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    Mark you’ve had a few moments to to reflect where are you now on your head um I want to see just see my family and my teammates really it’s all I want to do I want to see those people that have been on wavering support throughout well the last part of my career really do you know uh just want to spend some time with them I guess you know and yeah I’m sorry you’ve been br I’m sorry you’ve been brought in to us Mark I’m sorry man I’m sorry that’s what it is lucky spit for you listen and what do you remember of the stages that of the Sprint that brought you that 35th Victory mark it was uh yeah it wasn’t as we wanted it to go so we wanted a perfect lead out there we lost Mori a little bit early it was quite sketchy um but the boys really like uh they work you know they adapted to what was going on and made sure I was just staying there at the front staying there in the front knowing that another team had come that was dialed we knew one team would come that was dial we wanted to be the team that was dial but we knew if it didn’t happen there’d be another team come so the guys just stayed there you see their ballerini and uh and case just got there a bit too early for them knowing that someone else had come and uh they stayed calm did that Alberton come knew it was going to be a fight for their wheel had to get on to that and then yeah uh behind uh aaman and you never quite know which way he’s going to go so it’s about waiting for him to jump and then getting being able to get the jump on that um at that moment Mark there’s no 35 wins there’s just this race there’s just that one moment oh all the time it’s how the Tour of France is you sprint you go as hard as you can till you get to the finish line and uh maybe your life changes if you cross that line first maybe it doesn’t if you don’t that’s the nature of this race and that’s what makes it so beautiful we know you’ve had to change your life sort of in the name for the sake of this record attempt um it’s finally happened um try and put into words what you’ve been feeling in the last 20 minutes or so well look the guys nailed that that final um to be honest I lost my voice already I didn’t get to see really the the Deep final we just saw like a little quick replay our TV wasn’t working and yeah it just kind of flashed up his victory salute and for probably 5 Seconds we didn’t know did he win did he not win so then yeah amazing um yeah look he’s just a fine wine he just gets better and better and I think that the team had so much confidence um in him they’ve had confidence all year you know V backed this project we we signed great Riders uh we’ve changed the team to to look after him to get him possible ble to win um and he has just been Mega committed you know I don’t know how many days he’s been with his family but this year it’s not many and uh and that’s the kind of commitment you need as a as a bike rider it looked like a combination of perfect planning and well a really well- defined plan as well the last 30 kilometers and then you say you didn’t see the last and he was surfing all sorts of Wheels going for gaps and using all of his experience um but take us back to Saturday what were you thinking after Saturday um exactly the same thing I was thinking this morning it’s you know he it’ll come a day where he where it all clicks and today was the day I I honestly didn’t think today was going to be that day but tomorrow suits him more um but yeah there’s no hesitation there was no doubt I think with anyone in the team um it’s just you you feed him confidence you give him all the you know I give him and all the team all the information I can and often I’m you know Flying Blind in the car we we read the map we tell him the turns we we have the meeting in the morning but um yeah the guys nailed it today difficult one greasy roads weather changing all the time that’s a good one to have out of the way yeah it’s a good one to to have out and uh yeah um I’m just uh I’m just happy that I roll into the finish and uh that it was also not 230k long again and uh yeah it was uh was a good day in the end just a few words I saw you give Mark also a big hug out there just a few words that he did that Sprint and won today yeah incredible uh yeah 35th victory for Mar and yeah uh it’s incredible he came he came to me and say don’t don’t break the record but uh yeah I don’t think I can but uh he uh this was incredible Victory from him well garan history’s been made on the Tour of France today you’re old mate um the the man’s missile he’s done it and your reaction yeah it’s unbelievable super super happy of him for him um yeah to continue to do what he does it is you know age 39 says everyone says you get slower when you get older but he’s proved that wrong really it’s unbelievable what he does and um yeah super happy for him I mean he will tell us all that we’ve written him off so many times we’ve doubted so many times this week particularly the with the first stage going the way it did it really looked as it wasn’t going to happen did did you still believe that this could happen yeah yeah I thought he could I called it on my pod anyway so if you listened you’d know but uh no is uh you know he always suffers he always has a bad day in the mountains or whatever and um always knew he he can get through it with a good team around him all committed to him and uh he just has to be there and then see the Finish Line you know and he always has a got a shout for the win so um yeah unbelievable and uh yeah great that he’s you know officially got that record like alone now not sharing it with anyone so um no Chapo and if you’re him now do you just ride off into the sunset disappear you know across the wheat Fields never to be seen again I told him that in this ASO briefing I was like mate if you if you win this stage just drop your bike and just walk away but then he’s like no lad if I win the first one then I want to win more so he’s definitely going to hang around in he so um no unbelievable know one put it past him to win another one thanks


    1. Congrats to Cavendish. After all he's been through to break Eddie's record, supports the old adage that winners never quit! Hats off to you Mark, I am so happy for you!

    2. Congratulations Mark you beaut. Im am so excited that you had your 35th Magic Moment today. Executed like a true Legend and Cycling Champ 🥰✅👌🏻💯🚴🏻🚴🏻🚴🏻🤩

    3. And lets just take a moment to remember how he suffered during Stage 1. What a tribute to the the truth of never quitting ! Salute to Mr. Mark Cavendish !

    4. If you watch the Lanterne Rouge video, how Cavendish described what happened with Morkov, Ballerini, Bol and himself was absolutely spot on.

      The guy remembers absolutely everything, even through emotion. He's just on it the whole time. Amazing cycling brain. Well done; so happy.

    5. What a guy. A human dynamite. Not to be messed with. I reckon he’ll get 3 more now. Monkey off his back. He’ll enjoy his final ever tour. So pleased for him. Well done lad ❤

    6. So many said Cav wad a spent force a few years back and he couldn't get a team lets remember that and kudos to Astana for keeping the faith.

    7. All those years Mark Renshaw was in front of Cav helping him, no he’s one of the team behind him helping him. What a team they’ve been all these years 👍🏻

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