1. Awesome, it is so much fun. From my experience:
      – Consider having enough water and food.
      – Choose a tour that crosses its own path in the second half. So you can decide to go on or take the shortcut home.
      – Consider clothes because weather can be quite different after a few hours.
      – Know about some useful places on your tour like a super market.
      – Have fun 🤩

    2. MountainMike79 on

      Don’t stop eating. Longest Gravel event I have done is a hair over 200km and it’s the eating that is the biggest factor.

    3. Really pointless and stupid thing to admit.. but I can’t go no handed on my gravel or road bike. I can go no handed indefinitely on my mountain bikes.. just road and gravel are so nervous and twitchy I’m grabbing the bar in seconds lol

    4. IIIbarcodeIII on

      First of all: kudos to you! My advice: Take the food you want to take with you and double it! Nothing more exhausting than bonking on >100 km tours…

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