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    After Trieste we rode further to Ljubljana, where we stayed for about a week.
    We wanted to have some time to hike and to explore the absolutely scenic nature here. When you’re cycling you have the tendency to always go forward and further and we felt like just having an ‘active break’ from the bicycle.
    Ljubljana is a beautiful & very livable city, with lots of green and a kind atmosphere. We feel like we could live here for a while.
    After a hike in the mountains we continue our journey on the bike towards Vienna.

    00:00 Goodbye Adriatic Sea
    00:30 Cycling Slovenia
    01:38 A big bench
    02:06 Haasberg castle
    03:33 Second day
    04:38 Arriving in Ljubljana
    05:10 Going on a hike
    07:30 Protein bar with a view
    09:25 Halfway?
    10:30 Steep descend
    11:19 Our route through Slovenia
    11:25 Back on the bike
    11:51 A snack & a thunderstorm
    13:01 It keeps pouring down
    13:55 Icecream
    14:13 To where?
    15:35 Maribor
    16:04 Refreshment?
    16:30 Last day in Slovenia
    16:50 A little break
    17:26 We arrived in Austria
    18:14 Outro

    we’re saying goodbye to the Adriatic coast and it’s it’s pretty windy pretty the old Spear of Theo okay it’s rather windy [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome uh to my to my bench we wish we could uh invite some friends so guys where are you look at all this face [Music] [Music] we arrived at uh the hansburg castle which is uh more looking like a ruin these days uh we will Camp here tonight it’s pretty nice spot we had an um really nice ride um here just only forest trees and gravel the way we like it the way it should be the way it should be always every [Music] [Music] day so first real day in Slovenia and we went to the supermarket and I found something peanuts peanut butter filling let’s [Music] try delicious Perfect 10 out of 10 I love Slovenia already [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] o it is 5: in the morning we’re ready to take a train to go on a hike woo [Music] so we take we took the train to here then another bus all the way across the lake to here then uh we got a ride luckily from some nice people to here and now we’re going to make a hike all the way here and uh come back okay start of the hike still feeling uh fresh and fruity although I’m not a fresh and fruity cuz I made the mistake to um go for a 5K run yesterday and it was a long time ago now my muscles are already sore but let’s shake it off and enjoy Slovenia Slovenia [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] this bar I’m having right now is few best one I’ve had so far 9 out of 10 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] n for [Music] we’ve hiked about um 14 and 1 12 kilomet now and the fatigue is kicking in a little bit but um we’ve still got enough morale for the Steep descent that’s coming now o [Music] [Music] m h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we’ve uh we’ve left Liana this morning um I think we rode about 40 km now uh and it’s been been mainly like tarmac roads uh but it’s next to the biggest road so it’s not the busiest uh and the scenery was relatively beautiful and now we’re we’re uh being chased by this thunderstorm it’s not really here yet but it’s like chasing us very very closely so we decided to take a coffee break uh here our own little Barista bar in the woods and we’ have also uh found our s some troyanski cofy which translates in to Big bu Berlin how is the bull it’s almost finished uh to be honest too much bread and too little vanilla filling but I mean and there’s a lot of Cocos a lot of coconut but can’t complain [Music] w wo [Music] [Music] [Music] we’re almost this in the sick we’re almost in the second biggest city of Slovenia almost in in maribor where maribor lots of headwind today awful awful headwinds next to this nice and calm Road beautiful it’s quite a headwind today it’s quite a headwind today we’ve been uh riding on this super um busy road we’ve escaped it now for a while but it’s been like uh mentally and physically quite draining I mean or wind or rain wind or rain choose choose your poison choose your poison [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just wish ah back [Music] not mute [Music] [Music] taking a a little break from the Slovenian Rolling Hills um with this protein Banana Bar which I’m curious for and this real Banana [Music] Bar 7 out of 10 mediocre protein well welcome to AA number 10 on our [Music] list yes we come from Istanbul and we go home so we’re past the halfway how long you uh uh four or five months five months but we take our time yeah so yeah okay okay have a good day byebye so we just arrived in Austria means the end of our Slovenian Adventures uh but we’re very curious for the adventures that lay ahead which you can watch in our next video watch our next video please do bye

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