Join me for an explore of the ruined Sutton Scarsdale hall in Derbyshire. The mansion was stripped of its beautiful interior before being left abandoned for many years before being saved in the 1950s

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    hello and welcome to tour obscure and today we are in Sut Scarsdale which is in darbishire and behind me you’ll be able to see the ruins of su Scarsdale hall now this place is absolutely steeped in history it dates all the way back to the 11th century and over time it was left to Decay and eventually asset stripped and parts of this building we shipped off to America parts are in a museum in Philadelphia now and it also plays a big part in Hollywood so join me and I’ll explain all about this place [Music] suton Scarsdale Hall was originally built during the 11th century and over the years various versions of the hall stood on this site until 1724 when the building we see today was constructed but by 1919 the building had fallen into the hands of local businessmen who saw no future for the hall and asset stripped the whole building leaving it ruthless and open to the elements for many years leading to the the quick decay of this once Grand building there were plans in the 1940s to strip the building for its exterior stonework but luckily the structure was saved and ultimately ended up in the hands of English Heritage who have preserved the building making sure that it still stands to this [Music] day so this is the main in front of Sut Scarsdale Hall and you can see just how Grand this place is obviously these days it’s lacking its windows and you can see quite clearly but it’s ruins but even uh in this state it still looks very impressive now if you look at this side of the building it may be familiar to some of you and that’s because Su Scarsdale Hall was the inspiration for Wayne Manor in the Batman versus Superman films now I’m not a fan of these films but I know Wayne Mana was portray to be abandoned in this film and if you look at this picture now taken from the film you can see the Striking resemblance and this building was the inspiration for Wayne Mana in that film so it’s definitely got its uh close ties to Hollywood this place so the structure we see today is not the original in fact this is the fourth or fifth structure what’s been built on this site the original was in the 11th century and it was built by a man named wolfi spot a very strange name but he’s the guy who built the original House on this site now let’s talk a bit about the building we see today it was commissioned in 1724 by the owner at the time who was Nicholas leak leak like I’m not really sure you decide how that one’s pronounced but he commissioned this place to be rebuilt using parts of the existing structure so these parts of this building what are actually older than 1724 uh maybe we’ll see some of them Parts when we go inside I’m not sure but it was under the design plans of a guy called Francis Smith and if I’m honest I think this is one of them places what the camera is just not going to do justice it really has uh got that W Factor when you first arrive when we uh pulled up in the car that was certainly was my reaction that’s probably just cuz I’ve wanted to come here for so long but uh it certainly is very very impressive and even though it’s in Ruins it’s still very very impressive now for many years this place was fenced off I believe uh due to being structurally unstable I’m guessing but English Heritage have done some work on it and it’s now open so we can actually go inside and have a look at what remains of this grand old place and hopefully we’ll be able to see some of the uh remains of the Fantastic interior what this place was renowned for so we’re going to walk in to the structure now and you can see what kind of it’s in it is literally just a shell but this once would have been a a Grand Old Entrance this probably would have been a a little Courtyard this is the uh rear of the property and you can see just there where English Heritage of patch this place up to make it safe some new brick work there trying to in keep with the what would have originally been there I would imagine and just here looks like we’ve got some stairs what lead down somewhere and I reckon we might be able to get a a glimpse if we pop around the other side I’m hoping anyway and you can see just there the uh stairs disappear down into a dark tunnel and what I would give to uh go down there and explore but unfortunately it’s all sealed off more than likely for good reason so the interior of this place would have once looked a bit like this Grand Oak paneling and you can see from this photo just how elaborate it was but obviously today due to the asset stripping which we’re going to talk about in a minute it looks like this and you can see just here that is a fireplace on the bottom floor and because of the state of the building you can follow the chimney all the way up and see where there would have been fireplaces on the other two floors and I believe another fireplace just there obviously uh chimney’s Missing now no Central eating back in them days so 1824 was a significant year for this place that’s when it fell into the hands of the arcr family it was bought by Richard ARR and it passed down through a few generations and it eventually ended up in the hands of William AR C and it was him who put the place up for auction now it was bought by a group of businessmen but they didn’t really have good intentions for this place because the asset stripped the whole building right down to the roof and that’s probably what led to the uh really bad decay of this building obviously with the rain water been allowed to just freely get in and you can see just up there there’s uh some Timber well still stuck to the walls and I’m just wondering if that’s uh the remains some of the uh Oak paneling obviously the uh bits of what we holding it all together and holding it to to the walls Maybe [Music] and you can see just there there’s a uh there’s a hole in the wall and it’s uh seems to have got some sort of metal structure inside and I can’t work out what that is I believe there’s a uh another hole on the other side yeah so it’s a it’s a small Archway steel or iron uh supports on the inside like bracing so I’m not sure what purpose that once had but whatever mechanisms inside there it’s uh certainly interesting now when this place was asset stripped all the grand old features were ripped out and put for auction now some of the oak paneling was sold to a member of the Hurst family and it was meant to be used on a castle in Sp Spain I believe but unfortunately that never happened it sat in storage for a number of years until it was bought in the 1950s by Palm Studios which was a film studio and the oak paneling from this place was actually used in various film sets on Hollywood movies in the 1950s Which films I’m not sure I’m should be pretty difficult to uh go back and Trace them but another Hollywood connection right there and another set of paneling from this place somehow ended up in Philadelphia it was sold to someone in America at some point and the oak paneling ended up in the Philadelphia Museum of Art which is still there to this day I believe I’ll show you these pictures now so parts of this place have ended up all over the place but it’s nice it’s still been retained but obviously it’s uh miles and miles away let’s come through here now into uh what would have been a little private Garden I’d imagine in the shadow of the church what sits next door imagine this would have uh been lovely completely private and that would have uh been one of the main entrances I’d assume to the building I’d imagine there was huge oak doors maybe on there you can just imagine it now can’t you and if you look at some of these photos what show the interior of this building you’ll see just how Grand it was and how far this place is from what it once was so in 1946 sir Oswalt sitwell bought this place and he was a good guy he was a good guy because he bought this place with one intention and that was to preserve what was left of it and in 1951 it was designated listed status and today it belongs to English Heritage and they’ve done the great work to make the structure as safe as can be and they’ve actually opened it up to the public which allows us to walk inside today which is fantastic I’ll be honest I’m really struggling today filming this so many mistakes I’m at backer a night shift so I finished work at UH 6 o00 this morning and uh yeah this is my day so if for Mak any mistakes that’s why I’ve uh I’ve not slept in about 20 hours so we keep moving though keep moving and I think this is probably the uh most interesting part I found look at that that’s uh that’s tile you can see how decorative that was they look like flowers potentially sunflowers but whatever this room was was uh definitely decorated very nicely you can see some more tiles down there they would have been white I’m assuming and then just next to the tiles we’ve seen we’ve got some more just on the floor then and you can see somewhat would have been around the skirting board area but that wall shoots off at a curve so I’m not sure what what this would have been to be fair so we’ve just reached a section now which is fenced off from the public and there’s very good reason for that if you take a look at this photo here that’s in 1919 before it was asset stripped and that room is here and if you look on the walls there you’ll see the remains of the lavish interior there still part of it there you can see just how Grand this once was that’s very sad indeed and again there just a better look at what’s left and if you think that’s impressive then just imagine what it looked like back in 1919 when it was fully intacted but unfortunately it was uh left or right now you’ll have seen in the last few videos we’ve been appealing on behalf of a very good friend of the channel Glenn who’s uh challenge was to cycle the full length of the United Kingdom unaided on his own in support of a fantastic cause he’s nearly at ,000 now unfortunately Glenn had to abandon his ride just at the border of Scotland because of a serious knee injury but don’t worry he’s getting himself recovered and he’s going to do it all again he’s uh fighting on but thank you to the people have donated and as promised thank you to Lauren ran and Henderson the aale for your donations so it’s very much appreciated you’ve contributed to uh Glenn’s Challenge and supported him in raising money for a great cause so thank you very much if you wish to donate to Glen challenge links in the description below you do get a shout out on the next video as promised so thank you very much if you do donate and then just around the back of the uh house we’ve got some ruins what look a lot older than the rest of the structure so I’m just wonder if these are potentially uh parts of the original structure what date from before 1724 as we said earlier when it was commissioned to be built it was a brand new design but was to utilize parts of the existing structure so these are potentially uh remains of that structure so that is it from s SK Carsdale Hall if you enjoyed the video please hit that like button and the Subscribe button it helps massively if you feeling extra generous you can press the super thanks button that will get you a shout out on the next video as well so thank you very much for watching it’s been a pleasure as always and until next time see you later [Music]


    1. I'm glad you took my recommendation to visit 🙂 Sutton Scarsdale Hall is a special and beautiful place, with so much history. I used enjoy playing in the ruins and adjacent fields with my brother as a kid as we lived nearby.

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