Make sure to watch part one first ! Here –

    This is the capital divide where I continue on my journey from Edinburgh to London via the pentland hills, Northumberland the north Pennines, Yorkshire dales and the Lincolnshire wolds. A 600 miles epic linking the capital of Scotland and England

    The Ride –

    The Route –

    Find all the routes and gear here –

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    The gear i am currently using

    The tent –
    Framebag –
    Seatpost bag –
    Jones Handlebars –
    Gravel bike –
    plus bike mtb –
    gps device –
    mtb shoes –
    All the gear from GNT –
    Vest bag –
    Ortleib bar roll
    Dynamo setup –
    Questions answered –
    Gb divide bike/gear-
    Sonder looped bar –
    Tarpstar tent –

    [Music] while the bike may have let me down and I might have had to bail on the ride that doesn’t mean this 600m Capital divide Adventure is over oh no after failing to fix the brake on the gravel bike I returned home grabbed the ever reliable bomb track and headed back to where I had left off in the Yorkshire Dales returning to the small village of kettlewell with the low clouds now gone I was greeted by the Steep rugged yet beautiful Yorkshire Dale’s landscape in the hot sun for a change the Rolling Hills clear as day as I would get back underway climbing them rugged Yorkshire Dale trails [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] wow I couldn’t fix the S so a bit of a tactical bike change we are now on the bomb track and back on the trails funny thing is after around 20 30 miles I’m pretty much out the yor DS and this bike is completely Overkill I made this route mostly gravel friendly but if anywhere I would want the bomb track it was just basically all behind me now today as I started a bit late going to head try and get out of the ORS and uh sort of towards York maybe a little bit past York today but first let’s descend this beautiful beautiful Road [Music] [Music] with not much left of the beautiful Yorkshire Dale’s terrain to overcome I would make the most of the bright skies and late sunsets pedaling my way along the amazing gravel tracks with epic views in every direction A Perfect Blend of Challenge and Beauty making my way up the Steep tracks to be greeted with the Epic view of Scar house res walk [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s already half 7even don’t know where the day’s gone did that late but oh well done about 20 odd miles I’m over all the hard stuff now so just a nice easy pedal out of the arraes being half seven still a couple of hours till sunsets but ideally I’ll find somewhere still in the DS Where it’s a bit quieter before heading towards York um we’ll see what happens hopefully find nice old spot look [Music] wow just making some friends with the cows they’re behind a fence so I’m okay don’t want me to shoke them it’s getting uh about half eight now so about an hour until uh the sun sets coming along this briway goes up and there’s lots of trees trees here some kind of fingers crossed I’m going to to camp in there just some grabbing some water because it’s quite hot look how many there are they’re all just coming you like really friendly maybe not right let’s go get to Camp hopefully it’s just there damn I couldn’t find anywhere to camp in that Woods bit too much on the hill epic views though and and I am now going downhill again so uh we’ll just let’s keep following the route and then hopefully find somewhere to Camp probably still about an hour until the sun sets doesn’t really get dark so let’s go downhill [Music] uh good morning good morning it’s looking quite nice out here yesterday day though just as I was like trying to find somewhere to Camp uh big rainbow appeared and then I was heading into the rain it started raining literally just as I was uh just as I found somewhere just I found somewhere to set up the tent um that was a bit annoying always the way but managed to find uh a little uh little Woodlands um yeah so that was lucky it wasn’t until like 10:00 I found it so kind of a late night about half 5 at the moment so you’re going to get on the way about 20 miles until York um heading over towards like Hull over the Humber Bridge and into the lind um the Lincoln worlds Lincolnshire worlds so idea that’ be a good place to get to for the whole day I don’t know how many miles there is but The Humble bridge is about 60 Mi I think it was during Co or something they they basically made like if you want to cycle over the H Bridge you have to basically like phone up and stuff before this ride uh that’s not the case anymore but it is shut after like half n or something so I’ve got to make sure I get at least to the Humber Bridge before then I should be able to do that it’s a pretty flat day ahead of us as we head over to York now and then it’s just nice and flat pretty much all the way um well pretty much all the way on the rest of this trip now I can hear rain I can hear rain let that Lush beautiful sunshine go from yesterday it’s uh light showering so today might be the day we get a little bit wet hopefully we’ll be able to outrun the clouds let’s go to York [Music] I would be greeted this morning with rain just a constant drizzle the dark clouds blocking that blue sky from yesterday but now that I was over all the Steep and rugged terrain this morning made for some easy pedaling as I got ever nearer to the beautiful cathedral city of York where I would outrun them dark clouds and once more see the bright sky [Music] [Music] wow that was a beautiful morning nice little pedal York it was actually a bit further than I thought it was about 30 Mi um so we got about 40 until the Humber Bridge it’s currently half1 I so thirsty I ran out of water I’ve only got one bottle on me cuz I broke my other one trying to clean the little rubber spout thing apparently it doesn’t come off um so yeah I was so thirsty oh that’s that oh my God look at this CYO path anyway 40 Mi to the Humber Bridge and it’s all nice and flat that so should be fairly quick quick going and yeah just going and see what the day has in store for us I’m just hoping the rain will stay off me and uh we can get to the Lincolnshire worlds today nice [Music] [Music] Discovery is human nature and I would find myself discovering a really cool cycle path called the solar system way where I would be on a journey through the solar system but I had a very important Mission ahead of me today to find [Music] this psychopath got everything V mobiles the solar system probes [Music] Uranus leaving the solar system and back on the lush green planet Earth my afternoon would continue with some easy pedaling as the big tires soaked up the flat Trails making the miles feel smooth and effortless dodging the summer showers and following the disused railway lines I enjoyed the constant drizzle that kept the landscape vibrant and green [Music] making solid progress I’ve done like 55 miles I think I’ve got around 15 miles until we get to the bridge today has just been a fast going but because everything’s so flat it’s one of them days I do really wish I was on the gravel bike because everything being flat everything’s very pedy there’s no downhills and there much as I love the bom track doesn’t pedal as good as gravel white going to be getting to the bridge an hour or 2 hours or so hopefully this will Lo over it does get pretty windy on that bridge as well so let’s go find this bridge now every time I come back of a like an injury or just not riding for a long time I always quite like to uh try and do a 100 mile on one of these trips if any day if it’s if there’s any day that’s it’s going to be possible to do it it could be today but we’ll see 100 miles in the bomb traps bit right let’s go find this bridge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow it’s nice and wet again I get dry then I get wet but as you can see over there there’s the bridge and the good news is over there where I’m going the sky is blue hopefully these clouds are just going to stay here ah looking forward to getting across I’ve done 70 mil today just been able to steamroll for these miles I’m probably not going to try and do too many more maybe another 20 if I do 20 though that’ll be very close to 100 we’ll see uh I want to camp in The Linc Shire WS tonight um so yeah let’s go up on this bridge I checked the uh I checked the website and it said the state is openap and everything and it says an average wind speed is like 28 M hour so might be a bit blowy up there we’ll see the Humber Bridge spans the Humber Esty connecting the East Riding of Yorkshire on the North Bank to North Lincolnshire on the South Bank officially open to traffic on June 24th 1981 it took 8 years to build the Humber Bridge during which time workers endured some of UK’s worst weather conditions at times over 1,000 people worked on the bridge at once and at the time of it being built it was the longest single span suspension bridge in the world with a total length of 2,220 M it is currently only the 12th longest though [Music] [Music] sun’s out and more importantly I’m dry again I’ve actually done 85 miles so far it’s currently 700 p.m. so a couple of hours now until sunset but while it’s dry while I’m dry while the sun is shining I really want to find somewh to camp Camp because I don’t want to get into Camp wet so it’s looking quite nice now but it’s been looking quite nice all day and then it’s just been raining and then stopping so I’m hoping to find somewhere I think it’s meant to rain tonight as well so ideally a little Woodlands would be nice there’s so many little Woodlands around but you just can’t get to them they’re always off Route or not or just where there’s no right of away rubbish but yeah 7:00 85 miles don’t think I’m going to hit the 100 um maybe 90 but we’ll see depends how hard it is to find find some to Camp I guess hopefully not that hard because look at this sun it’s blinding it’s blinding you not me right bedtime well I think I just hit the jackpot I was looking at this woods from where I was cycling I was like ah it just be great if the like Trail would just go there lo and behold it did it went there and it means I’m going to get a good night in the woods going to set up here somewhere um just wandering around really ended up on 88 miles so I didn’t really have to go too far ah what a good day um but this shows how flat it is 88 miles 2,300 some change feet of elevation gain currently around half 7 8:00 so about an hour until the sunet so I justess get to chill make the ground nice and just uh relax and listen to Nature and that plane I bumped into a viewer of the channel actually bumped into a couple today and uh one of them thanks Adam gave me my dinner for tonight we got a I think he said it’s black pudding sausage roll looks pretty good to me so dinner’s sorted and uh yeah it’s gonna be a good night nice peaceful night um tomorrow it looks like on the weather map I just there’s just like a big rain cloud in coming I’m hoping it’s not going to last all day and it’ll just be for like a couple of hours or something but as we get further south hopefully we’ll get some summer weather but as always I see you bright and early in the morning h paper oh good morning good morning it’s very wet morning it’s been raining for the last couple of hours now doesn’t look like it’s going to stop for another couple more hours um yeah so it’s going to be another wet Day by the looks of it hopefully we can out run it just would quite like some summer weather I’d like it to just be dry um all this wet weather bringing all the Slugs out slugs everywhere oh I’m going to have to uh put this tent away in the wet this morning I think I must have had the best spot last night for camping and like generally keeping quite dry because it must I heard the rain and it wasn’t until like 40 minutes later that the actual rain started hitting my tent this tree did a good job last night thank you tree and uh I’ve packed away and it is still raining at least in this Woods it’s still raining and I’m pretty much dry thanks again tree right onwards towards London we go leaving the shelter of the leafy canopy behind me this morning the rain clouds that I was pedling away from all day yesterday had finally caught up in the night and I was in for a wet St to my day today as I headed into the Lincolnshire worlds meeting the first Hills since leaving the Yorkshire Dales [Music] [Music] finally it stopped raining very gray clouds but it has stopped raining and I’m making quite good progress done about 16 M 17 miles something like that and I do have one issue and is that my uh my garment’s not charging I think it’s just the cable think this Ro just got soak and wet so they left and dry out and hopefully I’ll be able to flow it back in when I was putting this route together was that wanted to come through the Lincoln Shi worlds obviously but it’s quite hard to find good off-road trails around here there are a few but most of them are always just going in the opposite direction that you want to AP from this one I’m on now which is beautiful cruising through the woods drying out now that is a good day let’s just hopefully let’s just hope I can stay dry from now on I would really like I would really really love some uh summer weather right now all right let’s keep going through the L sh worlds and uh let’s keep making progress [Music] [Music] deeper and deeper into the Lincolnshire worlds making my way through the Rolling Hills I pedal through the now wet Fields the clouds move past gradually giving way to the sun making it feel like summer once more [Music] time time to leave the Lincoln Chi worlds heading now towards Boston I think it is i’ got about 15 Mi to get there I do need to get there fairly as soonish because uh I have no water again there’s barely anywhere to filter water around here all right 15 Mi getting hungry bring on Boston [Music] [Music] oh [Music] just leaving Boston now had something to eat I feel really uh just not good I like really struggle to actually eat anything drank a lot but struggling to eat a bit I’ve done about 60 miles so far today and I’m in the Flatlands now again for the second time in this trip and uh the wind is really picked up it’s really quite blowy and as I was saying this morning I’m a bit worried about uh where I’m going to camp tonight and that’s because in about 10 miles I’m going to be going around these marshlands and uh it just basically means there’s nowhere to Camp so it pretty much means from now I’m going to have to push on to kingslin I reckon that’s probably around I know 30 to 40 mil um until we get there so I might actually reach that 100 mile Target today if I can get past Kings L maybe even onto the ped’s way then um I definitely find somewhere to camp but it’s currently 300 p.m. 60 M done and I’ve just just force some food down but I’m just feeling pretty there I’m hoping right now the wind is kind of in my face or on the side so I’m really hoping uh that as I start to turn into towards the coast bit it’s not so much and it’s behind me push me along at least the sun shining after leaving Boston I would be heading back into the flat lands where I would find myself with the wind pushing me along the seab bank which was a great relief as I was getting ever closer to that 100 mile goal that I had set myself and this evening was the perfect day to achieve that goal as I made it to Kings Linn as the sun was starting to get lower in the sky it would be such a calm and peaceful evening [Music] [Music] finished for the day and we made it 107 miles in total that was a long ass day but happy to finally get that 100 miles out of the way I’m basically probably within about 10 miles away from the uh ped’s way kind of like between the pedis way and kingslin beautiful beautiful uh sunset tonight but perfect Point as well 107 miles and I found this beautiful little woodlands where I can set up my tent and if I get bored in the night hopefully nobody lands on me there a little jump so the mountain bike has already been here but uh this should be perfect little spot then tomorrow we’re going to get onto the ped’s way and then n’s way then London not exactly sure how many miles I’ve got to go I think around like 160 maybe 150 I don’t know I’ll check tomorrow um because my uh Garmin is doing the thing where it’s going to randomly just give me like another 100 miles cuz it’s currently say I have like 50 miles to go which I don’t I get onto the ped’s way and the can way is super nice and flowy it’s easy to follow and it should be fun but as always I’ll see you bright and early in the morning we’re getting there we’re making progress ah good morning good morning and what better way to start in the beaming Sun oh it feels good the sky is so blue there’s only a couple of clouds today feels good to be waking up knowing that I’m dry it doesn’t look like it’s going to be raining the weather feels good and uh I’m feeling good last night I uh after getting into Camp I swear where I camped was like the noisiest Woods ever all night you had the deer shouting at each other and then by the time they stopped and finally went to bed we had the birds and it was basically time to get up but today I’m just com through a place called uh ryen I think probably like 5 miles until we got to the ped’s way for some nice flow grally Trails ah it’s going to be good I feel good so last night I had Twitchy legs after the 107 miles so every now and again my legs would just be like that’s uh would wake me up but I’m good and I’m looking forward to today with this blue sky blinding sun and I’ve only got 140 so much miles to go so let’s get that under 100 miles today at least probably a lot more we might be able to finish tomorrow possibly depending on how the day goes let’s go into this sun let’s see what a day brings [Music] today was an incredibly refreshing morning waking up with the glow of the morning sun and the fields full of color getting on to them familiar Trails where I was able to pedal on to the beautiful Village of Castle AA a once fortified town and still possesses one of its Gates the Bailey gate Castle AA was one of the finest examples of Norman town planning in the country and much of this can still be seen today [Music] [Music] [Music] yeserday I think I I caught the Sun a bit too much and I’m a bit burnt so today I’m trying to keep on top of it but I’m doing really well today though I am feeling like really really good my legs just feel so strong they don’t feel like I’ve done 100 miles yesterday so that’s good um I’ve done about 26 miles so far and uh yeah it’s just I mean it’s easy riding it’s nice and flowy and apparently according to my gy only got 17 miles left to go which uh is obviously wrong who knows maybe we’ll teleport again or not again but I’m just going to chill here for a bit get some shade put some sun cream on and then I in about probably in about 10 15 miles going to be going into uh around like the fford forest around some should be some nice gravel roads around there and then today’s plan really is just to try and get kind of as close to London as possible but not too close because obviously it’s built up and I still need one more night under the stars to um get on the Nick nailed way and find somewhere to Camp along there but it’s just so nice and so peaceful Nobody’s around so it’s a good way to spend your Monday morning right going to Sun cream up maybe have a little snack and uh down a nice graval roads we go [Music] [Music] he hey [Music] he [Music] well that has just been absolutely lovely just cruising through the woodlands ah just making progress so nice with the shade it’s getting a bit cloudy but I think they’re friendly clouds today hopefully I’ve got around 5 6 miles until I get to a place called tanham I’m hoping there’s a shop there think there’s a shop there because I’m getting very low on the water again and it be good to have a little break and we pick up the ilds way just before then but uh yeah so we’re nearly on the ‘s way now and uh I’ve done about 50 Mi so far today it’s about half 1 so probably do another 20 or 30 today a it’s such a good day when everything just runs smoothly they are the days you got to try and remember but just cruising along some gravel right now I’m feeling a little tired now but I think it’s just cuz I’m thirsty let’s go to tum I think is crossed this shop [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow tadam turns out didn’t have any shops and the pub oh the pub was shot early Mondays so I took a little detour off the route to a little place called Red Lodge very strange place it’s just a massive housing estate of like a shop just one shop but it was a good shop got some ice lollies load of up and water and drank load of water so we’re good to go I’ve done just over 60 mil probably going to try and do another 20 more um it’s actually quite a nice temperature now got a bit of cloud cover so uh feeling all right again feeling alive hoping to finish tomorrow if possible uh just I don’t actually know how many miles we got cuz I’m not on the route right now but it was saying 68 but then when I’m looking at it on kamut it’s more like 80 so I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on I don’t know which one’s lying to me Garmin or Kimo who knows but it’s currently already like 4:30 p.m. the day is just blown by today you know what they say time flies when you’re dehydrated pedaling on beautiful Forest tracks there something like that isn’t it onto the Nils way now some more flowy Trails ahead woo [Music] [Music] I was getting so close to the end of this adventure as I pedal on all I knew was that I just had one more sleep under the stars and a short easy day ahead of me tomorrow so I kept moving forward feeling the anticipation build with every mile as the sun started to drop in the sky I knew I was in for something special tonight I was in for one hell of a sunset tree The Horizon lit up with the kind of beauty that makes all the hard work worthwhile a perfect end to a long day on the trails wow good morning and that is not a bad view if I don’t say so myself last night was a bit of a uh it’s just one of them uh them nights it just doesn’t just come together because I just cycled and cycled on I fixed my uh computer eror so I could really find out how many miles I had to do I didn’t have like 58 or whatever it was telling me I actually had like 77 so I had to do a bit more miles yesterday to actually get give myself the easiest day I possibly could today so we can get a nice finish so in the end I think I actually might have just about done another 100 miles not entirely sure because I had to turn off my um computer stop it and then St but I think it was around 70 and then I did another 30 so I’m currently at placed little yeah I’m just literally on the outskirts of a place called little bur on green and W I couldn’t find anywhere to Camp because all the Woodlands is just like overgrown at the moment all the fields are just full of grass and stuff so there was just like nowhere to Camp so found this nice little bench looking over this absolutely awesome view didn’t get here until 11:00 last night and and I was just like I was going to there’s a little spot in there and I was going to put my tent up but then I was like I really can’t be bothered for like 5 hours so I just decided to lay on this bench admittedly it’s not the most most comfortable sleep I’ve ever had but it wasn’t the worst either so from here I have maybe like 20 25 miles until I get to stanid Margarets i’ probably got maybe like 20 miles of sort of rolling Countryside well this this beautiful countryside um but once we get once we get there it’s all nice and downhill and flat basically so uh going to get packed away which is very easy this morning just a sleeping bag and uh I can almost smell the pollution from here let’s go see that stupid clock the late night last night and not much sleep I was very much looking forward to getting underway today and getting to the end of my adventure one way or another but moments after getting on my bike all that tiredness just vanished and I was feeling great pedling along the rolling Farm tracks with the twtw signs that I was returning to the builtup world [Music] yes please don’t kick me don’t charge at me discovering the last of the nature before heading into the hustle and bustle of the capital city as I meandered following the river Lee before heading into the heart of London Big Ben was my final destination on the capital divide finishing the capital divide not exactly how I had planned but obstacles Force us to adapt to find new Solutions and to appreciate the journey in ways we never anticipated when the original plan falls apart opens us up to new opportunities for experiences we might have otherwise missed this was the capital device [Music] I


    1. Welcome back to the capital divide Part 2 where I am back to get redemption after a not so successful first attempt, if you haven’t watched part one then pause this video and watch here – If you have already seen part one then thank you for tuning in a following the adventure hope you all enjoy this final leg of the capital divide.

      If you want some details on the route and to take on this route then check out

    2. There’s a solar system trail on the Pere Marquette Rail Trail in Michigan, USA. I had to take a selfie by the Uranus model 😂

    3. The cows at 50:00 are on one of my regular trails. A few miles before that you should have also gone through a field of white long horn cattle. A bit intimidating but they're harmless really.

    4. Did a bit off peddars way last week, I was hoping to bump into you that would of made my day, no e in kings Lynn, just bought a dog trailer and I hope he likes it then I don't have to rush home if I take the dog

    5. I was mtbing in Thetford forest in the late 80s and I still drive down and park at the end of the runway at llakenheath and ride Thetford forest and it makes me so happy riding places I've ridden over 40 years ago

    6. If you were on the Market Weighton to Bubwith rail trail, then you were five minutes from my house . All the best from the East Riding .

    7. Great stuff mate, Uranus 😂.
      I needed this to chill out after watching that stressful England game .😂 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

    8. Splendid video. That rainbow was stunning. And a trip through the solar system. Brilliant👍. And it wouldn't be a proper Josh ride without some 🌧.
      As usual your music choice and narration and drone footage made for an excellent video experience.
      Thank you.
      Cheers. 🐄🐄🐄🐄😊🚴‍♀️

    9. It's great to see you back on your bike and enjoying the beauty of the UK. We love your socks! Your friends, Rob and Gary in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

    10. Enjoyed both parts of this Capital Divide a lot. I like the slow, almost dreamy report of the trip (not referring to your cycling speed 😉). I was wondering, since you keep cycling until you find the right spot to camp, when and where do you eat your evening dinner (beside the given sandwich)? Also, where do you look for when searching for the right camp spot? Thank you.

    11. Well done josh great to see you back on your bike and more superb adventures thetford forest looks great must get up there and ride

    12. Great video. They just get better and better! And good to see you riding on paths I've cycled along too. You inspired me to get out there and ride them!

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