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    Filmed and edited by Garrett Horner
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    welcome to the butterfly effect I’m Chris hor this is stage five of the torto France brought to you by Ketone 8 for 15% off your next big oror of Ketone AIDS if you want to save 15% use the code butterfly now let’s get into into today’s Tor to France stage five at 177 km about 110 miles in length this is going to be the second stage that the sprinters get a chance at winning here at the Tor France if I take you back to stage three there was a big old crash with about 2.3 km to go that held up albine dunic Jasper philipson he was a green jersey from last year and it held up Mark Cavendish along with W van art now Mark Cavendish is trying to win 35 stages here on stage five of the torto France he’s trying to beat Eddie ms’s record we got something else Happening Here on today’s stage five two because benam GMI who won that stage three well he’s got a shot at winning the green jersey or taking the lead in the green jersey and wearing it for tomorrow stage six but he’s got a little bit of a dilemma because he has mads Pon that’s just a few points behind him when to stage starts proper nothing’s happening little playing around up there from UAE te Emirates AO and he gets a little bit of a talking from his director sportif saying hey don’t play around this early into the stage we don’t want it to be hard all day we’re trying to get a rest day out here for our teammate and race leader wearing the Jersey the yellow Jersey tid pagota so after that everything comes down goes curb to curbs going pretty slow we get into about 165 km to go then we see two Riders going up the road those two Riders ver share and that’s Russo up there for from fdj V Sherry’s riding for total energy they get about 3 four minute Gap it gets up there and plays around a little bit but there’s no threat in the pelaton as we see back there albine dunic and liel tracker pulling now we get into about 105 kilom to go and we’re going to see albine dunic at the back of the Pelon here he goes up over the speed bump that’s Robbie geese and the long speed bump here probably a pedestrian one I’m taking a guess because it’s pretty long so he did the first bump comes over the top and there’s some kind of hole in the middle at the top there Robbie geese is hand slips off as it slips off he exits the speed bump so now he’s got another bump once he does he almost crashes and that’s right in front of his teammate the road world champion Matthew vanderpol his foot’s All Out Left Foot sliding out on the side there but he saves it remarkably saves it now why is this important well Robbie geese is also one of the main lead out guys for yasper Phillipson he’s going to be one of the guys that’s just in front of Matthew Vanderpool at the end of today’s race so this little crash here almost altered the finish for yasper Phillipson if he wants to shot here a better shot at winning today stage five in the interview with yasper philipson he said well you got to be able to to predict things you got to be able to see things in the Sprint you got to be kind of perfect you got to be able to predict and if you can predict everything you’d be a rich man I love that you have to be able to predict keep that in mind when we get in the finish here of stage five now as the pelaton rolling down the road everything’s all nice calm and easy we’re about 60 km to go and all of a sudden the pelaton splits and we see T pachar is left sliding his bike going into the middle of the island with that post in the center there somehow his front wheels going straight at the island and he manages to pull it out let’s go to the brakes comes back into the pelaton on the right side and then there’s a crash from Bahrain Victorious just behind him that’s pale B Bal that’ll go down and Fred Wright if we look at this CL at this crash really closely we know it’s not TDY Pago’s fault at all okay that’s kind of what it looks like they started with t Pacha but of course it’s the island it’s the writers in front of him moving and you can’t see anything when you’re in the pelaton so if you don’t have much warning T pacha’s only choice to avoid crashing and crashing everyone behind him was to move all the way to the right but at the same time he’s moving to the right it was starting over there from the right side of the road two where they were moving over to the left as the island was coming up so everyone’s in the right side of the road there is moving over to the left as T pagach moving right he bumps and then the baring Victorious Riders actually bump each other and they go down and crash too now T pagach are just got out of there by the skin of his teeth as he continues upright but bar and Victorious P bal’s got to get up and Fred w they’ll Chase back and they’ll get in the Pelon now again it’s pretty calm until we start getting into the next Sprint with just under 55 kilometers to go mads Pon wins the Sprint this is important because benam gay didn’t get second and I think he’s third or fourth if I remember correctly excuse me but I’ll put the picture up there for you as M Pon comes across why is this important well benam gai he was ahead of Matt pson in the green points Jersey sitting second on GC right now but now they’re even so keep that in mind because now they’re tied on time now as we get a little bit further we’re going into about 50 kilometers to go the rain’s starting to hit everything’s getting a little crazy now and it’s getting nervous at the front of the pelaton we see some of the GC teams getting up there as the rain’s dropping in it’s getting crazy nervous now we start going under 35 km to go the two original Breakaway Riders are going to get wrapped up we go into 30 km to go now we see that estana is on the right side of the road that’s Mark Cavendish sitting fifth sixth wheel there on his team he’s doing a fantastic job with his whole team on the front this is the way I’d play it if I was aana I’d keep Mark Cavendish at the front for as long as I can early and keep him rested so he’s not back there having to deal with stopping and starting because you know most likely he doesn’t have the teammates to do a full lead out from 1.5 km all the way at the front of the Pelon so if you can keep him at the front for as long as possible right now we’re 30 km to go keep him at the front keep him out of trouble let them know during this whole 30 kilometers that Mark cavish we are 100% behind you because if I take you back to earlier interviews from Mark Cavendish he’ll tell you that nowadays you just don’t want my body type it doesn’t work well that’s not true I remember in 20 2012 Mark Cavendish won a ton of stages rode the front went over mountain passes and he’s given interviews already throughout this season where he says well he’s a diesel engine he needs to warm up he’s given other en other interviews where he said the Heat’s affected him that’s why he’s dropping on stage one and stage two and he doesn’t always have the most amount of positive energy I think think so when you put your team on the front like this for estana I think this will reaffirm to Mark Cavendish that hey we’re 100% behind you that’s why we’re on the front they’re dropping down The Descent when we see a crash at the back from Uno X we see that’s Alexander Kristoff there their Sprinter that goes down in the crash he’ll get up he’ll start finding his way to the back of the pelaton but before that there’s another crash coming with about 25 kilometers to go as we see Kristoff leaport just in front of him’s his teammate and the turn the road is going into a right turn but an island his teammate overlaps Wheels his as his teammates trying to avoid the island he goes left Kristoff leaport overlaps Wheels he crashes he gets up immediately I mean immediately he gets up and he’s at the back of the peleton and then we see Alexander Kristoff arrive at the back of peleton right afterwards now we’re coming in 15 km to go I want to show you on the right side of your picture left side of the pelaton as there’s a fan there wearing all black stepped out in the front of the road there on the side trying to get a picture right now and we’ll see the viz molisa bike half the duck we’ll see the lot Rider have to duck and then the road world champion right now that’s Matthew Vanderpool is almost getting taken out by The Spectator too then you see The Spectator jump off the side of the road that’s a knucklehead move right there in my book and that’s the first knucklehead here on today’s stage five now as the pelaton rolling down we’re getting under 10 kilometers to go ason still on the right side of the road controlling the front of the group here for Mark Cavendish we look over on the left side of the road it’s the GC teams that’s UAE team member it’s inis Malisa bike as they get into 9 km to go check check out Tom squinge right there from Li Trek coming up the right side as he’s bumping the last wheel sweeper there for Mark Cavendish he doesn’t want Tom squinge getting by at all and they’re bumping hard and it’ll be Tom squinge that loses this battle as aana stays at the front not for too much longer because we’re getting into about 8 kilometers to go now it’s Donna lose the front and it’s GC teams all over the front going full gas vism Lisa bike UAE team Emirates Bora hrow were up at the front if I back up the film a little bit but right now VI molisa bike and UAE M they’re doing a fabulous job at the front we’re coming under 7even kilm to go they’re still battling at the front we get into about five Kristoff lorts at the front guys he just crashed at 25 kmers ago now he’s at the front and he’s drilling it trying to keep jonis Vino in good position we come in the 3.5 kilometers ago lot’s all over the front with four five Riders on the front and we see estana is still near the front Cavendish has still got his teammates wraps around him at times and moments deep into this stage and five so he’s looking pretty good and aana like I said from 30 all the way into 10 kmers ago kept Cavendish in fine position now things are getting dicey up here with under three under 3.5 kilm to go 2.5 lot starting to lose some numbers but don’t worry my man Victor Camp’s coming to save the day as he gets to the front I love Victor Campos he looks over at his teammates there he’s trying to help out because they got Arnold dele who’s wearing the Belgium Championship Jersey right now he just got done winning national championships for the Tour of France and my and vctor camping us up there like guys it’s all come you’re starting to run out of guys but don’t worry Victor Camp is here I’m Chris herner’s man so he hops on the front starts pull it they’re going all the way in from 2.5 km and they’ve been on the front since 3.5 now we’re starting to get in 1.8 and Aline dunic coming to the front as 1.8 km starts though they’re not going to be on the front for very long because it’s time for Jonas abrahamson he’s wearing the green jersey right now and remember I told you guys it’s a Sprint right here on today’s stage five to decide the green jersey but I left out you AB Hanson wearing the green jersey and now he’s going forget the butterfly effect I’m going full gas trying to keep this with 1K to go we look Jonas abah Hansen he’s going full gas on the 1K banner dsm’s up there albine dunic up there Mark Cavendish and some teammates aana teammates are near the front of the group Ben and gmi’s up there Matt’s Pon and Ben a little bit back but they still got a chance here on stage five and Jonas abber Hans is going full gas all the way into about 800 meters to go now he blows it’s time for DSM to get on the front that’s Neils eoff and that is John Dagen Cole right there but where is Fabio yakobson their Sprinter here for today’s stage five well he’s a little bit in the back back there around benam GMI and Matt pson so he still got a shot but he’s going to need a little bit of chaos with DSM on the front we’re getting in about 650 meters ago now Cavendish has got a dilemma he wants the wheel there of yasper philipson when you look at yasper philipson though that’s Phil bar house from bar and Victorious that’s got the wheel so we see Cavendish come over he gives a bump there to Phil bar house that wasn’t successful so he comes back a little bit to the left Center there of the pelaton and as he looks right over his shoulder as he’s looking at Phil bous he comes in again this time he comes in hard and Phil bouse Tangles up with Cavendish and with gavia from moar on the right side so Phil bouse has to do everything he can to keep the bike upright he saves the crash but loses the stage five chances here but Cavendish is sitting now on yasper Philipson’s will now if I’m yasper philipson and I’m Mark Cavendish and we’re coming under just under 650 PR years AG go right now and I’m looking in front of me and it’s Matthew Vanderpool sitting in front of yasper philipson I’m thinking wow this is amazing I got a shot at winning if I’m yasper Phillipson or if I’m Mark Cavendish right now but guess what there’s some company there for Mark Cavendish as Fernando gavira just got that done bumping there with Phil bowerhouse comes around and bumps with Mark Cavendish Cavendish wins that battle again he stays on yasper Philipson’s wheel now what’s happening up front is we’re coming in to just under 550 M to go at DSN starting to blow Neil zakov as he’s starting to blow we see the elbows going out from albine D dunic there Robbie geese Robbie geese was supposed to hit the afterburners at this point in time because we’re at just about 500 550 meters to go but his elbow’s coming out that means that Matthew Vanderpool has to go if I’m sitting on the Chester Field we’re at 500 meters to go I’m thinking Matthew Vanderpool he’s going to kick it right now yasper Phillips is going to win today stage or Mark cabines has a chance at winning 35 here on stage five of the tour to France instead we we see that Matthew Vanderpool starts to accelerate but he doesn’t have the big kick so John dag Cole comes around DSM he was sitting second now it’s teammate started the bow Neil zelov So John Dean CO’s coming around about 500 meters to go 450 meters comes up quickly and we’ll see Matthew Vanderpool give a little touch there to the right hip of John Dagen this is just telling him that hey man don’t come all the way over the gentleman that John Dagen is he moves a little bit over to the left that leaves an open Lane right now 400 450 meters to go for Matthew Vanderpool to kick it and go and win today’s stage for albine dunic with yasper Phillipson on his wheel instead to my disbelief Matthew Vanderpool doesn’t have the legs to go as he blows John Dean Co starting to blow then we’re start seeing Mark Cavendish he’s got a dilemma right now he thought he was sitting pretty he was sitting on yasper Philipson’s Wheels sitting on Matthew vanderpol but now Matthew vanderpol is blowing so Mark kavenish is moving over into the center going left going well I guess that plan didn’t work out as good as I thought so now I got to go left he’s starts to go left he’s bumping over there with Brian Kar from kofidis with just a little elbow tap not really hard but he’s bumping as we look up front Dan mlay is taking the front and we see Gibbons from liel treack at the front the South African National Champion they wearing the Jersey they got a little bit of a drag race Dan mlay let’s back the film up why is he at the front right now back it up just a hair as we go back we see Dan mlay had Arnold Demar stage winner of the Tour of France in the past here he’s got him on his wheel as he was moving to the front though he lost honor dear’s wheel now he’s on the front Gibbons is next to him sitting sitting just just off to his left looks like a drag race then Dan mlay backs off when Dan mlay backs off he starts drifting back as he’s drifting back Mark Cavendish who just already got done dealing with Brian cart and if I back it up got done dealing with Phil barous but now as he’s coming around we’ll see stoens getting dropped we’ll see AR Sams dropping down the left side Dam well right now we know Mark Cavendish understands how to race his bike right as yasper Philipson’s coming up Mark Cavendish can see yasper philipson and Dan mlay which means he’s going to get pinched off if Mark Cavendish can come over the top he comes over the top and just in front of Mark cendes well that’s Oliver nent and we’re coming under 300 meters to go as they’re entering the right and then they’re going to start to come out we look all of her Naas on the front but Mark Cavendish won the battle if I take you back to the overhead shot it’s a little more clear as Mark Cavendish sat there and bumped with the asper Phillipson who was getting some traffic right there from Arc Sams Dam so he had the drop out now Mark Cavendish is in fine position second wheel right behind Oliver n coming out of the last right turn here with less than 200 meters to go and Mark cavanis looks left over shoulder he kicks it into the pedals starts going flying all the way from the right side fencing to the left as he’s flying to the left look who’s following that’s yasper Phillipson that’s following right behind them but they’re both going all the way to the left now Mark cavish gets almost to the left there but look we got 10 guys who all changed their direction from going what should have been a straight Sprint to the Finish now now they’re all pointing to the left because Mark cavish is going left as he’s going left there going to cause some chaos because yasper Philipson’s going left too now let’s look all the way back and back to film up just a hair there’s mads Pon from liel Trek he’s all the way on the left I’ll give you a front view now as everybody all 10 riters started turning left when it’s straight to the Finish but Mark cavish W to go left so as he’s going left and all nine Riders are going left with look at the hand there the left hand of mat Pon normally they’re sprinting they’re nowhere near their breaks like this they’re sprinting on the drops like this but mat P Pon can see the damage that’s going to happen to him right now if he doesn’t get his hands on the brakes so you see his hand release the drops and start to go up to the brake lever that’s his left hand there releasing he’s getting on the brakes hard let me show you the aerial picture as he’s getting on the brakes you know he is cuz his legs are going wide with his knees coming out that means he’s hitting the brakes hard as everybody’s pushing him to the fencing up front mark Cavendish is sprinting up the left Jasper Phillipson sprinting right behind Mark Cavendish and matad P’s going down hard on the fencing he’ll go down hard then you see the Copus Rider have to do the bunny hop over mad Pon there up front cavish is going full gas in and he’ll sit up with just a couple meters to go to win his 35th stage Victory here at the torter France and break Eddie ms’s record just behind him yasper philipson third to round out the podium that’s Alexander Kristoff remember remember I told you the story coming down to descent under 30 km ago Alexander Kristoff crashed coming down The Descent Robbie geese almost crashed was doing the lead out here at the very finish with only 500 meters to go and leaport who did crash was doing the lead out all the way into five kilometers to go that’s how much everybody disappearing coming and disappearing affects the race but right now we got to talk about Mark Cavendish his 35th stage Victory is it really 35 here on today’s stage five can you really give the max missile today’s stage win here after moving all the way from the right to the left side well if I take you back to stage three Matt’s Pon when he was passing stoens his lead out man he passed him on the left side they went all the way to the right yes he held up the before going to the fencing there so he didn’t crash benum gay who came up the right side and won that stage three but he still changed his Lan I can take you back to race after race after races terms as the sprinters and they move all the time Cavendish when he’s looking left over shoulder the main reason why he’s moving from the right side even though he has a straight line straight line with nobody in front of him to go all the way to the finish and try to win today stage five the reason why he’s going left first off it could be slowing down the riders that are coming up the left side like Matt Pon Arnold dele who’s over there Sam Bennett’s over there so he can slow all those guys down but most importantly he knows yasper Philipson’s on his wheel right he had already taken off the asper Phillipson from that second place there of Oliver n’s wheel taken him off the wheel so he knows he’s on his wheel like this this is right here this is Jasper philson this is Mark cavish once he goes he’s got the fastest Sprinter in the world on his wheel if he looks over left and it’s clean and he knows the officials aren’t going to DQ him he’s going left because that’s going to cause chaos in the pelaton and most importantly it’s going to get yasper Phillips in off of Mark cavendish’s wheel which means now he’s just got to lose a little bit of distance going over to the left and then full gas and he’s got to hold off everybody that’s put under chaos all 10 of their bikes started turning left so they’re all holding each other up Mark Cavendish wins today stage five I believe 100% if I go off of what I’ve watched you go off by the rules everybody needs to be DQ but you’d have to DQ everybody going back to Decades of time and since the rule was first in in place you definitely have to DQ everyone since then so Mark cish and my rule he gets today’s Stage 35 stage Victory kind of powered by Ketone a because Ketone a sponsors the whole aana team now Mark cavendish’s 35th Victory after he crossed the line hugs kisses from everyone the pelaton his family smooches from his wife up on the podium celebrating with his family but we had one more epic moment here and I do not want him to be forgotten because that’s benum GMI benum gai for air train will put on the green points Jersey here first black man to wear the green jersey here at the tourto France remarkable stage here stage five of the Tor France Mark caves the 35th Victory the A Train benam gmai the green jersey at the end of the race here remarkable stage hope you guys appreciated my take on the butterfly effect like And subscribe I’ll see you on the next Edition real soon


    1. In Cavs defense, when he started the move left, he was carrying more speed than the field and had at least 1-1/2 bike lengths easy

    2. That bunny hop was possibly the difference for Mads being able to stay in the race. Getting run over at a high rate of speed would have made his injuries far worse.

    3. Cavendish and Philpsen should be relegated for sweeping across the road during that sprint. At that point in a sprint, racers need to hold their fucking line. Just because they get away with it doesn't mean it's okay. Cavendish has a history of pulling that shit to cut off faster competition. I get that sprints are chaotic, but that was reckless, and, in my opinion, every idiot who swept across the road should be apologizing and paying for any damage they caused. Crashes like that wreck careers, permanently injure, cause racers and their teams to lose money, and even kill people. The most ridiculous thing about that whole thing is that Cavendish probably had the speed and enough of a gap to win that race without his reckless behavior. He needs to man up, give the win back and try again.

    4. I've never been a huge Cav fan but the way he navigated the last few hundred metres of this stage to his historic 35th stage was perfection, everything seemed to align for him to win, along with some great decision making. He got on the right wheels at the right time and I think just as importantly he boxed in Philipsen as the road went into the right hand bend not allowing him to accelerate as I think he wanted to, and pull out to get the right wheel he needed to get usually gets. Yes, there was some bumping but this always happens and I think was excessive.

      As for going across the road, maybe I'm wrong, but isn't it the case that if you are in front and not impacting anyone else you can do this. If the 10th rider in the train does it is their responsibility to not impact a fellow rider. I don't care if this causes them to lose a wheel, that's their problem, they can't push someone onto the barriers and cause a high speed crash. I also don't really see unless they put lines on the road to create lanes and reference points how they'd even do this.

      Lastly the fact the road went round to the right also meant the straight line was across the road and by taking a steeper, tighter line would have lost a rider speed so if you have to go straight you can't have finishes with bends in the final km, it's as simple as that. Hats off to Cav for navigating the chaos that always occurs at the end of TdF stages and making it a historic day that I thought wasn't going to happen.

    5. Wow, Chris how do cover going left and right even going back to track everyone? I am amazed by your deep analysis your viewers enjoy your expertise. Just enjoyable to watch the competition.

    6. Why are there no TDF officials at these roadway islands waving flags warning the riders of the dividers?? I thought this was a usual safety policy at the race.

    7. When Cav went left, he was far enough in front of everyone that no way his line change impacted anyone. Cav even made a quick check to be certain, which you don't see occur much. Jasper disaster is a different story, following Cav, he did impede the group behind him and that caused brakes to be hit, which caused Pedersen to crash. Once again Jasper disaster causes a bad crash. Yep, DQ Jasper. The officials have to do something with him because he does this every time he is up front and there is going to be a Fabio Jakobsen style crash as a result.

    8. NBC seems to be copying your show with their YouTube channel; calling their show “Beyond The Podium”! This is two funny, clearly they have FOMO! Keep up the great coverage! 🇺🇸🍺🔈

    9. Why are people moaning when they watch the vid that they are getting the result from a Youtube channel that reviews the stage after it has finished……are you people totally dumb?

    10. Chris, you always manage to create order out of chaos. NOBODY explains the complexity of sprint finishes as well as you do. Thanks for all the work you guys put into your channel. 👍

    11. one thing i missed this year is the 3km rule. As I understand if you are within 3seconds you get the same time (in sprint stages only?). But how does it work with 3km (4 and 5 respectively). Will you also get the same time if you are within the peloton 3km from finish? And then it doesn't matter what you are doing the last kms?

    12. What a great review. Chris I use to love to watch you race, especially climb. I knew from listening to your after race interviews you would be extremely good at post race reviews with your understanding and appreciation for race tactics.

    13. From the front view, Cav’s move looks dangerous. But when you see it from overhead, he is so far ahead of everyone else, that it’s a moot point. He deserves the win.

    14. Get off Pogi's dick. He initiated contact that caused a crash. It was his fault. The way you people are coddling him is pathetic

    15. Why dose it have to be 1 st black man to wear the green jersey how about a great sprinter how about for his country for his team we need to get away from this white black thing he’s a human being a man and a great sprinter God bless him for him to be prepared and being able to be a great cyclist that can be in the pro peloton nothing to do with his color luv u Chris always watch ur context

    16. Great analysis, as a newbie I watched at least 4 others earlier but yours was the first I fully understood and you have hands down the best use of video and graphics.
      I'm now a follower.

    17. Cavendish should have been DQ'd or relegated for his aggressive riding at around the 550 meter mark. He almost caused a crash to force his way into position. Peter Sagan was DQ'd for a similar action which after review, showed he wasn't the cause of the crash; it was Cavendish.

    18. Congratulations Cav. I'm glad it's over and the media frenzy will die down, hopefully.
      Thanks Chris for pointing out the Girmay moment. The rest of the media seemed to miss the important global moment, glowing in Cav's achievement.

    19. I love how they gave the warnings to Jasper and Cav after Cav won. No one in the world was about to try and take thar away from Cav. I still think Cav had plenty of room for his dashing to the left. The 8 people on his wheel should have been penalized because they definitely impeded on Mads. Cav didnt even take it all the way to the barrier.

    20. How come no one is talking about Cavendish elbowing other riders in the FACE and such. This sprint was a planned gift.. NO hiding that.. That being said, yes Mark Cavendish has been a great sprinter with a LEAD out team. I know as any other cyclist that has been riding for 25 plus years, there is no way a 39 year old keep up the same power as a 20 plus year old pro sprinter.. Cannot be explained clearly as the worship is really disappointing in a sport that has been built on tactics ect. Not gifts. they gave it to Sepp also. Now there is such a focus on the complaining Cave because he made it an issue.. WHAT about MEEEEE!!!!!

    21. I don't think that sprint was against the rules:
      'Riders shall be strictly forbidden to deviate from the lane they selected when launching into the sprint *AND*, in so doing, endangering others.'
      That sprint wasn't endangering others. There was no one he had to chop or cut off.

    22. Chris, a little history please, Cav. vs Sagan: with the dismissal of Sagan from the TdF, how many sprints did Cav win in that TdF after Sagan had to go home? If Sagan had only been relegated, Cavandish would not have had 34. If the rules are not enforced, there are no rules, and then the rulers got it wrong. Keep up the great work.

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