Two incidents of Biker chapters and football hooligans clashing violently are looked at and recounted in todays uploads. Luton Migs & The Naughty 40 of Stoke on Trent.

    #n40 #stokecity #lutonfc #footballhooligans #hellsangels #bikers #truecrimestory

    Buy Naughty 40 Audible Free Trial :
    Buy Gangland Britain :

    Matt Legg live with Kevin Lane From Prison :

    kevin Lane Petition :

    luten May 1990 blockers arms a horde of Big Bly bikers walk into the crowded bar in luten with the infamous Hell’s Angels rocker warn proudly across their cuts the notorious biker MC are welcoming their German chapter president to England and had decided to visit one of their regular drinking horns in Luton confident in their reputation as feel as Fighters and Hellraisers they don’t anticipate any groups given them an issue unfortunately they’re wrong the Lut and Maks men in gear are a violent mob of football casuals that have a reputation for causing havoc on The Terraces and the streets against rival firms up and down the country 13th of March 1985 when milw visited kennworth road to play Luton Town in an FA Cup quarterfinal brought luton’s hooligan firm to the attention of the gutter brass mw’s firm The Bushwackers started a riot and invad the pitch the game was halted after just 14 minutes of play and the referee took both teams off for 25 minutes when he blew the final whistle the pitch was invaded again over 700 seats were ripped out of the stands and the surrounding streets also saw more violence called me husand and before we could get down they smashed all my L how frightened were you conqueror look there concrete how frightened were you oh what 72 and he M 78 and he fr how did the luten Megs and the house Angels allegedly end up clashing back in the 9s the lay Valley H’s Angels chapter were allegedly visiting a pub in luten the blockers arms which was seen as somewhat of a den of iniquity a music Pub of all types of scenes and styles on this day according to the book Gangland Britain and written about on various Holan forums members of the luchan MS we’re also in the pub and as is the case with most casual firms we’re enjoying banter drinking plenty of alcohol and indulging in lines of the devil’s candy two groups of alpha males from different subcultures drinking and parting in the same place as the ingredients for trouble and this occasion was no different the exact details are up for debate but according to the reports I have read the day exploded into violence with a luten Lads kicking it off and a huge bar roll erupted with stools pool cues glasses all being used in the melee to render each other unconscious there is a belief that biker MC’s are vicious Fighters and there is an element of fear and mystery around their rockers and tattooed appearance but being no doubt when it comes to group fighting the hardcore elements of most football firms are equally if not more so experienced both are brotherhoods of sorts although the MC’s are far more structured like military units with a hierarchy and set rules the football Lads fight for the thrill of it and the camaraderie on this occasion it said that the Lucien Lads got the better of the bikers and run them out of the pub this must have been humiliating for the MC’s as they had a guest with them from Germany and the one big difference between biker MC’s and football ads is when the excitement is over for the most casuals they will go back to their normal 95 jobs and lives until they next meet up but the 1% bikers are different they live breathe their club and culture and a liberty at this level could not be forgotten and retribution would be expected allegedly what happened next was the addresses of those football Lads involved were found and bikers began driving up and down their individual streets to freak them out the last thing you would want is a club of raging bikers you and your mates had bashed up finding out where you and your family live you would imagine this would only be the star and or violence will be to follow but according to the book a deal was struck by the heads of the two groups and a financial settlement was made to the 1% chapter in restoration and the feud was put to bed I’ve not been able to 100% corroborate this story but there’s another incident which happened in stok on Trent which I can corroborate which involved the then sergeant of arms of another notorious biker MC who was owed a substantial amount of money by one of the lads of stok on Trent’s 940 mob casting my mind back it must have been the late ’90s perhaps or early 2000s but this guy was a friend of mine so remain nameless had fallen into debt with an Infamous figure around strok on Trent at that time who looked after the security of his emby chapter he’s actually a good blo the biker I’m also friends with and no longer officially uh linked to the club but anyone from Stoke involved in that life will know this incident threets would been from both sides and a Meetup was arranged at a sto Pub for the two men to settle their differences with a square go it was fought from the sto side that the biker would turn up with reinforcements so all the most violent and naughty Lads from across the city affiliated with the football Lads turned up at the Boozer for backup the stoad had wrapped an impromptu homemade Duster made out of cell tape and coins around his hands and was waiting nervously for this guy to turn up to give context this biker was very well known in Underworld circles and was known for being a very capable fighter so naturally the football L involved who could have a row but not in the bikers League was right to be nervy especially with a whole hord of lads behind him expecting a good showing the biker did turn up but he was on his own on his Holley like a Lone Ranger in a way that was even more impressive and showed a confidence in his own ability the whole Pub exited behind the footy lad like a swarm of horribles banging for blood as the biker approached with what looked like a tool in his hand the lad involve got the Jets and backed off one of the other Lads in The Stoke firm good friend of mine and one of the best fighters in the city decided to step up instead and went straight for the biker crunch as he landed a big right hand the biker landed a glancing Blow from his tool slicing down the edge of his forehead before the fight could heat up any further in a Flash armed police came out of nowhere and everyone was ordered on the floor hands on their heads as they were all searched and many arrested someone had got Spooks around the old billup and warned them of big offer was going to be taking place but instead of diffusing the situation and dispersing The Lads in the pub the old Bill laying wait for it to ignite so they could get some arrests I wasn’t at this Mary Gathering I could have been in prison at the time on holiday not quite sure I can’t remember but that account is more or less accurate and are know all involved especially the three main people in it the two men who ended up fighting both were jailed for the incident but became friends after the beef was sort of squashed and funnny enough for whatever reason the guy left the BMC not long after and ended up working with one of the top guys in The Stoke firm a former pro boxer who went on to become a club owner and very successful businessman he’s also good friends with the auor of nauy by Mar chest and sex drugs and football fogs which are all available via Link in my description so if you want to read them highly recommend he’s a much better narrator than what I am and the audible version is really really powerful as well of the original noty book um I just like to say as well the bikers I’ve got a lot of respect for back in the day um there used to be a clubhouse in I think it was port in Newcastle on the line in uh P Stoke on Trent where they had the clubhouse back then I don’t think they have it anymore and we used to have some very good nights where you’d go in and there’s like a little security thing at the front if they knew you and they let you in nights could turn into days um it’d all be all the shutters would be down and it would P pitch black with like a little barall and there’s loads of different rooms off it and we had some good times in there and there was proper good stuff the bikers um so it wasn’t always falling out there was a lot of Crossovers and friendships as well so I just thought i’ point that out but um yeah I hope you enjoyed that and anyone who was there with the Luton turnout which has been featured in books and on forums be good to know the exact details of what happened also one last very important thing a friend Kevin Lane has been recalled back into jail um in a situation which we believe he is completely innocent of there is a petition going round please have a look at it take the time to click on the link have a read and sign it h it’d be much appreciated as we try and create Awareness on this Matt leg I’ll leave the link in the description there good friend of mine Matt leg who has a very popular Channel he’s a really good guy he’s fighting to for na with Kevin’s family try and bring awareness to this you can find out more information about it on there I shall leave the links to it to the lives where Kevin himself has been on the phone talking to Matt about the exact ins and outs of it and as far as we’re con concerned he is completely innocent although he’s got to go through the legal processes of his legal team Etc but if you did have the time it would be very much appreciated and if you want to find more information about it like I say links are in the description and you can go over to Matts and look at the uh lives and Kevin talking about it himself but I know that he would be very much appreciative of any support anyone can give as well okay brilliant have a fantastic um Easter weekend and I sure be back with you next week take care


    1. The book, says Fitted up fighting back,,, or you can say , Back up TED Fighting Fit ,lol , still no joke being in prison for something you never did I know how it feels bro ,, it's not only you doing the ⌚ your girlfriend and kids are doing it also not many people realise that, I'm sure you know what I mean ❓❓❓❓

    2. It was Milwalls F troop not rhe Luton migs and i woyldnt call it much of a riot .The milwall lads through chairs n that bit Luton migs hardly evwn got invilved and obviously shit themself because it was bikers .

    3. first time listening, and quite impressed with amassment of known facts and attempts to gain more, quite interesting to see 1% ers and FC firms go head to head, and even though 81,s are big international organisation,UK FC firms, would be a more than formidable opponents, especially on their home turf!good work, cheers, regards from Australia!

    4. Where are all these hard men now? Or at least their Sons?
      Defend your country and dont waste time fighting our Brothers! An invasion is in progress, in case you hadn't noticed.

    5. I wish the men of this country would stop fighting over football and show more concern about their country being destroyed and their people being replaced on a daily basis.

    6. 1999 glue and shoe sniffer identical twins both 7ft 2 and 26 st in weight ,stood back to back and beat up 68 hells angels to an absolute pulp and to finish the evening took down millwall and the chelsea head hunters . They made it look easy and not a lot of people know this because they dont like to boast.

    7. The MIGs done the bikers in the blockers that night, its gone down in folklore, the MC community just have cognitive dissonance over it, why else would they ride up and down the street of one guys house on their bikes mob handed to try and terrorise him if they had already done him and his mates, was that to prove how hard they were, the MIGs done em, and everyone in Luton knew it at the time.

    8. 9:12 I remember this M.I.G.s took the blockers over big up hightown posse!
      I think the Wellingborough mc chapter got involved and 1 of the Luton angels lost their patch over it.

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