#marathoner #belgium #cycling #marathonprep #triathlon #marathonrunner

    Hi I am Gabi and i’m currently training for the Marathon in Florianopolis (Brazil).
    In this video I did a little test to see how good my paces are during the adrenaline rush from a race. Watch me race against an olympic athlete!

    hi guys welcome in week six this week is a race week so yeah now I’m going for a swim and uh yeah let’s get it so all is [Music] true two people on a carpet with light around the curtains two people from a circus on a flying carpet give me a,1 nights to tell you this story and then I’ll help with the dishes like Solomon on green silk with the golden stitches from old and WEA art only the silk is fast I don’t even know if you guys can see me but that was the swimming session it was really nice um the woman let me uh record a little bit of the swimming so that’s always [Music] nice today is my last training like hard training Before the Race [Music] okay the first Loop I’m going to take you guys with me with the first one staying around a 355 Bas yeah my phone fell that’s [ __ ] up okay I already did two repetitions of three times 400 so it’s two on race space and then one just giving your all and then uh in between each repetition one minute of resting so um yeah in about 30 seconds I’m going start again so uh yeah let’s go okay I’m doing a 10minute cool down I just did my four series from three times 400 m each two on race space and then one pushing everything out of it and then one minute rest so uh it was great very nice and uh I’m ready I’m I’m ready for the race I’m looking out for it like I’m am hyped I’m stoked a little bit of stress but uh it will all be okay um then on Sundays raise in brues I’m not going to film I’m going to let my parents and my um my cousin film but you guys will see probably you’ll see some um pre and post run footage and uh maybe I don’t know a video of me running is going to be 15K so uh not that far it’s not a half marathon or a marathon or something but a good trading and um to just like get the feeling of a race let’s go home and um go to sleep cuz it’s already half uh past 10 so uh yeah let’s get it you guys will see the rest of the video right now I don’t know if you guys can hear me but uh today I decided to uh cycle a bit CU tomorrow is the big day tomorrow is the bringer run 15K I’m going try and set a nice time but uh I don’t know if I’m going to be under the 1 hour mark but out ride kilm 5 10 minutes bike ride already so uh yeah keep on going I be only you out everyone can’t sleep Al I’mma do the same thing that you been doing I’mma do the same that you been doing I’mma do the same I see how do it I’mma do the same I was thinking you were leaving every weekend soce only night let you go there race day let’s go bres bres here we come come on come on go go go go go go go go go go go arriving in bres we are in bres and uh we’re now going to get aala there you go going to get uh the number and stuff so let’s go last meal before the race it’s 8:30 so in a couple of hours it’s uh race time let’s go go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] T the 15 [Music] [Music] kilome number three number three the [Music] K was uh a good run I gave my off but uh I’m dead [Music] feels good after the run

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