I started this trip in Braga, Portugal and ended in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. I spent a total of 3 days on the road, the first night in Valença a wall town in Portugal and the second night in Caldas de Reyes, Spain a small town known for their thermal baths. This path follows the 2000 year old XIX Via Romana from Bracara Augusta (now Braga) to Asturica (now Astorga). Along the way you will find quaint medieval towns, water features and remnants of Roman present in the area in the form of arc bridges, thermal baths and way marks. There’s plenty of restaurants and eateries along the way that serve local Portuguese and Spanish food. The Camino de Santiago is a famous pilgrimage path, you will find fellow cyclists and hikers along the way. There are quite a few “Albergues” along the for you to spend the night, some of them are free for pilgrims doing the Camino.

    by ninjadebraga

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