Richie’s day in yellow and our first foray into France. PLUS: 7 Questions with Marijn van den Berg, and a local feature! All that and more in this episode of RaceTV, live from the TdF 2024.

    0:00 – Introduction
    00:55 – Alberto’s Inspirational Words
    01:39 – Race
    03:28 – 7 Questions with Marijn van den Berg
    05:46 – Local Feature: Opinel; knives from the French Alps

    About EF Pro Cycling
    We’re pro athletes, cultural enthusiasts, and world travelers with a hunger for adventure. We’re in search of new perspectives, on our bikes and off. Our EF Education-EasyPost and EF Education-Oatly-Cannondale squads consist of 46 riders and 21 nationalities. Explore the world with us.

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    [Music] s [Music] yellow what do you think of the bike doesn’t even get the Char from impressive huh looks good nice and yellow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey all right let’s [Music] go I said this morning to if we think where we were 10 days ago laying on the ground in Switzerland full of blood full of uh disappointment he has a a broken teeth I have uh blood everywhere and after 10 days I won the national title and the tour stars in Italy and were the most important jersey in the world unbelievable never never give up in life never never never never [Music] never yeah from the gun it was full gas you know there was a bonus Sprint pretty close to the uh start so all the sprinters were going for for that four Riders gone best Rider 8 minutes 4 7 seconds if this brake sticks we’re going to put sha to pull but the idea is to slow down the tempo of UAE so that the brake stays away anybody need something from Ben water that’s water mix and Ice gels for betol mix water there is mix and water and stuff but I give you ice gels last bit and I we’re going to bring you the ice gels shortly but Ben’s got everything else yeah Richard didn’t have the best leg so we all we all stayed with him and supported him you know so that’s uh that just is what it is we tried to limit our losses and uh yeah we win together and we lose together you know so uh [Music] yeah for my name is mar V I’m from the Netherlands from UT what’s one thing that people don’t know about you um well I like to do some shopping in the city yeah clothes fashion I like tennis a lot so yeah probably people don’t know this about me U what are three things you can’t live without um probably my phone to stay in contact with the family well the bike obviously to uh keep fit and uh what’s the third thing my passport I guess um what’s the your the favorite holiday you’ve ever been on two years ago I went to Thailand I really really enjoyed that just really relaxed I like to stay on the beach and uh don’t do don’t do much I think we are already quite busy during the season so it’s I really like it to relax you’ve got 10 friends coming over for dinner what are you cooking for them I think I ordered something think I guess I I’m not that that good of a cook so uh yeah just order in who’s the first person you call after every stage uh my brother I’m really close to him uh he’s also a cyclist he’s with ftg and uh yeah uh it’s a shame he is not racing here but uh no we’re always in contact about the race and uh what I used to do what what I need to do during the race who started cycling first he did he’s one year older and he started one year earlier I think we both started when we were seven so yeah already a long time ago were you really competitive as children yeah yeah I remember um we have like these little parkours really close to us and uh my dad did some like cones on the on the road like uh who was the fastest like in between and uh I was so competitive that I went too fast through the cones and I hit my pedal on the ground and I crashed really hard so yeah we all always really competitive but not only with cycling also with uh with board games or whatever it is uh I have also still one younger brother and he’s uh we’re all the same so not always fun to to play something with each [Music] other [Music] for for [Music]


    1. What can you do in a mountain stage when Pogacar and Vingegaard are climbing at speeds no other pro climber can match?
      We're in a new generation of pro cycling and the rest of the top contenders can just limit their losses when the attacks from Tadej come. We know it and they know it too.

    2. Wow, Ben had the legs to ride front of peleton and control for Richie, go back to the car and collect bottles and food for folk, be last EF rider standing in reduced GC group and potentially fight for the stage, and go back to bring Richie's yellow to the finish, that's incredible, just hope Ben's not been spready to thinly and going too deep early. Long way to go, definitely has the legs to win a stage.

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