A wrap of all the new indoor tech spotted at Eurobike 2024 – The worlds biggest CYCLING trade show held every year in Frankfurt, Germany. The biggest news has to be the new JetBlack Victory at US$399 with a list of features that puts it well ahead of the competition at that price point (and most smart trainers at 2x or 3x that price!).

    DCRainmaker JetBlack Victory First Look Video: https://youtu.be/WFoum6FIEnQ

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    Video Index:
    0:00 Intro
    0:57 Elite Justo 2
    1:44 Elite Avanti
    2:32 Elite SQUARE Smart Frame
    3:33 Cycplus T3
    4:19 TrueKinetix Virtual Shifters
    4:56 JetBlack Victory
    6:21 Other Observations
    6:57 Day Wrap Up with DCRainmaker
    11:42 Virtual Something



    #Cycling #Eurobike #SmartTrainer

    okay welcome to the GP alarmy YouTube channel and welcome to eurobike 2024 the world’s biggest trade show that happens every year here in Germany 1,800 exhibitors are right through the doors just here way too many to visit all in one day too many to visit 2 days and 3 days and 4 days so look what I’m going to do today is focus on the indoor cycling Tech what’s new in the world of smart trainers smart frames maybe smart bikes we’ll see if we can spot any of those now this morning already we’ve seen new trainers announced by both Elite and jet black there a few other smaller players too worth checking out all right doors are open let’s go and have a look what’s [Applause] [Music] new okay let’s first look at the elite Gusto 2 Elite’s new flagship direct drive trainer this is just an announcement today availability will be August in Europe September for the rest of the world and the three key updates with this are built-in Wi-Fi using direct connect a supplied 12-speed 105 cassette the version one of the justo came with no cassette and they’re now supplying 3E subscription to the my e training app from Elite the version one had only 12 months now along with those three updates folds over everything that comes from the zusto one so the less than 1% % margin of error from the power Accuracy Auto calibration heart rate Cadence bridging race mode or fast track 10 HZ reporting a 7.2 kg flywheel which is the same as austo and the price comes in at $1.99 us onto a new product in the elite smart train a lineup the Avante now this is another announcement today with availability in August for Europe overseas will be September and this is what I would consider a generation 2 smart trainer with the feature set look in summary this is a baby zusto using an OT so Optical torque sensor for power measurement with plus orus 1% accuracy Max gradient 18% 4 kilo flywheel which is a little under the dto XR being 5.2 but a little over the suo which is 3.5 kilos comes with Fast Track so 10 HZ race mode heart rate Bridge Cadence Bridge Auto calibration odometer and Wi-Fi built-in using Direct Connect and here’s something new a hidden compartment for adapters including a disc brake adapter pricing on this us 8.49 and Europe you’re looking at 749 and the third product we see announc from Elite is the square smart frame which I really think should have been called the quatro given it has four corners but they’ve chosen to go with the square now the square addresses the top three requests that people wanted to see on the zift ride so this is belt driven has adjustable crank lengths and supports the elite Riser gradient simulator this smart frame comes with a standard Q factor of 150 mm the virtual shifting is platform agnostic so not locked into any specific platform and is said to work with any trainer not just Elite trainers it will actually Bridge the connection and do the gear adjustments now pricing for the frame alone comes in at €150 and that does not include the trainer so it’s a little more pricier than the zift ride availability wise you’re looking at December for Europe and the rest of the world January 2025 now there are a lot of questions that I have with this unit and I’m sure you’ve got a few as well but we’ll have a look at this when it arrives in the Llama lab for a full Rundown in the very near future next up we have S Plus here at eurobike with their T3 smart trainer this trainer is on the market for sale and it’s a trainer they’re happily sending out to influencers who are doing a lot of their advertising for them now things are a little awkward between sciplus and myself they’ve effectively used my previous review of the t2 to build this trainer the T3 and then sent it out to everyone else to review good job on that CCI plusus I’d still like one to test in the Llama Lab at some point a quick overview of the tech specs of the T3 makes it seem like a pretty solid performer 2400 W maximum plus or minus 1% power accuracy 27% Max gradient no calibration required although I don’t see Wi-Fi support on this list which is a bit of a miss one company I did catch up with here at eurobike was true kinetics who have just launched their virtual shifters for their true trainer range these come in at €200 with a limited initial run I’ve been testing some prototypes of these and today I’ve finally got my hands on the production version my experience so far was as I predicted they are crazy fast to change virtual gears on the true trainer oh and they’re platform independent too so these shifters work directly to the trainer which means it works with any software stay tuned for a little more on these in the near future when I get these home to the Llama lab onto what I would call probably the trainer of eurobike 24 this is the jet black Victory this is the next Leap Forward by the makers of the Vault and the Vault 2 now this is just a preview today the big news is the price but before that a quick rundown of the specifications it has virtual shifting for zift 10 HZ race mode Wi-Fi built-in Auto calibration USBC connectivity plus orus 2% accuracy 16% gradient 1800 W max heart rate Bridge odometer as you can see it’s quite a fully featured trainer now the victory will be one of the first zift ready certified trainers which means it supports the zift protocol and zift virtual shifting which means it’s compatible with the new zift ride frame now onto that price us $3.99 in Aussie dollars you’re looking at $749 in Euro 449 and that’s with the Cog version 2 installed and a zift click look at 449 zift changed the game with the zift Hub which was based on the Jet Black Vault 2 now the zift Hub was sunset and then evolved into the kicker core the victory is now jet Black’s reply on that and with that price if they get this right this will be very very interesting in the market now with a full set of features and at $3.99 this is going to get a lot of attention availability in Australia in August some other parts of the world you’re looking at October now stay tuned for the Llama lab test of this one in the very near future now unfortunately that’s a wrap on the new smart trainers smart frames and smart bikes here at eurobike 2024 now of course ta have their big stand here with the Neo smart bike and the Neo 3M smart trainer which notably is not available in Australia just yet even 6 months after launch it should be any day soon stay tuned for that I’m hoping to finally get my hands on one of these soon oh and of course it wouldn’t be a bicycle trade show without seeing the omnium on the feedback Sports stand okay so that’s a wrap on day one here from eurobike 2024 and some quick coverage of those indoor trainers those smart frames and a few other things as well but for the wrap-up I have a special guest right how we doing it’s raining it’s raining it’s summer what’s happened rain maker brought the rain okay RAC just a quick wrap up of what you saw today in regards to the indoor uh side of things so trainers frames Etc uh what’s what’s the news I think I think the big ticket item is probably jet Black’s 3.99 trainer um I mean that’s I think it’s Big Ticket because one the price is low $3.99 it’s basically 100 bucks under the retail prices of other options out there um but more importantly than that it introduced features that were on and are on $1,000 trainers so we’ve got race mode we’ve got Auto calibration we have Wi-Fi we have uh bridging um and we got the new uh Z Cog Zog and the and the click that comes with they are so what we’re seeing I guess is budget level options that are feature Rich so from a uh from a consumer point of view that’s a win prob be some of the biggest changes we’ve seen in trainers I remember back in 2018 we were here at eurobike and we were like yeah trainers are pretty much done we’ve seen small iterations since then but I think yeah the big news is that bottom end is feature Rich and I think the the key thing to to Nuance on the phrasing is the bottom end of the pricing but not the bottom end of the quality or the products or the accuracy cuz jetpac has historically delivered we haven’t I’ve done some initial accuracy testing on this um and it’s it’s looking good for initial stuff’s got a full video on this I’ve just got quick coverage uh Ray you got an in depth 8 minute or so yeah it’s uh something yeah and so I like initially initially accuracy looks good um obviously full in- depth testing from from both of us down the road but I think like there’s a there’s there’s nothing this is not some Rando company out there we haven’t heard of it is not uh something else this is a solid company this is the same company that zift tapped to make their own trainer which changed the market the $4.99 blew the market it out that became the and I was talking to all of the companies today there used to be Ki versus Neo Ki versus Neo that’s the question we always got which one Ki versus Neo no one’s talking about the Neo cuz the Neo is in the stratosphere hang on rain on the lens there we go and to be clear like had zwift and Wahoo not settled their lawsuits a year ago this would be the new zwift tub right just to be super clear about that this was tapped to be the new tub until they settled and now jet black basically got the they got bit of a rum they got Ked out the their answer to that and I think they’ve answered with again all of those features and that price when I first heard the price a few months back my answer was like no no that’s which is good and I got that on the zift ride as well when when I was told the zift ride was $112.99 with the trainer I’m like I like that we’re now getting to the point where there’s value we are not being um and the thing is too another important Point here is it’s not a race to the bottom right these products like talking to Jeet black about it they designed this product for that $3.99 price points and all the margins they need to be in there they stuck to it and they stuck to it right this is when if you if you hear a competitor saying it’s a race to the bottom it’s because they don’t have the correct cost structure to make this work yep and I mean at the end of the day like the proof isn’t the putting of jet box products over many many years being very very solid and at a affordable price point they’re not spending on marketing right like they didn’t have a stand here right they’re they’re basically slumming in someone else’s stand tomorrow morning for 2 hours toen stand you’re around yeah yeah hang on more rain on the lens sorry but those are those cost things that make the difference right they’re not spending $100,000 on a booth and staff and all that stuff yeah I mean we’ve seen downsizing of quite a few boobs have you noticed that we have I mean very expensive probably talking about the next one right elite elite got some new products as well some solid new options that uh Wi-Fi built into both trainers which just Direct Connect which simplifies everything just works yep they’ve got the square which app neutral right um and all the things that people want from sft ride I think you’re going to talk about that second so we won’t ruin that right yeah I’ve already talked about it this is the outro oh this is the outro oh see I was not part of the briefing on this uh I haven’t even made the video yet this is the end I’m doing at the start of the it’s chaos here at eurobike it’s now currently 6p we’ve got no idea what time we’ve been going all day and it’s day one two watches this was not telling me the time okay I got I got zift notifications people zwifting right I got to C them out to see what the time is 6:00 for someone who wears multiple GPS is Right sense of direction is pretty bad anyway we’re good I think we chipot lays up here that’s all that matters I’ll leave it there for today right thanks for your commentary yeah thanks for the the time yeah day two tomorrow let’s go yep


    1. Those new Elite and Cycplus trainers look like rectangular game consoles and the smart bike is literally a square! 😂

    2. I am using the Zwift trainer (Jet Black) and love it. If I had to replace it, I would not hesitate to stay in the Jet Black family. If they would come out with a motion version of this new trainer it would be an even bigger impact.

    3. Whenever a trainer has WiFi I’d like to know if it can support 5/6GHz as many of us have expunged 2.4GHz WiFi routers to free that band up for our BLE devices. I’m guessing “not” but it would be nice…

    4. Can they still sell a $1200 trainer? I mean if I spent that much I would buy the zwift bike. I would think most people still have one they are a hard sell, for Elite to come out with a new one. I got a H3 at $450 and that should last me so long, and it was the right price

    5. Lama and Rainmaker are both great reviewers and presenters on their own. When they combine into one video, it’s like the universe fights imploding. Love watching when you two get together for stuff like this. Enjoy Eurobike!

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