lunch yes yes everybody looks pretty happy yes make sure you stay awake so please get the coffee we still have a minute cuz I don’t want to see anybody asleep in my session I’m just kidding okay it’s pleasure to be co-chairing this session with Professor Koda uh my name is Milan K I’m professor at University of North Carolina Charlotte in the United States and it is pleasure to be here with the home University of Professor Koda and Professor magdalina so and it is my pleasure to introduce our first keynote speaker Professor magdalina I don’t have a full bio but everybody knows her right everybody knows her she’s probably the most noticeable she was even more noticeable in Mumbai when we were there 6 months ago than me and Professor Dian Singh everybody knew her so that introduction I’m going to let her come and talk about Waste Management I will do my best thank you thank you [Applause] good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and once again good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and um the topic of my presentation is will we or we will not be able to track with sustainable development goals in Waste Management that’s the question when we think about environmental problems we are facing nowadays definitely is air pollution and climate change everybody’s talking about the climate also mining extraction uh we are extraction even uh in extreme level nowadays water pollution if you will Google you will find hundreds of pictures like that from all over the world with the Plastics microplastics and other pollution in the water and seage and polluted water and waste water deforestration it’s another huge problem we are facing nowadays urbanization and going on another huge problem which we have is overpopulation uh when we look at the numbers at at 15 of uh November 2022 human population crossed 8 billion human beings on a planet Earth which is a huge number and all of the problems I was showing before it’s rooting from our over population so there is no planet be and we should start to do something about it and that’s the idea be behind the sustainable development goals the 17 uh goals so when we look at the problems also it’s inequal distribution of wealthness so there is a huge gap between rich and poor there is another problem like you can see here and of course lack of awareness most of us hardly ever we think about about waste about the amount of waste we are producing daily and the consequences these are the consequences um talking to waste and waste problem uh actually waste is connected almost to all sdgs of the 70s but the most is maybe with number three number six number 13 11 and 12 in the past uh the waste problem was generally uh local and the waste was biodegradable so there was not big issue but when we look nowadays it’s we can say it’s a all over the world problem this are picture from China this is India Russia actually it’s very difficult to get any um statistics what’s going on uh over there uh United States uh New York is facing a huge problem with waste waste collection with fats and insects all over the city and Poland a country I’m coming from we are also facing a lot of problems even though on the statistics it looks mared better but if you will go on the landfill side you will see the difference and another huge problem in Poland are also landfill fires according to the world Banks what a waste report the word generates more than two billion of tons of Municipal Solid Waste annually and less than 33% of the waste is managed in an environmental friendly and safe manner there are some statistic how does it look like with waste production um the biggest producer of Municipal Solid Waste is United States than China Germany France turkey Poland is also uh not doing very well uh when it comes to food waste which is another huge problem around the world uh you can can see the statistic Nigeria Greece Iraq Saudi Arabia Australia are the biggest uh producer of food waste um it is estimated that onethird of food produced for human population is being wasted during the whole chain from the production till the end of life uh this is actually my student uh on a composting plant we were doing some experiments so you can see a lot of food is being wasted so trying to answer the question if we will or we will not on the track with sustainable development goals in Waste Management it’s a difficult questions I mean uh it’s a question of changing the way we are behaving the way we are buying the way we are storing uh the way we are using things of course and the very important end of life and uh another problem which I can see is that mostly we look at the end of the problem which is the end of life of the problem products the end of life of our stuff so the way and we should start from the other side we should look at the beginning of of the chain uh I think we have seen it today already is the waste waste hierarchy so at the very very top on the turn around P pyramid we can see prevention and I think we should start with the prevention and the very very bottom you can see is disposal which unfortunately in many countries is the most used way of treating waste uh when we look at the statistics I think Poland is something like 50% of waste is being landfilled Czech Republic 50% some countries are even 90 or 80% waste is being landfill why because it’s quite easy and quite cheap compared to other methods and the other thing we don’t have enough installation this is the case of Poland we don’t have enough facilities to treat the waste and um I had the pleasure to to spend six months in Japan and I’ve got my lesson and I think we can try to follow them there is a very nice word in Japanese motai which means don’t be wasteful or what a waste and it uh it is showing that uh we should start as I said that uh our waste can be uh useful or or actually we should even not use the word waste because when you look at the nature there is no waste in nature there is everything in C and everybody is talking nowadays about circular economy about circularity about closing the loop so I think this is the direction and uh the beauty about the m m in Japan it’s that to our classical reduce reuse recycle recover they add something more which is called respect and I think this is what we are missing nowadays in in many countries that we are not respect things we have we own we by uh so we should start with the respect yeah I have some pictures I’m pretty sure I’m glad director is not here because it’s from our campus yeah I’m a little bit afraid that I might be um might have some problems but actually this is our waste point very close to ecar Hotel uh it looks like that so uh again it’s I think we don’t have the respect and uh it’s again beginning with the education also so we should educate people we should show them we should show them the way how they should be aware um another picture it’s from Japan uh this is also from campus at AMA University so it is possible yeah and as you can see uh the pet bottles this is a resource we can use it it’s easy and it’s reusable in my country in Poland and in many European countries we have a mixed plastic waste we which we cannot use because actually we have polyethyl and polypropylen and all the uh polymers mix up together and in fact it’s not recycling but down cycling generally and um and checking also generally all over the world there are no facilities to treat so everybody’s talking yes recycle recycle but how so what we can also do there is getting more and more attention to Green nudes which means gently push individuals into right direction so just show how we can what we can do to to um to to respect to build respectful yeah this is the nudging a very nice example of nudging and a zero ways it’s a small Japanese City kamikatsu on shikoku island where in 2001 they signed declaration go zero ways I think actually it started in Australia in 1996 when they signed for zero waste and uh all over the world there are coming more and more cities uh with zero waste idea like I think California is also fighting for zero Stanford University many universities so also universities are good places where we should start the the idea the spreading the green nudging and respect and zero wayte and there are some examples how how easy we can solve uh for example food waste composting is not always easy because you need an effort you have to take care but this is a nice Japanese kiero composting Theo composting I will not tell details but it’s my dream to uh come true to have something like that in our University that everybody can use it and can use it for the food waste another way it’s uh Biore reactors or small reactors which can be used in cities universities schools or restaurants so that if we produce the food waste just to do everything uh to bring it back to the loop and there is a very nice example I had a opportunity to visit Indian institution of Technology and actually at their cus they have a lot of places with small composting fa I don’t know facilities or or I don’t know how to call it very easy where they collect the food from from the censes all over the compost and they compost it and the compost is used at the campus yeah this is the how it look uh in Mumbai also very nice idea they have a biogas station which is actually using um again the food from the censes many Indians are vegetarian so a lot of food waste is being produced so at the campus they are using it uh to produce bio gas and then the bio gas is used in the kitchen so Professor K is another my dream to have it at our work Gus thank you thank you for your invitation uh another good green nudging is a clean back policy actually uh it started in Canada I don’t remember this small town uh but they try to change the our common black bags for waste on transparent which means it’s putting a moral tax on individuals and in Canada they started the all the bags were black but only one uh transparent and only one was black for very very personal waste in Japan they went even further uh you have to put in some parts of Japan you even have to put your name on your back of course people were at the beginning very annoyed because they were saying everybody will know what I’m producing well yes so this is the moral tax this is the respect if we will see if I’m bringing something what not should not be in the back this is the green magic okay they will see so um so I think it was quite successful it dropped uh the municipal mixed weight I think more than 20% and increased the the separation of waste and this is a back picture from bombai I’m I’m sorry it’s from from from Indian institution of Technology it was a van event over there and I made a picture I can’t help myself and on the right side it’s a very easy nudging you know Ecco station it was in okama it was a event for students and what they did they put a students as a volunteers and they were showing how to separate the waste which is easy and really helpful because generally on events we are producing a lot of mixed municipal waste yeah this is the m and clean bag policy this is again from the University and the students are volunteering helping with to keep clean after the event and the last thing you know when you look at the picture probably it’s from United States the left one I’m sorry and the right one is Japan uh it’s we can also reduce the amount of waste we are producing the food waste the gastro waste from Gastronomy very simply just using a small bowls it is scientifically proofed that if we put a lot of food on one plate we will eat more and we will waste more so an easy uh it’s from G teras in okama hello Bernard and uh I think it’s reducing a lot and this is from Indian institution of Technology again I went there and I could see they are using the small balls and they had a huge sign don’t wait food which I appreciate very much so it’s another example how at the universities we can show the students the right way because nowadays we have the Generation Z in few years they will leave our universities and they will spread all over their countries and if they will get a good lesson you know how to behave probably they will take it to their famili so the answer of of if we will all the sdgs we already know it will not be possible to achieve till 2030 but I think uh the most important is and actually we are doing it nowadays it’s the international cooperation because it’s not like that that country a is producing waste and Country B is not producing or L producing we have only one planet and you know that some countries are selling their ways to other countries it’s not the solution you know because it’s only moving from one place to another it’s like with pollution you know there are no borders for the pollution so I think the international collaboration and um the awareness and in my opinion the respect is the most important in our future if in the future of our waste thank you very [Applause] much I think we have time for questions discuss cuz uh disc yeah but uh if somebody has yeah go ahead go so um so my question is um do you think the problem uh with the circular economy it’s the part of the economy because we still didn’t find a way to make waste um if enter the economy Loop so if people are making money with this product waste of course you’re going to run by itself but I think somehow the circular economy still missing the economy part we know how to do circular but we don’t know how to do full economy with it I’m not sure I’m fully understand your question I mean how to bring back the waste to the circular to the circularity or okay if people see waste as a value it will start to make economy with it my question here is if you agreed with this well everybody knows that recycling is very expensive I mean it looks beautiful uh in the books and on the circles you know recycle but as I said mostly we do down cycling which means the products we will get it’s SC down the value is going down so uh with the pet bottles from Japan yes I do think they they can use it I I was in many they don’t have nowadays Landfield they have U like centers waste management centers and they do bio gas and they do composting and Recycling and they also have a landfill and I I have seen a k and a bottles actually we were together Alexander remember and yes then you can use it if it’s well prepared so one question is how we separate our waste unfortunately you can see how we do it and uh so the quality let’s call it of the waste and of course then as you said we need somebody who will buy it yes so the price I have a friend he’s working in Arab Emirates in a company sabik which is producing plastic for for all over the world and he’s saying nobody is buying recycling materials because it’s more expensive so we have to force the prices we have to force if we will not change for example in Czech Republic uh the recycling checks are quite good separating waste which means the Plastics they are top top in Europe but it’s not the solution because again it’s mixed everything polyethyl and polypropyl and poly chlorin and so on and so on and uh there is no interest in this material so they rather use concrete for example in in uh than than the Recycled Plastics so I think we should start from the beginning so the don’t produce waste and if it’s avoidable if it’s impossible not to produce it then to try to keep it as good quality as it is if it is possible thank you well thank you so much we’ll keep going uh but before we go to the next presenter I see a lot of people sitting in the very back there is a lot of room here and it’s okay um so if somebody people want to move forward please do that right now you know it’s like in school you know all the students are always back unless you have a reason to go to room A and B are doing back and forth you should just be comfortable here okay uh all right well with that our next president thank you magdalina by the way um so uh our second presenter here uh is going to talk about uh combustion slack so it’s about waste reuse uh waste byproduct reuse and the presenter is uh Kina gabri gabish gabish it’s okay and what how you say the second one s yes thank you uh ladies and gentlemen good afternoon my name is katar gabish I’m representing the department of geotechnics Institute of Civil Engineering waro University of Life Sciences it’s a great pleasure for me to be with you today and present my research one of the subject of my research as well as my speech today are waste materials and I’m going I would like to introduce you slack one kind of slack um byproduct of com Co combustion which is formed in the power plant and we are working with this material not only this one but I’m talking about this one today uh we are checking its uh different geotechnical properties including perhaps especially Dynamics uh Dynamic ones um are they similar to uh natural soil natural Aggregates um let’s check so um Co combustion in the power industry causes um emission of pollut a big emission of pollutants into the air as well as the production a large amount of solid byproducts not only slack but as well as and uh from the perspective of the circular economy it’s necessary to seek for the new applications for these materials in the industry model concept consistent with the circular economy um assumes the use of slack in a broadly understood um construction so we can um we can find many different various concept of slack applications uh for example ceramic Industry Road construction cement industry land reclamation and so on and um the construction of roads and motorways um has further increased the opportunity to use uh combustion slack uh provided they meet some severe uh criteria and when I’m thinking about these requirements um one of the great important uh requirement is to understand the dynamic properties of uh CS uh mixtures um and um so I’m thinking here about the sheer modulus G and damping ratio d uh for those of you who are not familiar with um Dynamic properties I would just say that there are two essential indexes for seismic performance analysis and safety performance evaluation of terrains and structures who are located in the Aras um seismically active Aras or uh exposed to various vibrations and dynamic loads um acting on the structures uh like for example wind or earthquake they vary with time um they do not follow um a constant pattern they are sudden and we can find um several types of geotechnical uh engineering problems which are connected with Dynamic loading such of them you can see here on the slide listed on the left so so the aim of my research was to investigate she modulus and damping ratio uh using uh very common non-destructive method for natural soil it means resonant column technique and to get to derive the Cs stiffness I used the uh frequency response curve which will be shown later on and to derive damping properties damping ratio of this material um I selected the free vibration DEC method so we are in Poland in war so let’s go to shikiri Power Station power plant uh it’s the polar largest power plant the second largest in Europe this is the place where I took my research material uh combustion slack uh nonary material irregularly shaped uh predominantly porous um glossy grains gray in the color here in the table um you can see some selected physical properties of this material uh let’s look on the grain sign distribution curve uh you can see here as well some some typical um grading characteristic typical for natural soil together with the coefficient of uniformity coefficient of cvat using the accord or the soil classification unified so classification system this material was classified uh as scent or scent with sealed you can see some chemical composition unfortunately uh I haven’t done any chemical test this is what I found in the literature about this material um and I found as well that it’s characterized by a stable chemical composition um without ex does not exhibit any environmental hazardous properties uh the laboratory tests were made here in this building where we are right now now in one of GE technical Laboratories using already mentioned resonant column technique you can see here on the photo uh the device together with all the instrumentation so I um conducted research on threee specimen cs1 2 and three all of them were prepared in the layers using the dry tamping method to get the theift relative density of competion and of course um first uh we did FL ing then we were saturating our samples using back pressure method checking the value of the scampton B parameter then uh all the sample were uh all the samples were isotropically Consolidated and finally the damping test I started with the uh resonance test and resulted in the um frequency curve which you can see on the figure on your right the um top right um from this uh curve uh I uh got the uh resonant frequency um then later on used to calculate the stiffness of the material so the sheer modulus and uh this test were followed by the damping test resulting in the damping curve uh I calculated the logarithmic decrement and later on the damping uh ratio so we are uh are moving to the results due to the lack of the time I’m presenting uh just some of the results the details of them you can you will find in the in the paper uh here for example is the uh all these features are showing that um dependency of uh G modulus and D ratio uh versus shearing strain um the characteristic are very similar to what we can observe in the natural soil so we can see that the uh Shear modulus is decreasing with increasing shearing strain in the range of small strains here I’m thinking the strain is um The Strain is on the xaxis uh when we are thinking about small strain so uh between um 10 to- 4 10 to minus 3% um there’s decrease uh in G is around not more than 10% and we when we are going farther Beyond 10 to minus 3% um the modulus is increasing more up to 40% then we can see as well the effect of the mean effective uh stress right the higher mean effective stress then we are getting the uh bigger higher stiffness the same the there is a dependence of um of the relative density of competion uh when we are uh looking at the damping properties right they are increasing with increasing shearing strain they increas is rather small in the range of small strains and getting bigger when we are moving to the larger strains another example of the results the features on your um left uh the gmax and the D mean versus mean effective stress I used here um like the common power low function to see to check this dependency when we look at the gmax the function works pretty well the uh Earth Square I received is 0.99 in the case of the D mean d mean I use the same um function but the R square the values are smaller from 0.66 to 0.92 depends on the specimen so I think more test are needed more samples and the results on the right um that the relationship between gmax and dmin versus relative density of competion uh in the case of G modulus um small differences between uh the small strain shear modul loose in the case of um maybe at just at the low pressure R because this increased by 18% in the case of the damping properties we can see there is a decrease the difference is bigger between the results between 58 up to 83 depends on the um mean effective stress but when we are getting like denser samples you well this dependence is not observed so some concluding remarks because I don’t have more time so the G modulus of uh combustion slack decreases and the ratio increases with increasing shearing strain right so no matter U which was the mean effective stress or um relative density the tendency the variation is the same right and then when we are thinking about the smaller strains smaller than 10 to – 3% as ineective stress has a remarkable influence on the studied parameters um of uh combustion slack this um Power low function proposed for gmax mody it uh works for the damping properties I think um better to search for another better relation ship between these two parameters so I think more tests are necessary uh relative density of compaction greater effect on gmax of combustion slack but with lower me effective stressed and higher on Dian just considered relevant for loose or medium dense materials and the last one maybe the most important perhaps so I can see these are just the preliminary test results but I can see that it’s a really high similarity in Dynamic characteristic to Natural non-cohesive so this this may result in the future utilization of this material as a possible substitute for natural material in practical geotechnical engineering and thank you for your [Applause] attention we’re going to keep going I think uh we’ll keep going maybe we’ll have questions can you hold on to them at the end because we have a discussion session um so with that our next presenter is going to talk about construction and demolition waste from uh Republic of North uh Macedonia and we have speaker is it Don Donas Karina no who is presenting Yan okay so we have Johan Papik here so thank you right yeah so thank you Professor k for the introduction and uh thank you uh thanks to the organizing committee for selecting this paper for presenting the oral uh session so uh it is four person have par participating is preparation while the the leading author is Professor Karina donesa she is professor at our faculty of civil engineering and she has been dealing with uh landfills for more than uh 20 uh years either in the design or participate solely or U uh in a team in a preparation of some legislative regarding uh Landfield in North Macedonia so part of her recent uh researches are given in the in the paper and these are from the point of view of construction demolition waste uh they beside the the two definitions that are given uh at the beginning they can also have in nowadays similar origin uh from natural disasters unfortunately and what is what can also be related to to do to them is that they are occas related to Illegal uh dumping so uh generally as we will see later a lot of quantities of construction demolition waste has been um produced uh in member states of European Union there there is high potential and of course High need for their reuse and in order to that way uh reschedule the civil engineering and uh construction the demolition waste from linear to Circular economy there are numerous benefits that are given uh below so in the paper there will be some uh uh review on what is going on in Europe and what is going on in uh North uh Macedonia uh in that direction so about 16 years ago there has been adopted a so-called waste framework direct directive uh According to which U uh the European Union has been asked by each member state to develop their Waste Management plans and moreover to uh try to increase the recycling of the wise frame of construction demoltion waste to to More than 70% by 2020 in order to stimulate it also so-called protocol has been brought uh where among the rest there has been um uh criterias for the the waste and in that is all in direction to increase the confidence and uh on construction and demolition waste and in stimulate the management process so what’s going on in Europe in the last 10 years so from 2010 to 2020 uh what is public opinion generally is that we produce a lot of house hold waste but if you if we look at the total uh quantities uh we can see that household is only uh 8 to 9% from the total waste that did we generate and that in fact the construction and demolition waste is uh 34 to 37% from the total quantities of was so the household is one qu of the of the construction demolition uh waste uh unfortunately we have noted that according to the eurosat so the recent data fresh data uh it has been the construction has been increased from 34 to 37 degrees in uh 37% in the last uh 10 uh years uh while at the same time as you can see at the bottom the mining in the quar RIS has been reduced so from from 29 to 23 uh% so uh relatively the construction has been increased by 10% while the mining has been decreased by by 20% if we if we only look at the construction and demolition waste and we if we exclude the excavated soil we can see that uh the the percentage of concrete bricks tiles and asphalt is almost constant of about 90 uh percent so generally the situation is that so far but how is how are the member states um uh dealing with uh construction demolition waste so there are uh more or less three categories so either it is Landfield either it is backfield Landfield at the bottom backfield at up but we can we have you can notice that uh uh most of the construction demolition waste has been U uh recycled I hope that it will be the case as it is now going on in the CTO kishka Street there is a huge demolition going on and it will be contributed in these percentages so uh we can notice that uh uh the waste framework directive adopted in 2008 already brought results four years later when in 2012 it was the the recycling has been increased to 76% and later it has been stable increasing slowly but slay stable reaching up to 80% in uh this uh period while for the land filling it has been reduced for about 20% in 12% in the in this 10 years uh overview of the of each member State can been given here we can see numerous uh various results each state what kind of uh uh management they they prefer with construction demolition waste so plenty of varieties are given and like uh the me the countries from Balan region where landfilling is unfortunately the most favorable uh approach uh on our Marathon road to the European Union Macedonia has brought the first law M man in 2008 so the same year when European Union so professor donesa participa in some other Rule books that have been accompanying this uh law while uh 3 years ago a new law on Waste Management has been brought uh giving more CL clarification and being more uh correlated with the one in the European Union unforunately the situation with the land fields in the Republic of North Macedonia is so so uh there are land Fields there are mostly um U ruled by municipalities some are sanitary mostly are not uh so as for the construction demolition waste um uh usually it is collected by so for So-Cal informal sector they are irregular D so we are missing a lot of data luckily that’s not the situation with the Landfield drla that is serving the the capital of North Macedonia Scopia and so uh it has been in sering process for two three uh decades and uh according to the this recent law building it has been increased accepting the construction and demolition waste since copy generally under hug huge or Urban offensive so uh before bringing the the the law up up to 10 or 12% of the total waste that has been collected in D has been uh from construction and the demolition waste while after adopting it so it has been increased almost uh double so in order to keep progress with this uh way we will need to to develop and put in force the effective legal framework so it’s not about just having the laws but of course respecting uh them uh we will have to establish more closer cooperation with construction companies in order to get Ava valuable da data for uh the quantities uh of course uh it has to promote the selective Demolition and reuse recycle of uh construction demolition waste in that sense uh there are plans to develop uh Regional sorting facilities and of course to promote uh their and to support them uh in that way we will try to contribute in balancing this in equation thank [Applause] you well we’re doing very well on time so far here so we’re going to have more time for discussion okay uh so the next speaker we have here uh is also is going to talk about circular economy in so construction and demolition waste and the speaker I believe is Joanna fron very nice okay thank you yesno my okay and now it’s okay uh once again good afternoon my name is Yanna fruk and together with my colleague Kat marov we prepared the uh paper entitled circular economy in construction and demolition waste management and this is um literature review uh paper aimed uh to examine different Waste Management strategies for construction and demolition waste um the goal was achieved by searching scientific Publications regulations and statistical data and to outline outlining a sustainable system of construction and demolition Waste Management so we already know from the previous uh presentation what uh actually construction and demolition waste is and what is the composition or can be the composition of uh of this type of waste uh however I would like to um underline here that the origin of waste is very important uh because um comparing for example uh construction waste and demolition waste uh with uh waste generated during uh natural disasters these types of waste of course uh uh differ and um uh wastes from natural disasters are exposed uh to risk uh causing substances um and that’s why it differs from the uh waste generated during control activities like construction and uh um demolition activities uh so as we know construction and demolition waste accounts for at least 30% of all solid was generated globally and in European Union even even more um that’s why shifting from linear economy to Circular economy is uh so essential especially when we take into account that up to 75% of uh CND D waste can be reduced so circular economy system uh consist of six here are five but I will show you six also H six levels or elements so first of all we have W waste Mass reduction or other words prevention waste prevention and uh according to lature waste um minimizing reduction or prevention May significantly reduce the cost of construction work and definitely reduces the consumption of raw materials and this can be achieved by uh all through uh financial instruments like fines emission fees landfill price increases or more consumer friendly tax benefits um it can be also a achieved by ecodesign or um what is very important work organization like optimization of supply chain work schedule product and waste storage conditions and this can be optimiz can be achieved using um different kind of optimization tools like building information modeling or uh geographic information uh system so the next two levels are waste identification and waste collection uh that play an important role in achieving the quality of uh stored uh waste and as a as a consequence the quality of uh the final uh product so as you can see here in the in the picture demolition waste and also uh waste generated during uh natural disasters or uh War these are this is the mixture of many fractions that quite often are difficult to separate uh nonetheless um in many countries are introducing right now uh regulation standards uh that uh um choose the uh selective uh collection of uh construction and demolition way for example in Poland in starting from 2025 we will be obligated to collect Woods collect construction and demolition waste um in many categories let’s say so wood metal glass plastic gypsum uh and mineral mineral waste so the next two levels of circular economy is waste treatment and uh final product or end product and uh one of the most common L used method in practice and also most widely reported in scientific publication is the processing of mineral waste to produce recycled aggregate concrete mortar bricks P different kind of panels um what I wanted to men to underline here so we use different uh processing Technologies and at the end we have final product or end product that we propose to the industry and uh of course industry reuse recycle this the this recycled uh or end uh products but I have here one but or not even not one so um there is a challenge for research Community to uh develop new Innovative Technologies that we will allow us to keep uh new fractions of waste in the cycle new fractions I mean not only uh construction rubbles or metals or uh glass but also the other fractions uh produced during for example Demolition and also uh there is a challenge to develop new technologies that will allow us to standardize the quality of end product um I think here about the standards uh that are similar for example to the um standards used for solid waste derived fuels yes so we could propose such kind of uh standards or certificates so we have also here the quality management related to the Quality uh certificate I me mention I mentioned uh second uh one one second ago and guidelines of technical conditions for use our final or end uh product um yeah okay so uh to not only emphasize the uh challenges related to Circular economy of uh construction and demolition waste here I would like to show you positive examples uh one is Highline in New York uh this is an urban park located on a former train line in Manhattan and the second one is the single family house in jabia vola this is the example from Poland where wood and gas from Demolition of an old house was used uh to construct this new uh beautiful uh building so the last SE sixth level of CC circular economy system is logistic and logistic is usually understood as uh Transportation uh however in my opinion um together with the quality um the limitation to increase the uh share and uh good publicity let’s say of uh Recycling and reusing of construction and demolition waste is secondary Market because secondary Market in my opinion is under developed and requires support in terms of legislation technology and marketing and this is all because of the high costs uh and these costs are related to available waste processing Technologies lower awareness among representatives and often not every time but often lower quality of recycled materials when we compare the recycled materials so-called virgin product so summarizing introducing regulations that support um new regulations that support audits selective collection selective yeah selective collection and standardized use of recycled materials is uh crucial prioritizing waste reduction effective and uh safe uh collection and proper treatment methods May optimize resource recovery while at the same time mitigating environmental uh impact ensuring quality management including technical specifications for recycled materials and developing secondary markets enhance comp competitiveness of our uh final products for the industry realizing the full potential uh of uh circular economy requires a holistic approach integrating technological advancement legislative support and uh stakeholder engagement and finally I would like to leave you with the question question do we have the legal technological and organizational capacity to close the loop so in my opinion we are on good TR track uh however there’s still a lot work ahead of us yes uh actually in all of these three areas so thank you very much for your time [Applause] with that uh the next speaker AR Arin yeah so uh Arin yes it’s you yeah uh so Arin uh fared Professor fared is a faculty at BO state university in the United States uh I know Arin well um AR is a good friend he’s going to talk about food processing waste for ground Improvement and I don’t want to take his Thunder but he’s a technical chair of the ASC Geo environment meet conference which is in Portland Oregon in September so maybe some of you are able to travel please um join that conference and uh he has any questions ask him any questions you may have so with that Arin it’s all yours thank you for the kind introduction and and Kitchen in for the conference Turner I stick to my 10 10 minute time frame so here we’re talking about recycling or reusing food industry byproducts we’ll call it FIP because the producer of the waste does not want their name to be revealed uh due to some some uh issues not to be mentioned here and the goal here is to basically solve multiple problems at once uh because we’ve been talking about solving one problem but nowadays with the extent of the issue you got to Target two or three problems at once and see if you could uh mix two or three problematic materials to solve all the issues at once and this is just the outline but the the sponsoring information again not to be revealed here we call it FIP here we have an NDA but there are hundreds of this sites in the across the United States only one of them in Idaho produces 100,000 plus tons per year of the waste CD blocks per year are produced and there are soils Organics chemicals heavy metals and a large uh content of calcium carbonates call and PCC precipitate the calcium carbonates in there currently they just a stock pilum monitor the leech it and it’s an issue dust is an issue and the neighboring uh cities have been complaining the smell is an issue and so on and so forth and uh there’s potential for that so this is one problem problem number one problem number two and and by the way the result is you got a mine Limestone spend a lot of energy heat and CO2 produce CO2 to create uh lime out of that and then use the lime to purify the any uh product food processing product and and the waste is what we just mentioned that’s the result of that so you see there’s a lot of carbon footprint in there as well so can we get to of the waste and turn it back to something useful and these are some some of the chemicals in there and if if you look at this table there’s a lot of potential uh um toxic material in there that leeches out so they so they have a big issue the sponsors have big issues there based on the properties there are uh applications that could be used uh depending on the geography I don’t want to get into all of that but the one that I examp I show an example here is to treat expansive clay soils within the state of Idaho that’s where I’m from and um obviously the anticipated problems the high organic compound content in terms of the um strength the potential leech it high ph and so on and so forth and this is just one picture of one corner of the site and these are the pro the third problem here is we realize that a um fly ash has been used in the industry and recycled in the US and in concrete and and some other purposes but due to transition from coal to Natural Gas the supply is low now we run out of the supply so now that’s a market a problem and an opportunity right there and there are there similarities and differences to fly ash in terms of the sum of the properties but the differences are mainly the organic impurity that exists right there there’s 20% unre unspent lime within this so that’s the poti also ponic reactions could happen because of the content the table that I showed you and some research has been done on different type of waste and their application I don’t want to get into the detail of that in um in the interest of time in terms of the methodology we looked at the strength the swelling potential because this is expansive soil we’re trying to mix the waste with expansive clay to see what the result would look like and see if the CL would immobil immobilize the contaminants within the within the waste as well so the mutual benefit in a way is the Target and there’s no standards this is the first time we tested this and uh we don’t know what the Blends and the fractions should be and what the outcome would end up being but the hypothesis is mixing these two two problematic uh materials together could result in an engineered product that’s desirable these are the series of test after characterizing the the the clay and the waste the FIP as I called it we created Blends from 0% uh meaning all clay to 100% FIP 15% 30% 45 60 and so on and so forth and after mixing we run a suite of experiments H hydraulic conductivity and and unconfined compressive strength add limits and so on and so forth uh these test have been run and then we decided to select what the promising mixtures are semm and lechet tests and so on and so forth and a lot of other test that I’m not showing here has been done the first step was compaction curves were developed from now on you’ll see a series of um oh I thought my timer was working it’s not a series of figures horizontal AIS is the FIP fraction from 0% meaning pure clay to 100% meaning pure FIP and the vertical axis would be various properties so here the first property is the dry density you could see that the clay is pretty low but when you add the FIP 15% gives you a much higher density and beyond that you every everything is pretty much desirable now look at the sheer strength the clay is not that bad 15% to 30% 20% good but then after that you get a reduction this is hydraulic conductivity which is quite interesting you see up to 45% clay dominates what the hydraulic conductivity is and the magnitude order a magnitude Beyond 60% the FIP dominates that and that should impact the Leed this is the SW potential you see the clay is pretty um bad 18% is the SW potential but as you add the FIP that goes down to practically below 2% which is very desirable right there so that’s the SW potential so in a way uh if you look at the properties we’re dealing with a nonplastic mix so the mix at all fractions is nonplastic so that’s a great Improvement in terms of the expansive soil Target of this problem but there’s still potential for other embankments or other remediation and and some other applications that we’re currently testing and this is the leeet so you could the bottom row is shows the FIP you see everything is in hundreds or thousands or tens of thousand in terms of the the concentration but if you look at the mixtures they’re pretty desirable in terms of chromium and and mag manganese and copper and so on and so forth so pretty much the clay helped and and and interesting enough the the mixture is in substance is even better than the clay because of the interactions that you see over there but in terms of sustainability you got to consider all different aspects that you could see on the right uh vertical axis and depending on what the use is you could pick which percentage which fraction in the blend should be used are you do we care about the strength do we care about hydraulic conductivity is the leeet or the SW potential the target problem that we’re trying to resolve so I think with that I’m I’m I’m 1 minute ahead of time so and okay uh conclusion wise the Blends were non plastic which which helped this fat Clay High plasticity clay that uh Idaho Transportation Department has been dealing with and uh has a big source of uh light structure infrastructure damage uh the dry density of the mixture has improved there was I didn’t show those results but in terms of friction angles not much of a difference in terms of the cohesion not much of a negative impact um in and the hydraulic conductivity there’s a regime change that I mentioned and and the blending reduced the soil potential uh and and the strain which which was a positive and um Leets were immobilized um interesting enough uh some even better than the clay so there are some interactions in there that are useful and and the particle packing through sem we saw interesting results no room here to show that but that that was quite interesting as well that I have another talk in in Portland that we’ll discuss okay any question if there’s time I try to respond if not after the fact uh we have time if you have somebody has a burning question otherwise we can have plenty of time for discussion too but if somebody wants to ask a question oh microphone right um okay looks like there is one here by the way we’re still U um running Leed Leed uh test and and over time and we want to try temperature change and see what the impacts are so that just this research is still ongoing thank you Professor for your insightful presentation uh like you have shown some hydrometer like you have done hydrometer analysis but in conventional GE geomechanics like for inorganic materials we do mostly uh hydrometer analysis but like what problems you faced or is it like can we perform hydrometer analysis on organic Rich material it is uh what do you mean can you perform Hy hydr yeah yeah because like they will mostly hydrophilic in nature uhhuh organic matter and if you are exposed like what is the principle of hydrometal is like just we settling it in the water column so oh you’re talking about the grain size distribution of this I thought I thought you said hydraul hydraulic conductivity test hydrometer B okay hydrometer so because of the Organics in in there so so now now okay okay now if um so basically the qu if if you repeat the question now that I figured out what what it was so that I think I think he’s asking you how is this test applicable to organic matter isn’t it supposed to be inorganic soils and how did you do this taste organic matter SI distribution of that yes um it’s I mean you all you add I mean that’s always an issue it was just to to figure out the grain size distribution in terms of the packing otherwise I didn’t even show the hydrometer uh test results here for that purpose if I if I answer that question correctly so hydrometer was not done really on this one it was done but it was problematic results so was not shown here that makes sense because the particles would be all attached to each other they wouldn’t come down we try different more more concentration of Calon and different ways and adding uh chemicals still you get some results better but still problematic that’s why I didn’t show it here okay no problem thank you so much we we’ll continue the questions uh the [Applause] next uh I have one request I don’t know I could hear the talk from the other room or something if somebody’s in the door do you mind closing the door for our last presenter so with that we have the last Talk of the session we’re going to have discussion after that so please hang on to your questions we’re not rushing you so everybody will get a chance to ask questions microphone it’s not on oh okay okay can you hear me now yes yes okay I’m going to repeat it now all right so the the back door over there I could hear the people from The Next Room uh if we could close the door that will be great okay it’s closed all right second question second part is we’re going to have plenty of time for questions so hang on to your questions we got one more speaker and then we’re going to open discussion all right so with that I’m going to introduce the last speaker here who’s going to also talk about circular economy um is it also from warsa University no okay so the next speaker who is presenting uh we have noos okay all right okay uh good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and gentlemen on the stage well first let me tell you that this is not my topic um I I answered this invitation uh from Miss Stan stefanska she should be around here and she told me to wow we have to go to waro to participate in this conference and I was like oh but that conference is a little bit out of my topic and she said well uh try so uh I went out of my topic so this is not natural for me this is not a topic that I research so everything can can go really wrong so I’ll feel because I’m Portuguese and I will speak about a Polish waste so I I got some problems here I’m feeling like Cristiano Ronaldo scoring a penalty and probably will be defend so yeah so I’m pretty in a what spot here but let me give you a try so um first I I I don’t know uh much about this topic I went and try to understand in from my point of view and then I realized that uh Poland is really big when it comes to waste production uh mostly from Mining and quaring not so much from construction uh Poland actually is strange in the in the in the European scenario because uh all of the countries um tend to have like 35% of construction waste but because Poland has so many Mining and quaring the the the the number of uh waste although it’s if you take it out the mining and quiring stills the same if you don’t take it really is really different but the Polish market when it comes to construction is really strong I was not aware of that oh they in 2020 came in fourth in terms of uh construction economy let’s call it so I put some numbers over there um and this was the first thing I realized then I I went to the European data because you know Europeans pulled the shots uh in Brussels so uh and you already heard about this they want us to um to achieve the 70% Mark um and every country is doing their efforts and here too I think they change the law and Rise the taxes on on disposable products so probably you paying more at the supermarket and also afford the constructions and homes residential uh shoppings everywhere so but this is also a trend in Europe so you are not pulling anything new you just coping with what it is already implanted in uh other countries and you know some countries like to push the shots first like the ones the one they ourselves called Big France I don’t know someone someone here from France or Germany they want to usually they give the example and they push for these ones so uh we have this policy we have the waste goals and this legislative updates that we see everywhere um uh so um polish is um or Poland is performing quite well on this but let me tell you because all the stories got a little bit details that that change things and I was look when when you look from outside and I’m from Portugal so I’m near the Atlantic Sea and for me this is quite far it’s like four hour uh plane here and then I realized that the Polish um situation is quite different because first um you you do a lot of mining for because the Cal right because the energy but uh before the war in Russia cold was being pH out right so many people was losing their jobs so what European Union did European Union step up and give Poland money to build up incineration uh um sites for waste so Poland built a lot of incineration factories here and uh the the the jobs were were facing down on mining and probably they will be taking at the incineration so you built a huge capacity for incineration uh waste materials here especially when it comes to construction and why construction is so important and I was stressing this with M Lena is uh because in construction the numbers are so why you know I don’t know if you are aware the construction usually in Europe is the the first the first sector or the second sector in economy so meaning that there is so many involved in construction and so many materials that uh you you easily build the economy with construction so this is what European is uh pushing so hard on this Con construction than demolition waste because is easier to do it than the other like uh um food process uh waste okay so knowledge what’s the knowledge say because I didn’t know either so I had to look about this so there got some barriers that I understood economic environment and social and I think you are aware of these these are all topics today and also people tend to some you know some people you know they pretend to do recycling by using the probably the the plastic bags but you know you know maybe inside the plastic bags recycle is not so good right sometimes they well I don’t want to break this apart so and let put it in a paper or something this a little bit of plastic so also um this circular idea of the the the part of the economy it’s really hard to put on end cuz who want to buy waste here anyone wants to buy waste waste cuz we don’t know what to do with it so you don’t want to buy it you don’t see value on it so this is why the construction sector is so important because it can lead and can teach us how to reuse it and build up new building so you already know about the recycle of concrete and so on um although and this uh didn’t all all you know because uh Scholars are involved in these knowledge dissemination papers every everywhere every time about this knowledge is really our topic uh another thing is the carbon uh savings uh when you you capture uh some of this and you don’t process any mitt uh on the the environment of course the potential of cost I don’t know if you are aware nowadays we have cuz I wasn’t CU this is not my topic again uh I don’t I I I I discovered there is a market for for waste and I you know by mistake I subscribe this website and they keep me sending emails like you should invest in waste it’s now growing kagar is going 5% next year I was like oh I was not aware I can make money with this so maybe waste and I don’t know if you follow me here will be the next crypto okay but I’m not here to give uh Financial advice please don’t take me for real but can be can be I was very impressed okay so of course we have many uh you know was is really complicated as Magdalena said waste is is kind of a a chaotic thing and you know when you showing show we you showing those image about the waste here at the campus I always say to my students in a way to to build up order you you somehow hence to build also disorder you know if you want a hoard here you have to have a disorder here it’s not possible to do if you do a construction you have to have some Rubble right around the side and then you have to take the rubble and put it in other place so this is a problem cuz you know to be clean you have to clean it and when you clean it you have waste so um waste tend to be uh a meshup with really strange thing things with uh sharp hands and really uh uh really uh smelly so it’s really hard to to to separate uh waste and to treat waste and they have you need or you need a lot of people that is in Europe is impossible because uh the end labor is too expensive or you need to engage Machinery like AI Machinery that can see the waste and separe the waste in uh uh um more value from low value and maybe the more the the the high value you can uh use it and the low value you should probably burn it and take the energy out of it so there is best practices I also learned this the idea is Sol is reduce the waste um try to um try to the goes in the new Cycles new cycles for I have kids I always ensure that the toys of my kids go to other kids so every Christmas some a younger kid gets happier you know so they go happier happier until they break it I think so in somehow they will end it and maybe someone will buy that old plastic and build new new toys so the kids going to be happy again and kids are important because the economy doesn’t work without people this is a problem that we have in Europe because to want to grow economy you have to have kids uh so policy yeah it’s true so no other way um okay St cold collaboration is also there are many uh so my methology was really simple I isolate these these kind of products and I build up some uh uh I was I was going big in the beginning I was like oh I’m going to involve Portugal Spain France Germany and for and and last Poland but then I realized it was too much and you know these baros they take too much time to answer I asked them the for the statistics they can take for instance in the Portuguese case was like an week but the French didn’t answer yet and I start like this is in February so you see it’s quite difficult so I I brought Poland um because covid was involved in our lives was also involved in waste life so you can see the numbers does sometimes go wble uh um uh going up and down this gra this chart is really boring so we should go to this one it’s more align and understandable and because you have to understand I’m an architect so I I like to simplify things to understand them so if you see that curves over there even if we take the really difference when it come to covid you can see the lines of Europe and Poland are not so different so Poland is being a quite good student here is following the professor well if the I don’t know is the professor Professor maybe it’s the opposite maybe Paul is a professor and the European Union is the learner but Poland is really going with the trend so policies are working here okay what’s my results are so first uh Poland have a uh decrease on investment around 19 in terms of construction of or construction demolition waste products because you have some problems you have some crisis in construction around 19 so we decrease the investment but then we you know uh European um countries start to invest in Poland more and you you took the lead in 2021 in 2022 you were the fourth country in grow in construction when you go in construction like I said you also grow in waste there’s another there’s no way okay you have to do it this way no problem so um in terms of recover you also fallowing the line so you’re going after also the trends you’re trying to cover on this side and and another thing that I realize and you know because the Macedonia colleague is here uh north of Macedonia sorry um what I realize is small countries tend to recycle more than big countries and this is understandable because you know small families probably operate better you see them in the restaurants right if he a small family like I don’t know a couple they are quiet but it’s like a big family a couple in five kids they are always in the party somehow so so small countries are also better when it comes to recycle than big countries so I think the mass builds up Mass okay so this was the trend in the construction Investments uh uh Poland really hit the brakes on covid I don’t know why you really get stressed covid was a big thing in construction here you heat the brakes you went even way far at the end the average but then you start to recover again and now you are align with the uh you are aligning with the European Trend so key conclusions um I said that although Poland doesn’t follow the same path of European union and doesn’t have to follow in the end uh the the the the outcomes quite a line so I can say Poland is a good learner of European policies um maybe I’m late right usually I’m late uh so uh in terms let me uh employment grow a lot because of the incineration factories that I told you today po Poland Imports waste from other countries are you know if you are aware of this so and I can tell you sorry if this sounds bad but Poland is treating almost the Germany waste okay I don’t know if want some Germany but come on it’s good but this is also the European Union Investments you know why cuz the face out of cold CU do a lot of emissions so you’re going to trans for the energy here so they invest in incineration so Poland is uh going great in incineration although now European Union is not happy with this result and you can ask why because they invested here why they are not because now they change the policy again and they say incineration is not good there’s too many emissions so now you need to cap the Chimes of the incineration factories with some kind of Technology you poll solve it cuz you are putting too much so now Poland has to invest tax Poland money to put up the caps on the shames so this is kind of a as you see this is kind of a a living organism that deal with this construction and I find this amazing and this is not my topic and this is how covid was impacting uh Poland very amazed uh this is the things that I already said because I’m not following my script anyway it’s just for you and okay and yeah I told you the rates are great you are you are reaching uh these uh I I made this from I don’t know if you saw it from 18 to 22 I really put the effort on me and I can tell you that uh in 22 and I think went by there uh Poland is uh coping with the European Union so you are a good learner um you have your own things but I think you have well you will find a way to solve it because you are doing well okay thank you so much uh [Applause] go thanks to all presenters you guys did a wonderful job and we have 10 minutes left uh little less than 10 so profor Koda we should open uh floor to questions uh we have a microphone ready if uh thank you so if anybody has questions to any of the speakers comments and opinion yeah if nobody has I could start opening a question Krishna go ahead I just want to the need microphone kind of a general comment and then maybe we can have a discussion on it so uh in the solid waste management uh area everybody talks about uh this pyramid right and uh we emphasize prevention you know minimization recycling reuse and at the end you go for landfilling but uh these days you know uh people are saying dump that hierarchy um because you know it doesn’t work so let’s say you know you want to do recycling okay you did a lot of recycling but when there are no markets for recycling what is what are you going to do it right so in the US we used to do a lot of recycling and we used to ship those to you know China and and Philippines and other places and they started not taking it because you know a lot of uh recycled materials that we were sending they’re contaminated they contaminated because you know Americans were very concerned about Recycling and they would put the things that are not recyclable in recycling bin so the entire recycling bin becomes so useless so people people have to know exactly you know what what is recycled what is not recyclable and uh then as a result of that because we don’t have market so we cannot really ship our recycled materials to China and other places and a lot of recycling places have closed they don’t know what to do you know if you have a lot of piles of recycled materials what do you do with that so uh the strategy I think you know now instead of this hierarchy the best strategy to uh look at waste management is Integrated Waste Management not not you know this hierarchy so in the Integrated Waste Management you need to consider all of them you know like uh uh resource recovery basically you know recover the materials or recycle and all those things have to be done but don’t emphasize that hierarchy in a universal way you really have to look at you know um you know situation specific right so we we call it life cycle assessment right you know you can simulate scenar you can create a scenarios of how much you know of each of components of that Waste Management strategy you have to do it so that you can have a net you know impact right so both you know uh environmentally economically and socially and then each place you know let’s say if warsa is there you know you can run that analysis for warsa and find out what is the best combination of these uh Integrated Waste Management elements that you can actually incorporate to make the sustainable Waste Management in wors and I cannot do the same thing for Chicago and Chicago has to its own you know Waste Management strategy so that’s uh you know thinking that has to go you know instead of hierarchy we need to look at the integrated way and doing the life cycle assessment of you know what is the best strategy that’s one thing and other thing that I wanted to mention is in all these Waste Management strategies socioeconomic factors is the most governing Factor socioeconomic factors because you know if you don’t impose for example you know I tell you in my neighborhood you know uh we pay tax every year for the solid waste management so every week when uh waste management comes waste people comes to collect the luggage we can put as many bags as we want one is recyclable other one is non- recyclable and we are not mandated to recycle but you know it’s up to individual and we can put as many bags as we want because you know we paid the fixed tax in the you know the for whole year but my uh next suburb they don’t tax uh at all for the year they don’t tax lumsum but they tax every bag they dispose of you really have to put a sticker you have to go to the grocery store buy the sticker and you have to put the sticker onto the grocery bag uh the garbage bag and put it on the curb side they will come and pick it up guess what happens my neighborhood residents don’t care how many bags you put it in right I put 10 bags but I go to the neighbor neighborhood thing because they have to put like a one tag on each one they try to put you know as they they try to reduce as as much as possible and they put like one bag outside so they’re reducing these socioeconomic factors you know if you impose the the tax or you know create a um you know some mechanism to force people to think you know if it monetary wise I think that’s kind of a general comment I wanted to make it because there’s a lot of debates going on a lot of things are happening on the ground not much is happening and people say zero landfills I me that’s fine zero landfills is fine but you know what happens what is happening to the waste even if you don’t have landfill so it’s ending up in the streets right so that’s can can we stop that and can we maybe somebody wants to comment on that or yeah Magdalena yes shortly thank you very much I absolutely agree but there are two things you know that what we do we don’t do recycling at home we separate our waste and somebody body should do the recycling yeah so this is one thing and the other as you said I think we lost the connection with the environment we don’t feel it somebody will come and will do it and I don’t care and uh I think in Japan I I spent quite a long time I realize they they are back to that you know they feel it it’s our environment and not that somebody will clean it for us not that somebody will take care but we do it we will do it so I think uh this is the lesson and and thank you can I can I add a question to you Magdalena is about you showed the pictures of waste around the world and my question is every country does their own thing and clearly nobody’s doing perfect anything so just like we have regulations from United Nations for missile proliferations about wars and chemical weapons is there any regulations you United Nations pipeline or somebody’s thinking that should mandate a lot of countries to do certain thing with their waste otherwise as you said waste has no boundaries just like weapons Have No Boundaries if you don’t restrict it they can go across the boundaries so why is the waste not treated like weapons in a way in terms of regulations Market there’s also a black market you know and as you said that Germany is selling waste to Poland and in Poland we are not putting it to incineration that but there are accidential fires landfill fires which were more than 800 I think last few years so yeah so the ination I think unfortunately is our future because there is no other way to the fact charged by theion maybe they want to go around you know that’s uh uh I in during this this research I also come across uh as you mentioned uh there was this huge fire of tires in Kuwait I don’t know if you heard all the time yeah so I know there is some criminal activities because you know some the problem is also from the government because if you tax people so much people will discover a way to trying to to bypass the system and when when people bypass the system is worse than you know some system so and I think can address your comments so this this is the problem if you tax too much and you impose so much problem people will solve it in a easy way and the easy way is burn it you know hide it so and it’s solved thanks one so yeah some [Applause] there thank you uh Professor Nuno uh I just want to add uh one small comment uh it’s not only about uh we try to recycle waste materials uh we don’t have End Market we are putting extra energy into it and then we are storing it somewhere so it’s more complicated situation like uh I did a study in uh Abu Dhabi last year uh the waste contribution in solid uh is approxim imely 70% in Abu Dhabi and UAE it’s highest in the world 70 to 75% and the problem is we have all the type of Waste Management plans uh the end material is ready but no one is ready to use it because either of the quality either of the price number of factors so what they did they are recycling 100% waste and now they have a new inventory that needs extra space extra energy and extra money so this we we are not even looking the life cycle to close the loop we are actually creating a new issues and challenges for the environment and same with all the I I think I have attended a number of conferences and whenever I ask okay you have a End Market for your new recycled material they were like yeah we are exploring there are things there is no concrete answer I have till date I have received from anywhere and I think as a community we should first find out a new End Market then we start processing this waste otherwise there’s of no use it’s just going to waste of money waste of resources waste of energy and more pile and more pile and more pile and and for that uh the Catalyst should be government because we as uh researchers we we can try we can try to put this topic in different forms but until unless the main stakeholder the major stakeholder government in their policies uh mate it like okay guys if you are going to construct a new building you have to use 50% of the waste materials or recycled materials until unless I don’t see there is a future thank you any other comments we may have one last question and then we’ll close the session somebody in the back there did you raise please raise your hand if you yes go ahead uh thank you for voice uh I have one question because uh one of the presentation is about uh segregation of the waste in the building site and who have to be responsible for the segregation on the countryside the site manager or the waste company who get to collect the the waste this is the problem because uh nowadays you put everything in one bin uh there is a problem because concrete Plastics everything you have on the constru construction side goes to the one bin and it goes mostly on the um waste storage and there is no low regulation who care about uh segregation on the country on the building side um to segregate the waste thank you well well thank you everybody um is that a somebody wants to respond yes no everybody good all right well thank you everyone for attending the session let’s give a can I yes please pleas sorry okay connected oh I I so I’ll give it to you but I I hate to end up a conversation doing the negative ideas only so let me just give you some inputs and I think I have two inputs here this is if you don’t take care about this problem we have uh maybe we have a solution that we run out of um um primary material so we need to look up the Recycled ones cuz there are no materials anymore in the earth so we need to take out of the you know in in the instance recycled material is going to be gold because there’s no materials on the earth anymore but I would like because they are uh many PhD students here and probably will be more in the future if everything go according with the plan you also can look to these things and try to solve the issue before the issue solve itself so why not looking to waste and try to see if you got if you can pull out some economy from it and maybe by pulling that you can solve a problem and maybe you have a great career by solving this problem thank you as you said you know from economics point of view if I have money and if I’m going to live uh th years I will buy all the landfills in the world because you know lot of resources there you to run out of all the I just hesitate to to ask a question because my question is particular to to you actually so discussion goes to the general things may I ask this particular question engineer question yes go ahead so you uh you were saying about the the the composition of material okay and um have you tried to make the state of material because well uh the the um materials are actually mechanical behavior depends on the composition and the state of material okay you are representing the composition part let’s say and therefore um I just want to ask if well because you mentioned that you are the at the first stage actually of This research so it’s uh that’s my I’m curious if you if you try to to do it for different states and especially I’m interested in how it influences the stiffness of a so because well we uh speaking about improving we think about the stiffness and the shift right as we do have some did not show some of the figures we have I did not show some of the figures we have started the investigation so I mean it’s off the topic I can show you show some of those offline if you’d like but the impact on the stiffness was under one of the parameters under cons consideration so it’s just that’s the tip of the iceberg there’s a lot of other numbers that I haven’t shown and there’s a lot of other things that we have in mind but any feedback um would be would be interesting as well to to consider cuz you you you think you have considered some of the stuff but then depending on the resource our es but then in the future we we’re working with this this the sponsor for the long run and we’re not the only one but any feedback would be interesting but yes we do consider some some of the some of the parameters and the state as well and as I mentioned it’s not only the the the parameters and the stiffness also the impact of the temperature because the environment there should be that there are temperature um high desert erid areas of temperature precipitation and a lot of things and the leech at this was just a leech at test uh of the affluent of of of hydraulic conductivity test there’s a lot of other things to be considered yes any other questions no no I don’t want to Coffee moment pleas pleas magdal and and we want all the speakers after that to to you know take a photo of all the speakers too here e e e e e e e e e e e this me meeting is being recorded good morning this meeting is being recorded good morning everyone today I’m here this meeting is being recorded this meeting is being recorded head e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e so uh ladies and gentlemen we are with well I don’t know to address Professor I call it Marco rosani uh will present a premar investigation on the use of marble factory by produ as a sustainable soil stab stabilizer you can start Marco as soon as Mar leave the computer and the presentation okay oops I want to use the pointers no pointer okay thank you so much good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I hope to share the preliminary results of research project financed by Ministry Italian Ministry of research from Italy founded with uh from the U founded with European funds about the soil stabilization with inovative and sustainable binds the ornamental Stone industry has a great impact on the economy and environment worldwide we you can see the world gross Stone production and the worldwide turnov in the uh in the years and we see the trend is increasing in in the future uh the top producers uh in the world are China India turkey Brazil Iran and Italy but uh Mining and quaring sector are second in after construction industry for Waste generation in 2020 the gross quy production was three three and 318 mlion of tons but 71% was waste from extraction and processing Pro procedure uh waste can be classified in solids and sludge uh while the solids the recovering the recycling procedure for solids is well Consolidated but for the sludge actually today is are disposed in Landfield so the a of this SE to explore the possibility of improving the sustainability of clay stabilization for J infrastructure for example construction embankment using the new chemical binder derived from slud waste uh the mble SL come from H Kar which is located in Sicily in Italy is a well Consolidated uh marble used for ancient and recent buildings we can see some application every year in konachi tran sic uh 200,000 tons per year are produced so we want to try to convert this wayte in a sustainable chemical binder by to meod the first one the calcination and the Alcan activation today I will speak about calcination in this slide I reported in the first step the conversion process we studied stting from the as received material in the lab the malos lar we dried in at the laboratory condition crashed and Seed the material and after killing we obtained a material basically uh constituted by calcium oxide and we produced The calide Marble P CP the process diretion mechanism between clay water and calcium oxide is well Consolidated starting from mixing then compa ction the first reaction process is the dehydration calcium oxide and after with the correct environment alkaline environment characterized by pH 12.4 we have the cun exchange process in the short times and the poting poic reaction in the long term at the end we have the stabilized clay the clay we used is recovered from a Sil from a land file construction close STP and close the quar and here you can see some pictures of the construction site and the uh the properties of the materials in terms of minology and particle side density and plasticity we started with test of affinity measure the pH measurement and that back limits are represented here we can see that increasing the cfp content the pH increased to uh 12.4 and the plasticity index reduced so we fixed the initial consumption binder equal to 2.5% which is the content which ensure the good the correct environment to produce poolan reaction so starting from this content we studied the compaction properties uh for one 1.5 at two times the the CMP content the ICB content uh at the same time we we performed the same test on an industrial quick clim and we obtained the same properties with uh an increasing an increasing content because the ICB was fixed at 3% here I represent a microstructure investigation carried out by means mercur intrusion par symmetry test and we see that the micr structure is characterized by a two levels of porosity micropor inside Aggregates and microport between agregates and at Time Zero the Welling uh the swelling Behavior reduced by the the treatment here we can see the results of the confering compression test carried out on the three different mixtures we see the results in uh in terms of axial stress and ax axial deformation axal strain for the different time we investigate 07 14 and 28 days we see an increasing strength and the the stiffness increase and high peak of stress at failure uh here we can see the comparison between the results obtained with the CMP on the left and the quick line on the right we have quite similar results in term of confin compression strength which has with with failure obtained also at uh value around one MPA here we can see the results in terms of uh stiffness young modules and also here we can see quite similar results uh we we monitored the water content the tokal suction during curing and we see that for us as effect of the poic reaction we have a consumption of water and uh at the same time the total suction increase so we need and the same process processes was subed for the quick L uh stabilization so we think that we need more test to investigate the the coupling between the hyro mechanic IAL Behavior and the chemical process activated by the treatment in conclusion this study investigated the potential of marble SAR a byproduct for marble industry as a newed CL chemical additive to stabilize clay soils for G infrastructure application a first malos lar conversion process by calcination was investigated prelimin experimental results showed that the CMP indu a signification modification in the behavior of Cl in term of plasticity compaction M structure swelling and strength CMP require lower dosages than quick clim to trigger Kon exchange and poolan processes further investigation required to evaluate the long-term behavior in terms of a mechanical Behavior response to cycling to cycles of wetting and drying free sto uh response and mro structural change and the environmental implication like CO2 emission by means of LCA application for example a second conversion process by alkine activation of mar lar will be investigated I report on the end the the website of our project I will be happy to share uh with you our information and I will be happy to have your feedback about about the results thank you very much thank you thank you so much Mark um we can open uh for a question or two anyone wants to Marco come please stay with us a little bit more uh anyone has a question for Mark so I I would like to pose one and my question is um in this research uh because you are collecting materials and you are presenting the that marble site is there any kind of a uh um economic partner involved with your research that can apply in the future uh founding is became from public Ministry of research from Italy we want to uh involve the the the construction site for the industries the industries yes obviously yes we’re trying but it’s very difficult we will try again thank you Mark anyone wants to um make a question so okay mark thank you so much thank you Mark and the second speaker for today is Atif Hussein who’s going to present the paper titled investigation of share behavior of Tire chips intermixed steel slack ballast under direct share condition you’ve got 10 minutes so good afternoon everyone uh I’m a h from India and my topic is investigation of she behavior of Tire chips intermixed steel slack blast under direct share condition as we all know that rail track is fundamental part of Railway infrastructure and its component mainly classified into two main categories that is uh super structure and subst structure as we can see from the figure that uh super structure basically uh consist of rail sleepers and Fastener while the subst structure consist of consist of blast sub blast and subgrid and uh to to ensure safety and comfort to the passenger both the super structure and sub structure are equally important uh of the various component of service structure blast plays a vital role in transferring load from sleepers to a larger area formation and uh the cross-section view of the Railway track can be seen and the blast depth usually adopted in uh across the globe uh ranges between 252 350 mm so let us discuss the various types of blast material used across the globe so depending on upon the availability and the type of loading coming onto the track the blast materials basically comes from the uh natural mountains and uh these are basically classified into Granite basal and Limestone the view of the different types of blast material can be seen here so the main problem of the is the grow rapid urbanization and the growing population increases the demand of uh Railway Transportation as we can see the increase in the demand of Railway Transportation increases the uh demand of Railway blast and so the affect the economy as well as the uh environmental perspective uh it has been reported that Indian railways uh uh procured around 8 million cubic met of blast uh that cost around $140 million us therefore there’s a need to uh uh search for an alternative materials so let us discuss the alternative material that is that can be used as a blast material so the steel slag uh basically is an industrial vest product generated during the steel making process and uh uh the different types of Steel legs are uh uh basic oxygen furnace slag and electric furnace slag and lad furnace slag depending on depending upon the type of furnace used in the production of a steel so we can see that the uh Jaan us and Australia and other European countries utilizes almost all of the Steels La produced in various construction activities but uh India utilizes only 25% of its total steel SL produced and and it is also anticipated that uh India uh is going to produce approx 25 to 30 million tons of steel SL annually by the year 2030 therefore uh is uh there is a need to efficiently utilize uh the steel leg as its disposal not only occupies a larger area of land but also uh opposes challenges uh to environmental and human health so the uh main problem uh of utilizing a steel slag is uh it’s higher stiffness so the higher stiffness may lead to affect the track components like sleepers and fasteners and rails therefore there’s a need to mix the steel SL with the rubber materials so the rubber materials can be mixed in different forms depending when when it is mixed with the binding materials and used under the sleeper it is called resently Bond blast and when coated using binder this called RCB or rubber coated blast and when used as a mat or slipper pad and another way of using rubber is uh crushing the rubber in uh in chips form and can be mixed with the uh blast so coming to the objective of the research the first objective is to evaluate the sheer strength of steel slag and granite blast and the second one is to assess the influence of Tire chips that is mixed uh with the blast on the sheer characteristics of Steel slag and granite blast the third one is to optimize the proportion of Tire chips based on the performance on Direct share test so coming to the material used the in the present study the the granite blast used and is processed and weathered steel slag used and the tire chips and the uh particle size distribution is adopted as per Indian Railway standard so the static direct share test is uh conducted to achieve the objective the large scale direct share test can be seen here uh from the figure uh and the schematic view of the uh direct share appest can be seen here and it is basically the 450 to 450 mm square box and the uh upper box was free to display by maximum amount of 100 m and the while the lower box is fixed kept fixed so coming to the uh results uh it can be seen from the figure that uh Los Angeles abrasion and impact value of uh steel slack blast was form to be lower than that of granite blast uh and also it it can be seen that with the increase in the proportion of Tire chips both the uh Los Angeles Aion and impact value of uh both the materials whether steel slag and granite uh decreases also the direct Shear test results uh uh uh it it can be seen the direct Shear test result that the peak value of Shear stess of Steel slack blast uh was found to be higher than that of uh uh Granite blast this is due to the uh higher angularity and surface texture of a steel SL compared to uh Granite blast also with the increase in the proportion of t chips the uh Peak share stess of both the steel SL and granite blast deduces however when the proportion of Tire chips increases Beyond 4.4% when the normal St is 50 kilopascal the uh sheer strength of uh steel SL blast becomes lower than that of uh Granite blast uh so in this perspective uh we can say that uh uh a proportion of 4.4 to 9.2% of Tire chips can be mixed only with the steel SL Blast from the uh it is obvious that when the normal St is applied on the direct share uh in direct share then the blast obviously it breaks so the it is defined uh it is basically evaluated in the for in the form of blast breakage index and it is seen that with the increase in the proportion of Tire chips uh the blast breakage index of both the materials reduces however the steel leg which has higher specific gravities it is heavier obvious because of the iron content uh so it it shows lower breakage compared to Granite now coming to the conclusion uh it can be seen that uh uh Los Angeles Aion and impact value of a steel slag and uh was found to be lower than that of granite and the addition of Tire chips uh reduces reduces the Los Angeles aberration by and impact value by 38% and 32% respectively and the direct share test results uh uh signify that the peak value of sheer stress and the uh blast breakage index was found to be lower than that of granite blast and with the increase in the proportion of Tire chips the breakage and sheer strength of both the materials steel SLA or Granite reduces and the uh based on the sheer strength the 4.4 to 99.2% has been adopted as the optimum perc depending on the Quantum of Axel load coming onto the track so the uh my other works other Works include the shear behavior of slack Granite mixtures which are eled under direct share conditions and the cyly performance of slack Granite mixtures were also assessed using large scale tril uh testing apparatus and the optimum content was valuated to be 60% and uh it is yet to be evaluate the uh Tire the behavior of a tire chips intermixed slack Gran mixure and cylic uh condition and the permeability of tired chips intermixed slack Granite mixture and clean and cold fall condition so these are the references thank you thank [Applause] you very topical presentation uh ra is a probably one of the most sustainable ways of uh transport for the public um are there any questions okay yes please can we have a microphone there or just speak loudly thank you for your nice presentation I just wondering okay H maybe uh now yeah okay do you have any idea if the proportion of Tire chips uh does affect the instability of Steel slck with moist content have you looked into it no uh this is beyond the scope okay but uh that’s why we kept the percentage limited this 4.4 to 99.2% that may have effect in another perspective so we have limited the percentage the t is proportion okay up to 9% or 10% but you haven’t specifically looked at in the presence of moisture I’ve not conducted the test okay okay thank you thank you and uh one more question so in Ste slog in in India so due to that Free lime content so voltic expansion is there in most of the steel SLS available in India so have you checked the volumetric expansion yeah I have conducted the volume expansion test uh for unaged and 6 months aged and 1 years of aged and I found that uh the unaged have expansion more than the prescribed limit from by ASM and this is uh I found 3 approximate 3.5% uh I enaged and after 6 month I found the below the prescribed Li limit that is 5% as prescribed by ASM uh and that’s why I I I have used the materials which is uh uh aged for 6 months the material in the laboratory at a high temperature of around 72° I think yeah so within 7 day you will get the result yes of that expansion instead of waiting for 6 month the testing period in laboratory that you can test the voltic expansion within the limit or not okay I I would suggest to finish the conversation over the coffee we are running a little bit behind so we will invite them thank you thank thank you so much uh I don’t know if this is working or not but um okay uh we’ll uh we’re going to have Miss I think a Miss sorry uh diva is a miss right and uh she going to address Us in sustainable sustainable binder for deep soil mixed colums in loose sand oh you just save my day thank you m oh you are migga okay but Diva I think is also okay go MGA uh good evening everyone I am mha Shankar I’m an mtech student from I palakad and I’m working under Dr PV diva and my topic uh for research topic is a sustainable binders for deep soil mixing columns in loose sand so these days due to the uh population explosion uh there is a very huge demand for transforming uh uh the uh unsuitable land for the construction purposes so among the problematic soils uh one among the problematic soils is loose sand and the problems regarding loose sand is first liquifaction and then the next one is large settlement hence there is a need for ground Improvement for loose Sands there are various techniques uh for ground Improvement uh like vibr rotation uh chemical stabilization Etc and here I am using uh I’m more focusing on deep soil mixing the Deep soil mixing method it’s an Institute treatment in which the native soils are blended with the cimen dishes or uh any other materials which is referred to as binders and uh generally uh using this deep soil mixing columns we can improve the soil uh slope stability reduce the settlement increase the bearing capacity and also provide lateral support the conventional binders which we use for this deep soil mixing method is cement and lime but these also has disadvantages such as they both have high carbon emission and also it’s natural material extraction and exhaustion hence there is a need for sustainable binders uh Shea and Divya and mani and Diva the two papers reported that the application of a sustainable binder for ground Improvement using eggshell lime and rice husk Ash in uh both clay and sand and it was found that the optimum uh ratio for xshell lime is to uh R that’s Riser cash uh was found to be 5 is to 10 for granular and 3 is to9 for clay so uh in my uh experiment I have taken uh since it’s sand granula material I have taken 5 is to 10 ratio and the materials is sand which is classified as poorly graded then we have Riser cache RHA which is the outer covering of rice and then we have eggshell lime which is calcinated eggshell uh the eggshells were collected grinded seed and then calcinated at 1,000° C for 1 hour and then the first we did uh strength test test so uh 110 G of soil were taken and 5% of exell lime was taken and uh 10% of RHA and initially we used a water content of 18 percentage and a curing was done for 28 days so from the result we could see that the uus value was 2542 kil2 K per M Square then uh we have done the hydraulic Integrity test to check if the binder is stable under water so the part of this uus broken sample was submerged in water for 30 days and after 30 days it was seen that the sample remained intact hard and strong and no binder was washed away since it’s sand uh we need to know the uh the molding water content so three samples uh at each water content uh 15 percentage 18 percentage and 21 percentage were prepared and we could see that from the graph the 7day uus graph it could be seen that 18% water content yields the highest strength next the effect of curing was also found so we have taken two types uh one is desicator curing and the other is air curing so in case of desicator curing on the left hand side you can see that from Seven uh 7 Day curing to uh 28 days curing the strength has increased from 1,200 to uh 1,542 in the case of 18 percentage since that’s the highest in both uh the graphs but in case of air curing you can see that the strength has reduced from uh with the more number of days from 7 to 28 the strength has reduced from 834 to 500 so this could be due to uh the CSA gel which is formed here is actually there is a degradation when it comes in contact with the carbon dioxide in the air uh so there are two types this the figure shows the CSA gel uh structure so we have two types of calcium ions which is inter layer and intr layer uh so first the interlayer calcium ions get uh decal uh de calcination process happens and then the intralayer so as decalcification occurs the CSH molecule structure continuous L deteriorates also the water content in these aird samples were also checked and we could see that with the increase in number of days in all the water contents the uh water content ratio has decreased and we have done uh a scanning electron microscopy test in which we could see that a flocculated structure uh is formed and this indicates the presence of a newly formed CS gel so the conclusions from this study is the binder was able to impart proper uh binding properties in sand particles the UCS Test shows the maximum compressive strength obtained is 25422 K per met Square the optimum molding water content was found to be 18 percentage the sem images confirms that the binder addition results in the Cs gel formation and also the sample integrity was maintained in submerged water the desicator cured samples gave a higher strength when compared to air curing samples these are the references thank you okay thank you so much Mega okay any you anyone have questions for Mega okay I have one What’s um when you uh made this research what uh was the the main applic ations of this uh technology let’s call it so what kind of economies uh or economy field can serve best this kind of technology and this approach of course uh yeah actually recently like all these days we have been using cement as mostly the binder so in cement CSS gel is formed so we were trying to uh get the same CSS gel from the waste materials so this R and exell Li are both waste materials which can be found anywhere so that so the idea is to reduce cements production huh like the same CSS gel is formed but without the cement using the waste material okay sounds good thank you okay umig Mega thank you very much for this uh lovely presentation I have a very uh small comment uh I’m a project manager and I look uh as the perspective of feasibility so you have replaced here uh uh your calcium contain contents and cement with your binders Is it feasible to find those binders because it needs a very much amount of Labor and uh technology because eggshells first you have to crush them then you have receive them then you have to have a very specific ratio and uh secondly uh have you done any cost analysis between both the techniques because ultimately it’s going to be a same question end user if that thing is not feasible no one is going to use it uh so it depends on the place also like uh I’m from Kerala and in Kerala we have a large rice production so we have have plenty of uh Rell cash available and also ex shells are also very easily available there and I have done the life cycle assessment and when compared to cement uh we have got 77% reduced uh uh effect on the environment the cost analysis I haven’t still done yet Factor would be cost you please look into this also thank you thank you thank you very much is it on is it on is it on I would like to invite the fourth speaker for this afternoon pretty mahashi sorry for mispronouncing uh who will present the paper titled response of double line Railway track rainforest with stone column using final element method 10 minutes yeah uh very good evening to all of you I hope I’m audible without the mic okay we actually are transmitting the whole session so please use the microphone okay fine you have to see the light put it on okay okay it’s now it’s on uh very good evening I am prti maheswari I am from uh Indian Institute of Technology rki I am Professor uh in the geotechnical engineering group and the work that I’m going to present in front of you is the work of one of my doctoral student uh Mr shubam katri who could not come so I am here to present our work um we have been talking about the sustainable infrastructure and sustainability and many such aspects since morning uh so here is a little bit different kind of a work because uh you know as the infrastructure development takes place we may not get always a ground which will provide the foundation a very good uh load carrying capacity okay so in that case we need to go for some of the ground Improvement technique and you all know that the provision of stone columns is one of the quite widely adopted uh ground Improvement techniques so using that uh I am going to present present here an analysis for the response of double line Railway track uh which is reinforced with stone column this is a hardcore numerical analysis uh so this is going to be the overview of my presentation I will not go much into the mathematics details can be found in the uh paper uh so let me directly go to the introduction so this is how a double line track uh Railway line track looks like and uh not many studies uh have been conducted to understand the behavior of this type of track especially on the uh when these are laid on the reinforced ground so and then this is like figure those who are working in the ground Improvement area this figure is like very well known this is how we construct these stone columns uh so we have been working for many years uh we have uh handled the the problems related to the single track so this is how that uh uh typical model uh that we have been working with uh it is uh not the Continuum modeling or the fat element modeling it is the lumed parameter modeling that we handled but for uh single track so um coming to the modeling and Analysis part of the present work uh so first of all we modeled uh the system uh the ground and the embankment without the stone column and uh a typical finite element model looks uh like this uh as shown in this slide and uh so here after uh discretizing the mesh looks like this again all the details what all were the mesh and uh how the convergence study and all those things they are available in the paper you can take a look later so um then for the analysis U we use uh this software Abacus and these were the input parameters and the constitutive models which were used uh for the different uh parts of the uh track system that is subgrade balas sub balas sleeper and the rail and the loading configuration is uh shown in the figure uh below it’s a typical loading um configuration that we adopted uh then uh we I will come to the runs and the results little later but then uh we after doing this uh simple ground without reinforcement then we install the uh stone columns and the model looks like this it is a 3D uh model that we adopted and uh the fite element mesh for the uh complete system with the stone column it looks like this now coming to the uh some of the results so before uh we went for the detailed parametric study to understand the effect of various input parameters we just tried to see whether our uh our model is working fine or not so for that uh we took uh the help of some of the earlier studies uh which have been published without the reinforcement so uh we could get a reference point that okay if everything is fine with the model so we could see if you see the red and the black color uh plots here so uh these are one is red color one is from our study and the black color one is from the earlier study uh and then uh in this figure uh so I showed you that uh we have modeled with the stone column so in this figure we superimpose the results that we obtained uh for the response in terms of the settlement versus time when the ground was reinforced with stone column and then you can see clearly how the settlement is reduced uh with the uh inclusion of these stone columns although this is very obvious uh conclusion but the important part is we are able to quantify that okay it is going to be reduced by this much percentage then uh we carried out the parametric study detailed parametric study so here like we varied the load uh for some uh input parameters which are mentioned here V is the velocity of the load s by D is the Center to Center spacing to diameter ratio of the stone columns L is the length or the extent of the stone column in the vertical Direction and uh you can see that with stone column how the maximum settlement is reducing so actually this is really helping us uh in reducing the settlement of the or settlement below the truck uh then uh we saw because velocity is a very very important aspect as far as the railway tracks are concern and you can see that after about 350 km/ hour U the settlement or the response remains almost uh the same um even when we increase the uh velocity so that’s what that we defined as the critical velocity so for this particular case we obtained the critical velocity about 350 km/ hour then uh we changed the or we varied the elastic modulus of these stone columns but we could not see much uh uh difference on the settlement uh as evident from these two uh figures uh then uh we varied the extent of these stone column so we took uh we varied it from 4 M to 10 m and you can uh see the result and uh one thing I would like you to note that when we extend the length of the stone column Beyond 8 m of course for a particular set of input parameters then uh the uh reduction in the settlement is not that much then um spacing to diameter ratio and we can see that about 3.5 to 4.5 we can consider it to be the optimum uh s byd ratio for these stone columns uh then we also carried out the sensitivity analysis uh for various uh parameters and you can see here that U load is the uh parameter to which the response is the most sensitive and followed by the uh spacing to diameter ratio of the stone columns so yeah I’m Val in time so thanks uh so uh the ma major conclusion that we uh Drew from this study was like uh of course uh as I mentioned uh as expected stone columns are useful uh in restricting the uh settlement to some extent and in our case we found that it can be as high as uh 40% and uh we could get that the critical length of these stone columns uh was of the order of 8 m um then uh the significant influence of stone column stiffness was there only for the very soft subgrade and from the sensitivity uh sensitivity analysis we saw that the applied load and um spacing to diameter ratio they uh significantly influenc the response right now we took a very simple case but the work is in progress so where we are going to deal with let us say the um train on both the tracks in uh opposite direction with different velocities and also so that work is uh ongoing so this is what that I have uh um to discuss with you today uh very very uh uh thanks for your patient hearing thank [Applause] you thank you pre very oh thank you for staying yes within your time frames very interesting presentation it’s it’s great how numerical modeling allows us to do so many different uh variations of the design um for benefit of time we will try to go with one question from the audience no question from audience which is a good news for me because I can ask them my question um in terms of the validation I noticed that you validated your model against um the uh non-improved uh SC but was there an uh Improvement case validation run as well actually yeah uh actually uh to the best of our knowledge uh till now this U with the Improvement improved soil and double track people have not carried out any analysis so basically we could not get any study to you know uh validate our work but then because we did it with the help of this particular study for uh unreinforced soil uh unreinforced ground and also we are uh trying to validate it with some of the uh experimental work or the field study again on unreinforced ground because that is what is available to us so that’s uh the problem thank you thank you okay uh so let’s proceed uh now we’ll call uh nak oh it’s you so we’ll present beher of clay uh fed um geog greed reinforced rubber coat blasted and direct sheer conditions huge okay n you have the stage a very good evening all of you uh I’m MD Nakib Alam from it Patna India uh today my presentation topic is behavior of clay fed geog enforce rubber coated Bas under direct Shear conditions these are the contents of the present history uh this is the basic figures of uh Railway baster track busy track uh showing the various component of the uh track uh uh which is uh divided in two parts super structure and substructure uh rail Bas uh rail uh Fasteners and sleepers uh in super structures uh Bas sub balas and subgrade are in uh consist of uh substructures uh in these all components uh Bast is plays a very important role uh it holds the sleepers uh during the passage of train and it trans transfers the load uh from uh uh wheel to the to the subgrade layer and it also provide adequate drainage also coming to the uh problem state of the study uh we have considered uh we know that in the last two decade the uh use of automobiles increases around the world exponentially uh due to increase in uh automobiles uh huge number of uh waste tires will be generated uh uh the uh major problem is uh uh it is very difficult to how it it will uh it will uh it will manage economically and both uh uh it is generally it uh it is discarded in landfills and stock piles uh so to overcome uh these problems uh to minimize uh we have uh we can use these wte tires as an elastic element in a railway track for improving the performance uh to reducing the ground bone vibrations and the Bas degradations uh uh by using uh these elastic element in different forms uh just like under sleeper pads under balast mat and then rubber coated ballast and mixing with the bast uh my some my colleagues have presented um uh Tire chips is mixed with the bast coming to the rubber coated Bast uh this is nothing but uh a new inventive Bast uh aggregate coating uh consists of natural aggregate coated with the recycle Crum rubber with the help of uh polythene binder this is the figure showing the rubber coated B sample uh this uh Innovative BS have aim to reduce the ground bone vibration within the track and also reduces the rate of degradation of the Bas layer that’s why we can uh we have reducing the frequent replacement of the bast uh and it also increases the energy dissipations uh due to the rubber particles surrounding to the balas stone uh field studies conducted by KSA Corporation in uh June 2019 in Spain uh they have found that uh uh they have found that uh when uh in in rubber coated BAS SE uh uh the ground uh significantly amount of ground V vibrations is reduces as compared to Conventional baras track these are the some literatures uh uh we know that the falling material high is highly influences the performance of bastic track uh uh that will reduces the B uh blast drainage uh property and uh sheer strength deformations and that ultimately uh that ultimately reduce uh Mis Lament The Railway track then uh in this context various researchers have investigated the effect of falling uh on the performance of baster track these are the some literatures coming to the objective the first objective is to examine the uh physical and mechanical properties of rubber coated Bast uh conventional Bas mix and the second objective is to examine the sheer behavior of unreinforced and geog good reinforced a conventional ballast uh RCB mix under different uh White contaminated index VCI uh these are the materials uh which is used in this uh for conducting the test fresh Granite Bast crumb rubber of size4 mm uh for preparing the RCV sample elastin polythene binder to gluing the crumb rubber over the natural aggregate uh triangular aperature size Zog grid uh the falling material is which is used uh plastic clay medium plastic clay this is the Grand size characteristic of clay fines and the balas the balas gradation is chosen as per the Indian standards uh within the limit of uh Indian standards coming to the testing procedure the physical and mechanical test uh we have conducted according to Indian standards uh after that a large scale direct share test have uh conducted uh uh in with and without geog uh in three all samples uh the normal the uh the normal stresses we have taken 40 13 and 195 KP and the folling content is 0 uh 20 35 and 50 uh for geog enforce Bas a layer of geog is inserted at the interface of uh upper and lower box of the direct Shar uh in case of uh clay folded Bas we have uh mixed the predetermined amount of clay uh clay this is the uh photograph showing the uh testing procedure uh for geog uh uh uh geog rainforce uh clay folded rubber coated Bas first of all we have mixing the predetermined amount of uh clay with the uh with rubber coated ballast with the help of concrete mixture after that uh we have put in the lower box uh and uh after that uh we have uh placed at the interface of uh two boxes a layer of geog GD and after filling the upper box we have uh ready to test this is the uh uh result showing the physical and mechanical properties of different samples of ballast uh from figure a it is seen that uh the Water absorption value of in case of rubber coated Bas is slightly less as compared to other samples because in rubber coated Bas samples uh the all the pores are tightly packed with the uh rubber coating uh from figure B to e it is uh seen that uh in case of rubber coated B sample having very less value of uh abrasion and impact uh and uh weathering resistance and that is soundness value it means that uh rubber coated B sample have higher resistance against uh uh crushing abrasion and impact and the weathering coming to the uh results of direct share test uh in from figure a it is uh seen that uh as the normal stress increases the peak share stress is increases uh in case of uh we have also seen that in case of geog uh in case of rubber coated B sample due to poor interlocking properties of rubber coated Vala sample have less Shear strength uh when we have uh rainforce with geog the c strength is increases from figure B uh it is seen that uh the peak shear stress is reduces uh with the as the VCI content is uh vo contaminated index is increases and exponential relationship is developed uh between uh Peak share strength and the void contaminant index coming to the results of particle breakage of conventional Bas and RCB uh from figure a it is seen that in case of rubber coated Bas sample is very negligible particle breakage as compared to uh conventional ballast uh uh in second figure we have seen that as the white contaminator index is increases the breakage is also reduces due to uh lubricant uh due to cushioning effect provided uh by the clay fines uh which is present uh in the between the Bas particles coming to the conclusion uh the first conclusion is uh uh from the uh mechanical test uh it is uh from the mechanical test uh the crushing impact and weathering uh resistance are 75% 66 96 and 75% higher higher than conventional Bas in case of rubber coated Bas uh the second conclusion uh from the direct share is uh uh we have uh geog rainforce RCB 50% uh is uh is is the SI Sher strength is higher or equal uh to the uh unreinforced convention ballast and the sheer strength is reduces as the VCI content increases uh in case of rubber coated Bas we have uh seen uh very less particle breakage uh as compared to Conventional Bast and uh finally we have concluded that geogrid rainforce RCB 50% was performed considerably better than other samples these are the few references and thank you for paying attention [Applause] thank you Mak uh anyone have questions no no questions okay I’ll put one well my I I know that you guys are really into trains I didn’t know that I was coming to a train session but I just remember it rains when I was a kid I was play with them and today I’m raing them right so my question is uh there is a demand for these kind of Technologies to improve Comfort on because you know as a user us usually I use it much when I travel like in Japan trains are fantastic I don’t know if they use this technology or not but they are this demand for this Comfort Technologies sorry I said well I want to understand the purpose of your research if where is the demand for this kind of Technologies addressing comfort in the in the stabilization of the I don’t know the the the technical names but the the rocks the the bed rocks that uh fulfill the tracks are you not following I didn’t understand no I’ll try to understand if there is a demand for this kind of Technologies and where is it demands demands demand yeah the main demands is uh if we increasing the speed speed of the train uh the particle vus is uh is increases if if Bas get uh uh fracture or break break we have uh frequent uh frequent replacement will require sire uh if we cated the rubber coated Bas sample uh the uh the particle from the results we have seen that the particle vericle is very negligible uh the replacement of Bas is uh the time is uh increases if uh generally in India uh every 10 years we have screening Pro uh screen the bast uh it will very high cost uh if we uh use the rubber coated Bast uh it is approximately four to five times uh the service serviceability will increase that will very helpful and further research is on going going thank you so much thank you sir yeah uh you know that uh uh rubber is a polymeric material yeah yeah uh it undergo degradation reactions with temperature with chemical environment and also with the pressure so have you taken any uh uh this consideration your taken while doing this study uh sorry I didn’t I didn’t you must take care of this thing also because this is a material which is already D degraded so it will be further degrading in the environment where the your blast are they are used they will contaminate not only contaminate they will degrade material will degrade start so whatever property you are getting right now that property will not remain same it will keep on changing with time so that must be kept in mind okay I will uh check in cyclic test uh you do that but I I’m taking I’m saying that you take care of that also y okay thank you thank you okay thank you okay let’s proceed okay so I’d like to invite our sixth speaker for this afternoon madavi who will present us a paper titled use of natural car fibers for improving lique faction sustainability down minutes no it’s there no [Music] good afternoon everyone I am Professor mad L from Indian Institute of science uh this is located in the southern part of India 115 years old Institute you are seeing the main building picture of our Institute in this slide so my uh presentation is on a very simple Topic in the given 10 minutes I’m I will try to convince you about a sustainable method of mitigating liquifaction so uh to be be very brief on like uh the physics of soil liquefaction liquefaction mainly happens in saturated cohesionless soils under undrained conditions and uh as per the literature and the studies this is the most damaging Hazard associated with earthquakes uh even compared to the ground vibrations and building collapse so uh what triggers liquifaction is mainly because during cyclic loading conditions are sustained monotonic loing conditions cohesionless soils under saturated condition will be subjected to grain separation and uh there will be a tremendous increase in the PO water pressure leading to the flow under constant sheer stress so uh looking at this physics we can uh we can actually devise methods to stop this liquefaction in soils and I have given you in this slide what are the mitigative measures which are commonly used for stopping liquefaction grain separation um I can go to my next slide these are the conventional methods of liquifaction mitigation you can use compaction you can densify the soils because the main reason why soils liquefy is under uh loose conditions when they are subjected to untrain loading there is a positive poor water pressure which is developing in the soils and if you densify the soils the poe water pressure which develops in the soils becomes negative po water pressure and hence you will never have a zero effective stress happening in the the soils so densification is one of the conventional methods and then you also have drains these are meant for quick dissipation of poor water pressure which develops in the soil so that you will never reach the uh zero effective stress condition the other method is uh cement use of cement because I said liquefaction happens in cohesionless soils so if you try to induce cohesion through cous materials then you can stop liquifaction another new method which has come into uh picture recently is biocementation use bacteria for creating this uh precipitation of calite which creates artificial cohesion in the soils but the long-term uh application and maintenance issues of this uh method is still under research so another method is use of reinforcement because uh liquefaction is a phenomena in which soil loses the shear strength completely so by means of reinforcement if you induce confinement in the soils then it will be able to hold the soil together so it stops liquefaction so these are the different methods the problem with all these methods I have told you so far is they are energy intensive they use cement and polymers so these are not sustainable so what is the best suitable or one of the uh natural methods to stop liquefaction so we started this research on k k is abundantly available in India uh the global uh chir fiber production if you see 80% of it is produced in India it comes from the coconut plant from the uh husk of coconut we prepare this coir and it is being extensively used for reinforcement applications but uh in this study we try to understand the potential of Co in liquefaction mitigation in a sustainable way this is a very welcoming kind of a trend because uh the co can replace polymers and this is a plant based material and it produces zero waste so how does Sky relate to sustainability concept very simple there is zero waste you don’t have any waste and then it also reduces the use of cement polymer so that way we are reducing the carbon footprint and then it is a very Innovative and sustainable method and you can simplify the construction process so in that sense we have lot of sustainability inbuilt in this choir based inclusions in the soil to mitigate liquifaction now coming to our study we Tred to do cyclic simple Shear test compared to many liquifaction studies which we conduct in lab cyclic simple Shear tests are way ahead because they can clearly represent the uh rotation of principal stresses which doesn’t happen in other test like cyclic traal test so when we do this cyclic simple Shear test on sands which are actually reinforced with chir fibers and create cyclic loading condition s then what happens we try to see like whether the coir has any effect on the liquefaction uh response of these Sands so we used natural river sand of cavi basin which is a river flowing in the southern part of India and uh these particles in this sand are highly liquefiable because they have rounded shape rounded particles are easy to liquefy because they roll on each other and they get separated very quickly and then I have given you uh in this Slide the properties of the sand we have used we have actually chosen the sand which is very easy to liquefy in real uh field and then the co fiber is collected from a local vendor uh from the the coconut husk directly we have purchased and we have characterized these materials now uh we have carried out tests with inclusion of coir fibers without Co fibers and 25% by weight of the total weight of the sample and 5% and 75 % of the fiber we have included we have mixed this choir with the sand and conducted cyclic simple Shear test and if we see this plot where I have plotted the liquifaction resistance curves clearly when you increase the coir content in the soil you have better Mitigation Of liquifaction I will try to explain it through the physics which I have started this presentation with the first point is poor pressure generation which leads to zero effective stress when you do not have any c fire in the soil the soil specimen liquefied within nine cycles of loading whereas if you put Point 25% of fiber which is very very small amount you can actually increase the liquifaction resistance the soil doesn’t liquefy up to 26 cycles and by using 75% of the coir you can actually make the soil resistant to liquifaction up to 65 Cycles very clearly visible through this PO pressure ratio response here the poe pressure ratio is the ratio of the excess po water pressure to the effective vertical stress when it becomes one then there is the soil is liquefied theoretically now coming to the shear strain accumulation in geotechnical engineering we see that uh when you have uh double amplitude aial strain of 7.5 then your soil is liquefied so if you understand the shear strain accumul ation in specimens with and without chir fiber we see that a lot of improvement in the uh delay of liquifaction when you mix chir fibers in the soil and then the next another phys physical aspect is stress path the stress path is like when the soil goes through non-liquefiable state to liquefiable state that is critical state it moves along the stress path where it reaches the critical stress path very quickly when you don’t have coir and when you have coir then the tra traversing of the soil particle from uh no critical state to critical state is highly delayed and then stiffness degradation is another aspect whenever you apply cyclic load the the modulus of the soil degrades quickly 50% degradation of the stiffness is usually considered as dangerous for liquefaction and we see that with the increase of coir fiber content we can actually reduce the degradation index by a lot as you see from this plot another uh very interesting plot is the hyic response the hyic stress strain Loops widen very quickly in case of unreinforced sand and these get delayed in case of reinforced sand so this undoubtedly proves that K has very great significant effect on the liquefaction response of the sand also the energy what we have Cali culated you need lot of energy to uh liquefy the soil in case of Co reinforcement now we’ve also applied this to large scale modeling shaking table model test where we have used coir fibers and subjected the soil to liquifaction and you see that unreinforced sand but liquefies within four five Cycles whereas CH fiber reinforced sand has sustained long number large number of Cycles before liquefaction so this is the PO pressure response I’m not going into the details what is this is my final Slide the government governing mechanism for this kind of behavior is when you put these CH fibers they they do four things number one they put extra confinement because of that you have no liquifaction number two they also intervene with the particle separation and they don’t allow particles to separate easily number three they also create interlocking effects because of that the soil particles are intact number four they also reduce the interstitial pressures thereby allowing the effective stress always to be positive and the main before you ask this question I am telling myself the question you pose is what is about the biodegradability of this chir fibers we are working on that we are collaborating with chemistry Department to make these fibers non-biodegradable thank you so much one question okay good professor M thank you very much for the great presentation uh I have this question uh have you done any research on the applic field application of these fibers how would we apply these in the field for liquefaction not yet not yet to be honest we have started with element test applied it to large scale testing in shaking table the next phase would be to apply in the field we have to gain uh confidence before because I said biodegradability is a question so we have to make non-biodegradable chirs to make it you know to apply it in the field okay thank you okay uh let’s proceed thank you again and so we’re now calling usit if I say it correctly I doubt it with a big title sustainable enhancement of flexible Pavements integrate copper slack and fly ash with hydraulic binders so you have the stage starts good evening to all so myself Dr sat Patel associate professor at n Surat in India that sustainable enhancement of flexible payment integrating copper slack pliers with hydraulic Bender like lime and ggps why the indust West to be used for the road payment constructions so nowadays a very vast Road network is being constructed throughout the world in India around 35,000 km of roads in next 5 years is been planned and per kilometer length of road we need about 15,000 ton of natural Aggregates so due to Rapid development in the field of Transportation especially in high sector the scarcity of suitable graded conventional construction material that is Stone aggregate there is a scarcity due to industrialization huge quantity of waste material like the metallic slug non- metallic Slug fers and ggbs one of the byproduct from the steel plant is being generated so due to utilization bulk utilization of this waste in pavement will solve two problems preserve valuable land from huge dump of West on the uh simultaneously it will protect the fast depleting natural resources of stone Aggregates the benefit of cemented base or cemented subbase material in the road Pavement in our case we have stabilized the copper slack to make a cemented base and cemented subbase so when we use the cemented base of Bas layer the first benefit is the load the wheel stress or load from the wheel is distributed on a larger area in case of stabilized base so reducing the stress concentration on the base of ler so improving its life of the payment the second one reduce the moisture uh susceptibility due to moisture increase uh the effect on the stabilized material it it becomes almost imperious material when stabilized base is there so it will be less uh uh the damage will be less in case of stabilized base due to moisture then third one that rotting will be more in case of unstabilized base or Unbound ground material in case of stabilized base the routing will be very low and also the routing will occur only at the top in case of stabilized base so these are the three benefits for using cemented base or subas ler necessity of the present study the industrial use of Industrial Waste in is lacking on Indian roads because of lack of data about field performance of payment with these materials no that courts or Indian Road Congress or standards are available to give the detail design guideline for use of this Industrial wte in Road payments which makes the research Gap so industrial West copper slack ggbs stabilized with fers and hydraulic binder like lime can replace the conventional payment material without compromising strength and durability so in this we have uh mix the copper slack with different percentage of pliers lime and ggbs and for all the mixes we have done the labor test modified Proctor test then uncon compressive strength test has been carried out for 7 Day and 20 days curing period from that the optimum mixes has been developed and for the optimum mixes The Waiting drying Cycles has been carried out to check its long-term performance then the field performance of this mixes has also been carried out the road road sections has been constructed with this mixes and it has tested at the field the liberity investigations the F material is well known to all of us so in this case we have used the class F type fers that is low calcium fers the copper slack obtained from the copper unit in India so India is the fifth largest producer of refined copper in the world and its capacity St at around 1 million tons per year the physical properties Flash and copper SL the copper L has particle size 100% passing through 4.75 mm and it falls in the range of uh 75 Micron to 4.75 mm only so it is uniformly that is having more uniform particles falls in the range of that is poorly graded sand the fers low plastic Shield the copper slag has specific gravity very high 3.24 so the completion characteristics with increasing f content obviously the density will decrease so due to lightweight applies and the mustard content also increases with increasing flash content due to the very fine finess the finess of flash particle increases the UCS test as for the estm code guideline and is code guideline the part the specimen size for UCS test was 50 mm diameter and 100 m height and cured for 0 7 14 and 28 days the strength test results for different flash content 10 20 30 40 and the lime was taken as 1% and 2% lime content the ggbs was varied from 3 69 12% ggbs and this result is for 7day curing period similarly 20 days curing period has also been carried out and as for the uh codal requirement for use of any cemented base of sub subas material in Road payment the minimum UCS required for base layer is 5 to 7.5 MP for subbase layer it is 1.5 to 3 MP So based on the target strength we have uh derived the optimum mixes so these four are the optimum mixes has been selected that is 56% copper slack 40% FES 1% lime 3% ggbs the 7day strength is 3.57 MPA 28 day strength is 7.19 MPA so the first and third material can be taken as cemented base layer the second material has been taken as cemented subbase layer the fourth material has been taken as a replacement of DLC layer in concrete pavement so after selecting the optimum mixes the durability test has been carried out as for the estm code The Waiting Dy cycles of up to 12 waiting D Cycles the weight loss has been calculated the loss in dry weight of of the optimum mixes recommended for sub L is in the range of 3 to 4% only the loss in dry weight of the mix recommended for base ler is 2.6% and the mix recommended for DLC ler is in the range of 2.24% which is well within the permissible limit of 20 and 30% weight loss these are the few photographs of the uh construction of test sections at the site it is a part of State Highway in Gujarat in India the various s are dumped at the weight mix plant the steel SL coer SL P gbfs all these things the mixing of the material with lime and ggbs it is mixed with manually with a poan then transported to the road site and compacted as usual the the finishing layer binous layer binder and wearing course so the after test is construct section is constructed the field test has been carried out using a falling weight deflectometer purchased from D test so following with deflectometer is a modern technology to evaluate the road performance so the working principle the load is applied to the through the hydraulic oil pressures and with the help of Geo phones we measure the deflections and from that we’ll get the back calculated modulus of each layer of the road payment similarly the roughness index can also be where determined using a bump integrator roughness index of the road surface then the uh overloaded truck has also been passed for 30,000 standard Exel loads to check the performance of this material under overloading so these are the field test data so the copper slack the mixes has been compared with the control sections the last two column is the control section if you see the the peak deflection is more in case of control sections from the field test so deflection is more so modus will be high so for the stabilized base and stabiliz subas layer the modus is in the range of 700 to 900 MPA whereas in case of control section the modus is in the range of 150 to 200 MPA so this is the roughness index same thing in case of control section the roughness index obtained is quite High it cross the limit of 2,000 mm per kilomet but in case of stabilized base ofas it is quite below the uh permissible limit the result is so up to the 2 years after constructions the conclusions that is all the UCS test results and durability test result indicate that the optimum mixes can be successfully replace the conventional Stone Aggregates without compromising the strength and uh long-term performance thank [Applause] you okay thank you for presentation anyone have questions come on you are Engineers no questions it’s okay I have one um for me uh I’m kind of used to see um these kind of solutions with the flyes but copper slag is the first time with copper slack also and I wonder is that too expensive to use in these kind of applications compared to the today’s Solutions although they come with a cost for environment yeah we have done the cost analysis also so the cost is about 40% of the natural aggregate the cost reduction is about 40% okay so a savings so that’s good thank you okay so I would like to invite the next speaker which is Mara kaga who will deliver presentation on tail waterer reinforcement length influence on the local scour depth yes thank you uh so my name is bak kaga and I am assistant professor here in the university and my speech will be about tailwater reinforcement length influence of on uh the local score depth so it’s connected with hydraulic structures this is what I do and this presentation is uh like a glimpse of our uh modeling research physical modeling in the laboratory so couple of words about introduction so um I will tell uh some words uh about what these hydraulic structures are so uh let’s start with we ear that are major hydrotechnical structures uh that are erected across the uh the river bed to raise the water surface to the necessary head so we we are creating two uh stands the upper stand where we have the water uh level increased meanwhile lower stand where the uh erosion take place so this presentation uh shows initial result results of various St water reinforcement lenss influence of the local scour maximum depth and its length so Downstream of the structure we have increased uh erosion processes during the uh increment of velocity as uh as well as T turbulent character of the flow ER so we provide the test in the laboratory uh and we were observed how the length of reinforcement Downstream will have impact on the length and the depth on um of the the local scour yeah and the following research hypotheses well established by modifying the design of the bottom stand the dimensions of the local scar can be reduced so we have some impact on uh the local SC Dimensions so Hydra model test were carried out in uh on a physical Weir that was installed in our laboratory Flume the we was inspired by existing hydrotechnical structure that is located in Poland uh on the romka river so our model uh was designed at the scale geometric scale one to uh 30 and the model was engineered considered the following dimensions so we have three spans each is uh 60 CMS between them we have two pillars each has uh 4 cm and we have two side abutments so as you can see in the uh picture we have three slabs three variants of H Downstream development uh variant number one H consisted of the slab covered with the um reer C so the material Stone material and the length of this slab was 60 cm the next variant was the same but uh just the length was uh 1 M and the variant number three is 1 M and 20 cm so we used the overflow with practical shapes we uh were carried out our um experiment in steady uh steady flow R the fruit number that was measured upstream was less than one and we uh provided our uh conducted our research in Clear Water conditions so there was no load no sediment load approaching from uh the upper stand to build up our model we used some acrylic glass uh also a scand paint some varnish uh some glue uh as well as various uh well Foams uh to build up the model so the body of the structure was assembled uh from pre-cut pieces of acrylic glass then we glue it at um at the joints so we also used some pipes to create the shape of the pillars and all the empty spaces was uh filled up with uh with a foam oh sorry so results in this figure we can see the maximal uh maximal scar depth uh and as well as SC length so these uh green lines are um devoted for uh for scour depth meanwhile this gray one are for uh for scour length so as we see the performed analyzis allowed to uh the send theb formation description and to depict this evolution of local scour in particular test uh particular um time steps what is more uh data analysis allows to determine the maximum scour uh depth and as well the extent of local erosion and determine the progression in the subsequent subsequent time steps so we observed that in variant number one so this shortest slab covered with uh with stone we could observe constant increment as well as in the case of the maximum local SC uh scour depth as well as the length of the scour meanwhile in the case of variant number two and three they were just stabilized so here in the picture we can see an evolution in time of our uh of of the scour sorry there is one extra uh feature as I can see here as well maybe I will try to remove it oh okay I don’t know uh how to get rid of them however H sorry it’s not working okay okay so again we saw uh the view like the plan View and now we have some some graphics some 3D uh 3D uh uh def fictions of uh the phenomenon that we were um considered in the in the laboratory so let’s go to the conclusion uh despite the fact that the test performed uh are of pilot exploratory nature it as well can be concluded that increasing the length of reinforcement in this Downstream St has no longer produ pronounced effect of reducing the depth and length of the local scour H after a period of 8 hours because this was the time of providing our research it was found that the rate of increase the depth uh well decreases first and then the scour length stabilizes so the first is the depth and then the length of the scour as well it should be noted that uh the model tests including pilots in hydraulic I are carried out to ensure that new Solutions or changes to existing models uh and they are effective reliable and in line with user expectation and they are very important even at this uh project stage so thank you for your [Applause] attention thank you Mar we have uh time for one question I have question yeah first of all thank you Dr MAA it’s for really uh nice presentation you have carried out uh very uh detailed experiments on Scout depth so uh I don’t have any question I just have one curious suggestions like uh if we are having the length of those uh peers if we have have uh suppose some energy dissipators yes and the and during the you know discharge of the water after uh that section so then we can further reduce the turbulence and that may uh further help you to reduce the length of the uh uh wall because obviously we uh want to reduce the turbulence as much as possible so that we can reduce the length and we can reduce the cost of the structure also so at the same time if you will use some uh if you have the wall and if you will use the uh like uh some holes in these particular walls so that the air tra that generally happen due to the passing of the water that can also further reduce so that two things may help you to reduce the turbulence and that may I think uh it might actually just some of the field work I have seen so that can may help for you yeah I think we will discuss it as well during the dinner I think so uh and we should think about you know like joining the points of view because as I know you’re are also a hydraulic in your work yeah yeah so yeah I think it’s a good idea and you know good point of view from you okay thank thank you okay thank you so our next presenter will be uh my student my fellow student was not my anymore but was uh maitz I think I say it correctly exactly well I hope and from and the topic will be circular economy sustainable engineer renewable energy and the existing results of contemporary world it’s all here my top yeah oh it’s your top oh sorry oh you’re here I didn’t know okay sorry laboratory studies of scoring Downstream of uh the air I think it’s we yeah fish yeah thanks uh so uh good afternoon everyone my name is moris and IO and I’m a master student uh at warso University of Life Sciences here and today I have a pleasure to perform in front of you and tell you something about the researches that I conducted for my master degree uh for my master thesis uh so the topic of my presentation is laboratory studies of the scoring Downstream of the we and and uh on the title slide I also put the 3D visualization of the Weir uh that uh I have been testing for my engineering degree and I have a small sentiment for it so uh we don’t have much time so we are moving forward so what was what is the purpose of the study for my uh master degree uh I’m checking uh the efficiency of uh energy dissipation for five U types of reinforcement uh in the lower position under the wear and uh why energy dissipation is important it is important because water has a very big Power uh I put this image here this photo especially because uh when I’m thinking about the power of water uh this photo gives me a very uh good example of it uh this photo is taken by me uh this year it’s a Nar River in The podlasia District in Poland and uh you can see a riverb here uh and I took it from from drone it’s a really nice uh equipment so uh to U test it we had to construct a physical model uh to design it we analyzed the 10 real objects these ding structures on the territory of land and one of them uh is uh we’re in near the village pno uh near ROM City and uh we constructed our model from the plexiglass we glued it we uh filled the U abutment the pillars with foam and then we covered it with uh we insultated it with silicon and then we covered it with paint and it looks like that on the right side and uh this is our laboratory Flume on the left side when we finished building our model as you can see on the right side it’s with closures here uh we put it in The Flume we insulated it with silicone and uh we were ready uh for uh testing it so construction of reinforcements uh for the realization the goal of our research we construct five variant of reinforcements and this is the first one of them it’s just sense so I don’t have any photo of filling The Flume with sand uh but uh I thought that taking photos from drone uh can be a very good example of it so uh I really liked uh the Drone view from the photos so thank you drone oh okay so that’s uh the uh second and third one variants of reinforcement uh you have photos how it looked like it’s a repr up and repr up with gaban structure and here we have uh fourth and five types of reinforcements it’s a buffle blocks on the uh upper image and the corrugated concrete slap on the bottom so uh how did we do measurements during uh our research so if it goes about the measurements of velocity we use the PM Probe on the left side uh and if it goes about the ordinations of the water table or um the bottom of coordinates of the bottom uh we use the dis uh probe and the results uh all the data uh from the our measurements we take into the Excel spreadsheet and then uh we make a special tables for uh taking it into Surfer it’s a very nice software and you can see visual visualizations for the variant one uh that was no reinforcements on this end and the variant three which was Repro with gaban structure uh the best variant in our results and you can see the difference in the scoring of the bottom uh looking just for the ordinates cuz in the variant one case we are close to 26 CM from the uh reference point and uh in the variant three we are on the 45 cm from the reference point so uh the difference is very big then we also created the US lines of B relief in time uh for uh also variant one and variant three and as you can see the difference is is is very big so uh then we created uh the stream velocity distribution in sections a b c and d for subsequent time steps uh this is only uh one example of it for the variant one series one uh for each variant we did a 11 series of research and then we created some tables and using a pivot in Excel uh it’s a plaque uh we created some diagrams like this on the point a and point B it’s a measurement one and three uh we did three times measurement for each series Once was after half an hour then uh second one was after 2 hours and third one was after 4 hours so thank you for your attention uh and only a small conclusion after uh looking on this uh comparison of the variants we can say only simple because we don’t have much time I can see uh that we have to use reinforcements because uh the effect of the bottom scoring in case we don’t uh use them is very big and it’s a really big Hazard for for us thanks thank [Applause] you okay thank you so much M uh um anyone have questions on this okay you go maybe the microphone over there uh once again uh thank you so much for your presentation wel it’s it’s really uh nice I can see as a hydraulic engineer that it’s love to see that kind of experiments that you people do and this only one thing I would like to add like if we create the vet at the downstream so would it affect the scoring uh it affected yeah yeah so I think uh so our purpose is to like reduce the you know uh reduction or you can say discore depth because that only will help us to protect the structure otherwise it may have failure so this is the only thing I would like to say like if you will create the vet so you can add in the some other experiments to create the vet and see that how it is behaving okay thank you an a lot okay thank you okay thank you thank you and I would like to uh invite our last speaker for this evening um afternoon Teresa bilinska who will present a paper titled circular economy sustainable engineering renewable energy the existing results in the Contemporary world for only hey quick okay I don’t know how to move it sorry it’s not my laptop how to change no it’s not moving what about the mouse maybe I can use Mouse but it’s maybe not visible that much and then can like this okay okay I don’t know if this is V visible okay so it’s a few words about me but it’s not May me so interesting uh I am the international consultant for the last maybe 15 years on the international market and what is the most important for me how to use amazing technology and to fit this to the real life and um just now my topic is the C circular economy economy sustainability and the ReUse of the inergy in the Contemporary market and uh I think that the best re the best example is that Dubai because I am addicted on Dubai but uh why it’s happened because U if you imagine that the people were sitting in the middle of the desert 50 years ago and was thinking about amazing contemporary um city in the middle of the desert for 4 million people people not having even enough water so this was a great step on the Contemporary engineering to this and uh what is the most important to reuse the energy of course and you reuse the water there are the most important three things in Engineering in my opinion too one of them is motivation so they were sitting in the middle of the desert thinking about the first motivation the second point is awareness why we are doing something but the next Point many times people using money but for me the money in my opinion money is not so important and the ideas and the um and the dreams maybe more important if we want to see how amazing is Dubai now so you see many Palms in the recirculation of water system and millions of flowers in the middle of the desert so this is amazing situation seeing this you know being in Dubai uh you see especially in spring or in Autumn you have a lot of this kind of the um elements and what is the most important if you see this on the is Al cudra Lakes there there is the um complex of the artificial uh lakes in the middle of the desert with animals with fishes birds do know and amazing place even for barbecue what is very popular in Arabic countries and and the next Point what is very important where the nature can’t do something engineering can this is the most important we have to use the most um um comprehensive Technologies in this kind of the elements and I was very surprised of Dubai especially that my profession is I am mechanical engineer and pluming on the in English market so it’s engineer sanaria and sna in Poland so I did a lot of ventilation air conditioning drainage um sewage systems so it means it’s very important for me because for in Dubai we don’t have as you maybe imagine we don’t have drainage for the rainwater because in general there is no rain water this year was a little bit different but was the different story with some um experience on the weather in Dubai uh when uh rain water when rainfall happened in two days there is no no water because was evaporation in the city and it was the reason there is useless to use money for the uh using the very expensive system but the similar story is a it is a wastewater treatment is a Wastewater system because they use a tracker for everyday collection of the soil from the development for example and 80% of the water is reused locally for um recirculation for flowers for or grasses Palms it means there is the most important is very short Circle to use to reuse water energy uh cooling a lot of these things and as I know that probably you feel that the most the we have a lot of water from the cooling system if there is something as a hot country 48° for the calculation it means there is a lot of condensate and if there is a lot of condensate you have a lot of water to be re clean water to be reused especially for this purpose as I am showing here and uh I would like to show you all codral legs as you see for barbecue very popular and can you imagine the water around with so many birds is there there is a artificial Lake for the waste from the wastewater treatment plant and when we don’t have so big system of the waste water um and the network of this can you imagine 100 hundreds kilometers of the system with the PIP work with big pip works for example one met pip work size is is is very normal instead of doing this we can do the very short circle with the ReUse of water as I said 80% of the ReUse water so it means that everyday tracker brings this waste the soil to the Waste Water treatment and only 15% is U treated in this point so it’s much much much cheaper and what is nightmare for the major of the city if there is a network maintenance aot Millions pound pounds dollars do know it cost every year do know to keep the system but uh they was thinking about this 50 years ago how to create the system and how to play with this for the future uh on the left hand maybe I will develop this a little bit more and this is amazing because when they started in Emirates thinking about the new technologies they didn’t have any technical um universities the technical base doing this so they use American people British people using their stand start to create something what was going rather on the base of their dreams because they build the city it’s one city in the world this kind of the new technologies use a lot of this amazing situation what is very top engineering so can you you are sitting in the middle of the desert thinking about something what will happen in 50 years so it is amazing so I uh seeing this for Meine Dubai is the the city of full of engineering and this is the top engineering cues and you see on the left hand side is the Museum of the future is the semi is a column L structure so the there is no column inside and there is on the elevation you see some uh Arabic letters and some symbols of Arabic word the same story is inside as a inside elevation and because somebody did a ventilation and a conditioning for this I know how it was difficult to locate the grills diffusers a lot of these things on the right hand side is amazing waterfall of course artificial water FL fall is of course with the lighting and if the sensor is showing that the ship or any anything was trying to pass the uh Bridge the water stopped so a lot of the things is are very important and um so as I said the most important is a short circle of this um of all services and uh the next point is um because I am the vice chair of the Polish engineers in Great Britain Association of Polish engineers in Great Britain and twice a year we are doing Workshop in Dubai spending three or four days in the bus from early morning to very late evening trying to see this amazing things uh in Dubai in Abu Dhabi too and this year we will go 16 to 24 of November to show polish Engineers how is the real amazing um contemporary Engineering in Dubai in Abu Dhabi to give them motiv the motivation because this is the most important to have the motivation for engineering for any our activities thank you very [Applause] much thank you do we have any questions so just have one very quick from me so um what is one maybe the technological solution that you would like to see being uh exported from Dubai to the Western World if you could it’s maybe not ventilation or air conditioning because there is no hot weather in in uh in in in Europe but I think I think that the wastewater treatment to eliminate the very long um sewage systems in the cities because I know how it is is a nightmare for London for example if you have very very long distances of this pip workk thank you um so this is bringing us to the close of uh the afternoon session thank you all the speakers a round of applause for the speakers please [Applause] uh do you have the group photo of course okay so uh I’ll call all the the speakers to the stage to do a a final group photo and after I think we’ll have I don’t know uh well you have to look out the agenda I don’t know if has another session I think so no dinner I think it’s dinner okay yeah for

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