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    hello everyone and welcome to another recap race analysis here on the second day extra Channel or if you’re listening on the podcast today I’m joined by our in-house Sprinter Jack from Yorkshire as Patrick is down in the C gbia having a great time waiting for the tour France but great to have you here Jack and yeah what a stage stage well we’re finished in Torino and yeah what actually happened on the stage not much happen really as you would expect with a long stage like this in fact is the longest stage really of the tour so far so today was a very active day for Uno X again no surprise there yonus abenson that’s I pronoun his name sorry about budging your name mate but he was very active again obviously trying to put more points into his points classification as well as K he did come first in the first climb of the race and actually I was I was watching at the time and I could stop laughing at the point where he was just casually climbing thinking oh you guys can’t catch me and then all of a sudden obvious sent rer just came right behind and says oh hello and he was like oh No and went straight for it and managed just managed to get the full points of that first climb of today the intermediate Sprint was a bit of an interesting one we had a lot of big sprins up there front as you would expect we had matad pson Benny um Yannis was up there as well Anna Namar and even STS favor of Belgium Sprinter up there Anna dele who is very hyping up his days I still don’t see much in him I know he’s a Belgian national champion but we’ll see about that but in any case he was quite an in string one U mad F actually won that one getting the Four Points there of course that didn’t really matter in the end because now obviously as we know Ben Gay won the stage the first ER Tran to win at to the Fran stage amazing magical moments congratulations how do you feel right now perfect yeah amazing you know it’s uh yeah until now we don’t have almost Rider uh shining on the big stage but today it’s our moment to to show our uh strengths and then our potential Insight so I’m super happy for myself also for my continent for my country so that means super amazing you know especially to win on the Sprint in front of the fastest in the world yeah it give us a lot of uh uh Power behind to push I think and confidence too because you were very clever you squeezed through a tiny Gap beside Matt Pon he left the door open for you it was power it was really good bike handling it was the perfect spr for you the team too did a good job for you yeah absolutely absolutely today uh our team show we can do the best lead out also our plan is to give lead out for Garin Tyson but yeah I was behind him so it’s not easy always to to follow uh the train if you are the last guy so I lose the the team the last uh 1K and then from that one on uh I hear in the radio to to do for myself because I’m already lose the the the wheel but yeah for me it’s always easier to to find myself to uh to be in the good position and then from that one on it’s always close your eyes and then go for the victory final question Ecuador takes the yellow Jersey errea wins the stage Africa South America it’s a great story of globalization inside yeah it’s it’s really uh nice to see cycling is really Global uh before was most of the time the European people uh for a different category but now it’s uh all around the world they can be competitive so that means it’s nice for the cycling for the future I think so I hope we continue like this yeah and I know along how you live out the toal energy Rider Havoc his moment in the side you’re like nah not important to be fair it was a decent attack anyway really did stay on quite a long time but obviously it’s typical to attack in the tot of front and get away with it that distance really we just look at the Sprint the finale of the Sprint because it was quite interesting coming into it number of talking points that we could talk about but yes Binum gay did win uh the the Sprint but it’s the big talking point was that match of Wonder had a mechanical in the wrong point and that meant that jper philipson suddenly didn’t have that lead out man that he had last year that was remarkable and then suddenly that H Alps into K get in a bit of dis well disorientated in a way not having their lead tanel man for that um for yasper philipson but then we had a crash as well where asanao were apparently caught up by that or inside the last 2.5 km and that was quite bad confidence Riders and Israel Premier Tech Riders arguing towards that we saw DSM being up there towards the Finish into ma Wy who never w a stage in the toural France taking charge it looked like it was going to be gabin Tyson the Belgian Sprinter who they were writing for as when we came to that final straight bam gay was Finding himself quite far down I think like 10 Riders D with the a delet like you said as well but then uh yeah he just found the right wheel and little Trek everyone swerved to the left beanie swerved away went to the right the door was open he finished it off took the win and yeah that was quite remarkable but yeah Jack obviously I can go into like a hourong monologue about B gumay he’s such a nice guy symbol for a nation in much a never having won a race or a stage of the tour so much pressure last year not winning a stage and then and the jti crashing and recovering and coming back here so yeah interm are going to be very happy about this but do you think this means that interm have learned the lessons from their lead out train last year that was a bit all over the place but this year it seems more tuned it might struggle but a wins a win he still was the B man at the end of the day even if it might have just been by the skill of his teeth he still nevertheless obviously did learn from his lessons clearly as he won quite not not quite clear but still he won nonetheless and a wins a win in my opinion really however things might have been different if things didn’t go so badly for yasper and Mark I mean Mark Havish had a bunch of 9 comment in me as a British person was obviously like thinking oh no this is a good this is not going to be his probably and of course as you mentioned that will problem two kilm in into the Sprint before before the Sprint as well that problem there and yeah the Phil’s problem clearly that problem obviously helped biny get a bit of Advantage because it would have been a lot difficult if yasper was there with the lead out training that he has obviously as well as Mark hendes as well because Mark hendes Clearly I mean he not been having any great love right now but OB here mentally he does want that with yeah I completely agree with that and there was a bit of a b going on towards the Finish as well with Anor Dee closing the door and Dy HOV but yeah that’s quite hard who knows if Anor de will be relegated the Tre will be one of the best lead out trains well in the J high with Jonathan Milan when they had them there but uh mes pson finishing fourth place he hates that position apparently and once again he’s in fourth place but yeah mes Pon is not really the fastest Sprinter he’s fast but he’s not like a pure out Sprinter we’ve seen him in yeah par Bay this year okay Jason was second but what could Le Tre do what does m pson need to do to win a stage do you think you could probably say his team or maybe it’s just the circumstances of the stage possibly because like you say he’s not pure Sprinter he probably needs something a little bit more he need like a stage maybe to burn out the pure sprinters that can’t bu them as well as in because he does have some ability to probably climb the smaller fans and then and then maybe get away from them and get up the front but you know it could be anything like that really personally because you can see even when you look at him it’s not you don’t look at him and say oh that is a Powerhouse like Jonathan malan because that man is gigantic if you if he still in the bunch of you you know you’re done for but if I saw m f I’d be like f it’s just m it you know if I can probably Brint us before him maybe he might burn out before me who knows is it sometimes the role of the dice really with him I suppose really yeah I think um he’ll be a bit annoyed because he kind of if he had closed the door on Binum gay it might have been a different story I don’t think M person would have won I think that would have gone to Fernando gabiro who hadn’t won a stage since I think 2017 and has been a bit well I’ve been putting him down a lot saying I think I called him a a very expensive paper but it seems like the jro tire where he didn’t quite win yeah this has helped him a bit so gavia unlikely second place I definitely didn’t have him down as second place um but yeah it’s interesting and it’s a shame that Mark Ames did get caught behind all that a bit of a mess we’ve got stage five and Stage Six coming up as well in terms of sprit but we also have a change of the yellow Jersey and yeah apparently Richard kapas is our new yellow Jersey wearer so I think that’s our first ever ecuadoran to wear the yellow Jersey and what do you make of that Jack I think they’re all in the same time anyway yis uh r and T so more history double history first uori in yellow Jersey and first um yeah a TR stage winner indeed it’s this is probably looking to be one of the best to Frances we ever seen so far already at the start of what we had from stage one stage two it’s just been completely unpredictable actually then when you know compared to like last year really and who knows who’s going to actually take the yellow Jersey all the way home n say it’s carad that would be great though if it was carad you know to bill in but I mean he’s he’s obviously a br to winner already winning the jro they want it twice sadly J did that to him anyway so far with them all having the same time it’s getting very very tense and the tension is going to keep raising and raising if it’s the same as it is for this first week because say if the first week is done that’s when they know they’re going to have to do something big in order to like change the GC standings because obviously this is not going to probably last long so it’s the question of who’s going to be in yellow maybe tomorrow maybe the day after when they probably would do something more likely maybe next week really when the challeng is going to get even heavier yeah um but we haven’t actually done the top 10 so I’ll do the top 10 now of the stage we forgot to do that so apologies everyone but B went a historic stage for interm and NRA first for both of them in steadly Fernando gab as we said uh in second place honor to the debutant in third place M BS in fourth place D hoan in fifth place Phil bous in sixth place Fab arson in seventh place and the best aser Rider it’s not Mark Hamish is David bini he wasn’t caught up eighth place Sam ber who returns for the first time to the tour front since 20120 in the ninth place and Brian Kar the cidus rider find himself in 10th place but uh yeah I mean Jack what does this all do for the green jersey as well what it does it makes it un to a new could probably really be at the top at the end of this race we got so many great powerhouses in this race that could easily take it on when it comes to points classification they usually after like a week or so it’s clear Cup who was been a win here but I think it’d be better if we have you know like a three or four horse race between them it’s that’s could that could possibly happen because sometimes points classification can be very boring because you kind of know who’s going to win last year we know yasper was probably going to win it anyway after the first week the way he looked anyway and wi in four stages it’s clear why he won but it could be like that this year even who knows what Bam’s going to do in the next stages up ahead for for his you know for Sprints and all that who knows he might go for a second one but anyway I’m get to Ed myself well the top 10 so far for the points classification we have Yus abenson Uno x with 76 points in first place B him all the way up to Second thanks that win with 6 to6 points third place is third we have Kevin vcan ARA BB hotels and fourth the former world champion mat pson of Eagle Tre F Fernando gabria of mob star with 41 points but in any case the main point of this this standing is is there’s not there’s no yes phison in this top 10 in fact if you want to know where he is is actually number 13 in this race to the points classification which is quite interesting even Roman B has got more points in him which says a lot so the question is I suppose is he actually on good form or is he just holding back maybe just a surprises you know they say in The Art of War all Warfare is based on Deception Scott yeah I I think the first Sprint is a bit too soon to out count him out but it certainly yeah it certainly is not good uh it wasn’t a great day for Alps into KCK but um yeah uh other than that Jack who do you think think is going to win tomorrow we’ll finish it with that well looking at the stage profile of four it’s looky obviously to be maybe for a GC favorite clearly we can see we got at the end the P gabbler at the end of it as well so that’s looking to be a very tough CL on more than a tough climb is the highest point of the tour it could be easy to say yonas Bard or AA I’m going to go on a wit and say maybe rco is going to try and maybe do something and surprise everybody who knows I mean we don’t really know his GC aspirations really he could just be coming there just to get The Young Riders Jersey really because it’s probably going to be his last chance because next year he’s not going to be eligible to even um wear it anymore so he’s probably going to try and do that first and then maybe next year come Bit Stronger maybe get the yellow Jersy next year and try and you know like I say it live up to the expectations that the Belgian people are giving them right now as the next Ed well okay if you pick him I might just pick the next Eddie Merks Ty patcha to take the win and when you looked at it like that yeah that well you could say Tom pck as well because they called it g liia was where he descended but I think it’ll answer a lot of questions let’s hope they actually go for it and the GC guys don’t just look at each other and it kind of just becomes like a bit of a snoozefest like this stage was a bit but I think with the intim but with the intim immediate Sprint coming so early as well I think we might actually have the sprins try and go for that and then we have two cized two climbs as well quite not in the kind the pointy end of the stage so your new favorite Rider yis abrahamson could potentially defend his jersey by being the first Rider over those two but yeah we’ll wait and see but anyways with that that’s basically it for this recap race analysis make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel here on the cycling day and extra and uh yeah and why not listen to us on Spotify but we will be back tomorrow uh to discuss what’s been happening on the first man stage of the tour and with that thank you for watching and we will see you around [Music] [Music]


    1. Congratulaions bini bini wedi rimeyyy meley jegna Ertirawent kebur menent 🇪🇷 ❤️ 🇪🇷 ❤️ 🇪🇷 ❤️ 🇪🇷 ❤️

    2. Proud to be 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

    3. 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🥇🥇🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🥇🥇🥇

    4. Well done Scott for standing by Bini I now hope the whole of Eritrea will subscribe to your channel to show you they appreciate all your hard work for Bini😊

    5. Bini is a legendary LION and a brilliant history maker for his country, the State of Eritrea 🇪🇷, a continent of Africa 🌍 and for his club intermache.
      He makes our country Eritrea 🇪🇷 to be viewed with a magnificent magnifying lens in the eyes of the world.
      A huge kudos go to Bini and his team at Intermache.
      We are superbly proud of you, Bini.

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