newbie question, I have a shimano 105 shifter and it's time to replace the cable, but part of it is wrapped under the handle bar tape. Do i need to unwrap it first or can i just push in the new cable into the cable covers?

    by irondumbell


    1. You don’t need to unwrap the bar tape. When you push it should come out easily from the shifter.

    2. Assuming that’s mechanical disc breaks then you don’t need to remove the bar tape.

      If you peel the hoods back you’ll have access to where the cable is feed in (and comes out)

      Few points, if the cable you’re replacing is damaged pulling it back through the cover can damage the cover internal so you’ll want to (cleanly) cut the damaged part off before doing so, alternatively cut the end from the shifter and pull it through and out.

      Use a good quality cable cutter from fitting the new cable to prevent it fraying

    3. Madrugada_Eterna on

      You can just replace the inner steel cable. Leave the outer alone and you don’t need to touch the bar tape.

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