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    e e [Music] you doing creeping around the back use m is your D I’m driving around you [ __ ] asked if they’ll put two braks together so she wasn’t even looking she was not looking there when she was driving holy [Music] but it only works about 10% of the time slow down you little head what a splashed her on the bike deliberately got her on the bike slow down some people people just don’t give a [ __ ] do they she got [ __ ] drenched did you see her yeah you and me so go you can e fill up your bag and I fill up your plate for hours and hours about singing like girl you know I want your love your love was hand for somebody like me coming now my I maybe crazy don’t mind me say Bo let’s not talk too put that body on me coming now for of My Le coming now for of My Le [Music] m w [Music] all Pirates absolutely Timeless and if remember the first record you owned the joy you felt maybe sticking on a turn tape or into a cassette player been aging of his there reminiscing with Richard my time in Afghanistan I spent nearly two years there but some my Army colleagues on the ground facing real threat seeing horrendous SS on the ground you know do they get all the support they need is this [Music] [Applause] what the f [Music] [ __ ] [Music] Beau uh days during this traal political experts say it could help Donald Trump’s election campaign Hunter could face 25 years is in prison a man who lost his whole family in an ebike fire is calling for better safety measures Scott pan from Cambridge is calling for all political it’s not just my it’s just [Music] stores rco excludes local it’s important to look after your eyes that’s why they [ __ ] oh oh my God Jesus Christ get that sorry what are you doing got same more [Music] J H maneuver because I’ve got I don’t inconvenience one yeah I end up um I I also pretended to come come back home yeah and then St B A [Music] urn brother did it cuz he want to do it really right a red light [Music] [Applause]


    1. Started with a bell-end Chavcycle threatening other people's lives. Ended with a bell-end on a normal bike who relied on two separate drivers to protect him from his own stupidity. Still, he's got his hi-viz on so he must be safe,

    2. 8:15 this is why cyclists should be banned from the roads. They have no formal training what so ever. If he had received training and passed a licence test, he would know that he has to slow and allow an indicating bus to pull out. But no, he’s just another idiot with £100 who went to Halfords and now has the right to use our roads.

    3. 1:48 did this moron seriously honk at someone for letting a pedestrian cross a zebra crossing.
      3:30 Needs their license taking, there was absolutely no need for that whatsoever.
      4:00 For the love of god man just flip the one cycle window wiper button for god sake.
      6:14 License suspension in order til they take another driving test.
      7:12 Shame you can't hit em to teach em a lesson, there was an ambulance there for quick aid.
      7:30 Bye bye license imo
      8:05 Should be a license suspension right there, stupid.
      9:00 Can someone please for the love of god take this muppets license away, was no need for that WHATSOEVER, why does this moron keep uploading clips where he is the problem, that is not what this is for lol

      9:14 I would have blocked his ass and made him wait.
      9:54 Bye bye license, this is so stupid in any vehicle let alone a motorcycle.
      10:28 Automatic license suspension (yes I am not using the word ban because that term is used incorrectly, ban = never again)
      10:48 This is why people hate cyclists.

    4. Right..OK…this has to be said. The majority of these dull videos are the fault/ignorance/awareness of the cammer.
      I had to stop watching this tripe when some fool bothered to post a video of a large articulated lorry, apparently going the wrong way on a roundabout. IT WAS A MINI ROUNDABOUT FOOL!!! 8:22
      Had enough of this inane dribble!

    5. In Ben's clip (5:19), I guess blue Citroen thought the road on the other side of the crossroads was a separate, two-way road (rather than a continuation of the one-way road they entered the crossroads on) and that the two straight-on lanes on the entrance road were therefore meant to merge into the left lane on the exit road? I wonder if there's any kind of design / signage problem to blame there? I think I would've understood implicitly from the no-right-turn sign on the lights that the whole system is one-way, but I wonder if there's any other signage that could or should be present (e.g. arrows on the road on the other side of the crossroads)?

    6. 8:10 I get the bus should maybe have waited for a better gap, but why keep pedaling towards the hazard? You had a lot of time to deal with it but you put yourself in a worse position.

    7. 2:30 as a regular cyclist, I've noticed this happening more often since the highway code updates – a driver overtaking with the required distance of >1.5m, but at a completely inappropriate place!

    8. I remember once seeing a lorry driver deliberately swerve into a massive puddle to soak a cyclist. He didn't gloat for long. In his blind spot. A Police Motorbike… Instant lights and sirens…

    9. 2:40 I was driving through a lightly flooded road, a couple of years ago, and my tyres were creating walls of water like that in the clip but a little higher. I was chatting to my passenger and, I wasn't giving the water any thought when a motorcyclist came the other way and got absolutely soaked. I don't blame myself as the motorcyclist chose to enter the floods, which were ending in 50 yards for me and he must have seen the walls of water I was creating. Anyway me and my passenger laughed until it hurt and still laugh about it today. Perhaps he knew that the floods were half a mile long so knew he was in for several drenchings so wasn't too bothered about one so early.

    10. 10:33 the cyclist had a death wish, pulling out into traffic. The clip perfectly demonstrates that cycle lanes aren't fit for purpose though, as cycling on the road gives the cyclist the same priority as cars at junctions.

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