In this video, I have traveled to the east part of Liechtenstein 🇱🇮 which is completely surrounded by alps with stunning views

    I covered the places like Triesenberg and Malbun

    Please watch the whole video to see the amazing drone shots of Malbun

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    #germany #travel #liechtenstein #world

    Good morning everyone. Today is day 2 in Liechtenstein. Did you see the view from our room? Birds are singing. When I opened the window, the mountains were beautiful. Meem, Meem, cat. This is what I got. You are a pussy. Hey, why are you coming to me? I like you. Have you seen the house? It is beautiful. It is very big. This is the bus stop. Schaan Kader. Every bus stop has a map pointing. They show us the map. They show us the bus stop. They show us the time of the bus. All the details are in the map. We see the map and decide when the next bus will come. We got the day ticket. Day ticket is 7 Swiss Francs. 7 Swiss Francs means 8 Euros. 8 Euros means 700 rupees. This is the valid ticket till tomorrow morning. We can take any bus and come back. You don’t have to worry even if you don’t have the machines. We can come back and get the day ticket. The driver will set the ticket. The card payment is accepted. The ticket costs 8 Euros. We came back. We didn’t even take 2 minutes. We came to Tricenberg. From the capital of Leicester. We came to Tricenberg from Leicester. This is the 20 minute journey. The bus. The location is very beautiful. This is a cemetery. If you see there, flowers are growing in the cemetery. The flowers that the person likes or the dead person likes. They are growing all these. If you grow well, they believe that you are peaceful and that you are a good person. We came to Tricenberg. Tricenberg is in the southern part of Leicester. Look at the view from the mountain. The view. The river that you see down there is the Rhine River. The river that you see is Switzerland. We are coming from Switzerland. We are coming from Leicester to Tricenberg. All these small houses are the Tricenberg hills. All these are Switzerland. In Leicester, the main source of income is the industries. They don’t have many companies. They have textile museums, electrical industries. They have many industries. The industries are the main source of income. In Leicester, the PM or the president or the prince, is the main source of income. The population is very less. The population of Leicester is 39,500. The language spoken here is German. So, we just got to know that how they greet each other. Just like in Germany, they say Hoi. It sounds like the language of Koya. How is the joke, sir? If we want to introduce people here, we should say Hoi, not Hello. We are going to Malabar. The houses here are very nice. We are getting into the cable car. It costed 10.5 Swiss Francs to get into the cable car. We are going to the cable car, and if possible, we will trek there. We are going to the hill. It costed 1000 rupees. Hello! We have come to the complete west part of Leicester. The city in the west is called Malabar. We are located very high in the city of Malabar. The height of this hill is 2000 meters. Look at the mountains behind. The view is amazing. The mountain has not yet melted. It is still green. It is very beautiful to see. This is the dustbin. The dustbin on the mountain. If we want to go down, we have to go down this way. We have to go down this way. We have to go down this way. If we go down this way, we can go down this way. This is a restaurant. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. We are going to the top of the mountain. There are so many mountains around. There is no one. It is very peaceful. Already in the weather forecast, it is showing rain from 2 pm or 2.30 pm. That is why we are going fast. That is why we are going fast. Otherwise, this is not a place to go so fast. It is like being in heaven. Clouds and Mountains near the bank is amazing Let us see the drone shots if you like. We are doing a lot of Score Tricks in Malabar. We are doing a lot of Score Tricks in Malabar. There is a spot next to the mountains. dual based score Now we are doing it for test. it will take around 1 hour or so. it will take around 1 hour or so. Very good Many people are already coming to the trekking Hello Hello Do you see the plus symbol? This is the place How to trek till there? Let’s see how far it takes This village is in the middle of the mountains This village is called Malban We have reached our destination It will take about 15 minutes from here We have almost reached the top Look at the path See See there is another village This is the point we are going to We have reached the top This is the peak point There are more peaks than this But we are stopping here Because it is raining a lot We have to go down This is the peak We have reached the peak This is the second highest peak The first highest is here We have to go here This is Malban We have reached the peak It is very dangerous If we go back, we will be in the valley We are in Liechtenstein We are on top of Malban The location is very beautiful We are sitting peacefully We will start in 5-10 minutes The location is very beautiful We are sitting down There is a valley There is a village in the valley It is very beautiful The houses are in a good setting The fog has started If we don’t go back, we will be in the valley It is difficult to come up Look at this The peak is very peaceful Suddenly, the fog has started This is Malban village It is like a small village The village is very small The village is covered with fog We can’t see the mountain We can see the mountain We can see the mountain We are starting The fog has started If we don’t go fast The fog will go away We have reached the peak It is like a movie I will show you the beauty of nature There are mountains and fog It is very beautiful The fog has stopped There is no fog There are two types of climates The fog is like a rain The fog is very beautiful Akhil, Malban is very beautiful It is like a movie We have come down from the top The peak is very beautiful The peak is very beautiful The fog has stopped This is one of the best experiences We have never seen this type of nature in Europe We have never seen this type of nature Definitely, when you come to Europe Don’t go to Paris You will feel very wonderful You can’t experience that nature anywhere Any country, just do a trek in the Alps It will be very beautiful Our guy is trying very hard to get us on the cycle We are not going forward There are many cows They are all in the fields We are going to get them But look at the cows They are all in the fields The cows are making noise They are all in the fields They are all in the fields They are all in the fields They are all in the fields We are in Malban The signal light is portable The signal light is portable We can connect it to the cycle It is very useful When we are going to connect it We don’t have to connect it to the signal light We can connect it to the cycle It is a portable signal We saw the houses from the top Now, let’s see them closely These are the houses They are 100 years old This is the city in the middle of the mountain It is beautiful They are also changing They are cutting the cake May God be with you always I am praying with all my heart Amen We don’t have plastic knives You have come with this knife We have completed Day 2 successfully We saw the birthday celebration If you like it, please like it We will meet again tomorrow We will meet again tomorrow Good night, bye bye


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