Shed and Buried – Season 6 Episode 1 –
    Episode 1
    Shed and Buried Episodes
    The pair face a young motorbike haggler in Northamptonshire.
    The nation’s favorite biker, Henry Cole, and ace-engineer, Sam ‘The Bike Whisperer’ Lovegrove, resume their quest to discover the amazing vintage vehicles lying abandoned in Britain’s sheds. Motorbikes, cars, jeeps, tractors, yachts – whatever it is, they’ll find it, do it up and flog it for a tidy profit!
    #ShedandBuried #ShedandBuried2024 #ShedandBuriedfullepisodes
    #ShedandBuriedseason6 #ShedandBurieds06

    [Music] what we got here is uh some old Pistons removed from a Honda CB2 200 and what you have is coal proofing good isn’t it yeah yeah what you mean coal proofing well they have an arrow to point to the top so that you can’t put them in upside down like that you look I’ve got a our total I’m Henry Cole W this is crazy man and along with fellow fanatic fzt towns end look at that we’re back on the hunt for vintage Treasures here we go Oh in the nation sheds all right guy we’re going to buy them fix them up and sell them for a tidy profit welcome to shed and buried we are going to I switch we’re going to go and see Martin right okay cool right so what’s Martin’s kind of uh what’s Martin’s scene well I think he loves a lot of stuff generally now he’s retired yeah yes and I think he spends his life doing what we’d love to do which is basically collecting various Vehicles one thing though what I switch didn’t buy a motor bus until 19 50 until then they relied upon trolley buses largely uh you know in the post tram era so who needs saving pills when fuzzes around Martin’s farming IP switch here we come tell us about your collections yes so I’ve been very fortunate over the last few years to start to build a collection of cars mostly that I couldn’t afford when I was younger so the cars I lusted after and also the cars that my dad drove and then things that are unusual that you you find difficult to find I seem to like finding them putting them in a collection so you’ve got a lot of things a big collection of stuff but is it all for sale everything is technically for sale so there are one or two cars that are very personal to me but everything else definitely would take an offer on cool so look what we’ll do we’ll have a rumage about yeah and then call you in Martin if there’s anything you want to find out more about and then uh at the end of the day I’m sure we’ll have a little haggle yeah exactly I’m looking forward to it yeah fantastic mate you so much for letting us have much no problem should we start in here there’s a sh okay we’ll see you in a bit Martin see you later nice [Music] mate here we go look now look at that right how do you fancy grabbing a granny man it’s a family show Granada for Granada for granny we used to call them Granny’s oh did you yeah oh okay all right well well I didn’t but can I sing you a song go on him no it’s a Sweeny oh yeah of course come on of course well yeah similar color introduced in 1972 the Ford Granada is one of the most iconic cars of the 70s build as an executive model it toed the Ford range and was fitted with all modc cons and a power ful V4 engine these are an acquired taste still aren’t they I mean I’m only just getting into them and that might be because of my age yes but all the’ 70s TV the professionals the Sweeny everything that you love minder yeah they’re all commensurate with cars like this what you got to remember is you could be that person leaping out of the car yeah and going to catch the criminals yeah I could all actually probably with you rolling out that that’s really unfair hang on there’s a motocross bike under there there’s not just a motorcross bik look look a bit deeper Martin shed is a corner copia of clutter crammed to the hilt with trinkets of all shapes and sizes hey look Suzuki GSXR 600 maybe jig a 6 and just my just underneath me I can feel something small and perfectly formed that yeah little tiny scooter that’s fantastic is that an adapted mini moto do you know my little kids will have fun on that sort of thing I think that’s good little buy I’m not thinking about your kids am I no I know but you know people would see that and go oh look my kids grandkids or whatever would love one of those that would be be a quick turnour around I reckon okay all right so that could be a little trinket treat come on in excuse I’m coming coming back I’ve got me foot stuck oh dear we’ll have to leave you here all right guy that’s not guy huh that’s not guy it’s Alan it does look a bit like Alan but look now this is an absolute icon it is an original log flume car from the pleasure Beach at Great Yarmouth I went on one of these I may have been in this exact Flume back in 1981 when I was at Great Yarmouth God I just need some help Martin Martin here yes hello so he’s reminiscing why on Earth have you got a pleasure Beach what is it called a flume log flume L Flume yeah good question why but in 2022 the great y of pleasure Beach decided to dismantle the log flum they decided to sell them for charity so I thought it was a great thing to have because they’re unique they’re a piece of History you know there’s this limited number there’ll be no more ever in the world and it’s great fun I CH what I do I get people in sit them in there spray them with water take a picture5 it’s the same experience I think that’s great what do you think rabbish it’s absolute rubbish I might the idea that come on then let’s go next door Martin’s next shed is Car Central but there’s one shape that’s instantly recognizable this is what I’m interested in because of its what do they call it outline that’s right well you know what it is don’t you yeah well of course I do it’s a Land Rover is it oh it’s it’s a series 3 look at that oh that’s really lovely the series 3 Land Rover was produced by British Leland between 1972 and 1985 and exported all around the world as this Australian advert shows it was a go anywhere do anything off-roader with plenty of grunt it’s got overdrive I’ve just had a look have you yeah it’s got fre Wheeling hubs it’s a series three soft top yeah short wheel base the bulkhead is pretty good as well actually is it yeah it is this is a lovely spec vehicle it’s not too straight it’s a few dents and dings here and there you want something that’s usable really know you I think that somebody would absolutely love this potential come on let’s go come on come on in here we are right come on find your shed it’s going to be a Bel oo look at this if the last shed wasn’t good enough this one’s amazing with everything from this special edition Norton 961 that guy and I yonks ago designed this diamond is the Bentley diamond right it’s 2 and 1/4 in long and 1 and 1/4 in wide is that right yeah to an iconic Yamaha RD250 that thing was a legend in its time and it’s a legend now but for all this bike wonderfulness today I’m not quite in the mood for a big bike for me there’s that little scooter that’s hilarious I think that’s a brilliant little thing yeah there’s the Land Rover yeah that could be a good one at the right price yes there’s the granny Granada The Sweeney spec ones the meat and potatoes if we get the Landy how much you think the land is was it would be an absolute deal if we got it at 6 and2 come on let’s go see I think it’ll be good I think we got two Ops no open and Bob O come on okay give it a go [Music] yeah right now Martin could we have a sighting lap okay then we can what they call in the trade drill down yeah can we okay we can do you want to go first I think I think we should okay go on then okay what about that lovely but all right Ford Granada 3 l gear ordinary Saloon that’s got to be 19 right okay no I’m there I’m all right I’m all it’s a red car okay I can see that now then underneath the Arches I think there’s a song about that yes there is there is yeah there seems to be a rather funky little I think it’s a mini moto turned into a scooter is it that’s quite cool yeah quite yeah how much would you want for that if it’s available £300 right you know the price of mini motos don’t you they’re about 50 Quid some of them but not those specially clad moped ones okay let’s move on Series 3 Landy 1975 right runs and drives how much is that so I would want 7 and half thousand for that okay right but I might be able to make it a sweeter cuz I also have uh the original Wheels to go with it as well 6 and a half grand for the scooter yeah mhm and the Land Rover I can’t do that I’m afraid no but I make you a good counter [Music] offer we’re over in IP switch with Martin haggling over a series 3 Land Rover and a mini bike the Land Rover yeah the origional wheels and the scooter yeah yeah for 7,000 and I will shake your hand telling fuz I’ll give you scal Electric’s um go-kart no no I don’t want that in nice one what are you doing it’s a scale stre gokart all right Seven Grand in the scale stre goart what have we got Land Rover Land Rover scooter scooter a set of wheels and a scale electric go-kart which I haven’t seen have you just noticed that I noticed them on the way in brilliant next day back at the shed I give restore a guy the good news have I done well or what you are a glutton for punishment well what do you mean by that I don’t care what the figures are and how cheap you’ve got it all I can say is from my experience with these get your checkbook out look this is right a petrol 2 and a qu Series 3 Landy yes I genuinely have never seen a better one it looks amazing but I know these things there’ll be a gremlin somewhere so Mr Grumpy’s on form what’s he going to make of the other items this the little scooter and the two little scale electrics cars 7 Grand a lot this is an LL mate nice little earner have a f will clean it up and I think we’ll be getting a little scooter and some scale electrics Gratis next morning we’ve got a full house so we’ll start on the Landy proper nice Martin warned us that there might be a problem with the alternator so first thing we check if it’s charging the battery oh it’s going down it’s not charging at all hey turn it off off yeah it’s hardly doing anything aln them okay so we need that was with the lights off fortunately Yours Truly has the answer what’s in the box a spare I bet you that’s the one you need that looks just perfect well yeah that’s the same isn’t yeah that’s the same yeah that’s good fuzz goes up and under to remove the dud alternator really there it is does sound what’ you reckon that is the same thingly the same only thing we need to keep is the pulley from the old setup easy said than done de that’s oh not good well that we got good news and we got bad news right the good news is uh We’ve managed to free the pulley off but the bad news is I got a little bit carried away with a hammer just weld it mate you can’t weld It cast iron very you mean very dangerous if that was a Break It come off at a ballistic speed and could kill somebody I had to look online they’re very cheap so I’m going to buy you one as a present you have a brand new shiny pulley for your new land rer think in the meantime I’ve bought a new spare wheel to match the others right T for the job but as usual I’ve messed up well the problem is we don’t have a valve for it and it’s a tubeless wheel it’s tubeless tire so really we need to get it off down to the tire shop just to get it fitted up so two steps forward one step back see you fuz see you later yeah oh God these are heavy dogs going with honestly while fuz sorts the tire we wash three years of shedder off the Landy and do a little prage these are Deluxe seats as well with the buffers on the sides of the deluxe oh yeah no Posh has mate because of its age we’re allowed to revert to Classic black and silver plates much more classy I’ll tell you what if I was in the market for a Landy I’d buy that you’re not keeping it you will before I have an answer to that question fuzzes back oh here we go there we go look at that long lost Soldier there we are was good oh that does look good yeah look at the size of that as well it’s it’s huge and it’s very heavy so uh two man lift come on jeez hang on rotate there we go out we’re on oh yes is is anybody else troubled by all these tin will you get in your car right cuz I know you’ve got an appointment those good afternoon all right see you lat see you later good one blimy don’t he go on I must admit I do worry about little things like that oh God s pick them out it’s quite th oh no while we wait for that pulley to arrive me and gu start on the mini bike we can either tinker and take it all apart and then see if we’ve got a spark or we could just go cheap put some two-stroke and fuel in it uh and see if it goes bang on with all the Bodywork it’ take forever to disassemble so going cheap early is the best policy in theory oh what was that clutch it’s just not oh okay going cheap it’s going to get a bit more expensive by the look of it I think the carbs gummed up uh which means all this body work will have to come off anyway to get to it where’s Alan and fuzz when you need them I don’t know what’s come over me within 5 minutes we’ve stripped it oh right checked for a spark ready yeah yeah that’s it Go and gone again and again and again sure that was the air inide but NADA stop stop skid drains the old fuel there we go and we try again are you ready yep M Guy Willison this is a runner is fantastic isn’t it that’s great hey well look should we um well we can recombobulate it yes give it a wash we might even give it a run what do you think I think you should fun all day long that’s it and off we ride guys on a miniature Street Fighter I bought last year I’m on the scoot Rock the rolling don’t know how many times I’ve been up and down my drive but few bikes have given me such pleasure they might be fun size but that’s exactly what they deliver all we need to do now wash it put the side paddle back on yeah then dear boy it’s ready for sale fantastic so it’s one down and touch wood one to go next day a replacement for the broken pulley arrives there you go look all right so we now have a pulley for our new alternator which Allan because you broke it is going to fix on goes the pulley done and in goes the alternator not so easily lying on my weeds oh it’s so uncomfortable down here until finally the ageold question of how long does it take for two world-class mechanics to change an alternator is answered 17 minutes go on in Henry fire it up okay see if the light goes out it’s gone out it works okay good you’re Geniuses both of you next morning the sun is shining and we’re ready to take our latest Acquisitions for a test ride on your marks get set go yes before we take the land out there’s the small matter of those miniature go-karts first lap second lap not working properly what do you mean it’s coming really nicely okay go on hang on you’ve gone past the five laps well I’ve won then naturally with this mob there’s more controversy than the 2021 ababi Grand Prix oh Alan jumped the start and you jumped the table but eventually there are only two of us left oh he’s crashed Allan could do it now he’s come around on the final lap mil WS won it he’s won it he’s won it just when the skiddler was way ahead milard came around the outside now then should we go off-roading so tally ho off we go in of modern Mayhem me and fuzz are test riding the new series 3 Alan and guy are in me old Landy is it what they call in the trade light Offroad yes it is it’s used to be a roadway tra these vehicles are not designed for popping down to the deli for a packet of truffle crisps they love being Offroad we got a big water feature coming up here here comes the water feature get wait we go that’s the one oh no this looks bad this look very bad okay oh no we go this thing is really really capable you know they really are good I mean just 1970 what 1974 75 go up here we go got to keep momentum going there we go we certainly kept momentum going there now our new Landy has excelled and talking of momentum two days later we get a punter now Jack that’s guy and fuz nice to meet you how you how’s it going nice to meet you Jack has always had a hankering for a Landy ah good bulkhead good shassy yeah lovely seats as well new soft top yeah that’s it get your head in there and have a good rumage he’s having a good look isn’t he but you know for once I’m not nervous no it looks brilliant now then 8 and a half Grand eight and a half um I was thinking let’s go 72 72 I’m encouraged to see that a younger person than you yes can hold his own haggling with you 79 79 really good man yeah I’ll do that’s all right happy day yeah Jack thank you so much I’ll have it delivered fabulous all right well done well Brant now what was that 79 yep so hang on a second yeah okay we had a new alternator didn’t we yeah but that was what 150 quid that’s 7150 plays 79 that means 750 quid 750 quid profit right plus we’ve still got that scooter worst luck and the electrics there you go so that’s a happy day is it mate we are as they say in the trade holding [Music] folding if you’re walking on the flood plane yeah you’re very likely to get struck by lightning aren’t you cuz you’re made of swarf did you know that Lightning goes up it doesn’t come down oh de comes out to the ground and goes up to the crowd lightning I believe comes from from the from the cloud that’s the bit you see but initially the first Contact comes from ground ground up to the cloud and then it goes bang and brings it down oh my God I’m going to get my coat I’m Henry Cole wow this is crazy man and along with fellow fanatic fzt Town’s end look at that we’re back on the hunt for vintage Treasures here we go o in the nation sheds all right right guy we’re going to buy them fix them up and sell them for a tidy profit welcome to shed and [Applause] buried just give us a little pinch will you okay go don’t give us a pinch yeah I know all right yeah okay it’s will it’s will what really happening we are going to look at a collection well a shed with a collection of buses please just calm down we are going to see as you know our Roger yeah Roger has been collecting for decades said buses and coaches have you ever CAU a bus it was about R 47 years ago my goodness me I bet the uh the bus still had a horse on the front didn’t it [Music] whether we come back with a single Decker a double decker or I end up decking fuzz who knows but Roger shed in Coventry here we come now Roger how did it all start for you the wife said you need to get a hobby so what do you go you go back to when you were a child don’t you anything of course you do canel boat’s too slow Railway engines too much bureaucracy so buses is other one get one I can get in I can drive it when I like I go where I like so I had one and never envisaging that when you had one they start to multiply yes and of course I’ve now got 27 right and trying to yeah yeah there’s 27 for me this is a voyage of Discovery for him it’s a busman’s holiday get yeah very good very good it’s true isn’t it is anything for sale everything’s for sale at the price isn’t it there we are okay mate now Roger we will go and have a rumage I’ve got a feeling it may take some time time right and uh hopefully we can have a haggle you know what I mean yep thank you so much for letting us have a romage especially for him yeah come on then enlighten me let’s start with this one Roger we’ll see you in a little bit all right come on then this is a Bristol ksw 6G right Bristol commercial vehicles was one of the great names in bus building until they were absorbed into British Leland in 1983 their chassis were tough and rugged and competitively priced this particular 6G was a special low height model for getting under bridges right come on Henry come and have a look up here because it’s very unusual oh here we are here oh my word it’s not normal no but back in the day if you wanted to get a lwh height double-decker bus in order to do so though so that you can actually still get people to walk through the bus you have to put the gang we at the side and lower more level than where the seating is yes exactly so this is known as a lowbridge double decker I mean Roger has obviously restored this and it’s utterly mint yes it is a beautiful piece of Automotive History yes great do you think this might be for sale it might be yeah move on moving on to something that would have no trouble getting under a bridge there’s [Music] this okay now this yeah is built by the people who built root Masters aec the associated equipment company but this is actually an aec Reliance 30 ft long single Decker with the engine on its side flat horizontal underneath the floor so that you get more space for seats can I just ask you I mean all this F you were a bus mechanic that’s how you started out yes and is that where the love came from I did my apprenticeship on the buses because I loved buses inside there’s room for 54 passengers and as many extras as you can cram on the back seat the troublemakers were always at the back yeah that’s the way you were at the back as well I was at the back unless of course it was a bus I particularly liked then I’d be down at the front because I’d be watching the D dri and quizzing him I mean I have no idea on price well it costs an awful lot of money to restore a bus is it but it doesn’t cost anywhere near that much money to buy one so that double decker how much would that be vaguely vaguely 15 20 grand what yeah but to restore it to rebuild it yeah it would cost 1002 200,000 oh my gosh yeah before we get hung up on prices there’s plenty more to see including a 1955 comma a tilling Stevens from 1949 and a glorious Midland Red Coach it’s got a kind of American Vibe no Aly I mean look well yeah it does now this dates from 1948 so it’s just postwar honestly you will not believe it when you go inside here it’s [Music] amazing welcome to 1948 so the entrance is not at the front it’s at the side here yeah it’s a center entrance because this was built as a touring coach now because these didn’t have to do stop start work a center entrance was okay go on then you sit yourself down where you want to be right right now listen so that was the difference then was it coaches did L haul and you prepaid probably I don’t know right but buses were short Hall stop start and all that kind of stuff exactly so this would have been used for in this case Midland red the companies their prestigious longdistance coach cruising Lu mate and this was a beautiful Sumptuous lovely almost a hotel bar on Wheels bet you this seat right up here with the driver was premium that is the plum seat isn’t it I would have got to the coach station probably a day early so I could get that seat yeah I bet I bet rolling on let’s do the big one yeah come on we’ve hardly touched the sides hey I feel as though I’ve been sort of drowning in [Music] buses oh my word goes back a long way this doesn’t it these two are so cool royal blue yeah I don’t I love the glass on the roof but the Cove panels the glass Cove panels the Bristol LS G6 was introduced in 1956 the ls stood for light Saloon and un likee the double decker it was all integrated without a separate chassis Roger Roger you are you here come on in I’ve never ever looked upon coaches and buses as something that I would collect uh but blimy it’s an amazing world 7,000 preserved buses and coaches in the UK the vast majority people own one bus they spend a long time restoring it back from a wreck or whatever and it’s a labor of love because everything’s so expensive you know I I know people who have spent 15 years plus renovating buses back to workable condition from Rex next stop the rear of the shed and this extraordinary coach from the era before Motorway speed limits this is a bmmo C5 these inaugurated the motorway Services between Birmingham and London and back in the day 1959 they had to as part of the timetable hit 80 mph on the motorway now if you consider in 1959 the average saloon car would do between 60 and 70 mph these were flashing [Music] past oh look I know somebody would be interested in that guy that’s amazing yeah so guy was a manufacturer based in wolver Hampton and they built a lot of buses and trucks in the pre ostw era very rugged very reliable okay so look just very quickly let’s go see Roger now are we sure we want to try and acquire one of these that’s a stupid question I know yes Henry of course we do of course we [Music] do shall we start with uh is the what don’t embarrass yourself shall I ask okay so the lowbridge Bristol ksw 6G uh ECW for the guide price would be 15 grand okay what about the ultimately glorious red one over there oh the bmmo C1 maybe 20 there’s a double decker down the bottom so the rebodied Burton on Trent Corporation guy Arab 2 right well I’m marketing that at the moment for 12 Grand you could get in that now and you could drive to China in it absolutely no trouble China the one behind you went to Catman de six times now talking about the one behind us is that available uh yes yeah that one is available somewhere in the call it 8 to 12 range something like that s Grand absolutely no way [Music] we’re in centry with Roger haggling over a Bristol coach what what was if I said 8 Grand i’ go um 8 and a half Grand well well we’re getting close nine would clinch it and we’re not splitting the difference nine it’s going 9,000 okay all right fabulous BR you you’re a hard man he is a that’s the toughest negotiator I’ve ever met good I’m going to learn from you so a special moment my first ever bus purchase and to make it even more special I’ve invited Alan and guy to come out of the shed and meet us in centry fuzz has had well he’s had a moment he’s had a very special day he’s got a very big we have acquired something that obviously is very close to fuzz’s heart not so close to ours but we’re getting there because I know we normally take something small and perfectly formed this on the other hand isn’t come on get on with it you’re worry me you’re you walk around that corner go on we’ll come behind go and have a look I think we’ve been stitched up out I think so too oh my God typical isn’t it it’s our worst nightmare bound to break down yeah come on now I think it’s going well yeah yeah I think yeah I didn’t hear what they said though no not to I still going towards you why is it a nightmare cuz it’s a coach do you know how many times I’ve been held up by these on a country road I’m always cursing them but look can I just tell you right you may be moaning that you have to overtake it but you don’t do today why because you’re going to be in it un like our normal practice Madam your Carriage awaits we’re going to use the trip back to base as the road tested [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right I’ll keep my eye on you lot as well okay you stay there no going down the back because I’m know what you’ll get up to down I know okay come on [Music] then I don’t think our bus is going to need much restoration apart from a bit of spit and polish wish I could say the same for the roads oh oh it’s here though fuzz started off as a bus mechanic he was never officially a driver it’s his first time on this model but he exudes [Music] confidence shall I tell you what is amazing about this particular bus yeah back in the 70s they did Coach trips 80 days to Catman de really and this one did Seven Trips that is incredible quite reliable then well I hope [Music] so for Roger this bus was a labor of love he spent hundreds of hours and thousands of pounds sorting the engine and the coach work how’s it suiting you Lads the engine sounds really really nice but the ride’s a little bit rough yeah it is a little bit rough but there again we are going through some City roads it’s not like we’re on the uh big open highway yet but I think once we get out onto the open road things will get a little bit smoother I think it would be less choppy if it was loaded with people I think the fact there’s only four of us in it the suspension isn’t loaded and that’s why it’s a bit choppy yeah good point do you think fuz yeah I think so yeah so really what we need you to do is take on a bit of lunch in time oned fashion we pull over at the services for a bit of Tuck [Music] right now come on I know it’s not Catman do and we’re not stopping to cook our own Curry but at the same time 40 50 however many years later we’re having a s on Route H can I just say to see you driving that but that smile on your face make music to me man [Music] back on the road we’ve got just another 30 mil to [Music] go I’ve got to tell you mate this thing is absolutely Divine it runs I mean it’ll probably break down now but he runs beautifully especially on a full stomach I’ll tell you what we ought to do is we ought to take these off and give them a wash yeah definitely well and then you can IR them [Music] at 3:00 we motor up bford High Street and 20 minutes later we’re home come on then oh let’s discom populate the Magical Mystery we made it no incidents whatsoever I have to tell you this boy is a genius he’s an amazing bus driver there was not for one moment did I think oh this could be interesting no hey oh that’s good very good good on you fuzzer tomorrow brings washing hoovering and guy a little bit of iring yes next morning we get ready for the cleaner Thorn with a Twist what’s your Reon this looks ominous in case you’re wondering I’m not planning to lift the bus I’m planning to lift guy suitably equipped with my favorite restoration tool if there’s any Shenanigans you are getting it good the plan is for G to clean then spray down the roof in the real world coaches are cleaned in giant car washes but Cole’s painton coach washing system is quite unique skid is the best Basket Case I’ve ever ever seen back on the ground we do a bit more conventional polishing but the troops as they say are restless this thing I’m convinced he cleaned it before we’ve collected it if anything we’re making it worse I think he said he cleaned it made it all clean and topped up with fuel yeah that’s true he so what the hell have we been doing I’ve been I’ve risked life and limb I’ve looked stupid in a hat I’ve had a day basket stood in that uh and now I’m sponging down a vehicle that doesn’t need sponging down he’s right he right definitely right [Music] yeah next we move on to the interior with a little less grumbling perfect lovely but there’s one thing we can’t do without guy mate where’ you get that PNY I am not happy the only thing I can say about the penny is it goes well with MP it does flashes with terribly with the hat now listen we want you to iron yes a number of antim masses yeah anti Picasso no exactly no anti masses what are those these the headrests that’s right yeah yeah these four will take many hours go then if you go with those four oh yeah that’s good does that look professional yeah it does yeah it does how many there are 39 of them 39 that’s right cuz there’s not one on the driver’s seat the more this goes on the more I hate this [Music] bus I don’t want this job regularly so I’m going to put a big crease down the middle and get it wrong on purpose next morning in spite of guy’s best efforts we get a punter our mate local auto dealer Roy so look right it is called a royal blue as you can see as you can see the thing is is we don’t want it to be turned into a caravan kind of sort of camper kind of it doesn’t deserve that does it it doesn’t what do I do Roy with something like this well we can auction it I I might I could probably get you 10 grand for it tomorrow I know a man that will all right excellent now then before I accept your offer I think I might have to go and see our fuz anator oh he might be the man might he well well no I don’t think he’ll be the man but at the same time I need to get his advice I love that bu I do you little bus yeah you love the little bus hey yeah well H what are you going to ask me yeah okay so so what did he say well he said the best thing to do was to probably advertise it on an auction site which was really useful but on the other hand yeah he did offer some money oh did he oh yeah how much he was up for parting with 10,000 of your finest British pounds well I’ll give you 10 and a half I’d like it to go to a museum then it means it’s off the road oh hold on but wait a minute my house is a bit like a museum 10,500 okay you know there we go I only shake your hand as long as you promise never to come near Cambridge you’re in it can I can I just say right it doesn’t matter where the money comes from as long as it comes as for Chopper Roy he’ll have to wait for the next bus

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