Wow! What a truly inspiring day watching the World Para Triathlon Series at Swansea yesterday ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

    As a @Brittri age group ambassador I was invited as a VIP guest to speak to the likes of Claire Cunningham, CEO Ruth Danielโ€™s and many more to talk about para triathlon ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง

    Itโ€™s was the athletes last opportunity to qualify for the Paralympic in Paris later this year so the racing was tense with many athletes pushing hard! ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

    It was great to catch up with a few athletes I also met in Loughborough and see them across the blue carpet! I can say that we have a talented and motivated squad!

    One thing I took away from the day was the adaptions that some of these athletes have created to help them, using new design and innovation to help them swim, bike and run! But the cost of some of the creations come at a cost, even a tandem is seriously expensive!

    Thank you to Sarah at British Triathlon for the invite and to some of the GB para athletes who surprised me with a Signed GB top, it will be framed with pride!

    YouTube video out soon! ๐ŸŽฅ


    [Applause] [Music] he hi guys welcome back to another video we’re here back in Swansea for another weekend of racing this time we are spectating we’ve come down to watch the world power Tri series here in Swansea and for Swansea Bay uh sa1 area um it’s going to be some really inspiring racing going on today um from the junior ranks all the way up to the elite level and today is something which the elites are really looking forward to cuz this is their chance to qualify for the par Olympics in Paris this year um Dubai got cancelled so this is literally their only chance to qualify and it’s going to be really exciting so uh come along uh enjoy some really good racing and uh hopefully be inspired and uh motivate you to train hard and to get ready for your own races as well so uh it’s going to be a great day [Applause] [Music] for com [Music] by yeah look [Music] going by [Music] [Music] look [Music] up up up up up for the keep it going keep it going keep it going [Music] go n [Music] [Music] you [Music] the USA Carson CL taking them pts4 just ahead of that from frost all three on the blue caret together [Music] close the Finish [Music] maybe TS Bud good J but I think we’ve got another champion heading our way and indeed we have ly Jes on [Music] [Music] the Swansea representing Grand so it’s been a couple of days after the world power travel on came to Swansea I’ve had a haircut so I can’t get away with that um but it was such a great day um I didn’t talk much throughout the day because there was so much to watch I was learning quite a lot as we went along um I did take a video with a couple of the uh Power athletes but unfortunately my GoPro decided to corrupt which unfortunately meant I had had no footage of them explaining the categories or where people can go if they want to learn more about disability Sports so what I’ll do is I’ll put them in the link below um it was a fantastic day and I just want to say thank you to the athletes who took their time out of their day to surprise me with a signed uh GB uh t-shirt as well that was something which they didn’t have to do and um was really appreciated so um really hope you enjoyed the video lots to watch there so um hope that inspires you motivates you and and good luck to the GB athletes that managed to qualify for the par Olympic games this year in Paris

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