hey guys!! today’s video is all about A Day in the Life of a lonely PhD student at Oxford University! come travel with me

    Instagram: @veekativhu ||. https://www.instagram.com/veekativhu…

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    business inquiries / collaborations email vee@divingbellgroup.com

    Sub count at time of upload: 276k

    [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stop of the Vlog I’m so excited today it is a Wednesday the 12th of June I’m going to England um back home for like giving a speech so so um nothing like a home trip so I’m not going to like see my family or anything I’m just going to go for work so this is the you know how I always say like I feel like I’m living a Hanah Montana life this is now the hanart so we’ve been in Miley mode since like March I’ve been here staying still just doing school and now um it’s time for Hannah um so yeah it’s currently like 8:00 in the morning so I’m going to show you what I do and how I go about my day when I have travel but as you know I’m a super super super dedicated person so I’m doing 75 hard Challenge and just because I’m traveling doesn’t mean the challenge stops and I need to leave this apartment by 10:30 to get to the airport so I need to do my two workouts now so that I’m not like worried about it like at the airport thinking oh my God I haven’t done my workout so so if I start them at 8:00 a.m. I’m going to do a 45 minute run and then I’m going to do um a 45 minute walk that’s the best I can do I spoke to my personal trainer and he was like yeah just focus on cardio for this whole trip otherwise you know so all I’m going to do for the whole trip every single day 45 minute run 45 minute walk 45 minute run 45 minute walk that’s all I can give on this trip so yeah it’s going to be a few days so Come Away With Me for my my mind is I’ve beening we are 1 Kil [Music] in back guys now I’m running out of time so it’s 10:20 so I’ve got to quickly shower like literally the quickest shower um I got breakfast on the way and let’s go to Oxford and I did my run I did 3 km then I did a long ass walk so now I’ve clocked in my 10K steps and I don’t have to worry about like anything else see which is what I wanted so I’m going to get ready and I’ll come back when I look a little bit more presentable okay I’m very late now Luke my poor driver is waiting downstairs and I’m extremely late but I just wanted to make sure I had every single [Applause] thing um I’ve made it to the airport but it’s a bit hectic and crazy and so packed and I’m a bit nervous I’m going to miss my flight [Music] hey guys I just got off an 11 hour flight I’ve arrived I didn’t have the chance to Vlog anything on that flight because it was just I was exhausted got on there fell asleep but we’re in London welcome hi guys it is now 1:10 I’m at malala’s house so what I’m going to do is go to the gym she has the most beautiful view like she literally has the most beautiful view obviously I’m not going to show you because privacy and like I don’t want to give away the location of a house but um it’s gorgeous I’m literally looking at the whole of like the London view um I love being here like they always make me feel comfortable like I always feel like I’ve got my bedroom I share the bathroom like I I just love it I and I think that’s what like best friendship is where like their place feels like your place and half the time Lala’s never here and I’m just here on my own and it’s just so I just I just love her love them um yeah it’s 1:00 p.m. right now I landed like 4 hours ago so before the jetl kicks in I need to go and get my exercise in because 75 High challenge so I’m going to go jog right now and then I’ll take a walk later in the evening cuz I have a Premiere tonight it’s giving Han Montana like I landed today the amount of mess I’ve made in malala’s house already sorry babe if you’re watching this Vlog sorry babe she’s not here so she can’t shout at me all right let’s go to the gym I’m not [Music] stressed I’m been Oxford we made it to Oxford I’m so happy it’s very late in the night I should not be smiling this much given how late it is but I love the train like no one knows how much I love taking the train but I made it to Oxford let’s go it’s kind of like 1:00 a.m. I need to like not have this much energy but I do I have arrived in Oxford I’m at lady Margaret Hall I am shocked I lived here for 4 years and never knew that this existed they had us students living like students meanwhile they have these apartments sorry I’m the type of person that I have to lock every door wherever I am I get so paranoid to make sure that every single thing is locked but guys the treatment I mean don’t get me wrong I had great treatment as a student I’m not saying I had bad treatment I’m just saying like this is giving grown grown treatment okay let’s start with the bathroom look at the bathroom yeah look at the bathroom I so shocked then we move into the apartment area like I need you guys to understand we did not have this we did not have this look at this oh my God it’s a whole kitchen I was visualizing student accommodation my sister was like should I come and help you with anything I was like no don’t come don’t be anywhere for you to stay it will just be a single bed like it’ll be difficult look at this I need to get a job in Oxford so that I can be given Free Housing like this like look at this look at this I’m just like so confused that it’s not even a joke but anyway we even have a kettle given to us and a toaster you need to like we have a fridge oh my God sorry I think I think I wouldn’t be as shocked if I was just like coming from no from like anywhere right like just coming from Los Angeles going to Oxford like I like oh this is nice but it’s the fact that it’s the fact that I was a student here I lived here for 4 years I’ve walked every corner of these grounds never have I seen these apartments before most of the buildings that we lived in as students are like older you know a little bit more damaged this is giving brand new fresh Apartments good morning good morning good morning you guys welcome to my channel I’ve just put a um pimple patch sticker on my face because we had a pimple um just brush my teeth now I am just opening all the windows so welcome to a day in my life at Oxford University obviously I studied here for 4 years at this exact College um and yeah now now I don’t study here anymore as of like 2 years ago but that’s all good and I’m I’ve been invited here as a speaker to speak at the graduation for the students so they’ve got me in this cute penthouse situation well apartment situation and I’m here for a few days but I’m still a student with homework in America it’s so crazy to be back as a student um but not a student of this school anymore so let’s see what happens it’s currently 8:00 in the morning and I’m just putting my watch on um cuz we have got to go on a run I’m doing the 75 heart challenge and that doesn’t end just because I am away I really hope I don’t see anyone with this pimple patch on my face but such is life guys I’m 1 kilm in and I’ve seen a lot of people jogging in the O Parks some of them are wearing suits going to an exam wearing sub fusk like the Harry Potter looking thing which I’m like oh my God I remember doing this like ah it’s amazing I’m 1 kilm in I just thought to check in with you guys but it’s gorgeous like just look these are the gardens I I never really used them when I was here look so many people jogging over there and then other people are like wearing full suits it’s only 800 in the morning by the way 8:00 in the morning and people are wearing like full suits going to exams and things guys I just finished my run sweaty and hot but 3.5 km down oh my god there are people watching me Vlog there was a class going on they saw me I was embarrassed I forget the fact that that’s a library right there and I forget the fact that there are so many students here an OG subscriber you all know where we’re going right now we’re going to breakfast there’s nothing that brings me more joy than an lmh breakfast and I’m so excited I wonder if Joey will remember me I’ll be like Joey but I’m so hot and sweaty I embarrassed oh my God I can’t believe they saw me vlogging I’m going to put this away now because there’s a lot of people here bye guys I did not think that Jerry would remember me tell me why he start shouting my name and he said I’ve heard that you’re now rich in London oh my God he’s so cute like he used to serve as breakfast every single day and he knew my order after 4 years he knew my order it made me a bit emotional then it gave me a hug he’s the best like he’s the best I’m proud of you I was like Joy please stop I’m going to cry but I I I so I can’t believe he remembered me this is crazy anyway I’m having breakfast now so I’ll catch you soon [Music] hey guys I am running a little bit late but I now have an interview with um university the publicity team or something um I’m a little bit late I keep saying a little bit I’m a lot of bit late and Anna is waiting for me they are waiting for me okay I’m going to go pick her up now I’m going to hand the camera over to anaise so whatever happens now it’s [Music] [Music] h you guys we’re back where I used to spend like hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of my life this is the ashmolean museum as a classical archaeology and ancient history student you had to spend a lot of time out here studying looking at the artifacts looking at vases looking at sculpture looking at the buildings everything and like it was free entry and I just used to love it and I used to have secret like access to downstairs places that the general public couldn’t have and it just brings back so many memories unfortunately the mum is closed so I might have to come back tomorrow if I really really really really want to go into the Ashan Museum but honestly so great and like a big part of why I got the grades that I got because I spent my time in there so I’m giving the speech today at Oxford and I’m nervous man I’m nervous I don’t know why I just feel like I’m nervous and I can’t sleep so I might just go for a bike ride I just feel anxious I need to practice my spe speech I feel like I don’t know if it’s going to be well received but I don’t want to give a speech that’s fake you see I want to give a speech that I really care about and obviously there’s so much going on in the world right now that I kind of I’m feeling a pressure of like am I going to say everything the way that I want to say it and like right now I’m losing my voice for some reason oh gosh friends I decided to go on a run because I can’t sleep and I’ve tried to read I’ve tried to chill out can’t do it so here we are going on a jog at 6:00 in the morning so I try and practice some of the speech before we leave the thing is I should write it out let’s try some of the speech Let’s try some of the speech distinguished guests professors friends family and most importantly the soon to be asoria Foundation year graduates welcome to this to share some words on the power of Education my own journey and looking forward to the future see I’m already messing it up family and most importantly the Sue to be Astoria Foundation you’re accomplishing such a [Music] huge such a huge but are mostly known by many as V girl this this is not a good speed I’m going have to go on this run and come back to you because that’s stressing me out hey guys so I have um gone for the jog I’ve done the run I came back all of that jazz now I’m getting ready I don’t have much time I have 15 minutes left I’m just drying my edges before I put on my hair I don’t know what hair I’m going for if I’m going to go long blonde if I’m going to go I’m going to go long blonde blond Diana or are we going to go curly blonde I don’t know you guys I’m ready nervous late but ready hey guys so we’re now inside the actual hallway where I’m doing the talk there’s annaise you know you guys she’s shy so you can get a glimpse of her she’s like the Tooth Fairy you know she’s there but you can never see her um yeah I’m just getting a little bit nervous we’re going to try get a clip for you but like probably not I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I’m just preparing just I’m just a girl okay I’m just a [Music] girl so distinguished guests and professors and friends family and most importantly our soon to be Astoria Foundation year graduates welcome to this incredible celebration it is my absolute honor and pleasure to be your plenary speaker today and to be invited here to the University of Oxford to give this speech I’m going to share with you some of my words of wisdom on the power of Education my own journey and to looking forward to the future after accomplish such a huge thing this is a big deal and I hope you’re all very aware of that my name is VAR KTIV but many know me as V I am currently 26 years old and I was born and raised in Zimbabwe before moving to the UK at the age of six I am an alum and graduate of the lmh foundation year which pioneered here at lady Margaret Hall in 2016 I’m a graduate of Oxford University where I read classical archaeology and ancient history from 2017 to 2020 and I am graduate of Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education where I pursued my master’s degree in International Education policy and currently I a full-time PhD student and Scholar studying for my doctorate degree in Education and Leadership at Claremont Graduate University’s School of Education studies and most recently I have been offered and will be receiving an honorary doctorate degree from the University of Bradford this July in 2024 where I’ll become a doctor of the University with a focus on education it’s safe to say that education has kept me busy for the past few years and I could wouldn’t be happier or feel more lucky to have had the chance to pursue such an international rich and fulfilling career in Academia thus far today I want to speak about the power of education and the power of being able to exercise such a right the right to learn and the right to acquire knowledge in Zimbabwe my country of birth we call this the art of learning the art and we Define this acquisition of knowledge as having something called ner which in English means wisdom you see in my culture it is quite a prestigious thing to learn but not only to learn but to also share what you learn I recall many a time where my cousins who are far more ahead than I would gather they’d get the young children together and play teachers and students for us though it wasn’t just a game it was a part of our culture and our survival in Zimbabwe education is held on such a pedestal and we view learning as a gift the gift that keeps on giving because to learn is to know and to know is to do thus in my family we’re known to make bigger deals about graduations and academic accomplishments more than we do about weddings and the birth of children very true story for those who do get the chance to study the chance in whatever capacity it may be they’re not only celebrated but they are now looked to therefore the scholars in the family community or Nation are expected to bring back what they’ve learned to help others gain the same knowledge the same J so that we too can apply it to our daily problem solving for in Zimbabwe we believe it is not enough to just feed a man fish but you must also teach him how to fish so you see where I come from to have knowledge is not only a sport of acquiring degrees trophies and certificates like their Infinity Stones it is also the power of action education must not be a passive thing if you have the chance to use it for good then you should for to have thater with no action is like having a balloon with no air but despite this Prestige that we have for education in Zimbabwe it’s still not a right that many can exercise and truly fulfill the potential of you see many in my country cannot especially the girls afford the school fees required to attend school so those who do are often very aware of the opportunity that they have that they’ve been given and the magnitude of what it means to have access to a free quality and safe education and it was here in Zimbabwe that I learned the importance of my own education and how to never ever take it for granted no matter where I go now before I continue because you know I like to do real I want to acknowledge the space that we’re in we’re at the Oxford University a university so world renowned and so globally acclaimed that it’s important to note that like many things in life it’s also not perfect and as an aspiring educator and a current scholar in the space and a graduate of this place it would be intellectually dishonest to deny the current issues that the British education system faes all the way from primary secondary and tertiary education we’ve seen time and time again the introduction of inequitable policies that hinder the mobility of certain groups the issues of access those of true diversity the flaws in how intelligence and potential are measured and more but I’m glad to know that at least in this very room right now that we are all aware of some of these issues and are working to address them hence the creation of this very Foundation year that we’re here today celebrating in as a starting point of addressing some of these issues but regardless of its flaws places like Oxford are still spaces that are full of resources networks connections and incredible opportunities and I want to remind you all as students both current present and possibly future that along with the university support we can use some of these resources around us to make a difference and to pour in into each other especially in the most trying of times even for people across the globe who may we may have never met but are still connected to nonetheless and I know I don’t need to remind you guys that as we sit here in this very moment of 2024 the world is currently falling apart we’re witnessing one of the largest International Education crisis on our hands with many girls our sisters in Afghanistan in Congo in Somalia in South Sudan in Palestine and more who’ve been denied their human rights to access quality education because of religion child marriage period poverty genocide displacement disease political disputes economic factors and more we’re witnessing our fellow peers people our ages or younger having their cultures histories backgrounds and Futures wiped away right before our eyes and it’s truly heartbreaking therefore as an education activist I question what are we as the great minds that we are going to do about it for the power of knowing is the power of doing and you know that famous saying to whom much has been given much can be expected how will we my fellow Su to be graduates come together to collaborate ideate and attempt to problem solve and support our efforts into helping one another how will we advocate for those who don’t even know that this speech is happening right now those who need our allyship and our support what we do with our knowledge though my friends is and hopefully will remain entirely our choice I hope that we’re able to find ways to pay forward this incredible opportunity that we’ve had on the lmh foundation year the Astoria Foundation year here I hope that we find a way of truly making a mark with it in whichever way that it may be it could be whichever cause moves your heart the most but it’s important that we try and contribute in some way or some capacity to the Future that we desire and the history that we will be proud to back on and tell our children that we helped to create that being said I do want you to remember the honor of your time here the past year has been and I assure you oxfords they were the ones that were lucky to have you no matter what you choose to go on to do next whether you stay here attend another institution or go straight into your careers become activists like me or CEOs or whatever it may be your time here as a student so far has already contributed to the greatness of this school for it is you the students your character your res resilience your passions and your desires to do more to be more that makes places like this so great so as you take the time to think about what you’d like to do next with the incredible skills that you’ve developed here we’ve just seen it evidently I want to congratulate you from the depths of my heart this is no small feat and you deserve to be given your flowers and claps for what you’ve accomplished here in the past year I know personally for me my time on the foundation year was was truly lifechanging prior to starting the foundation year I was working at McDonald’s dreaming of a place like Oxford coming to do the foundation year here kickstarted my journey as the education activist that you see today because I was given the space resources and encouragement to bring my ideas to life it was in this very room with the help of my principal Alan raser The Incredible Dr Joe beg and Dr Margaret Kum that I created my nonprofit or organization empowered by V where we now provide academic resources for students from unsupported groups who want to pursue higher education it was In This Very Room that I dreamt of becoming a global change maker that could one day speak at the United Nations and I can confirm that I now get to do that regularly as one of their 17 young leaders selected by the secretary generals and voyon youth and it was on these very grounds in a bedroom just a few feet away from us right now that I put my phone on the myle and started a YouTube channel speaking about personal statements study tips and the importance of Education that went on to a mass over 20 million views hundreds of thousands of subscribers and changed my life forever what I’m trying to say is that your wildest dreams and your deepest passions and the causes you care about are possible and that no matter what next steps you take just remember to use the knowledge that you’ve acquired here at the Oxford Astoria Foundation year to do something whether it’s to help someone who you may never meet in your life or to solve a problem that you’ve seen on your doorstep in your own Community whatever it may be just don’t waste the time you’ve had here as my wise friend James once said to me if the world was silent and we could only observe you what do your actions say about the type of person that trying to become well who knows we’ll see regardless I’m proud of you all and I cannot wait to explore what your next steps look like and please remember to be brave and to believe in yourself and your academic abilities and do not let imposter syndrome win stop asking yourselves what if I fail and always always ask yourselves what if I fly because what if you fly congratulations and thank you for having me [Applause]


    1. VEE!!! I am speechless! I needed to hear this speech– I am having a March/April kinda time (if you get what I mean). Your timing to upload this video was immaculate. I feel empowered to push through and finish my assignments. Like Tina said " I'm almost there". 🖤

    2. Vee’s journey is so beautiful. Brings me to tears! From teaching us study tips on YouTube and her essay crisis at Oxford to now giving speeches at the same institution and chasing all her dreams. “What if we fly?”🥹

    3. Vee, I'm a 20 year old undergrad student, I am nowhere near PhD level hahaha, but I always love watching your vlogs so much. You're so inspiring and watching you and your videos really always just give me so much light and happiness in my life!!! Every vlog with you feels like a little journey that you take us all on, thank you for loving us and trusting us to share everything with us!!

    4. Salut nouvelle abonné 😊😊s'il te plaît je n'ai pas encore vu tout t'es vidéo 📹 mais s'il te plaît tu peux faire une vidéo pour expliquer comment faire l'inscription en ligne pour allez à oxford les processus aussi s'il te plaît 🙏 🙏 merci 🥰 désolé je ne comprends pas l'anglais 😅❤❤❤j'adore t'es vidéo au passage ❤❤❤❤😊

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