Thanks very much to HUUB & HotChillee for inviting me on this London to Paris adventure, I had an awesome time and I’m very grateful to be part of this 20th edition. Hope you enjoy the videos over the next few days!

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    The following companies (that you’ll see in my content) support me in various ways, so huge thanks to these guys for helping me document my Triathlon journey!
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    #triathlon #swimming #triathlontraining

    good morning hello my name is Daniel this is the TR fundan YouTube channel you join me on day three of the hot chili London to Paris sport Eve it’s three days about 100 miles a day and today is the third day I’m feeling quite tired if if I’m honest the riding’s been fairly hard I’ve been Clinging On to group one which is the fastest Group by the skin of my teeth there are five groups on the road so there’s different ability ranges today is going to be a little bit different because it’s the last day we’re regrouping before we roll into Paris and we’re all rolling into Paris together so we’ve got about 80 miles to do before the proper food stop and then the whole ride so about 300 people are going to ride into Paris together on completely closed roads that’s going to be immense had a good time so far as I said I feel tired but it’s been really good the weather hasn’t been on our side but the morale and team spirit has been so that’s going to see if we can find any of the hoop team because I think a couple of them have already set off but one or two are still waiting to go they’re setting off the groups in reverse order today so that we come back together closer to the stop but yeah hoping for some sunshine today actually okay so the first group have gone no shoes on in the Sports Hall you’re got to come in here and find your bike somewhere where where did I put that last night I feel like it’s down here somewhere oh she’s here I was never in doubt I’m glad I did actually rinse it off yesterday with a hose pipe so it is relatively clean but it ain’t it ain’t poer just getting sorted before the start this is like some massive Sports Hall no I’m not having to go on that climbing wall it’s huge it’s like organized chaos in here so we have all the bikes on racks behind us few of the groups already gone massage tables over there coffee and tea and snacks and stuff in the other Corner people are just getting ready to go all night so I’ve just WIP my bike over with the baby wipe that’s all ready to go bottles on the bike that sort of thing and yeah look forward to getting stuck in so watching the other group set off which is nice because I haven’t seen that so far this week cuz we’ve always set off first so yeah look forward to a good day out the weather’s f as good what’s not to love it is hard though because it is the last day everybody’s wearing the same Jersey the hot chili ho Jersey and I do have one but I was going to save mine to swap into at the lunch talk because I think for riding hard I’m sweating and if it does have any showers or anything I want to be able to wear the right jersey riding into Paris so I change at lunchtime but it does just mean when you’re looking around you’re trying to spot your mates like everybody looks the same cuz they’re wearing the same thing now but anyway let’s get rid of to rock and roll group one are you happy to be here in the sunshine yay what a pleasure compared to yesterday when you guys set up [Music] come on come on you got one all right so we are away day three the room in the group is that today is going to be full gas so we’ll see how that goes I’m going to give it everything I’ve got to try and hang on and I need to cuz there’s no groups behind us now what a buzz they were just saying at the briefing that there’s lots of protests in France today so we’re not entirely sure exactly where we’re going to finish but just leave that to the organizers to sort they just said don’t stress about it you’ll be rolling into somewhere around Paris they’ll figure out the details as the days go on so as you know quite a lot of protest in Fr aren’t there so anyway I need to not talk as much cuz I I’m getting dropped let’s go [Music] [Music] these look like my sort of Club the gretto that is me all over these are time for a ride and they just tagged on obviously locals there’s a tandem as well love it little closed Road Club ride so about 40 km in we’ve just done the k q challenge I did not win um I couldn’t even see the winners I still r a decent Tempo up it but was a long way to go and apparently it’s going to press on a bit after here the group has SWR quite a lot there quite a few more Riders Riders from group two who have like stepped up to group one for day which is great to see and I think some group ones have gone down which you know I’m not completely writing off so we’re having a quick Wei stop and then we’re not stopping until like 70 miles so we’ve got a long way to go before like a lunch stop so I’m just eating and drinking yeah Good Vibes so good to have good weather I’ve still got my home warmers on more than anything just to try and prevent sunburn I’m putting Sun cream on for obvious reasons feels a bit like doer to be honest narrow Lanes windy nice [Music] aah [Music] [Applause] just take my out the pedal please take my foot out the pedal sting [Applause] that they coming got you go bro oh that’s a nasty curb B of A surprise isn’t it just givee we have one back there as well what an absolute Wally I don’t know how I did that I think I just didn’t put my front wheel up for the curb or like picked it up and put it down just for the curb and straight over the bars my hands are hurting as I fell on them my bike shifters all bent in uh but the mechanics are sort on it it’s fit me a new rear brake cable so things have stretched or snaps it when the B when the shifter is bent over other than that the B looks okay I’m okay my hands are B up but the paramedic just had a good look at me and says don’t think anything’s broken Fel my my is it Mets in your hand f everything think it’s okay so just takes my Pro from paral that’s see how it go so there you go there’s a thumbnail for you in it all right so damage report um gar Mount broken other than that I think it’s okay I’m just trying to see if I can okay I can use my right hand my left hand is uh really not good but one brake is better than none so this next bit we’re all riding out as a whole group so like these 300 Riders out into Paris now because of the protest we can’t roll exactly the same place we were going to but somewhere in Paris we’re going to finish and we’re going to get to do it with all of our mates on the whole group so this should be absolutely Mega I change my jersey in uh you know in excitement ready for finish let’s go stuck in do you remember that guy that I ran 13 miles with out off follow me all the way to Paris now had a good week Lads or few days man absolutely brilliant days prep like a spring yeah some of you are looking where you are so Dino has been awarded there we go right at the back there has been awarded in mve so I think that’s the first time we’ve ever been on tour and somebody’s been awarded in mve services to business and Innovation so what I’d what I’d like to do now chaps we’re nearly there about 20K to go we are in Paris we’re going to make it it all right yeah I’m not fallen off and at all you br your saddle there I’d rather break bones than bite parts right 20K to go it’s getting quite warm we’re all rolling in as one big group so it’s about 300 people which just Mega and Pete the poker do Jersey is getting some use yeah this is so cool we’re not really in Paris yet either about 10K out this has been ready we are literally on the motorway it’s closed for us to ride in mental abs not so many people [Music] around there we go then ride dusted London to Paris with hot Chilean who complete I won’t say it was easy especially with the weather but it is good for and there’s no other way you can do it unfortunately this is the last year that this is running in this current form they do run a gravel one as well so oh my goodness me is mental so yeah good


    1. Last time it's running… 🙁 man looked so much fun. You got off easy, last time I aimed for Paris I hit a curb on a cycleway at the wrong angle, came off and bent my hanger! So all the sightseeing hotspots in Paris still remain on my bucket list.

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