Starting the summer off with a brand spanking new resromod! Found this dumpster Specialized Hard Rock (year???) and revived it as a gravel/assault style bike. Angles and geometry are particularly aggressive and very, very fun… I don’t really want to stop riding, but my 33 year old back eventually says, “give me a break!”

    by comicmaster525


    1. bikesgood_carsbad on

      Show us the dumpster durty for proper perspective!
      It looks good, it would be interesting to see the rags vs riches it is now.

    2. theartofnotcaring on

      Pretty sure it’s a 1989. I have the same one that I just picked up. I’m keeping it pretty much original for now. Great build!

    3. Congrats man, really beautiful! And Id feel like I’ve won the lottery if I found a frame like this for free!

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