat hugely impressive yesterday watch the race yesterday that they progressed through they’re going up against a class act from Australia This Crew has definitely come over with potential to I guess try and create an upset with our big schools uh that competing in the event they’ve had an incredible domestic season in Australia by winning pretty much most of the events they’ve competed and done some extremely quick times for a junior 8 so it’s going to be interesting to see how they cope with competing heny with the different conditions being away from home blue Co who beat Winchester and commanding performance yesterday on the Buck Station yesterday and blue coat on the bar station you can see them there nearest the camera trailing by some distance now against the Australians who beat an American boat from Florida from Miami yesterday Ben and Jesuit Preparatory beaten by the Southport school yesterday and they’ve carried on in similar vein here they look like a very well organized crew you would be wouldn’t you if you’re traveling all this distance to take pass in heny roata you’ve got to have something about you to be taking on that challenge very much you think about the you know the expense of travel accommodation you know planning of it exactly it’s a huge thing but the experience of it that comes from know coming here to compete and obviously the great season the have I’m sure they’ve got high expectations of you know progressing well through kind of PE this year 9 hours ahead Queensland to where we are here in hending on temps so good evening to you if you are watching over in Queensland it’s gone 8:00 in the evening I’m sure lots of you tuned in from the southp school to cheer on the boat here you are you can see Jeffrey Warren in the bow seat El Hugh Coleman going in through the boat kathon sis and Ramsey Miller right and GLE and they’re all youngsters aren’t they you’ve got a bit of potential in this boat johnell 18 but the rest of them Ramsey’s 18 as well but 17y old 16y olds scattered around the boat and they’ve put in a fantastic performance there’s the blue coat boat and they found this tough going I said they had a great race yesterday to get through yesterday on today and then I think definitely coming up of against one of don’t class f but definitely a crew that is going to be they’ve caught the eye early rounds definitely definitely I think we’ll expect to see them into the weekend based on what has gone so far look at that for a lead is there a danger that they throw too much at this race they look like they’re finding it relatively straightforward don’t they they might just be moving really efficiently and well so you know they they they have a nice kind of Gap between them and kind of the red and blue coat crew but it may just be them moving more efficiently now and just more relaxed letting it flow they’re definitely on a rating now well it’s definitely Justified the trip hasn’t it their performances yesterday and today nicey pleased with this Cameron Kennedy the coach it’s not the easiest game is it bringing a team the whole way around the world at this age yeah and it’ be interesting how many parents have come as well to kind of experience it and you know have they just come as a as as an eight and a cop as a nine of them or they got spares big setup though big organization big feat to get over here and they’re going to be here for well at least another day and I reckon they could be into the weekend cuz they look like a class out they’re going to be safely through the princess Elizabeth challenge Cup round number two and definitely with some the races they’ve done this year being able to around the 545 or 547 as a as a junior rate is pretty impressive so they’re definitely got some speed fast water in Australia though isn’t it got the other way is that we tell the Southport School through princess Elizabeth challenge cup well done to them really impressive beating the local boat reading blue coat School oh this is what I’ve been looking forward to the Prince of Wales challenge cup star and arrow Club on the buck station and then wburg and spare you can see to the right of your picture and we’ll talk you through some of the celebrities in the star and arrow Club boat in the next few minutes but they have been looking forward to this just keeping an eye on what’s going on on the Buck Station they’ve gone very Central and just have a look at the Umpire any intervention required yep up goes the White Flag they’re going to nudge them back to the buck station that can’t be helping them and to me with the experience you have in the star and arrow Club crew this is when they’re going to really need it cuz they’re not the fitst anymore they’re retired so that’s how they put the German boat Under Pressure so just having a look when it set it SE Deo in the batt seat that looked like Jack Bowmont to me in the B seat Jack Jacks in the B seat who’s I think he’s he’s basically born at Henley rat by the look of it he’s competed so many times yes usually experienced nine wins at Henry orata for Jack Bowmont over the years and an Olympic medalist Silvera in Tokyo a few years back then announcing his retirement and you got will satch there they’ve got a bit of work to they were length down itd be a shame if they went out in the first round cuz I know they’ve been hugely looking forward to it what have they got left they have got all that experience will satch 35 years old now Bronze in the pair in 2012 remember London 2012 Mark Hunter that was in 2016 three-time World Champion will satch you’re part of the the same team of course in London 12 and it yeah it was a great experience all around for the team and I remember will was like just in the team he was really young at that point and George Nash was yeah yeah they they there wasn’t really an expect they kind of were the the last sweet boat if you want you know the eight want to w a bronze in the end we going out for gold you had the four that was dominant which was going to win basically and then georgean will were just brilliant to watch them progress and then win that bronze medal in such a it was awesome to watch watch and then to see will he’s finished now I can’t believe it’s been that long well another flag for the Germans if you just saw that white flag raised again there’s some issues with the steering going on now the star and arrow Club you can see the red and white boat they need to get shifting now they look like they’ve closed the gap down a little bit which is impressive because I spoke to will the other night and he said after 300 me of qualifiers he thought he was going to die yeah I spoke to Jack the other evening as well and he said something similar they’re just getting a bit ragged aren’t they with that yeah they they’re back in now but they’re in contact that’s the thing they’ve kept in contact to keep under pressure which is great it’s going to be a lot of fun watching the finish this race definitely right in it here comes the flag again I don’t think he’s happy with the Germans again the Umpire he said that experience this is when it’s really going to pay off really going to pay off so the Germans with steering problems Arrow Club they really are careering off in a different angle there mark that will make a difference be so how think they’ve taken advantage as well look at that star and arrow club right hand side of the picture here and just with that steering drama in the German boat they’ve taken a lead in front of stewards they have timed that to Perfection all that experience Devo Bon satch and may have taken a half length lead they’re going to have to keep working though because the Germans look like they’ve got a little bit left and they’re going to throw another surge but great experience they really capitalize didn’t they on that steering blemish brilliant absolutely brilliant and through they go celebrations for the boat and for their coach Morris Hayes as well you might recognize that name the Mr Fix It at GB rowing spending a week coaching that boat and there the celebration well done to Star and arrow Club the Prince of Wales challenge Cup on they go more work for them later in the week so celebrations are now up the other end of the track the visitors challenge cup adri cassid alongside me how you doing morning Tim how you doing yeah good to see you a local race here Taurus is the old boys club for Brooks and then it’s the Taurus o Brooks composite and a Brooks crew so the visitors challenge cup and what’s happening on the bar station yes that’s the boat that’s going to be sent back towards the left hand side of your picture we’ve seen on a few races already today Adrien the importance of steering a straight line and as soon as you start going Wayward it takes Pace out the boat doesn’t it it takes so much uh effort to get it back up to top speed on the right line and we’ve seen in recent races the importance of that yeah very much I mean it looks benign when you look at the water from the camera but actually today there’s a lot of lot of difficulties been had I think the wind in the Stream is really making it hard you can see on the far side the Brooks tourist crew just moving away to about half a length or so they were the wi winners of the Maro rata so in some ways they’re the the favorites from the UK tip Cru of this Riata a bit further up the course Jamie Copus Tom Horn Castle Max Mills and Alex nichel in the stroke seat you can see there in the bar station in the taus boat cared out a terrific lead yeah three of that crew uh one medals last year the were one in the ladies one in the visitors and one in the temple and the other crew there was also two winners from The Prince Albert and one winner from the temple two years ago so these are there’s lots of heny winners in this race let’s have a look in the Taurus boat this lead boat here Jamie Copus in the bowy nine previous heny roats three times a winner here a very experienced International athlete lightweight road for the us and for the British team usual double you can see here how well this crew row I mean they’ve they were next to Mana two weeks ago and they really showed a dominant performance there and showed their cards as being one of the favorites you can see here why they have that label really cus has won the PE in 2011 the temple in 2014 lates plate in 2023 big CV that for Henley is like you said they they’re doing a great job staying close to the booms on on the left hand on their right hand side our left um the other crew a little bit more in the middle means they’re rowing in the wash from the other crew which makes it a bit more uncomfortable yeah bouncing around a little bit more Frederick Tyler Julian Walsh Karen Davis and Jordan Irving it’s a much much younger crew the other crew Jamie Copus at 31 is the veteran of this race the crew on the bucket station the one we’re looking at right here these guys are all under 23 years of age yeah they’re the youngsters great experience for them and you can see the water it’s really quite poly out there isn’t it it’s really not easy conditions for these athletes to deal with and they’ve moved all the way across into yeah so far across haven’t they they have when you’re looking across on your right hand side to try and see where they are and you naturally drift to where as you look and then they get caught in their in their wash and the wash and pulls the bows of the boat across into it so that’s make that does make it difficult cuz they’re at that dangerous distance where they’re literally on the bounce of the other crew not behind or in front of it and then you’re overcorrecting try and get back and the boat twists and drops left and right makes it difficult to apply power we’re here the leading crew here just the same crew here and a bit of steering there the bows going left and right a bit as they’re going along you can see the coaches in the in the boat there watching nobody’s allowed to say a word when they’re in the launch only the Umpire can talk or signal either or more signal we’ve seen before yes just passive spectator in the launch the Brooks crew here the tourist crew really they’ve got this well in hand the Temptation in that umpire’s launch as a coach to just raise a finger and give the boat a little bit of steering advice be almost overwhelming exactly and shows us that this crew here they’re they’re very content very within themselves here and they’re racing against previous winners of of the Riata as well just brightening up a little bit as Oxford Brooks University head for the finish line but Ox of Brooks and Taurus the more experienced boat on the Buck Station made that experience tell Copus horn Castle Mills and nickel over the line and progress through in the visitors challenge cup that was relatively straightforward good from them here come Oxford Brooks University and will bow out at this stage Daniel gotz from Spain Cameron bucken from Australia the diamond challenge skulls a long race in a single skull and away they go it’s much more quiet when just a single skolar in there there’s no shouting there’s no telling commands to each other no there’s no communication and that might be causing the Australian a difficulty Cameron buckon here has gone Central’s heading towards the boy there isn’t he needs to be very just clipped it there there’s an issue it’s been uh that’s going to be a big problem for the Spaniard gatz yeah and it’s partly because he Australian came so far across the water and lost all special awareness I guess a Spaniard so he’s now sitting in a very Central possession here Cameron bucken he’s got a bit of a lead but that’ll be because there was a collision with a boy you can see there Daniel gatz has got back level but looks like cam Buck’s got his webcam there videoing is for his web Channel his boat sticking up I imagine you follow him on Tik Tok I don’t follow anybody on Tik Tok I’m afraid I’m a complete dinosaur I was being slight sarcastic so Gutierrez here on the far side from as we’re watching now he as a fastest Spanish scholar and was at the first World Cup and also went to the final Olympic qualifying regata and just missed out on TR go to the Olympics so he’s a pretty handy scholar and cam buckin is uh a British athlete actually he um he went to nor Eastern University and then came and road at Leander Club sort of played around with the team a little bit and he’s now and what guess you would consider himself an influencer coach type person online and has been in Australia and in France racing this year just experimenting and being coached by different people and in fact Marcus fre is his coach from Australia who I raced in the double in ’95 in the semi-final relatively recent yeah he beat me so here the Spanish got a much more aggressive short style but actually starting to make some Headway against cam buckin cam buckin one of the big characters in World rowing as Adrian mentioned an influencer on social media got loads of followers and uh yeah a real character his uh his regular Vlog entertaining the masses and here gutiz seems to have moved out to half a length so KB early on got about canvas or so and gutiz just just plowed away he’s kept the stroke rate higher and just really just kept pushing on and he’s seems to be maybe half a length up now see whether he can break contact so this is the action live and the Spaniard continues to pour on the pressure guz has got this one at his Mercy yeah this is Brut the single’s brutal because like you said you are on your own this is one of the few events when people get roaded to a standstill because the the pressure could be so high and in terms of time as well it’s long lonely time isn’t it 9 10 minutes yeah you may be talking to yourself a little bit sometimes but here guer has been really aggressive and sort of psychologically Front Road of the race and got himself some clear water now he can be composed in the way skulling doesn’t have to put everything out there but because of the respect he showed Kam buck and he really was so aggressive in the first two or three minutes to get this Advantage he’s also good to his Spanish longdistance National Championship yeah he beat yeah he beat the two athletes who were European silver medalist so he’s a good scholar yeah and he’ll be uh very familar with what’s required just getting his head in the right place and we got a scolar later on who’s going to the Olympics but um Gutierrez here it’s really hard to qualify the single through the European final Olympic qualification regard there aren’t many spaces left majority of the really good Scholars are in that part of the world and um so it’s noow mean feet just missing out yeah we’ve got uh they drawn in the program a Zimbabwe who qualified through the African system and that uh well arguably maybe not as competitive to get to bag your spots but but it’s part of the Olympic idea is to try and broaden the the number of countries that can compete at the Olympic Games you can definitely understand the wisdom behind it here so caking there just sculling along guer just showing him clean pair of heels there well within himself um as they come down here steering a good line and these both Crews actually coping very well with the bouncing conditions getting polite up Applause from the stewards enclosure respect for their work I think the DB weather’s keeping people under the shelter and in the bars you see actually there’s a lot of people underneath the uh the roof of the grand stand there most people have opted to get some shelter cuz more showers could be on the way but well done to the Spaniard here Danny Gutierrez 27 years old first handy roata and he is through to the next round the diamond challenge skulls Cameron buckin well he’s got some nice footage for his uh for his Vlog if nothing else certainly has you’ll be checking out out on Tik Tok later on Adrian I’ll create my account and watch in here comes C back in coming across the line over the line he goes and that’s it for his hen orata it’s another T’s challenge cup Heat this is T’s Rowing Club you can see at the top of the picture and Vester Rowing Club who are closest to the camera there we gone from the Silence of the singles to the massive noise of the eight yeah just listen to this as they go off those Ponto you can really sense the uh the power getting into the boat the grunt and the steering you can see here in vest on the right hand side hand is up he’s not happy that the boat is straight yet so when his hand goes down and both hands are down the Umpire will then start the race poised and ready so these two SAR these two clubs are on the title part of the TS in Putney they’re literally across the road from each other they should know each other well enough you’d think certainly well and this temps crew here they’re the holders of this event um but the eight athletes in this club this a here have never rode in one of the temp’s club AC Crews yet the first time for these guys run at this rata in a temps a crew they want to prove their worth demonstrate why that selection’s happened so TS Rowing Club a in the yellow Boat Boat nearest the picture Vesta Rowing Club B and the Vesta R Club B crew here most of these guys were in the E they came 46 to 76 depending which crew they’re in for the head of the river this year taking their time to make sure absolutely ready they look calm don’t they but I think they’re they’re far from calm inside they’re uh B of kidology going on belying their true emotions Haro Cox it’s a little cauldron down there it’s very narrow with the island and the Trees of the island and the the time the sort of starter Hut over there feels like there isn’t much space when you’re down there and he sheltered aren’t you at this point and minute time they won’t be they’re taking a long time aren’t they to just get themselves set here yeah they are wonder what’s delaying the race here they seem to be uh not that close if they taking drinks and hands not on all so you think they’re not under starters orders yet they they’ve got some way to go before we see the off in the TS challenge cup so you see the stroke man here on TS on the right hand side he’s got a little strap on his arm um that’s a heart rate monitor to try and record all his heart rates and also gives him information about how tired he might be how well he slept whether he’s eaten or drunk enough all that kind of stuff he’s smiling away I’m just looking down the course to see if there are any uh boats removing swans or ducks or weed you get all sorts of reasons for delays here at Henry the weather’s good now actually the wind’s dropped a bit and the rain is stopped and a little bit brighter even a smile there from the seven men yeah from n clovery let’s have a look shall we can we pick out anything going on that shouldn’t be seems like there’s the Umpire hasn’t stood up yet and yeah the launch is BR ready to go so we’re not entirely sure why there’s this delay you can see here the two Crews that they’re not perfectly lined up yet cuz they were just waiting to be under orders the bman here on the right hand side at the end of the boat just taking a one stroke just to keep the boat pointing in roughly the right direction right take me inside the head of the athletes Adrian is this your worst nightmare because the more you wait the more you’ve got time to think about it and perhaps the nerves build I suppose it’ll be different from one athlete to another but I think a lot of them want to get on with it would they yeah but the thing they they usually T to think about just think on the first stroke first and second stroke loose up keep warm turn around individually and then come back there’s a fa boat broken down on the course so this will be the shuttle that goes across from the car park Atley Meadow over to theat en closer each day and there three or four little boats you can see them bobbing around oh no I think it’s James my regular Boatman who takes me across from the carp he’s got how stressful would that nightm poor James so his crews are going to paddle off now and they’re going to go around towards the Gap in the booms and they’ll turn around and come around the back of the island and reattach just so don’t don’t get cold well I feel sorry for um the guy a very friendly lad Reading Football Club supporter local lad he works for Hop’s boat yard down the way and he gives me a lift each day the ferry boat hit a log apparently and so there you are you can see James is the one with his shirt out the the white shirt so is he actually p is he maybe hit the log or has he pulled it out of the water Bo would see the log do you think they’ve taken that out so that the crews don’t hit it when they’re racing he’s pulled it out he so you’re going to give him some some abuse when you see him later on this evening amazing guy and all of those guys who run the ferry boats each day they don’t get enough credit but they do hundreds of shifts back and forth yeah that’s right dropping people off there’s an entertainment area on the other side of the river and they can bring brought across into the stewards encloser he’s only a young lb but he’s been doing this job for years so I mean and the uh the boat I I yeah it’s listing a bit isn’t it are we uh in the early stages of the Titanic no I no sure done a good job making sure those boats are in good order good yeah so there for those Crews it’s they’ll just get on with it because it’s not what they want obviously but it’s better that the umpires have let them go and paddle just to go warm again they might set off a couple more races oh here they are the crews now are turning actually on the course and back down to the start so they haven’t come off the course like I mentioned earlier what they’ve done is they’ve just paddled up less the quarter mile on the right hand side there would be 400 m they haven’t gone that far so they’re just going to spin around now come back on the same station spin round reattach and they’ be to get that fery boat off quickly enough wouldn’t they yeah it be fine it won’t be an issue just making sure that just making sure the guys don’t get cold because they won’t start as well there James he’s got the got the log and he’s now heading off the course being chased by uh some officious looking people in a dingy yeah the ducks look unaffected didn’t they they’re just chilling out there until the barrage of the eight comes down and they’ll scatter you hear the Ducks I can hear the duck I just feel sad for James that’s stress isn’t it yeah holding up on the world’s most prestigious sporting events yes someone have to buy him a drink for lunch yeah okay Boat Boat please return to the start okay so we got the orders there you probably heard it there’s T paddling down with the church in the background there this is this is the normal paddling Direction when the booms aren’t here the in here normally you paddle down this side of the road yes and you paddle up on the far side and it’s easier that way isn’t it it is but as soon as the the construction is settled in three two or 3 days before women’s handing which is two weeks ago the whole movement pattern of the river is reversed yeah oneway system changes EX in every rose up the course so you get for the last two weeks you get to practice the course on the right direction J if you don’t mind you just paddle down turn and get fascinated as to what psychological impact that lengthy delay will have on these 2 eight I think the good question is whether any of the coaches have ever spoken about this as a what if yes you know what sort of scenarios could happen the most detailed coaches will have G through every possibility exactly and if you have discussed this you know well nothing’s changed except for you’re going to start 10 minutes later so just paddle up do what the ire says get attached and do the same race plan but if you’re not experienced you haven’t been here very often it might put you off because you’re sort of really focused on that one moment and then it’s taken away from you and if if you’re you know as this is a club men’s eight boat you’ve got limited time with your coach and going through every what if scenario isn’t so easy is it if you a full-time setup and that expect I think what they find is these guys they they’ve got jobs normal job normal lives and they they train around that 10 times a week which is extraordinary they do that but it does mean that they’re coming and going rushing around they don’t really get time after sessions but most of them would have taken time off work so maybe over this weekend Monday and Tuesday they have actually had time to to go through this kind of stuff and discuss things and because they don’t have to get up and go for work and they’re just staying in their houses around the Riata in the Vesta boat which is uh still doing circles you got Alexander Mis Campell who’s a risk analyst I wonder if he analyzed this element of risk indeed indeed but again now very quickly the Cox has got to be calm in their tone talk to the crew make sure they realize he’s totally happy with what’s going on and bring them back into the moment me them focus on the first second third stroke which they practiced and then once that happens they’re into it so here we get to see this for the first time for a while you actually the Cox is looking but the two stroke and seven will be the ones who’ll be making sure the boat’s quite straight cuz they can actually see it properly and that was a very good attachment yeah neatly done and he’s going to have a knock on effect this isn’t it we’re now 8 minutes behind schedule so all the boats further down the program Henley Roy Riata to be late is it that U there’s gaps in the in the races the races are basically done in groups of five yes 5 minute gaps and a 10-minute Gap in between just to allow for these kind of things that come every now and then so we’ll very quickly we may start lunch a bit late but the rest of the day will be perfectly on time I quite peckish but 12:30 is scheduled lunch time it’s interesting the V have taking the time to get back on is this gamesmanship yeah trying to spook them out maybe it’s a FAS one I love the psychology of it all and your uh chat about yeah the what if planning which boat of to keep their focus in a way actually you need to lose your focus deliberately you need because you can’t be concentrating that hard throughout that dearle you need to spend a bit of time enjoying the moment thinking about something else seeing the funny side of it and now bang switch on again I think that’s right exactly right just focus on the present which was paddling and then turning around and now focus on the Race So hands up and the Cox there from isan bar put his hand down Cruz on still on on the umpire’s there big shake from the two and the three man there from the V from the t’s crew so we’re just about ready 10 minutes exactly 10 minutes after the scheduled start time for the t’s challenge cup we’re ready to go let’s set it up again on the bar station T’s Rowing Club A and on the Buck Station just coming into view now besta R Club B reset themselves mentally and physically when I see that you are both straight and ready like this go get ready please go hands up make sure they’re straight and when they’re happy they down when both are down the umpire’s happy he’ll start the race nether V’s happy yet yeah you want to get it right cuz you don’t want to be putting the rudder on in the first four or five Strokes you want the boat to shoot off straight hand goes down go now Harry malloy’s hand goes down the Umpire says go and eventually we’re off and running in the t’s challenge cup two very different approaches T’s taking longer and slower Strokes the first three or four to really it up where TS went on to a very high stroke rate straight away and really TS look like they just started and built a really good speed and moving away from that best of crew already it’s unusual you have such contrasting styles that are so obvious to the naked eye on the on the start there that really was a contrasting approach to the race and off they go trying to get some Rhythm into the boat very composed there already got a length and the best of crew yes but then D in The Stroke seat you can see in the T Dr Club boat they’ve absolutely flown out the traps there haven’t they they done a great job there I mean you kind of thought about it because the T A versus the V of B crew so it’s kind of gone to form but and even though the Vesta crew there really look how quiet their bodies are on the way forward not disturbing the boat they might be disturbed at the lead they’ve let T’s run Club take and there’s a big job for it and barve there you can see the trying to kol them along and keep them in attention and keep them believing there you go Vesta already out to sorry TS already out to two lengths against Vesta coming to the P just gone past the P to mar mar Vesta here you still run well and everything here we go here’s the play then from from TS a so these none of these athletes have rode an a crew before they’ve all rode in B Crews for come to the club um and doing a good job the pressure on them is pretty high club has won this event quite a lot in the recent years and hold the event last year yes so the expectation on them is going to be high from within the club but they’re doing a good job here first day of racing just clinical execute race yourself into a rhythm blow out the cobwebs yeah it must bring a little bit of added pressure TS Ro Club Adrian as you say winning the TS challenge Cup last year and with that comes a different sort of pressure I suppose isn’t it knowing that the uh the rowers who have been before you have achieved what they’ve done yeah I mean they and they know that when they’re coming to the club they go to the club because they want those opportunities they think if they r at this club they have the chance of winning because they produced fast Crews and they’ve achieved it in the year they’ve worked well done all the urg tests and got themselves into the a boook because that’s where they want to be and now here they are racing in the boat they want to be in Callum Williams in the B SE closest to the camera Frederick Middleton Robert Harris looking a further down Tristan venga Joshua SLE Reginal Mitchell Andrew Thomas and then yatul in the stroke seat and they are stretching away colossal lead early on Vester he won’t be enjoying this out the race early I mean they probably had a sense this is probably what it’s going to be like and the focus the coach has to be and these guys have trained all year to get into this crew that they need to have their best row today regardless of their opposition they need to do their best effort and your best hope I suppose if you are feeling that everything’s stacked against you is producing a best row and hoping something unto goes on in the opposition boat which it absolutely hasn’t not today we’ve seen some stuff yesterday some clashing and disqualifications people hitting booms things do happen but in the eights these things happen less often there goes another one of those fery boats safely off the course now Tam’s nicely in control of this now but running smoothly and they’ve got lots of time now as they recover just to just to rest well that’s that courageously low stroke rates isn’t it for this early in the race yeah it is just shows the difference in speed doesn’t it they for what they’ve done now they’ve got quite a few races the rest of the week if they keep keep going through the rounds and what they’ve probably done is they probably said well we’re going to focus on our start maybe do a 500 M piece really do it properly and then we can just paddle in and just be really rested for tomorrow there’s a danger though I mean that really is uh show boating isn’t it and if you get to a too lower rate and Mark Hunter was talking about this earlier having mean if you are asked to snap up again that’s really tough in a in a big boat like an eight oh for sure and and that’s one of the reasons you find in an eight when you’re cruising in a s situation you generally don’t drop below 28 Strokes a minute cuz it does get much too heavy it’s easier to one you’re up like that is to keep moving and not pull pull a bit less hard instead of pulling really hard and dropping the rate down to 18 cuz they look much snappier don’t they yeah they really they’re still racing flat out and they’re doing their very best to execute their race plan well that’s so it’s nearly double what we’ve got T Ro Club doing at the moment yeah they’ll be in the high 30s and TS maybe the well probably now in the low to mid 20s down here just about yeah I mean that’s uh unusually low range but and it’s one of those things that how when you look at it these team the both sides have trained a lot the athletes are probably a similar sort of size just experience coaching training program and some of the guys are just naturally stronger and it’s amazing how you can go the same how how hard some people have to work for boat speed yeah and how seemingly little people have to work but they’re still pulling quite hard it’s a great example of technique isn’t it and how important Perfection with technique is yeah and yeah and they’re so effective the way their blades go in you can see their blades as they’re coming towards us when they’re rowing they go in the water pretty much at their Apex and that means the blades are in the water for a long time and that pushes the boat that means they can sit still and not do very much in the slide the other crew you can see their blades are quite high and they’re going away from us when they go so they they get their maximum reach and they need shorten before the blades are in the water so they’re in the water for less time so you can see that as it it goes away from us as it goes in more choppy more choppy that means it’s heavier when they hit it and then it also means that they’re they’re in the water for less time yeah it’s a good biomechanical description of what’s going on in these boats where’s the temp scw there you can see now the blade right here the blades are coming towards us just dropping in at their Apex and then they just spend time with the blade in the water there’s no rush trying to pull it through even though they’re working hard they don’t rush to get the blade through the water you make it sound so easy and well they make it look easy don’t they yeah and it’s so difficult especially when you’re tired it’s incredible levels of your skill isn’t they yeah and they won’t be very tired to be honest no that’s true they’ve had it very they’ve had a really good hard 500 M maybe even more than maximum and now they’re well within themselves and enjoying in the [Applause] crowd so after a very lengthy delay ahead of the race T’s challenge cup heat is eventually won by T’s Rowing Club on the barer station with a couple more Strokes will be home V Rowing Club found it very difficult to keep Pace right from Temple Island and that was cruise control for temp’s RO Club they won’t have wasted too much energy in that round no sets them up for tomorrow what on to Vester though over the line they go that’s their T’s challenge cup campaign [Applause] done T challenge cup the men’s eight T’s Ro Club a beating V Ro Club B comfortably student women’s eight next we got the University of Bristol against the university college Dublin and uh ready to go no delays at the start of this race away they go watching very carefully the Irish Boat on the Buck Station they’ve moved a very good efficient line there so we’re watching them come off Temple Island and now we’re having a look a bit further down the race and the Irish have got a little bit of a lead not a huge lead but nonetheless they’ve got this race a bit of a grip on it yeah they UCD as a club generally been over racing a lot of riatas in the UK this summer uh this women’s crew here won their boow race against Trinity College Dublin um early this year another p and University of Bristol now on the barsh station this is brilliant isn’t it this is so good to see a tight race like this Bristol on this side just starting to eek out a little bit on UCD UCD really need to just hold on and do something to sort of stop the momentum that Bristol seems to be building could not be more level at this early stage of the race University College Dublin UCD so you wonder whe the you wonder whether the Bristol better a push in there to try and sneak out this just over a canvas effort now we’ll see what UCD are made of and see if they can really get back on terms great Clash that’s a great race isn’t this is really good see what these ladies are made of now when they come down this course seems like UCD may have starting to push to get back on terms actually it’s not quite perfect from this drone it’s a great shot though isn’t it down the course it’s a fantastic shot the gun barrels stra and you can look at the creu when they put their blades in the water you can see who’s catching up with each other so UCD are taking more crew more Strokes than Bristol to do the same thing so so that means that Bristol are pushing the boat further every stroke Bristol shading it at this stage but no more than that you can see their boat now and they’ve just put another move in and Bristol moved out to half a length there so if they can keep this momentum that’s exactly now they’re coming to three closures they’re going to get some local cheering here but half a length UCD really need to do something special to get that back so Bristol in command at this stage see in the Bristol work Bethany Taylor in the bow seat and the white black and burgundy to the right of your picture the wind really is paying Havoc both those crews are having to steer quite a lot just they were Twisted across the course and then they’re back here another bit of steering I think it’s difficult out there yeah definitely asking a few questions these boats especially in a crosswind it’s like a big sail this boat you know with the ores and the athletes bodies really does get affected by the wind yeah has been quite swirling over the last couple of days yesterday we had a Tailwind a start with then it became a crosswind there’s a good picture of UCD then really still sticking it in there giving themselves a chance as they’re coming down to the main part of the St enclosure they really are going to have to up the stroke rate now to get back on terms yeah now on never for University College Dublin both Crews look really tired now really just holding it together right to the finish and he not too far to go until that finish finish for Bristol University of Bristol now with a length lead in front of stewards and they’ll be very P they made to work really hard in that one this where you’re wondering whether you written checks or your body can’t cash coming down the here this is where you got to be tough last few strokes and University College Dublin giving it their all but not enough today the island challenge cup University of Bristol that was a terrific race wasn’t it they had to work and they are worthy of the step through to the next round of the island challenge cup that was a a really good tussle yeah both Crews had nothing left at the end so University of Bristol beating University College du Double Dutch in this one Temple challenge up this is the equivalent race for the men this is a student event for men ready to go this will be a really good battle as well two boats that know each other well and there been some Ry smiles when they drew each other in the draw yeah you come all the way across the ferry and drive up here just to race each other getting quite close so these guys will know a bit about each other won’t they from the Riata scene in Holland and it seems that Nas on the far side on the barire station have moved out to an early lead of half a length so Nas just a bit sharper away from Temple Island giving them the lead and here we are live the nas have continued in the same vein forging their lead they just got a bit more Poise haven’t they in the way they the boat runs and they given them that two two and a half length lead really on on EG here and here’s a good picture of them so NIS are historically a fabulous one of the best rowing clubs in Holland um and they have some great Traditions but they’ve had a difficult few years there was a few years ago where for whatever reason coaches went on to do other things um and they lost a lot of athletes and they’ve been in a rebuilding phase to come back to be as competitive as they used to be so it’s good to see them here dominating a race here in the temple yeah it’s just the cycles of Club sport isn’t it clubs go through it yeah Giani closi in the B seat the at in the stroke seat and nus their name frequently popping up on a hen Ro program an AAR here was were eighth and they intermediate eight the Holland Becker Cup earli this year over the line they go to w anerus Temple challenge Cup winners in that all Dutch Clash now finishing their race and finishing their Henley so on they go there he is through to the next round of the temple challenge cup Club men’s THS and a very European looking lineup here the boat from Germany on the Bara station the boat from Switzerland on the buck station and both both Crews got off nice and straight which is great to see in these coxos boats as we come off the island here the right hand crew from zi will be hit by the water of the stream coming off and they might get pushed a little bit over towards the noisa crew they’ve done a good job of that actually so noisa moved out to about a third of a length and seem to have a little bit of momentum here as they row through yeah nice uh with the early advantage in the white boat you can see nearest to the camera Ben golap the B seat there and no rudan have got themselves to half a length this is going to be a Humdinger both Crews have settled into what seems like a very similar speed yeah they’re both in contention look at that there’s Z’s coming back and these smaller boats can change leads and overlaps and advantages very quickly can’t they much all Nimble on the per Crews really need to just be solid and have a rhythm in these next 2 or 3 minutes cuz if they’re fighting really hard without a rhythm they run out of steam but Zur here it’s great to see these Swiss Crews coming over because normally they’re they’ve got their national championships a Hy weekend this year it’s been it’s do last week so there’s a lot of Swiss Crews come over here to race and being competitive it’s fantastic to see and that’ll explain why z in their boat you can see close to the camera to the right of the picture they haven’t got any previous hen Ro rata experience whereas everybody in a new boat has had at least one rata previously a noa’s experience seems to be showing at the moment but the two man looking around quite a lot in the noisa crew every stroke he seems to look [Music] across yeah it’s interesting there is a a lot of looking across going on bit of apprehension bit of nerves lot of winds you see the look at the the quality of the water how dark it is that’s a really dark patch of wind they’re going to be battling just to get those blades in the water down here this is an amazing race these two crews are within 10 ft of each other and somebody’s going to have to decide now what they’re going to do so a real test look at the difference in size between these two guys H in the same boat yeah and the boat goes dead straight Ban’s obviously pretty effective so the Swiss against the Germans the noises are moved out a bit looks like a bit of steering there from Zurich but the noise of maybe move yard to a length the experience is showing so you can see nicely there in the white boat Benjamin Nels is 23 so as Johannes ner Simon falga 20 Ben Gosha 22 years old it just looks like in the headwind here the noer crew on the right here just they’re able to sit level and be much more control with their movement it looks like the Zurich crew we hear the noer crew here you can see how the boats are nice and level they’re really on top of the boat and it’s running nicely but then here you can see on the left the Zur crew they’re just struggling a bit with the conditions looks like and the boats are wobbling around a bit bodies are starting to flail as they get tired lus Deli in the B seat you can see there relatively diminutive chap compared to Charlie playe in the two seat that’s Club R for using it whatever turns up to the club get to compete that’s exactly right the noer crew here do a really nice job of just executing their race and sticking to their plan and not getting flustered yeah and the early lead they got they were great they were they were very confident to sit there and then absorb zurich’s attack until the moment was right and now they’re just moving away yeah it’s quite calm performance quite a confident performance as well to to do that yeah to sit half length up and just sit there for 3 4 minutes and wait yeah exactly wait for your moment very very mature racing picked them off at the crucial time so the Germans beating the Swiss in the Wold challenge cup good performance from them and now they can soak up the Applause B of A parade in front of the brand stand and stewards over the line they go they’ll be very satisfied with that performance there Steven cockr from Zimbabwe up in the single that’s yell backer of the Netherlands there he is in the Buck Station they’re trying to inject as much Pace as they can back has gone off like a bad out of hell hasn’t he he’s really aggressively attacked this steering a little bit towards Cox but he’s probably got an early 3/4 of a length yeah the rate for a single there is absolutely bombing on isn’t he he really has committed hard to this notle approach no he wasn’t subtle at all but it’s effective isn’t it he’s taken two legs already that he’s a strong fellow that just have just done that straight away good and also Cox on the far side two or three time he’s going to be the Olympic Games he is yes just a sixth Zimbabwean rower ever to appear at an Olympic Games qualified through the African system couple of weeks back and be interesting to see how he gets on so we’ve seen singles races where the people have come from a long way behind to win so we’re going to wait and see what sort of Rhythm now um backer has done whether he can maintain this and whether Cox really has anything to do but to be honest backer has really done a good job with this hasn’t he he has but how much has it taken out of him to do that you’d think that would be enough but it’s still a long way to go that’s Steven Cox from Zimbabwe based in the UK a Lance’s corpal in the British army he’s been very grateful to the Army who made it possible for him to train properly to try and do this um and he was um he has gone back done some of his training in Australia went to Peter house College in Zimbabwe somewhere I’ve spent a lot of time they’ve got their own uh training Lake there but now an ex M athlete as well yeah so backer here coached by Peter verome is he’s basically in the hunt for the under 23 single skull for this Dutch team and we know if you look at the Dutch Olympic team the skulling is exceptional their quad and their double are outstanding and their single skolar as well beat OE zidler at the last World Cup and OE zidler is multiple winner here is actually here racing as well before the Olympics so this athlete here so backer is one of their development athletes for the next Olympiad and he’s is hoping to race a single at the under 23 World Championships in a few in a few months time in St Catherine’s and so back at we said it wasn’t very subtle but it’s been extremely effective as he moves in front of the Riata and Steward’s enclosures butan he’s a big guy isn’t he and actually he skulls very he is now he is subtle on The Boat Boat not bouncing around exactly he’s done the work now isn’t he yeah exactly de would have needed to be done and he’s handling his conditions very well you can see there the way the boat because the boat’s about 14 kilos and he’s probably over 95 and the boat obviously every time he releases the finish the boat does sink into the water because the weight is in the boat instead of on the ores when they skull well they suspend their weight off the ORS and take some of the weight off the boat as soon as they release the boat drops into the water but he’s still really subtle yeah he has done a good job there and I’ll same Cox to be honest he’s he’s also a good scolar his blade work is really good at the front end of the stroke when the blades go in just out powered to be honest yes early in the race and you just asked the question you whether backer is going to be able to maintain that all the way through but he has he’s obiously got more than just explosion off the start he’s got the stamina to back it up Co is coming back at him but it’s only because backa is really absorbing it really he’s completely within himself yeah so a good race interesting way tactically it was unfolding but backer from the Netherlands will go through in the diamond challenge skulls and for the Zimbabwean Steven Cox that’s the end of his heny warata this time round the t’s challenge cup Club means eight belar of Switzerland AG Croft of Manchester Salford to be more [Applause] precise so there’s the AG CR crew there just waiting for the race their coach um Dennis okon O’Neal is retiring from the club he’s one of the guys that transformed the club over the last 30 years and he’s in the launch and he’s coached a road in over a 100 Crews at H that’s incredible Centurion in the launch in terms of participation at Hen Roat Centurion so they’ll be recruiting now to find someone to come and take over that program and move it on again good luck with that role indeed yeah exactly so then on the near side we got Belvoir from Zurich another Swiss team over here racing they’ve been one of the leading Crews over the last few years of the Swiss championships and this year they’ve got I think they’ve got their four in here um they’ve got a medal in Swiss championships so the atmosphere at the start as always lots of tension and nerves who’s going through to the next round of the 10th challenge cup will it be AG Croft nearest to camera in the shot or will it be B fromi in Switzerland I heard a story this hcof a last week when they’re training managed to ran their boat ground and tore about 4 ft out of their boat and they had to get it fixed in about 2 days so they could come here and race yeah I saw the picture it was a mess but we’re done getting the boat ready to race yeah good effort so again the crew is quite relaxed you can see the crew is probably converging still at the moment but they’re not under starters orders just yet you’ve been up to AG Croft yeah it’s great it’s I mean good spot is a really good spot up there y in the Keys they get great rowing up there and it’s great the hcraft does a lot of community work up there they have a lot of athletes they bring from disadvantaged backgrounds into the sport and actually some of the athletes um have gone on from the junior program to get scholarships at s Edward school to row and their Crews that are racing here this weekend well they’re a really brilliant Ambassador for the sports aren’t they the club the way it’s set to happen yeah exactly they put a lot of effort into I know James Harris who was the captain of the club has put a lot of work into growing that’s the same sort of thing as London youth rowing and ly and and reach really opening the support to all sorts of other children around the ready to do that Cru start order Cox’s hands are up making sure they’re straight they only drop them when they’re happy get ready please Phelps ready to come on the race Emily Gray there you can see in the seat at agof with her left hand raised any more she’s Anna Vera happy now as well from the Swiss boat no delay em gray got to get the boat pointing the right direction at this point he otherwise you’re such a disadvantage yeah don’t want to steer now and they’re off here they go 10’s challenge cup cups men’s e AG C to the right of the picture a bit quicker on the first two or three Strokes s a slight margin let’s see how that transitions off the end of the island bles are getting quite close between the boats and you can just see AG cross having to back nice and aggressive here you can see they’re really putting some work on those handles the B nice and level yeah good good good effort first start let’s see how they can transition into the race pace and the stroke seat there for yeah that is as level as you get coming out of Temple Island this is going to be a fabulous race so now the thing is not to lose boat speed you don’t now you drop the rate three or four strokes a minute you don’t want the boat to suddenly slow down as well that’s a clever thing to do you can see the SS Samuel Miller in the stroke seat and they’re much more aggressive with their bodies the way you can see their bodies open up it’s a much more Dynamic movement than the age crops crew and it’s it’s given a little bit more bur speed to this point you see the hcof crew they still use their bodies but it’s not as quick through with their body maybe they’re just to connecting to the legs a little bit better but doing very well here the Zur Crew moving out to just over a third of a length yeah aggression is the word isn’t it for this Swiss bait you can hear the shouting of the exactly that the way they move their bodies in the boat of aggression but it’s working they’ve crafted and the transition’s been good they just slipping away here from [Music] hcraft this is the point where you you know the guys in the stern on left hand side of our screen the stern of the boat they start to lose sight of the other crew whereas the guys in the bows still think they’re in the race it’s a very different feeling even within the Crew bich moving out to almost a length let’s have a close look at the AG Croft blades here sure Dennis O’Neal the retiring head coach for the senior men for the last 30 years at AG Croft will be having a good look at this as well it’s good blade work the blade works are going in nicely and you can see how they just as the legs are going down they’re not too quickly and their bodies are opening but not too quickly either so that’s applying a very coordinated power into the boat but they’re going to have to do something different to this they’re going to have to apply more work to get back on terms with Zur Zur got a good first half of the race and Zur a much more sort of aggressive entry with their blades when they go in the water it’s a bit more choppy but they really get on onto the boat and accelerating quite early on just in a much more aggressive style and it’s paying dividends at the moment but we’ll see what happens now still a long way to go in this race yeah the only mid Midway point of the race not even that and got just about a length now yeah the HC crew still got overlap and this is crucial if you keep the overlap the pressure shifts onto the leading crew because they’re unable to move away and if you can start to nudge just add cuz you can see the opposition coming towards you here the Z blad going in really covering well coming towards us a little bit maybe the Cho star that we talked about but actually still really neat and together it’s a great shot of these Crews racing isn’t it you get a bit of an inside don’t these faes these guys are working hard aren’t they definitely it’s one of the things I think we find hard in our sport is to show how hard these people work because people are so conditioned to try and make it look effortless because then be efficient it doesn’t Del how hard they work yeah the pain etched on the faces of some of the Swiss crew there a Croft doing something now aren’t they looks like they’ve kept that for 2 minutes and now they need to get on that travel if they can and row up the outside well they want to do it for their coach as much as do won they Dennis O’Neal who was first Associated nearly 50 years associated with heny Mor G at first R himself in 1976 just uh you can see him briefly there on the umpire’s launching that’s that they still got their margin here in Zurich hoft they might have done a push there to get back on turns it’s not quite done enough as it looks like might be moving away they might have broken contact now yeah that was a big effort from AG Croft but they haven’t been able to overhaul the lead and Belvoir in the white boat PCT there still a long way to go we’re coming past here past upper T’s Ro club and remh club they’re stretching the lead AR they they really are stretching the lead and this is when it’s hard in the AGC where you you know you’ve got a long way to go and you could stick in your Rhythm and then do something at the end or do something now and have a chance of winning you got to do something now a lot of Courage cuz you’ll blow if it doesn’t work yeah but don’t die wondering that’s that’s exactly right but bazer here they they really their blade works very uniform they’ve managed to keep that aggression as they come into that really gray black water with all the Gusty wind yeah doing a really good job there and they’re steering a bit looking both Crews having to they hit the gust there they’re both having to steer left to get back in so this is AG coft yeah really uniform Runing here from both this crew from HC here high quality but they just need to do something do something desperate to get back on it’s all about the Swiss at the moment they look very relaxed they’ve done a great job haven’t they they they’ve really rode a compos race aggressive and then composed yeah they controlled it well and they more than the link up on the boat from sford keys from Manchester AG Croft so now coming into the enclosures just under 2 minutes to go this race has been going for quite a long time these guys are really digging deep to try and finish this off it’s been like watching that uh the ladies the island race the day with UCD wasn’t it earlier they were all totally expanded by the end I think these crews are going to be exhausted at the Finish sure they will but that’s some credit to AG Croft isn’t it just get nipping at the heels of the Swiss boat kept them having to unsurprisingly where the Swiss boat has Meander to it’s just careering off into the center that was from with a A Cox on board Emily gry will the AG Cox will be aware of that and pleased that the umpire’s got the Swiss boat back the Swiss Cox did a good job there she moved the RO made a clear move so the Umpire knew she’d heard him it didn’t disrupt the boat very much that was a really good coing there but it looks like clear water here coming down the last bit of the enclosures for Zurich yeah it’s definitely a Zurich wind coming up in front of the stewards enclosure got a few more Strokes to go and they controlled that race really smart yeah more crews out there to applaud yeah there the St is full now it is great for he’s great for these athletes to get this Applause as they come by so Belvoir Zur Switzerland over the line they go in the 10’s challenge cup beating AG CR Ro Club actually that finish is uh not a true reflection of the race it was a bigger margin of Victory than the race would suggest it was a good battle there but well done to the swits so on we go to the remm challenge cup and this is Oxford Brooks University against mosy two heavyweight clashes here this is the women’s eight big established clubs always successful at Henley’s I want to keep that going in this one yeah Oxford Brooks they two weeks ago they won women’s women’s heny which actually has all the university the club and the sort of highgrade international crews in the same event and they won that two weeks ago mosy more of a recently put together crew athletes from mosy who also study American universities and since their NCAA have come back to Royal Henry Brooks here clear water out very early on Oxford Brooks University not just for the geography but so much more experience on this particular stretch of water so you mentioned the Henry Williams rata a few two three weeks ago now and they’ve had loads of time now on this stretch of water and you look at previous H moreat appearances for everybody in that OCTA Brook boat compared to moy and that uh is perhaps why in the early stages this rant challenge cup heat in terms of age they’re not to much different but in terms of experience the Brooks crew has a lot more and you can see here they’re just better GED having done much more mileage together and they put a quite a big margin now here into this mosy what you call Semi scratch crew they probably had less than a couple of weeks together it’s not just the age though and the miles though it’s specific to this water isn’t it because Henley and this stretch of water is so unique must you know Adrian would you that it must give you such a head start start if you’ve been up and down dozens of times on this particular stretch you get really familiar with different weather conditions and different streams yeah exactly and it’s a really interesting balance because there’s that point when you come here and you need to have the experience to train on it but once you’ve got it you actually tend to stay away for the few days before you race because there is so congested and compromises your training you would probably stay if you if you’re a local Club you’ll train somewhere else and then come here just the last minute but like if you’re not used to it you definitely need to practice steering on these booms and used to the bouncy water yeah it was absolute Chaos on the water before racing started yesterday on day one watching the steering of that oord Brooks University boat not much wrong at the moment no that Brooks a well within themselves a bit like that London Rowing Club a we saw in the temps cup earlier this Remnant women’s eight really putting their cards on the table then for this top women’s eight of here at the Riata this is the grand equivalent and all the best Crews best women’s eights will be coming to race here over the weekend and Ops of Brooks University won’t be underestimated by anyone with their record at Hen ratas have Years Gone by see the Cox there beatric AR not giving much a away some good rowing there accurate blade work lots of time both do the work last few Strokes for ox of Brooks University in the rnum challenge cup good from them really classy performance Ry both Club unable to stay with them so there we are that’s the result of the latest REM challenge cup heat oord books University beating multi boat club is coming down club and school eight this one the princess Elizabeth challenge Cup this is both in this case schools Norwich school you can see on the bar station and Eaton College from not so far from here uh on the Buck Station watching the start to this race nothing in it huh nothing in it at all nor it’s really it’s not a score with a huge amount of Roy tradition but this regard they really are starting to show some pedigree and eat only going out to Canvas so far nor really staying in it Eaton definitely with the pedigree and the experience and the the depth in their squad they won at the one for rata junior eight yeah they they had a tough race yesterday against Bedford school they just got out to half a length and Bedford just tenaciously just came back and back and back at them and Ean managed to hold them off here’s the Eaton crew coming down on the busher station some very tall guys huh very rangy athletes yeah 17 year olds most of them just uh Alexander Perkins in the stroke seat he’s 18 years old been a previous heny Roat experience in the B seats in the stroke seat but for most of them this is a rookie appearance yeah the Norwich crew here just been s Ethan just slipping away from this is a great picture from the Drone here and how parallel their blades are as they row along as a coach you can learn so much from that canly if you were uh coaching a boat and you got those drone shots you would really see what was going on yeah and also the important thing is not just the blades are parallel when they go in the water is that they’re parallel the whole way through the recovery cuz if they’re different speeds every athlet is moving with different momentum and it’s throwing the boat off so they have to use a mve in unison at every part of it not just at the entry great shots of the race unfolding and here’s the action live in front of stewards and Eaton with just a couple more Strokes till their home yeah withing themselves there now lots of local support for them I’m sure so eat and college over the line they go in a substantial lead against Norwich School in the princess Elizabeth challenge [Applause] cup lots of Applause for them Eon College through it’s good to see the sportsmanship isn’t it after the race is finished yeah they they must the energy to appreciate each other ATT student men’s eights then the temple Newcastle University to the left and to the right Princeton University a on the back station so Newcastle one of our leading British universities they were second at the British University championships behind Oxford Brooks um and been in the mix for a lot of the ratas this summer Princeton this is their 2v so this is their second eight so the first eight has to race in the rum the ladies plate sorry and the second crew races in this event here and Princeton had had one of their most successful seasons for a long time this year it shows the depth they’ve got that they can pull out a boat of this quality yeah and here half a length they’ve already moved out on Newcastle one of the better British crews now we’ll see what what Newcastle have got so Princeton University on the backstage putting together a really good start to this one so they obviously they’re borrowing bir over here but princ have obviously brought their little tiger Livery to put on the canvases but here they are to a length on Newcastle perhaps a fraction more now just moving ahead Newcastle a class ax so that just shows how good this Princeton University boat is the fact that they can cut this much of a lead on them so early in the race yeah been Princeton this year they’ they they were silver Med to the IRA and the only crew they’ve lost to is to the Washington second a as well so they’re Eastern Sprint Champions as well so they are one of the top universities Crews one or two in the US in the for the second eights racing here against Newcastle he was one of the top British crews overall and Princeton who beat another Northeastern University yesterday in Durham actually it was a a tight race yesterday but much of it gradually extending the lead Princeton yesterday against Durham but today taking a commanding position against ucast look at that here prinston as one of the Ivy League colleges um people think they give scholarships with the ivy league is a sports league and they’re unable to give scholarships they can give financial aid to people who require it you can’t get scholarship based on your sporting abilities which you can to other universities in the US but they’re still able to recruit kids from all around the world Australians South Africans Norwegians just fill these boats full of Internationals yeah you’ve got all of that in this boat that we can see leading the way to the left of the picture great experience for them and Greg Hughes the the head coach of all the crews here um basically said because they had such a great season and it’s a young team he thought it was a great opportunity to bring 38s over here and just you know just experien this reg and keeps the guys training for another 6 to eight weeks which there hopefully be some benefit to them next season yeah he’s the overall Squad head coach is he Matthew Smith the coach of this particular he’s the crew coach exactly right but there this princ crew is quick they set the new National record of the Ira’s 533 in the heat to break the course record which has stood for a long time in the US nichas wrath you can see in the bow seat for Princeton in front of stewards 533 that’s only 15 seconds off the world record yeah that’s astonishing that’s for a second University Crew That’s astounding Bo the rest of the world though so here come Princeton University well done to them job well done on the Wednesday of Henny moata they had that race all sewn [Applause] up like Newcastle University beaten by Princeton University in the temple challenge cup the Dutch against the Norwegians in the Prince of Wales challenge cup last race on the morning’s program and away we go much more aggressive on the right hand side here on the nor Norwegian Crew The Dutch just Runing longer sculls and Proteus eras the Norwegians have got an issue with their steering there as well haven’t they they’re going to have to steer back down towards the right hand side Sarah winas poised in the umpiring launch with a white flag whoa no they’re close aren’t they very close yes so the Norwegian boat with a few dramas on the Buck Station but now have calmed it down and we’ got a half length lead for them over the Dutch boat here this is the live pictures as we approach the business end of the race coming up to remn here so it’s about 800 900 met to go half a length um OS and Cristiano from Norway just to look a little bit more lively they seem to have a bit more Dynamic acceleration when they’re rowing along but they’re not getting a huge amount for it but maybe moving out to 3/4 of the length trying to get free that contact from the skulls Proteus is from the Netherlands yeah Thomson and Christiana just looking at their boat to the right R in the bow seat you can see there it looks like the tiway skulls crew on the right hand side here is responding they’ve taken the stroke late up and they’re coming back on terms so here they are a canvas now from being almost a length down five Strokes ago this is going to be amazing very tight race to finish the morning’s program could be the Norwegians and the Norwegians the blade work they’re just starting to miss a little bit of the front and hitting it as the pressure and the skull um Proteus crew really accelerating that boat and they’ve got themselves ahead maybe yeah just ahead as they come into the last 200 me 300 M they’ve turned it right round here they were they were Brave they took the stroke R up with 2 minutes to go and just put their heads down and went for it and it’s paying off but anyone who’s ni off early for the lunch break I missed a tight one the end of the program so now we got to see if they’re going to blow or could now with the psychological momentum having brod through them will they just move through and away so here you can see the Norwegian boat Frederick Reed and they crab and that’s B news for them that’s their race over presumably protus will be delighted to have seen what’s gone on in the Norwegian boat there but I think it was in in a two seat was it the problem occurring three or two seat but that just shows he doesn’t even experience Cruise when somebody has the the courage to put somebody under pressure when they’re tired mistakes happen that was that was really unfortunate it’s terrible for the crew on the on the left hand side here from Norway yeah the Norwegian boat their race dramatically derailed there and that would have been an element of tiredness I’m sure fatigue kicking in the pressure all of it added together and that went very badly wrong we got the scholar from Tam’s Ro Club in the B seat Sam Thornton two Scholars athletes and the two in the stroke seat Adam Oliver and Lawrence Jos and the three seat from Pro AES Flores Vander guil so the Dutch the beneficiaries have a horrible moment in the Norwegian boat in front of the regat enclosure dramatic way for the morning session to come to a conclusion the Dutch will be delighted they just hung in the race in and did enough they to a point forced the uh mistake from the Norwegian boat but heartbreaking for them and that is the end of the Prince of Wales challenge cup heat so this was the defining moment in that final race ahead of the break for lunch there we go two seat two seat just didn’t quite the top edge of it blade out of the water got it caught in the water and that’s it can’t do anything about it heartbreaking moment for them they could there Sam Thornton and Adam o shaking hands well we’ve had some uh good excitement in that morning session Adrien different weather conditions being thrown at the rowers since early this morning yeah you can see there how calm it was earlier and then it’s become really Gusty some fabulous races some really good rowing and some Really Brave Decisions by some athletes Crews from all around the world competing some staying in some of and then 40 races so far this morning and 40 heartbroken Crews the Riata is over yeah and more positively going into lunch 40 will be very excited about their prospects indeed some will have a day off so we be racing tomorrow thank you very much to Adrien let’s head back to Ali Valance for the lunch break thank you very much well look I’m back in the boat tent cuz I’ve come to the Oxford Brooks area because last year or actually really in recent years they’ve become a dominant Force but last year they had a remarkable rata Oxford Brooks they won all seven of the events that they entered Victory though at this year’s rata would be extra poignant because their director of sports Keith Kelly very sadly died in April this year having been diagnosed with a brain tumor just the back end of last year three of Keith’s very good school friends though I’m going to introduce this Rob Dave and Tim are raising money this week for in Keith’s memory for the brain tumor Char charity and Rob what’s the challenge that you’ve set yourself uh so we’re uh rowing from uh Oxford to uh W on temps 75 miles uh over the course of 6 days so and how are you getting on so far where are you in the challenge uh well about halfway through at the moment so it was a stop here obviously to tie in with the uh the Riata um and uh yeah so pay honor to Keith really yeah you’re all school friends with Keith but I mean how did the idea come about uh well we looking at something to raise some money for the brain tumor charity um luckily Tim came out with this great idea of raring this skiff on um based on three men in the boat book um so literally the last month it was decided and then we’ve just gone for it already um so it’s been great hence the hats and the skiff um but what’s the rowing experience like amongst the three of you Tim well I’ve been rowing at at Falcon in Oxford for about a year and a half and I I thought thought Dave might like that so he’s he’s recently started a learn to row whereas Rob’s a complete what noit so he was at the beginning of the week but now he’s telling us he’s coaching us and all sorts yeah he’s moved on very fast and how are you finding it so far and not you haven’t sort of set yourself too too long a distance each day plenty of Pub stops on the way yeah the odd uh the odd Watering Hole yeah yeah not too bad we done about 15 miles 12 15 miles a day so we seem to lose between 2 and 4:00 there 2 hours where we just sort of get lost somewhere in in in a pub somewhere so but but in all seriousness how’s the the how’s the the raising the money and if people want to give what where should they head so we’re on uh just giving and uh it’s R for Keith and we’ve raised about 4 and a half thousand so far um hopefully we’ll uh we’ll boost that a bit more well good luck to the three of you just before we go and head to the highlights I just want to bring in Phil and Paul are Keith’s parents we’re actually standing next to the the Keith Kelly boat this one’s been named this eight um in memory of your son how good is it that these guys are doing this challenge for him amazing absolutely amazing amazing yes I’ve I’ve been down that stretch over for quite a long quite many times and is not easy they’re doing an amazing job yeah and nice so proud of them and nice that Keith wasn’t necessarily he wasn’t a rower but he was director of sport but it’s nice that they’ve named a boat after him as well I was absolutely bold away when they named a boat after him and I want to thank his three school friends as old as they are today half a century they still call me Mommy Paula and I’m so proud of the three of the men in a boat brilliant thank you very much for talking to us well we will be back with our live coverage then just before 2:00 for this afternoon’s session but in the meantime I’m going to leave you with highlights from this morning he Jo to start with the Prince of Wales cup we have colner ratburger versus Reading university ratburger on the top screen the yellow boat bar station Bing station Reading university just come down the river this Powerhouse of skulling this is one of my ones to watch this morning Jess I’m really excited about this race you’ve got the Reading university crew they’re going to be really really well drilled will R coaching there and we see how strong they are will ran dad Sid R coached me back in the day so amazing to be part of that but look here now they’re actually that reading crew they’ve gone off really well but are they in the right bot of the river those Crews look a little bit tight together to to me from this camera angle a bit further down the course now ready have taken a length lead but this German crew is still keeping overlap s there they’ve not let them go yeah and look at that Co renberger they are over on and you know hustling if you like that upp’s crew and if they come back on this line they side by side they will need to move closer to the Booms to make sure they do that some great experience in these young athletes here univers see very strong skulling here nationally in the UK with always a bit of an anomaly when you come up against a crew that’s traveled here from a different country you don’t know the pedigree but this crew from Germany’s got stacked full of trialists and Junior and National representation in that crew so they know what they’re doing and they’re holding on yeah it’s really really impressive isn’t there some lightweight athletes in here so Bale have been rating at 11 stone 72 kilos and in new money uh well chaquil maximum average 70 for their boat no weighing here at Hen regetta they can be whatever weight they have but we know that the reading men are likely to be what we call open weight they like to be a little bit stronger we’ve seen they have um um represented in under 23 and other levels as open weight classes I think they just made a move s they’re just broken what we call broken is when your crews are slightly overlapping this is a great shot to see that you’re still in contention you’re still in in touch as we’d say the many get kind of clear water between one end of one boat and the back of another it’s almost like snapping elastic band isn’t it and and you have that power to move away now it’s always like a Vortex isn’t it chest I don’t know what it is cu when you’re trying to break you get a little bit tense and put a little bit more work in and then we become less efficient and it’s just you know keep moving keep going relax oh now it’s easier now you’re using the big muscles and you can see here reading are really using those big muscles legs the back the the glutes all really efficiently and you can see the boat is just lifting and singing You me that from s win a former world champion in this boat classer she knows a thing or two um how does that feel now then as you coming through the middle of this course oh and the quad is where when you’re in that moment in fact I’ve been down this Henny course in the quad with some very very famous names in our sport which is a massive privilege and you’re there and you trust your athletes and your your your colleagues at this point you the coach has given you the race plan you it’s your job as an athlete to deliver it so they’ll been thinking about that but here it just gets so exciting cuz your teammates can really really inspire you through this part of the um course and you can see how well this Reading university Cruise are giving themselves to each other working as a team and you can see how effective it is down this heny course yeah they they’re tight I said in their blade work they’re loose in their shoulders and now it’s almost take a breath you’re sitting a few lengths up you’re probably going to win this race now is the time to start thinking about your recovery and tomorrow it’s been a really tight race actually for that first 2/3 but here as we come down towards the Finish Line reading have managed to take great down slightly they look a little bit more relaxed little Look Around Here Comes The Finish Line we’re moving on fantastic ril there reading University and a spirited effort as we said by the colal renberg team there ring University ready for tomorrow that’s a win for ring University in Prince of Wales challenge cup of corner ratburger and we’re back at the start line once again food for the race of the temps challenge C Royal Chester Roy Club on top of your screen versus mosy book club here in the black [Music] start by both Crews and was actually spirited start there by Royal Chester yeah Ro Chester fantastic Club you you know that they’ve done a whole load of work who age Royal tests at the club in the north of um London north of the temp Valley it’s great to see them here competing at the rata and of course they will have used their time have been maybe a bit more water time than some of the crews that have been working on the tempo on the tideway Ming he said formbook is going to be with mly crew This Crew in the black and the white on the left hand side of your screen now but the Chester crew really taken it to them and push them in this first quarter as we head now down to the middle of the course let’s take a look at where they’re at yeah really interesting Jess isn’t it so The Moldy on the left hand side they’ve got the M on the back you can see that actually their heads their bodies they’re just a little bit quieter and more together I would say than the the Chester crew on the right hand side and these are subtle difference to make a tiny bit of boat speed so I’d say the Chester crew is still working a little bit harder than Moy to stay in touch and Moy is just keeping thatx keeping that long and pushing just pushing away yeah good call Sarah and as you see and we going to mention all week this is a one-on-one race it’s quite rare in our sport in rowing we normally race either a head Race So professional or you might race internationally you’ll see Olympics in a few weeks time six bats across so oneon-one it does make it more intense and it means you have to go out you have to battle in that first little bit to stay with the crew next to you and that’s exactly what this crew from Royal Chester have done but mosy the form Bookers with them and they’ve broken away as we go through the middle of the course past REM Club yeah but I’d say well chest was still in touch interesting moldy there you can just see a tiny bit on the blade work especially on bide the side further from it’s not quite as clean as it was earlier on and roychester they are really pushing it and leading it and making sure they they can stay on I bet the Cox is talking to them right now and saying stay in touch Wester this is your moment they’ve dug in and they’re staying with this moldy crew Fair player to them I agree with you I think they’re looking a little bit cleaner now this Chester crew can they hold on and Sprint to the line that’s what we got to see here these big boats these Menat they do have a Sprint in them yeah it’s great isn’t it and you can see there the roer there working together really really pushing their heads moving better and back together and the coxon and the crew have really come from there dealing with this wash you see the water is just rocking the boat up a little bit up and down there they’ll be through that wash in a second and moving again but they have managed it really well Moy however though they’re still there we can see them on our screen pressing away there coxon we have to look over her shoulder just to check what’s going on with the Royal chest crew Emily jine there to really make sure that she is giving the correct information of course you can see it as an athlete but it’s tempting to look and you shouldn’t worldest had they came last week they came to qualifiers so they have to qualify to actually get to the start line um really strong weak from them and being here is a great representation of the crew as they sprinted towards the line this is a great finish in the Royal Chester crew moldy look quite relaxed now their heads are a a chest of pued out and they’re crossing the line ahead of this world chest yeah first round of this temps cup great racing World on Lester congratulations Moy that’s a win for Moy bu B in the 10 challenge Cup against Royal Chester Rowing Club go adjustments as they go from Riv side quite close to those boys there back to the middle of the course and they’re away yeah interesting both these boats are steered by their stroke men so they’re sitting closest to us they’ve got the foot and and that is a really good place when you’re on a straight Lane course cuz they can see really clearly on a river course when you don’t know that what’s coming up often you give the stairs to the bow cuz they’re looking around and they can see what’s going on but look at here this start J it’s really good work here from this Cambridge crew you’re seeing a mixture of different experiences here this Riverside boat club crew here blue the white strikes in Boston they all got jobs they’re all got stroke man’s actually um actually a pilot but they um they they really are got pedigree theyve trialed they’ve been up there in the National system they’ve got big Ur as have been told but they’re racing against this slightly younger if I dare say Cambridge Ros kill growing club yeah it’s really interesting we’ve got a huge experience the Olympic trials and just for the UK we know exactly what happens when you go off for your longdistance skulls and then start working your single and then seat racing but the Riverside USA have got experience about what goes on in the US system lightwe double sculls they’ve been tring and a my understanding of that system is they have one race you you you turn up at the trials with your doubled partner and those who win it get to go to contend for the Olympics so then they’ll get tested on the international so these um it was Ashton Knight who came forth in that scenario so we’ve got some light weights get some heavy weights I think here yeah absolutely you’re seeing the kid blue there as they’re moving out these guys have just been thrown together really quite a recent crew two the members of This Crew been racing and racing the Blue Boat this year they put together poal intermediate crew will they race again this year might not see it this might be their icing on the cake for them their season and they’re doing a good job here yeah we’ll see how they go on it visitors we’ll see where we go later on and then it’ll be back to elely from them um to do their long distance and their minds I’m sure will be thinking about the tideway in March but right now we’re here in July in Henley and it’s a little bit warmer it’s definitely got a course and um it’s funny as a boat race umpire I go from being on the tideway which is so wide and you stand and you’re thinking as uple exactly where are you where’s the proper course which crew would you warn to when you come to Henley where of course we have the course with these booms delineated it’s a very different experience and it’ll be a different experience for these athletes too and I wouldn’t say they’ve broken clear either this crew here they’re trying to get the DU to move out the way ahead of their course Riverside is strong members in that crew the three men were looking at there William drer he’s actually won what we call the crash bees which is the world champs for indoor rowing if you s those indoor Ro machines one of the guys in this Bo has got a huge oo way under 6 minutes for 2,000 M so there he is there with a cap on The Tall Man in three seats you can see you know that those lungs those legs that give you those big OS he’s keeping them really efficient really relaxed really working you can see MSA o these gentlemen are getting the air in but they’re staying in touch and Cambridge are coming away a little bit you can see them towards the center of the of course no Advantage for them doing that really apart from the fact that it might be boat race habit I want to get in front of the other crew so are you anire in this situation do you is that a moment to warn someone what would you do right there well I’m watching F Dena she’s there with the flag in her hand and she looks pretty relaxed I suspect what she’s seeing from behind she’s standing right in the middle is both crews are moving in so Riverside away a little bit off their station and Cambridge are off there but actually I seen just now she’s worn Cambridge back look at that immediate response you see as an Umpire you can always see that when that foot goes on you see when the boat moves and you know whether a crew has actually done what you’ve asked them to do or not I warn you move please you are the referee in the in the football match you’re the Umpire in the rowing boat and you have to listen to that umpire they are there to keep the race safe and fair you have to listen to what they’re doing and react and these boats are quite small actually they got like four men sitting in in them they’re probably anywhere between 1880 and 100 Kil each these men um boats the shelling underneath them it’s actually relatively light compared to them it’s almost like half a man it’s about 40 kilos so you know the minute they start moving you can see the boat move yeah minimum waits for those boats when you race internationally because they want to keep it a fair you know I I always laughed and you know of course we’ve got beautiful boats of these athletes AR them but we do R in a hollow out log and compared to sailing and other spots that are allowing to use technology cing to really make their vehicles move on and on what how rowing wants to do is make sure that everyone has the availity of the boat so the athlete skill is tested not necessarily um the boats as well Bill Lucas there Rob B looking on from Cambridge two Cambridge coaches checking out their Cruise yeah they on the right hand side rob you never get a lot from him always kind of the sunglasses on just watching quietly and he’ll be you know looking at this seeing that Riverside they’re staying in we’ve watched the V crew the crew that’s down at this stage staying in on the racing here but they’re off their station a little bit it’s making it a little bit harder for them I don’t think um the Umpire will be warning them at all because they’re not in contention she’ll be having her eyes on Cambridge and ensuring that this base stays exactly where she she wants it and they are doing a beautiful job of that right now look at this stroke it is long and it is loose you can see how efficient the legs coming through the legs and the elbows are just coming down I know Rob B used to talk about feeling like it had a book under your arm on your outside arm and you can see that that gets your laps moving in and you can see he’ll be not able to see the backs of his cruise but when he looks at this I’m sure he will be pleased at what he does see experienced crew here in the light blue of pen and a rosing of Denmark Ferraro World 23 champion last year boat race winner they kept their heads Riverside has stayed in touch they put them under pressure they’ not let them had it all their own way they’re coming into the closing stages think cambrid R could almost take a [Applause] breath great entry in the year this year 16 bats it’s going to be a great contest I hear that famous beat telling them cross the line side watching there Cambridge you can see yet again they’ll be pleased with that but it has not been easy they’ve worked giving the cheers giving the respects this is such a respectful sport that’s a win the visitor challenge C for Cambridge and rosi or roide boat club USA start TS challenge cup TS B are racing in this in the black and top of your screen against Mitsubishi CL of Japan in the red off the go I’ve been really looking forward to this one Jess cuz it’s really hard to know what the form is I can hear now the Umpire just getting involved a little bit but there Japanese crew we don’t know how quick they are and neither will temps be so they’ll be absolutely um fired up for this yeah is this a crew I can beat is this a crew we’re going to have to contest H what you just don’t know what you’re going to expect on the start line had them fall through the year that’s why they’re here that’s why they’re resing on the wedding day there up there against TS but T is such a Powerhouse of men’s and women’s rowing in the country at the moment so they have the confidence and momentum of their boat club and their history behind them today don’t they it really is impressive isn’t it you know Charlie Clark the coach there will have you know been watching this crew ensuring he will set it up you know he’s got the bucket rig he’ll been looking at these athletes and thinking how do I get this boat to work as well as it possibly can you know it’s our boat it’s supporting our a a boat we need to make sure that these guys are working as well as they can and the mitubishi men from Japan have come out they’ve come out to the hos that really fast St that they came alongside but at the moment Tams are giving the power that push you can see the cover on their boats and what we mean by that is what you can see where the blades go and we can see the stroke man going into the two man’s puddles or even just clearing a little bit and on the Mitch bitty one as well well that they’re working it well but the power of the t’s crew power of that club system it looks good at the moment see mitsubish here most years at hand it’s great to see them here CU they’re actually staying in touch there’s only about half a length of clear water I there between the two Crews the Cox is going to be telling them we’re going through the middle of this course now stay in touch yeah there they are they’re going past the mile signal there and yeah if this is where it really hurts doesn’t it the race you can see here from the picture actually how far you have to go and already you have covered a fair bit of water just as hard as you can because side by side racing you’re going to be sprinting and burning and pressing your lungs and you’re if you’re behind you want to stay in touch and it’s just that temptation to stay out of with and stay a little bit High found the best coxing Mo I had at this moment was a going right it’s going it’s going well you were length down drop the rate drop the rate and we’ll go back through and we listened to her and we believed and we did and it’s amazing is it cuz sometimes when you’re a little bit scratchy a little bit behind you know you’re putting the work on in the wrong ways well done CIS who did that it’s about relaxation and power and sometimes in a rowing boat if you’re two t you’re not allowing yourself to transfer that power to the to the a through your feet um we have a famous kind saying and Rowing people shouting shouting relax well that doesn’t help you just got to be relaxed and you just got to comb in that flow and T’s here are doing very well you know this crew Sarah are actually well versed in racing here and Rowing here we’ve got some good experience down the crew yeah it’s really good isn’t it apparently one of the next pro boxer which is interesting in their buer but you know never say never we’ll going be talking to him I don’t have a fight with Richard H later on if he’s about um yeah it’s great to see that they are here and they learn to R all sorts of universities we talked about this University Club system before you Bal Man David poter learned his Ro now at brockford and now he’s at T again coming into the club system and learning another way the back there of sheda from mitubishi if you’re watching us mitubishi hello after noon crew here staying in touch looking at a strong race there yes the Land of the Rising Sun got the sun before us so they will be well into their day now watching their Cruise they kept this energy they kept that Spirit through the middle of the course actually keep ters under pressure ters have not dropped their rid that’s not comfortable place to be is it no I love it and you look at this and this is what this Vata is all about your in front of the grand stands you know you’re nearly there and you just have to go and go and go as the crew that is behind at this stage see if you can wle the other T are probably thinking go away Mish but Mish keeping this pressure right to the Finish Line as they’re coming hurtling towards us what is this distance going to be TS cross it in first place but mitsubish I tell you what they say put them under real pressure at the end yeah that was great with TS have done enough but MIT jishi they should be absolutely deeply proud of that performance well done gentlemen so win the TS run B crew in the TS challenge Club of mish Club Japan start men’s University a it’s dur University a that platin at the top of your screen the white boat prinston University B America here in the famous black and orange there’s nothing like an a there off the start it’s loud it’s proud and you can hear the Americans they’re making sure that they’re moving together and D on the other side and equally pressing through what a start I love it this is The Punchy starts there look at them go you heard the are shouting there’s almost some Yelps in the middle of the crew you’ve got to get out there you got to get there hard and fast in these big boats and it was just dur on our screen right now maybe a foot yeah D they raced against Oxford University a d I think yesterday and you they had a good race against them a spirited race there from Brooks there another amazingly strong Squad but the DAR man will be pressing on and making sure that they um move away from this Princeton University B um crew another great Squad with Princeton it’s great to see them over there I suspect anyone up very very early or late at night I think watching that and there are your men competing for a place in the temple challenge cup if you’re joining us from Princeton uh qu 4 in the morning well done we applaud you but this crew here staying in contention you’re in for a corker yeah this is really exciting isn’t it the Princeton crew with the black and the orange ores there they’re really a big p on the top you look at them they’re pressing and pressing and pressing and they look now but they got a really good Rhythm they’re flat they’re a little bit higher than Durham let’s see what happens they’ve fought back here in the middle of this Course Durham looked like they’ started to slip but Princeton have dug in and look a look across their stroke seat osar pattern where are we the Cox is going to be telling you you really reel the Mac in that gives you energy it really does and you feel like a million pounds at that point Dan you or a million dollars if you in Princeton boat at the moment because every stroke feels like you’re being effective and efficient and when you’re in D we’ talked about stress and tension if you can see a crew coming towards you and you’re not listening and relaxing you know that you can just get that tension coming in and you start doing their work for them it’s aggressive it’s fast and it’s working for Princeton cuz they’re really putting Durham Under Pressure here yeah the coach by Will Fletcher a fantastic lightweight RAR that we race with on the squad against cuz he was often in one of the smaller lightweight boats and we racing through a larger women’s boat and it’s great to see that system he will have thr this he’s got the experience he really prepared these men for this attack but let’s see how well they respond just got the upper hand right now Durham as we look at the white back of Princeton those camo caps got a real draw through at the end of The Stroke don’t they Sarah they punch through the water there yeah they really really do don’t they and they just a little bit less shape at the stroke at the front but pressing it through in the back Dar you can see they come through round a little bit more onto their toes and it’s just that tiny bit more effective and efficient but Princeton pressing is Princeton B crew they’re going to go all the way and you know what Fair pledge this dur University crew Princeton put them under real pressure through the middle of this race that’s a testament to the athletes in this boat they kept their heads they kept the confidence bit of a bang of the boat as they cross the line in that famous platinate purple there a win from Durham University a in a temple challenge cup over Princeton University b d University again using that fast start great to see them through to the next round attention [Music] go out they get clearly bir cruise we are starting this battle who is going to Triumph in the PE today Snappy Dynamic starts from both Crews we’ve seen throughout this Riata and previous editions a lot of the international Crews go out really hard they try their best to end the race as early as possible and maybe cyber took there in shot have got one eye on trying to scare shiplake a little bit but sh known for their fast starting they’ve got great technique in this boat really well coached by Dave car and H M PR you can see their Jess that’s a few seats already to ship like a really really powerful opening exchange yeah they’re not messing around there they’ve got out the start hard and fast they look very competitive here as we coming past the end of the island relaxed face there this Jo went Isaac Dean looks like he’s barely trying yeah that’s what you want the guy in the stroke right you want him to be laying down that rhythm transposing what the coach and the cops are telling you and making sure that everybody else behind him just follows in sequence it’s a sequential thing rowing through an eight and you want the stroke to be as relaxed in the shoulders in the legs as possible so he can just make sure that that Rhythm passes down through the crew but ship L flying really really impressive here and they’re one of my Crews to watchs through the rata they’ve often struggled to translate their speed from the winter into the summer but starting to put that to bed with some really strong performances both at at the national schools regata but also here on the heny Straits they definitely give themselves a Target on their backs wining silver medal in the champ at national school so we know they’re fast they’re War of the crews to watch might tell me for that they got the bronze medal okay rad race this morning they’re not listening I’ll tell you one thing though Jess it’s C here in shop it’s really gratifying since the princess Elizabeth challenge up opened up it’s roster to clubs it’s really wonderful to see so many US clubs meeting the call straight away coming over wanting to try the against the very best that the British have to offer and in sort of conversely to that it’s great to see that the school boys in the UK still leading the way is still the goal standard in school boy roar I think we’ve seen a real demonstration of that over the past decade with so many International winners up until about the middle part of last decade and now we’ve had a run basically of sort of six or seven uninterrupted years of UK success in this event so it’s going to take a really really strong crew to unseed the lights of ship L sh crew there s talk won’t let them go they’ve got pedigree this American Crew they’ve been up there they’ve all R of the charge they were second ahead of the charge this year they know how to race as a crew they’ll have that tight Rhythm as as a unit but maybe when they looked at the list this morning and saw they were against ship college is that a bit of a blow when you’re looking down the list yeah they wouldn’t have been thrilled with that as draw because there are certainly been easier potentially roots to the Friday than that but look you we were having this discussion earlier in the week about difficult early draws having to meet some of the best Crews early on in the rata if you want to win the event you’ve got to beat these guys at some point anyway so from a sar perspective I don’t think they can have too many complaints but ship Lake here I think your point about Isaac Dean in the stroke seat is is St J because he looks so composed I mean 17 and he just looks like he’s in complete control of that entire a I can turn see why DAV and Hugh put him in the stroke seat yeah what the what the qualities you’re looking for for somebody in that stroke seat I think it’s like I said you want dynamism you want someone who doesn’t get rattled very easily you want somebody who’s able to translate from the through the rest of the crew and and Isaac is showing exactly what it takes to stroke a school boy crew he’s looked in control right from the off and actually at this level when the maturity maybe isn’t as high as some of the student club intermediate open events that we see you want as much I guess maturity but also sort of development in that stroke SE so I think for Isaac he’s showing us here being on a clinic on how to uh how to stroke an eight and it’s still close this a crew from America not let them go they still be feeling the pressure of your ship link but that maybe shows their pedigree that they’re feeling confident they’re coming in through past the REM Club this is into the final third of the race looking strong as we look at Sook now aggressive into that water you have to be in these big boats don’t you yeah aggressivity certainly part of the formula I guess it’s it’s really hard at Henley when one crew breaks clear the other to find the physical and mental resolve to regain terms because growing is one of these peculiar Sports where you’re facing backwards so not only can you not see your opposition you can’t really hear them anymore despite sort of the the distant CH sort of distant cause of so From sok’s perspective it’s going to take something pretty extraordinary for them to overthrow shiplake from here I just think the way shiplake are rowing they are so well drilled every time I watch them I just think that the the technical proficiency on board is perhaps amongst the best that the UK has to offer and they’re showing every inch of that here but coming back to Saga I mean look they were the second crew from the schoolway eights at the head of the Charles you see there Phelps just warning ship Lake to make sure they stay on their station and that’s just interesting little Nuance there Montgomery Walker in the coxing seat for ship late just adjusting their line slightly they haven’t got enough an advantage there J to maybe push out into the middle and I think he’s just rich just keeping Taps on that ship cre making sure they’re respecting the lanes that we sort of have to intangibly visualize here on the screen both getting War warning there Richard just trying to keep them apart don’t you do not want a clash here honey I mean there’s the threat of the clash of the booms you see those white posts alongside the they’ve actually got wooden booms in between them keep the lane but down the middle as Tom was saying there’s nothing separating the crews apart from themselves so don’t want to clash into either one of those sides well it’s also every time you have to sort of pull on that Rudder it slows the boat down a bit it unsettles the Rhythm it unsettles the sort of feel and and run of that boat so ideally you want as straight line as possible but Brett on some real pressure now these last couple hundred meters have got one length S Talk keeping the momentum and then closing this [Applause] Gap I think ship leg have done enough through the start of this race through the middle of this race to just have that little bit of ease as they come towards the finish line and they are going to cross the line first a slight bit of overlap with s took and it’s real big blow in the PE it’s a big win for shiplake college princess Elizabeth Cook over sag Rowing Club USA and will be looking at that join us at the start of the island challenge cup University women’s AIDS we have dur University be crew the top of your screen versus noting University the yellow ores right hand side of your screen station strong start there by both Crews Tom yeah Punchy d not a lot to pick between them at this stage I think Durham coming into this one the slight favorites on paper and that’s bearing out in the opening 20 or so Strokes they’ve got looks like about half a length which isn’t decisive in an eight but what Nottingham now need to do is find a way to respond and we come out live actually Jess things don’t really seem to have changed all that much Nottingham’s still in touch which will give them a real sense of satisfaction knowing that although Durham jumped out and tried to end the race early they’ve just clung on they’re still there this run is definitely definitely y over not even keeping their Rhythm keeping the power I think they’re coming right back on this dur University B crew it’s about taking those famous quotes about the inches you’ve got to just be a little bit faster than the crew next to you and if that adds up through the middle of this course you’ll start really clawing back and Notting are doing that here yeah I totally agree just they’ve definitely managed to regain a footing on this one and that shot just giving us probably one of the best shots in rowing in terms of illumin what’s happening on the course side on side with these girls in the island challenge cup only instituted 3 years ago I think it was in 2021 and we’ve had two domestic winners from Brooks and one international winner from Brown in 2022 but here Durham’s B crew up against Nottingham University who themselves have had a bit of a meteoric rise over the last few years under the stewardship of Peter boy and Aid Roberts and showing that proficiency here on the heny stretch and this will be a really really good scalp for nottingam to take if they can just find a second half that allows them to move slowly but steadily through this Durham B not University the yellow there on your screen they’re probably sick of seeing D University because the D University a crew actually knocked them out of Henley women’s rata two weekends ago but they’ve really come back here through the middle of the course they a little across there she’s just going to tell them Charlotte brand you’re moving back you’re coming back on Durham University let’s move this is shaping up to be a classic Henley race vintage stuff here from Nottingham University they’ve clung on in the first half despite the efforts of Durham and as I am talking they are drawing level with Durham and Stroke by stroke inch by inch they are moving through we love these battles of attrition on the Henley raw rata stretch and Nottingham at the moment showing us that Perfect Blend of balance and maturity and they’ve broken them Tom they’ve just gone through them Notting him taking a foot of Durham University B what a great start for Durham University you looked like they were just going to move away but this is Sport this is rowing they kept their hand in the fire and this noing University crew coming towards us in this last closing stag as they’re coming to the last 500 met here have they got enough to keep moving well to your point Jess this is what we love about sport the narratives that are unfolding before and during a race until to your point Nottingham losing out to Durham at heny Women’s rata they wanted Revenge on that very same course and with an extra 600 M to row compared to the women’s course that is going to play into nosam University’s hands because I think the momentum is with them now Durham University are not letting not have it all their own way they look at this they’re clinging on the is going to be screaming at them now what have you got in these last few hundred meters Cox is basically eyeballing each other Zar Barry from dur University Charlotte Brown shouting at their Cruise they’re willing them in these last closing stages we’ve got an absolute nailbiter here find an extra gear it’s going to be really really tough for them to find the resolve but if they can do something in the last 10 Strokes it’s been a bit of a disaster there in the two seat for Durham Davis just looking over her shoulder I think Notting we’re going to clinch this this has been bow ball to Bow ball and noting of coming up to the finish line and they’re going to take it they just pick them by a canvas and that was showing you resilience it shows you confidence it shows you belief in their program and their crew hands in the air what arrest and not a university Durham absolutely exhausted over the line flat out there what a fantastic contest it’s a win in the island challenge cup from n University against dur University B who are going on to race Oxford Brooks University a attention go start the renom challenge good by Club USA Leander club right here in Henley The Open Women’s eights this is the international women’s eights race it’s the Pinnacle of big boats for the women was going to Triumph today Ivy Club in shop Alias of Princeton University Ivy Club very kindly supporting these Princeton openweight ladies in their trip to the United Kingdom they’ve had a really really strong season over the last what only three years three times Ivy League champions you can see that precedent paying out here or playing out here because they’ve already got three qus of length of Home favorites from theander Club but one thing I would say just before we comment any more on these two competitors is what an absolute pleasure it is to see The Remnant challenge Cup on Wednesday Testament to the depth and breadth of the entry roster this year yeah we as the committee and as a steward we’re trying to make sure we can keep the depth of these women’s events and and it only happens when we have the entries and the pedigree we’ve seen across the board these women’s events who getting bigger and bigger each year um makes our job easy um and we are more than happy to put this event on on the Wednesday if the crews turn up and they want a race gives us a headache but um it’s a nice headache to have certainly heading roal G increases every year in popularity we get a wider variety of people coming to charts there are on this world famous course at the ivy Club from the United States of America certainly doing that here as I say Princeton University girls in the boat coxed by Sarah koven who won Varsity gold in the IB League women’s growing championships and steered and undefeated 2024 regular season so if anyone knows how to win it’s her and of course these American colleges that come over they have so much more experience at this match racing one-onone format than the UK counterparts with their Leagues with their regular uh season matchups throughout the year they understand how it’s how to win in a one-on-one format and just showing Leander here what it takes but Leander credit to them having not raced as a full crew this season this is a new lineup from the Pink Palace they are clinging on for dear life here they won’t want to let the ivy Club get away any further than they already have because we’ve already seen Jess one example between Durham and Nottingham where notam just hung on hung on hung on timed their move to Perfection and were able to take the lead yeah certainly Leander haven’t rolled over here they’ve stuck with them haven’t they they’re not letting them move and this Princeton Crew The Ivy Club crew they’re a pretty stack crew let’s not beat it around the bush they’re all linked to princ University in somewhere share or form so you got a real mixture of very high Elite University rowing there in this crew and Leander probably know that they seen the entry but they’re also one of the high performing clubs of the country I’m not going to let them go away easily well they had a brilliant year at Hy ragata in 2023 winning a collection of trophies so certainly a club that knows how to do it and I know that this Leander crew are something of a development boat it’s not their best athlete in the women’s Squad but if I’m watching those two boats in profile here I think the momentum and the V speed at the moment is with this crew from leanda on the top of the piture in pink they seem to be making Headway here against the IV Club of prinston we haven’t seen this Leander Club as this lineup um domestically yet so we actually don’t know how fast they are so this is real test to see their speed and a test for the rat to see how far they’re going to get and then they’re sticking with the ivy club they’re not letting them move an inch well this will so Bond them together What a Feeling for this Leander outfit the nine athlet stroked by Amelia gleed this will be a really really good position for them and they will feel every single ounce of support on the bank because they are drawing level with the ivy Club from Princeton as move towards remant look at this Tom they’ve really clawed it back in this second 500 I’d say they’re moving back on that’s not a nice feeling if you’re from The Ivy Club but I tell you what it gives you energy it gives you power if you’re in that pink crew from the under and they are edging past the ivy Club as we speak textbook heny racing absolutely textbook it’s brilliant watch the blades there from theand you can see with each stroke just inch by inch they’re moving away now from The Ivy club and now they are out to a quarter of a length and continuing to move and is this going to be a decisive moment in this heat of the remenham challenge cup it’s Leander moving out seat by seat a brilliant brilliant performance so far if you’re in this American Crew if you’re in the I your will be telling you to really soak up this push hold on to them don’t let them move again if you can stop their move you can cling onto them and you can see what you got as a Sprint but right now that an absolute Hammer drop from Leander as theyve moved right through the ivy [Music] Club yeah that is Sensational Racing for Meander perfectly timed and they’ve sort of Taken almost a boat length in this space of about 25 Strokes that’s an impressive feat of engineering from that crew and if I look at that Princeton crew they look a little bit they look a little bit rattled a little bit disorganized now I think that’s taken them by complete surprise and this Leander now you can see almost a smile flickering onto the face of immediate ging the stroke seat she now knows that her and her crew have done a really hard shift there in the middle of the race and they have control here the Cox of leanda G sagu she’s just having a little look around over her shoulder and she moved her boat in into the middle of the course a little bit hope she doesn’t get a warning for that look there and she knows she’s done enough they’ve just broken clear as they’re coming towards the enclosures here well from an ivy Club perspective it’s going to be difficult to say the least to find the resolve Now to respond to what was a to say decisive and explosive move from Leander Leander with the benefit of Home support the stewards rise to their feet to salute this Leander crew as they come through the enclosures that is a really impressive performance I can’t stress enough how hard it is if you’re behind in these kind of races to have that confidence to keep doing doing and move through especially when you’re lining up against the caliber of the ivy Club here you’ve got multiple Internationals in that Crew Alice patteron is an international got Mia Brown he’s won the Prince Philip cup for headington seat Luc koven who’s medled at the junior worlds and under 23 worlds in the bow seat so these are really well seasoned rowers this young Leander crew are taking down right now well spare thought for Catherine George in the five seat this Ivy Club crew a former leanda Club athlete herself and now she’s faced up against her probably former teammates and has been unseated here on their home water by a really really mature and composed exhibition of rowing here from this theup group take a look at these faces you’re going to see them in the national team in years to come this is the remnant challenge you’re looking at the elite Open Women’s AIDS Leander crew in pink oh shown his time again you don’t need to be winning off the start line you have that power and the confidence through the middle of the course you can do it yeah that is exactly right the start is only half the battle and if you can’t break clear as the ivy club didn’t manage to do you always leave yourself exposed to a moment of real real discipline for theand Club throwing it down here on the heny stretch that’s a really really mature performance it’s a win for theander Club in the rum challenge cup over Ivy Club USA 10th challenge Cup Final off the blocks Riverside bokland Boston in the blue white stripes and top of your scen bar against Marlo local Club Marlo R Club a in the red on the right of your [Music] screen and as you know especially in these windy conditions about getting off the blocks clean you know no mistakes no early mistakes getting into that Rhythm even earlier than normal because that wind is definitely building as we kind of gone through the morning these Crews will not know each other they won’t have raced each other all year it’s a bit of an unknown isn’t it Mark yeah but that’s the beauty of Henley though isn’t it you know come to this event you will have Crews that you’ve raced domestically for you know the summer season up to this point then you’ll have the international kind of Crews coming in at Henley and I think that’s part of the excitement of not knowing what you’re going up against so you’re not really knowing who you’re going to fight if you want to think about it you can have the best plan in the world but then how quickly can you think on the moment or in you know the kind of heat of battle to what you might have to adapt and change and that’s where the importance of a Cox especially in these sort of races is so so important 3/4 of mile marker there Marlo a local Club just the other side of the lock look back they just taken the slip on Riverside of Boston and obviously having that kind of HomeField Advantage as well you know the local kind of crowd would to come out from Mar I’m sure this morning evening the kind of wet weather which we know is going to pass and that would just give them a kind of bit of confidence different parts of the course I may have different people kind of cheering them on at this kind of early stage in the morning can Riverside hold on crew I know very well myself Simon luden there he was sitting in the seventh seat in the blue and white stripes I actually stay with his family when I race ahe of the Charles and they’ve been over here they’re on the banks watching today what have they got in the closing stages of this race can they hold on to Marlo can they claw it back Marlo LED from the start they’re leading this crew from USA Ro Club a they’re coming in the last 100 m here of the race can they put their heads up and breathe yet I don’t think so Riverside Clinging On You can just see Marlo kind of edging out Stroke by stroke you know that HomeField advant if you want to call it that that home crowd they really driving them on as they come through the enclosures and that is great row there from Marlo Roy Club a we’ve see them come through the race it was being kept tight all the way to the Finish Line Riverside from Boston what a spirited row if you’re watching from America hello good morning creep of a good fight today but it’s a win for Marlo in the temps challenge cup over Riverside B student women’s eights next this is the islands challenge cup Oxford Brooks University B on the bar station and Edinburgh University this is the seab booat on the B station so away they go off down towards the bridge in the town center and you really get a feel for the effort in these eights don’t you can hear and see the power off that starting pwn two just keeping a very close eye on Edinburgh University C who are heading a little bit Central in the water and now they might have to head back towards the boom on the right of the picture it’s just that noise off the start isn’t it you know there’s eight athletes generate as much force as possible trying to get their boat up to speed as quickly as possible trying to crank it up and get some speed in the boat and it’s Oxford Brooks University B who have done that more successfully in the very early stages of this race going a good rate heading BR University C stoking a decent rate now yeah they’re really keeping that Cadence High aren’t they they’re not willing to sett one I guess cuz Brooks have just taken that early advantage that they sensing that that they need to kind of keep hold of them for as long as possible it’s a fascinating combination of the physicality that you heard the grunt at the start to get the power in the and the speed in the boat and then you’ve got the the Tactical side haven’t you as to how long you keep this up for in terms of rate and then it all becomes mental cuz I always think about the you know 100 me obviously over a lot quicker but the process that you go through from trying to explode off from standing to into that flowing to then cruising is such a art and the skill yes and only 100 m got to be done even quicker but that process of change how you go from the different gears the acceleration to get to top speed as fast as possible but then in this uh event you’ve course got so much longer for it to unfold it’s much more fascinating from a psychological perspective isn’t it once those uh rhythms have been established and you have hit Top Speed cuz I think also that you know the more endurance results we’re talking about especially what we’re seeing here is that those mind games play out as the fatigue starts to hit you that little voice in your head you know how you kind of keep closing the door on it which is the added entry you don’t really get that 100 me to EXA 9 and 1 half seconds and and you’re done not too much thinking time whereas here there’s plenty of time to think and that can be the undoing of many a crew well it’s really cuz I remember like you think back 10 years ago we got Edinburgh University C here like it’s incredible yes how big that program is now women’s last isn’t it great numbers not so long ago that this event didn’t even exist and now you’ve got universities producing a seao only 2021 this student women’s eight competition was introduced Oxford Brooks are the current holders always strong but now are their B Bo here moving along very nicely and I suppose that adds to the impact that the regata has the impact has on Roan programs with you know facilities equipment people want do the sport because there are so many opportunities now for the breadth of people that you have in clubs schools you know universities that kind of competely GA across kind of both kind of genders now yeah there’s no doubt that hen or aat gives everyone a motivation and Sport a bit of a spark cuz I was I was in the boat tents last night and chatting with some of the young young ladies that competed in the kind of the junior women’s at yesterday and just their experience they didn’t win unfortunately but their experience being the regata for the first time sitting on the start the nervous energy the buildup to it um you know just takes you back to those you know really precious moments of being able to compete here and what it means yeah and interesting you were talking about 100 meters I always compare this to the London marathon in as much CH you’ve got your Mo faras and all your Superstars here and you’ve got your your Club Runners yeah a bit further back they and they’re all doing the same course they’re all having the same experience on the same day but if you’re in a junior 8 that an amazing experience to be on the water potentially straight after an Olympian or just before and then watching your Idols prepare for their event and you know what things can I take and learn and use for me getting prepared for my race next time Oxford Brooks University B on the bar station keep up that program’s terrific record at heny roata they’ve seen off Edinburgh University sea in this island challenge cup heat over the line at 8 go good work from Ox of Brooks Emily M the Cox will be very satisfied with that performance there’s absolutely no drama there no nonsense performance we like you know use the term textbook you know kind of left them start to finish eased that off the the start just kept moving out took control of the race made it very it’s never comfortable but as comfortable as possible for the kind of straightforward though yeah well this is what I’ve been looking forward to the Prince of Wales challenge cup star and arrow Club on the Buck Station go and then wburg and spare you can see to the right of your picture and we’ll talk you through some of the celebrities in the star an arrow Club boat in the next few minutes but they have been really looking forward to this just keeping an eye on what’s going on on the Buck Station they’ve gone very Central and just have a look at the Umpire any intervention required yep up goes the White Flag they’re going to nudge them back to the buck station that can’t be helping them and to me with the experience you have the star and arrow Club crew this is when they’re going to really need it cuz they’re not the fittest anymore they’re retired so that’s how they put the germano Under Pressure so just having a look when it says it’s SE Deo in the B seat but that looked like Jack Bowmont to me in the B seat yeah Jack Jack’s in the bow SE who’s I think he’s he’s basically born at Henley rat by the look of it he’s competed it so many times yes usually experienced nine wins at Hen Morata for Jack Bowmont over the years and an Olympic medalist silver in Tokyo a few years back then announcing his retirement and you got will satch there they’ve got a bit of work they were length down I’d be a shame if they went out in the first round cuz I know they’ve been hugely looking forward to it what have they got left they have got all that experience will satch 35 years old now Bronze in the pair in 2012 remember London 2012 Mark Hunter think gold in 26 three-time world champion will satch you’re part of the the same team of course in London 2012 and it yeah it was a great experience all around for the team and I remember will was like just in the team he was really young at that point and George Nash wasn’t yeah yeah they they there wasn’t really an expect they kind of were the the last sweet boat if you want you know the eight one of well one of bronze in the end were going out for gold you had the four that was dominant which was going to win basically and then Georg and will were just brilliant to watch them progress and then win that bronze medal in such a it was awesome to watch and then to see will he’s finished now I can’t believe it it’s been that long well another flag for the Germans and if you just saw that white flag raised again there’s some issues with the steering going on now the star and arrow Club you can see the red and white boat they need to get shifting now they looked like they’ve closed the gap down a little bit which is impressive because spoke to will the other night and he said after 300 met of qualifiers he thought he was going to die yeah I spoke to Jack the other evening as well and he said something similar they just getting a bit ragged aren’t they with that yeah they’re back in now but they’re in contact that’s the thing they’ve kept in contact to keep under pressure which is great it’s going to be a lot of fun watching the finish of this race definitely right in it here comes a flag again I don’t think he’s happy with the Germans again the Umpire he said that experience this is when it’s really going to pay off really going to pay off so the Germans with steering problems star and arrow Club they really are careering off in a different angle there mark that will make a difference speak so how think they’ve taken advantage as well look at that star and arrow club right hand side of the picture here and just with that steering drama in the German boat they’ve taken a lead in front of stewards they have timed that to Perfection all that experience Devo fo on satch and mayor taken a half length lead they’re going to have to keep working though because the Germans look like they’ve got a little bit left and they’re going to throw another surge but great experience they really capitalize didn’t they on that steering blemish brilliant absolutely brilliant and through they go celebrations for the boat and for their coach Morris Hayes as well you might recognize that name Mr Fix It at GB rowing spending a week coaching that boat and there the celebrations well done to Star and arrow Club the Prince of Wales challenge Cup on they go more work for them later in the week Daniel gotz from Spain Cameron bucken from Australia the diamond challenge skulls so a long race in a single go and away they go it’s much more quiet when just a single scholar in there there’s no shouting there’s no telling commands to each other no there’s no communication and that might be causing the Australian a difficulty Cameron bucken here has gone Central Australian’s heading towards the boy there isn’t he needs to be very just clipped it there there’s an issue it’s been uh that’s going to be a big problem for the spanian gatz yeah and it’s partly because the Australian came so far across the water and lost all special awareness I guess a Spaniard so he’s now sitting in a very Central possession here at Cameron buckon he’s got a bit of a lead but that’ll be because there was a collision with a boy you can see there Daniel gatz has got back level but it looks like cam Buck’s got his webcam there videoing is for his web Channel his boat sticking up I imagine you follow him on Tik Tok I don’t follow anybody on Tik Tok I’m afraid I’m a complete dinosaur I was being SL sarcastic so Gutierrez here on the far side from as we’re watching now he as a SP fastest Spanish scholar and was at the first World Cup and also went to the final Olympic qualifying regata and just missed out on trying to go to the Olympics so he’s a pretty handy scholar and cam buckin is uh a British athlete actually he um he went to nor Eastern University and then came in Road at Leander Club to of played around with the team a little bit and he’s now what guess he would consider himself an influencer coach type person online and has been in Australia and in France racing this year just experimenting and being coached by different people and in fact Marcus fre is his coach from Australia who I raced in the double in 95 in the semi-final relatively recent yeah he beat me they so here the Spanish scholar much more aggressive short style but actually starting to make some Headway against c buckin c bck one of the big characters in World rowing as Adrian mentioned it an influencer on social media got loads of followers and uh yeah a real character uh his regular Vlog entertaining the masses and here Gutierrez seems to have moved out to a half a length so KB early on got about canvas or so and gutiz just just plowed away he’s kept the stroke rate higher and just really just kept pushing on and he seems to be maybe half a length up now see where he can break contact so this is the action live and the Spaniard continues to pour on the pressure gutterz has got this one at his Mercy yeah this is Brut the single’s brutal because like you said you are on your own this is one of the few events when people get roded to a standstill because the the pressure could be so high and in terms of time as well it’s long lonely time isn’t it n 10 minutes yeah you may be talking to yourself a little bit sometimes but here guer has been really aggressive and sort of psychologically front rad of the race and got himself some clear water now he can be composed in the way sculling doesn’t have to put everything out there but because of the respect he showed Kam buck and he really was so aggressive in the first two or three minutes to get this Advantage he’s also good as Spanish longdistance National Championship sucess there yeah he beat the two athletes who were European silver medalist so he’s a good scholar yeah and he’ll be uh very familiar with what’s required just getting his head in the right place and we got a scar later on who’s going to the Olympics but um guz here it’s really hard to qualify the single through the European final Olympic qualification regard there aren’t many spaces left majority of the really good Scholars are in that part of the world and um so it’s noow mean feet just missing out yeah we’ve got uh later on in the program as zwi who qualified through the African system and that’s uh well arguably maybe not as competitive to get to back your spots but but it’s part of the Olympic idea is to try and broaden the number of countries that can compete at the Olympic Games you can def understand the wisdom behind it here so cbin there just sculling along gutier just showing him clean pair of heels there well within himself um as they come down here steering a good line and these both Crews actually coping very well with the bouncy conditions getting polite Applause from the steward’s enclosure respect for their work I think the D weather’s keeping people under the shelter and in the bars yeah you see actually there’s a lot of people underneath the uh the roof of the grand stand there most people have opted to get some shelter CU more showers could be on the way but well done to the Spaniard here Danny Gutierrez 27 years old first heny roata and he is through to the next round the diamond challenge skulls Cameron buckon when he’s got some nice footage for his uh for his Vlog if nothing else certainly has you’ll be checking out out on Tik Tok later on Adrian I’ll create my account and watch in here comes count button coming across the line over the line he goes and that’s it for his hen orata student women’s e next we’ got the University of Bristol against the university college Dublin and uh ready to go no delays at the start of this race away they go watching very carefully the Irish Boat on the Buck Station they’ve moved a very good efficient line there so we’re watching them come off Temple Island and now we’re having a look a bit further down the race and the Irish have got a little little bit of a lead not a huge lead but nonetheless they’ve got this race a bit of a grip on it yeah they UCD as a club generally have been over and racing a lot of ratas in the UK this summer uh this women’s crew here won their boow race against Trinity College Dublin um early this year another push and University of Bristol now on the barsh station this is brilliant isn’t it this is so good to see a tight race up this Bristol on this side just starting to eek out a little bit on UC UCD really needs to just hold on and do something to sort of stop the momentum that Bristol seems to be building could not be more level at this early stage of the race University College Dublin UCD so you wonder whether you wonder whether Bristol are better a pushing there to try and sneak out this just over a canvas effort now we’ll see what UCD are made of and see if they can really get back on terms great Clash that’s a great race isn’t this is really good see what these ladies are made of now when they come down this course seems like UCD may have starting to push to get back on terms actually it’s not quite perfect from this drone it’s a great shot though isn’t it down the course it’s a fantastic shot the gun barrels straight and you can look at the crews when they put their blades in the water you can see who’s catching up with each other so UCD are taking more crew more Strokes than Bristol to do the same thing so so that means that Bristol are pushing the boat further every stroke Bristol leading it at this stage but no more than that you can see their boat now and they’ve just put another move in and Bristol moved out to half a length there so if they can keep this momentum that’s exactly now they’re coming to three closures they’re going to get some local cheering here but half a length UCD really need to do something special to get that back so Bristol in command at this stage you see in the Bristol work Bethany Taylor in the bow seat [Music] and the white black and Burg and to the right of your picture the wind really is playing Havoc both those crews are having to steer quite a lot just they were Twisted across the course and then they’re back here another bit of steering I think it’s difficult out there yeah definitely asking a few questions these boats especially in a crosswind it’s like a big sail this boat you know with the BL ores and the athletes bodies it really does get affected by the wind yeah has been quite swirling over the last couple of days yesterday we had a Tailwind to start with and it became a crosswind head wind picture of UCD then really still sticking it in there giving themselves a chance as they’re coming down to the main part of the steward’s enclosure they really are going to have to up the stroke rate now to get back on terms yeah now on never for University College Dublin both Crews look really tired now really just holding it together right to the finish and it’s not too far to go until that finish for Bristol University of Bristol now with a length lead in front of stewards and they’ll be very they made to work really hard in that one you’re wondering whether you written checks of your body can’t cash coming down the here this is where you got to be tough last few strokes and University College Dublin giving it their all but not enough today the island challenge cup University of Bristol that was a terrific race wasn’t it they had to work and they are worthy of their step through to the next round of the island challenge cup that was a a really good tussle yeah both Crews had nothing left at the end go so University of Bristol beating University College du Club men’s THS and a very European looking lineup here the boat from Germany on the Bara station the boat from Switzerland on the buck station and both both Crews got off nice and straight which is great to see in these coxos boats as we come off the island here the right hand crew from clei will be hit by the water and the stream coming off and they might get pushed a little bit over towards the noisa crew they’ve done a good job with that actually so noisa moved out to about a third of a length and seem to have a little bit of momentum here as they row through yeah noisa with the early advantage in the white boat you can see nearest to the camera Ben golap he B seat there no rudan have got themselves to half a length this is going to be a Humdinger both Crews have settled into what seems like a very similar speed yeah they’re both in contention look at that there’s Z’s coming back and these smaller boats can change leads and overlaps and advantages very quickly can’t they it’s much more Nimble than the and the both Crews really need to just be solid and have a rhythm in these next two or 3 minutes cuz if they’re fighting really hard without a rhythm they’ll run out of steam but here it’s great to see these Swiss Crews coming over cuz normally they’re they’ve got their national championships a heny weekend this year it’s been it’s D last week so there’s a lot of Swiss Crews come over here to race and being competitive it’s fantastic to see and that’ll explain why Zur in their boat you can see close to the camera to the right of the picture they haven’t got any previous hen Roat experience whereas everybody in a new boat has had at least one rasa previously and a noisa experience seems to be showing at the moment but the two man looking around quite a lot in the noiser crew every stroke he seems to look [Music] across yeah it’s interesting there is a a lot of looking across going on that’s bit of apprehension bit of nerves lot of wind you see the look at the the quality of the water how dark it is that’s a really dark patch of wind they’re going to be battling just to get those blades in the water down here this is amazing race these two crews are within 10 ft of each other and then somebody’s going to have to decide now what they’re going to do so a real test look at the difference in size between these two guys H in the same boat yeah and the boat goes dead straight Ban’s obviously pretty effective so the Swiss against the Germans the noises are moved out a bit looks like a bit of steering there from Zurich but the no of crew maybe mve out to a length the experience is showing so you can see nicely there in the white boat Benjamin Nails his 23 so as Johannes ner Simon falga 20 Ben Gosha 22 years old it just looks like in the headwind here the noiser crew on the right here just they able to sit level and be much more control with their movement it looks like the Zurich crew we hear the noer crew here you can see how the boats are nice and level and they’re really on top of the boat and it’s running nicely but then here you can see on the left the Zur crew they’re just struggling a bit with the conditions looks like in the wobbling around a bit bodies are starting to flail as they get tired lus Deli in the B seat you can see there relatively diminutive chap compared to Charlie PL in the two seat this club R for you isn’t it whatever turns up for the club gets to compete that’s exactly right but the NOA crew here doing a really nice job of just executing their race and sticking to their plan and not getting flustered yeah and that early lead they got they were bra they were they were very confident to sit there and then absorb zurich’s attack until the moment was right and now they’re just moving away yeah quite a calm performance quite a confident performance as well to to do that yeah to sit half length up and just sit there for 3 4 minutes and wait yeah exactly wait for your moment very very mature racing pick them off at the crucial time so the Germans beating the Swiss in the onefold challenge cup good performance from from them and now they can soak up the Applause bit of a parade in front of the brand stand and stewards over the line they go they’ll be very satisfied with that performance there that the Dutch against the Norwegians in the Prince of Wales challenge cup the last race on the morning’s program and away we go much more aggressive on the right hand side here on the nor Norwegian Crew The Dutch just run longer tiway sculls and Proteus is the Norwegians have got an issue with their steering there as well haven’t they they’re going to have to steer back down towards the right hand side Sarah winless poised in the umpiring launch with a white flag whoa no they’re close aren’t they they are very close yes so the Norwegian boat been a few dramas on the Buck Station but now have calmed it down and we’ve got a half length lead for them over the Dutch boat here this is the live pictures as we approach the business end of the race coming up to rnum here so it’s about 800 900 met to go half a length um OS and Cristiano from Norway just to look a little bit more lively they seem to have a bit more Dynamic acceleration when they’re rowing along but they’re not getting a huge amount for it but maybe moving out to 3/4 of the length trying to get free that contact from the skullers Proteus is and from the Netherlands yeah hson and Cristiana just looking at their boat to the right R in the bow seat you can see there it looks like the tiway skols crew on the right hand side here is responding they’ve taken the stroke late up and they’re coming back on terms so here they are a canvas now from being almost a length down five Strokes ago this is going to be amazing very tight race to finish the morning’s program could be the Norwegians and the Norwegians the blade work they’re just starting to miss a little bit of the front and hitting it as the pressure and the skull um Proteus crew really accelerating that boat and they’ve got themselves ahead maybe yeah just ahead as they come into the last 200 me 300 M they’ve turned it right round here they were they were Brave they took the stroke R up with 2 minutes to go and just put their heads down and went for it and it’s paying off but anyone who’s nipped off early for the lunch break has missed a tight one the end of the program so now we got to see if they’re going to blow or could now with the psychological momentum having BR through them will they just move through and away so here you can see the Norwegian boat Frederick Reed and they crab and that’s for them that’s their race over presumably Proteus will be delighted to have seen what’s gone on in the Norwegian boat there but I think it was in in two seat was it the problem occurring three or two seat but that just shows he doesn’t even experience Cruise when somebody has the the courage to put somebody under pressure when they’re tired mistakes happen that was that was really unfortunate it’s terrible for the crew on on the left hand side here from Norway yeah the Norwegian boat their race dramatically derailed there and that would have been an element of tiredness I’m sure fatigue kicking in the pressure all of it added together and that went very badly wrong we got scholar from Tam’s Ro Club in the B seat Sam Thornton two Scholars athletes in the two in the stroke seat Adam Oliver and Lawrence Jos and the three seat from Pro AES Flores Vander guil so the Dutch the beneficiaries have a horrible moment in the Norwegian boat in front of the regat enclosure dramatic way for the morning session to come to a conclusion the Dutch will be delighted they just hung in the race didn’t they and did enough they to a point forc the uh mistake from the Norwegian boat but heartbreaking for them and that is the end of the Prince of Wales challenge cup Heat oh [Music] w w for e w [Music] hello and welcome back to our live coverage of Henley Retta day two and I’ve made my way to Lion’s Meadow car park because heny celebrating 185 years it is a truly quintessential British event and there is nothing that says welcome to Great Britain than having a picnic in the car park in the pouring rain and that is exactly what these guys have done luckily it’s cleared up a little bit so the picnics are now in full flow but the sun is the sun has come out a little bit these guys very much enjoying catching up with old friends some wonderful scenes here people make such an effort with their picnics look at those guys there with their Blazers on enjoying some food and drink before heading back to the river bank and come and have a look at this is quite some spread s on crout congratulations whoever made that hands up there we go well done look at that spread this is the way to enjoy Henley thankfully the rata put on a lovely hour and a half break so that all the guests can come to the car park retire to the car park and enjoy a gorgeous lunch these guys also look like they’re packing up and getting ready to head back to the river because we’ve got an action-packed afternoon to bring you I think I might hang around here and uh take in some more of the picnics but I’m sure that our commentators have been well fed and watered over the lunch break so let’s hand over to Camila hadland horx and cam nickel thank you very much Ally well my lunch not quite salmon on crude but uh it was very tasty indeed and nice to get the break from this morning’s action 24 races to look forward to in this afternoon session ahead of tea and you I’m delighted to be joined by cam nickel here in the commentary box two time World on silver medalist uh former team GB rower and uh it is going to be the cam cam combo cam squared I love that we already have a trademark name Camila so yeah I’m really excited for this afternoon’s races a really nice array of small boats and larger boats can’t wait to get stuck in no and here we have the schedule of what’s coming up in this session we run all the way through from the first opening uh race of this session in the Diamonds the open single skulls and we’ll run all the way through to the big about this afternoon but uh beautiful scenes henle On’s a little bit drizzly if you were Scottish you might perhaps call it a bit Dr but uh these skullers won’t mind will they C no and this is great conditions for single skulling so nice calm conditions cool atmosphere a little bit of wind swirling round so they’ll have to be aware of that but the water to our eyes here looks nice and flat nice and stable perfect for these small boats excited to see these two International skulls get underway absolutely and and the the single skull we we’ll touch on this a little bit down the course but they are the most unstable boats barely wider than the width of these athletes hips and you can imagine these sort of carbon fiber beings are very Twitchy when the conditions aren’t great and the important thing to say is that overall with the body weight of the athlete plus the boat it’s about 100 kilos but about 15% of that is just in the hole so the body weight and how you can move your limbs is going to be the most important factor in having that stability in the boat absolutely so we are are looking here and we’ve just gone overhead with the L ker from amsterd Stenton neuros on the bck him share station he’ll be facing off against at David Jer of Hamburg on the bar share station hear the umire just starting to get them underneath starters orders and this is really the starting sequence where we’ll see them start to prepare get their stroke coaches all of their last minute adjustments done and underway because once that flag goes up attention the intensity starts go and here we are underway with this heat of the diamond challenge skulls this is the Open men’s single skulls event one of the most prestigious events at the rata and uh we’ve got J versus K both schulls are coming across to the midline we can see that Co correction there by the Dutch skull on the right hand side of your picture nice correction and the umpire’s already warning him it’s very easy isn’t it can once you in your single skull it’s both easy to adjust but it’s also very easy to go wrong right and you got to have perfect start so that first stroke if there’s no no symmetry or any little bit of asymmetry in the ORS you can just Kink that hole and off you go to one side we can see that German skull has already had Advantage there by half a length maybe a bit of steering has come into there yeah and he’s got those booms just a his stroke side Blade the right hand blade wooden s of booms and piles to keep him running in a straight line you don’t want to end up tangled in with those but David younger who’s on screen now it’s come across all the way from Hamburg the 26-year-old uh policeman by trade but obviously his spare time a very competent scholar indeed and we see in this diamond challenge skulls event cam some of the best of the best we’ve even got Olympians racing here in this event this week and he looks very composed that closeup shot just really beautiful symmetry between the shoulders nice relaxed in the neck and just a leg driven lower down stroke pushing that hole forward and you can see to me to my eyes he just looks a little bit livelier than that Dutch skull who just looks a little bit flatter in the Rhythm let’s see how this pans out through the middle of the course yeah last crater there now on screen this is the skull from Amsterdam New the club’s base there a very famous club that contends at Henley Roat a lot of time in Camp I think you might just spotted something about L ker here yes it’s a lovely closeup of his legs just really pushing down the drawing your attention just to those big socks that he’s got to make sure that he’s not getting his um his his legs caught up in the slide Runners but he’s doing a great job of having those two legs pistoning down just pushing that leg drive that Hull forward really nice shot of there yeah and you can see just keeps having a quick look across and I think it’s just to try and keep tabs on what younger the Germans doing um he’s got clear water now and has that advantage to look back at his opposition and that’s the beauty of this head- onhe head sport where you’ve just got two people or two Crews racing once that one crew gets ahead it’s really difficult to come back from Clear Water down particularly in the single skull it’s all about that mind battle between you and your enemy or you and your foe who is going to win who’s going to get that boat ahead and that’s so challenging you know a lot of the the bigger boats you’ve got teammates to rely on to Rally you to to race for but here in these singles it’s all about you and you alone and that is David Jer the German on screen looking great very composed very relaxed and what I like about this shot is you can actually see that he’s he’s already done some business here he’s got a couple lengths lead and you can see even more relaxation in the body really relaxed through the shoulders nice long arms as he’s taking that stroke and look at that shot to show how far ahead he is already a good three four lengths out front well done David maybe no surprised to see younger out in front he was uh in the international team for the German back in 2022 competed at both World Cup 2 and World Cup 3 um as part of the international uh World Cup Series as part of the men’s qut so a very competent scholar and in comparison you know last Cris is just 24 years of age uh he raced uh in the diamonds last year as well so he’s back for more um on that occasion he was dispatched by heh Harding of Australia who is also racing here again in the diamonds this year but this time around Germany seems to be the uh skullet in the way of progressing through for him well sad that if things remain unchanged he may not get a chance to to come back at the other skull he raced last year but look at this beautiful shot overhead of just fantastic textbook skulling we can see as we going past that marker that the yellow empaca hole is just smoothly cutting through that water we can see both Blaze just catching really nicely at the start of the stroke and pushing all the way through to that finish beautiful that was lovely Cam that was like a bit of poetry accompanying the the art that we’re seeing on screen here which is the art of skulling uh which is being demonstrated uh beautifully by David younger and we we talked a little bit before ahead of this race cam actually you um will have raced against younger’s coach Tim sherberg who was actually an under 23 athlete about the same time you were and that’s what I love about the the regetta here at Henley but also the international rowing scene is that everyone seems to just love rowing and we love getting back involved with the sport so it’s great to see the the 0708 under 23 World Championships this this coach Tim shanberg he’s giving back to the sport he’s trying to bring on that newer generation and he’s coaching David to get him to the fastest single sculling that he can be great to see and he’s now managed to build up quite a hearty advantage over ker uh L ker who was meant to be racing in the Prince of Wales which is the quadruple skulls event for intermediate quadruple skulls the sort of one down from the queen mother which is the elite uh cords the Prince of Wales uh didn’t quite have Happ for him though the campaign was stopped due to injury so the crew were no longer able to race but lar wanted to come here still race at Henley because that’s how much it means to the athletes from Nur and here he is uh coming down the track but a little bit unexpected I guess to be by himself and look this there’s fantastic skulling still going on here we can see him here rowing in in those nice kind of maroon skulling ores beautiful empaca Hull he’s doing a really good job I think it’s just credit to the skull who is leading the race and actually as you can look at this shot now you can see there’s a little bit of race management that’s happening where we’ve got David Junger leading the race he’s just dropped his rate of striking why well the diamonds we know that there’s multiple races through the week we need to have that energy management and we need to make sure that we’re saving those higher levels of energy for maybe later on down the regetta yeah lots and lots of rounds in the program uh for the diamonds um and so we’ll find out who he will be facing later on this afternoon noon um well sorry later on through the competition but we’ll find out who progresses through in the draw for the diamonds uh as we go throughout today this is the first day of racing for the diamonds actually cam isn’t it and we’ve got a few events debuting today not only the diamonds but we’ve also got uh the liks of the wargrave for the club women’s eights we’ve got the temps the club men’s eights premiering today and the island in the student women’s eights too and if you’re visiting Henley Royal rata for the first time this is just a lovely schoras Board of what rowing has to offer we’ve got the international Scholars we’ve got students we’ve got Club rowers we’ve got everyone in between so we’ve got an afternoon jam-packed full of fantastic races for you not only salmon on CR but some tasty racing as well and uh so we’re back now out on the course and uh the conditions have been so variable as we’ve kind of talked about at the start of this diamonds race it’s been a bit blustery a bit windy but uh calmed down after a little bit of rain and C again like we can see here uh chrys on the screen from the yeah and there’s a little bit of check in that hole so what I mean by that is if you can see the yellow boat in the water as he’s finishing the stroke it’s just sinking a little bit down you can see that white bow ball just coming into quite close contact with the water and if we cut across maybe in the next few seconds or so we can see we can see the hull of David is just sitting out and proud a little bit more in the hull see how that white bow ball is just higher out of the water he’s catching the boat on the rise and really sending it higher and that is one big contrib factor in the significant difference in boat speed well younger may never have raced Henley before but like you say some beautiful technique on display there and I think that’s probably um a product of his pedigree at Junior Level under 23 level and now senior level he’s had multiple appearances at the under 19 World Championship multiple appearances at the under 23 World Championships and you can see that this is the kind of skulling that um you know that uh long history produces brilliant I’m just just a lovely shot of the technology there the computer on board the high carbon fiber in the boat it’s just fantastic to see that that mix of Technology with Tradition at the rata yes it really is and you can see there those deck chairs that uh will still be in the pictures from uh T and almost 100 years ago um that is that combination the the technology out on the water might change but the setting the environment the stadium does not change here at Henley Ro rata very much at all but a win there and a very comfortable win by the impressive David younger of Germany the Hamburg scholar against ker of the Netherlands the Wold challenge cup now uh this is the club coxless fors event Herford roaring Club on the B station on your left and Calgary R Club Canada on the right hand side of your screen so good morning uh if you’re tuning in 8:00 this morning in Calgary uh good morning to you but your crew steering quite wide into the middle of the river here well welcome Canadians and your crew they’ve moved across the middle of the river slightly I think both Crews slightly trying to get more Advantage than the other and it looks as though Herford just moved across to that bar side on the left hand side with the boys so a lot of steering going off the start and already umpire Greg s is warning the Calgary crew to move back across to their station he left that quite long didn’t he Greg s to warn them and it can be very tempting if you’re the crew on the buam shear station which is that station right next to the island to try and keep yourself away from the island itself but they’ve adjusted really well here Cam and look there’s a hugely experienced umpiring team here uh the stewards at Henley Royal rata they’ve got a wealth of experience of racing and fantastic job that they do the sort of uh unsung heroes of the Riata as well well Calgary recovering from that slight steering error off the start I say error you know it’s very easy to do but this Calgary crew put in a very impressive time to the barrier yesterday in their opening heat one that was much faster than the remainder of the field 152 to the barrier I think three 4 seconds quicker than anyone else in the competition very quick and I think if I’m their coach Pascal Ferraro I’m thinking great we’ve got a load of speed we know we’ve got a fast boat how can we get even faster one of those ways is getting that course absolutely spot on off the start well look at them there that is uh quite the advantage they’ve built up and Greg watching on not having to be uh quite as frantic with the flag as we saw earlier on in this race well what a wealth of experience he’s got from having those years of commentary he’s seeing all those races and he’s bringing that into the role of umpiring so it’s fantastic to see that integration as well yeah umpiring for the first time this year Greg s which is great to see I think um but there the Calgary settling now in the middle of the river uh in front of Herford Rowing Club and great to see Herford here um competing Alexander Butler in the stroke seat Oliver Partridge at three James kums in the two seat and Richard Ray in the bow seat and a few Henley um experiences between them the most of those going to Oliver partridge in the three seat 40 years of age four Henley underneath his boun and great to see them progressing through this competition they had a wonderful race I don’t know if you saw it against Cur yet yesterday it was awesome amazing race and what I love to see here in this shot is seeing Herford even though they’re down they know that they’re going absolutely flat out to try and post their best performance of the Riata they’re not going to leave the water with any regrets I love to see that well done guys yeah great to see Herford um a crew that I used to come up against when I was a junior in the West Midlands they were out on the river y uh in Herford and they had their own regetta on the 1st of June last month so if you’re tuning in from Herford hello um this is your it looks like your Four’s last race here in this wall challenge cup but we will see Calgary again I feel like we’ve not talked about them loads but um we’ll get the opportunity in the next round of this wifall challenge cup but Carter crma Smith Alex uh Alexis Bella Patrick Milner and Albert harer in the bow seat will take that win in the Wold challenge cup with uh a few lengths of clear water back to the local competition from Herford so here are Herford winding through into the line and despite it being their last race they’re going to leave everything out there yeah and it’s lovely to have the support you can see the home support there if you’ve just had lunch there cheering on Herford as they come through the encloses right up that finish line that’s Henley for them this year why on chaps so there it is a win for Calgary running club Canada very subdued not much celebration there for the victory over Herford Rowing Club the temps challenge cup now the opening day of the temps challenge cup and we’ve got London Rowing Club B on the barire station going head-to-head with the city of Cambridge Rowing Club on the buck sh station both Crews really nice and aggressive off the start that’s what I like to see in an eight race you’ve got to get that big bow up to speed really quickly and it’s nice to see both Crews getting off the start swiftly I think this is going to be an excellent race between London’s second boat in this competition city of cambridge’s Premier boat in the competition they might be quite well matched and I know that city of Cambridge here will be trying to race them to the end of this island uh great to have them here coached by Paul Carter the city of Cambridge crew I saw them actually all huddled in the boat temps before they were due to go out that that’s really kind of nerve-wracking moments when you know youve got a big race ahead of you and they have a big race ahead of them now because what I can see from my eyes is actually that London have kept that bit livel higher rate of striking they’re just getting a bit more distance per stroke and so city of Cambridge really need to change the race plan if they’re not going to go out on Henley Wednesday they need to stay high and keep that pace going through the middle well London have had quite the season haven’t they not just this B crew but the a crew uh bouncing off the back of a win in the yold challenge cup which is the Club coxless fours last year London have just had this great Resurgence haven’t they and I think they’re coming to this Henley Royal regetta in 2024 with a huge amount of optimism and it’s what you love to see for cl Club rowers you want to see people enjoy their rowing but also rowing to really high level and don’t forget that these guys in the in the crew here you know many of them full-time jobs you know careers just normal the stresses of everyday life but still manag to find the time to training multiple times a day a week to get into this boat to have a high level of racing at Henley and it looks like they’re doing a really good job to in Wednesday yeah alongside full-time jobs I can see here we’ve got a couple of actes in the crew we’ve got civil servant we’ve got a lawyer um so they’ve all got pretty um you know pretty all consuming roles here in this London crew and it will be similar for city of Cambridge as well absolutely there’s a lovely shot of the London crew and once again we’re seeing this race management throughout the rata throughout the the week it looks like they’ve dropped their rate of striking slightly much more challenging to do in the bigger boat when you’ve got eight ORS and one Cox way shouting away so it’s it’s one of those things that you do want to make sure that we’re not giving away loads of energy and filling the bodies full of lactate in those earlier rounds so you’ve got potentially more recovery and more energy to give when the rounds that matter towards those finals exactly that and Cambridge you know they won’t have that to think about they will just be looking to do anything they can to reduce this distance stroke on stroke that they’re behind um let’s give a name check to this city of C Cambridge crew Adam wind SK in the B seat uh Stuart lad in the two seat Tim Robson at three Matty Simpson at four Freddy Smith Edward Davis Alex tocker and Sh Callum Blan joined by Cox Amy henfrey competing in her second Henley Ro regetta and uh they’re remaining pretty calm actually city of Cambridge they’re not getting frantic in this desperate need to chase the London crew up ahead yeah and it’s it’s slightly less challenging in the bigger boats with what we can see here which is actually to me it looks like the flags are moving moving around and this this wind is a bit of a crosswind bit of cross head at the moment so that will be bringing to another challenge as we go through the afternoon particularly with the smaller boats but those big eights are coping with this really nicely also drawing your attention just as a little bit more active Popple on the water as we’re seeing more pleasure cruises and more boats obviously enjoying the riat after lunch break just being aware of that for those Crews that are boating now and that’s one of the things that a lot of Crews that come to Henley or race here at the first time that’s their overwhelming kind of analysis isn’t it when when they come off the Ws they go I did not realize this River was going to be quite as bouncy as it was a lovely shot of London there symmetry in their torsos eloquence and efficiency in their blade work doing really good job as they cross that line first yeah we saw definitely agropolis there the just uh calmly coordinating them across that Infamous that famous Finish Line as an Infamous I guess for some Crews who have had bad experiences with the booms it might be but uh it’s city of cambridge’s final race there in the temps challenge cup and uh they will go out to London’s B crew who will race again later in the week and is coming down now get ready here we are now with the student women’s eights this is the island challenge cup between the University of Rhode Island on the barsh station on the buim sh station Newcastle University you can see the Flags there in the background they are rattling away off this start line and actually we go beyond the island you can just see the wind’s going to really hit them as they come through that island so this is becoming more of a factor and already you can see on the left hand side of your picture University of Rhode Island they’re on that side they’re on the boys I think that there’s a little bit of issues there on stroke side can they course correct whereas Newcastle off like a die and that’s reflected in the race what a great spot there cam with those wind Shadows where the island ends it must mean we’ve got that bit of a crosswind right that would have been blowing into the island so that shelter now gone as they pop out the end of the Island Newcastle University closest to us have the lead by almost a length and they’ll want to break that clear and credit to sashank visat Nathan he has steered an absolute Blinder off the start straight as a die and that is reflected by about half a length of boat speed in the first 20 Strokes so credit where credit’s due Newcastle University have been building so well through the season they had a disappointing finish at the British University championships back in may they were down in fifth position they’ve been medalist in this event in the past in the women’s eights but through the season slowly slowly Alex Lee has managed to get a really great performance out this crew most recently at Henley women’s rata where they made it to the semifinals uh and uh then also we saw um them have the fastest timeout of University Crews at the Metropolitan regata that takes place at Dy Lake the Olympic rowing venue here um which was in June and you you’ve raced for for the university in Durham we’ve seen how highly competitive that British University setup scene is uh what are your thoughts from when you rode at Durham and you’ve got there such high competition between UL Durham Newcastle Brooks all these big universities do you think that will have fueled this Newcastle crew on oh 100% And they’re on the same side of the draw you know if you think about the draw trees to both ul and Durham they have them both to come if all of those Crews progress as planned so they will know that that is on the sheet on the the race sheet for later on this week so they’ll want to conserve that energy but look at that Gap here Rhode Island just coming into shot um they’ve traveled all the way from the east coast of the states they raced um they came here a few weeks ago actually because they raced at the heny women’s rata which is500 meters of this stretch and we’ll be coming past the Henley women’s regata Finish Line just on the left in a moment just after rum but they they were beaten by Oxford Brooks a in the first round of competition at Henley women’s rata I’m sure they’d have been hoping cam to have progressed a little bit further here but Newcastle just too hot to handle yeah lovely shot of both boats with that drone overhead just casting your eye to the boat on the left hand side the University of Rhode Island interesting rig they’ve got the bow stroked with six and seven so those are the people towards the back of the boat if you’re new to rowing just on the same side in a bucket that’s quite unusual rig we’ seeing more and more eights having non-traditional rigs should we put it with buckets and people bowel stroked and things so it’s nice to see that they’re obviously tinkering and optimizing their crew for best speed and this is a great shot I can see Gwinn baton as the Umpire there making sure that everyone is nice and level on their station but once again we’re seeing Newcastle managing this race really effectively if you’re watching at home and you want to think about race management off that start nice and hard nice and fast straight as a die get up get the race done and then we can think about race management lovely shot of that Hudson 8 there with all a ORS perfectly in sync you can also just notice the wires for those of us with bdr there’s little wires going into each of their Gates which is the Telemetry system that many universities and schools are using these days to monitor that Force production so the athletes in the boat the Cox way maybe even the coach and the coach’s launch are seeing those print outs of what they’re doing every single stroke B you’ve got there Cam that was very well spotted on the Telemetry that data that will be like gold dust for this new CLE crew especially in the first half of this race where they’ll have raced uh to the opening markers to the barrier to fley but just settling now in front of the enclosures and this is one of two Crews that Newcastle have qualified they’ve also got they had a eight in the temple challenge cup as well but here in the island this Women’s University 8 will sail through ahead of their International competitors from Rhode Island who will be able to enjoy the remainder of the regetta from the bank unfortunately uh great to have them here though and I hope we do see Rhode Island again in the future but Newcastle University winning that heat of the island from student women’s eights now to the wargrave challenge Cup this is Club women’s eight another really new event here at Henry roata best own club on the bar station leer Rowing Club on the buck and Shar station and you can hear that noise cam it is very characteristics of an eight race and Vesta to me just look they taking the Scruff is raised by the Scruff of the net bit more aggressive off the start bit more lively that’s what I want to see in an eight Leah just caught a little bit off the start for the first couple strokes but it looks as though things have equalized a little there we go quarter of a length maybe a third of a length just call that off the start just a bit more aggression from invest and that’s what you need in eight racing you need to get that boat up to speed very quickly so this was the start of this race in the war gr challenge cup they started quickly but now jumping to the live pictures and Vesta that’s an interesting rig isn’t it cam they they seem to have a double bucket I don’t think I’ve seen that before but fair fair play to them I think that what they’re obviously doing is once we once we said with other um races is optimizing that crew optimizing the Rhythm which is towards the back of the boat the stroke person who’s nearest the Cox and then those sort of first two three people are really setting that strong Rhythm so we must be having really good uh Rhythm setting down from Jana Patel Elizabeth Barett and Michaela blowing re setting the way for Natasha Johnson Jennifer golf ASU haer Bridget Hall Eliza agrios and Victoria Lacy what a lovely shot of both Crews and and Vesta just in a Sublime Rhythm to my eyes here yeah brilliant from the Vesta crew um I was talking to one of their coaches Jack alington yesterday coached by both him and you and Murray uh the Vesta crew and they said a really nice blend of experience in this Vesta crew we’ve got four athletes who learned to row in the Vesta program and we’ve got four athletes who have uh been sort of you know in various places around the world international rowing program so it’s sort of a blend of experience and uh and new bees to the sport and you can just see they just did a really nice job of stepping out it’s called stepping out of those puddles so pushing those ORS away and you can see the puddles of water that they’re leaving and if you look at the people towards the back of the boat the stroke and seven person those ORS are just entering the water just beyond the puddles of their teammates in the bows and that’s what you want to be seeing in an eight getting good distance P stroke lovely drone shot of that length in the Vester Hall yeah stunning shots from the Drone overhead as we fly past fley and there is the bows of the Vesta crew you see Victoria Lacy um in Lin at agropolis in in the two seat I wonder whether that is sibling of Daphne agropolis who we saw in the London Rowing Club be crew coxing earlier uh a familiar surname at least for us in the commentary box on the last two races but brilliant here you can see the uh the look on Elizabeth Barnett’s face at stroke she is grimacing it’s still hard work and in the background they’ll have had a boost from the remm club of which Vester a proud member of yeah we heard that noise as they came through remm and it’s what you want to see with great rowing is almost the swan analogy of everything looks calm from a distance smooth long and languid but then that closeup on the face you can just see the teeth gritting we know how hard that is the lungs burning the legs are burning everything is being consumed great to see Lee here John jger in the B seat Anna em moing in the two seat Caroline Carson Elizabeth Chapman gr Maguire Corell Lee jila Sinclair Camille mat ellina Martin and Lois Baxter coxing that crew for Lee and a great fact I learned about Lee cam is that they are one of the only clubs I think one of two clubs at this rata that qualified everything uh that they could so the senior men’s uh somebody in senior men somebody in senior women somebody in junior men’s and somebody in junior women’s so they’ve got a full complement of boats here at this regetta Henley full house I love it a Henley full house we should make that a thing shouldn’t we that’s great but Vesta you can uh see here still so synchronized um and just a beautiful run on that boat yeah it’s really nice and it looks as though they’ve got quite High uh rig so it looks as though the boat is nicely out of the water and they’re all pulling or pushing the boat with those ORS coming quite high up in the Torso that really allows if you know not not just today but if the becomes choppier later in the rata they’ve got good space they can just come out of those puddles really nice crisp blade work that you can see in that shot lovely yeah excellent here from Vesta raring CL I think they’re anticipating quite a close race with Lee they said they’ve done a lot of much racing over the winter season um to the 7K pieces where they’re only separated by a couple of seconds so best’s putting a lot of work here into the summer racing season yeah and that’s that’s how you want to win an Eight’s race aggressive off the start settle into a nice high Pace do the business and then manage the race through that last third well done ladies excellent here from Vester and the war grave like we said a new event from a couple of years ago 2021 the first year of the wargrave challenge cup and TS have been pretty dominant uh in last year’s event but this year Vesta looking good winning out ahead of Lee Rowing Club in this day two of Henley roett race of the crimsons now here in this heat of the temple challenge cup because it’s Oxford Brooks University C over on the right hand side of your picture and uh Amsterdam shenton royan nasby on the bakam Shire side of your screen now on the right closest to us all the way from Amsterdam Netherlands but uh still Quiet Moments here a bit of a pause on the start so we’ve got an opportunity just have a bit of a look of how they prepare for these moments these 19 athletes the eight ORS people in the boat and the Cox way in each crew they will be just having a calm moment of reflection this is going to be an absolute Humdinger of a race we know that nrow are quick we know that Brooks are quick they have very successful rowing programs men’s eight race it’s going to be aggressive off the start and I can’t wait to see it yeah I think that this is going to be a really good race um Oxford Brooks have been racing on the Dutch patch they went over to the Holland Becka earlier on this year with a number of athletes so it’s uh flip the script it’s new’s turn to come to Brooks’s home water I say home water just because they’re always so prevalent here at this Riata and let’s be honest they’re quite good at Henley yeah they’re all right aren’t they so but this is their sea crew we need to remember that here in this Temple sea of D cuz they’ve got four crews entered but Ox Brooks with hand up here and they’re not quite happy in the Cox and see Emma Joy the 19-year-old just says look hang on a second I need to make sure that my crew is straight and ready to go and we’ll see what the margin is at the finish line but we know that races can be one and loss on the tightest of margins they will want to make sure they’re absolutely straight as a die those flags in the background they were headwind it’s now died down this wind is really moving so depends what you get at the race here we go here we go underway with this heat of the temple challenge C and out of the blocks look at n alko they have uh they must know the reputation and and this um sort of rivalry goes back a long way in the temple Brooks and Nal but they are rocketing out here in the island but I like the way Brooks have built off the start they’re really simple really leg driven not looking as aggressive and as as sort of floundering around with the blades as their house but to me that looks looks like a steam train that’s building um really like that start by the Brooks crew well done boys yeah we had a great shot there close of that Brooks crew where you could just see the knees all hitting the deck together and I think that leg timing is something that Brooks just have like a machine right they are metronomic with that uh with that drive which is the part of the stroke that we push the boat along 100% And if if I’m in the brook SE crew and I know that I’m racing a nous crew that done 539 over 2K which is fantastically quick I know that we’re going to have to have the race of Our Lives to do this so I like the way they’ve built what I would want to look now is making sure that can we stay with them can we get that leg driven stroke as we go through the barrier into the middle of the race that would be a statement wouldn’t it if oxa Brooks can row back this three quarters of a length deficit to beat the premier crew from Amsterdam uh from newal because like we said the depth the Brooks have I said yesterday on the commentary it was 99 athletes they have racing across this reget I was corrected earlier by Hugo G their calculations say 103 athletes in total for ox of Brooks and T us racing here this week but they’re holding just that smidge of overlap here cam well we have nine of them here and they are doing a fantastic job of staying in touch and that’s just going to sew the seed of doubt if I’m in N house and I’ve expended a lot of energy I’m expected to win this race and they’re hanging with me that’s just going to put some doubt in my mind not on home water and I know that Brook’s reputation so we are in for a race here we really are in for a race you can see uh the stroke man there yasper Simons of new she’s backed up by K vanderbar and Stein smos uh Sam G then in the five seeds Anto tus in the four seat James Graham at three Martin vham in the two- seat and class bow in B forur house and I just saw a there’s a little bit of a sideways look a little bit of Doubt so yasper Simon in the 7even seat just looking over the right hand side they’re not gone they’re not gone what’s happening and I can just see that sewing in the nrow crew both Crews looking as though they’re rowing really nice and long they’re going to need to keep their technique going and their Rhythm strong as the pressure just grows and grows well look at this oord Brooks if we were to sort of you know denote this in terms of seats they’ve now got what five seats of athletes overlapping here with neuros that’s far far more than they had back at the barrier uh and at the half mile yeah it’s going to be a close race and I think that this is going to be about who can make sure that they get their rowing right when the pressure is on Lovely shot here of both Crews and to my eyes it looks like nous is just a little bit higher in rate to me that’s two ways we can think yes great they’ve got a high rate of striking but Brooks have things in the tank they can re increase that rate of striking as long as they keep the length as long as they keep the power they have more boat speed to give so here we go well neuros they’re used to this this is exactly what happened in their opening round against Edinburgh yesterday where they got out to 3/4s of a length they couldn’t shake Edinburgh and the same thing happening a blueprint race here being l laid out in this heat of the temple challenge C and Benjamin Ferris in The Strokes he just looks super calm I like what he’s doing he’s not worried about the other crew he’s backed up really nicely by his mate yako over Turf they’re just setting a rhythm they’re half a length let’s sit here and let’s start to move whereas This nous Crew they going to have to defend this loving the race so far so this Brooks sea crew let’s let’s be fa this is their third eight entered into this event despite the the entry in The Grand in the ladies this is actually in fact fifth crew overall in terms of ranking and they are putting the pressure all over the Dutchman from newal on the buck station and I could just see Emma Joy’s shoulders move I think she’s made a call that strike rate is just increased slightly I hope you can appreciate on the left hand side of your picture the rate at which they’re taking Strokes is just increased and they are moving back to within maybe I think a quarter of a length here we go oh Oxford Brooks doing what they do best which is really responding as a unit here when it’s last of them they will put themselves on the line to put them in a position to dominate and flood this round of the temple challenge cup they are creeping up ever so slowly on new Rous they’ve got a few hundred meters left to row they’re about to enter the enclosures and I think the noise level is going to be pretty deafening so if you’re at home watching this yes they can hear you both Brooks and their house they are hearing the cheers and if you’re having a prawn sandwich I would make yourself make your way to the bank because this is going to be exciting what a race as we come into this last quarter wow here we go what have neuros got to respond what cards have they got left to give yesterday they managed to win over Edinburgh by just half a length in the end and this is actually closing to a narrower margin than that as Oxford Brooks give it one last go into the reget enclosure and to me it looks like Brooks have just slightly gone and they don’t look like they have much more in the tank whereas nous have kicked look at that shot there of the bow seat I can see clous bow and Martin worm in the bows just keeping that hole out of the water they look nice and Lively now I wouldn’t be surprised if we cut out and we see them in a little bit further in the lead really nice rowing from both Crews yeah I think Oxford Brooks maybe just had to do something pretty marvelous to try and get the lead here which was going early but that is now paying itself back because they are exhausted I’m sure little looks out of the crew that’s very rare to see isn’t it from the center of the boat I think it was Sam G in the five seat just checking to see how close they were to neuros and that is you’re right Cam that has slipped back here but then made of strong stuff and I can see the Brooks have increased that rate of striking once again and N have responded so both Crews flat out we can see the teeth we can see those faces full of pain this is going to go right down to the last 10 15 Strokes here we go here we go Oxford Brooks have one last go at this but it’s not going to be enough I think they’ve run out of water here on this barsh station and new El have uh I think will manage to get almost a length in hand towards the line and that is indeed the price that Oxford Brooks will pay for that very brave move around remenham they had to do something but nural will be the crew that progresses through in this Temple challenge Cup by just over 34 of a length awesome racing so there is the result nous B will uh progress through in this event uh ahead of Oxford Brooks University C the next race on the course this is the princess Elizabeth challenge cup between the uh crew from Princeton and the crew from Abington School Princeton on your left Abington on your right and this school boys this junior men’s a event always a very popular one and you can see the crowns adorning the bank here for this PE yeah and strong headwind off the start strong cross headwind off the start we can see but both Crews have got their really nice and aggressive in that first 10 Strokes abing in a little bit of steering as they veered towards the booms on that right hand side of your picture but it looks as though we’re still not quite um in a rhythm at all we’re still at really high Pace keeping that boat speed as fast as they possibly can so yeah I think this is going to be quite a good race cam I was having a look at the times from yesterday’s open heat uh and Princeton were marginally quicker than Abington to the first few markers so Abington being ahead here is not the scripture that we were expecting to be written and this will have been talked about won’t it they’ll they’ll have looked at times from yesterday they’re a guide they’re not going to be what’s going to be happening in the race but there will have been discussions around how do we do this do we go hard to the barrier do we just exhaust everything to get that first marker how are we going to approach it looks to me like Abington have really trying to taken that race and bu by the horns off the start but Princeton just a little bit more SL silky a little bit longer to my eyes in those white blades on the far side yeah Princeton here they’ve going to have a a pretty bar a barrel full of confidence coming over to the UK to race here at this Henley Roy regetta traveling all the way from New Jersey to race here in barkshire and it’s adorned here with a number of you know sort of meddling athletes from the domestic circuit within the US uh from the youth Nationals a lot of these athletes have raced but it’s just one length that they’re holding Abington to what a shot that’s a stunning shot as you say of these two Crews and poetry uh out there on the water and this a you can just see uh the sort of the universal uh placement of the blades on the near side crew which is that Princeton National rowing Association crew from the USA a great Rhythm being set by Charles huckle the 17-year-old in the stroke seat he won gold at the US rowing youth Nationals last year and uh he’s backed up by Francis McGrath the uh he was invited to the USA selection camps for the under 19s so a very promising Young Junior athlete in This Crew too as most of them are and coached by James Hamp um he’s been with them since 2018 he’s taken the Princeton National rowing Association to where they are today and and uh he himself a very competitive under 23 rower and I just love what I’m seeing here in the Princeton crew we we got a nice glimpse of it overhead which was just that impression of a really long not just at the front end of the stroke where the ORS go in the water but just pushing that blade all the way out until the handle meets the body I think they’re doing that just a little bit better than abing in school are at the moment they’re getting one or two inches more per stroke and what that’s translating to is feet per stroke when you add up eight Horsemen together and look at this lovely shot of that white hole beautiful Symmetry and that’s where they’re taking that length lead yeah so uh we talked a little bit about Princeton but moving to abon who are trailing here on the left hand side of your picture abon had some quite interesting news recently didn’t they came in that they’ll be moving to co-ed so co-education they’ve been an all boy school until uh very recently till now and they will be until 2026 I think it is that they’ll be uh introducing girls to the school fantastic news I’m really excited to see what they can deliver at Henley Royal ratra in those these women’s events and young women’s events fantastic to see that and long minut to continue so well done Abington lovely shot here of the bow person Ben Knight really nice rotation you can see in that body on the yellow hull of the emper just they’re actually doing a really nice job of keeping that Hull out of the water doing their absolute best to push that Hull along and try and get in touch with Princeton so having have had a bit of a change in coaching team fairly recently 2023 they switched to somebody you might know quite well Phil Gray yeah and Phil’s a great coach to spent a lot of time at the University of London also coached Cruz internationally wealth of experience uh coaching at all levels and he’s just a fantastic asset for for Abingdon so I’m looking forward to seeing the work that he can continue to do in the coming years well they have been previous winners of uh Henley rata back in the early 2010s having last won this event but in 2024 doesn’t look like it’s set to be and it’s going to be one of these strong International Crews that uh does the role of knocking them out through the line it will be Princeton uh in the princess Elizabeth challenge Cup who we’ll see again in the draw here but uh well rode by Abington as well to stay within a couple of lengths of this very strong American Junior crew we’re for the start of the temps challenge cup now and uh well we’ve had an international flurry of entries a record year here at hening over 200 International competitors and here in the temps challenge cup Shanghai new rowing on the B station on the left hand side of your picture going up against hurger and gmania Germany on the right hand side on the bakam sh station and I love the in Nations and Crews of what people do off the St that that Shanghai boat club huge amount of noise love to see that stamping their Mark here at Henley yeah two of 27 Nations being represented Here China and Germany and it’s the Germans on this occasion that are the ones to go first they’re almost three quarters of a length up and stretching out the end of the island ahead of Shanghai doing doing a really nice job I think of managing this headwind in that German crew it’s quite tempting in a headwind to think long and plaed and get things sagging down but it looks as though they’re keeping things really Lively off the start so enjoyed to see there well we’ve jumped to the live pictures that was a bit of a recap of the start of this temp’s challenge cup heat but you can see they’ve taken that rating down somewhat now Cam and still into the headwind you know conserving all that energy can it’s not only hard that you’ve got a race every day mostly here at the regetta but the conditions can also add to that level of exhaustion 100% And and the headwind is always quite tricky to manage at Henley uh with obvious the stream goes from the Finish Line towards the start you got water uh moving against you and then with the headwind it just makes that race time that bit longer so a bit more Energy’s been been sucked out of these athletes uh for those longer headwin races but it’s a difficult win to manage particularly if it’s moving around which we know it can do you can just see those flags in the background there’s a little bit of cross head to it uh so the conditions here at the rata are really important to manage and it tends to be that the crews with the red boxes at the end of the week are the ones that can ruin all of them yeah absolutely and the Shanghai crew here we’ve got on screen uh they are a rowing company in fact the largest in China they started uh rowing in 2017 as a unit uh this Shanghai new Rowing Club and or new rowing company as I must say their coach Chi Wang is in the three seat of This Crew so on board and able to give feedback to what the rest of his crew are doing c yeah there’s no discredit to the Chinese crew but this picture is a really nice uh uh Glimpse as to just the polarity in techniques where on the left of your screen with the German crew just looks a bit tidier they’re direct and in the water those ores go straight in whereas in the Chinese crew on the right hand side of your picture just takes a little bit longer to put the ORS in it’s a little bit Scrappy coming out and that’s reflected in boat speed and uh they’re just actually being ve veering into the middle of the water you can see the angles not only of the bows but of the blades as well um they’re pointing in almost two completely different directions Hamburg and and Shanghai yeah and that speaks to the same point which is if you’re a Cox way so if you’re um you know hands esig coxing in that German boat things are pretty simple you’ve got bow side and stroke side going in at the same time that boat tends to run pretty straight for you whereas if you’re um xiangu on the um setting the Rhythm and Lily H steering it’s really quite tricky if the boat is moving around where you’ve got eight ORS going in at slightly different times so there will be a bit of steering in that Chinese boat but that’s the beauty of rowing there are always things to improve we’re always searching for that perfect stroke that perfect race and so longm continue that they’ve got their quest to improve their Journeys in their own careers yeah and uh hamburger and gmania will be looking to continue on in their own careers as well the average age of This Crew U mid 20s uh the oldest uh person in the crew 29-year-old Gregory Schuler in the two seats who was the north German two K champion on the urg for lightweight men so a strong lineup there we’ll see again from Hamburg and gmania H it will be Shanghai new rowing that we will have to say goodbye to my favorite fact that I have to say about these guys before they go home they train on the canal around Shanghai Disneyland so um they they’ll return back to Disneyland uh to to put in some more training and hoped we see them again another year here at Henley royetta but Shanghai they’ve traveled some way to compete in this temps challenge cup but Ed by uh stronger international opposition by the Germans hamburger and Gman we’ve now got the wargrave challenge cup so we go from the club men’s eights to the club women’s eights here on day two of hen R Maro raring Club on the left hand side of your screen on the bar St up ATS Rowing Club B on the Buckingham Shear station and two local clubs here cam they are separated by no more than a handful of miles on the same sort of stretch of the temps and uh they’re facing each other here in this WG grve Challenge comeup and they’ll roughly know what speed they are they’ll raced each other domestically this year they’ll they’ll know what the crack is as to who’s in What boat so they’ll have a good measure on what they need to do in this race and a brilliant start there for Marlo uh the Marlo crew on that barsh station on the far side did have a great start but actually we’re jumping live now and the uh the rolls have reversed it looks as the upper temps have just got that little bit extra length in their boat and they’re a little bit higher in the rate uh to me I can think that they must have had a nice hold of that Rhythm coming out of the start phase into a more Superior boat speed so a length at the moment but this is a very long race and things do happen they do and I think so long as Marlo can keep touch uh then they’ve got an opportunity to Edge their way back into this walgrave challenge cup heat the Marlo crew that’s uh trailing at the moment uh Cox bite Rose Copus and Racing for the third time here at Henley Roar rata raced last year with the Henley Rowing Club Dad’s Army crew in the temp so back in the women’s version of the club eight the the WG grave and in front of her in the stern pair Amy wght at shoke her first Henry Ro rata and similarly at seven I cannot believe the first Henry roata for par Olympic champion from Tokyo 2020 Ellen butrick um but that Marlo crew nothing much has changed for them here as they come towards ringham club cam yeah and upper temps to me look as though they’re actually going through the gears slightly it looks a really nice Rhythm quite an inviting Rhythm to row in and I think that they just increased their rate of striking oh there’s a little bit crab on the on the stroke side of the four person there or the four man she has just taken a little bit of a wobble but it looks as though they’re back on that Rhythm to where they were before perhaps cam actually we had a nice shot a minute ago of them rowing past their own Rowing Club on this stretch of water so they’ll have lots of friends and family on the bank and you you’ve probably been there and you know what it’s like right when you know that those people are cheering and watching for you you try and stay in the zone but they’ll know that that’s exactly where they are on the course well not only did they have them cheering but they had commentators curse saying how well they were doing and there was a bit of a wobble so uh we apologize we won’t say anything more positive until the rest of the race until it’s done but look both crews are doing fantastic rowing I can see that it looks as though Marlo Rowing Club have increased again trying to bring that race plan forward and it looks as though they’re trying to throw everything at their compatriots in the upper 10 uh Rowing Club B trying to get back on terms in this race yeah trying to get back on terms and uh they’ll it would be it’s great to see them because three of this uh eight in the Maro crew have actually come up through the learn to Road program they’ve only run for three years so to them debut Henley roata what a stage right to to try to continue on your rowing career and that will surely motivate them to keep coming back for more but upper temps have extended that lead out now under the guidance of Zoe Thomas in the Cox’s seek she’s a very experienced Henley Cox sixth Henley here in 2024 and uh yeah she’s managed to do a great job down this course and uh and coach CLA forg as well in that coaching team with Mark Banks who uh head coach at Leander club for a number of years so he’ll bring a wealth of experience to this program obviously a home Club they’ll know this water they’ll know this stretch and they’ll be able to execute this race plan perfectly and you can just see actually the bubbles on the the bubble on the water continuing to be a bit more like a washing machine than a mirror at this point in time yeah and so if if you’re new and joining us here at Henley welcome but this is one of the the great things that we have to manage is that the river isn’t closed outside of the racing track there are there are pleasure cruises there are public boats and that creates this little undercurrent that’s liveliness to the water and that’s one of the factors in the outdoor sport that you have to manage in these conditions this is a lovely shot of upper temps just to me looked a little bit more Superior in length in rhythm in speed and execution doing a great job with about a half length clear water over Marlo yeah this is a brilliant result for the B crew and they’ve got an a crew also in this event up at 10 so another nine athletes yet to come in this wargrave challenge cup but the be crew to get through yet another round and it’s like anything right the more entries that you’ve got the the more chance you have of getting to those later stages of the competition and how fast you are and how fast you are of course but that maintained distance that was set from uh remm I would say the middle of the course up poal held that length and a quarter over the line but uh a brilliant job there by that b crew to win that heat of the wargrave challenge come we now have the temple challenge Cup this is yet another International match up here in the student men’s eight and it’s Harvard University USA on the barsh station LEL University USA on the Bucking sh station and this Harvard crew has been the chat of the boat Park here cam everyone’s been saying about how fast this crew are they look good they look really nice to my eyes they they’re off silky they’re really smooth they’re really long really tidy blade work and already reflected in boat speed that looks like 2/3 of a length to me depending on camera angle but that car crew it looks like a really nice inviting fluid Rhythm toow well done chaps yeah very nice start here in Harvard and like say if you get the job done early you can then sort of sit back make sure that you’re conserving everything that you can for the the later rounds of the temple challenge cup but look at that distance that Harvard have managed to put into here to Lal and it looks as though they’ve got just lovely stepping out of those puddles where the stroke person’s or is pushing the puddle out and then the re-entry back into the water is past that two persons or so they’re really kind of stepping out and chaining of those puddles what a shot from that drone let’s just do the pictures do the talking for a little bit those are amazing shots just stunning isn’t it to watch this Premier crew from Harvard University they’ve been just uh pretty outstanding really on the lightweight scene uh over in the USA they got a gold in the varsity lightweight 8 to the Eastern Sprint uh they almost had a full length in hand when they did that so they are just uh pretty Gob smacking as a unit their coach uh B Billy Boyce um has been working with them and uh has been ensuring that they’ve been unbeaten through that domestic season in the USA But actually interesting enough like we said they lightweights they’re racing the Varity lightweight we talked about the wind already a little bit this is a crew that that will impact that little bit more cam yeah look lightweight rowing is a discipline and traditionally it’s always you trying to get the most amount of technique and uh efficiency out of the boat because of that body weight limit and so traditionally those lightweight rowers can manage all those different conditions just a little bit better because of that high level of of technical expertise but in a headwind that extra 20 30 kilos of body weight on the handle can sometimes just push through a strong headwind so I’m really pleased to see uh the har lightweights here doing a really nice job in the swirly headwind in the poly water of Henley well done so we can see the back there of Kyle southernland in the bow seat just 20 years of age and actually back back to back in Henley because he was at in the Prince of Wales challenge Cup last year in 2023 and uh he was representing Marin uh a couple of years ago so he was captain of the uh Marino Club Now Racing for Harvard University this is a pretty imperious showing from from Harvard Telemetry on the boats they’ll be analyzing that after the race but they dropped their raid of striking they’re managing this race for the last third just beautiful rowing stepping out of the puddles and Lal doing their absolute best to stay with them so throwing everything at it you can see those synchronicity of the ORS bow seek Christopher Hig and Botham just really giving it some really nice to see LEL have come here on mass they had an entry into the Prince Albert challenge cup as well for student cost fours that got knocked out yesterday unfortunately by Ed University but today it’s uh the job of the temple 8 and look I mean when you’re drawn with Harvard one of the hot favorites in this competition for student AIDS it was a pretty tough Hill to climb credit where credits du love to see people coming and and working really hard at Henley so thank you for coming fantastic Riata and credit where credit’s due to the Harvard crew oh look at that what a finish from Harvard University uh drilled within the inches of uh of perfection and that was a win there for Harvard University in that Temple challenge cup uh heat and a big thank you to cam nickel for joining me here in the commentary box that was his last race of the day you you can probably hear him later on this week U but I’m also absolutely delighted to be joined by commentary debutant uh Pete gski uh the host and producer of the last stke counts podcast uh Pete Welcome to the the comment thank you thank you camil I’m very grateful to be here uh looking forward to seeing some fantastic racing Henley never disappoints and uh these people as well looking forward to seeing some fantastic racing I’m sure whilst enjoying their time out on the Ws because it’s not just about the rowing and the racing here uh I know that the athletes the coaches the supporters all very important parts of it but it’s also that tradition and the supporters that are doing other things that make this a bit of a festival of rowing so uh here we are we’re back up at the start with the next race down the course we’re going to have a heat of the temple challenge cup and on your screen at the moment you can see none such boat club this is the alumni from Bristol University lining up on the barkshire station and they’ve got the crew from the Netherlands The Hope on the BAM Shar station uh nearest to us here and they’re just getting attached here Pete to the to the starting blocks um that in itself on a Blustery Day can be a pretty unique challenge right absolutely as K mentioned before the conditions are a little bit tricky and they keep changing throughout the day so it’s going to be really important to just get away clean and just get us into the best race plan possible most of these Crews will have practiced a 20 or 30 stroke sequence so that will hopefully allow them to transition onto what they do best which is race and you know you talk about that 20 30 stroke kind of initial start that they you know a lot of these athletes practice time and time again but when when you’re sat there you know I’m I as a racer always thought just about that first stroke right I know your podcast is last stroke counts but first stroke I think counts just as much absolutely you got to get the machine moving and once it’s set off properly I think you’ve really set yourself up for Success we always see so many close finishes at Henley so sometimes the first stroking also count so we’re looking here now as we swing back towards the umpires launch uh we talking you a second ago about all those Traditions at Henley the things that make it this kind of Festival of rowing and I think the launch is one of those iconic sort of pieces of the puzzle when it comes to how this event is set up because bodia there is lining up to take this race alongside umpire Richard Phelps just standing up and again you’ll see the stewards rise to their feet at the back of the launch ready to take the records down manually by hand with their stopwatches it’s all done manually here still to this day in 2024 as it would have been done back in the 1800s and uh Crews lining up again I I wonder how many crews have lined up on those starting blocks throughout the last you know couple of hundred years I’m sure a number but this time around in the temps it’s going to be none such and to hope to take on this 2,12 m as soon as they’re happy that they are straight and ready attention so there we go that is the first stroke that Pete was just talking about there that they tactic time and time again and both very clean here the Hope on the right hand side of your picture from the Netherlands none such those Bristol alumni on the left hand side of your picture and what a great start here from D hopei absolutely it looked like they were heading slightly towards the middle of the station but actually the reacted incredibly quickly and made sure that they’re on the best possible track for the rest of this race and actually off the start it’s really hard to separate both of these Crews by any margin yeah just canvas here to the near side crew uh the uh the Dutch crew from The Hope who have come here with high hopes and the hope I know an old Club themselves we’re talking about the history of Henley the hope uh was set up in 1848 we can see the stroke man there uh Peter dickin in the stroke seat 28 years of age and a lot of This Crew returning back from the finalist crew that made the temps challenge Cup Final in 2023 so hot favorites on paper absolutely This Crew is rooted in for Henley Royal rata this club in particular is a previous winner of numerous events here over here at Henley and actually even this season they’ve been consistently producing a finals and medals at Dutch national championships yeah and you can see that here as they extend out and um we talked a little B about the first tra we talked about the starting sequence this is quite an important part of the race I think Pete is this off the end of the island is often where we’ll see Crews settle into a bit of a base Rhythm can you talk us through kind of know what that looks like well firstly it’s important to know that physiologically your body will start to produce a lot of lactic in your muscle so that’s when the pain is really going to start to kick in so you need to transition from that start sequence into your middle of the r space that you can hold for about five or 6 minutes or so and then what that means is you need to take the stroke rate down but it’s important to keep the Rhythm keep the speed in the boat so a lot of Crews talk about pushing onto the race actually and and using the legs and using the power shifting where they are play in order to to get the best out of themselves totally you know it’s not about dropping the pressure to get that Stoke R down it’s about lengthening out and keeping the pressure high and the boat speed high but uh yeah lengthening out we saw a great shot there of nun such boat club and uh this has been a wonderful story about nuns such who have gathered together two eights to enter into this event and this nuns such boat club crew uh qualifying into this temp’s challenge cup event but it span 10 years of alumni from uh from Bristol University wonderful to see them uh resurging back in uh in Henley roata they’ve been growing since they picked back up in 2021 and to have a an eight racing here on uh on this iconic stretch of water it shows you that it can bring clubs together beyond their University days and beyond their rowing clubs uh you know somewhere like this in a race like this is is a real draw um for people who are out there in the road community rowing is not just about the sport but also the friends you make along the way and the camaraderie and Rowing is so important so it’s great to see that alumni is coming together and actually more crews getting back together to race at Henley over and over again I think it’s interesting to not that this club actually is the um has this boat in particular from that club have been preparing out of Moy boat club ah so they’ve been used to run on the temps a little bit further into London on the temps mzy based in Su if you’re not familiar uh and very nice stretch of water indeed um but we’re now looking at the crew from The Hope in the Netherlands a huge Club The Hope they’ve got over a thousand members so we’ve gone from talking about a small and and growing Alumni club to a club that is uh Giant in uh in the Netherlands they’re Bas in central Amsterdam and uh say they were finalist last year this uh a lot of this crew in 2023 but um they’re stronger they’re back with a bang they recorded a very impressive time on the Boss Bar just a few weeks ago 538 uh this club eight managed to achieve which I think is pretty electric Pete absolutely it is those times are so rapid uh pre in previous years in in the past few decades those would be the Henley winning times and now we see so many creu produced those sorts of speed and it’s just incredible to see I also think it’s worth noting that their coach yoan will have definitely prepared them for racing for heny Roy rata seeing as he was the headman’s coach at T’s Ro club with Alexander smes ah what I want it’s great isn’t it how the rowing Network connects and uh those little nuggets of experience that coaches will have got from coaching Crews uh in different parts of the world and especially here on the Henley stretch it’s a it’s a unique race you know it’s 12 M longer than any Olympic race than any sort of domestic normal 2K race it requires a unique set of coaching skills I think to to get Crews to perform really well here in Henley we say it’s 112 M more but actual when you’re an athlete in the boat doesn’t it feel like so much longer than that well I I’ve actually never raised 10 L over regetta myself because back when I uh was growing up there were no events for for junior women or for student women which we now have which is brilliant which just go to show the growth of this Riata um but the Hope here entering into the rata enclosure and just taking a look at the program it looks like they’ll be racing London B uh tomorrow if this result maintains if none such don’t have a dramatic surge through this final few hundred meters but uh yeah the hope I think looking uh pretty unbeatable at this point in time I think you might be right camil I think there’s maybe too much distance between the two Crews to make it up but one thing that Henley always delivers on is the surprises and Crews overcoming being from down in the race to actually getting their noses in front and Crossing that line first so I wouldn’t write non such off yet they’re not going to want to give up at this stage of the race especially seeing us this might be the last time time to go down the track this year well here are none such on your screen now Alexander Morrison in the bow seat and uh Jonathan broadest in front of him the 37y old lots of Henley experience for him he’s raced him the the TS before the temple before back in 2007 the wifs the bre them too much every event available here at Henley Royal he’s then in front of him Chris Haywood Robert Davis John Davis Alexander stevon Andy Warren Andrew Turner in the stroke seat and simran Gil in the coxon seat for none such boat club and but uh that will be the last time I think as we have maybe a handful of Strokes to go probably five or so Strokes to go for Bristol here and they have closed that Gap all the way to just over a length with the Hope taking it down through the second part of that race and conserving that energy but there are our Victors here in this round of the TS challenge cup The Hope Netherlands a big thank you to both Crews they’ve done an amazing performance and that was a beautiful display of rowing the island challenge cup now this is one of those student women’s eight events that I was talking about so this is new in 2021 this event and we’ve got two groups from the USA going up here Southern men the Methodist University on the left hand side of your picture we’ve got Boston University on the right hand side of your picture one of my favorite things here Pete is all of the American universities have uh have mascots and we’ve got the Mustangs of the Southern Methodist uh University Texas going up against the Terriers of Boston University oh that’s just great to see that’s another tradition that that we get to see at Henry rooll rata and isn’t that just fantastic yeah look I mean the the Terriers are nipping at the heels here of the Texas Mustangs who are just a few seats out in front there on the right hand side of your picture if you’re tuning in in Texas 10:00 in the morning over there good morning to you and uh wow you they’re going to need your support these girls here because they’ve only got a matter of seats ahead my my apologies I think I’ve got that the wrong way around actually it’s Boston University on the buck station so indeed they still need your support so the Methodist College to try and bump up and overhaul Boston University those athletes from Texas and not going to go down without a fight for most of them this is actually the their last year of University so they’re going to want to make sure that they go out in style and they’re not going to leave an inch out on the course yeah they’re really not going to Boston here are going to try and hang on to this lead with every bit of Might that they can and uh this Boston crew it’s the Cox that will be able to see the five seats of Southern meth Methodist University Alexandra uh arz in the Cox and seat for Boston she was the the top 15 at the head of the Charles and a top 20 finisher at the NCAA that’s exactly the kind of person you want to keep you on your race strategy she’ll be talking to all of the eight athletes in front of her Pete um but she’ll be saying look watch out because here come the crew from Southern Methodist University USA look at this push this is quite the Sprint that we’re seeing here as they close down that Gap don’t you just love to see it that crew’s actually got wealth of experience as well there was a number of both GB trialers and US national champions in there and you can see them actually firing their experience through the water they’re not going to give up anytime soon not at all wow they’ve really come back here a number of meters that they’ve gained through this center part of the course and as they would say at the Southern Methodist University Pony up that’s their that’s their phrase and they certainly are ponying up to try and push back to level here with Boston University our early leaders from the east coast of America they’ve bought not only this a but also a cops as four to race here at Henley Roy rata and they’re two of the five us universities we’ve got here on the screen uh racing in this island challenge cup but which one of them Pete is it going to be that’s going to progress through to the next round because this is teeing up to be an iconic race on the Wednesday of Henley roata oh that’s a fabulous question Camila I’m just really enjoying this drone show of both Crews and it’s so hard to split them by any distance whatsoever I think Kenley is once again going to treat us up to a close finish and here at Boston they were our early leaders for the majority of this track but I’m going to use your phrase it’s only the last stroke that counts here in this 2,112 m course and uh it’s going to be an important last Troke because they’ve got only two seats over the uh Southern Methodist University on the barkshire station who’s going to hear the crowds closest to them that noise from the right hand side from those grand stands starting to come into a shot now and that will boost them up as they start to push on now it’s so so close in this island challenge cup but it’s only the Wednesday this is a historic USA matchup and there is the back of the Southern Methodist University an Ensley the 22-year-old in the bow seat part of the crew that’s been racing at the NCAA uh all year This Crew have been backto back straight titles between 21 and 2024 uh and at the ACC rowing champion ships and they want to add another title to their roster coming into the last 200 met we’re literally just about to see who’s emptied their tank more who’s got more power left in their legs who can keep composed more who can turn that pressure into the ultimate success and get through to Thursday of Henry rata so have the Boston Terriers managed to overhaul the Giants of the Mustangs from Southern Methodist University Texas it certainly seems like it at the moment but it’s going to be only the last few Strokes that will tell us who won go through to the next round of the island challenge cup and Boston despite being absolutely exhausted have managed to find something from somewhere to give them that extra seat that they need that extra buffer to keep them ahead of those Boston University Terriers who gave everything through the center parts we thought they were going to draw level but Boston have whipped it out of the bag and they’ve done it when it counts across the line and it’s going to be almost a quarter of a length half a length now uh in that results in the island challenge Cup Boston ahead of Southern Methodist University well done to that crew that was incredible the display of power that we saw the composure the determination the grit and resilience in a last few hundred meters of that race really was a deciding factor and well down to Southern Methodist University from Texas we’ve loved having you here at Henley well it might be a very recent event added into the program but the island challenge cup here on day two at Henley rata has treated us to two of the closest finishes of the day Nottingham University of course inched out a win ahead of Durham University B this morning and that race was just as good a carbon copy it seemed of that close race we saw in the morning program for the island we cannot wait to see what the remainder the quarterfinals the semi-finals and most importantly the final on Sunday will have to offer here in the island the princess Elizabeth challenge cup now on the start this is KCs Wimbledon on the bar station on the left hand side of your screen and D College nearest to us on the right hand side of your picture great start there from both Crews for D College this is actually their fastest Aid ever produced and at school and it’s important to know that this is a very local rivalry cuz both clubs are actually based on puty embankment and it’s only a couple of houses between each other yeah this is a real local match up one of the tightest of local Derbies I guess uh just I’d say maybe 100 meters separating the front doors of KCs Wimbledon and D College boat club there in Putney in Southwest London but KCs I think the crew with the pedigree in this princess Elizabeth challenge Cup in recent years the coach Patrick Dugen uh also coaches the under 19 uh GB Junior a mo Ser to either a medal or to Victory um and some great Crews that he’s also produced for the school incredible Patrick Dugen is incredibly respected coach he’s had some incredible achievements and actually his confidence in the crew racing today is beyond words and this KCs Wimbledon crew will have high hopes to race in the weekends racing of this princess Elizabeth challenge cup League progressed extremely far two years ago I think they reach the weekend off the top of my head uh one of the best results of that the school had seen in many a year uh but dich you know you can see here they’re racing KCs hard uh dich you know they were a little bit further down the pecking order at the national schools reget which takes place at dney Lake in may they were 11th overall so third in the B final where KS who we’ve got here on screen all the way up in sixth in that a final in that same Championship eight event I was just looking at the blade work for KCs and aren’t they just so composed so together that movement that they’re generating off the back the ROM that that boat is moving at the speed is just something poetic and Pete you were telling me earlier actually about how this crew and not the biggest you know school boy crew that we’ve ever seen which makes that technique ever so important I think that’s the attribute of Patrick Dagen he can really get the most out of his cruise and they don’t have the biggest Ergo average yet they were still in the National schools regata of a final and there was what maybe 3 seconds between the ath cruise down and they’re going up against the fastest schoola that dll have ever produced right so it just goes to show that that’s dll there on screen James Farris Smith in the B SE 18 years of age going to study mechanical engineering at Imperial next year he’s not moving very far that’s another club that’s only two doors down from dll so he’s staying within the same 100 meter radius Nicholas Elton in front of him orus Blain in the 36 alilio Ali at four Mato Hannah amodio in the five seats Zachary Seymour at six Frederick Shalom at seven Alex C at stroke Rahul Rak Krishnan in the cson seat and dich just coming now into view of our commentary box here and towards the line alongside our winners of that heat of the princess Elizabeth challenge cup Kings School uh College school Wimbledon the Wold challenge cup now this is for Club cus fors and on the barshar station on the left side of your screen deal warmer and Kings down amate Rowing Club Going up against Marlo Rowing Club on the buck station to your right and uh We’ve commented on the conditions many a Ty here a bit blustery bit bumpy um and I think one of the crews will actually quite like that weirdly Peter um I think deal warmer and Kings down much more used to those conditions than most absolutely they’re more than prepared they won’t mind that at all we’re talking about the crew on the left of your picture on the bar station actually they’re a little bit down at the minute Marlo has had a rapid start and they took an early Advantage I wonder if they’re going to be able to hold on to it yeah that uh Marlo jetting out in front of the crew that well on the coast in Kent that’s a you know saying not most Crews used to Flat Water they’re used to Coastal rowing down on the Kent Coast uh but it’s not helping them at the moment but look Marlo um they’ve had a brilliant season in this Wold cotas 4 and dare I say I don’t want to give them the commentators curse but they are lorded I think in this Wold event as one of the favorite crws favorite Crews uh to progress very far in this event I can see why the battle seat of Marlo Roan Club is actually an Oly he won the Aussie school boy championships in the in the men’s eight and then the two seed actually beat marah Dale at diamonds in 2019 Matt Brigham ah yes and I think you know that’s a a good thing to note actually Matt bringham in this Marlo crew you are allowed uh one winner of uh of a henley event on board in the wall challenge cup um there is a little asteris next to that given that there’s an exception for if you are the current holders um but you are allowed a winner on board in this event and uh here for Marlo Rowing Club they’ve got a number of Henly appearances on board James dolman in the stroke seat 27 years of age and already has contended six Henley raw ratas himself and uh behind him Alfred Heath five Henley Ro gats for the 25y old and uh rowing alongside Matt Brigham who we’ve just spoken about the the Giant Slayer uh who beat Mah Dale all those years ago in the diamond skulls and switching now to Sweet rowing it seems to help moo progressing this event and Matt Collins in the bow seats he’s the only debutant at heny Ro regata just 19 years of age great shot there from the producers of that Marlo Crudo moving together so nicely and they’ve actually started taking taking it down through the gears I believe they’re going to try to conserve their energy for tomorrow but also avoid any mistakes indeed now we’ve got this crew from deal warmer and Kings down amateur Ro Club on screen they’re also taking advantage of the rule of allowing one Henley winner on board because in the boun SE Tyler oros won the Brit for temps back in 2023 last year just 12 months ago in front of him Thomas barwell William Dennis and reys meany in the stroke seat a coastal champion in the senior fours um and also raised an Iron Man last year so a very uh all fit all round athlete as stman ree meany in this deal crew I think he’s definitely going to be used to feeling a bit of pain in his legs and upper body Iron Man is a tough feet yeah very tough indeed uh but probably just as tough as the last few hundred meters of the henle RO regata course and Marlo are not having to work quite as hard to keep their boat ticking along against the stream here on the buckingam Shar station they’ve taken that rating right down Pete haven’t they at this point they’re going to want to secure their Victory today they want they will already start thinking about their race tomorrow how they can best prepare for what’s to come this is only day two and we’ve got four more days of racing to go we do now one of the things having a look at some of the race report from yesterday in Deal’s crew uh they were complimented for their steering and I’d like to also uh enhance that compliment because they’ve had a great rundown on the bares station they’ve stayed out of trouble and uh even though they’re trailing this crew from Marlo I think they’ve executed a brilliant race I couldn’t agree more CA conditions are so incredibly tricky today and actually the thing about the Henley Calles the conditions changed throughout it because you’ve got the island Shadow and then become open during the race and they keep changing yeah exactly we’ve got lots of landmarks along here that do different things to the wind the course uh sort of gets impacted by different parts uh of the the weather systems uh and the river system but Marlo navigating all of that with ease and uh as we’d expect them to in this Wold challenge cup event they will cruise through the line ahead of the deal warmer and Kingstown amateur roing Club crew I think maybe the first crew from deal in the the hen or J to double check that but there are our winners Marlo Ro club now with the Prince of Wales challenge Cup this is the first day of racing in the Prince of Wales and we’ve got pen Athletic Club USA on the bar station on the left hand side of your screen and Lee Rowing Club and London Rowing Club as a composite on the right hand side of your picture beautiful start there from both Crews sculling is so such a pleasure to watch there’s so much synchronicity so much symmetry I like to almost compare it to poetry it’s a very poetic way of moving the boat it is I just love watching the quad skulls and you can see here this composite on the near side as strokeman is from Lee Rowing Club it’s very pertinent there the Lee Colors at the helm of This Crew 23y old leis Powell uh and he’s joined by Isaac wman George cowy and Eduardo Marshall in this Lee and London comp but look at the tight race and in fact I think we’ve had a change of leader the pen Athletic Club draw level through the center stages of the Prince of Wales I’m not surprised Camila they’ve got a former Olympic trialist for the USA they’ve got a Navy Seal in a two seed and actually they’ve been doing some incredible results over in America in the quartz calls yeah they won the head of the scoot call which is a huge event over in the United States of America gold medal there um and this crew are all thetes that have come out the back of the US Olympic trials that took place in April in Sarasota Florida they didn’t quite make that step on to the American Olympic skulling team but they are currently being led out by a pretty young group of athletes from Leon London the composite crew actually have got a lot of Henley experience because the bow and the two seed won the wles last year their stroke seed is the Henley finalist and the three seed has actually got an under 23 gold medal from two years ago a and they’re going to be pretty unnerved here by the fact that the crew from pen are really pushing them into into their Waters pen are really stretching the boundaries of that barsh station aren’t they P absolutely although when you’re in the boat it doesn’t feel like the course is as wide as the cameras could lead you to believe they are yeah there’s uh it’s certainly a pretty um nervy experience if you’ve got the steering cables in these quadruple skulls these boats all being steered by uh the the movement of a foot connected to steering wires with a Rudder underneath the boat that’s one of those athletes jobs uh to be doing that in this Prince of Wales uh challenge cup but look at this Lee and London they have been unfazed by that push through the center of the course the crew from pend Drew level and yet they’ve managed to produce almost a length in hand Now Incredible calling from the Leon London composite very horizontal very flat very powerful around the back end which is actually where you want to apply most of your power in the RO stroke so now they’ve managed to get that well wanted Clear Water ahead of the Americans London and Lee will just want to keep calm and I wonder how much they had to sort of pull out of their reserves in order to stretch out that and whether pen have got any Sprint finish in them and Pete that’s quite hard to judge here isn’t it and we were saying about how this course is 112 MERS longer than your standard Olympic course that the Americans would have been training towards all year but um you’ve got to time that Sprint just right most of these Crews will have actually been preparing this for the last few weeks it’s really important that they know exactly what they’re going to execute at which point in the race and actually it doesn’t matter how much power they’ve used because they can recover these are these athletes are so used to training multiple times per day so this is no news to them we just saw a great shot there of the B seat from the pen Athletic Club Cooper hurle the 27y old this is first Henley for all of these athletes here Michael Herman zank um patronic and Webster Thompson in the stroke seat and uh This Crew I think Henley experience is something that you can’t quite put your finger on but it does something for these Crews right if you’ve been here before if you’re used to the landmarks the crowds uh everything that’s going on around you which this Le and London crew have got spades of experience at Henley Royal uh that’s done them Absolute Wonders by ranam to give them now a very comfortable Victory which we would never have said that would we a few hundred meters ago no absolutely and that’s the thing about this course you have to be able to maintain your power all the way throughout the race cuz sometimes the result can change very quickly indeed so there is Our Winning crew from Lee and London Rowing Club leading and winning this Prince of Wales challenge cup Heat against the pen Athletic Club and with that I will be departing for today I’ll be back again tomorrow so big thank thank you uh to both my co- commentators Pete and Cam and I will be handing you over to the very capable hands Matt Britain thank you Camila and a very warm welcome to Matt Britain we now have a fantastic shot of the boat T at Henley on your screens there’s loads of different Blazers and different clubs representation all around the course Henley produces such a spectacle for anybody involved thanks Peter great to be joining you what an amazing day of racing at Henley as you said challenging conditions The Spectators are turning out it’s got a bit warmer now and looking forward to seeing the things warm up as we go as we go down the course so a few more races to come it’s a day of 86 races welcome if you’re just joining us from all around the world delighted to have you with us 86 races done uh 86 races today sorry 56 done 31 still to go so here we are and it’s the princess Elizabeth challenge Cup this will be an interesting one Pete won’t it it’s Westminster uh in the classic pink and St Paul’s School I think you probably would say the favorites and the British side of the draw at least I I certainly would think so and this is an actually a really interesting rivalry between these two Crews cuz they they go back a long time in terms of the the’re challenging each other in the princess El Elizabeth trophy exactly so I mean I think the question here probably is with some Pauls having the form they were the winners at National schools regata Westminster were seventh in Championship dat there so Westminster how will they approach this challenge I think you got to put as much pressure as he possibly can on that St Paul’s crew St Paul’s have been so dominant all season they haven’t lost a single race they’ve been actually the fastest Junior at schools head Wallingford met rata and Mara rata so Westminster are going to have to try to surprise them in order to get anything out of that crew so here we are looking at uh the Westminster School crew there and uh well there’s quite a quite a burden sitting on the stern of this boat cuz that’s where you got to sort of decide how hard you’re going to attack it early in the race we’re looking at the face there Mikey tiaris uh who is hoping to head to Columbia University next year and it’s up to him and behind him Brian Chen to really set the race pace and decide how hard to attack for how long and that’s really the key question here is how much can they rattle some PS off the start so they’re under starters orders right now attention go get ready please so this is the moment of tension I’m feeling nervous just watching this map so you’re sitting in the crew and you’re just watching the Cox’s hand when your Cox’s hand comes down you got to be ready to explode into action arguably the most exciting moment of racing yeah the fear is the highest the expectations [Music] to a little bit of wind there you can see swinging the boats around so the hands are going up and down a bit waiting until both boats are straight cuz we want a clean start here we go hands down so let’s hear the sound of those eights powering away as soon as the hands go off again and then down the nerves are jangling in those Cox’s seats and uh yeah here we go I think we might get it now attention go come princess Elizabeth challenge cup it’s Junior men’s eight Paul score on the left Westminster score on the right you heard them go off explosively that sound of draw draw encouraging the athletes to Really Leave the boat through it’s clean start it’s an Absolut electrifying start from both Crews and westmin have done exactly as I suspected they’re trying to get out from St PA as early as possible you could say they’ve almost got nothing to lose coming up against the crew that’s stronger than them great start by Westminster isn’t it absolutely stroke for stroke man for man puddle for puddle as we come alongside NR cataman Westminster really going for this as we thought they might and credit to their coach as well for preparing them in a way he’s only taken over this season from Josh Butler and the who him worked for all five of the previous Seasons yeah so Matt Harris working with this crew and you can see the focus the determination look at that every face straight down the boat looking really clear calm determined and Powerful looks like some pools may have edged out by a seat or two at this point but they’re still in contact you’re absolutely right there Matt and I’m actually looking at the West the crew I can see a lot of focus concentration yeah exactly concentration but concentration to here in there some T skull crew we know that style they love to row in their system there which is super loose you can see even if you’re not a rower see how loose those shoulders are Cox glances across there as Victor bouquet in the Cox is SE for Pauls just checking on the distance and they really have started to walk now absolutely as we’ve mentioned before Bobby tter has got such a clear way that he likes his his cruise to Road you can see that here it’s a beautiful nice long Punchy Dynamic Rhythm very clean on the blades working as much together as they possibly can and actually is an incredibly strong crew too with a 613 ERG aage really strong crew here we are with W Westminster School riding at the critical moment of the race for them now they’ve got to hold on to St Paul’s School cuz St Paul’s will be looking to break contact to break away as they did yesterday and to dominate the race so it is crunch time now for the young man of Westminster you could almost say it’s now and ever so if you were the Westminster crew would you push up your finished Sprint yeah I mean there’s absolutely I used to call it kitchen sink time we’d say Death Or Glory that was the call from the Cox in my day and we really had to commit and that’s what they’ll be doing now there’s no uh time like the present for Westminster meanwhile uh some Paul’s call are walking every stroke you can just see them gaining five 10 cm every single stroke the confidence in that crew is just as astonishing and they’re sticking to their race plan beautifully like great steering from their as well keeping quite close to the booms but making sure they have the best possible track to race down on yeah you’re absolutely right nice to call that and you know it’s quite tricky this middle part of the course you can see if you’re watching from home wherever you are that it widens out you get a little bit more crosswind there and it can move the crews around Westminster retaining their composure really sort of had to had to attack it very hard and now well I just how would you cope with this if you are at this moment you’ve seen the um position disappear from the corner of your eye so Westminster really have to um combine again and attack again even though they can’t see some Falls now I think it’s difficult to be in Westminster shoes right now once a crew ahead of you has broken clear and you just can’t quite see them in the back of your visual is difficult to come back especially at the junior level also I guess you know however much they believed in their ability to win here they know the form of the season is against them we also know I think the Intel from some pools Camp is that they are on the rise they’re getting better and even than they were at the national schools a little little while ago so for Westminster there’s probably a bit of confirmation in there in their secret you know thoughts that this might well be uh the result so very hard to come back from that meanwhile let’s just look at this St Paul’s School crew tell us what you like about the sort of the technique here Fe I really like the togetherness Bobby Tater has taught them exactly how he wants them to row it’s a smooth Dynamic Rhythm the legs are firing right of the catch and they they’re keeping the length of the stroke which is really important cuz there’s three ways you can move the boat f is the Rhythm the rate and the power right so let’s talk about Rhythm what does that mean you have to get away from the water clean towards the end of the stroke so that means your blade has to exit in a clean way then you have to prepare yourselves for the next stroke and once you put as soon as you put the spoon in the water you have to dynamically engage with the legs right so it’s about how you kind of the ratio really between the sort of time out of the water and the time in and how you drive it so we can see Westminster now bit of a contrast you know they’re down they put a lot of extra working early on to try and stay on stay on terms can you see a difference in the style here I think there’s probably a little bit less connectivity between those team members you can see the boat just wobbling ever so slightly left to right obviously this may be unfair to say because these these athletes are working incredibly hard and they’re giving their role and sometimes it’s hard to maintain composure When You’re Going H for leather yeah Westminster school really determined and they are top class school 8 as well uh really very well drilled very well trained as you say under Matt Harris the new coach there has just taken over and as we look down towards the Finish Line you can see we’ve got well maybe 4 or 500 MERS to go so it’s a tall order for Westminster School Tom Lewis Ward Oliver vxo C Florian ofner Alex Taylor Patrick Garmin paty Garman in the five seat Tim GF Brian Chen and Mikey tit Carz in stroke seat that’s Westminster cops by uh Amma miaka and well today it’s the um the last day of their henle campaign it looks like with some full school really with their eyes on the prize simps have won so many times recent years in the princess Elizabeth haven’t they so expectations are high except last year which is why they will be on a mission to overturn that result and you can just see that grit and determination and that same PA scw to deliver the TR trophy of the weekend and also this you’re absolutely right St Edwards won last year but this event has changed as well there’s been a rule change which allows clubs to compete more so the competitive intensity has gone up we’ve got this is a record Henley record entries from International clubs as well as British clubs so there’s always an uncertainty factor that another of other unknown quantities really top Crews from New Zealand and the US that some blls will have to confront so they’ll be happy with this performance I think as they come to the final couple hundred meters couldn’t have said it better myself man there are over 200 International Crews competing over 700 entries from 27 countries credit to Henley for being more inclusive and also allowing Club Crews to compete at this level so here comes the Finish Line under the watchful eyes of the Tower of Henley church and Paul school Benjamin Atkinson Christian Reese it’s Peerless Alex wild Al kogan Patrick wild Theodore kin and tal BOS and Philip wolfensberger under the careful steering of Victor boket across the line ready to fight another day in the princess Elizabeth challenge cup since 1946 uh lots of young British talented athletes have competed to put their name on that cup and that’s a win for St Paul’s School as we probably expected over a valiant competition with Westminster School Who Rose the occasion but could couldn’t quite make it and we’re on the start now for a heat of the wargrave challenge cup that’s the club women’s eights we’ve got deuts Ruda club for a00 f axi from Hana on the left of the picture and T Ro club’s D crew on the right T are the holders the a crew the holders of this event it’s the first day of competition in this trophy the wargrave CH club for uh women’s eight and a nice clean start so great to see that many entries from TS Rowing Club Club rowing is the heart and soul of this sport in this country in particular but there’s also a lot of experience in that German crew as their coach uh has actually won this event previously in 2011 so the Umpire yeah the Umpire is already warning the crew there just to make sure that they stay apart stay in their own water don’t cross that neutral territory and riding alongside them we can see well again it’s a really good start from both Crews and they are neck and neck could be really tight race here let’s see how it pans out I actually think it’s really hard to separate both Crews at this point the margins are too close to call I think we’re going to have another exciting finish I think yeah can be slightly deceptive here because our cat’s Not always completely alongside the cruise but looks like TS have eased out quite a bit here so they’ve sort of dropped their number of Strokes per minute you were saying just now how it’s about Rhythm and stroke rate where looks like they’ve dropped their stroke rate rate as we rejoin the race just approaching the halfway mark we call it fley which is halfway down the 2 ,12 M and it looks like TS have indeed opened up a lead you can see they’re now in a more comfortable kind of lower paace Rhythm yeah think is incredible for TS to have their fourth crew in this event be this dominative against a foreign crew from hanova yeah absolutely right and also it’s a little bit of a match of um Youth and age here because the Hanover crew is a really young uh crew 18 and 19 years old whereas in the temp crew got an age range of 22 to 31 years old not so much Henley experience here but it’s great to see um I wouldn’t want to say older athletes here because I’m a bit older than them myself but it’s great to see a little bit of experience uh here a little bit of an older crew coming up against a younger crew and that’s really what it’s all about so so in this temps crew six of those athletes this is their first time racing at Henley Royal Riata and five of them didn’t qualify last year just so they’re going to be more than excited to be here and get this sort of result on their first day of racing exactly right Pete and you know one of the things I think we’re seeing with these women’s events coming in being so strong the demand for these events is high but also we’re seeing more and more women coming into clubs rowing perhaps from other sports and that’s why I point to the sort of age Gap here it’s great to see growing participation at every level and one of the things that Henry rata does is it draws people in they see what’s going on and they want to come and raise and it’s an absolute joy and look at how this temps crew R now you can’t even see the other crew in the shot at the minute fantastic job by temps and yeah you’re absolutely right we need to we need to be pulling more people in together from all the different sports and combin all of their experiences and I think it’s great that Henley gives us the opportunity to do so because rowing is not just also about the sport but about the friendships you make along the way well absolutely right it’s the bonds you make with people you race with it’s the bonds you make with people you race against sometimes I’ve got many friends I’ve been meeting here I’ve raced against over the years and row with now uh and also you know we see the coaches coming through as well milanovic who is 36 years old years old but won the latest plate in 201 11 for Henley and he now brought the young women of DLC Hanover over to race here so going through the generations the love of Henley been passed on to a different body of athletes which is wonderful Milan’s got incredible experience just like you said he’s also an ex German national uh Squad member and this is his eth Henley Royal rata but fifth as a coach so here we are with young women from Hanover they’re um continuing to kind of row well keep the length long and doing what they can to get down the Henley course as quickly as possible they probably know it’s a allall order now I’m not sure how much their Cox in this situation will tell them quite how far TS have got ahead because it’s important for the crew to stay motivated what’s your view on the truthfulness of coxing uh here Pete I think as a Cox you really got to be focused inward in your creu so despite them being maybe slightly down on temps they will still want to finish the race in the best possible manner they will want to leave this regata knowing that they left everything on the track and they didn’t leave anything to chance so they will be happy knowing that they’ve produced their best Road and that actually that’s what I’m seeing here the blade work is still rather clean the coach has done great with them yeah absolutely right and that’s what you’re looking for when you’re looking from this kind of angle you’re looking to see are the ORS moving in sympathy here we are looking at the TS ORS the classic colors of the TS Rowing Club we see so often here at Henley just look at that um synchronicity and timing and you get that sense of the push you were talking about people pushing the water and then let the boat run smoothly and it’s hardly moving up and down which is a nice sign absolutely that’s another sign of speed is you can see the little bow ball next to the number plate actually when it’s rising out of the water that’s when the boat’s accelerating the most and T’s athletes are really not disrupting that movement at all so in sailing I know we say flat is fast but it’s also true in rowing isn’t it keeping the boat flat uh is a good sign of a crew moving well it’s a lot of weight um not saying anything about the weight of the athletes individually but collectively there’s a lot of weight moving against the movement of the boat and if you sit still and let the boat run underneath you you’re not slowing it down but if you kind of move too fast forward your feet then you’re actually putting a handbrake on the boat like you said Matt when it comes to recovery slow is smooth and as we know smooth is fast slow is smooth smooth is fast and well that’s what TS roing Club D crew are showing right here great credit to Ts for having such depth in their club and the young women of T’s Rowing Club will be very happy to cross the line with such a commanding position uh as they cross the line really excited to get that first round round win under their belts the first day of the walgrave challenge cup here and here are day are safe Hanover crossing the line TS were too much for them today great to see them coming across a really young crew and I hope we’ll see many of those athletes returning to heny in the future so a win for TS R Club D in The wargrave Challenge cup [Music] [Applause] over so this is the visitors challenge cup intermediate men’s fours and we’ve got Tel Aviv and Leander CL B here on the box Tel Aviv in the blue and white on the left of the picture and Leander B on the right away they go a bit of a nervous moment with steering always at this point absolutely a little bit absolutely especially in those coxless events it’s looking rather close the umpires are already warning both Crews especially under to move back over to their buckinghamshire station and the Umpire is Fiona Dennis here now she had a very challenging moment in exactly this situation yesterday where there was a disqualification for steering but fortunately this time the crews have moved apart she continues though to warn the Leander crew they are moving across the middle the rule here is you need to stay in your lane and not move across and impede the other crew otherwise there might be a foul despite that steering look at Leander well that Leander Cru comprised of actually uh three of the Harvard athletes and one of the uh Yale athletes so the all under 23s looking forward to the under 23 selection happening just after Henley Royal on the far side we’ve got the crew from from hule rowing uh club and Tel Aviv Rowing Club it’s the first Tel Aviv crew and the first Israeli sweep crew we’ve had at Henley so welcome to them and they’ve been preparing uh all year for this race under coach Ben Lewis who’s one of our most experienced recent coaches um particularly at mosy and TS who’s won many trophies here so they’ve been preparing for this but Leander on their home stretch and you know this stretch well Pete um are pretty happily in the lead now absolutely they’re just going to hope to execute their best plan possible and yeah they’ve got quite a decent lead at this point but credit to credit the crew from Israel if you’re watching in Tel Aviv it is 5:00 over there y welcome to everybody watching in Tel Avan Israel and indeed around the world we’re looking now at the tel crew on the left of our picture in stroke seat Samuel scowen A 2023 Junior world champion in the stroke seat of the junior M8 so he’s got a ton of experience for a young man of only 18 years old and now we can see on the other end of the crew that’s Cal gvy who is an Israeli light Mo men’s single under 23s competitor and he’s rode in various skulling boats in the past previously but switching here to the sweep or boat so from two ORS to one or how easy is it to make that switch it depends whether you started with sweep or skulling first we normally always say that if you started with skulling you’re more symmetrical therefore it’s easier for you to switch to whichever side versus swe it’s a little bit more difficult and tricky to switch from sweep back over to skulling in my experience yeah and and obviously the more you can do in different disciplines the more chance you’ve got to compete at Henry Ro rata looking at Leander crew at Stoke Harry G then camaran bakey at three behind him Tyler Haller at two and Joshua fren at uh at B um and they’ve got some form as well P haven’t they absolutely Harry gin is a double under 23 world championship winner uh in the E and last year in a pair with Miles beon and he’s also won this heat of the visitors challenge cup for Leander Club B um and uh the the campaign to be here from Tel Aviv well congratulations on getting to Henley rata and been part of this conversation but today it’s Leander on their home water who go through to the next round of the visitors challenge C hopefully we get to see more of them at the under 23 World Championships in Canada later this year fantastic Pete um fantastic Peter golovi here fantastic to work with you today we say goodbye and thank you for your commentary today it’s been great to work with you we’re going to bring in now Jack B uh who is somebody with huge Henley experience and very very recent Henley experience Jack welcome to the commentary box we were watching you race on this track this morning a fantastic race you had in the quad for star and gter good afternoon Matt thanks very much it I’m still feeling pretty tired in the legs it is really hard racing out there and difficult windy and any Cru I had struggling steer today I simplifies with them we’ll come back to that experience in a moment because the diamond challenge goals is underway with K from Netherlands and Spelman from Ireland here going off absolutely explosively aren’t they Pete well that’s a great start I’m really happy we have how both Crews have had a really clean one not looking like they’re having to overcorrect their steering at all really really nice start to this race so it’s the diamond challenge goals this is a fantastic historic trophy that’s been raised for by so many people we’ve got the Olympic champion uh world champion OE zider coming to try and win for the fourth time as part of this uh this uh race that has been going since 1844 everyone wants to win this in don’t they what are you saying here P well what I’d say firstly is this is the one event that I’ve never got to race in and I’m jealous of them because this is really gladitorial rowing this is this is rowing one to one head-to-head at Henley you have the challenge of racing but look at that bumpy water in a single skull you feel every bit of that absolutely it’s lovely skulling from both skulls here and so at this stage in the race they’ve gone off the start they’ve got an explosive start but it’s cat and mouse isn’t it they’re watching each other very intently here just trying to make sure they don’t let anybody slip away it certainly cat M and within the boat it will feel closer than it looks for us looking at this these races are long seven or 8 minutes probably maybe even over 8 minutes in this headwind there’s a long time and you don’t want to go too soon and I guess there’s also a reason you mentioned that you hadn’t done this event there’s somehow a reason that some of us maybe don’t go so successfully in the single you can see the lead’s already now been opened up quite nicely um it’s very different from being in a crew boat where you have others that are relying on you and you rely on there’s some difference in the psychology isn’t there Jack there absolutely difference for me it was great to be in a crew because I had three people to pull me along in these single skulling races it’s all you you have to be able to turn up training on your own every day Alan Campbell who rode in the Olympics for Great Britain always said that he was rowing with all the people who liked him right exactly it’s something of the spirit of the single scholar here and we’re watching now Lucas kater 21 years old won the Holland Becker 2024 a final in P rata in Italy recently at the University of Amsterdam and Rose for narus and interestingly he’s coached by legendary Dutch Co Cox uh Peter vome who coxed in Beijing in London and Rio the Dutch men’s eight and they are beautiful style of rowing in in the Netherlands so what a great coach to have for him great coach to have and you can see it you can see that skulling is really smooth there’s some really really long strokes going on and the thing is it’s not over for Ryan Spellman here he is also rowing long he looks like he’s in a manageable stroke rate and coming up to remm Club there’s still a good 2 and a half minutes of racing to go yeah we talk about the ology of skulling and being on your own and solo we do see quite upsets quite often happen in the single skulls just sort of sitting ahead of the opposition and feeling confident and then suddenly somebody attacks you and it can change quite quickly looking here with a Dutchman well he looks quite composed and can’t but he’s working reasonably hard isn’t he well he looks under control and and whatever the stroke rate is showing he’s worked hard to get in that position and his legs will be feeling that however calm however good his Poker Face is there will be some pain there yeah so we are just past the half halfway mark you can see four I think it says 4 minutes dead on that um marker that’s the fley marker that’s just about halfway down the course now we’re riding with Ryan Spelman he’s got some work to do through the middle but he’s not too far a drift at this stage and so this is the critical middle phase of the race so what would you be thinking of here if you’re in Spellman’s shoes well I’d be thinking to myself can I feel the wash from the guy ahead of me can I feel that I’m catching them up and if so let’s go for it yeah so with the poly water here we can see the athletes you know have to keep the boats how do they kind of keep it really really balanced and flat so these boats are about 30 cm wide they are really narrow and really really wobbly so there is a lot of skill involved in keeping these boats flat yeah indeed so you were out on the water earlier we were saying we maybe come on to that a little bit so what were the conditions like and how tricky is it for um The Cruise racing today yeah it’s a pretty strong and Gusty headwind it’s it is not always coming from the same direction there’s a lot of other River traffic that makes the water quite turbulent it’s it’s pretty difficult to stay straight and there’s a lot of activity you have to do to make sure you stay on path I’m just looking at the shot and you can see actually if you pick out the flags all the way around along the course there you can see them fluttering they’ll be in slightly different directions they’ve just gone past this quite wide Bay which is an open area we often see crew struggling a little bit with steering there as the wind WIS around now you’re a Leander man this is you know you basically know this this River as well as anything in your life probably and so you’ll know how to contend with this but some of these crews are coming across for the first time to race here and it’s quite an alien environment for absolutely and this race just being that bit longer is 2,112 M compared to the 2,000 that we would typically race in international competitions against the stream of the river with a bit of a headwind this is a couple of minutes longer sometimes than what you’re used to doing and as you say I mean certainly remember for me many years ago now the first time I raced at Henley just not knowing where those markers are you’re expecting a marker at 500 M 1,000 meters and instead of that you get the marker at 402 637 805 1,47 so it’s confusing but I think they will know that they can smell home and I can see a little bit more um pressure and a little bit more of a Sprint maybe practicing his Sprint uh there for kiter and the Dutch skulling boat the yellow empaca boat as he powers to the line yeah I wonder whether Ryan briyan Spellman started to put in a a push and actually then Lucas kider got a bit worried and thought hey I need to do something here because you never feel like you’re as far ahead as you really are as well that’s such an important thing even the most experienced athletes like this you know you want to make sure that you’ve shut the door on your opposition and if there’s a little bit of a move you want to take it through now he relaxes the last couple of Strokes crosses the line first he’ll be happy with that as he goes through to fight another day in the legendary Diamond challenge skulls credit though to Ryan Spelman who really pushed hard uh through the early part of the race and then held on sufficiently to keep the Dutchman busy and watch R throughout the day so that’s a win for kiter Lucas kiter from Netherlands over Ryan Spelman from Ireland [Music] well the racing is coming Relentless today this is the t’s challenge cup now and we’re on the start uh with Marlo Rowing Club furest from the B from Marlo and T amateur Roan CL on the right of ation okay here we go this is a very fast through from time coming out here against Marlo Ro club now I’ve been looking through crew list here and I can see Alan bird in the Marlo R Club boat Alan bird is I think 53 years old and Alan bird actually used to wrot Maiden had R Club where I learned to row he is a gentle giant and a a bit of a Goliath on the Masters rowing scene well fantastic to see somebody in their 50s here I can identify with the joy of rowing still at that age but to compete and get in the crew like that is amazing we should mention I made a mistake with your name for a second because I was rowing with your father Jack Pete bont who was a legendary Olympian like yourself but here we are the pedigree of the parents and the and the used together and T have gone off to an absolute flyer haven’t they they have and and the thing is inside these boats it feels hectic at this part of the race you’re going at 45 46 Strokes per minute it’s hard and hard to maintain your techniqu so they look great so it’s hectic and it’s hard but more so perhaps for the Marlo B crew now they will know on form they were 128th I think in the head of the river and um Ty were 39th now we’re looking down as the crews uh row under us and what a great shot there we can see Ty in that commanding position and more relaxed more patient and longer as a result of the confidence the lead gives you yeah and what you can see in this time boat from this great drone shot is they’re putting their blades in really quite far outwards but you can see the little bit of Splash on the back of their blades just shows that they’re not missing anything around the front of the stroke expert um analysis there so yeah we’re looking for that little bit of Splash as the or goes in that says that they’re not missing any length for the stroke and now we join these Crews live at and the birds scatter uh in the path of th amateur Rowing Club um looking confident still and you can see as we talked about in the last race a little bit of swirl and Popple on the water here as um both crews are bouncing around a little bit it’s absolutely unique it’s Unique rowing this type of water so Dynamic it’s almost as though it’s a big um rug that someone’s holding the end and shaking really really hard to row on now you made the comment there uh about Alan bird in the 6 SE at 53 years of age now you’ve had a fantastic uh International career Olympic medalist and uh World medalist that you’ve now come back in were you in semi- retirement are you back full-time how how’s it been for you to come back and I wonder what it’s like for Allan to come back at 53 absolutely more than semi-retirement I love rowing I still get involved in rowing I love this rasso it’s been a huge part of my life ever since I was a child this is my 14th rasso racing had one where I didn’t qualify I’m I can’t stay away it’s brilliant and that’s what we’re here for we’re making history we’re building bonds and we’re doing something that’s distinctive and the French ships and the camaraderie that’s built is fantastic so here we go across the line first it’s Ty am Rowing Club and they are crossing the line ahead of a valiant effort from Marlo Rowing Club B they took it out from the start and they put the result in the bag so confirming the win for Ty amateur Rowing Club in the temps challenge cup so we got Jack B on here and I want to surprise him by just looking back at the race just earlier couple of hours ago this morning you were up against a lightweight German uh quad here we go you’re on the left Jack in the two seat I think so took us through how this unfolded for you you were down here yeah I’ll tell you what I knew we were down I didn’t realize quite how far down so when I looked to the left and I was steering at my boat I could see the stern of their boat and it got to the stage where it didn’t go any further away which made me feel happy that we could maybe reel them in yeah so there you are you got through them by the end how does it feel across the line after being down like that felt fantastic but you can see my face at the back was in pain and there was a lot of a lot of wretching going on afterwards well credit to you to come back after well you called it retirement and so many people now here to watch these races for Henley rata it’s great atmosphere isn’t it and great to race in front of those crowds it means so much to us doesn’t it yeah and there’s nothing like it you know when we would go and race at the Olympic Games or World Championships or whatever for 1,750 me of the race there was just a coaches cycling along here you have crowds lining the bank all the way and it’s it’s great to have that noise yeah we really appreciate the support cuz so much of what we do in rowing is solitary isn’t it on the machine or just with your fellow athletes in the dark in the early mornings and in the late evenings for one week we’re like professional footballers playing at Old Trafford absolutely I love that yeah well will it be coming home I don’t know but here we are up on the start now um and it’s the quads it’s the Prince of Wales challenge uh Cup this is intermediate men’s quadral skulls and we’re looking here over the two Crews that will be racing and on the Buckingham station here this is Queens University from Belfast um just sitting calm and ready and they are coming up against BF um R Club from Denmark so yeah coming over here from from Denmark we we’ve had a history of Danes coming quite a bit actually and theyd love to come and race Henley as many do 27 different nationalities of Crews enter the rata it’s our record breaking rata here and you know you’ve been on the international scene you’ve been at the Olympics and I guess people talk about coming to Henley and all of those Crews I’ve never met a rower from another country who isn’t interested in coming to Henley it’s so unique look at this and ever since it’s been broadcasted with this fantastic production which I think is better than anything I’ve had at other competitions they must watch it on YouTube and think this is a sort of bucket list thing yeah well certainly the international entries have gone up and up in the nine or so years since we’ve been live streaming on YouTube and carried on various TV channels around the world and so welcome wherever you are if you’re just waking up in the US and joining hen Ro welcome to you but also Welcome to our viewers in Denmark looking here for BP uh at the top of our picture to see what they can do against the Queen University of Belfast closest to us we’re about to go away let’s listen to the sound of these quads take off attention go the trains fell out of the station in the Prince of Wales challenge cup it’s BF on the left and Queens University Belfast on the right getting away pretty clean a little touch of the hat from hore in the stroke seat of Belfast before they get underway very relaxed start from him well you could definitely see that the bware team would really up for it they had taken two strokes before Queens B pass had taken one let’s see how that’s paid off for them and Know Jack you’re probably one of the most experienced and successful athletes we’ve got who Road a quad so take us through what it’s like to be in this particular boat class well it’s it’s it’s quite interesting because you have there’s a lot going on four four there’s eight blades going on you’re going not too much slower than an eight there a really quick FL there’s a lot of sort of skill you have to be able to do and and Carry Out fantastically whilst working as hard as you can and at this point in the race you’re trying to decide when when and how do we transition from the real brutality of the start onto a sustainable Race Face but the races are still short enough that it can’t be that sustainable you’re really on the knife edge super far super exciting vat to watch and as we as we look at what’s going on here we can see a little bit of Advantage now from Queens University Belfast coming into this it’s quite hard to judge the form we know that the um buf CL crew was second at the Danish championships we’ve got a couple of under 23 silver medalist lightweights in the Belfast crew in Bow and stroke and at the moment it looks like Belfast have got a pretty good position this early in the race yeah and I really like the way that Queen’s Belfast boat is sort of rocking over with their bodies and then in the second second half of the stroke you can see a big sort of hip swing and in this kind of headwind that really really pays off so talk us through that so the headwind you have to run a bit differently explain for those who maybe friends and family what what that means so the the race is a bit longer the the wind is definitely not helping you and I think it really helps to use your body weight to sort of be a bit brutal into the wind in in these sort of headwind conditions and that shot shows it perfectly exactly what Jax just say you can see the legs go down but the body sort of swing back on top of it don’t they so has a really nice feeling of acceler there yeah you can actually sort of see the boat tipping forwards and backwards and that is the body’s the the weight of the body swinging forwards and back and if you can get that right I think you can use a swing to actually move the boat so it’s not only what your plays are doing but actually that swing so there we go H Mo sitting at stroke Ron and given behind him Fergus Bryce two and Kieran pery in the bow seat they range between 20 and 24 years of age from Belfast and now we’re looking at them on the left of the picture you can see they’ve opened up a bit of a lead I think the Umpire was intervening a bit um looks to me like the alar crew a little bit um close to the center of the track here in the Umpire will be making sure that they’re not impeding um in any way um the crew from bere yeah and having steered out there this morning it is not easy to stay on a straight line really both of us us and our opposition got warn through the race but if I were the um the Queen’s Belfast steersman I’d be doing my best just to stay on my station now not give anyone of reason to worry just make it a clean race yes so Kier in the B to the Belfast Queen University of b crew has got the steering shoe so these quads you’ve got two ORS and some people would steer a quad just by kind of changing the pressure on the the ORS but typically they’ll also because they’re so fast what have a little rud um to add to the steering too yeah so for those of you that haven’t been inside a rowing boat there is we have shoes inside the boat pretty much a pair of trainers inside the boat and they’re fixed in and the stair person is on a a kind of swivel pivot thing which is attached to a cable to a Rudder so you can twist your shoe and that will change the direction of the boat here is B fair with Nicholas Schmidt in the stroke seat 28 years old at three Malta purau also 28 Emil enen BR at two 25 years old and yakob cl Clon at B 20 years old 28 years old so a bit older in the crew but they’ve got a lot to do now B far and they’re well they’re right up against the booms I’d be a bit uncomfortable um when you can feel that you’re that close to an obstruction it can be a bit unsettling can’t it it certainly can be but sometimes people want to be close to the booms as well to know that they’re doing a straight course so if you’re the Ste and you’re in control for the other three it’s pretty scary to be close so that’s right actually I really remember this from when I was steering fours and quads and and other people were as well sometimes you want to be the steerer cuz you know what you can do but the crew has to really trust you and if they start to feel hang on you’re not doing your job then their attention goes off their jobs part of the the nature of being a crew isn’t it trusting yeah well you know in my boat the other three I’m sure would do a great job of steering I just want to do it because I know I’m in control of it well let’s get into personality person personality traits a little bit later so here we go this is lovely sculling isn’t it Jack let’s just talk us through what you can see here it’s great like this shot really really showcases it you can just see how their bodies rock over as they can’t the catch okay what the blades do is fantastic but that’s exactly the same in the b quad they are a good-looking crew but just the way their sort of hands Come Away the recovery phase you see the boat just surge on as they rock over and that’s perfect that’s what you want and I’m always looking for Simplicity just look at the straight line they cutting through that course there hasn’t been a deviation from that straight line for them they’re in a comfortable position super straight super super simple super long as you say and I think you called it out really nicely against the uh Against the Wind they’re just Levering um so it’s kind of efficient they’re using the body weight as much as the as the power of those legs and backs to to move both through the water yeah and what they’re also doing fantastically is in this wind it’s quite difficult to square your blades and put them into the water in a clean way and all together umire Richard Phelps just warning the B sorry warning the Queen’s University crew again they were a little bit Clos to the middle so for the first time they’re having to make a little bit of a steering correction there get back on the straighten now and now we can see behind them those boxes those wooden structures in the river you can just about see the uh red circle there which is at the finish line above it a box of lights that tell us when the crew has pass the line so they’re within uh reach now of the finisher rata and um they’re being warned Again by Richard phelp so they’re probably being blown across the course a little bit here well what I’m wondering is whether they put in such a big shift in the first half of the race to get this s of lead that actually now they are really like looking for home and and struggling to maintain the steering because it is hard when you fill of LA cassid and and you know you’re thinking about all of the other bits the skill I spoke about at the start of the race the steering bit is the first thing to go so right jack isn’t it although these athletes look like they’re in control they’ve done a lot of work and they’re pretty tired and that third quarter of the race is the one that we all kind of know is the well it’s the bad lands it’s the difficult time you’re going black on things and even if you’re in a command you may well be feeling rather more tired so the’s watchful eye remains on that’s Richard Phelps in his Cambridge cap there and his latim school Blazer colorful characters all of our umpires here lots of growing knowledge between them but here we go uh Queens University Belfast are coming into the last few STS now if they if it finishes as it looks like it will they’ll really want to make sure in the closer races that they are more on top of that steering because that can be a race loser absolutely right so after any race there’s always dis discussions win or lose you know win and go onto the next round lose and learn as we say so there’s always things to be learned from any performance however good but crossing the line now we’ve got bber um who have been beaten today by Queens University Belfast just coming alongside to um pay their respects to each other so win for Queens University Belfast in the Prince of Wales challenge cut over the visitors from BF um Richard Phelps I think just looking to have a quiet word with the Cruis as they cross the line just to make sure they understand his instructions in steering uh and make sure that we’re having a safe regat of what the umpires all want to do is have clean races safe regs and their instructions really there to to to make sure that that happens that we can have the best possible Growing Experience where everyone [Music] here well now it’s a different boat class it’s still skulling so great to have Jackal along side for this as well this is the Princess Royal challenge cup and away we go already open women single event and we’ve got Amy Robson from New Zealand on the left of our picture and Mary Keta from the US on the right and that was a really powerful start you could hear them you could really hear the sort of the release of the water when they get to the end of the stroke and that’s a really great sound when you hear in in summer racing you’re so joyful to hear that aren’t you I guess it’s one of the things we like as a as a rower is you know nerves on the start but then to get underway and feel the boat really start moving you there is a sense of Joy isn’t there really even Steven so far far as they come up to our cataman and onto the boom section of the course the danger zone is over they’re neatly in the right line here and away we go let’s just see what what are you seeing here uh nearest to the picture in the yellow boat well what I’m seeing is is that the water looks turbulent and to to to someone that might not watch rowing so much that might look calm but if you’re inside these very narrow looking boats it is really difficult absolutely so that’s Mary Keta 38 years old these are both lightweight women and Mary glet just tring to get from the start Pace the blistering pace of the start into a rhythm but as you say the water does look rather bouncy you can see our cat is bouncing up and down as the schulls are bouncing up and down as well there’s more and more boats through the week um creating weight for our competitors it’s an outdoor Sport and you have to take the conditions you get it’s an outdoor Sport and also you can flip it around yes it’s difficult but actually it’s an opportunity to gain half a length as it seems that Amy Robson is doing from in on on the B station yeah she might be a touch well sheltered over there from these conditions potentially but you’re absolutely right you know if the difficult conditions come and you’ve trained in difficult water then you might go well this is my time actually and as we look down from above we can indeed see that 34-year-old Amy Robson uh has started to ease out to have an advantage there on what we call the bar station that’s the the station nearest to the stewards enclosure to the bottom of the picture here but it’s still pretty close there’s an overlap still isn’t there there’s certainly an overlap and and in this kind of this part of the race this is where maybe starts to favor the Bucking ofation a little bit so maybe for Mary Keta this is time to push yeah it’s fascinating actually if you look at the Records books through the years we get pretty much equal wins on one side and the other but it can vary if there’s a lot of stream these athletes are racing against the flow of the river so they’re racing um Upstream effectively here then you’ve got different wind conditions so it can sometimes vary a little bit day by day and rata by rata is what’s going on so we’re looking now back and you can see as they pass that signal how close they are the two and the one in red just behind uh the umpires launch signifying the position with those Crews and and this is a real real game of cat and mouse I suppose so the way I describe rowing and how it feels inside a race and I say this a lot is it’s like you put your hand over a gas hob you turn it on and you just keep twisting it up and up and up and you have to keep your hand there longer than everyone else and that seems to be the case right now yeah so here we are let’s have a look at this sculling and what do you think of the technique going down here there from um from the lightweight color here it looks strong it looks clean it looks like she’s making great shape around the Finish there you know then on this bouncy water you don’t want to be getting your blades caught you want to be able to just move nicely and here we go this is tight we’ve got a race on our hands haven’t we we’ve got the kiwi and the Californian alongside each other as they come into the stewards enclosure and actually the KE kiwi Amy Robson uh has moved back I think moved back into contention from almost having a break in the clear water um between her and um Mary Keta so we got a race on our hands yeah so I met Mary Keta at Leander just after qualifying races and she was delighted to be here she had raced at Henley wom she was so excited I think she’ll be pumped to get through this if she can lots of racing in the US but great that Mary’s come over to race with us and from Halfway Around the World Amy Robson um from New Zealand as well and they are giving it everything these two women they’re not looking across at each other which is pretty professional but how aware will they be of the other athletes at this race I don’t understand how they’re not looking at each other because I definitely would be they I think you know if they if they’ve been skilled and training in the single a lot they you get this spatial awareness and be able to use your peripheral vision to see am I gaining are they close and but really you want to stay in your boat if you were the perfect rower you would never look and you would just repeat your stroke again and again and they’re doing a great job of this the red and white of Mary kette a really nice Strong Style you can see how she really kind of connects and pushes the boat um through the water connect those ores into the water and pushes it along she looks like she’s holding on to that lead now actually really big attack and uh yeah and so here we go into the enclosures and on the bar side absolutely it’s Amy Robson now who’s taken the lead over Mary Keta Amy has pushed through that um third quarter of the race into a leading position now for the final stes and and this is some proper single skulling races that just look at them they have worked so hard and you can see that Grimace on the face it’s a tough sport but a fantastic one to be a part of [Applause] so coming up to the line it’s the Princess Royal challenge cup for Open Women’s Scholars and crossing the line first on the B station for New Zealand it’s Amy Robson and and just ahead of Mary Keta from California confirmation of that result there great respect for these two battled out all the way down the and you can see from that picture there they left it all out on the water that was no easy feet absolutely nor really really tough game the single skulls and we are on the start for the irland challenge cup that’s student women’s eight and we’ve got from Gran our year from the Netherlands and they are against Drexel USA closest in the fixer so away they go the Dutch and the Americans in this student eight race really loud start really loud start and really loud from the copes now I was never that experienced in rowing in cop boats so I don’t really know too much about that but what what sort of things are they saying in this part of the race well quite often they’re trying to remind the crew not to completely rip the yours off the side of the boat cuz going from that standing start youve really got to kind of get the Boat Moving it’s a bit like imagine you got a car wheel and the car’s upside down you’re trying to move the wheel faster and faster just ripping it isn’t going to move it you’ve got to give it a chance to um to accelerate and that’s what they’re trying to do so sometimes the nerves mean you get an overe explosive start so the there to coach but also to give information now already here we are riding with Drexel and well it looks like Aya have taken a really strong early lead yeah you can see in in the sort of background that shot that Aya eight is just rowing that bit longer just seems like they’re getting that bit more distance per stroke than Drax boat who are working really hard now with these late races 5 minutes apart but taking longer than 5 minutes we now join the race live and we are just passing the halfway March so that where you can see the numbers which are the times that go up just 9 M after that is exactly halfway down this um eccentrically uh distance 20112 M track there and well Drexel have now got you know a length and a half maybe two lengths of clear water separating them from the Dutch crew from our year yeah and when when you’re ahead in this kind of race you are at Henley you are just thinking I want this race you want to enjoy it because it’s a fantastic feeling but also you want it to end because you canot mess it up that’s right and so um for many of the crews you don’t know quite what the form will be this this competition between the Americans and the dcks they W have raced before so they’ll be trying to judge the form but they won’t know how the race would unfold until you actually get down there and now for the Dutch crew from our year well they are in a good position so what do they do they could choose to race all the way but actually um it’s a multi-round event it’s a knockout tournament so they’ll be thinking about conserving energy for the next day and that looks like what they’re doing they stroke rate number of Str minute has come down and just perhaps talking through where we are on the course getting familiar with the the new landmarks Dev yeah I think they’ll be doing that they’ll be enjoying it as well if I was to be if I was the cop of that boat or the bow person in in the sort of quad boats would be saying enjoy this because it’s not very often you get to row through the stewards enclosure ahead and it’s a fantastic feeling you might never do it again absolutely you’re absolutely right I mean it’s the best feeling of course to do that on finals day as you’ve done a few times over the years but you’re absolutely right getting that feeling and getting familiar with an unfamiliar track I think is really important because when you are when the chips are really down and you need everything you want to be absolutely clear how far away that finish line is the answer is it’s right there for the young women from grenan uh the AY year crew um have had a great day at the office today so congratulations to them and as Drexel all the way from the USA come across the line now um they had well they had their workout out because Aya went off to that blistering start and they never really saw much of a sniff of them but well done for them for rowing all the way through the course as strongly as they possibly could so that is a win for GSR Arya from the Netherlands over Drexel University USA so two more races till the te interval this is the princess Elizabeth challenge cup that’s Junior men’s eights Hamilton boys school also from New Zealand had a kiwi Onslaught on the track today against the holders St Edwards school to the right of the picture away they go okay and that looks like a quick start from senwood school and you know if you’re the holdest you’re coming back defending the cup you want to turn off and do the business but you wouldn’t be coming all the way from New Zealand unless you had something to prove absolutely so again we don’t know what the form will be and neither do the crew so St Edwards really want to lay down the markers the holders of the cup they had a fantastic campaign last year and the first victory for many years for St Edwards was last year’s Henley regata they wanted to try to match that this year and so far the race plans going reasonably well for them at this early stage there’s a lot of energy going down isn’t that those 16 rowers lot of hard work and a lot of Splash coming off those blades absolutely so here we are with St Edward they’ve got a very nice um style as well coached by Johnny singfield um a fantastic orsman himself in his day I was fortunate to road with Johnny and the British team for a number of years and he’s been really successful bringing his um feel for the boat and his approach to rowing and racing to St Edward’s school and then alongside we’ve got this unconventionally uh red uh crew there um which is interesting to look at isn’t it from the Hamilton boys school in New Zealand so normally in an eight you’d be alterer left right in terms of the ORS and we see that in most of the eights here but the New Zealand rig is is quite an unusual one yeah I wonder why they’ve done that whether it’s about having the right people in the right seats in the boat or whether they want to avoid putting their blades into other people’s puddles it’s quite an interesting rig but here with um St Edwards they are rowing fantastically long they are that looks really in control brilliant rowing absolutely so this youngon Edwards crew 17 and 18 years of age and the Cox Felix Jameson is only 16 years um and but some winning pedigree across this uh across this crew lots of GB representation and obviously um they’re following in the footsteps of last year’s crew who’ve got their name on the cup uh the S Edwards crew here uh was six at the national schools Championship eights event um so they know they’ve got other British schools who are faster but today they’re demonstrating that they’re ahead of the of the New Zealand crew have come all the way around the world to race here at Henley and thank you Hamilton boys school from New Zealand for joining us at Henley we’re delighted to have you here and if you’re watching in very very small hours in New Zealand welcome uh to the coverage at Hen and what’s brilliant when you watch these races these junior junior men’s eight is the standard is really really high this is this isn’t um the sort of after school rugby sport schools teams we had these these sort of folks if you took them to the junior World Championships they would do a great job yeah absolutely right many of these athletes will be going or have been going to the junior World Championships and and that’s exactly what the the boys from C Edward School want to do as they come up to the Finish Line that’s Jack Manaj Jose M Rufus Henning fly Henwood Zenny Chapman Elan Hughes Harvey Buford Nicholas Beckler cocked by Felix Jameson coming up to the line they’ll be pleased with the work that they’ve done there took an early lead and didn’t give the crew from Hamilton boys school much of a chance Hamilton boys school for the first time for them down the Henley track um no shame in racing one of the fastest British crews and crossing the line now but Edward scor looking pretty calm and not too tired after that although it’s been a decent day’s workout for them and it’s a T cup so slightly more experienced athletes um but also a blistering race ahead of us in the TS cup we’ve got manura Ro cup from B in the gold on the left and Avon Rowing Club from New Zealand in the red and white on the right of our PI so bar and a but not that one okay it looks like a great start from both it looks like the manura bath maybe rating slightly higher it looks like maybe they wanted to try and jump out quickly so it’d be interesting to see how that went well actually it’s the red and white of a Roy Club in New Zealand that have taken off explosively haven’t they look at this that ISC really incredible lead after 20 or 30 Strokes yeah just looking at the stroke man of the of the aan crew his legs are going down some real power there they’ve gone off with some intent haven’t they absolutely so that’s Fred vavasor 20 years of age sitting in the stroke seat of the aan New Zealand crew and they’ve already broken to clear water over the manura bath Rowing Club crew and interesting point about the crew from aen they’re being coached by Olympic gold medalist from Great Britain will satch who spent a couple of years out in New Zealand coaching um coaching at Price college and and now with his aen crew absolutely he’s been busy as well today hasn’t he well was busy with me so he’s been this is his second trip down the course so well and now we can see looking back you can see Temple Island that beautiful Landmark sitting that’s where the start happens just alongside that on the hening course that’s a key marker for us and now we’re looking at the red and white of a Rowing Club of New Zealand um nice long rowing from them so can you see something of will sat’s style in here Pete uh Jack sorry well I tell you what one thing will is is an absolute grafter and they look like they’re putting some serious wats down under under the water and and they’re not Lessing up you can see the way that they’re sort of starting the recovery phase of the stroke they’re still rating high and still still working hard yeah battling hard as you’d expect from uh will satch and his crew rising to the example that he sets and this is a super strong uh lead for them very very difficult now for manura bath who’ve actually got a bunch of hen experience uh between them um and uh they have uh a lot of work to do as we comes through to the middle of the course halfway mark here at Farley yeah it must be a very very difficult position to be in here for Bena bath but you know different people come here with different targets as well that’s for some people to compete at riasa is the Pinnacle of their their rowing they want to do some people are here to try and win win and take the trophies home and for everyone it’s a a fantastic place to be absolutely so beautiful colors on the water here and you can really see the sort of the pattern of Puddles being put down by this crew it’s what we call sort of chaining along almost a continuous series of marks in the water showing where the Watts have been left on the Henley Track by um this Avon crew and liking the way that they’re run you say it’s aggressive but it’s also got a degree of fluidness to it hasn’t it so the boats running nicely yeah it looks very fluid it looks like if if you were to sort of take everyone’s heads off they are doing exactly the same thing these eight people these eight men are really really synchronized so they’ve definitely been drilled well in their training well let’s let them keep their heads today if you don’t mind um might metaphorically take Scouts but um you also need you know there’s a there’s quite a mental game with drawing as you mentioned that isn’t there as well so there’s a technical game individually collectively but the mental game’s there as well making sure you’re responding together as a crew psychologically how you’re approaching the race and how you prepared for a race like this yeah and one thing at Henley is that you are racing against Crews that you know nothing about now it’s so International that like we’ve all been saying it’s well record international entry a lot of these International Crews you only find out how good they are by racing them we don’t know anything so we’re looking at manura bath and in the B seat Matthew Hunter two Jonathan Nagel three Roma sugara four Joe Mumy five Chris Pati six marus Shaw Gregory Harden in seven seat and stroke James caw and they vary between 22 and 35 years old by zifa Kelly so a bunch of experience on the Henley track across that um manura bar throwing Club crew but it’s not enough for the well Tred even Rowing Club Pro from New Zealand will satch this is his home stretch too just like you jack will have given them everything they need to know about the Henley course they have watched probably countless videos to know exactly where they are and they’ve read a really Nic control race yeah they you know they are brilliantly in control but what I like about that manura b through right now is that whilst it’s hard and they you know the it doesn’t look like they’re in the position that their dream of being in they have not given up they have not given up they’re absolutely going for it you know what else I love I really love their bright kit which is brightening up a pretty gr day here in Henley absolutely we love the colors of Henley and if you come to the rata and if you watch our coverage you can see so many colors on the banks and one of the great things about racing here is the bonds it forges within clubs and across clubs and Through the Ages and uh that’s one of the things that I love about the rat and you know in that manura crew as I say we got athletes ranging from uh their early 20 20y old Jonathan Nagel at two and then 35 year James frore at stroke so um across the ages coming together um to combine in these Crews and it’s definitely a sport where we really try to learn fast as well isn’t it one of the things I’m interested when I talk to people from other sports is how much very quickly in rowing we go this went well this didn’t go well how do we change that one of the great things I think we learn when we come out into the real world how we can apply that yeah definitely always sort of bre briefing before sessions debriefing after them debriefing when you win which is an interesting thing you know it’s never we won it’s we won how could we win [Applause] better so here we go uh over to the finish line for the New Zealand crew halfway around the planet to be here and they’ll be very happy they made the journey today and as you say manura bath you know uh you win or you learn and what an experience for them to be up against such a fast crew at henle rata loads of experience in that boat and plenty more today as we see a nice relaxed finish and that kind of friendship and crew coming together really important in driving the boat here and here the beautiful yellow color of manura bath coming past the steward’s enclosure and and that’s it and and now hopefully manura bath would have had a great race enjoy the rest ofata and also if it were me I’d be rooting now for for a r Club to say I lost to the winners so it’s Avon Rowing Club uh beating manura B Avon and B go together but from Halfway Around around the world from each other great performance from the new zealanders so Jack it’s your first time in the commentary box you were racing this morning what’s your impression looking at from this side of the camera what was the afternoon Racing for you it’s f it hurts a lot less which is great but but I know how much it hurts for them and for every viewer watching it is brutal out there you know it’s fantastic really really wonderful athletes super Ro and super entertainment there we always have Elvis here at this regata we always have a massive inflatable duck Nobody Knows Why and as The Umbrellas come out we say thank you join us after the tea interval back to Ali Vance thank you very much yeah we’ll be back with the commentary team at 5:30 I’m coming down to the I’ve come down to the boat tents and what is another really great thing about this regat is the overseas entry and actually in those last five races seven of the 10 Crews from overseas one of them joins me now Amy Robson victorious in the women’s single skulls all the way from Hamilton in New Zealand um and what people might not have seen you cross the finish line in front and then you were in absolutely floods of tears all the way back to the Pontoon oh maybe not quite floods of Tears by uh my standards but yeah it’s a pretty big deal to win a side by side at Hy Royal so yeah how long is this is your first time racing here how long has this been the plan uh well I was supposed to come over in 2020 um uh but the great Global pandemic kind of put a stop stop stop to that um so yeah it’s been 4 and a half years and in the making but have finally made it so really stucked and it was a super close race T me through it oh my goodness well I’m not usually one to be kind of leading off the start um so yeah trying to hold that coming through the middle and she sort of came storming back and very much had to hold on through that whole second half but somehow managed to do it but my goodness that that was hard talked about the overseas um you know the number of overseas teams here three New Zealand teams in that last session yeah absolutely so Hamilton boys high school are here Avon and there’s also a crew from whiteo umed in the south island so yeah they put us all in one block together about 3:00 a.m. in New Zealand so not the best viewing time well I’m hoping that your family and friends will be watching this um It’s a Long Way to come that just shows the the stature that Henley has around the world yeah absolutely like you know pretty much as soon as you’re AER you know about Henley Royal and you know I also Row for West End Rowing Club based in ockland which is M Drive Styles Club so you know as a what six time Diamond skulls um champ like it’s it’s a big part of my time growing up through rowing as well well you got a day off tomorrow enjoy a little bit of a a rest and and good luck when you get back on the water on Friday thank you very much for joining us Amy the rain is coming down we’ve going to take a little break then from our live coverage we’ll be back at 5:30 local time for the final session here on day two of Henley Royal regasa from student women’s eights now to the wargrave challenge Cup this is Club women’s eight another really new event here at Henry Ro regata Vesta Rowing Club on the barire station Lee Rowing Club on the buck and Shar station and you can hear that noise cam it is very characteristics of an eight race and Vester to me just look they’ve taken the Scruff is raised by the scrub of the net a bit more aggressive off the start bit more lively that’s what I want to see in an eight Leah just caught a little a little bit off the start for the first couple strokes but it looks as though things have equalized a little there we go quarter of a length maybe a third of a length but just call that off the start just a bit more aggression from invest and that’s what you need in eight racing you need to get that boat up to speed very quickly so this was the start of this race in the wgre challenge cup they started quickly but now jumping to the live pictures and Vesta that’s an interesting rig isn’t it cam they they seem to have a double bucket I don’t think I’ve seen that before but fair fair play to them I think that what they’re obviously doing is once we once we said with other um races is optimizing that crew optimizing the Rhythm which is towards the back of the boat the stroke person who’s nearest the Cox and then those sort of first two three people are really setting that strong Rhythm so we must be having really good uh Rhythm setting down from Jana Patel Elizabeth Barnett and Michaela blowing re setting the way for Natasha Johnson Jennifer gol ASU haer Bridget Hall Eliza agrios and Victoria Lacy what a lovely shot of both Crews and and Vesta just in a Sublime Rhythm to my eyes here yeah brilliant from the Vesta crew um I was talking to one of their coaches Jack alkington yesterday coached by both him and you and Murray uh the Vesta crew and they said a really nice blend of experience in this Vesta crew we’ve got four athletes who learned to row in the Vesta program and we’ve got four athletes who have uh been sort of you know in various places around the world international rowing program so it’s sort of a blend of exper experience and uh and new bees to the sport and you can just see they just did a really nice job of stepping out it’s called stepping out of those puddles so pushing those ORS away and you can see the puddles of water that they’re leaving and if you look at the people towards the back of the boat the stroke and seven person those ores are just entering the water just beyond the puddles of their teammates in the bows and that’s what you want to be seeing in an eight getting good distance P stroke lovely drone shot of that length in the V the hall yeah stunning shots from the Drone overhead as we fly past fley and there is the bows of the best crew you see Victoria Lacy um in L at agropolis in in the two seat and I wonder whether that is sibling of Daphne agropolis who we saw in the London Rowing Club B crew coxing earlier uh a familiar surname at least for us in the commentary box in the last two races but brilliant here you can see the uh the look on Elizabeth Barnett’s face at stroke she is grimacing this still hard work and in the background they’ll have had a boost from the rim Club of which Vester a proud member of yeah we heard that noise as they came through remin and it’s what you want to see with great rowing is almost the swan analogy of everything looks calm from a distance smooth long and languid but then that closeup on the face you can just see the teeth gritting we know how hard that is the lungs burning the legs are burning everything is being consumed great to see Lee here Johnny in the B seat Anna Emon moing in the two seat Caroline Carson Elizabeth Chapman gr Maguire Corell Lee Jam Sinclair Camille mat aelina Martin and Lois Baxter coxing that crew for Lee and a great fact I learned about Lee cam is that they are one of the only clubs I think one of two clubs at this Riata that qualified everything uh that they could so the senior men’s uh somebody in senior men somebody in senior women somebody in junior men’s and in junior women so they’ve got a full complement of boats here at this regetta Henley full house I love it a Henley full house we should make that a thing shouldn’t we that’s great but Vesta you can uh see here still so synchronized um and just a beautiful run on that boat yeah it’s really nice and it looks as though they’ve got quite High uh rig it looks as though the boat is nicely out of the water and they’re all pulling or pushing the boat with those ores coming quite high up in the Torso that really allows if you know not not just today but if the water becomes choppy later in the rata they’ve got good space they can just come out of those puddles really nice crisp blade work that you can see in that shot lovely yeah excellent here from Vesta Rowan CL I think they’re anticipating quite a close race with Lee they said they’ve done a lot of match racing over the winter season um s of 7K pieces where they were only separated by a couple of seconds so best’s putting a lot of work here into the summer racing season yeah and that’s that’s how you want to win an eight race aggressive off the start settle into a nice high Pace do the business this and then manage the race through that last third well done ladies excellent here from Vester and the war grave like we said a new event from a couple of years ago 2021 the first year of the walgrave challenge cup and TS have been pretty dominant uh in last year’s event but this year Vesta looking good winning out ahead of Lee Rowing Club in this day two of henle roett here we so underway with this heat of the temple challenge cup and out of the blocks look at n Go they have uh they must know the reputation and and this um sort of rivalry goes back a long way in the temple Brooks and neural but they are rocketing out here in in the island but I like the way Brooks have built off the start there really simple really leg driven not looking as aggressive and as as sort of floundering around with the blades in their house but to me that looks looks like a steam train that’s building um really like that start by the Brooks crew well done boys yeah we had a great shot there closeup of that Brooks crew where you could just see the knees all hitting the deck together and I think that leg timing is something that Brooks just have like a machine right they are metronomic with that uh with that drive which is the part of the stroke that we push the boat along 100% And if if I’m in the brook SE crew and I know that I’m racing a nous crew that done 539 over 2K which is fantastically quick I know that we’re going to have to have a the race of Our Lives to do this so I like the way they’ve built what I would want to look for now is making sure that can we stay with them can we get that leg driven stroke as we go through the barrier into the middle of the race that would be a statement wouldn’t it if oxa Brooks can row back this three4 of a length deficit to beat the premier crew from Amsterdam uh from newal because like we said the depth that Brooks have I said yesterday on the commentary was 99 athletes they have racing across this reget I was corrected earlier by Hugo G their calculations say 103 athletes in total for Rox of Brooks and Taurus racing here this week but they’re holding just that smidge of over up here cam well we have nine of them here and they are doing a fantastic job of staying in touch and that’s just going to sew the seed of doubt if I’m in their and I’ve expended a lot of energy I’m expected to win this race and they’re hanging with me that’s just going to put some doubt in my mind not on home water and I know that Brook’s reputation so we are in for a race here we really are in for a race you can see the stroke man there yasper Simons of newal she’s backed up by Cen vanderbar and Stein smos uh Sam gar then in the five seeds uh Anto tus in the four seed James Graham at three Martin vam in the T seat and class bow B for and I just saw a there’s a little bit of a sideways look a little bit of Doubt so yasper Simon in the seven seat just looking over the right hand side they’re not gone they’re not gone what’s happening and I can just see that sewing in the Naros group both Crews looking as though they’re run really nice and long they’re going to need to keep their technique going and their Rhythm strong as the pressure just grows and grows well look at this Oxford Brooks if we were to uh sort of you know denote this in terms of seats they’ve now got what five seats of athletes overlapping here with neuras that’s far far more than they had back at the barrier uh and at the half mile yeah it’s going to be a close race and I think that this is going to be about who can make sure that they get their rowing right when the pressure is on Lovely shot here of both Crews and to my eyes it looks like nous is just a little bit higher in rate to me that’s two ways we can think yes great they’ve got a high rate of striking but Brooks have things in the tank they can re increase that rate of striking as long as they keep the length as long as they keep the power they have more boat speed to give so here we go well neuros they’re used to this this is exactly what happened in their opening round against Edinburgh yesterday where they got out to three quarters of a length they couldn’t Edinburgh and the same thing happening a blueprint race here being laid out in this heat of the temple challenge cup and Benjamin Ferris in The Strokes it just looks super calm I like what he’s doing he’s not worried about the other crew he’s backed up really nicely by his mate yako over Turf they’re just setting a rhythm they’re half a length let’s sit here and let’s start to move whereas This nous Crew they going to have to defend this loving the race so far so this Brooks sea crew let’s let’s be fa this is their third eight entered into this event despite the the entry in The Grand in the ladies this is actually in fact their fifth crew overall in terms of ranking and they are putting the pressure all over the Dutchman from new house on the buck station and I could just see Emma Joy’s shoulders move I think she’s made a call that strike rate is just increased slightly I hope you can appreciate on the left hand side of your picture the rate at which they’re taking Strokes is just increased and they are moving back to within maybe I think a quarter of a length here we go oh Oxford Brooks doing what they do best which is really responding as a unit here when it’s asked of them they will put themselves on the line to put them in a position to dominate and flood this round of the temple challenge cup they are creeping up ever so slowly on new they’ve got a few hundred meters left a row they’re about to enter the enclosures and I think the noise level is going to be pretty deafening so if you’re at home watching this yes they can hear you both Brooks and their house they are hearing the cheers and if you’re having a prawn sandwich I would make yourself make your way to the because this is going to be exciting what a race as we come into this last quarter wow here we go what have new got to respond what cards have they got left to give yesterday they managed to win over Edinburgh by just half a length in the end and this is actually closing to a narrower margin than that as Oxford Brooks give it one last go into the reget enclosure and to me it looks like Brooks have just slightly gone and they don’t look like they have much more in the tank where nous of kick look at that shot there of the B seat I can see CL B and Martin worm in the bows just keeping that hole out of the water they look nice and Lively now I wouldn’t be surprised if we cut out and we see them in a little bit further in the lead really nice rowing from both Crews yeah I think Oxford Brooks maybe just had to do something pretty marvelous to try and get the lead here which was going early but that is now paying itself back because they are exhausted I’m sure little looks out of the crew that’s very rare to see isn’t it from the center of the boat I think it was Sam G in the five seat just checking to see how close they were to n and that is you’re right Cam that has slipped back here but they’re made of strong stuff and I can see the Brooks have increased that rate of striking once again and N have responded so both Crews flat out we can see the teeth we can see those faces full of pain this is going to go right down to the last 10 15 Strokes here we go here we go Oxford Brooks have one last go at this but it’s not going to be enough I think they’ve run out of water here on this barsh station and Ne El have uh I think will manage to get almost a length in hand towards the line and that is uh indeed the price that Oxford Brooks will pay for that very brave move around ranum uh they had to do something but nural will be the crew that progresses through in this Temple challenge Cup by just over 34 of a length awesome racing so there is the uh result nous B will uh progress through in this event uh ahead of Oxford Brooks University C we’ve now got the wargrave challenge cup so we go from the club men’s eights to the club women’s eights here on day two of heny Retta Marlo Rowing Club on the left hand side of your screen on the bar station Upper TS Rowing Club B on the Buckingham share station and two local clubs here cam they are separated by no more than a handful of miles on the same sort of stretch of the temps and uh they’re facing each other here in this Warg grve challenge cup they’ll roughly know what speed they are they’ll raced each other domestically this year they’ll they’ll know what the crack is as to who’s in What boat so they’ll have a good measure on what they need to do in this race and a brilliant start there for Marlo uh the Marlo crew on that barsh station on the far side did have a great start but actually we jumping live now and the uh the rolls have reversed it looks as the upper temps have just got that little bit extra length in their boat and they’re a little bit higher in the rate uh to me I can think that they must have had a nice hold of that Rhythm coming out of the start phase into a more Superior boat speed so a length at the moment but this is a very long race and things do happen they do and I think so long as Marlo can keep touch uh then they’ve got an opportunity to Edge their way back into this WG great challenge cup heat the Marlo crew that’s uh trailing at the moment uh Cox bite Rose kofus and Racing for the third time here at Henley Roy rata raced last year with the Henley Rowing Club Dad’s Army crew in the 10 so back in the women’s version of the club eights the the W grave and uh in front of her in the stern pair Amy wght at stroke her first Henry roata and similarly at seven I cannot believe the first Henry roata for paralympic champion from Tokyo 2020 Ellen butrick um but that Marlo crew nothing much has changed for them here as they come towards remm club cam yeah and upper temps to me look as though they’re actually going through the gears slightly it looks a really nice Rhythm quite an inviting Rhythm to row in and I think that they just increased their rate of striking oh there’s a little bit of a crab on the on the stroke side of the four person there or the for man she’s just taken a little bit of a wobble but it looks as they’re back on that Rhythm to where they were before perhaps C actually we had a nice shot a minute ago of them rowing past their own Rowing Club on this stretch of water so they’ll have lots of friends and family on the bank and you you’ve probably been there and you know what it’s like right when you know that those people are cheering and watching for you you try and stay in the zone but they’ll know that that’s exactly where they are on the course well not only did they have them cheering but they had commentators curse saying how well they were doing and there was a bit of a wobble so uh we apologize we won’t say anything more positive until the rest of the race until it’s done but look both crews are doing fantastic rowing I can see that it looks as though Marlo Rowing Club of increase again trying to bring that race plan forward and it looks as though they’re trying to throw everything at their compatriots in the upper 10 Rowing Club B trying to get back on terms in this race yeah trying to get back on terms and uh they’ll it would be it’s great to see them because three of this uh eight in the Marlo crew have actually come up through the learn to Road program they’ve only R for three years so to then debut at Henley roata what a stage right to to try to continue on your rowing career and that will surely motivate them to keep coming back for more but upper temps have extended that lead out now under the guidance of Zoe Thomas in the Cox’s seek she’s a very experienced Henley Cox sixth Henley here in 2024 and uh yeah she’s managed to do a great job down this course and uh and Coach CLA forg as well in that coaching team with Mark Banks who uh head coach at Leander club for a number of years so he’ll bring a wealth of experience to this program obviously a Club they’ll know this water they’ll know this stretch and they’ll be able to execute this race plan perfectly and you can just see actually the bubbles on the the bubble on the water continuing to be a bit more like a washing machine than a mirror at this point in time yeah and if if you’re new and joining us here at Henley welcome but this is one of the the great things that we have to manage is that the river isn’t closed outside of the racing track there are there are pleasure cruises there are public boats and that creates this little undercurrent that’s liveliness to the water and that’s one of the factors in the outdoor sport that you have to manage in these conditions this is a lovely shot of upper temps just to me looked a little bit more Superior in length in rhythm in speed and execution doing a great job with about a half length clear water over Marlo yeah this is a brilliant result for the B crew and they’ve got an a crew also in this event up atemp so another nine athletes uh yet to come in this walgrave challenge cup but the crew to get through yet another round and it’s like anything right the more entries that you’ve got the the more chance you have of getting to those later stages of the competition and how fast you are and how fast you are of course but that maintained distance that was set from uh remm I would say the middle of the course EMP just held that length and a quarter over the line but uh a brilliant job there by that b crew to win that heat of the wargrave challenge cup so there we go that is the first stroke that Pete was just talking about there that they practiced time and time again and both very clean here to Hope on the right hand side of your picture from the Netherlands none such those Bristol alumni on the left hand side of your picture and what a great start here from D hopei absolutely it looked like they were heading slightly towards the middle of the station but actually the reacted incredibly quickly and made sure that they’re on the best best possible track for the rest of this race and actually off the start it’s really hard to separate both of these Crews by any margin yeah just C us here to the near side crew uh the uh the Dutch crew from deot who’ have come here with High Hopes And deot I know an old Club themselves we’re talking about the history of Henley the hope uh was set up in 1848 we can see the stroke man there uh Peter dickin in the stroke seat 28 years of age and a lot of This Crew returning back from the finalist crew that made the temps challenge Cup Final in 2023 so hot favorites on paper absolutely This Crew is rooted in Tradition for Henley Royal rata that this club in particular is a previous winner of numerous events here over here at Henley and actually even this season they’ve been consistently producing a finals and medals at Dutch national championships yeah and you can see that here as they extend out and um we talked a little bit about the first TR we talked about the starting sequence this is quite important part of the race I think Pete is this off the end of the island is often where we’ll see Crews settle into a bit of a base Rhythm can you talk us through kind of what that looks like well firstly it’s important to know that physiologically your body will start to produce a lot of lactic in your muscle so that’s when the pain is really going to start to kick in so you need to transition from that start sequence into your middle of the r space that you can hold for about five or 6 minutes or so and then what that means is you need to take the stroke wavee down but it’s important to keep the Rhythm keep the speed in the boat so a lot of Crews talk about pushing onto the race actually and and using the legs and using the power shifting where they are play in order to to get the best out of themselves totally you know it’s not about dropping the pressure to get that Stoke R down it’s about lengthening out and keeping the pressure high and the boat speed high but uh yeah lengthening out we saw a great shot there of nun such boat club and uh this has been a wonderful story about nun such who have gathered together two to enter into this event and this none such boat club crew uh qualifying into this temp’s challenge cup event but it spans 10 years of alumni from uh from Bristol University wonderful to see them uh resurging back in uh in Henley roata they’ve been growing since they picked back up in 2021 and to have a an eight racing here on uh on this iconic stretch of water it shows you that it can bring clubs together beyond their University and beyond their rowing clubs uh you know somewhere like this in a race like this is is a real draw um for people who are out there in the rowing Community Rowing is not just about the sport but also the friends you make along the way and the camaraderie and Rowing is so important so it’s great to see that alumni coming together and actually more crews getting back together to race at Henley over and over again I think it’s interesting to not that this club actually is the um has this boat in particular from that club have been preparing out of Moy Boat Club ah so they’ve been used to rowing on the temps a little bit further into London on the temps mzy uh based in Su if you’re not familiar uh and very nice stretch of water indeed um but we’re now looking at the crew from The Hope in the Netherlands a huge Club The Hope they’ve got over a thousand members so we’ve gone from talking about a small and and growing Alumni club to a club that is uh Giant in uh in the Netherlands they’re base in central Amsterdam and uh say they were finalist last year this uh a lot of this crew in 2023 but um they’re stronger they’re back with a bang they recorded a very impressive time on the B Bar just a few weeks ago 538 uh this club eight managed to achieve which I think is pretty electric Pete absolutely is those times are so rapid uh pre in previous years in in the past few decades those would be the Henley winning times and now we see so many crews produce those sorts of speed and it’s just incredible to see I also think it’s worth noting that there coach will have definitely prepared them for racing for henle Roy rata seeing as he was the headman’s coach at T’s Ro club with Alexander smers a what I wonderful it’s great isn’t it how the rowing Network connects and uh those little nuggets of experience that coaches will have gone from coaching Crews uh in different parts of the world and especially here on the Henley stretch it’s a it’s a unique race you know it’s 112 M longer than any Olympic race than any sort of domestic normal 2K race it requires a unique set of coaching skills I think to to get Crews to perform really well here in Henley we say it’s 112 M more but actually when you’re an athlete in the boat doesn’t it feel like so much longer than that well I I’ve actually never raised 10 L over regetta myself because back when I uh was growing up there were no events for for junior women or for student women which we now have which is brilliant which just go to show the growth of this rata um but the Hope here entering into the rata enclosure and just taking a look at program it looks like they’ll be racing London B tomorrow if this result maintains if none such don’t have a dramatic surge through this final few hundred meters but uh yeah the hope I think looking uh pretty unbeatable at this point in time I think you might be right camil I think there’s maybe too much distance between the two Crews to make it up but one thing that Henley always delivers on is the surprise this and crew overcoming being from down in the race to actually getting their noses in front and Crossing that line first so I wouldn’t write non such off yet they’re not going to want to give up at this stage of the race especially seeing us this might be the last time they go down the track this year well here are none such on your screen now Alexander Morrison in the bow seat and uh Jonathan broadest in front of him the 37y old lots of Henley experience for him he’s raced him the the TS before the temple before back in 2007 the wifs the breach them too much every event available here at Henley Royal he’s then in front of him Chris Haywood Robert Davis John Davis Alexander Stevenson Andy Warren Andrew Turner in the stroke seat and simran Gil in the coxon seat for none such boat club and but uh that will be the last time I think as we have maybe a handful of Strokes to go probably five or so Strokes to go for Bristol here and they’ll have closed that Gap all the way to just over a length with the Hope taking it down through the second part of that race conserving that energy but there are our Victors here in this round of the t’s challenge cup The Hope Netherlands a big thank you to both Crews they’ve done an amazing performance and that was a beautiful display of rowing the island challenge cup now this is one of those student women’s eight events that I was talking about so this is new in 20121 this event and we’ve got two Crews from the USA going up here Southern men the Methodist University on the left hand side of your picture we’ve got Boston University on the right hand side of your picture one of my favorite things here Pete is all of the American universities have uh have uh mascots and we’ve got the Mustangs of the Southern Methodist uh University Texas going up against the Terriers of Boston University oh that’s just great to see that’s another tradition that that we get to see at Henry Ro rata and isn’t that just fantastic yeah look I mean the the Terriers are nipping at the heel here of the Texas Mustangs who are just a few seats out in front there on the right hand side of your picture if you’re tuning in in Texas 10:00 in the morning over there good morning to you and uh wow you they’re going to need your support these girls here because they’ve only got a matter of seats ahead my my apologies I think I’ve got that the wrong way around actually it’s Boston University on the buck station so indeed they still need your support so the Methodist College to try and bump up and overhaul Boston University those athletes from Texas are not going to go down without a fight for most of them this is actually the their last year of University so they’re going to want to make sure that they go out in style and they’re not going to leave an inch out on the course yeah they’re really not going to Boston here are going to try and hang on to this lead with every bit of Might that they can and uh this Boston crew it’s the Cox that will be able to see the five of Southern meth Methodist University Alexandra arz in the Cox and seat for Boston she was in the top 15 at the head of the Charles and a top 20 finisher at the NCAA that’s exactly the kind of person you want to keep you on your race strategy she’ll be talking to all of the eight athletes in front of her Pete um but she’ll be saying look watch out because here come the crew from Southern Methodist University USA look at this push this is quite the Sprint that we’re seeing here as they close down that Gap don’t you just love to see it that crew’s actually got wealth of experience as well there is a number of both GB trialers and US national champions in there and you can see them actually firing their experience through the water they’re not going to give up anytime soon not at all wow they’ve really come back here a number of meters that they’ve gained through this center part of the course and as they would say at the Southern Methodist University Pony up that’s their that’s their phrase and they certainly are ponying up to try and push back to level here with Boston University our early leaders from the east coast of America they’ve bought not only this a but also a copses four to race here at Henley Roy regata and they’re two of the five us universities we’ve got here on the screen uh racing in this island challenge cup but which one of them Pete is it going to be that’s going to progress through to the next round because this is teeing up to be an iconic race on the Wednesday of Henley roata oh that’s a fabulous question Camila I’m just really enjoying this drone sh of both Crews and it’s so hard to split them by any distance whatsoever I think Henley is once again going to treat us up to a close finish and here at Boston they were our early leaders for the majority of this track but I’m going to use your phrase it’s only the last stroke that counts here in this 2,112 met course and uh it’s going to be an important last stroke because they’ve got only two seats over the uh Southern Methodist University on the barkshire station who’s going to hear the crowd’s closest to them that noise from the right hand side from those grand stands starting to come into earshot now and that will boost them up as they start to push on now it’s so so close in this island challenge cup but it’s only the Wednesday this is a historic USA match up and there is the back of the Southern Methodist University an Ensley the 22-year-old in the bow seat part of the crew that’s been racing at the NCAA uh all year This Crew have been backto back straight title between 21 and 2024 uh and at the ACC rowing championships and they want to add another title to their uh roster coming into the last 200 M we’re literally just about to see who’s emptied their tank more who’s got more power left in their legs who can keep composed more who can turn that pressure into the ultimate success and get through to Thursday of Henry rata so have the Boston Terriers managed to overhaul the Giants of the Mustangs from Southern Methodist University Texas it certainly seems like it at the moment but it’s going to be only the last few Strokes that will tell us who won’t go through to the next round of the island challenge cup and Boston despite being absolutely exhausted have managed to find something from somewhere to give them that extra seat that they need that extra buffer to keep them ahead of those Boston University Terriers who gave everything through the center parts we thought they were going to draw level but Boston have whipped it out of the bag and they’ve done it when it counts across the line and it’s going to be almost a quarter of a length half a length now uh in that result in the island challenge Camp Boston ahead of Southern Methodist University well done to that crew that was incredible that this playoff power that we saw the composure the determination the grit and resilience in the last few hundred meters of that race really was a deciding factor and well done to Southern Methodist University from Texas we’ve loved having here at Henley the princess Elizabeth challenge cup now on the start this is KCs Wimbledon on the bar station on the left hand side of your screen and D College nearest to us on the right hand side of your picture great start there from both Crews for D College this is actually their fastest eight ever produced at that school and it’s important to know that this is a very local rivalry cuz both clubs are actually based on Putney embankment and and it’s only a couple of FO houses between each other yeah this is a real local match up one of the tightest of local Derbies I guess uh just I’d say maybe 100 meters separating the front doors of KCs Wimbledon and D College boat club there in Putney in Southwest London but KCs I think the crew with the pedigree in this princess Elizabeth challenge Cup in recent years the coach Patrick Dugen uh also coaches the under 19 uh GB Junior eight most years to either a medal or to Victory um and some great Crews that he’s also produced for the school incredible Patrick Dugen is incredibly respected coach he’s had some incredible achievements and actually his confidence in the crew racing today is beyond words and this KCs Wimbledon crew will have high hopes to race in the weekends racing of this princess Elizabeth challenge cut League progressed extremely far two years ago I think they’re each the weekend off the top of my head uh one of the best results that the school had seen in many a year uh but dich you know you can see here they’re racing KCs hard uh D you know they were a little bit further down the pecking order at the national schools reget which takes place at dney Lake in may they were at 11th overall so third in the bfal where is KCs who we’ve got here on screen all the way up in sixth in that ainal in that same Championship eight event I was just looking at blade work for KCs and aren’t they just so composed so together that movement that they’re generating off the back the Rhythm that that boat is moving at the speed is just something poetic and Pete you were telling me earlier actually about how this crew are not the biggest you know school boy crew that we’ve ever seen which makes that technique ever so important I think that’s the attribute of Patrick Dagen he can really get the most out of his Cruis and they don’t have the biggest Ergo average yet they were still in a national schools regata a final and there was what maybe 3 seconds between the eight Cruise and they’re going up against the fastest schoola that dll have ever produced right so it just goes to show that that’s dll there on screen James Farris Smith in the bowy 18 years of age going to study mechanical engineering at impal next year he’s not moving very far that’s another club that’s only two doors down from D so he’s staying within the same 100 meter radius Nicholas Elton in front of him AUST Blaine in the three seat alilio allei at four Mato Hannah amodio in the five seats Zachary Seymour at 6 Frederick Shalom at 7 Alex at stroke and Rahul Rak Krishnan in the coton seat and dich just coming now into view of our commentary box here and towards the line alongside our winners of that heat of the princess Elizabeth challenge cup Kings School uh College school Wimbledon now with the Prince of Wales challenge Cup this is the first day racing in the Prince of Wales and we’ve got pen Athletic Club USA on the bar show station on the left hand side of your screen and Lee Rowing Club and London Rowing Club as a composite on the right hand side of your picture beautiful start there from both Crews sculling is such a pleasure to watch there’s so much synchronicity so much symmetry I like to almost compare it to poetry it’s a very poetic way of moving the boat it is I just love watching the quad skulls and you can see here this composite on the near side as strokeman is from Lee Rowing Club it’s very pertinent there the leag colors at the helm of This Crew 23y old leis Powell uh and he’s joined by Isaac Workman George Cy and Eduardo Marshall in this Lee and London compe but look at this tight race and in fact I think we’ve had a change of leader the pen Athletic Club draw level through the center stages of the Prince of Wales I’m not surprised Camila they’ve got a former Olympic trist for the USA they’ve got a Navy Seal in a two seat and actually they’ve been doing some incredible results over in America in the quartz calls yeah they won the head of the sko which is a huge event over in the United States of America gold medal there um and this crew are all athletes that have come out the back of the US Olympic trials that took place in April in Sarasota Florida they didn’t quite make that step on to the American Olympic skulling team but they are currently being led out by a pretty young group of athletes from Leon London the composite crew actually have got a lot of Henley experience because the bow and the two seed won the wles last year their stroke seed is the Henley finalist and the three seed has actually got an under 23 gold medal from two years ago and they’re going to be pretty unnerved here by the fact that the crew from pen are really pushing them into into their Waters pen are really stretching the boundaries of that barsh station aren’t they P absolutely although when you’re in the boat it doesn’t feel like the course is as wide as the cameras could lead you to believe they are yeah there’s uh it’s certainly a pretty um nervy experience if you’ve got the steering cables in these quadruple skulls these boats all being steered by uh the the movement of a foot connected to steering wires with a Rudder underneath the boat that’s one of those athletes jobs uh to be doing that in this Prince of Wales uh challenge cup but look at this Lee and London they have been unfazed by that push through the center of the course the crew from pen Drew level and yet they’ve managed to produce almost a lengthen hand Now Incredible calling from the Leon London composite very horizontal very flat very powerful around the back end which is actually where you want to apply most of your power in the RO stroke so now they’ve managed to get that well wanted Clear Water ahead of the Americans London and Lee will just want to keep calm and I wonder how much they had to sort of pull out of their reserves in order to stretch out that and whether pen have got any Sprint finish in them and Pete that’s quite hard to judge here isn’t it and we were saying about how this course is 112 MERS longer than your standard Olympic course that the Americans will have been training towards all year but um you’ve got to time that Sprint just right most of these Crews will have actually been preparing this for the last few weeks it’s really important that they know exactly what they’re going to to execute at which point in the race and actually it doesn’t matter how much power they’ve use because they can recover these are these athletes are so used to training multiple times per day so this is no news to them we just saw a great shot there of the B seat from the pen Athletic Club Cooper Hurley the 27 year old this is first Henley for all of these athletes here Michael Herman Zack patronic and Webster Thompson in the stroke seat and uh This Crew I think Henley experience is something that you can’t quite put your finger on but it does something for these Crews right if you’ve been here before if you’re used to the landmarks the crowds uh everything that’s going on around you which this Le and London crew have got spades of experience at Henley Royal uh that’s done them Absolute Wonders by remm to give them now a very comfortable Victory which we would never have said that would we a few hundred meters ago no absolutely and that’s the thing about this course you have to be able to maintain your power all the way throughout the race cuz sometimes the result can change very quickly indeed so there is Our Winning crew from Lee and London Rowing Club leading and winning this Prince of Wales challenge cup Heat against the pen Athletic Club so this is the visitors challenge cup intermediate men’s fours and we’ve got Tel Aviv and Leander CL B here on the box Tel Aviv in the blue and white on the left of the picture and to be on the right away they go a bit of a nervous moment with steering always at this point absolutely a little bit absolutely especially those events it’s looking rather close the ones are already warning both Crews especially the under to move back over to their backing up share station and the on is Fiona Dennis here now she had a very challenging moment in exactly this situation yesterday where there was a disqualification for steering but fortunately this time the crews have moved apart she continues though to warn the Leander crew they are moving across the the rule here is you need to stay in your lane and not move across and impede the other crew otherwise there might be a foul despite that steering look at Leander well that Leander Cru comprised of actually uh three of the Harvard athletes and one of the uh Yale athletes so they’re all under 23s looking forward to their under 23 selection happening just after Henley Royal on the far side we’ve got the crew from hule rowing uh club and Tel Aviv Rowing Club it’s the first Tel Aviv crew and the first Israeli sweet crew we’ve had at Henley so welcome to them and they’ve been preparing uh all year for this race under coach Ben Lewis is one of our most experienced recent coaches um particularly AT mosy and T who’s won many trophies here so they’ve been preparing for this but leanda on their home stretch and you know they stretch well Pete um are pretty happily in the lead now absolutely they’re just going to hope to execute their best race plan possible and yeah they’ve got quite a decent lead at this point but credit to credit the crew from Israel if you’re watching in Tel Aviv it is 5:00 over there y welcome to everybody watching in Tel Aviv and Israel and indeed around the world we’re looking now at the Tel Aviv crew on the left of our picture in stroke seat Samuel scowen A 2023 Junior world champion in the stroke seat of the junior M8 so he’s got a ton of experience for a young man of only 18 years old and now we can see by the other end of The Crew That’s Cal gy who is an Israeli light mod men’s single under 23s competitor and he’s rode in various skulling boats in the past previously but switching here to the sweep or boat so from two ORS to one or how easy is it to make that switch it depends whether you started with sweep or skulling first we normally always say that if you started with skulling you’re more symmetrical therefore it’s easier for you to switch to whichever side versus swe it’s a little bit more difficult and tricky to switch from sweep back over to skulling in my experience yeah and obviously the more you can do in different disciplines the more chance you’ve got to compete at R rata looking at theander crew at stri Harry gin then camaron bakey at three behind him Tyler Haller at two and Joshua Fran at uh at Val um and they’ve got some form as well he haven’t they absolutely Harry gin is a double anded 23 world championship winner uh in the eight and last year in a pair with Miles beon and he’s also won this heat of the visitors challenge cup for Leander Club B um and uh the the campaign to be here from t well congratulations on getting to Henley rata and been part of this conversation but today it’s Leander on their home water who go through to the next round of the visitors challenge cup well the racing is coming Relentless today this is the temp’s challenge cup now and we’re on the start uh with Marlo Rowing Club furthest from us the bew from Marlo and Ty amateur Rowing Club on the right of our okay here we go this is a very fast through from time coming out here against Marlo R club now I’ve been looking through the crew list here and I can see Alan bird in the Marlo Rome Club boat Alan bird is I think 53 years old and Alan bird actually used to row at Maiden head Ro Club where I learned to row he is a gentle giant and a a bit of a Goliath on the Master’s rowing scene well fantastic to see somebody in their 50s here I can identify with the joy of rowing still at that age but to compete and get in the crew like that is amazing we should mention I made a mistake with your name for a second because I was R with your father Jack Pete Bowmont was a legend Olympian like yourself but here we are the pedigree of the parents and the and the youth together and Ty have gone off to an absolute flyer haven’t they they have and and the thing is inside these boats it feels hectic at this part of the race you’re going at 45 46 Strokes per minute it’s hard and hard to maintain your Technique so they look great so it’s hectic and it’s hard but more so perhaps for the Marlo B crew now they will know on form they were 128 I think in the head of the river and um time were 30 nth now we’re looking down as the crews uh row under us and what a great shot there we can see Ty in that commanding position and more relaxed more patient and longer as a result of the confidence the lead gives you yeah and what you can see in this time boat from this great drone shot is they’re putting their blades in really quite far outwards but you can see the little bit of Splash on the back of their blades just shows that they’re not missing anything around the front of the stroke expert um analysis there so yeah we’re looking for that little bit of Splash as the or goes in that says that they’re not missing any length for the stroke and now we join these Crews live and the birds scatter in the path of th amateur rowing plot um looking confident still and you can see as we talked about in the last race a little bit of swirl and Popple on the water here as um both crews are bouncing around a little bit it’s absolutely unique it’s Unique rowing this type of water so Dynamic it’s almost as though it’s a big um rug that someone’s holding the end and shaking really really hard to row on now you made the comment there uh about bird in the 60 to 53 years of age now you’ve had a fantastic International career Olympic medalist and World medalist but you’ve now come back in were you in semi-retirement are you back fulltime how how’s it been for you to come back and I wonder what it’s like for Allan to come back at 53 absolutely more than semi-retirement I love rowing I still get involved in rowing I love this rasso it’s been a huge part of my life ever since I was a child this is my 14th rasso racing I had one where I didn’t qualify I’m I can’t stay away it’s brilliant and that’s what we’re here for we’re making history we’re building bonds and we’re doing something that’s distinctive and the friendships and the camaraderie that’s built is fantastic so here we go across the line first it’s Ty am Rowing Club and they are crossing the line ahead of a valiant effort from Marlo Rowing Club B they took it out from the start and they put the result in the bag so confirming the win for Ty amateur Rowing Club in the temps challenge cup now it’s a different boat class it’s still skulling so great to have Jackal alongside for this as well this is the Princess Royal challenge cup and away we go already the Open Women’s singles event and we’ve got Amy Robson from New Zealand on the left of our picture and Mary Keta from the US on the right and that was a really powerful start you could hear them you could really hear the sort of the release of the water when they gets the end of the strike and that’s a really great sound when you hear in in summer racing you’re so joyful to hear that aren’t you I guess it’s one of the feelings we like as a as a rower is you know nerves on the start but then to get underway and feel the boat really start moving you there is a sense of Joy isn’t there really even Steven so far as they come up to our cataman and onto the boom section of the course the danger zone is over they’re neatly in the right line here and away we go let’s just see what what are you seeing here uh nearest to the picture in the yellow boat well what I’m seeing is is that the water looks turbulent and to to to someone that might not watch rowing so much that might look calm but if you’re inside these very n looking boats it is really difficult absolutely so that’s Mary GLA 38 years old these are both lightweight women and Mary coleta just trying to get from the start Pace the blistering pace of the start into a rhythm but as you say the water does look rather bouncy you can see our cat is bouncing up and down as the scholars are bouncing up and down as well there’s more and more boats through the week um creating weight for our competitors it’s an outdoor Sport and you have to take the conditions you get it’s an outdoor Sport and also you can flip it around yes it’s difficult but actually it’s an opportunity gain half a length as it seems that Amy Robson is doing from in on on the B station yeah she might be a touch moreall sheltered over there from these conditions potentially but you’re absolutely right you know if the difficult conditions come and you’ve trained in difficult water then you might go well this is my time actually and as we look down from above we can indeed see that 34-year-old Amy Robson uh has started to ease out to have an advantage there on what we call the barsh Station that’s the the station nearest to the steward’s enclosure to the bottom of the picture here it’s still pretty close there’s an overlap still isn’t there there’s certainly an overlap and in this kind of this part of the race this is where maybe starts the favor the Bucking ofation a little bit so maybe for Mary Keta this is time to push yeah it’s fascinating actually if you look at the Records books through the years we get pretty much equal wins on one side and the other but it can vary if there’s a lot of stream these athletes are racing against the flow of the river so they’re racing um Upstream effectively here then you’ve got different wind conditions so it can sometimes vary a little bit day by day and regata by rata is what’s going on so we’re looking now back and you can see as they pass that signal how close they are the two and the one in red just behind the umpires laun signifying the positions of those Crews and and this is a real real game of catam mouse I suppose so the way I describe rowing and how it feels inside a race and I say this a lot is it’s like you put your hand over a gas hob you turn it on and you just keep twisting it up and up and up and you have to keep your hand there longer than everyone else and that seems to be the case right now yeah so here we are let’s have a look at this sculling and and what you think of the technique going down here there from um from from the lightweight scar here it looks strong it looks clean it looks like she’s making great shape around the Finish there you know and on this bouncy water you don’t want to be getting your blades caught you want to be able to just move nicely and here we go this is tight we’ve got a race on our hands haven’t we we’ve got the kiwi and the Californian alongside each other as they come into the steward’s enclosure and actually the Kimi kiwi Amy Robson uh has moved back I think moved back into contention from almost having a break in the clear water um between her and um Mary Keta so we got a race on our hands yeah so I met Mary Keta at Leander just after qualifying races and she was delighted to be here she had raced at heny wom she was so excited I think she’ll be ped to get through this if she can lots of racing in the US but great that Mary’s come over to race with us and from Halfway Around the World Amy Robson um from New Zealand as well and they are giving it everything these two women they’re not looking across at each other which is pretty professional but how aware will they be of the other athlet at this race I don’t understand how they’re not looking at each other because I definitely would be they I think you know if they if they’ve been skilled and training in a single a lot they you get this spatial awareness and be able to use your peripheral vision to see am I gaining are they close and but really you want to stay in your boat if you were the perfect rower you would never look and you would just repeat your stroke again and again and they’re doing a great job of this the red and white of Mary Keta really nice Strong Style you can see how she really kind of connects and pushes the boat um through the water connect those ORS into the water and pushes it along she looks like she’s holding on to that lead now actually really big [Music] attack and uh yeah and so here we go into the enclosures and on the bar side absolutely it’s Amy Robson now who’s taken the lead over Mary Keta Amy has pushed through that um third quarter of the race into a leading position now for the final two Stokes and and this is some proper single sculling races just look at them they have work so hard and you can see that Grimace on the face it’s a tough sport but a fantastic one to be a part [Applause] of so coming up to the line it’s the Princess Royal challenge cup for Open Women’s Scholars and crossing the line first on the B station for New Zealand it’s Amy Robson and and just ahead of Mary GLA from California of that great respect for these two battle all the way down the and you can see from that picture there they left it all out on the water that was no easy feet absolutely not really really tough game the single skulls [Music] [Music] [Music] no go go for e now that is a fine way to enjoy Henley rata out on a raft in the middle of the river what a view these guys have got of the race course welcome back then to our live coverage we will be handing over to the commentators soon for our third and final session here on day two and I’m in the stewards enclosure which is another great place to enjoy the racing you can see these amazing uh deck chairs lining the river and I have to say the these will be filling up because people want to get the best vantage point to watch this afternoon or this evening’s racing from this is one of the sort of iconic pictures from Henley Royal regat what makes one of the things that makes it so special right we’ve got 21 races and 21 head-to-head contests to take us through to 7:30 local time so let’s rejoin our cometary team of Matt Britain and Moi Ali thank you welcome everybody from around the world here yes Matt Britain here with Mo be he triple Olympian and Olympic champion from Rio and now a new steward at Henley ratao how’s it been your first attempt at stewarding here yeah it’s been really great it’s such an honor um to be to be nominated and then obviously to become a steward and yeah taking it my stride and hopefully doing doing the role Justice yeah and as stewards both what we have to do is be in charge of making sure the regata happens well but also the racing so you’ve just been in the Finish box watching Cruz finish as we look at what’s coming up this afternoon as Ali said we got 21 races still to come 86 races to get today already 65 are done 6 C 5 Crews go out in this beautiful but brutal uh rata it’s a really brutal Prospect of racing and losing and then going home unfortunately so we’re on until 7:20 UK time so wherever you’re watching we hope you enjoy uh this afternoon’s racing a little bit overcast a little bit windy a little bit tricky conditions down the course for the competitors it’s not all straightforward as we go up to the start and look at the first race in Prospect this afternoon and this is is the stoner challenge trophy it’s the Open Women’s double skulls uh and we’re looking here at the two Crews competing today on the Barsha station that’s the crew from the University of bar Rea court and Ella fan sitting uh to the left of the picture there so it’s a young crew 21 and 18 respectively these two athletes and they are up against and this is what it’s like at Henley it’s the open Event they’re up against members of the German Olympic Squad Sarah vivance and Lisa Gus um who just missed out on Olympic selection they were one play short of getting to Paris for Germany so they want to make sure that they can show their class here yeah they really do and after after the disappointment of a non- qualification at The Last Chance Saloon in in lucern have the opportunity to win the stuner challenge Trophy this week and what a great way to do that in such an iconic venue so we’re sitting on the start and these are no nervous moments for any competitor however experience you’ve done this a few times hen how does it compare to sitting on the start of a six Lane race course slightly different because you’ve got the added challenge of the island and the steering you also got the noise along the bank and the cruise but one of the things that I used to like about Henley when you used to get onto the start pontoon was you’re safe because there’s a lot of distraction there’s a lot of Bounce there’s a lot of um especially when you get to the weekend it’s a very busy busy warm up so it’s quite nice to sit here and focusing on the Umpire it’s nice thought actually your safe because you’re quite nervous just getting to the start you could encounter all kinds of launches and wash we have the occasional breakage I think we saw one this morning um and then you’re under starters orders and and you’re under control of the Umpire super experienced International umpire there have Fiona Dennis a fellow Steward all the umpires are stewards of the rata we don’t just have a flashy badge on and swon around all week we’re involved in aligning you can see the little tent there we’ll be doing start lining when you learn that Duty soon and away they go already we’re off it’s the stoner challenge trophy we’ve got Corton Forman on the left of our picture and vivance and good FL from Germany on the right yeah really expect the crew from Germany to take the race on in the first first bit to the end of the island they will be race ready having done the final qualification magata in new so they’ll be quite sharp there’s a little bit of steering out towards the middle so they’ll need to make an adjustment so we’re looking at the Germans here from rud Club H Brandenburg and also from heidelberger rud Club SL and seepi in Germany and wow that’s a blistering PA we’re not even onto the Boom power of the course over just in the first 200 M and they’ve already got Clear Water yeah they’re showing their class here in this early start of the rage you can see there’s a little bit of bounces a little bit of wind on on the course so they’ll just want to get into their Rhythm really early strike a pattern test that beginning beginning um uh part of their race against the crew from B and then settle down into a nice race Rhythm so here we’re riding with the crew from B you can see the face of Ella foran only 18 years old in The Strokes it was an experience for her behind her 21 year old Rebecca Court these two are doing really well as rising talent in the British scene aren’t they um competing in their singles and doubles and in the um development pathway uh for the British team which is great to see and what an opportunity to race two members of the German team that just missed out on going to the Olympics this is a a real moment for the the crew from bar to be able to soak it up soak up that experience and aspire to where they want to go to so we’re looking here at the skulls of the German double and you can just see the sort of precision uh that you get from that quality of bit competitive yeah you really can they’re very in unison together you can see their shoulders very relax as they get to the front of the catch and the dble is often a little bit bouncy as a boat in itself so you can see the boat shell moving up and down but they’re really Roar very nice and clean you saw their blades just entering and exiting the water very nicely yeah right I mean these These are smaller boats aren’t they they’re shorter boats from the from the big eights and fours that we see mostly in the Henley track and that does mean there’s a little bit of forward backwards stability as well but you you really want to make sure you Propel the boat forward and you’re not stopping the boat on the way backwards some of the people might want to stop boats but these ones we want to keep them moving most certainly you want to keep that Stern move moving fluid and always towards the Finish you don’t want the stern to go under the water it’s always a a great sign to see a good Crews that just keep their Stern moving you’ll often see coaches just look at the Stern and coach from there rather than look at the rowers themselves yeah we sometimes pick this up perhaps we’ll see these shots as we go down the course we can see how that um back of the boat the stern of the boat is moving up and down which is a sign as you say of the efficiency of the row often even with big you know the big men athletes in the cruise you’re also looking for a flat boat with with you know 90 kilos or more per person pushing in the wrong direction it’s really critical that you ride the boat isn’t it here’s the women from bore what do you see here yeah you see they really kind of there they there there a little bit more tense up tops in the shoulders especially um the girl in the bow but they have got a nice ruid fluid Rhythm there’s a little bit more movement in the Shell when you compare it to the German crew so there’s there’s some work to do in their aspirations to get to the next level yeah I mean I guess you can just see the difference between two University uh athletes just starting in the University careers really and experienced International competi is in the German so you learn to take the tension out of the shoulders as you practice more and more training two or three times a day makes a big difference doesn’t it yeah it really does that practice makes permanence rather than practice makes perfect for the sport of R when you’re training three times a day you things become movements become second nature rather than having to overly think about them and and overly process the movement that you’re trying to Aspire to you see there’s a little bit more tension in the German crew as they go down the race is probably a little bit of fatigue but I can imagine they’re starting to think about dropping their rate getting into that nice 28 Rhythm where they could just sit and and and not expend too much energy so yeah looking overhead at the German crew here we can see the beauty of skulling when each athlete has got two ORS there’s even more kind of evidence synchronicity they’re quite close together and you can see any variation but here with the Germans you can see what a beautiful pattern they are it’s really nice you see their blades around the catch just looping into the water and then the Finish is coming out really nice and clean they’re over into the center of of the course probably looking to exert their a small bit of dominance over the field but they do look very relaxed and it’s very nice to be able to see such a a high pedigree crew in this event so we just come through the 3/4 mile signal which is about 1200 M down the course so they’re into the second half of the 212 M track you can see a little bit of steering going on there Mo yeah I can imagine that they’re conscious that they don’t want to go too far into the middle they’re paying the respect to the crew from bar but they are they are they’ve got a significant distance in front of that they won’t be impacting the crew from B too much but it’s about respect that’s one of the unique aspects of this this event it’s it’s crew against crew it’s really tough It’s ferocious but you have this level of respect for your opponents absolutely so we’re looking there at Sarah vivit vivance at B 23 years old world cup bronze medal in the women’s double in barrai World Cup and in front of her Lisa good f 25 years old two times NCAA Champion when she’s at the University of Texas so lots of experience in SP and and as you say it really really shows the amount of extra miles and training but what a great opportunity for 18 and 21y olds Ella and Rebecca from Bath to be on the same track competing against them and you know we always say you win and you or you learn and what a learning experience to see what’s possible to raise their game against these Germans the best learning experience is is during races like this so they’ll come away from this they they’ll evaluate everything they’ll evaluate their whole trap cuz they won’t give up as you can see here they’re still pushing towards the line as fast as they can they’ll probably evaluate how hard they need to go out the start that’s the thing that you do learn as you grow as you grow older in your career and and the the higher up you go in this in in the levels of row and the senior team it’s it’s extremely ferocious and it’s unforgiving if you get something slightly wrong in the start it it it’s compounded fura down the course so so well learned that that was those remarks there Mo and I think I I definitely remember the feeling of you know going from being a Junior that was doing quite well at school suddenly to competing internationally and then you’re alongside these people and they just disappear and you’re okay there’s a whole another level I need to find and when you’re Juniors is capped so your experience is often capped so you have 18y olds yes they might have done one two three regatas by that point then all of a sudden almost overnight you become a 19-year-old and you’re racing people that are 15 16 years older than you that have have been at this rata 10 15 times and they’re so well drilled and they so well experienced about how each part of the race can impact their performance so it’s it’s it is a learning curve there’s a lot to to take on when you jump make that jump from Juniors into under 23s and seniors and it and it and it just gets easier every single year that you wrot there’s a feeling isn’t there when you first sit alongside you know actual serious senior adults who’ve been to World Championships in the Olympics and you’re there as you say as a kind of tend to 19y Old the first time but somehow even the first race you do the intimidation gone you know we can see that these are humans alongside us we might have a bunch more work to do that you can see they’re just humans like us and I think that’s one of the great reasons that people come to Henley whether you’re in a race like this Rebecca and Ella 21 and 18 against the uh the German near Olympians or whether you’re in the junior event and seeing some of the international Cru like you know people will have watched you racing him Mo and maybe that’s pick their interest to come and compete again and and try and get into the team yeah ultimately everybody here is just a human being they’ve done certain level of training and and but it is that realization that you’re rowing against I remember racing here and thinking I could see Andre trigs hge Pete Reed in their pair and thinking I want to Aspire to be like them and you watch and you and you look at them as they train for me it was my co-commentator Martin cross winning Olympic gold in 1984 coming back to school and telling us uh the story and I realized that Olympians are just like us so thank you Mo for that remark as we watch vivance and good Flash from Germany cross the line dominant from the start and just showing you the caliber of international competitors and now a real Applause for these two young women from the University of bath Rebecca court at B Ella fulman at stroke great great experience I’m really hopeful that we’ll see these young women many times in future at Henley the Germans wait to acknowledge um their competitors and um we confirm that result there win for the Germans in the stoner challenge trophy this is the temps challenge cup an event started in 1868 Cambridge 99s the nines are on the left of our picture against Derby growing club in the white red blue and black on the right I absolutely love watching the 10 this challenge cup it means a lot to me and for moi it was such an event that the the the younger athletes development athletes who tried and Club athletes that will try to go on and win I only got As far as Saturday has haunted me ever since because once you make the senior team you can never go back into the 10 so many opportunities to to win that you missed by being too good Mo if only you were not quite so good so quickly but there you go it’s a cross you’ll have to B so here we are this the temps cup we’ve got Derby Rowing Club uh closest to the camera here it’s neck for neck stroke for stroke puddle for puddle right now and you get some fantastic racing the neck for neck puddle for puddle is what the temps is about it can sometimes be a bow ball a foot half a length and you get such unique set of racing where the crews are very very level both set of Crews will be in full-time employment and then they fit their training around as a club athlete exactly so now we’re coming live and we can see we’ve still got a competition on our hands Derby look to still have the edge as you mentioned the these are professionals these are people who are working and I noticed that Derby is populated by rollsroyce staff in the stern stroke Toby works at Rolls-Royce James Walker behind him a manufacturing engineer in the five seats Tim n who is a finance Analyst at Rolls-Royce so they’ve got the engine in there it’s a beautifully drilled engine isn’t it and they’ve lead they’ve LED out now to some clear water over c99 yeah they have and they look quite neat around the front uh with their blade work for a club crew it’s always often see can you can see their blade work just in Unis in their body movements also look nice and relaxed from behind as we can see here and it’s a a good a good good start to their their Wednesday race you can see the just tapping the boat there giving them some encouragement Cox is can verbal but they can also make noises along the boat the rowers will feel that in their seats and they’ll get some level of excitement and adrenaline from through their veins oh you’re just taking me back I love that feeling when the Cox gets excited in the the boat I remember racing here as a junior in the princess Elizabeth finals day the Roar of the crowd was so loud we just couldn’t hear the cops but we could just hear the guy banging the sides of the boat in encouragement and that something that stayed with me for for many years so they WR so many little things in rowing that make the event yeah it really does you can see here the the crew from Derby are coming into the the last bit of the enclosures with about a length bleed just about a length bleed they won’t be able to take their foot off the gas but they’re in control of this and keep the crew a bay so the foot was on the gas from the Rolls-Royce crew from Derby the manufacturers oliv Hanks James Crosley Marcus ree James Carden Tim M James Bennett James Walker Toby reading poped by Phoebe cookle X lightwe and they cross the line first with an overlap FL well done the nines from Cambridge 99 Rowing Club that’s um they raised their game against Derby but Derby took the win so we say congratulations and good work Derby and thank you and goodbye to cambrid 99 and another great race at Henley magata as we inch towards the last 20 20 or so races of the day so it’s more eights but this time time it’s from The Men’s Club eights to the Women’s Club eights it’s the wargrave uh challenge cup and we’ve got ter roing Club C uh and they are up against the City of Bristol closest to us so where we go in the T in the wargrave with 10 Ro Club C and City of Bristol said from The Men’s Club to the Women’s Club exactly the same set scenarios with the men’s and women’s events the unique closeness all of these athletes of professionals I see a nuclear engineer in the City of Bristol Club in the two seat so hopefully there’s a little bit of extra power for them as they drive down the course have they got rocket scientists to propel them through what’s it going to be like here we’ve got um as you say great Club racing absolutely love this you’re fitting a training around everything else in life it might be children and family and work as well looks like ts are out there TS have got such a strong pedigree in this event and this is their SE crew and uh and here they are um taking a very strong lead early on yeah taking a very strong lead but also roam extremely well for it so they’re they’re they’re still attacking the Rhythm you can see they’re not let up they’ve not taking their rate down they’re still driving the driving the boat ferociously as hard as they can as the the crew from City of Bristol are still trying to stay in involved because anything can happen down this course uh and that’s the beauty so you don’t want to give up you don’t want to just say right the race is done so they’ just passed through the 3/4 mile which is just well over halfway now and T’s R play looking um just to consolidate that lead and and we’ll see the difference in si as we often see here at Henley the the crew that gets ahead with a comfortable margin starts to relax more and you’ve said in earlier racing just look at the shoulders what tension there’s in the shoulders versus when you’re more confident yeah when you when you do take that lead after the start and it and you you can get a little bit of relaxation like you said and that makes you row even faster which is counterintuitive as a row cuz sometimes you think you need to be harder and stronger and and have that tension your body but when you relax you’re actually becoming more efficient and the weather closing in on this wargrave race uh it’s very very sort of light drizzle the stuff that sort of soaks you through without you really noticing as we look at the um as we look at the crews both battling out here here City of Bristol they’ve got well little grit and determination going on in these tough conditions for them both in the position of the race but also it’s kind of gone Misty hasn’t it and they’ll be feeling Misty already with just the exertion yeah and when the rain does come in like this you so become hyp sensitive of how slippery your hands might become um and the Cox is also going to have to still stay relaxed within himself make sure that the the steering rers don’t come slippery as well no mistakes but one of the things I used to worry about was catching crabs or or losing the ore because of your wet handles yeah you’re ABS right whatever the level of experience you have um when the ore handles wet it’s just a bit Slicker and you’re always you know you’re exerting a lot of force but you’re rotating the or squaring and Feathering we call it in and out of the water and there’s just a chance that it slips if you tip the water with the the spoon of the blade it would slip and then you try to put the blade in the water and it’s not quite square and that’s when you have a disaster Y and I’ve had many of those in my career um famously one in Australia which a fellow steart John BBY were always remind me of um because I went from leading the race to being dead last and and it just it can slow your boat down that quickly um and have such an impact on on your race so it brings in tension when we spoke about those loose shoulders when you’re worried about your grip you’re worried about your handle you you you you you’ll start to you’ll start to grip up as you can see the the crew from Bristol there looking nice and trying to bring in some of that relaxation as they go down the course yeah so it happens to the best of us doesn’t it the best of intentions but a little bit of the elements getting in the way and then that can lead to tension as well you’re worried about doing something and that makes it almost more likely and that’s where the training and the um the drill and the confidence of being out of the water in all conditions really helped you as you see the stroke girl of the City of Bristol Rowing Club was actually in one of the first Crews from City of Bristol to race at H Ro rata last year so to follow that up again in in in this year’s rata is fantastic and hopefully that shows progression and development for them and and they’ll be back again next year exactly so here’s T’s Rowing Club c um the holders of the wargrave challenge cup which they’re racing in with 10’s Rowing Club a the club event only started in 2021 and 10 Rowing Club crossing the line 37 entries for 22 slots to race here so huge interest in this club women’s event and a great Row from T’s Rowing Club C dominating really from the start and allowing them to relax and enjoy their rowing and set them up well for tomorrow while City of Bristol had the tougher call this time attacked all the way through the cross grit and determination as you said in some very tricky conditions for them as the rain set in through the race but a confirmation of that result TS Rowing Club C acknowledging and cheering City of Bristol as they cross the line and go through to tomorrow 10 drawing club and so we’re into coxless fours this is the visitors challenge cup intermediate men’s fors and we’ve got Henry Rowing Club and Dr and row Club Norway and Leander a Leander with their pink HS on the right of the picture and they’ve gone away cleanly but we’re always keeping an Eagle Eye on the steering as they go through the start Zone here yeah the visitors are always the ones the C for always the ones that have a little bit of wayward steering off the start there’s a little bit of pressure pressure balancing that needs to happen within the crew but then also the steersman also has to be really sensitive to the rod as you can see the crew from leando are definitely in the middle of they both straight and the flag is out of the bag Leander are been worn there across the middle just as you were saying Mo and that means the Umpire say get back onto your station we don’t want you Crossing uh out of neutral territory and over to impede the other the crew so we’re riding with Leander and they’ve with that perhaps that steering they’re just slightly behind it looks at this point in the race behind Henley and grummond Norway now the henan Norway crew um comes about because these four athletes are all at Yale University so they’re rowing for their original clubs but they’re actually a y crew but now the Lander have already made amends and starting to stretch out to lead this race yeah some good pedigree in this Leander crew as well there’s a Canadian uh world champion in the under 23 men’s 18 from 2021 uh in 3 seat P ler so there’s some good pedigree and and actually now you can see that the the crew from y representing Henley and and and the crew for uh dram RA in Norway steering out into the middle so there’s a bit more bit more activity on the rudder than you would probably want in a race so here’s some information for us at 3:21 to the fley mark and just passing the 3/4 mile signal we’ve got clear water now opening up with Leander um having to do a decent amount of work here Mo right there’s a lot of work going on in that boat yeah there is a lot of work and this is the this is the beauty of the visitors it’s an intermediate event it is a hard event it’s a ferocious event it’s often brings in some high level students under 23s and yeah it’s um it’s no easy races the week goes on but they they look they look tense or sorry they look like they’re putting in a lot of effort and they’re getting the reward at the moment yeah a lot of work going on here too in the um Henley and Drummond uh Rowing Club crew that’s Calvin tarzy sitting in the uh sorry that’s not that is Civ uh senomad sitting in the stroke seat 22 years old Eastern Sprints uh vity crew third place but it’s not enough at the moment cuz Leander really on their home water looking really good yeah looking really good they both Crews have got buckets in the middle of their boat so two rowers in the mid sat next to each other on the same side rather than the opposite side um bside stroked in in in the Leander boat and they are looking looking like actually they’re now reaping the reward from being ahead they’re looking like they started to relax as they start to come into the enclosures and they’ll get some local support home water and they’ll start to really enjoy the last 500 M of this course yeah as you say there there’s some good experienceing class in the uh in theander crew a bunch of different um Henley experience but each of them at least three uh Henley experiences behind them and up to five and six for a couple of them so a lot more experience and also they’re very familiar with the track but in s of paid off that approach have been quite tough and hard in the early part of the race it’s allowing now them to um just take a little bit more of a Bree breather while Henley and dram the Yale guys have to attack again and just keep pushing it all away little glance over the should shoulder from 22y Old Joe long in the bow seat there to check well just how far ahead are they yeah as a bow man he’s probably making a lot of the calls he’s trying to trying to drive his crew on to to come back and and and achieve a result that they want to do but he would have looked around and probably had to look a little bit further than what he wanted with this Leander crew yeah he’s steering as well so he’s got lots on his shoulders Bruce um Turnal in the B seat Joshua Boseman Jones at two Peter laner at three and stroke Calvin tarzy in lilanda crew with about five or 10 Strokes to go to the Finish Line um they’ll be very happy with that piece of work getting down the Henley track nice and cleanly in the uh in the visitors there they go through the line for Leander a and well a couple of lengths behind couple of lengths of clear water now behind Club dram uh the men studying at University single skulls it’s the men’s single skulls the Open men’s single skulls is the diamond challenge cup and what do we got here we’ve got um free from Australia and Paul from the Netherlands way to go now singles you you go out really hard but then you know that you’re just by yourself so you don’t want to overdo it you don’t want to end up halfway down the course and not have enough energy to to finish so it’s a real mental game here so we’ve seen this pattern as the scholar sort of drift slightly to the left of our picture here and the Umpire looks like Sarah winas our Steward colleague um umpiring this race has the flag in her hand but she’s not needed to raise it they’ve corrected themselves uh quite nicely here and um just get head onto the boom section of the course and um into hopefully um a rhythm that’s going to sustain them but already we can see there’s a bit of a gap open open up here yeah three from Australia has started to started this race a lot more aggressive you can see with his rate he was rating a lot higher maybe not as as long around the front you can see he’s got extremely long legs so he probably doesn’t need to get full compression there those 90° shins that coaches look for and looks like he’s really has taken on and got the reward for for it yeah quite a powerful Punchy stroke there is there from that’s Jackson Free he’s racing under the colors of surfus paradise Rowing Club Australia so you might think the name Jackson Free in surface Paradise means a lot of relaxation but there’s quite a lot of power going down down there too you look at his back so pushing it along quite well with those big powerful legs you mentioned yeah surface Paradise also suggest there’s quite big waves which wouldn’t be ideal for Rowan so um Maybe not maybe not as a exciting as we we first fought well it’s definitely not for surface it’s not much of a paradise out there at the moment you can see a little Popple on the water and it’s kind of Misty kind of damn condition so not super Pleasant and we were just talking in the last race about the risk of losing a grip on your or but when you’ve got only a hand on each or you can see the water there going over the canvas mode what’s going on there yeah it’s probably washed from a launch that is he’s just he’s just the same speed of at the moment he’s he’s unable to break clear of it you can see his boat is almost surfing ironically with with Ro from surfus Paradise you can see how the boat is the water is just waved up with the wake is coming through but it looks like he’s now finally broken free and there was one slight dough stroke on his stroke side door so hopefully he’s got through that unscathed well Jackson Free he’s kind of Breaking Free of his opposition Brian Paul from Treon um fantastic uh story here because Jackson is the son of Marcus who’s coaching him Marcus and Duncan free both competed at Henley at back in the ’90s winning in the doubles and so another connection the bonds that are built of History down the down the course and here we are now looking at Brian Paul from treaton in the Netherlands uh sculling well as well but I think maybe doesn’t have quite the same power that we see from Jackson no he’s also a lightweight rower so he probably is a little bit lighter um quite naturally whether he’s on weight at the moment or not um than Jackson Prix so as you can see here skulling though is yeah it’s very very nice sculling but probably doesn’t have the same raw power that Jackson Prix does so it’s Paul from the Netherlands and uh free from Australia and you can see the gap opening up really quite Misty conditions there now down the course feel sorry for the spectators lots of umbrellas I can see opening up on the banks as we look at the back of Jackson Free Surfers Paradise we could use some of your Sunshine being imported if You’ got any in your kit bag for tomorrow that would be great it’s a great day but the racing has illuminated us throughout the day so hopefully we’re we’re going to get some further great racing as this in this evening session excellent exactly so and well this is a race that has had incredible names on it the diamond uh challenge skulls uh race here at Henley Royal rata it started well way back in 1844 and of course still to come in the diamonds we’ve got olid zidler the reigning Champion heading off to Paris he’s chosen to come here unlike most of the Olympic teams who are off on their training camp he’s like no heny is where I prepare for My best performances yeah this could really change the way that Olympians or future Olympians um plan their years out cuz if zidler wins in Paris you might say that he’s actually he fine-tuned his skill set especially off the start at this rata where he has to do multiple rounds who knows what might happen in Paris but it’s it is slightly he he looks slightly out of place because he’s one of the such a new number of Olympians that are here at this rata yeah and you know he’s going for his fourth win in the diamonds I think maybe he’s got his eye on the on the record I think it’s six or seven wins from a couple of the competitors in the diamonds but we really appreciate it and you were saying earlier how when you talk to your fellow Olympians when you’re competing in those three games that you competed in or at the World Championships everyone wants to come and row here at Henley it’s so special the head-to-head combat the Do or Die the Death Or Glory of the Henley race and um that’s why people want to come here it’s been going since well it’s our 185th year this year and it’s a record Henley it is a record Henley and speaking to some fellow International competitors the one when they retire or they move out to the sport the one regret they don’t have is either competing here or winning here cuz it is it is historical it’s prestigious and it’s so unique against a lot of the racing calendar so for the Olympians to turn off is special for the Riata but it’s also special for them it’s such an experience that they won’t get anywhere else you feel the Baton being passed from generation to generation as the young here are inspired by the Olympians Olympians and um incredible Internationals who choose to compete here so we’re looking at Jackson Free from Australia welcome if you’re joining us early in the morning down in Australia uh where he rose down at in Queensland at Griffin University Welcome to all of you watching around the world as we see Jackson Free from surface Paradise in Australia up against Brian Paul from Treon in the Netherlands Welcome to our VI was there as well and now Jackson fre is just enjoying a moment in front of the crowds still huddling under their umbrellas Keen to see the best rowing in the world here as he crosses the line nicely done Jackson thanks for bringing a bit of sunshine to our afternoon so that’s confirmation Jackson Free Australia beeting Brian pole going through to tomorrow that’s me Matt Britain saying thank you now I leave you in the expert hands of my friend and for co- commentator Martin cross alongside Mosby thanks Matt for that fantastic spell commentary um so many things to say about surface Paradise there in that race thought you ticked all the boxes uh there was one that we missed off about Paul with election day tomorrow but we’ll move on from that and we won’t make this political okay so we are at the start with our boo camera flying over the cruise the women of Edinburg University B we’ve just flown over them in that light blue top and over there to the women of the University of Iowa Iowa and you can hear the giving instructions there crew is not quite Nam not quite sitting in the same as the program but we’ll talk to you a little bit about that as we go very get ready please okay fully so the island challenge cup has had some really close races today and um I think notingham University boat club and Daren Bost and Methodist un need be very close so um I reckon why are we going to be the favorites for this race Mo hopefully we get another tight race as this fantastic event for student women dat yeah so Iowa University against edenburn University D crew just pointing out the steering there Mo yeah surprising for cops boat to have slightly slightly awkward steering as it coming into the middle but that could be a pressure thinging rather than the rudder the bows being too keen and driving too hard off the start well look at the ey crew there a lot lot of power in that boat uh they wrote in the Big 10 conference which is kind of in the midwest which is going to be joining next year by Washington and Cal cu the Pack 12 ceases to exist and uh it’s a very competitive conference that it’s showing here they they’ve taken on the start and they look really good actually the way their body movements are coming through together they’re an aggressive physical strong group yeah uh the their coach Jeff G I was talking to him just earlier we’re looking at Edinburgh there we’ll talk about Jeff earlier and uh you can see there Frey Houston in the seven seat she was girls captain of aine school she raced at Henley last year she’s moved up into Edinburgh University just in the B seat you can see Charlotte glazby No Stranger there she’s on the right of the picture to the Henley Colson Edinburgh really hanging on to Iowa yeah they really are they’re actually settled into a nice race Rhythm they probably got a little bit of a better transition as you come into that race Rhythm just on you find your race rate 36 37 388 a rating a lot higher than what we were used to when I was when I was throwing so it’s quite quite interesting to see how they handle this next bit to the barrier it’s going to be fascinating so Iowa have got that early lead they are on the far side those women from the Midwest they Row in Iowa City on the Iowa River at the Beckwith boat house which is in the center of that and Edinburgh are moving back I think they are really minimizing the Gap now and probably pretty much level you spoke Martin earlier about this event having tight races and looks like we’ve got another one on our hands Edinburgh University B crew have taken on the challenge laid down by University of Iowa and they’re matching them stroke for stroke yeah Iowa went out quickly which I guess was something that their coach Jeff Garber has asked him to do he said he couldn’t be more proud of the Hawkeyes which is the nickname for the Iowa crew they’ve done every challenge they’ve handled every challenge that has been thrown at them and they’ve got boats that have qualified for Henley women’s Henley which is a great job so he’s absolutely delighted with what his crew has done and we’ll just have a look at the Iowa crew as they come past still got that lead Iowa and right there with the red cap on in the seven seat is Carrie Evans from Johannesburg South Africa she was a member of the South African Junior International rowing team and uh went to St Andrews girls school there she is great shot of her in the 7 SE and I think uh that’s Emma davet in the stroke seat and there’s a couple of I these Ians uh Mo who went to um the British schools so I think she went to shiplake Emma and uh Scarlet uh no Scarlet malam in the two seats at ship Lake and Emma is stroke of the British women’s eight at the under 23 World Championship so two British girls been recruited by the Iowa university it’s got some great pedigree and that lovely shot from behind it she shows how ferocious these women are rowing down this course there’s no letup this looks like we’ve got a great Humdinger on our hand here Martin and it’s really close to call Edinburgh might have just snuck in the lead over the last2 200 M down the court I’m not sure whether you agree yeah I think you’re right I think Edinburgh are in the league we’re our Bo camera around about halfway or just coming over to halfway this race has really got to unfold Iowa are just losing a little bit of traction in this race it’s nothing serious at the moment if you’re watching in Iowa these women can still do it but at the moment Edinburgh have got the Surge and they are going out to what third of a length yeah third of a length and they’re looking like they’re just starting to unravel a little bit they’ve lost some of that sharpness around the front they’re losing a little little bit of grip where a lot of the 8 speed is generated in this event where Edinburgh has remained really cool and calm through a while most of this race you know apart from that first 20 30 Strokes on the island so Natalie Mayer the Cox of the Iowa boat she came to the Iowa university as a warom which meant she didn’t know anything about Ryan before she came to Iowa and she’s got a real job to do to help motivate her crew back into this race they look like they h don’t they I mean all a cuff in the B SC she really looks like she’s dying out there doesn’t she yeah she really does look like she’s driven as much as she she can give you can see some body movement around in the shoulders and maybe carrying a bit too much tension she needs to loosen enough as they come through the encloses cuz this isn’t over yet so University of Iowa on the right of a picture if you’ve just joined us this is a very exciting race Iowa LED off and Edinburgh be crew have rode through them and this Edinburg be crew look absolutely fantastic just pick out a couple of them uh we talked about fry Houston and Charlotte glasby in the seven and B seat but we’ve got Lucy mlan Sophie Morgan ill mccum Olivia Burns Charlie fate betric beaver and Cox Pat Moody coached by John hickon and he is going to be satting the launch not saying anything CU you’re not supposed to say anything in the launch but he’s just going to be loving this move that his crew have made yeah he’s going to be really enjoying it he’s coached some under 23 Gold Medal winning crews in his career and I’m sure he would really appreciate and enjoy this race for what’s just happened to to be behind in an eight you can’t underestimate how much psychologically challenging that is especially for the rowers in the stern the cops can see but the rowers in the stern might not be able to see the crew from Iowa in their periphery so it’s actually a real strong mental game to be able to to come back back and bring them level and then start to see them in the front of them I think this race is done there I don’t see Iowa can come back from that position they were eighth in the B 10 Conference they’ve really done well over here they’re probably shortening up a little bit to try and get a bit more rate Mo yeah they’re shortening up and then with that comes its own side effects of you if you not have grip in the front like we spoke of earlier if your sharpness around the catch you’re probably losing too much distance for stroke has lost where his head stayed and remained really long and they’ve been very cool and calm and for a be crew this is extremely impressive so thanks to uh Josh Butler for pointing out to us that Iowa using Those comp blades Mo you ever used them no I have never used those apparently they meant to give you extra grip so coming up to the Finish Line it is Edinburgh University be crew what a race from those women fantastic and Pat in the stern the Cox and Iowa well go down must have looked so so promising to them at the start leading Edinburgh but uh the result of that race was the Edinburgh University B beat University of Iowa from the USA in the Ireland challenge cup yeah great result in performance there by Ed M but University of Iowa can hold their hands up high hold their heads up high they really challenged the boat and they really took the race on to the crew from Edinburgh so there’s Martino G see 38 years young the Italian lightweight scholar multiworld champion and his opponent from the Shanghai Jong University y Li and um guetti would you believe it m is coaching the Swiss eight in the 10s aonach who are coming down in about 10 minutes I don’t know if your coach ever raced just before you rode no I’d be quite worried if my Coach did race although I have been coached by some some some really Strong pedigree in the mcns and I wouldn’t put it past them to have come down the course at some point so guetti is rying a beautiful boat if you can get a shot of that boat at some time in the race it is a Stanley boat and all boats used to be made of wood I Rod raced in the world championships in wooden stanf geretti just moving out on his Chinese opponent there and it is all wood it is stunning I reckon it’ll be the only wooden bow here at this rata oh I’m sure I’m sure I agree with you there everything has moved to modern technology and carbon so to be racing in a a wooden boat is on this iconic course as well is is fantastic and we got contrast of styles here right you got a heavyweight scol you got a lightweight schol different rating different Power exertions yeah gett is Trucking he wants to get back quickly to watch his crew the TS doesn’t he he probably needs to get on the launch as quickly as possible and I’ll tell you what 38 years young but the 39y old SAR Cavendish the m missile just won the 35th record breaking to the France stage in s vbar beating Eddie ms’s 34 record so it just shows you guetti is showing us just like Cavendish did and there’s a shot of that boat mod oh it’s beautiful and it’s got the clear canvas on top which means you can see the inner workings of the shell and it these wooden boats are so iconic when I first joined Rowan and you could see them up then you wondered why people still kept them but now having growing to love the sport and and knowing how historical they are they’re they’re a piece of art they take a lot of craftsmanship and a lot of skill to be able to create a stable beautiful shell like this I’m I want a skull in that boat if he gets knocked out I’m going to ask him if I can borrow it for a skull on the H Co I think so guetti on the left the Italian who uh is rowing for the Moto gutsy club which I think is based on Lake KO in the north of Italy and Yu from the Shanghai Jong University he was in the Chinese eight at the world Champs uh both in uh rucha in 22 and Belgrade in 23 generally rose up in the two or three seat I haven’t seen him skulling before but the Chinese do kind of you know interesting things with their sort of uh sweet rowers and say right you’re in a single now mate um and there he is I guess the fastest Chinese scholar is the guy out the double jangang who probably will be in I think he’s in Paris he only qualified for it so Mo as we watch this race come down um can you confirm a little bird has told me that you might be doing a bit of commentary in Paris yes I am I’m very lucky and excited to be joining the the team in in Paris and will’ll be co- commentating but the the the the skolar from China um view is feels like he’s come back on guetti maybe grety has gone out too hard in anticipation to try and get back quickly but I think this is a closer race than what we first suggested we yeah we were given it to guetti on a plate look at you there he’s not the prettiest scholar to watch in terms of there’s a lot of power there but not a lot of subtlety but maybe that’s what you need in this sort of water yeah it’s what you need in this water and also for this size sometimes you don’t necessarily need the skill maybe you can be slightly less efficient than your lightweight counterpart and and what you’re putting in whether it’s 80% or 70% is still incredibly effective so there are the blades of the Chinese scholar Yu who has forged his way back into this race I look down the course they have about 35 Strokes to go and the man from Shanghai that we were kind of writing off when guetti had about a three or four length lead it looks like he is just ahead of guetti there he is Mo yeah he’s taken the lead now and maybe geretti has has paid for his early exertion um he’s got some pedigree race for Italy for the lightweights in two Olympic games but to go down in this course and to be coaching down this course as well is probably a very unique situation that not many rowers would have would have done at the same rata but is a lovely conditions as they come into the finish it seems like the wind has calmed down and skull from China looks like he’s about to take the win yeah elu has done a fantastic job he just kept his rhythm didn’t he I think guetti tired to be fair but ULU will go on to tomorrow where he will race Alex Twist of Riverside boat club another veteran at 38 years of age and uh ULU is just 27 so he’s got about 11 years on both his opponents the one today and yesterday confirmation Yu of China beat uh Mario garetti In the Heat of the diamond skulls so we’re just seeing a replay mod of that fantastic boat oh oh so we didn’t see that or I didn’t pick that up in comary apologies but that obviously won’t have done him a lot of good no it looked like he took the speed right out of the shell there and lo like it was something with his bside bside or his bside skull blade slipped or moved inwards which isn’t ideal [Music] so up at the start this time for the women single skulls the Princess Royal challenge cup the holder is Dino jenko and this is a race between Sarah McKay of groer Rowing Club and she is on the left hand side of your picture groer up in Chester on the r d and Pier Otto one of uh two Germans at least I think SC at this rata from ker rudine aain hund s un lovely shot here coming out of the island Crews both level at the moment which is nice and they’re probably going to get into their Rhythm quite early conditions look quite benign quite still there’ll be a bit of Bounce from from the launches the activity that’s happening the other side of the screen but S as the skull you want to stay really relaxed it’s really important important in this in the single scull to be as lacked as possible absorb some of the boun that’s within the within the water that can be distracting and lead to some errors and mistakes like we just saw in the previous race yeah it’s interesting really I think uh Sarah McKay on the top of our pitcher came through the qualifiers but uh she did get a row in the British team that was sent to the Hollen Becker on the BOS back just what was it about 3 four weeks ago in the double skulls I think she came third on Saturday and second on the Sunday uh with her partner Jay Lindo so she’s got International experience she’s got more power than Peter Otto who’s a lightweight pretty much and and that’s what’s telling I guess yeah it is telling oh and you just see there that’s some of the the challenges that these Scholars fa she’s she she’s responded incredibly well she stayed relaxed she reset and she’s back into her race ribon yeah if that happened to me I would just be like I’d be swimming yeah she’s done really well to catch that and so we’re just looking at P Oto there I think that’s PTO just looking at that wash that you spoke about or are we looking at the Bari station I think that’s Sarah McKay with the empaca yeah she looks got those blue socks with rer ducks on oh Rober Ducks yeah look like they’re Rober Ducks there’s a big large Rober duck growing up and down the course as well so fitting in nicely yeah apologies for that uh mistake in commentary there that was Sarah McKay Who the British trialist from I guess the kind of Development Group you would say yeah if she’s gone to the Holland Becka she’ll definitely be a part of the the Development Group trying to get International experience against some strong competition Holland Becker is always especially in the single skulls and and and in the the skulling event has some great pedigree some great depth and try to get some experience and push on for the for the LA campaign the the project La what’s the tape that uh P has got around her knee there m so it’ll be kesio tape which will probably be helping her support a joint or her muscles if she got some tension or has maybe picked up an injury or tendonitis to make sure that the muscles are being pulled and and in in the correct position you often see rowers around it with their around their wrist is another common location or their backs it’s just to give a little bit of extra support the backs has come quite common you can’t see underneath lyers and all in ones but the backs is often what wear a road you have some of that majority of that tape one that was always had it was Olaf took took he had tap all over his body and I appreciate he rode for a very very long time so his body probably need a little bit more support than some of the younger rows that he was competing against that’s really interesting actually Ola took a recent winner of the Thomas Keller medal award the sports highest honor from Norway double Olympic champion in the single and uh this has been a very nice race for Sarah McCay from Gro the Rowing Club look out about commentary box which has got a superb view down the course and we can see Sarah coming towards us at a very sedate Pace still crowds in the enclosures with the Applause and generous Applause for Sarah McKay and also for her opponent tier Otto so Sarah McKay crosses the Finish Line to go on to race siisy Madden of the USA she’s an international scholar so Sarah will have a tough job tomorrow and uh Pia Otto her interest in The Princess Royal challenge cup ends with that defeat so that’s fantastic Mo been great to share the microphone with you I’m now going to welcome the fabulous Sarah Cook to the microphone World ran commentator CEO of Australian rowing Australian Olympian and Mom and lots of other things but uh Sarah this is a heat of the temp challeng CL between ell back from Switzerland on the left of your picture the Bary station and twickingham Maron Club on the right and erl and back they are the crew coached by Mario geretti that we just saw ah very interesting Martino geretti uh unfortunately getting knocked out in the diamonds just a couple of races ago I’m sure he’ll be watching this crew as you say he is listed as the coach of that crew from Ruda Club Erin back in Switzerland but a pretty tight start here between these two crew Martin let’s see how it has panned out further down the track yeah well they’re still pretty close I think ER back they had a really close race at the Swiss championships they were just behind or just in front of belver who could finished second or third who qualified this morning in the 10’s cup so you know that they showed decent speed and twiking them essentially anything they do is a bonus for them their season was all about qualifying Sarah and they came through the qualifiers their coach Luke Nolan a former British International Who Rose Bel Club these days he coaches this F him crew and anything they do here is a bonus and I guess they’re racing with a bit of Freedom yeah and they’ve had some uh some I guess good results over the last season uh by all accounts at remenham head they came 11 out of 11 so uh maybe not where they hoped to be but certainly at Hammer Smith head 18 out of 24 in the club category and head of the river they came 69th out of 143 in the club open so so they have some had some results go their way but coming down towards the stewards enclosure it is uh the club here on the buck station that is going to take this lead and barring any mishaps take the win this is an incredible result and uh Swiss are trying to come back but twick and and Ryan Club Sensational they haven’t been at Henley for 10 years this club and they have just won a race at Henley Rett the main rata amazing they have beaten the Swiss from erlenbach and uh the twickingham crew coach uh Cox by bronwin Phillips wearing white ribbons which if you don’t know what that is it’s to uh end sexual harassment sexual assault and domestic violence and many crews here are wearing those white ribbons if we maybe would just get a shot of them but that is massive for toing and ran Club so this is the temple challenge cup which is a race for University 8s and on the boy station in red they’re easy to spot it’s Dela and they are the crew in red at the top of our picture and then on this right hand side the Buckingham share station it’s the University of Bristol I commenta on Bristol yesterday I thought they rode really well to beat another Dutch crew new and laa though might just have a bit too much for them yeah still in the very early stages of this race but what a start there over on the baksha station from laa from the Netherlands they’re pretty familiar faces here at Henley Royal Retta we see a great show up from the Dutch record international entries this year crossy almost 200 entries uh from the global Cruise the highest entries coming from from the US but always a strong interest from the Dutch boats but here we can see that the crew from laa have stretched out that lead over the University of Bristol yeah this laa crew is a really strong really technically precise crew and Bristol they’ve done really well but you can see the distance that Lara put on them they’re still trucking Lara they haven’t wound it down at all have they or you know just gone into a sort of steady paddle they’re still up sort of mid-30s it’s funny because I think when you’re out there it feels a bit closer than it is sometimes and I think staying in that rhythm in the eight particularly there can be some benefit in just swinging it along rather than having to really work it at that lower stroke rate so they’ve got what two lengths on This Crew so they’re they’re going to be probably wanting to just make sure that they are comfortable got a little buffer for any maps that might come but certainly the conditions are flattening out we wouldn’t expect uh too many upsets here but you never know yeah Bristol um they’re kind of bit miffed not to pre-qualify for this event despite being the third fastest domestic Temple crew other than Brooks this season and um so uh yeah I think we refer that maybe to the stewards committee but they did win that race yesterday but uh they’ve been kind of found out wanting for Pace in the middle of the boat rhythm’s okay little maybe a little more fluidity around the back turn I think they’ve kept sat it and kept Laha really honest in the middle part of this race looking down the course we’ve probably got something like 6 700 M to go in this race yeah with 20 Henley Royal retas between them this University Bristol crew as you say uh would have been hoping to have pre-qualified and to have perhaps uh progressed a little further through this Riata but this crew from Laha from the Netherlands looking extremely strong a little look from Flor steaman the Cox there she looked back just to check where Bristol were she’s taking absolutely no chances and this laa crew raced at the Holland Becker and uh they finished really well in the cruise there behind the Dutch eight and defeated the under 23 German 8 so you know they’ve they’ve taken International Scouts This Crew yeah they were too strong for Southampton yesterday they LED from the start and had a commanding lead and didn’t get challenged at all during that race so they were able to conserve a bit no doubt for this race today it looks like they’re going to be pretty comfortable out there in the lead but University of Bristol really stepping it up here cross e they know it’s now or never they can hear the Roar from the Stewarts still a big crowd as you said here and people still desperately cheering on the hometown crew but it’s going to be sorry the Home Country crew rather uh but still it is laa from the Netherlands in the lead as they come down past the Stewart’s enclosure yeah I thought University of Bristol would run really nicely around the back turn when we had that shot of them from the BS little better than I thought but Lao have kind of eased it down there and uh they will go on to race the winners of Brooks or university of London which is a Titanic Clash coming up later on this evening don’t go anywhere stay for that race laa take this heat of the temple challenge cup and University of Bristol finished not far behind a great effort from the West country crew there’s confirmation laa from the Netherlands beat University of Bristol in the temple challenge cup well the umbrellas are out and uh you’ve got your rain coat on Sarah I do have a jacket on it’s been quite chilly here I thought it was supposed to be summer crossy I’ve come over from Winter for the Great British summer and uh we haven’t really seen much of it the last couple of days but I hear that there could be some sun coming out the next couple of days so we’ll see what we can arrange for everyone and I have my world Runing hoodie on which I won’t take off either because yeah it’s not the warmest but there we go the British summer and uh crowd’s still here enjoying the action and we know that thousands of you are watching at home all around the world and it’s great to have your company look at that lovely umbrella you got one like that Sarah I don’t that’s the new design this year it’s quite nice actually there’s only so many umbrellas that one can have that’s true actually I’ve got one in the boot in my car which is bright and boring okay so we are now up at the start the Boom is just flying over the women from London Ryan Club a crew this is a heat of the wargrave challenge cup which is for Club eights and there Matt Britain yesterday in commentary called it ketchup and mustard blades which kind of red and yellow but I thought that actually sums up the tideway schulls blades tiway Scholars an amazing presence here at thead the club at chisik Bridge and they have absolutely got so many crews in so many different events It’s a Wonderful Club to row at my son Frank was a member of Scholars and great atmosphere so tiway Scholars are going up against London Ryan Club a t Ry Club are the holders of this event I will start you like this there’s Richard Phelps he will take over from s Steve Redgrave as the rata chairman should we call him chairperson get ready pleas he won like that um next year so he is a very experien umpire and he will be setting this race off between these two Club there they go easy on the first stroke nothing too much just keep your blades buried get that first stroke underway then you can begin your wind so what are they going up to mid- 4S Sarah absolutely in the eight you’re wanting to be up in the mid to high 40s coming out of the blocks steering a pretty good line coming here past the we’ve seen a few Crews get pushed across but coxen right on the money here London Rowing Club a taking a fast and pretty controlled start to take almost half a length in this very early stage over tideway scholar school that’s crazy cuz if you look at the palarz of the tiway scholar school you know they’ve got Tess Pete there who’s a under 19 world champion last year in the stroke seat uh she took the British eight to a gold medal I think in front of Germany uh that was a year when I think Britain won sort of under 238s and um under 198s and the uh senior eights as well so Scholars will probably regret that slow start because you don’t want to give away that much on the heny call absolutely not and especially not in an eight being able to get that momentum early is really really critical as we get a look there at the London Rowing Club crew in the five see Gabriella Morton uh her sister’s going to be racing here this week so both of her s well both of her sisters actually so Eva Morton is Racing for shaigan Lake in the Diamond Jubilee challenge cup and Samantha Morton is Racing for Australia in the hambledon pairs she’s just been named as a spear for the Olympic team that is fantastic for her so how come she’s Racing for Australia and you’ve got her sister here Racing for London R Club I guess she’s just over for the the action yes well I guess one at shaigan Lake one for Australia and then one at London Rowing Club it’s quite a uh a mix there across the Morton family but great to see all three of the sisters racing here this week Mia Dawn the 28-year old with the red cat up in the Bell seat she’s a software engineer and she’s also the club captain of toway Scholars and then in the four seat you’ve got Kyla Engelman who is an Australian from the GOL Coast never actually been there but gather it’s very nice Sarah and uh she is the PowerHouse in the middle of that boat Scholars have stopped the rot they kind of have to get back a little bit of clear water to get the overlap on London but I have to say that London crew look really sweet really cohesive front ends really nice just easy off the back end lot of flow in that boat and credit to Stuart Heap who’s done a incredible job with London Rowing Club this year this crew from London Rowing Club at the Metropolitan Riata on the Sunday they were fifth in the champ 8 time trial and six in the champ 8 a final whereas The tiway Scholar School were third in the B final so we probably would have expected on that sort of form earlier in the season that maybe uh London Rome club would be able to Shar up and do this but um I mean they really came out with with the task in mind and that cross he blasted out the start and look I mean that’s what they seem to want to do early is establish early race lead and try and shut tideway skull SCH down early yeah completely Sarah and uh I think if you know that you’ve got the advantage over your opposition I mean okay you don’t know how much speed that Scholars might put on since those vatas are dawy Lake but uh now the London run Club crew as we pass the halfway point in this race moving very sweetly away and uh well if they do win this race they are going to have a really tough contest against one of the selected Crews Riverside Boat Club of the USA the Boston based Club awaits the winner of this race so let’s have a look from our drone as we go down this Henley course and then you’ll probably get an idea of just how far those Crews have got to race as our drone calls out and you can see going right down that course there void on each side happened at the end of the 19th centur to stop the thousands of pts and boats and gigs and Wares encroaching on the course and crws lost races because they were hit by a boat who would trespass across the L and and it was just seen as tough like that you didn’t get R Hest we’ve seen a few boats come AC Cropper on that boom over the years and even this week in the last couple of days can be pretty daunting steering up against it I don’t know why why it I mean you don’t particularly want to hit a boy we see Crews get their blades caught in the a but it feels uh somewhat more definitive if you come up against a boom you’re not going to come away from it in particular good shape but back to What’s Happening Here on the screen it is London Rome Club a that still has a lead and it is becoming a more commanding lead as they head down the track in the three seat Elizabeth Cal she has attended four previous Henley Royal reget she’s the captain of London Rowing Club from 2022 until now sitting in that three seat no doubt driving her crew along as they have a very commanding Victory we’re riding there at the water level great shot at the bow and looking at the back of Georgia Hela Tim I love that cuz you can just see that little pause at the back end the flow off the back end and then the bodies rock over and they just keep that boat running on and that vibrancy is something which isn’t quite there in skull eight there isn’t quite the control the Stillness at the back end maybe you know not the the urg scores or the power that these women in the London R Club have got lot of youngsters in the skull is eight Alice Metar is 18 Sophie burhart just 19 Le salivan is 19 Annie berck is 19 and then stro Tessa peak’s 19 and I guess we’re looking at the London Mo Club women who are more mature the that’s the difference the age will make what’s your opinion on the sunglasses I think it depends what you like really is per personal preference I mean it would just to that have to be pitch black for me to not race with sunnies but some people don’t like to wear them they don’t like that they you know fog up or or whatever but for me it really helped kind of get in the zone and focus my attention so I like wearing them I have heard it said that um you know if you’re going to put the faces of rowers on the screen and get close in action you want to see what’s going on on their face and you don’t want them hiding behind sunglasses that’ be very difficult on sunny days I guess yeah how close can you really get with the camera though yeah well there’s our camera on the progress ball we getting a good look at the crew from London Rowing Club a in this heat of the Warg GR challenge cup as they progress towards the Finish ahead of their opponents from tiway Scholars scholar have given them a good honest race London still racing towards the finish line but that nice fluidity and flow London Rowing Club AC crew take that heat of the wargrave challenge cup they will face Riverside Boat Club of the USA as we said in commentary tiway Scholars come across the line confirmation in the walg grve challenge Cup London R Club a crew beat tiway scholar School boys my hand is coming down Carri this will be a good race the boys in Orange on the far side of the course unmistakable if you’re anything to do with rowing that come from the river Lee in East London and also unmistakable if you know about rowing the Ser pink blade of Leander Club they are on the right of your picture on the bug station and are looking forward to a really good race in this event the TS challenge cup for men’s club eights holders are T’s Rowing Club and Leander have taken an immediate lead Sarah huge lead for Leander here in the very early stages on their home stretch of water as you say crossy for anyone that knows anything about rowing watching this of course you will be familiar with the Ser of Leander club that iconic Rowing Club up near the bridge in Hanley but they have blasted out of the blocks here already putting some significant distance into Le R Club as we catch up with the live pictures now and they’re looking pretty comfortable here in the center of the course Crossing yeah they look comfortable I mean there’s nice long strokes good connection at the front end they’re coached by earie Brown who um has coached at a number of schools um before he came finally to leanda where he’s kind of like a fixture now and uh he’s wonderful coach the thing is Leander and T’s cup they kind of you know they were kind of banned from the event for a few years cuz it was thly Anda really shouldn’t be putting Cruz in for the temp’s cup and then they changed that so we’re looking at the Bowman there Tristan Grange I think if we go down the crew we can get a look at the stroke aian James Le to landf Rowing Club he’s an under 19 world champion from uh 2023 in the eight Road in the four seat and uh the British eight on that occasion well we’ve seen an under 19 world champion in the tiway skolar boat but here in the Leander boat it seems that oan is leading his crew quite comfortably whereas the skolar under 19 world champion in the previous race struggle so there’s the river Lee Matthew King Ali rollinson in the two seats they’ve all got shades on in the middle of the boat in the five seat Rob duton senior architect and in the stroke seat it’s Lis agila the banker learned to row in club Sport Club the Porto in Portugal and if you’ve ever been there it’s right on the river in in Portugal it’s a beautiful Club it kind of looks quite cool little tables outside and um nice place to learn to run lovely City but we look at Leander now and they’re really pretty comfortable here swinging it along of course looking to conserve it’s still only Wednesday There’s a number of rounds a number of races to come through and there’s that energy required not just obviously to go on the track but just even preparing for each race each day the training they probably would have done a training session in the morning I think going through that process every day day in day out is what becomes really exhausting over the course of this event so any opport to conserve a bit of energy the crew will be wanting to take Leander coming up to finish just a quick word Sarah the Australian Olympic team was named um on Sunday uh your thoughts on prospects for Terrace I think we’re pretty confident about our team crossy of course we’ve got some um Women’s small boats particularly that are on fire uh our big boats had pretty good shop in posam but of course there were some uh missing missing federations from that event so it’s a bit hard to tell but you know we came in cold to Tokyo and uh let’s see what happens in Paris in a few weeks time so Leander in the temps cup just easy their blades on the balance that’s a lovely feeling at the end of a race it really shows that you’re not absolutely destroyed they wait for their opponents from the Lee Rowing Club from East London who are racing flat out obvious disparity there between the levels of the two Crews but great to see Le on the water here and we will shortly go to another race well up at the start this is a heat of the visitors challenge cup the holders Ro have Brook it’s for intermediate men’s fours and this is a race between T’s Ryan club and Cal Barkley and I can’t wait for this race Cal Barkley four guys from the first fast T8 that finished third at the IRA coached by Scott Franson that incredible coach took Cal to an IRA win in 2023 Washington won it this year but then we have Tam’s Rowing Club on the uh left hand side of screen the vary station the reason this is so cool is because in 2016 TS and Cal and CA being warn they’ve come right out in the middle now I would have thought Scotty Franson would have said something to Cal because in 2016 and Cal were leading TS and TS beat Cal because Cal steered into the booms and you know I I talked to Robbie Pro one of the Cal athletes in Cal B and he said that a long time ago these are different people and whatever but the thing is that T’s crew are own in the same boat that 2016 imper that their crew raced in back in 2016 and won the event so and Cal awing in the emper t’s imper the new emper which they borrow him so there we go well that is some pretty interesting Intel there but it looks like as though it’s going to potentially go the other way here Cal now with a very handy lead over 10 they did the work early almost got themselves into a little bit of trouble there as we saw in the early stages but back on their station now they’ve still got the beat up certainly not relaxing down on it at this stage uh they want to make sure they get the job done today but an interesting uh makeup in this boat as we see one of the Ducks just scoot away out of the water there we do have a goose in the road here of the TS crew does he get out of the way yes he does but uh in the in the Berkeley crew in the B seat Pablo Moreno salguero a European Junior champion from 2020 in the men’s World Jun men’s double rather at the world junor uh champion in 2021 in the men’s four uh Alexander Baron in the 2021 Australian Junior eight uh and 2024 Australian under 238 so uh we have some International flavor Noah anger in three seat bronze medal in the eight for Germany at the under 23s and in uh that was in 2023 so uh as I said some International flavor in that Berkeley crew yeah there is one American Will Morton from Summit New Jersey and uh there’s a T’s crew just on the barshi station in that very famous boat Tom Walton the 29y old um the thing that’s interesting about this crew is they’re coached by Dave Gillard um who’s won the grand here uh I think in 96 and um he is just an incredible veteran athlete he’s Ergo would probably uh not do an injustice to getting in this temps booat he’s also being assisted by our co- commentator Adrien Cassidy so those two are coaching that T’s boat they’re guest coaches obviously Sanders molders is the lead coach but uh Cal looked really sharp out in front it’s an interesting decision to go Cal a and Cal B in the visitors rather than to put Cal into I guess maybe the stewards would have said you have to go in the grand um or maybe the ladies plate but Washington are here as well so Scotty Franson making the decision in terms of stick or twist to twist and put his two crews in the visitors so we’ve got around about 350 400 met to go Sarah yeah and it’s still Cal they got a little warning from the Umpire and I think we can see Scott Franson who’ve mentioned a few times there sitting in the front of the umpire’s lawn in front of Heracles the boat there yes we can see Scott on screen there as the bow of the cow crew comes towards us perhaps another little steering correction just struggling with this coxless 4 and the conditions and to stay on their Lane but all they have to do is play it safe now they’ve got a handy lead over temps I think pad was actually stroking the boat in the ira I saw them race at the IRA on mercil Lake in New Jersey I was doing the commentary out there Pablo’s from Seville SP Alex Baron who was seven in the eight and he’s in the two seat here I think he’s from thir and no Angus from all in Germany and we’ve already talked about will in the stroke seat and they kind of you know Scotty fron has moved his crew around so you know stroking seven to move back to balir and the crew looks decent sharp and uh there’ll be a lot of reli faces that they’ve navigated this race successfully Cal take the win in that heat of the visitors challenge cup from T’s Rowing Club so we’ve got an interesting race today there is London a you can just see the hand of Charles Powell the 24y old just signaling to the they weren’t quite ready London just moved around a little bit you can see that to the left and they are against Ty Amer Club on the bar station the left hand side of your picture and Ty had a great race yesterday watched that race and they beat London B yesterday so now they have come up against London a very different proposition as we can see early doors and that’s a great lead to have Sarah yeah big start there for London Rowing Club A don’t want to have the same outcome as their be crew did up against time as you said crossy this crew London R Club a they were eighth in the a final at the Metropolitan uh on the Saturday so strong crew but as we move up to the line uh to the live shots rather we can see that it is a much closer contest than it was looking in the early stages yeah l had the early KN leads they are the holders of this event that’s not these four guys cuz once you won at the Wold you got to move up to the next level but uh time they look kind of a little longer they look a little more fluid they look slightly more powerful that London four very racy very neat very tidy their coach as we said was Ste he this could be anybody’s race and Ty have done so well to move through now they’ve got to feel good about that Sarah haven’t they wasn’t excellent move from T well timed as well because I think you could really let a crew like London take that early race lead and and put in a distance which is un uh insurmountable stumbling over my words uh but Ty I think made a really decisive move we see the White Flag go up to tyan from the Umpire Gwyn baton standing in the boat there just wanting them to move back onto their station so they’re going to have to be careful here and sometimes those steering Corrections can really knock your speed off if you are making a move so they’ll have to stay composed because they’ve got a real chance here to take this race and shut London Rome Club down I tell you what this is going to be a great Victory uh well it’s the Balman of time Andy chuda 25y old who’s steering seems to have corrected his course now they have a what’s that three spent lead let’s be generous coming into the enclosures London have really I think taught everything on the line I don’t see London coming back through this and I guess this is where you feel good that you’ve got someone of the likes of uh the diamond skull Cory Wilkinson talked about him a lot in commentary the former Newcastle Falcons rugby player turned to row in after a series of injuries here come London being warn Sarah wow some real steering issues I wonder if it’s a bit tricky out there on the course Martin or if uh they’re just struggling with the steering here because that was a real Veer off their station there for London Ro Club this is going to be potentially a race ending move to have to correct the steering soap significantly at this point in the race absolutely Sarah and this London crew would have come in with Great Expectations you know being the holders in this event Charles pal AR Go BR greal and George Christian from the London boat they’re just the length behind as you can see I’m looking out and the timebo is still in the cent of pretty much of the course as I’m looking and uh gwim baton has not not warn them which is an interesting decision so there go time and this was one of the races to watch I think we said yesterday and here come London with a Sprint right towards the end they’re trying to get back on time and both Crews move apart is GM baty suddenly decided there could be a bump at the end of this race and London R Club are going for it but I think it’s just too late Ty cross the line they moved back onto their station London Ryan Club were right up there in the end there was Jeopardy in that race in the final 50 or 100 m but GN Batton shows the White Flag so that was exciting wow didn’t that turn out to be an exciting race down the end there there were steering dramas there were pushes I thought London R club might even get the better of time in that race but not to be more excitement to come the Prince of Wales challenge cup for intermediate men’s quadruple skulls and we have two Crews one for h hurg kapan sporton kapin v Acton H SE and SEI anyway that crew is on the VAR station and on the right hand side it’s the crew from stent Roan tiitan from the Netherlands and there is the crew from the Netherlands and I do just want want to say that this Dutch crew they look really nice don’t they really smooth really fluid and the Germans from Hans and Hamburg just allowed the Dutch to get that little distance higher rating they’re trying to do something about it Sarah but not managing to move back at this moment well we’re used to seeing pretty handy skulling boats at an international level coming out of the Netherlands but great to see that going all the way through to Club level as well as we get a great shot there looking at the back of the crew B selbert 2021 under 23 European champion from the Netherlands sorry that was the German line of cell Hilda vaner bck thank you for pointing out Sarah a henley Temple semifinal so he’s used to Sweet rowing as much as he is SC little hit of the water there from the Triton blades and this crew from Triton has good Henley experience H Vander as you mentioned crossy one Henley under his belt but three for the other three in his boat so they certainly know what racing here is all about whereas the crew from Hanah Hamburg and Capel from Germany uh all debutants here at the Henley regetta a young crew 21 19 19 and 18 years of age so a young devilment boat from that club you would think well lawren quim in the three seat and you can see them moving back on Tron now he’s a junior world champion last year this is going to be a great race now at the University of Hamburg and uh RoR Kyle RoR in the two seat that’s him with the white cap on he’s also a junior world champion in the men’s quads last year they have got p they have moved right back on Triton Sensational in this part of the race it is the Germans from hza Hamburg and rivine capellan who are now the vastest moving boat on the course era and that relax rowing that we saw from the Dutch is under challenge now they’re starting to get pretty nervous as we see a little look come across from L saber in the B seat in the German boat he sees that they’re back on terms with the Dutch can the Dutch maintain that early race lead or have they spent too much energy too early because for me it looks like the Germans have some serious momentum now Dutch have the lead but only just the boys from Triton coached by the former lightweight Osman K egg Camp they are under real pressure now the Germans don’t look to be doing anything special look across from the Triton Balman he’ll devand de Beck there and he’s looked the other side now he’s looked again so you got to keep your head in the boat Hilder You’ got to keep your head in the boat when it gets to this stage of the race looking down the track there’s plenty of distance oh what’s happened there and there’s an absolute shipwreck there for the stroke seat of the German boat that’s Jesse ilman he’s caught a crab and he’s lost his blade as they look across desperately absolute devastation that could be the race ending move here that is the race ending move I don’t see any way for them to come back from that that was so Pi up to be such a great race and the lad in the stroke seat Jesse ilman only 18 years of age such a shame they were moov right back on the crew from Triton and Triton got out of [Applause] jail and the German crew come up to yeah sorry apologies in commentary we’ve been calling about the German crew and um actually it’s the German crew who are winning on the barsh station that’s our mistaking commentary so hza Hamburg and capellan come up to the finish line and they take that from USR Triton who the Dutch crew on this side Prince of Wales challenge cup hanza Hamburg and capellan beat Titan from the Netherlands in that heat of the Prince of Wales challenge cup so we’ll have a look at that crab which I think was the Dutch that we can just see there on the Buck Station from Titan and there it is I think it might have been the three man or the I think it was the stroke man that Sarah pointed out but it was the Dutch crew that caught the crab and that was Teemo Elder van Elden 25y old there he is the strokeman of the Dutch crew and apologies to the 18-year-old Jesse ilman who managed to keep things under control in the hands of Hamburg crew so there’s the umpire’s launch waiting for the start of the next race the Wargo challenge cup which is for Club women’s eights so two Cruz on this side which is the buckinghamshire side are the women on their home stretch from ‘s Rowing Club a crew the club is around about halfway on the course they’ll get a big cheer as they go down past it and then tytin Amer Ro Club on the barkshire station what a presence Ty have had we saw there men’s four just beat London a in the wolds I guess the women might not know that result but uh they will know that the time crew did have a good chance and they will go on to be motivated no doubt by the club’s strong Presence at Henley magata this year so the Umpire still sat down in the launch there I guess that means that they’re not quite ready for the start and the Umpire will stand up and give them the race instructions pretty soon time is the ire when I see that you are both straight and ready I shall start you like this attention go so the instructions when I see that you’re both straight and ready so that’s where the copses put their hands up I shall start you attention go and red flag drop the stroke with of both Crews we’ll see that and then squeeze as they’ve just done there nice easy first stroke froms there on this right hand side what a great shot that is of the up 10 stroke Matilda man there robt Teddy’s for the last five years Edward’s school she going r at Henley straight down the bow real Focus real Vision but it’s actually the crew from time that have that slight early Advantage here yes as you say crossy a slight advantage to Ty as we right here on screen in the buck station in the stroke seat Jennifer peacock fo Ryan glemont strong start here as they continue to push away with each stroke over upper temps Rowing Club a it’s a great place to row up on the time it’s got a fantastic stretch of water they say it’s the best in the northeast or the north of England to rowy and uh you see that these women have really benefited on that sort of stretch of water we should basically tell you that there is a little bit of sickness in the time crew and there are a couple of athletes affected but um I guess it’s pretty fortunate that they’ve got also two doctors on board and Margo Bellamy who is in that time crew Road in the 2C know Margo quite well she’s the daughter of uh Ed bam who is one of the mosy rowers organizes the multi Masters and uh funnny enough the crew is coached by Drew Robertson who coached Ed Bellamy when he was at darham Margo is one of the rowers at Newcastle there she is you can see with the sunglasses in the two seats and if time win this that’ll be a fantastic result from them you know recovering from that uh little bit of illness in the crew in a pretty good Rhythm just swinging it along they’ve got about 3/4 of a boat length lead the last side on shot that we got there over EP upper temps Rowing Club you’d really want to be Breaking Free at this point in the race wouldn’t you trying to create a little bit of clear water between you and the other boat just to really try and shut down any sense of a move whereas conversely for TS they’d be wanting to stay on terms because as those boats come level in fact it is upper TS who have used that to be able to work their way through Ty Rowing Club yeah great move from upper TS just as they come up to Upper TS uh Rowing Club which is kind of on on the bottom of the screen as you look at it on the right hand side of the screen upper TS have taken a canvas lead move through time Rowing Club they’ve laid down a challenge time would have been you know know relieved that their starter taking them away from upper temps but now look at that inching away just a cmet or an inch per stroke they’re now moving to one/ third of a length uper 10s and it’s soon going to be half a length and I guess that’s going to go to Clear Water quite soon and Mark Banks who is one of the British Olympic coaches or used to be one of the most famous coaches in British rowing coached at leanda he now coaches at upper Temps he will be looking at his charges there and seeing them moving and just take so much pleasure out that yeah we can see that it’s about half a length that upper temps Rowing Club have over time and it looks like they’ve got the momentum to me crossy it looks like they’re going to start to try and push away they’re taking the raid up by just a point or two here that sensation of pushing away with every stroke in an eight is really one that starts to drive and motivate the crew they’re really going for it they want to make sure that they’re not letting any room for time to come back into the picture as they’re coming they got that little bit halfway they’ve got that little bit more grip around the front end upper temps just where they put their blades in they’re kind of getting more traction just at the front of the stroke than I think the time crew who are really in need of something special now we talked about upper 10 and just inching away you know an inch 2 in 3 Ines for stroke they’re going to get Clear Water by the time the enclosures unless time can do something to stop [Music] them I think it’s hard when you put as much into the race in the early stage as Ty did and to have been roded through in this way to be able to find something to come back with can be really hard but if they can maintain that overlap then it does give some sense that you could do something in the last stage of the race do they have something in their back pocket there’s after 10s casual up by from Matilda man she’s kept her eyes in the boat on the start she kind of just keeping an eye out for the opponents from time am materan Club just making sure that they’re not going to come back liy town hall coxing that Up’s crew you can see her there on the orange top she’s just looked back Ty have not been beaten comprehensively but that’s a lot to make up coming into the enclosures look at the pain on the faces there at the time true yeah you can see gring teeth now they were Brave early put themselves out into this race giving themselves the best chance of getting through but upper Tams have just gotten stronger and stronger all the way down the track yeah you saw Ana coli there the 23-year-old after in the bows the expression of pain on her face was just uh almost horrible to look at she’s a semi finalist in this event hle reg last year they’re just in their Rhythm doing their thing aren’t they there’s not much going to disturb that it’s been pretty bulletproof through the middle of this race that Rhythm Alis pick Paul in the B seat there a consult at Oxford [Music] [Applause] economics first race the wargrave back in 2021 so good experience through this [Applause] boat so upper 10s are coming up to the progress board there’s about another 10 or 15 Strokes to go they will be delighted with the way their crew has handled this race the winners of this contest will go on to face belar of Zurich who are a selected crew if they do win tomorrow but up ATMs short C the war grve win as they cross the line just over a length ahead of the women from time amateur Rowing Club so Temple challenge cup men’s University 8 Oxford Brooks University AC crew on the barier station the holders the favorites to win this race they are up against the purples from University of London on the right hand side of your picture on the Buckingham Cheer Station hotly anticipated this race there’s no other way for U to do this than to try and Lead Brooks out the one fres this era absolutely we had uh I had Brooks to commentate on yesterday um camiller and I were speaking about what an incredible program it is I think it was 99 athletes she said that had qualified for Henley this year which would have to be the highest of just about any club we’d love love someone to do the numbers on that that for us to double check that but that is a huge figure but such a dominant University really it’s one that all of the University clubs globally look towards uh for the strength and caliber of those Crews but we can see exactly why because you look at this live shot here and look at that distance they’ve opened up crossy well I I I did look at the uh Oxford Brooks time they did a 542 to a 535 that their AC crew did who will be I think in the ground at the Holland Becker s today a few weeks ago so I kind of looked to that and thought that’s pretty quick but you know maybe UL might have a chance but absolutely they have completely shut the door this Oxford Brooks eight coached by Henry bash web r with those big fat smoothie blades Marin EMR won the Prince Albert Cup in 2023 there’s so many winners in this B Jack Cooper was winning the PA too Edward Lovitz in three seat Ben Newton St r at the University of York dominko amck Prince Albert challenge Cup winner there are so many Handley winners in This Crew Sarah and uh it looks like they’ve gone on to their next challenge which is to get a red box for the temple challenge cup and we’ve got twins in there marine amck and Dominico Amar in uh the B on the five seat twin brothers they rode together in the PA and won that last year and they’re rowing again in the temple which must be very special uh for their family and to do that as twin brothers yeah watch out Sarah as we see very well drilled Brooks crew obviously we’re going to see them again tomorrow they will roast Del that we saw earlier this evening and O Brooks come up to the line we didn’t get much of a chance to talk about UL but uh coached by Anthony Smith or Smithy George langson bull in the stroke seat Dave wallish Joe Trevor Zack Dallas theor Jacob Jonas and Matt CA up in the B [Applause] seat just with his head down there they will be really disappointed U that they were more in that race but there we go that’s what happens when you come up against the crew a bunch of huers in like Brooks so this is the men’s intermediate fors the visitors challenge cup we have got a crew from Nottingham Union and Oxford University on the bar station they are on the left of your picture and then we have got a crew from the Netherlands OK okus and V they are on the right of your pitcher and uh something special about this crew from the Netherlands and uh we’ll talk about them as we go down but it’s crew from the Netherlands out in front Sarah yeah narrowly here maybe a canas maybe just over a canvas ahead of Nottingham and Union and Oxford University James Ford in the B seat of the British crew under 23 world champion in the men’s Force so certainly some pedigree in that boat but it is really Dynamic there at the front yeah I want to say that uh there’ll be a few people in the Netherlands watching this hello to the Florine family and hello to Carolian and Finn fline carolan Florine the double world champion in the women’s single skulls Finn fline world champion in the men’s quads both of them favorites to take gold in Paris and this is their little brother I had a chat with Carolian you can see him there on the right of a picture and uh he is the youngest of the Florine kids we call him Mr Barry coroian said he’s the most social of all of the the three of them and he loves rowing he always sees the bright side of life very positive attitude and if kolian has a bad day she says she’d definitely called it so she’s not having a bad day at the moment I hope you’re training on house Stratus is going well coroian and uh at the moment that’s sweet rowing isn’t it really coming out well really sharp on the front end they’ve not let off at all their boats going Arrow straight down that course they are completely in control here in this race we saw a steering correction there from Nottingham and Union and Oxford University boat which would have knocked a little bit of speed off makes it difficult if you’re trying for a push to have those steering Corrections might be deceptive but they look kind of close to those booms over there on the stroke side and we can see a little steering correction so perhaps they’re feeling that as well but as you say the Dutch crew OK okus and VA from the Netherlands Arrow straight pretty cool Karma collected here certainly with a commanding lead yeah a couple of the athletes in the middle of that boat uh bar vaner van and Pepe Le in that Dutch boat Road in the Dutch under 238 competed at the under 23 World Championship so it’s a pretty decent crew from the Netherlands and Kiwa that uh sponsor you can see on the side they sponsor the Dutch national team and we get a great shot there of Blom in the B seat studying economics and econometrics uh at University but has a side job at a musical instrument insurance company yeah and interesting they’ they’ve put down their Ergo scores um on the rp3 so the Bal man’s 558 for 2K the two man’s 551 big three man is 553 and beer fline 609 so um but he’s only a youngster so that’ll get better won’t it uh I think it’s great the way the Dutch have put down their um 2K Ergo scores just make it lot more interesting there’s James forwards former Oxford athlete of course and that wonderful result in the fall with Theo Bell Jake winam and even hadwell to win the under 23 gold medals Freddy Orin another boat race athlete yanola Ernst German won the lightweight boat race a lot of boat race talent in this they’re coached by Brandon Glen as well who of course is the Oxford assistant coach or he was the Oxford assistant coach to sha Bowen now departed and uh waiting for Mark fangen Hall to take over the duties we have a great shot there of the back of the Bowman in the Dutch boat Blom yeah and I guess that um the Ronnie fline who double gold medalist in 1988 in Soul in double ni rinks and then again with rinks and six others winning the Dutch eight in Atlanta that fantastic crew and his wife antie ryag who’s also an ooman international ooman will be enjoying catching up they prefer to watch on the Telly so I’m told the for than um be here in person look across to the finish line to the enclosures and it looks very easy calm and collected and the water’s almost flattened out for them as we come up to the finish so in this heat of the visitors challenge cup it is very easy and St progress by the crew from okas and V they will progress onto racing in tomorrow’s heat and it is Nottingham and Union and Oxford University who come in so confirmation of that heat of the visit chall cup Okana and V beat Noam Union and Oxford so on the start for the club less fours I guess that’s one level down from the level we just saw the intermediate and we have the Australians from mertile on the bar station they are in the yellow boat and it is the crew from City of Cambridge Rowing Club who got that disqualification against the Swiss crew yesterday who steered into them right off the start so two Crews I guess Mery might be favorites for this era well it’ll be interesting because Merle had a tough race yesterday they only won their Race by a third of length and had a really fierce battle all the way down the track so they have had the opportunity to really blast out the cobwebs and have a really strong race whereas this is effectively the first race for city of Cambridge after having that all Clash at the start of the track in their event yesterday but mertile we know is a strong and proud Rowing Club from Australia on the banks of the Y River down in Melbourne founded back in 1880 so it’s one of our uh older rowing clubs in Australia with an incredibly proud uh pedigree and history in not only Australian rowing but competing at Henley Royal r as well great Jimmy Tomkins was a member of MKS wasn’t he sure was it’s uh where the awesome forsome uh was based for for many years throughout the ’90s so I’ll tell you what I didn’t expect city of Cambridge to still be in this contest theyve got over that I don’t know whether it’s going to be an advantage that this crew didn’t race they basically did about four strokes yesterday and then the Swiss crew steered into them so the fact they haven’t raced you might expect that to come into play in the final part of the course and I think they are moving up the Merle boats era they are I’m surprised to see this too crossy I would have thought that the merant boat sort of had the advantage there but there’s a big push now coming from City of Cambridge Rowing Club in the strike seat there we can see uh Duncan Huntley 22 years of age this is his first Henley Royal G some experience behind him with Peter Stevens James Odell and Ed Gardner and they’re really looking to push up onto merile who have had that early race lead are they able to answer this push that is coming from City of camridge R club strik man Duncan Huntley was in the Cambridge spare pair which I think won his race and uh if you’re watching this in Australia then you’re going to be on the edge of your seats and I think that’s quite Justified because mertile if they could have done something they would have made a move now I don’t know if they’re just waiting and playing it cool their rating still up quite high they look a little bit on the short side Cambridge has just got those long strikes I haven’t really changed their Rhythm look across from the Cambridge B man Ed G we are going to be in for a fantastic race here Merk I think have just answered I think they’ve just done something there SRA well they have to go now because we saw that look come across from EDG Gardner and they’re starting to Sprint but it looks like it has been by meral as they’re coming down towards the enclosures now meral with the slightest of Advantage but they’re stepping we see the back there of Lan Wilmont 22 years of age spent a big chunk of the Season out with a rib injury uh but now back in the boat and hopefully has had a good preparation coming into Henley so when we pull out we’ll get the shot there’s still plenty of time for the Cambridge crew to do damage in this race but their Rhythm hasn’t changed they need to just Sprint it up keeps looking across doesn’t he Ed Gardner the B man he raced in the Wold in 2017 the Prince of Wales in 2018 and 23 and the prince Albert he’s so experienced on this course he’s trying to use all of that experience to motivate himself and his crew to get back on mertile but the Australian crew while not looking the most convincing little bit of a timing discrepancy there between stroke and B I think on that uh right hand side of the boat umpire warning as well critical moments here high pressure moments city of Cambridge get a warning from the Umpire they’re moving back onto their station and that really will have unsettled them mertile now moving out to almost a length ahead of city of Cambridge and they’re going to get there because the line is fast approaching so I know it’s early morning in Australia but if you’re watching this in Melbourne it would have been worth it w’t it getting up that early because your boys have held off the men from Cambridge who didn’t have a race yesterday in their legs mertile had a tough race and boy they look all tuckered out Charlie Clark in the three se he looks destroyed well two tough races for Mer but they get through and uh unlucky day for city of Cambridge they will exit the regata so we got to the start for the stoner challenge Trophy this is for women’s double skulls Open Women’s double sculls the holders are M and Ken the Canadian lightweights who are Paris bound they’re on the training camp now but this is the crew the right heart twins from Germany are on the left of your picture and on the right of your picture it’s the crew from The Ivy Club USA which is essentially rowers that have raced for Princeton University and uh Bonnie Pusher and Isabelle or Amelia baa from Germany those are the two women that you’re looking at now and uh Isabelle or I call her Amelia berer I think she goes by that name the 23y old she’s in the stroke seat basically two lightweight women’s and Bonnie Pusher just 22 is in the bow seat of course the rarts are also lightwe but they’ve got the advantage that they are the national champions of Germany in lightweight rowing they try to qualify for Paris they’re working hard there aren’t they Sarah they are working hard but they certainly have a commanding lead here quite a lot of clear water I would think at this point you’d be wanting to conserve a bit of energy Martin they have a commanding lead over the crew from the USA and knowing what they have coming over the coming days surely conserving a bit now would be the strategy yeah I would think they would maybe just try and conserve some energy they they weren’t far off qualifying for Paris they they just lost out in the Veri World Cup to the austrians uh Alton hu and tan Tyler who did qualify in SE the European qualifiers for Paris but you know lightweight rowing is going to disappear from the Olympics and uh those two women in green so basically looking I think this is the kind of race that you would think they’re going for a record but at the moment they are just putting so much distance between uh Bonnie Pusher and Isabel bowler I saw the two Americans race at the IRAs they were in the lightweight double skulls there which is still a race mostly it’s men’s Crews at the Ira’s there were no women there are no lightweight women at the NCAA so they race at the IRA and both were performing on the water there the Americans but they still haven’t let up these Germans Sarah not at all huge amount of clear water now back to the USA and as you say this crew from Germany the rart twins have been racing together for a long time they raced the lightweight double skull for the last few seasons including the 2022 and 2023 European and World Championships so there’s uh Bonnie Pusher up in the Bells from Fairfield Connecticut she’s a senior 22 years of age those red sunglasses on and uh Amelia berer from hessen in Germany she’s won German championships three times in her careers she also won the light lightweight doubles at the uh was second in the lightweight doubles at the IRA so she’s got medals this year behind her but this German crew are still trucking on I can’t believe the pace that they’re offering and we saw the Umpire flag go up there to the German boat just signaling to go back onto their station making sure they don’t drift into the center of the course even though there’s quite a lot of clear water between the two Crews you still have to stay on your station can’t wash another crew down yeah and you just wonder what these uh women in lightweight rowing are going to be doing in terms of international competition after this Olympics in Paris which will of course be the last Olympics with this event for lightweight women’s double skulls in and uh I guess the rart twins if they do want to carry on rowing they will have to row in open weight and I guess 27 years of age that’s a bit of a decision to take isn’t it do they want to give another four years of an Olympic cycle to try and make the Olympics in La yeah I guess it depends what people want to do it’s interesting isn’t it because of course lightweight isn’t in the Olympics but it will remain in the world championship program and we know before lightweight was added to the Olympic program it was a vibrant successful category and there’s no reason why lightweight athletes can’t continue racing at World Championships and and being competitive and and keep that category strong so this has been a really powerful and impressive skull by The Rush har twins 27 years of age Joanna and Maran they really have enjoyed coming down this Henley course and testing themselves against the course more so than their opposition but haven’t LED out they are still going guess their sort of low 30s in terms of rating and they’re coming past the progress ball in front of us now white Filip shell the Italian boat just gliding easily through the water not too much disturbance now as we’ come towards the end of the racing program at Henley nearly halfast [Applause] 7 and rart and rart come up to the finish line from aad Masha Huda Club vburg they take the victory in that race I’d have trouble telling those two ladies apart they look so similar obviously being identical twins and here come the American double or Bonnie Kushner and Isabelle burer so the end of that race in the stoner challenge car the iark twins beat Pusher and burer of the USA and that heat Stoner challenge cup so we’re on the start for the last race of the day and I know many of you will have been waiting to watch the men from Leander CL go up against the guys from the Northeast from hcof so hcof are on the Buck Station the right hand side theander Club on the bar station the left hand side Leander have won the prince of WS challenge cup of which this is a heat for intermediate men’s uh quadruple skulls for so many years it’s just incredible the record that Leander Club have and that um rests on the shoulders of this crew from Leander but they’re not in the lead at the moment what a St from hoft great start here from hoft and I think knowing that they’re coming up against Leander club tactically they’re racing it the right way putting themselves out there into this race early because this was always the risk that Leander club would be very strong through the middle section of the course so I think it’s a really Brave waya race they’ve done what they need to do can they hang in there and keep overlap with this quad from Leander Leander with the win at Marlo rata in the Open Championship quads they’re the current holders of this Trophy winners on 10 occasions including the last three so certainly the dominant force in the Prince of Wales challenge cup yeah pretty amazing record that is but uh I love the wave so there’s miles Deo spare to the British team in 2023 in Belgrade in the under 23s that year sat in the stroke seat in the 23 year old leving graph behind him and Oliver costley former Claire’s Court he’s won the Foley which is the boys quads and he’s won this event in 2021 22 and 23 which is a hell of a record if you want to have your Twan in the boat so that’s the pedigree of this Leander crew and AG coft doing so well they’re very aggressive AG coft aren’t they they got higher rate of striking they look neat and tidy and uh I guess maybe Graham Thomas if you’re watching this training with the British team I know you’re back from altitude and go off to Portugal at the end of the week to your of his camp but Graham Thomas the man from HC stroking the British quad silver medalist in the world championship bronze medalist in the single skull H Croft is associated with briam and uh your boys are doing you proud so there is the stroke man from hoft hug gal stroked put on his Instagram that uh he had a really tough race at Marlo rata the time trial wasn’t so good but uh they were pleased to improve to get fourth place in the a final look at him work there Sarah yeah big experience from the stroke and bow seed in the AG crof crew as you said Hu GLE 34 years of age six previous Henley Royal riatas Andrew jebson in the B seat also with six previous Henley Roy ratas third overall at the Met r on Saturday and first overall at the Met rata on Sunday but as we’ve already said pretty tough draw to get Le a club yeah they do look nice don’t they off the back end Leander M Deo there just looking straight down the boat nothing’s going to disturb him that’s a kind of bulletproof Rhythm and uh boat imper shell carbon Wing rigers just flowing beautifully through the water exhibition rowing H Croft keeping them monest Leander haven’t been able to drop their Pace yet as we come up to the enclosures and there’s still crowds there watching the racing I know there are thousands of you watching this YouTube channel the Henley presentation of racing today of which this is the last event synchronicity in unison a lot of our commentary team have talked about loving to watch quad skull Sarah they’re just the most impressive boats when they’re going well because when they’re not going well you see every fault in a quad and watching this Leander crew is a real Joy because they do it so well they’re perfectly synchronized you look at those bodies moving as one those pink stripes moving on the side of the rowing suits together Levering forward and backwards the the ORS in complete Unison as well I mean it almost looks like a replication of the same person through the boat there’s really very little difference between what those four rowers are doing extremely well drilled you can see why Leander is such a dominant force uh in obviously rowing more broadly but especially in this event yeah and for those of you that don’t know rowing that well Leander Club have their base maybe just about 200 M from the end of the course it’s the big Club here it’s the one that all the British rowers want to row at to help their development and you can see why with races like this cuz H CR kept them on this but in the final race of the day it is Leander club that take that heat of the Prince of Wales challenge cup from the four guys from AG crof great race from AG Croft but confirmation that Leander Clark beat AG crop in the Prince of Wales challenge cup so um difficult thing today Sarah had been a few great races today I think uh I was surprised to see St Edward School beat the youngsters from Hamilton who won the miy cup that was a big surprise today what about for you yeah look the PA is a really interesting one as you said that was uh quite an upset there for the kiwis but we saw TSS the Southport School looking really strong from Australia in that event I’m really interested to see how it’s going to unfold through the week but we have some very noisy Ducks but there in the background uh some have come close to some of those Crews but fortunately I haven’t seen any come AC Cropper uh with the boats uh or they geese rather I shouldn’t call them Ducks uh but it has been an incredible day of racing pretty changeable conditions the rain’s come through we’ve had the wind but it’s looking quite picture perfect now and I think we’re up for a pretty nice day tomorrow thank you Sarah uh so tune in tomorrow but for now we’re going to go over to Ali to wrap up the day thank you very much guys yeah what an action-packed day 86 races we’ve seen down this famous stretch of the river temps and it is a brutal format here 86 winners and of course 86 losers whose Henley journey is over we’ll have highlights of today’s action on YouTube they’ll be going up a little bit later this evening and then for our viewers in the UK they’ll also be available on TNT Sports in the morning we have another 86 races for you tomorrow our live coverage gets underway just before 8:30 local time hope you’ve enjoyed today we’ll see you again tomorrow [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] a e

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