Hi and welcome to WannaGoBiking. My name is Arjan and it is time for a new cycling adventure! After finishing my bikepacking adventure in Prague, I headed to the Provence.
    So this is the first of a couple of rides I did near the Mont Ventoux.
    Hope you like it, enjoy your rides and stay safe out there !
    Next Up: a tour around the beautiful wine country of Gigondas, Vacqueyras and Chateauneuf-du-Pape
    * If you like the music, unless listed below, it is on epidemic sounds:
    – Zaz – ni oui ni non
    – dawn dawn dawn – a gentle invitation
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    intro 00:00
    00:48 leaving Sault
    02:13 Gorges de la Nesque
    04:21 e-bike brigade
    06:42 heading back
    08:03 route overview

    well as you can see I’m just about to leave Sault on my way to the Gorges de la Nesque which should be a nice Canyon not too far from here don’t think I’ve ever been obviously I’ve been to the- sort of close by- Mont Ventoux it’s only 20K away I don’t think I will be climbing that this little holiday because I’ve already done it once and that’s good enough for me so yeah I think I’ll just make this short descend and then hopefully hit some tarmac before descending into the Gorges de la Nesque imagine that, riding through the canyon wow so incredibly beautiful this road perfect tarmac, hardly any traffic so that was the Gorges de la Nesque, super super beautiful the Ascension was super nice on fantastic Tarmac 3% on average and same goes for the descent was 3% maybe yeah for the whole time and a few very nice outlooks on the Mont Ventoux, so now yeah it’s eight ,or was it 9km? 8.2km of climbing 500 plus meters so I think this is where the E Bike Brigade has me oh well all right let’s do it see you later right, can’t see sign that I can’t cycle so well there many scary things I I thought I would find here on this track but a beautifully looking public toilet is not one of them fantastic brilliant it’s only short piece of track left before I hit the main road and the large climb but yeah just take it easy well it’s definitely a hike a bike all right well I think I missed the little waterfall that was supposed to be down there that must have been why there were some benches and even a toilet but it’s well hidden or it’s or it’s dry I don’t know I’ll walk to the rest of this uphill as well cuz it’s not worth it chance of tipping over is too much for me all right see you later Le Mont Ventoux, really no escaping the giant of the provence here my word what iconic Mountain so yeah fantastic first 50 or so K today so I arrived yesterday evening and today thought well just take it easy although easy the climbs were tough enough especially last one 7.5% for 5- 6km so that was a good good test for the Legs right 10 or so more kilometers to back to Sault and then see what we’ll do tomorrow all right see you later hang glider over Sault, right I think that’s it for now I only have to mount up there where that para glider is hanging over Sault and then that’s that for today that’s a fantastic start of a week here in the provence I’ll be making a few more videos I hope and well you’ll see them on the channel when they pop up but for now thanks for watching enjoy your rides stay safe out there see you later, au revoir salut! all right here we are back in my beautiful little apartment right I’ll just have a quick shower and nice drink I think all right see you later


    1. Many of your rides in France are truly beautiful but this was undoubtedly up there as one of the best. No coffee stops though which is always a shame 🙂 Finally, just out of interest what does the sign at 6.03 mean. I couldn't work it out! Take care. Jay

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