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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and we are live hello everyone and welcome to another stream here another live commentary stream of the Toto France 2024 how are we feeling today are we good I hope so and stage four is the one we’re looking at right now from pinolo to valir and as we see right now on the screen 92.4 km to go and it is ARA bnb’s hotels Rider the podium finisher in none other than the tour of London um Moz who’s at the back but um I’m not sure whether mozzato was looking to do anything here we’ve had a very high Pace at the beginning of the stage here uat memor they mean business they want to put everyone to the sword but right now it is Sean Quinn of EF education US post if you forgot we had our first ever Ecuadorian in the yellow Jersey right now and that is Richard kapas the man who didn’t finish more than one stage last year very bad luck but right now Jonathan vor’s gamble of bringing carass to the team certainly looks very fruitful we’re seeing a couple of the U te memor boys here uh well actually Ty batcha and Marx I believe it is uh in the team car here um they said go a bit easy he wants to come back so even the pace a bit hard for T Bacha he sto for a nature break uh but yeah t Bacha is the man that everyone has on their lips in terms of who’s going to win the stage here we have a very big Breakaway out the front as well so we’ll get through that as well but right now the climb we’re heading up is the C they are free categorized climb today and it looks like abrahamson might not be the one taking the points today that’s a big shame a few of his teammates are up in that break but uh yeah I mean we’ve been alluding to it a lot now so I feel like I should do everyone a service and take us out of the misery of who is in that break and 92 km to go Banner that’s the one they’ve just come under now one of the ag2r Riders the first Rider there but we have a big break up the road here there is 17 Riders to get through so we’ll have to bear with me on this one there’s a lot of riders in here a lot of channel favorites as well any friend of the channel in here no Echelon favorite is in there in terms of um alet lenko the kazak darling Superstar whatever pride of Kazakhstan that’s probably the best word but here we go number one well Jaco you have one representative in terms of one of that well the tractor we saw yesterday doing a lot of work to try and bring back the break or control the peleton and that is Christo Christopher Jansen we’ve also got Julian Bernard from Leal Trek Bruno Amaray who was caught up in a crash yesterday so he’s obviously feeling good David gdo up here as well 44 minutes and 59 seconds down in GC he lost 29 minutes on the the first stage so certainly not feeling good at that time Roman guua as well the youngster up here and the current poka Jersey WEA not leader he’s second in that classification to Yus abrahamson and then the man the myth the legend matcho vapo the world champion and cycle cross world champion he’s up here in the break as well not the stage you would have thought that he would be in a breakaway but yeah after yesterday’s disappointment for the team of course a few kilometers to go he had a mechanical and that was absolutely dire for the chances of alerson and it seemed like they almost imploded after that yasper philipson disappeared but Steven willings here the tour of down under and flesh valone winner of this year the Welshman he’s in here for Israel Premier Tech Oya losano the former national champion for Spain’s up him the very good Classics Rider had a very good doany uh then we’ve got rul Garcia and Christian Rodriguez Christian Rodriguez of course was part of that stage two Breakaway helping his teammate Kevin VLAN to get the win to some extent cin coin hosen as well for interm up here Warren balil actually there we go friend of the channel Warren balil up here as well the former poo Jersey winner of 2017 very nice guy I spoke to him uh uh in January and he was very optimistic about coming back to the team after a few years being at ARA of course he was riding for team sunweb when he won that pocko Jersey back in 2017 and winning stages of course as well Alexi lenko who spoke about him not a great J retire by his standard I think he had illness and he was a bit sad it was the clim that he dominated in the tour AB Bruto that was where he really yeah didn’t have a great time but he’s thrown into this team of course we know Mark cish is the Talisman for that team uh we also have odd Christian aing and Tobias Hal johanneson they’re going to try and defend or minimize the losses to valtin madas uh in terms of that you abrahamson poo Jersey and then we’ve got Al Philip looking like Mato burgo of total energies so quite a quite a plethora of riders who’s going to be the best Rider Last Man Standing are we’re going to see a breakaway win if ALU lenko wins that would be absolutely remarkable or Steven Williams are we going to continue the theme of teams that have never well actually is Premier Tech have won stages in the Tour of France AA hadn’t and inm haven’t so is there any team there who hasn’t won a stage to energies potentially but I’m not holding my breath for uh BOGO so um yeah great to have 160 people here already let us know where you’re watching from and uh yeah it should be quite interesting to see what U will do being the favorites are they going to put the pressure on quite quickly on the gbia uh Neil poet is kind of um just holding the pace a bit high but EF education easy post also one to show themselves being the team that have that yellow Jersey and they want to do their sponsors proud their Jersey proud etc etc but this Melissa byus Ving that is one of the big questions today is vingo going to be able to survive these mountains it it’s uh yeah yoris Bingo versus tacha here in the mountains that is the big draw are we going to see them fight it out the two two time Toral France Champions who knows that’s every anyone’s game Guess at this point but uh yeah the two of them certainly uh going to do their best um and right now it is uat Merit just keeping the pace to a sensible well sensible but we’re inside the last kilometer of this first ciz climb of the day remember we have three cized climbs today and uh this is the first one up to cier and then we got the uh Monier Genia I’ll work on that pronunciation with the help of Google translate but match anipo up towards here I think mipo is just trying to get some conditioning using this as some training perhaps I don’t think does he think he’s going to win in terms of GC we also have to think of that that’s another um yeah are is this group going to be let go all the way to the Finish Line I think not not when you consider that the best place Rider sits 2 minutes and 31 seconds down actually two Riders odd Christian Aiken and Warren baril but uh yeah a number of these Riders could potentially launch a poker a jersey campaign as well are we going to see uh gram fdj try and solidify well try and take the jersey with Valentin madis Valentin madis of course a former finisher or top 10 finisher at the Tour of France courtesy of nro canan’s relegation a few years ago but yeah right now we’re seeing alet senro towards the front here 600 M to go who’s going to be the one who blinks first in terms of this polka dot Jersey I mean who do I want to see do a polka dot Jersey Chase I mean David goodoo if he was in form you would certainly say that there’s five points up for grabs here remember yonas abrahamson has a a very deep lead at this point in terms of points uh accumulated over the first three stages we are on stage four now and it’s already a bit of an interesting competition to say the least okay abrahamson yesterday kind of hoovered up most of the points was somewhat unchallenged um but was challenged on the first one he’s got the green jersey to worry about as well but yeah right now lenko just keeping the pace uh they’re looking around Val madad I think he’s the man who’s interested he moves and then waran baril the former winner of the poker Jersey he’s going to attack as well the French it’s a French battle here Steven Williams looking to get involved as well who’s going to take the Five Points it looks like it might be Steven Williams the Welshman from Israel Premier Tech TS to Five Points and Three Points go to uh yeah Valentin Modas that was a bit of a interesting one are we can see Steven Williams potentially do uh a Chase here for this uh for the Jersey but that was a yeah a thrilling little Sprint here bit more interesting than we saw yesterday for the singular points being dealt out dealt out but yeah a bit of yeah a bit of action there between the three of them waron bagil Valentin madas and they have Steven Williams so H we’ll wait and see what happens here is this is this kind of some intent being shown by Israel Prem attch that they might want to take this H intriguing to say the least but yeah they they have a a few points to make up if they I didn’t realize a cat 2 only had five points that’s not a lot I was expecting 10 maybe 20 points but uh yeah H that makes it a bit more interesting so I think the HC clim with Andre de granch prize that might have a lot more points if anyone knows how many points we’ve got available on the C gbia please let us know in the chat we kind of want to know um 50 because it is the hre de grch price Andre de gr price of course being the highest point of the race and uh yeah there’s a there’s a lot of riders that would want that because it also comes with that 5,000 paycheck as well of course that comes into the team the team uh share that out at the end of the race but uh yeah I’m sure anyone would want to add that to the team account for the prize money but 1 minute and 57 seconds 1 minute and 58 seconds is the lead down to the yellow Jersey group for this uh Breakaway up in front interesting group we also have Anor Dee is in a group 3 minutes and 6 seconds down we’ve got yonas abrahamson with I think it’s yonas abrahamson yeah 7 minutes and 21 seconds down so that kind of explains why he’s not going to be challenging for those poker do Jersey interesting we didn’t see hes uh no not yoris um what’s his name uh y yeah there we go toas Hal johanneson just getting mixed up with which one I was starting from the surname or the first name but tobas Hal Johannson or odd Christian niking neither of them going for the Sprint there so H I’m not sure his teammate is going to be too happy about those two not doing anything but 24 points is the lead or the points tally for yoris abrahamson right now and Three Points was added to valtim M so that yeah takes the lead he has down to 10 points now and Steven Williams is the new fifth place Rider with five points in that competition so the Welshman already in the top five after only lifting the pace uh a few a few seconds but yeah that’s a good result so far but yeah we’ve got plenty of riders out the back bam gay obviously the stage win of yesterday what a win that was and plenty of you were here on the stream listening to me going crazy so that was good uh pH as well at the back honor Dee in that group as well it’s just the petto like Fab Jacobson as well Kristoff sanar sh yeah it’s all just the lead out trains Lenny Martinez though that is a bit worrying Lenny Martinez is out the back the youngster who was drafted in late uh yeah he’s out the back with the sprinters so that is a big shame there um but 85.6 km and they have this descent now we have got a we’ve got three ciz times today and the big one being the called the gbia as we said and then the descent into the Finish Line to valvo but yeah if you guys missed it as well the tour of Austria is happening as well and yeah it’s weird that races are going on during the Tour of France you would think the Tor to France is the three weeks where no other bike race happens because it’s you just can’t compete it’s the biggest race in the world but yeah the tour of Austria and the jodona the women’s tour well Jalia they think they can compete with it so it’s a bit of a shame to have those two races in this block but obviously it’s very hard to put them anywhere else really uh well not the women’s one that could have been done during the jro but that’s a whole another talk in itself but right now we’re seeing Warren baril just getting a bit of distance here um yeah he is a very good descender just looking back here what can he do in I would love to see him trying to in the stage back to Warren bagil Glory Days is that going to happen I think it’s going to be quite a tight one okay there was an UNO X Rider who took a point away that was to beas H johanneson he took the Singler point but one point versus Five Points or three points it’s more just marking Valentine madis both of them should have been on Valentine madis like hair on soap but uh yeah not to be not to be lost points there great to have Pat well joining us in from Poland what are we saying here as well Max TT do you think rogl will be able to stay with the top four today it depends how they’re going to ride this uh yonis wio at the start of stage said his main thing was just um yeah just actually Jean Mark we’ll get to that point as well the Olympics didn’t change the tours of Austria and the jodon they always do this during the tour so but you are right it has changed the some races a bit uh um but what were we saying rogl uh yeah rogl yon said his main goal is survival he said he’s the unknown quantity because of his recovery etc etc which is a fair point so the pressure is on tacha and most people are picking tacha for the stage win today if I was UAE I’d just let the break go just let the break go we’re on stage four you don’t need to win this stage but tat and the jro tire went absolutely crazy from the beginning so who knows uh what will happen there uh 2 minutes and 14 seconds it’s increasing a bit more now are we’re going to see the break really push on here on the second cise climb I don’t think so on the c gbia h called the gbia of course the setting for not only Tom Pit’s amazing descent but also the setting for the incredible 2021 attack by my favorite Rider Andrew Schleck when he won that uh yeah absolutely hook effort after that Hulan effort work with his uh domestique Maxim monford as well and winning for the leopard track what they called leopard track I think leopard track or yeah leopard track and then they turned into radio Nan track and everything just went downhill for him unfortunately but yeah 2 minutes and 14 seconds 15 seconds we’re seeing I think this might be mistar at the front here so that is O Lano just P pushing on here match of V third wheel right now in terms of The Descent here on the Breakaway just seeing the best descenders in that Breakaway group come to the Forefront here not necessarily the best climbers all the time but we got 4.3 km until the next ceriz climb the CDE Monte genev that’s probably wrong uh but yeah we’ll see what damage that will do and who will actually take the top points there and now I’m quite disappointed it’s only going to be five points for the winner there uh but yeah the the call the galib is going to be the big point we’re going to get closer into France as well remember we are crossing over from Italy into France so that will be very soon I believe let’s just try and see if Pro second stats has the confirmation um no are we going to get a sign where it says welcome to France benue on France um probably not but at towards the back we’re seeing the agen Rider who was the a2r rider that was Bruno Amaray the rider who crashed yesterday there was a number of riders caught up in crashes as we spoke about on the recap race analysis over on the CCL day extra Channel but I don’t need to tell you that we all know this by now uh 8 minutes and 12 seconds for that green jersey group with the sprinters the gretto are we going to see them doing anything uh in terms of getting in trouble we’ll wait and see great to have mark from South Carolina and Mike what are you saying first rid is going downhill now now but since the race are given a free they have just been riding uphill until now brutal start today yeah absolutely brutal start I agree so uh yeah it’s not the longest stage we had that yesterday and uh yeah what a boring stage that was until the Finish but I’m glad so many of you were here to uh keep me from falling asleep what are we saying is here JJ love pogy will put in a good 4 minutes into yourness today just watch I’m a huge fan of yness but I accept what will happen 4 minutes into yness okay that’s quite a bold prediction and considering you just you just uh yeah acknowledge you’re a yoris vingal fan I think uh yeah it might be quite dire but hopefully not we’ll wait and see he looked good on stage two look good on stage well stage one as well um 2 minutes and 25 seconds here the lead still the thee group are sitting 3 minutes and 23 seconds so they’re about a minute behind the Pelon and that’s quite interesting that he hasn’t dropped like a stone like the other sprinters just taking easy we got two Sprint stages coming up in the next two days and then we got the time trial as well so a lot of things to happen here what are we saying at the border to France they will be met by a sign saying all that cannot speak fluent French from this point are uh yeah that that might well be be but yeah right now we’re seeing the bunch just crawl towards the start of the next ciz climb and uh anything can really happen when we get to the next climb but in particularly the next climb after that they called the Gia that is going to be where things might get a bit tasty in terms of pressure being put on by the GC teams uh about 77.5 km to go quite away until we get to the foot of the gbia let’s try and do some mental Maps as well so they’re saying 60 km until we are at the top so that would mean that we are 38 km from the bottom of the C Gia and in about 10 km time will’ll be at the top of the Cat 2 climb that is coming up in 1.7 km so that was a lot of numbers and uh yeah I hope that made sense but the next climb we’re coming to um yeah 8.3 km long averaging 6% the hardest section comes between kilometer 1 and kilometer 2 of The Climb so a kilometer into this climb it gets quite hairy going up to 10.2% but 5.9% average or 6% Pro cycling stats and the official statistics are slightly different there but uh 0.1% % of a of a gradient it doesn’t yeah not the biggest difference 2 minutes and 33 seconds so they’re increasing their margin here so is that the pelaton giving them a bit longer relash I think maybe yes given that we only have Nils poet at the front here he doesn’t look like he’s going all out but yeah EF education easy post what are they going to do do they think they’re going to keep the yellow Jersey until well if they kept it for today that would mean they would at least have it for two more stages and then they would definitely lose it in that time trial because Richard carapaz is certainly not someone who’s good in a Time tra uh losing Jalia as well but right now man vano The King The Myth the legend he is in the Breakaway oh mipo winning the stage I would love to see that I’m sure many other people would as well in the comments but yeah maybe with the climers that we have up here uh in might be quite a tough ask he did spend a lot of time in altitude before coming to the tourto France so it’s not completely out wait no it is it is come on even I as a match fan can’t I can’t squeeze in uh a way that he can win the C Galia against these climbers that we have in this group uh If he if he just maintained his M no am I really going to try it I’m I mean we had we had that thing where we said anything um W vard can do Mel Vu can do better and wat vard has won a a Mountain Stage so yeah from the Breakaway obviously can this happen with match of vpol today unlikely I think it’s very unlikely but in terms of our poll who’s going to be wearing the yellow Jersey at the end we’ve got 340 of you voting so it’s probably time for a new poll uh 56% saying it is Ty Pacha who’s going to be wearing it at the end of the day only 6% saying Remco Veno and Richard Cass getting 12% Yan V getting 27% so overwhelming he is the favorite we’re starting the cat two climb now so set well actually no the pelaton are starting it they’re 1 kilm behind the front group here yis Bingle with wil kelderman Mato Jorgenson as well why are you pacing at the front guys guys guys guys you’re not the favorite you’re not the yellow Jersey wearers just enjoy this while you can just don’t get to the front Richard car pass in that beautiful Jersey the EF education easy post team is quite hard to see because caterp pass has a jersey Shan Quinn has a jersey Alberto Beto has a jersey ruk Costa has somewhat of a jersey um so uh yeah it’s funny funny times for them Neils po coming towards the front laughing a bit looking at this meisa bike doing a lot of work at the front but this Malisa bike you don’t need to do it yes you have the two-time defending Champion but we all know that he’s in this recovery uh whatever you call it Journey so I wouldn’t I would gamble a bit more but uh yeah Miss Melisa bike they want a lot more toal Frances than I have so they they know a bit about bike racing but I still think I still think they should take it easy here there’s no need to waste this energy right now but we have the Breakaway out in front Steven Williams up there the man who took the points over on the First cast climb and um yeah we’ll wait and see what he can do here um it certainly is a interesting Prospect what he wasn’t looking great in the first two days but he certainly looks like he has recovered of course Riders can have good days and bad days in the total front 21 days is very long you can see B had day on stage one of the Jalia and then recovered somewhat to get Ninth Place overall that’s no yeah that’s a a good achievement considering where he started but right now we’re seeing his teammate Warren Beil just up the tempo slightly it looks here he’s thinking about the Poo Jersey points at the top maybe he can get the Andre de gr prize I think the Andre de gr prize was actually won by ro r r buil we talked about it um yeah we talked about the hory de gr prize yesterday because nothing else was happening so we might as well do it uh today as well because this is actually the stage where we see the hre de gr prize HRI deg gr um was yeah let’s just get it right uh the honor is the of the Creator and the first race director of the Toral France the french sports journalist Andre deg grun who was passionate about taking the Tour of France as high up in the mountains as possible using the most difficult routes he certainly would have loved the stage today and uh yeah um his death unfortunately he died on 19 in 1940 and an award was given in his honor for the first time in 1947 and um yeah that was also the first Tour of France since 1939 courtesy of the World War I so that’s a brief history of just how it came about but we were talking about um who and well and the man who’s won the most of them has been nider canana and Richard Veron Richard Veron of course winning the Poo Jersey on seven occasions France having won 17 of them as well so they’re still leading that uh Spain have 14 so close behind so they could actually get past them Denmar only have one and I don’t think it was joris vingle so we were talking about Warren Bill he actually was the first Rider on the top of the C the Gia when it was the hre de gr prize in 2022 so not that long ago not that long ago I wonder if he got it so the honor de gr prize was also in 202 oh 2017 Prim rogich was the winner on that occasion and yeah the Galia when else have we had it uh 2011 Andy schle took it with that incredible stage win the 2008 one has been scrubbed from the history books no it’s not Lance Armstrong it was Stefan Schumacher no relation to Michael uh gbia was also won were used in 2005 and six as the highest point and that was taken by Alexander vinokurov and Mike Mikel rasmusen of Denmark so Alexander vinokurov maybe his next gen version here of Alti lenko can be the one who takes it we’ve also had Santiago B Bago uh bertero not Bago Santiago bertero the former world champion in the time trial discipline for Colombia uh took it in 2022 but right 2002 20 years previous but 73.9 km here 2 minutes and 59 seconds for that break out in front we can just see pictures of in your scen here de here being led up by Ben Turner The Man From Doncaster in Yorkshire 3 minutes of a gap here 5 minutes and 5.4 km until they reach the top of the Cat 2 climb for the Breakaway out in front but Neils PO is the sole UAE Rider pushing on the pelaton right now and then you’ve got Jan tring at the Miss Malisa bike Team behind him so I hope you enjoyed that little talk about the HRI de gr pricee certainly an interesting prize and yeah uh has its place in cycling and and a a great homage to the first race director and creator of the Toral France as well so uh who will take it that actually that could be our question uh because we’ve done the yellow Jersey but who’s going to be the one to take the HRI de gr prize the highest point uh who will be the first to take that will it be the Breakaway actually we’ll do that will it be the break or the pellaton and then when we get closer to understanding who it actually is then we can say it uh but yeah 57% of you believing is going to be tyacha who takes the stage well takes the yellow Jersey today that doesn’t mean that he takes the uh stage win who will uh take the HRI de grch prize so break versus pelaton that we always do these so we might as well do it now just a bit we we like to keep the polls easy as well sometimes it’s just that one uh an A or a B option we don’t always need to have four options here so yeah we’ll wait and see um in terms of who’s winning the stage right now we have the Breakaway out in front we haven’t really talked about the Breakaway for a while so we might as well do that we’ve got 17 Riders still in that Breakaway they’re coming up towards that second cized climb Five Points available a few Riders struggling to out towards the back kristofh julan Christopher ulansen the Dane the sole representative ofo Julian Bernard little track Rider Bruno Mariah up here as well the ag2 all Rider and then gr fdj they have three riders with David G ran gread the youngster valtin madis is the current polka Jersey wearer not leader Mach vano The King The Myth Legend as we said the Cy cross world champion and Road world champion right now Steven Williams as well the tour of down under winner and flesh Fone Champion Oya losano as we know very good on the cobbles and was up there in the up there in the doof we also have the Spanish pair of Rodriguez and gas riding for AA BNB hotels coin hosen for interm Wy Warren bagil the polka Jersey W 2017 here as well Alti lenko the kazak former National Champion he isn’t right now and then we got the Uno X pairing of odd Christian Ain and tobas Hal handerson as well as Mato Badoo so quite a comprehensive Breakaway who’s the best climb out of this on paper that would be David godo but he’s certainly not looking like he’s in the best of shapes so yeah it’s going to be a hard one for him a man who has finished fourth in the toural France recently and uh yeah this might be a long road he’s already sitting 45 minutes down in the GC standings so that’s a bit of a shame in terms of the best rider in the GC standings if this break was to hold well stay away they have actually got the virtual yellow Jersey right now shared between odd Christian iin and Warren bagil so yeah who wouldn’t love to see another Frenchman in in the yellow Jersey waren bagil and Roman bade having their day in yellow jersey in the yellow Jersey each but right now we’re seeing Neils poet pushing it on in the pelaton no one too worried about this UA memor they haven’t as well they haven’t uh this started just churning this big machine this Allstar cast of riders that they have at their disposal we have really seen that Juggernaut being used yet almea AO Pavo COV Adam Yates Marx a what a mountain train that is but uh yeah South Africans look away because your National Champion looks like he’s going to be going out the back Ryan Gibbons of course not really designed for this kind of terrain but he looked very good on stage one in the Breakaway 4.1 km left here the break has come down a bit now to 2 minutes and 55 seconds and uh yeah the yellow Jersey of course Richard caras his first day in the yellow Jersey what an honor that is the Jalia Champion Podium finisher in the welto spaner podium finisher in the Tor France this man is one of the best GC Riders to come out of South a South America ever let’s be honest including the Colombians Colombia kind of claim him a bit because he did a lot of his training and growing up in Colombia and uh yeah but Ecuador certainly not wanting to let go of him he’s Ecuador through and through the Ecuadorian national time trial Champion former Ecuadorian national road race champion and uh yeah Jonathan vus as he well we talked with him uh was it the year before last on the cycling day and exra channel where he was so excited about this signing last year wasn’t great crashing out on stage one the most expensive Rider by a far he said uh but he’s very excited what he can do here and getting the yellow jersey with him certainly is a big big uh a big big Accolade for him right now we’re seeing EF education easy post one of their writers here uh 118 I want to say it’s Vel but I’m not even sure if V K is in the race it is let’s get it right oh it’s Marian venag I know there is no Mikel Vel so uh yeah no Danes in the EF education easy post setup up this year so that’s a bit of a shame uh we also have the tour of Austria happening and uh I just wanted to dip in and out of that and uh yeah there was Josh Tarling and Philip on the start list but neither of them took the victory it was a 19-year-old Australian beating Ghana in this fre kilometer wow that’s impressive uh not even part of the little Tre world to setto part of the uh yeah wow absolutely wow uh but yeah anyways I’m not sure where Josh Tarling finished but yeah that’s quite remarkable uh a young Cameron Rogers I wonder if he’s related yes he is his uncle is none other than Michael Rogers so uh yeah there you go Peter Rogers as well his father used to be a pro cyclist so Australian cycling jeans continuing here um yeah that’s quite incredible his mother apparently also a professional cyclist so what a scalp that is and a young 19-year-old Australian kid winning that’s impressive um yeah Ghana of course preparing for the tour well the Olympics but we we Shan talk about him too much because he’s not in the toural France so that’s a bit of a shame but he did do the Jed Tire no Josh tling as well in the team it would have been great to have seen the European Champion here there are of course two time trials up for grabs and um probably not the one last one would have favored him nevertheless um that aside that shock news aside Cameron Rogers incredible feat that um Changing of the Guard no I mean that little trk under development they have some incredible Riders to say the least we’re just seeing the Breakaway Riders uh come through a tunnel here and it is Christopher ulansen taking up the mantle that he had yesterday of just guiding this group up 2.7 km still to go until we get to that mountains classification here who’s going to take it who knows we’re talking about the hre de Grange prize and you guys are thinking that it is going to be the Breakaway who takes this uh yeah this will be interesting uh to see what happens here why so cynical what are we saying why prize second uh oh oops oops I made a mistake I made a mistake in the poll we’ll do a new poll um thanks for that gladus uh yeah prize can’t finish second what is that what is that that was me being a bit bit weird it’s hard it’s hard to write and and talk to you guys at the same time I’m not complaining I’m just saying sometimes it’s very hard to do well and typing and keeping that word in your head but right now we’re seeing mat vanol at the side with the team car here 70.7 km to go 2.3 km left of this climb before the next climb is the cig gbia the final climb but that is of course not we we have the finishing line that comes at the bottom of the cig Gia this is going to be a tear up for the books uh potentially I would love to see I would love to see not a tacha or one of the galacticos winning today actually matcho winning that would be a great one but is that going to happen very unlikely very unlikely so uh yeah um will okay the hry de gr prize hry de gr prize hry de gr prize who takes it uh pelaton or the Breakaway and I’ll put a separate category for machoo so if you believe that maipo is going to take the H de gr price we’ll put that in as well he is of course part of the Breakaway valtin madad here Alexi lenko towards the front here and then the two Spanish guys from AA BNB hotels we’ll see what they can do here but who’s going to be taking that h the grunch price it’s not the next uh climb or the next one up for grabs that’s in 1.6 km 5 Points available Cat 2 climb the hry de gr priz of course a HC climb all category outside of classication so we have the 4 3 2 1 and then the HC is the highest and this is the highest of the highs being the hre de gr pricee I think I’m the one who said the hry de gr price the most today out of anyone on the planet but right now o look look looking very good tobas Hal Johanson odd Christian I they will have to see what they can do to try and neutralize um valtin mad getting more points there’s only 10 points between him and their teammate yonas abrahamson who’s out the back unfortunately so the Terminator for Norwegian or Norway couldn’t do anything uh today unfortunately maybe saving his bullets for other days to come we’re very close to the border now between France and and Italy now so the Tor France is going to soon touch onto French Road and that will be the first time that the Tor France will actually have been in France for this year’s H edition of the race good we have our pole going up now as well so 29% of you are in the match of onol camp with myself but only 29% going for the pelaton here so that’s quite interesting will the peleton let this go remember that uh 2 minutes and 31 seconds is the time for the best riders in this group there’s two riders that are that on GC quite surprised that they let them go but one kilometer now until we get to that man Jersey Point uh and is it going to be gram FD they have got the most Riders In Here Roman gregar in here David goodu and then valtim M the current poo Jersey wearer not leader the French they love to win this jersey but it’s been a bit of a while um yeah last year we had we had none other than Julia chor winning then the year before that we had jonis vingard doing the double Jersey win with the yellow Jersey and the POG Jersey stealing it away from Simon geska Simon geska in the last few throws of the race so that was a bit of a shame but Wan b day was the last time we had a French winner they had three years of enjoyment in that POA jersey with Warren Bill Julian Al Philip in 2018 and Roman bade that 20 19 win so three years consecutively but since then four years of a drought for them and uh they do love to win that Jersey but it’s been a bit of a while here they have 23 victories to their name Spain again second in that competition like we had with the the hre de gr prize only five five jerseys separate France and Spain so it’s quite a close one to be honest but yeah right now we’re seeing aletti lenko guiding them up here we are going to get closer to that polka Jersey point now we’re seeing waran bagil there’s less than 500 meters to go here who’s looking spritely here who’s looking the more energetic we got gram F I think this is wmart Greg is he going to neutralize it for Valentin madis I can’t see where Valentin madis is right now so that’s a bit worrying 400 m it’s ticking down madis is far down in this group he’s towards the middle end so it looks like he might not take up he might not take those Five Points the three points or the two points right now oh is he going to come from behind here o this is a bit nerving for anyone wanting him to wear that Jersey at the end maybe he’s thinking I need to save my bullets for the honor de gr prize I want that honor to be bestowed on my name I want oh here we go here we go Warren bagil attacking no one really responding here we go Valentine madas responds with Steven Williams like we before one of the Ono X Mobility Riders as well trying to cover this can’t quite keep the pace up and it’s a tight battle between the three as we saw before o I think that was Steven Williams I think the flesh vone winner did take it again so Israel Premier Tech 10 points there and uh he moves himself up here and shows that intent that we might have a Welshman in the battle for the polka Jersey here that was a interesting battle there between the three of them Warren bgee opens it up looks behind looks looks behind again but maybe that was a bit of a mistake here and then we saw Val madw and Williams coming up from behind then it’s very close to the line there should have been a bike throw oh yeah if Warren bagil did a bike throw I think he would have taken it but Steven Williams the man from Israel premere Tech adds a few more coppers uh funds to the Israel premere Tech fund there in terms of the team prize and yeah what a good uh what a good achievement there by Ste Williams is he going to be the man who gets the hre de gr prize English Riders hre de gr prize well he’s not English he’s British let’s not let’s not do them that disservice Welshman very proud as well and they don’t want to be labeled as English people um yeah hre de Grange prize and Brits what how does that look um I can’t think of one that Rings any bells number 82 struggling out towards the back and uh British British British H I can’t quite think of it no I don’t think we’ve had any British hory deg gr Enterprise winners yeah that’s quite shocking I thought maybe a Tom Simpson oh wait wait wait no no no Barry hobin Barry hobin 1968 Barry hobin 1968 the man who won get wble gam as well he’s 84 years Young as of today eight stage victories as well I feel like he doesn’t get enough um publicity in a way but 844 years old I think he’s just enjoying life as well uh but 66.6 km the lead of the Breakaway has come down to 2 minutes and 13 seconds now so that is a bit of a worry for any of the Breakaway Riders right now um yeah this this could be nerving stuff now if they’re going to if they’re thinking about that hry de gr price 2 minutes is not a long time to say the least on this kind of climb but 6 minutes and 12 seconds down to the honor Dee group the Belgian national champion not quite sure where where he’s getting screen time here he doesn’t really care they’re just taking it easy uh but it is his first Mountain Stage at the Toral France the youngster the 22-year-old was up there in the his first ever Toral France Sprint yesterday and uh yeah a bit of ay bodgy with uh Dylan hoan hoan complaining but I mean hoan is U that’s quite ironic in a way um yeah but we’ll wait and see the next climb is the big climb now we’re seeing the back end here o losano he could be he could maybe be thinking about adding another um hre de grunch prize tally to the span Spanish the Spanish ones um the Spanish tally here to take them up to 15 there would only be two behind uh France do you think all the Spanish Riders have a WhatsApp group and they said guys what we need to do is get rid of well get one more of them for Spain so we can get closer to France we have got uh three Spanish riders in here but we’ve got a lot of French riders in here as well in this front group we’ve got Mato buror we’ got Warren Bill we got Roman guua David gou Roman Julio Bernard I mean there you go Valentin mad so it’s like they are outgunned right now the Spanish riders in the break two Norwegians as well only one Dane uh no South Americans only a European well Kazakhstan that’s Asia isn’t it we’re calling Kazakhstan is Asia yeah let’s not yeah we can’t I know they they have the European border is very blurred sometimes and certain countries they feel like they should be included but I think think Kazakhstan can’t make a case for them but we’re seeing Mel vapo absolutely Drive the Breakaway here down the uh Down The Descent not quite the Tom pitock level of descending but he certainly is one of the best descenders in the world Macho Bandero just flying down and well actually it’s getting very close now to becoming uh yeah to becoming uh exactly T Tom poock esque the say we have of course Got The Descent down the gbia as well so maybe pitco wants to do that kind of uh viral hit again that was an incredible descent he is such an amazing descender even though he claims that there are better descenders in the sprinters group Etc but yeah that day he certainly um shocked everyone in the cycling world with that performance that that was incredible Raiders are struggling to hold on to the speed of Mach of under here a bit uh being caught yeah he’s putting them to a bit to the sword here 2 minutes and 4 seconds so they are losing time to the peleton behind 63 km to go here and in terms of when we come to the next well the top of the climb will be settled in 44.6 km time so that is when we’re going to get the next clim well the top of the climb the on re the gr PR HRI de gr prize and the Riders will be 120 km into the stage the Finish Line as we know is 62 km away but uh who’s going to be able to do something here from the Breakaway are we going to see last man standing of David goodu potentially valtin madw but if they do get to the hre de gr prize it could potentially be a breakaway win stepen Williams looking good as well he’s just making sure that he can keep it uh quite calm as well and great to have Vera here as well great to have so many of our regulars in the comments and uh exciting competition coming out today on um yeah the channel I signed Alberto contador and new Vincento ni cycling cap so that’s going to be up for grabs for anyone and uh yeah we’ll wait and see what happens now but it’s it’s a big breakout in front we still have those 17 Riders still have the 17 Riders losano is certainly going to be exciting is this his first ever toural France I think yes yes it is first ever toal France for losano Oya losano 24 years old uh Spanish well one of the best Spanish Classics writers I’ve seen in a very long time uh Juan Antonio Fletcher probably a better one you would say maybe but third place in K brussell Kern was certainly a great result from him and second in DW of lerin last year that was equally a good result but uh yeah what can he do in The Monuments in the future we wait and see uh it wasn’t a great randan blandin for him and I think he crashed out on Peru Bay so he’ll come back he’ll come back for sure but he certainly will be eyeing up stage n or Stage Nine uh the he’ll be eyeing up the the gravel stage for sure that’s going to be an exciting one for him already having won a gravel stage this year but the gravel stage is on Stage Nine in TW and right now we’re seeing the Uno X boys uh just trying to man well on The Descent doing their best here just throwing it up the road doing their best um but who’s going to be able to do something here many of these Riders holding their powder dry as well are we’re going to see them do something uh some of the Singler Riders potentially potentially not but right now it is looking quite interesting to say the least of what’s going to happen um 60 km still to go here are we going to see the break win the stage probably not 2 minutes and 2 seconds coming down these beautiful roads we are in France now no longer in Italy Italy is done history the grander PA in Italy happened great results there but it’s not going to happen uh top competitors that I’ve never won in the Tour of France in terms of career wins Danny van poppo who was 19 when he did his first Tour of France 28 wins to his account then we’ve got Jah almea 21 wins as well Yan tratnik has 21 career wins wow that is not no he hasn’t lies lies 12 career victories okay it’s a bit blurred how you define the wins as well CU they don’t include the 2.2 wins uh which is a shame because there is still a bike race but they don’t include the lower category races unfortunately so if you were to win uh a stage in the what should we say well in the total laer even the under 23s don’t count towards your professional record but even if you were to win 2.2 race can we think of one um H the tour of the Five Rings of Moscow the stage race they used to have in in Russia that wouldn’t count towards your tal unfortunately so yeah yonas abrahamson still leading the Poo jersey with eight points down to valtim MZ who has 16 points and is still the wearer of the green jersey Steven Williams climbs up into third now with 10 points courtesy of that win he had on the stage today and he looks like he’s feeling very good today could he become the first ever Welshman and second Brit to win the hre de gr prize but right now UAE are forcing a split UAE are forcing a split here wow this is getting interesting wow wow wow there’s a split happening in the pelaton right now being put on by UAE team emirats they are forcing the yellow Jersey I think yellow the yellow Jersey has been caught out here UAE wow this is looking interesting just putting some of the other teams Under Pressure here before the cig Gia and uh what a tactic by UAE we all thinking oh you’re going to do the move when we come to the slopes of the cig gbia and they go nope we are going to do it now uh yeah we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see yeah as Mike say as well make sure to hit the like button if you haven’t already let’s try and beat our total of I think it was 53 from day one and we’ll wait and see what happens and if you are new here why not hit the like button and subscribe well hit the like button as we said but subscribe to the channel to see your name flash up forever but yeah just a bit of a nudge there in terms of the UAE boys and uh yeah some teams there caught out a bit but they’re all back together it seems 1 minute 52 seconds bit of teasing there by the UAE team and uh yeah uh I I love seeing this that we don’t just wait and write to a ride to the power meter that they actually push on a bit uh great bit of yeah freestyling there from UAE uh you we’re so accustomed to the team Sky just look at look at the power meter 400 400 watts for 3 hours but uh yeah UAE just doing it a bit different here 56.6 km 1 minute and 50 seconds now some of the teams a bit annoyed about that I think just woke up a bit as well just oh oh oh we need to pay attention even on a descent here Brian Kar towards the back here is that of this group because if that is this group that is remarkable climbing by Brian Kar Brian Kar still looking for that elusive stage win in the Tour of France the diminutive Sprinter can he do something here we’ve also got Ryan Gibbons there as well oh interesting stuff here 50% of you believe it is going to be the Pelon where we get the HRI de gr Prize winner from so um yeah is it going to be from that group or is it going to be from the Pelon or is it going to be Mach vapo like I’ve said in the I voted for match vapo with my heart I hope we’re going to see Machu van deool Macho from the pool uh I’m not sure that translate I should ask my Dutch friends or if we have any Dutch people in the chat let us know uh plenty of support for paga from you guys as well plenty of support for Pacha everywhere but 110 km is the speed of the Breakaway out in front so they’ve increased their margin a bit there they just took back 5 Seconds up to 1 minute and 57 seconds so um yeah they know that there could be an There is five grand up for up for grabs here up towards the finish line and uh yeah we’ll wait and see what can happen here but this is certainly an exciting one to say the least 2 minutes now 2 minutes and 1 seconds we’re getting ever closer to the foot of the C gbia the highest point of the to France as I’ve said about a billion times already in this stream but uh yeah it is an exciting stage and all we’re going to see a big battle between the GC Riders the GC currently very close between Remo T yingo and Richard kopas the current yellow Jersey wearer so uh yeah Rich caras the first ever equadorian to wear this jersey first ever equadorian to wear the jersey of the welpa and the Maria Rosa so he’s done of the jayre but right now it’s the Uno x uh well actually it’s the Scandinavians up towards the front with cresto jiansen up here as well Matel Vander Paul what can he do uh Steven Williams is the Dark Horse now for that hry de gr price the danger man you would say Davido as well has he got any bullets left or is he using this Breakaway as kind of try and ride in back into some form here form is a very weird weird thing you never know if you have it some days you have it some days you don’t have it but right now we’re seeing the uat memor boys coming down this descent as well they’ve strung out this pelaton quite a bit now and what are we going to see who’s going to win the stage is it going to come from this team uat mem they have a Powerhouse of team of a team and Jonas vingle is the man that they’re looking to make uncomfortable today they don’t necessarily have to take the Jersey today by any means because the next two stages are going to be flat stages and then we got the time trial so we could be in a situation where the time trial decides the next yellow Jersey and if they if they stick together Remco Veno could be our next yellow Jersey wearer by the time we get to Stage seven so uh that would be quite nice having another yellow Jersey wearer uh for the first time but Neil PO is the man at the front here this is the role he was brought in for by borans from borans not borans would love to have him uh but Red Bull borans we touched on rogl a bit earlier and uh yeah there are going to be a team licking their wounds a bit Ry would have thought would have been up in that top four in on the San LCA stage because he’s the king of San LCA but he well and truly got dethroned by yis fingo and Tache those two having the fastest ever recorded time up that climb now uh taking the Kom for tacha so yeah that was quite remarkable 53 53.5 km still to go here 1 minute 52 seconds uat memor they’re doing their best here pushing on the pace who’s going to be able to do this this is um it’s every anyone’s game this really Neils poet uh Mark cair looking good there Yan tratnik in the mix laort still there there so that shows you that the pace isn’t too high uh hasn’t been too high but I think he’s been Ina as well the man who has won a stage himself in 2022 so uh what are we saying POG wins this stage we’ll have to wait and see how UAE plays this because the breakaways still have a handful of seconds there are also good climbers in that group so we could potentially see some of those clim climbers disappear up the road and uh yeah we’ll wait and see but if you haven’t already make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel here on the cycling Dane and of course that’s not where the fun starts and begins of our total France coverage yes it’s not just me sometimes it’s just me but there are a few other people as well associated with this channel uh we’re going to do the recap race analysis over on the cycling Dane extra or on the cycling Dane podcast available on Spotify and um yeah we’ve also got the stage previews coming up on the cycling day extra Channel as well so that’s our sister Channel if you’re new here but I’m sure many of you already follow that channel so uh that was just complete nonsense hearing that so anyways Neils pollet at the front the German riding for the UAE team in the services of his Slovenian leader many nations going on Yan traing as well but yeah the global appeal of this um this sport as well just shows as well with yesterday the first day Tran winner first Richard kopas awara and that van is where actually the procycling stats creators are situated so Pro cycling stats amazing website we always talk them up they are there on stage so uh yeah quite cool to be to say the least so uh yeah Patrick actually uh he’s on this well Patrick um part of the channel as well he’s on the gbia today so I’m sure we’re going to get some cool pictures from him and yeah right now 1 minute and 52 seconds 52 6 km to go getting ever closer with every pedal stroke to the top of the climb in fact we’ve got about 11 kmet until we get to the foot of the C Galia but it seems like they are climbing the cier huge climb 22.9 km at 5.1% average kicks up a bit between kilm 15 and kilm 18 but it is very much a very GR ual grind but they are coming up to some high altitude points highest point of the climb is 2628 met the highest point of this year’s Toral France but right now we’re seeing David gou of all people we all know what he can do but he hasn’t really been doing it in the last few days and yeah great to see him showing his face at this front of the race with his teammate Val mad here they’re going to be thinking of that polka Jersey potentially having it outright and not just holding on behalf of yores abrahamson who right now I think finds himself inside the gretto we also have Warren Bill a man who has won this polka do Jersey outright as well he wants to kind of bring back the old 2017 form that he had of course he’s a former total avaner winner and uh was seen as the next big thing for France I mean he has had a good career but it’s just not at the heights of what they were hoping the French they were hoping that this was going to be the next big Juggernaut in the form of defeating everyone the big yeah but it just wasn’t meant to be injuries and crashes Etc and maybe it wasn’t the best to go to AA some sake to be honest for his development uh after he was at sunweb 9.8 km until we get to the foot of the C Gia and yeah Andre Schleck winning here was absolutely my favorite moment of the Gabba completely he should have won toal France but some persistent tenacious little Australian who’s the same height as me so why am I calling him little uh Carell Evans he was the one who took the victory in that Year’s uh addition I think he actually did win a stage but it was early on it wasn’t it wasn’t uh inside the last final week so he took it after the time Tri I believe but little Trek with Julian Berard and I think he’s the the one who has a dad a father who is uh yeah a former time a former cyclist yes sha franois Bernard is his father uh former winner of Paris n former stage winner as well winning three stages in total and uh yeah a bit more accomplished than his son to some respect we have that a lot in cycling let’s be honest Eddie MKS um Axel Ms not quite the same league but yeah it’s hard to it’s hard when your father is Eddie MKS or these kind of writers but one one man who has eclipsed that father is none other than Machel vandero his father adre vandero of course also having uh done very well in cycling but match of vapo absolutely has eclipsed his dad by a landslide you have to say his grandfather as well Raymond pulo a French icon as well uh he was kind of of the Rival to Shak ontil the five-time winner of the total France but sh ontil didn’t see that as a rival um I think he said one time what rivalry uh which is yeah that that quite a dis but yeah well yonis vingal could almost say what rivalry with Teta it’s 2-1 right now but is it going to be 2-2 is the score is going to be leveled in this year’s Tour of France or we going to see uh Richard kapas taking a win taking taking one back remember these three had a jewel in 2021 um yeah what are we saying Vera has Pacha tried to attack Bingle well his team has tried to catch everyone out but I don’t care that as an attack so I would say no no we haven’t had an attack yet uh the Breakaway we’re seeing Bruno amarai just get a bit of feed here and uh yeah 49 49.8 km still to go we’re only 66 K into the stage it’s a very short stage compared to yesterday 100 km Less almost but yeah no well a lot more action is going to be in this stage per kilometer than we had yesterday that’s for sure it’s time for a new poll I think as well 51% of you believe it is going to go to the pelaton the H de grun prize it’s 2 minutes and 10 seconds now so they have increased their lead a bit Nils po gets to the front here again Rich car passes boys as well behind him this Lisa by Keen to stay up towards the front and that tactic has actually shown to pay some dividend here after we saw that bit of acceleration by UAE uh but I don’t think they should be doing any work that’s what I was saying I didn’t say staying at the front is a bad idea I said doing work at the front is a bad idea when you don’t have the jersey and you’re not the favorite Primus RIT here we’re seeing him as well in his new Bor hunt Red Bull Boran scrow kit 21 seconds down 17th right now in GC 21 seconds down down it’s not disastrous his tour isn’t over let’s be honest but it’s it was just not what he needed just for the confidence to boost it a bit um you would have thought that he just wanted to show himself on a place where he had been uh so dominant in the past even uh the last year beating tacha to that so uh what are we saying here Mike as well uh but by the time uh yeah I think yers will be happy to stay seconds behind pagat and stay away trying to what what yeah okay I think I get what you mean um yeah if he can get if he can ride himself into this race on that third week the paths the two the two uh GRS can kind of of form can surpass each other and maybe tacha will start to feel the Jalia efforts and his heavy season in the beginning and you vingo will have reclaimed some form back and have some strong legs and lungs Etc but yeah that’s why we’re watching the race nothing set in stone anything can happen here great to have 650 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from who you think is going to win the stage as well we almost on the uh on the first first meter of the cig Gia so that is going to be an exciting battle here all the way to the top a humongous climb to say the least uh men Vox is saying Pacha will crack Under Pressure yeah it’s that’s why we’re watching there’s so many intriguing story lines I would have wished that that um bass country crash hadn’t happened uh to be honest but it has it has changed the race a lot more it it’s made it the storyline being more interesting in this narrative The Comeback story from Tad from yis go comeback story from rogich Remco and yeah we’ll wait and see here but kapas the leader the Ecuadorian leader first ever leader the Olympic champion so many accolades bestowed onto his name and another one having warn being the leader of all the three grand Tours that’s no mean feat the only well who has done that tacha hasn’t done that rogl has done that of course um who else is you want has not done it cuz he hasn’t gone to the jur Italia so Remco Veno hasn’t done it because this is his first ever tour to France so we’ll wait and see uh how how deep he can take this challenge as well caras Had a Bad season last year uh his first season with year education easy post there was overweight reports as well so we’ll wait and see if uh yeah another year with the team he’s learned the ropes of the team and here we are uh who has the best legs in these stages beside yores and pagach I mean again we don’t know it’s so uncertain right now would that crash the the what we’ve seen we could have a battle between the UAE team and uh the VIS Malisa bike Team here as well with the domestiques REM Keno in the car here with Richard carass quite a weird site that was why were they in the cars hm that was a bit of a weird moment if anyone else saw that we had Richard kopas and Remco Veno behind two team cars I’m not sure if there was something that had gone on but the Breakaway out in front now we’ve got Ali lenko we’ve got Vin mad here uh 5 km until we get to the start of the clim so 5 km that’s all that separates them now from the bottom of the cig Gia that would will be that will be a nerving start when they see that and uh let me just change where we had the alert box so anyone who did subscribe apologies for that uh we’ll just see if we can have your names flash up as well welcome Andrew welcome Scott Hansen so another Scott uh di Diane as well may as well so a lot of new subscribers joining n as well welcome welcome funny video good name as well Tess media welcome everyone welcome to the cycling Dan community and yeah right now 46 km still to go here we’re getting grar up towards the front and uh yeah a lot can still happen here in the race with the Breakaway 2 minutes and 34 seconds now so it’s building up slowly the world champion here is here in the break and what can he do sitting 37 minutes down in GC he doesn’t care about GC obviously he cared about the stage win yesterday for yasper philipson but an untimely mechanical was the culprit in that yeah but we got history I’m not sure if yasper philipson was in the mix if beanie would have won you never know we will never know now it’s just gone it’s gone the moment’s gone bie took it should have could have would have as Patrick says 48.6 km 2 minutes and 34 seconds so it’s increased by 40 seconds since we left The Descent so that is quite intriguing and now the better climbers are going to start thinking about conserving energy in that Breakaway thinking okay I want to be up there but right now we’re seeing mat jensson in the car as well um he’s going to be a very important piece in the U in the VIS M Lisa bike puzzle if they’re going to take the win here oh is it going to happen that is the big question with yis vingle and a third cons executive uh title it’s quite a rare feed in uh the total France hasn’t happened that much in the modern modern Pelon we’ve seen it from Chris Frum I believe didn’t he win he won 2013 not 2014 2015 16 and 17 and then he didn’t win 2018 uh of course winning winning four in total uh not joining that far elite club but I don’t think he will be joining that now unfortunately he’s not even in the race uh this time so bit of a shame he could potentially have done it in 2018 but just wasn’t meant to be Garen Thomas winning on that day and uh yeah great to have James back as well great to have so many of the regulars here so uh let us know where you’re watching from as well it’s always great to see all the different countries we have watching uh we have Philippines uh a few of you joining us from the Philippines Australia America plenty of you well yeah the smallest country we have can we can we try and well we can try to see how many states we’ve got how many different nationalities that would be quite interesting about 44.4 km to go here the 17 Man Group we haven’t talked about them for a while as a whole so we’ll just remind ourselves become we before we come into the nitty-gritty of the climb we got ad Dan Christopher ulansen we got Juliana not not Juliana Philip Julian Bernard Bruno Al maray David G bman greguar Val madis is wearing the pocketo Jersey on the behalf of yoris abrahamson M Mato no not mat Mao vandero the king himself the two-time current world champion Steven Williams the welchman flesh valone winner tore down under OES Caro Garcia and Rodriguez for a BNB Corin hosen from interm Warren bill from DSM fmin Alexi lenko the pride of Kazakhstan Oya Oya no we said Oya laso another o o odd Christian iin the Norwegian together with his teammate and Countryman tobas Hal Johannes and met and not Matel another matro um matro Boro who thought matro was going to be the most common name in that Breakaway I think it is there’s only two of them we’ve got a chist no we got two Christians but it spelled differently so I guess that doesn’t count 43.7 we’re just ticking off these kilometers anticipating that giant battle that we might get now 2 minutes and 47 seconds so they’ve increased the margin quite handsomely um this Breakaway now this is quite good they know that this is free well it’s not free but it’s uh this is the time to make up the time on the Pelon knowing that there’s so many climbers there that are certainly going to be uh trying to destroy everything we’ve got uh Paro from Ecuador we’ve got Frankie from Ireland we’ve got Minnesota with Todd Canada as well Berkeley California Silk milk from Croatia great to have you here as well uh Madison in Wisconsin Cuba as well South Africa Riad in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia great to have so many people here Keith watching on it counts just like the miles you count them all that is very true all the kilometers count here uh we still have Nils poet the lone leader in the pelaton and uh yeah UAE not committing completely this is exactly why uh Neils po was brought in also because he’s very good in the classics he had a very good Classics campaign being up there in the tour of Flanders so yeah it certainly is exciting great to have 700 people in the chat also look out for in the community chat later on we’re going to have a very exciting competition for a well a TX fro cap signed by uh Alberto contador and mzo neb so that’s going to be an exciting one to raffle off and uh yeah if you want to be in it to win it then uh just get involved with whatever the competition is going to be India as well Denmark Kenny from Scotland so uh yeah Poland as well with Patty um so rooting on for yeah Ben Healey I guess but yeah we’ll wait and see here what happens one more kilometer closer 42 kilom yesterday that was horrendous it was very boring let’s be honest but yeah they’ve got a gap now of 2 minutes and 42 seconds now they’re called the gbia here being shown and uh this should be an exciting one to say the least I’m excited we’re all excited that’s why we’re here we want to see The Showdown and uh thanks for Tony joining us on his holiday in Sardinia as well uh yeah mat of Wonder here he’s not getting a of love for you guys only 18% of you believe him getting the HRI de gr prize if you’re new make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel to see your name flash up but of course the hre de grun prize the Souvenir hre de grun the homage to the first ever race director for the Toral France and that was yeah hre degrange and uh he wanted to find mountains the highest points as you could find and that’s why his name is now Alex ated to the hre de gr prize being the highest point of the total France and this year it is the C Gali and we have of course seen one by Gil win this before on this very same climb Andy schle is probably the most epic moment in my opinion on this climb in 2011 when he won a very long solo attack up here but great to have music wave you back in the comments as well so many regulars and many new names as well so welcome welcome and we hope Hope you join us for the rest of the torto France as well but yeah we’re getting a reminder here of the epic epic epic epic descent from Tom pitock two years ago before he won the OB stage and uh yeah Tom pitock what a remarkable athlete he is um yeah Talent a real big talent but right now we’re seeing uh well we’re seeing pictures of s that San LCA attacked by T batcha but we’re also seeing uh waren bill just putting the pressure on here in in the other group valte mad is looking around he’s the one who has two teammates the most of any team they have three Riders grou fdj have they changed their yeah the the goals a bit now with David gun not doing great Lany Martinez is out the back as well so that’s going to be a big talking point later on as well um yeah a bit a big shame that Lenny Martinez the Young the debutant kind of a emergency debutant uh wasn’t able to do anything um um illness probably Co is going around the Pelon as we know with sep Cruz going out the race we’re seeing the two classic Specialist of mat Macho vandero and oiso leading them up now they are on the climb 22 km to go here oh 2 minutes and 50 seconds remember that that is the gap now 2 minutes and 50 seconds down to the Breakaway uh down to the pel on are they going to be able to keep this all the way to the top 21.9 km that is the finishing line for some of these Riders who’s going to be the one getting that H re de gr price you guys 54% of you 4115 of you have voted are saying it is going to be none other than the pelaton and maybe T gatcha is the man on many of your’s lips so um yeah we’ll wait and see here um what’s going to happen but David goodoo towards the front here Alti lenko towards the front what can the kazak man do he’s I seem to recall he’s won a stage of the tour um I’m pretty sure he has let’s just go back yeah 2020 was when he won a stage um on uh yeah Mountain Stage actually from the Breakaway obviously it was yeah Mont auu that was terrible but yeah he has taken a stage win uh on that occasion in that legendary 2020 toal France uh Egan beral of course was part of that as well in that race we had Richard car pass there a number of riders that are in the race today uh what are we going to see with Egan Bernal are we going to see him going to be able to do anything here uh yeah we’ll wait to see okay music wavy wants another poll so we’ll we’ll do another poll uh matcho vapol what is he going to do here um waron bagil can he do something here yeah P just told us to climb as well and I did not supplement with the pronunciation 40 km left of the stage until we are in the finishing line of stage four um yeah this is very funny as well uh what’s going on on the road uh with the like the just seeing the yeah the the kind of dynamic with the Breakaway who’s going to be able to do something here are we going to see um marvar with oiless conter take the win Steven Williams as we said has taking the two first um yeah the two first break or the two first points so uh that that is interesting um if it’s going to happen but right now Alti lenko he might be a quite a Danger Man David guo Danger Man malty mad Danger Man plenty of good climbers in this group Tobias Hal johanneson can he finally live up to that potential of a toal 11 year winner in some respects there is another total 11 year winner in here like we said before uh Warren bagil um but Warren Bill what can he do H he certainly is a very strong Rider very nice guy as well I happen to talk to him at the DSM team uh presentation in January and he was very very nice uh to say the least super nice you never know with these guys they could have huge egos on them uh you you like these guys you look up to them uh some of these guys like following them as a kid and then seeing them in person it’s like yeah you never know you never know if they’re nice you never know if they’re not nice um but uh yeah the man who won up the Gali andle my personal cycling hero I can say is an absolute gentleman in person and is exactly who you would want to have as a hero so much time for him and yeah he has so much time for his fans as well so I’m an absolute Super Fan of Andy schle winning up the C the gbia in 2011 and winning of course or winning the tour France in 2010 we always have to put that caveat on um yeah with the Alberto contador um thing but I kind of see it as payback for Chen gate so uh yeah I I don’t want Anish like not to have a total France so uh yeah make of that you will but I’m also a fan of Kor so it’s yeah davu we’re seeing him for in top 10 actually another total Lair finisher as well so we got three total Lair finish winners in the top group in the Breakaway that’s probably the most total laer guys we’ve had in a breakway ever um you have to say that you have to say uh David goodu tobas H johanneson and uh yeah War bagil that’s quite a little stat there three of them up there but who of them will Top it out here Tobias Hal yanon being the first Rider over the C Tom last year and uh we’ll wait and see if he can get another one of these big mountains on his record a stage win would be great to say the least and uh thanks David as well for your kind comments listening to the great nation of Texas uh well we it is a state we know I’m part of the USA but I’m pretty sure Texas is bigger than my country of Denmark so uh yeah we’ll wait and see here what is going to happen but Neils poet is still he’s earning his paycheck here Neils poet he’s doing a great effort with I think it’s Oliver naren behind him the Belgian Classics Rider we also got Felix gal that team ag2r de cathlon or de cathlon a2r have got Sam Benner here but they also have last year’s hre de gr Prize winner what is that not the Andre de PR the C lo I believe it was yeah Felix G so fix G here as well uh Nils po just said something in the radio that’s the radio message we want to hear that is the radio message we want to hear um yeah 37.9 km still to go here 19 km left of the legendary C galib we’re seeing Jake Stewart go out the back here for Israel primatech not quite sure of his inclusion in the team of course they’ve got Pascal aaman so maybe lead out judies you would have thought they would have brought Chris F but I’ve said this quite a number of times already but the Breakaway they have a lead of 2 minutes and 12 seconds so it’s come down 38 seconds now 38 seconds in the first kilometer or 1.2 km so yeah I it’s I don’t think it’s going to happen guys I don’t think it’s going to happen Keith asking where is Cav no idea to be honest I think he must be in the gretto I think the gretto going to be fine on today they they know how to manage the time Cavendish looked a bit better and uh he has got two stages in the next two days to try and get that elusive historic win bam gay outshining him yesterday getting that Victory but of course Cavendish wasn’t even there for the Sprint so Cav and Jasper philipson if they had been there would have been a different story as we know I’m a Big Bam gay fan but I can you can still be honest and say that potentially bie would have had it a bit harder if Jasper philipson and uh Mark cdes were there D finishing second place there and uh yeah on a dele in third place and then Mes pson in that unfortunate position of fourth place the first of the nothingness as he calls it but Neils poet guiding up the favorites group now with ag2 citrin or ag2 de cathlin whatever ag2 stop changing names guys keep it like UAE even like V Melissa b g really so now we just have to forget about yo visma that sounded so nice inios at least well inos changed from Team Sky to inos to inos grenad so they have even gone through the name changes kodis they have not changed their name for many years even our KS samsi have changed their name Israel Premier Tech have changed their name a few times UAE have never changed their name so good on them even Bahrain have changed their name they were bin McLaren at one point now they’re barin Victorious so a lot of name changes going on but it’s 2 minutes and 7 Seconds Neils poet doing a great job here to pull this back so yeah I mean when are we going to see the climbers drop the non-climbers in the Breakaway that is the big question uh we wanted a new poll here as well um will madas be in the polka dot at the end of the stage yes or no so we know Val mod is not leading that Jersey but he is very close now very close now eight points is the gap between him and the current green jersey wearer and uh yeah of course of course as bad daddy fish is saying that is the reason they changed their name it’s sponsors we’re not like football we’re not like any other sport they give the sponsors the naming rights and yeah I don’t know what you make of it it’s part of the these quirky details of the sport that you come to love as well and uh yeah the teams don’t get race Revenue that is the big thing that is a big like criticism by the teams like the Premier League for instance the teams get a share of the revenue there the teams do not get anything from the tour organizers in terms of the TV and all that so it’s a very strange dynamic in cycling so great to have 700 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from Plenty of you across the pond in America and 17.3 km still left of the CU Gia the margin is down to 2 minutes and 2 seconds being brought down by none other than Nils poet the German who made his transition over to uat M from Bor hrow Bor hrow uh who have now turned into uh Red Bull Bor hanscow not in the greatest position in terms of GC the order had wanted to have r at least inside the top 10 so yeah music wavy as well saying what about a Uso attack I mean yeah I think UAE need to play a bit with their strong cards and just upset everything and just put pressure on everyone else that would be a great way of playing it doing the onew punch kind of thing um yeah great to have Manchester in the house as well England not America I know there’s a Manchester in America Cambodia as well oh are we going to try and test my capitals knowledge again Cambodia makes uh yeah is it the pom pom pom um something P I might have mistaken that but anyway um the Capitals game that we seem to play every single Grand Tour that you guys test me with your countries we had Cuba as well so I’m going to say Havana on that one 35.6 km still to go here 1 minute and 57 seconds so they are just managing it a bit uh great to have Finland in the house um fun fact I’m actually part finish courtesy of my grandmother so that’s quite funny uh never really talk about that doesn’t really go down the cycling d slash kind of finish well not kind of a bit finish but 1 minute and 54 seconds like we said that weird piece of trivia side um yeah the slope like we said it’s going to get it’s not too hard uh to say the least and uh yeah we got a Canadian in Czech Republic as well or czechia as I think they’ve now rebranded we’re seeing W vard towards the back now he’s out the back number eight it’s not really been the most luck he’s had eight or kind of assigned good luck we’ve got chavier as well from Ecuador Ecuador Quinto Kito Quinto Kito Quinto I know how it’s spelled I’m just not great with pronunciations Danish ones a them of course but yeah we’ll wait and see uh yeah we’re getting told that fins can drive yeah Formula One of course but yeah right now wat vard is out the back so um he’s also just riding into some form as well we’re seeing Red Bull borans who’s that is that dining V Popple potentially he’s riding next to but these guys uh big days to come for what we not potentially in the services of yoris vingle but right now we’ve got UAE taking it up with Tim willins and Mark CA so this is a changing Dynamic of the race UAE they’re starting to just op in now oh Felix saying Namibia Whit Haw ha got that one uh Scott is saying my state of Georgia is likely bigger than Denmark hm yeah I’m sure most states are bigger than Denmark I think the more interesting stuff would be is there a state smaller than Denmark uh 5.4 million strong um one of them being Yus fingo here Nils poet out the back doing a great service the German and uh yeah should be interesting to say the least um yeah 1 minute and 31 seconds now so alarm bells for the Breakaway right now alarm Bells alarm Bells alarm Bells uh me no Mo Vox me MIM Mo Vox is saying that Oro the capital of Denmark aha I’m from Copenhagen so come at as orus I think orus is a beautiful city and if well I’ve been advocating for for Italian tourism the last few days so maybe I should do some service for my own country as well orus is a great City to visit so is Copenhagen but Oho certainly is nice uh yeah as I didn’t get on to the air TR of course I know asara is the capital of a tra we’ve known this for a long time now with Binum gumay but right now we’re seeing da caflon ag2r Bruno amarai moving in the break they will have gotten the news that Tim willins and Marx have taken up the front of the pelaton 5% gradients here so it’s not too challenging but this was what we were advocating come on guys you need to do something here this movement happening in the pelaton so you need to do something so uh yeah right now rers going being being spat out the back and one of them is ooh no I thought it was matano I think this is the favorites group we’re seeing 97 at the back uh for grama FD so uh yeah a lot of movement happening in terms of riders going at the back courtesy of that accelerational pace by the uat memores boys here this is going to be interesting now they’re starting to deploy that Allstar uh Toral France team that we’ve been talking about so many times now on the preview on the tour top five but is the Calon ag2r lining up behind them so is DSM feric but where is visma Lisa bike that’s the big question here they’re trying to drill down get rid of all the auxiliary Riders and really get it down to the leaders of the other teams here the Kon ag2 are certainly looking very strong 15 km to go the lead is down to 1 minute and 10 seconds David gdo is the first Rider to make a move in the Breakaway he UPS the pace here it’s trying to be followed by his countryman of Warren bgil and also Mao badoor so the three Frenchmen trying to disappear up the front they’re being joined by one of the Spanish riters from a uh AAS BNB hotels there you go the name change and choer jiansen the Dane as well unlikely Joiner M mik kovski looking like he needs the team car here is he getting some drinks what’s happening he’s gotone out the back oh no the pole the former world champion the stage winner of the tour he’s out the back here but the pace is being driven on here now Tim wellins and Mark cair are the two at the front here uh kathin ag2r lining up behind then we’ve got DSM fck with the former yellow Jersey Weare of Roman bade then we’ve got Red Bull Boran scrow then we’ve got sadal quickstep where’s visma Lisa bike and where is EF education easy post and where is UAE the remainder of them but it looks like we have Bob jungles it it seems yeah Bob jungles is the one guiding uh Primos RIT up at the front we’re getting o losano is the one attacking now so they brought back the free Frenchmen and the M Star Rider who’s climbing very well in the doofan has now just gotten some clean air between himself and his former Breakaway companions the man 47 seconds down or minutes down in GC he’s no threat to anyone he as we said oh no oh no atlet lenko is at the back oh that’s a shame that’s a shame uh we also have one of the Spanish Riders out the back here as well so uh yeah that is a big big shame that is a big big shame here but o Lano has gotten himself a bit of breathing room between his former companions but uh K DJ with the most riders in this group are determined not to let the Spanish Rider have an easy ride and now it’s getting a bit spicy here at the front they were working well together and doing a great job and great to have Dr Milo back in the comments as well where is Remco Veno that is a big question great to have thousand people here in the chat and uh remember to hit the like button subscribe to the channel and let’s see if we can get past our highest like point in this year’s Toral France 534 I believe is the number we’re looking for we’re on 182 so it’s free it doesn’t cost anything but right now we’re seeing o losano really put his stall out to try and win this David is trying to bring him back oh Macho vanap Macho vul’s dropped but I mean not a lot of us thought well I was hoping matool is out of the battle for the hre de gr prize unfortunately so it’s all still to play for at the front here uh Warren bagil oh no the 2017 polka Jersey wearer winner winner not wearer uh is dropped as well the former winner on the Andre de gr prize on uh exactly these rows has gone out the back unfortunately oo up there with Mato Badoo he’s looking very good that 5,000 is looming for one of these Riders potentially we also have one of the Uno X boys with Christoper ulansen so right now we’ve got oos Caro with David gdo on his wheel then we’ve got a bit of a gap to a trio with a Uno X rer Yul yansen and Badoo so it’s getting a bit spicy here B David gudo is the best climber on paper you would say and uh what can he do here that’s the big question can he do something here something big something powerful oh the French would go absolutely crazy if David godo could take the stage here if he could take the stage and the unre de gr prize that would absolutely be a amazing four days for the French okay they didn’t win yesterday but I think anyone would just let a tra have that day and what a historic moment that was but right now David gdo and O losano are getting breathing room to the rest of that 17 Man Group that we had originally here but DAV goo and O loano here oaso climbing very well the classic specialist looking behind here mistar this is the battle for the HRI de gr prize like we talked about okay a lot of you have just arrived the honory de gr prize is the highest point of the total France and it’s named after the first race director and creator of the torto France hre de grunch the first prize was in 19 1949 wasn’t not um after the second world war and since then we’ve had it and there’s only three between the two top nations of Spain and France in terms of the most wins on the highest point of the Tour of France it’s not where the stage finishes it’s where the Riders pass whoever passes that point first a bit like the Chim mopy in the J Tire they get a prize so um a lot up for grabs here we’re seeing some of the Breakaway Riders being brought back here by the uat mem team we’ve got Tim willins driving the pace right now the man who was brought in from the lotto sudal Squad uh has enjoyed two seasons now with UA memer and I think this is his first tour to France with the team David godo now we have the fourman group now fourman group towards the front uh we’ve got two Scandinavians a Frenchman and a Spaniard so that is the group so it’s that would good do Tobias Hal Johanson and uh yeah jul yansen and as we said uh we had a high high ratio of total La winners to the in the Breakaway it’s even higher now it’s 50/50 because there’s two totaler winners in this front group now with David gdo a winner of that race and of course Tobias har Johansson also a recent winner so interesting times here at the front of the race reminder to everyone we have got an exclusive competition coming out today in the community chat so if you want to see that subscribe to the channel That is a cap signed by Alberto and venzo nib both of whom have won the Tour of France in the past and yeah look out for that off the stage and uh yeah into that so uh right now we’re seeing uat memor bringing back the king the of the cyc Cross Match of unipole he thinks he’s thinking about the Olympics very sad that they couldn’t win yesterday with Jasper philipson but right now UAE absolutely tearing up the road 1 minute and 29 seconds though so the lead of the Breakaway has gone up a bit of that bit of move by the better climbers in that group and apparently Oya Lano is part of that and ulansen what a good move by him as well since he was at the front of the race so many times as well yesterday working for Dyan or behalf of Dean one minute at 22 seconds 29 seconds between the pokero Jersey wearer not the leader remember or Valentine madis and the front CET so that’s going to be a bit of annoying for the grama fdj team because they were hoping that mad a former top 10 finisher of the toor France could take that Jersey outright from yonas abrahamson so uh yeah we’ll wait to see what happens we’ll Wai and see what happens here but remember we are going above 2600 m in elevation almost a third well probably more than a third of Mount Everest okay here we go oano he wants to take that hre de gr prize for Spain to get one closer to the French alltime total here but davo on the services of France in France for the first time during this toural France wants to get it for France uh Tobias Al Johansson like we said got the called the T K last year so he wants to get that hre de gr prize added to his one but can he do so that’s the big question ulansen struggling a bit here the Dane he has some sort of Irish connection I can’t can’t quite remember what it is but I’m sure Patty knows about it uh but yeah Mark Solair here he’s pushing on Tim willins is done so Tim willin is done so Neils PA is done Tim willins is done and now it is Mark cair another former total avaner winner oh my goodness it’s LED with him Ty Bacha to laer winner as well uh Egan Bernal to Lair winner you see what I mean the correlation between the two Warren Bill dropped toal laer winner and it really does translate to potentially getting toal France success or being in the upper echelons of the sport for sure 30.2 km 11.3 km of the C Galia remember we do have that descent coming up as well but o losan looking around here this front quartet what can they do that’s the big question um Steven Williams we were thinking that he was potentially going to be the guy to win this but yeah it was meant to be what we’re seeing in the back group one of the AA Riders is opping the tempo in second group so that could help oh there we go tobas H johanneson wants to continue the Uno X Adventure here they’ve been up there with uh with yonas abrahamson and right now the Norwegian he is trying to do his best here as well to get up the road get that hre de gr priz and it looks like he’s going to get rid of jul yansen but Yul yansen is a diesel engine so he is going to do his best to try and do something here ah there we go Caro 19 telling her it’s 9.8% the elevation of uh Mount Everest so thank you for that but right now uh the attack was nullified so Tobias Hal johannson’s attack didn’t stay away 24 seconds between them and they can see the pelaton if they look to the left on the slopes 52 seconds behind uh they still have 10.8 km so they need to go guys you need to go you need to go it’s vamos uh this is this is it guys you need to go you can’t hang about here for too long and uh yeah the Pelton are certainly eating in to their advantage here this is not good uh carbo 19 is saying 55% of Monk Blanc as well so yeah it gives you some indication are we ever going to see a race up the Mount Everest no of course not uh but 19 uh 29.5 km 10.6 km left of this climb mark C is doing a great job for his leader when we haven’t even seen one us Yates or almea um at the front for tacha but are we going to see tacha doing anything here great to have Christ Christoper as well from Dubai and yeah if you haven’t already let us know where you’re watching from let us know who you think’s going to win and right now in the poll 54% of you believe it is going to be madw who takes the Poo Jersey at the end of the stage um yeah is he going to how he needs eight more points if he’s going to be able to do that who will be first on the Gia let’s ask that who’s going to be the first Rider on top of the gbia that is our next question um johanssen Johansson I’m sorry if I spell your name incorrectly I’m sure he doesn’t care we’re seeing Mark cair here uh we got Giani moscon on his wheel remember him the bad boy of cycling on his wheel uh that’s quite interesting we also have sa good do in this group as well I don’t think ulansen is going to finish at the top so I’m sorry I’m going to vacate that for the uh for other and then we of course have loano as well the mistar rider looking to do something here for Spain to bring that total up to 15 winners of all time for the nation of Spain N9 seconds they’re saying between the first and the second well the quartet and the second group 39 seconds now from for the yellow Jersy group to the front of the race not a lot of seconds now 9.9 km to go oano is hitting it out again he’s trying to get up the road the Spanish former National Champion here doing his best to just EK anything out he wants to get that HRI de grun prize they could be a stage up for grabsa if he is the first man up the road but tyacha yonis vingo if they move at all on this climb that lead will absolutely evaporate completely um but yeah he’s got a big distance now to the other guys they’re just looking up they’re sitting around they don’t want to do anything not quite sure why David guo didn’t hit back there but yeah that is quite ridiculous that he didn’t counter maybe hasn’t got anything left in the tank you don’t know but great to have some me regular in the comments as well Ste joining us from Japan appreciate that um 28.3 km 9.4 km left of the cig galabia before we get that descent so this is looking absolutely remarkable great to have 1,400 people in the chat if you’re new here why not hit the Subscribe Button as it is free as far as I know and yeah hit the like button as well and let’s try and beat our total of 534 likes uh so far in this year’s total France and remember that we are doing the recap race analysis over on the cycling Dane extra Channel our sister channel so be sure to check that out after the stage as well but yeah oos Caro pulling some amazing aming faces mistar win en Rick mass as the pride and joy haven’t won a stage for a very long time and looking to do a great ride here potentially losano kind of the new exciting rider for Spain obviously juuzo and Carlos Rodriguez as well let’s not let’s not kid ourselves but like in terms of the one-day racing it certainly has been OAS Caro by a shadow by head head and shoulders above anyone else so uh yeah we’ll wait and see what happens um yeah he’s looking this is where we should get power data power data power data power data they want to give us radio messages but where is the power data um yeah 17 seconds his lead is now to that Trio we’ve got 27 seconds down to the madas group with the other guys they are about 20 seconds ahead of the pelaton right now which is still being led by Mark Sol so it’s all still to play for in this uh stage to say the least it could well and truly still be a GC favorit day 8.7 km if any of these big guys hit out it could be all over for these break away guys and that’s why I was shocked to see not the pure climbers just doing their best here in terms of getting up the road increasing the tempo instead we have a one-day racer who has been on very good form in the doofan setting his stall out trying to see if he can be the one taking the win that would be a tear up for the books 40 seconds of Advantage he has now it’s it’s hovering around there here or there um yeah we will wait and see what happens here um are we going to see tacha attack close to the top and then do a descent yonis Bingo descending has been very good we saw it in or Cino and Tano ATO of course many of you advocating for juano or almea or Adam Yates to do an attack uh just to unsettle the other GC teams and then Ty Pacha can just Mark moves and then do the counter punch that would be a good tactic uh not sure if it’s going to happen we’ll wait and see um but it certainly is an interesting one to say the least we can see movement here going on as well who’s this moving up I think is it a UAE Man 8 kilm to go here Oya losano still out in front the ma Star Rider and uh yeah question as well anyone from the and era apparently yes me very very much so Steven Williams now in this what is the second group now upping the tempo Davao on his wield so we’ll see if this can be the counter move they haven’t got a lot of seconds to play with if they’re going to stay away from the break of from the pelaton they only have TW 17 seconds DAV goodu upping the tempo here as well but is this all too late uh still with 8 km to go of the galb this yeah it looks like a doomed effort here from David gou David go doomed no that was bad I apologize but madw is the man who wasn’t in the in the pocot Jersey he’s struggling here I think he’s been caught by the pellaton as well um yeah not a good not a good time for him so it doesn’t look like the Poo Jersey will be changing hands despite uh yonas abrahamson being very far back but I’m not sure how many points are available at the top so if anyone knows that of the gbia it might be double points so it could be 50 but I’m not sure if it’s 50 points available then it’s going to be yeah a lot of points and we will see a new poka DOD J we have a steep sections towards the top of the climb as well it gets gradually a steeper so that is going to favor um yeah the favorites group for sure we’ll wait and see here but it certainly is an exciting one 26.5 km great to have so many people here over 1,300 people in the chat and why not let us all know where you’re watching from actually 1,400 if we just see a host of countries in the chat that would be funny um I know a lot of you have already said it actually say your winner who do you think’s going to win then we can get a host of names of who you think is going to win mark CA is now being shadowed by none other than uh this Melissa bike they’ve gotten position themselves with Mato Jorgenson I think it’s pav iov the French Russian guy he is now the man former inos granders Rider is the now the man taking up the pace but tacha still has Almeida Adam Yates juano to make up for uh is this oano yeah they brought him back oh that was quick oh the o losano Adventure is over uh yeah that went a bit quick there when Pavo COV took it up he just vaporized that Gap Simi Eight’s in trouble number 12 former white jersey winner former winner of the wel espania former Podium finisher in the J Tire struggling fourth place last year and that is a big tear up here he is struggling Adam Simon Yates is struggling so one of the Yates Brothers struggling to hang on here and that is a big whoopsie uh we didn’t know how he was feeling he hadn’t been at either of the preparation races for the total France but uh yeah I can see Pat’s name being mentioned a lot here a few Yus wingal car pass as well so uh Rog glitch as well but taracha named a lot there in the comments but 7 km still to go here 7 kilm and let’s see what happens here we’ve got uh Richard caras still up here in the yellow Jersey 25.8 km Yates is already 1 minute and 7 Seconds down Simon Yates is dropped like a stone so now it’s about not looking towards the front it’s about looking towards the back who’s the guys being dropped out the back here Tom pockock at the back as well the guy who did an incredible Gia descent we might see that again but just not from the front and friend of the channel joal MAA uh who appeared on the channel a few weeks ago uh interviewing telling us about exactly how strong the team is the second place finisher in the toris Swiss motoring up now and this is where they unleash the true force of of the allstar uat memor team and we see David gdo and losano just saying oh what just happened there we’re just out the back now and Almeida does this very well this strong Tempo at the front just driving it up Jones vingle Matel jensson sitting on his wheel Adam Yates there Ty Bacha looking very Lively we’ve got Remco Veno up there Israel Premier Tech even have a rider is that Derek X okay Mike is saying we got 20 points for the gbia so I think we might not have a change of that if I’m Hest but uh oh kapas karapas is in trouble karapas the leader of the race is in trouble kapas the first ever Ecuadorian we were saying if he could hold it here and stay all the way to the Finishing Line he would potentially be having a chance of wearing the Jersey all the way to Stage seven but this is not looking like it’s going to happen k pass equadorian friends look away but karapas is in trouble it’s not over yet he can try and do his best to get to the Finishing Line o almeida’s pace is absolutely ferocious this is where we would want to see Watts where are the Watts organizers where are the Watts we’re seeing gradient we’re not seeing Watts come on give us the Watts 6 km to go here 6 km to go rcoo and the white jerseys looking very good we’ve got Rodriguez uh up here we’ve got rogl up here and I think we’ve got Derek G up here as well uh we’ve got an EF education easy Rider who is that not dropping back to help caterp pass that’s silly who is that can anyone make out that very silly EF education easy post Rider you’ve got the yellow Jersey you should put everything everything behind it and especially when it’s counterparts wearing it this is not a pretender this is Richard caras former Podium finisher at the total France former winner of the total France former Podium finisher at the wel espania but right now we’re seeing ryers being spat out the back Lou m is out the back is as well uh he’s riding with uh Richie kopas kopas has no helpers Nobody’s around him so that’s a big shame Almeida just whipping up the pace here absolutely remarkable 5.8 kilm still to go here Adam Yates looking great Tyra Bacha looking great Remco looking great oh this is what we want the K before the storm oh this is going to be incredible Mato jensson looking great as well the EF education he post I think he’s just realized that the yellow Jersey is struggling andrick mass is struggling as well mass is struggling mass is struggling Mass the maristar rider former top five finisher at the total France is struggling this is getting yeah horrendous for some of these teams but rogich isolated so vazov where is vazov where is uh J hinley I’m not sure if there’s any UAE uh UAE there’s plenty of UAE I’m not sure if there’s any Red Bull borans Riders but Juana USU is not looking too great here we got bar and Victorious looking quite good with one of their Riders but the big story is that karapas is being put in trouble and now Adam Yates last year’s third place finisher is the one taking it up now third place finisher Adam Yates doing the job he did so well last year for T patcha and Y to some extent he is the one taking up the duties now at the front here Richard Cass this is dangerous times for him we’ve got bad up in this group as well now that means that bingol moves up into the virtual yellow Jersey and yeah this is getting exciting Now 37 seconds between the yellow Jersey and the front being led up by none other than Adam Yates Adam Yates has t ju Almeida on his wheel these two could almost not get separated in the toris Swiss coming over one two on one of the stages as well finishing one two in the GC but Richard kapas is struggling the darling of EF education easy post and yeah this is a big big shame big shame this what is going to happen come on kapas you can do this come on cter pass and our poll is absolutely null and void um but yeah who’s going to take it now um who will Who will finish first uh on the climb that’s the new pole uh will it be will it be POG will it be Yas or will it be other or will it be Rog glitch it could be Rog glitch and then we’ll put other so there you have it uh you’ve got your choice but Adam yat is doing a great job withing uh first rer oh there we go enri mass enri mass out the back that is alarm bells for moar alarm alarm bells for the man who crashed on stage one that is alarm Bells the damage just seeing that on the road Roman bade the yellow Jersey wearer of stage one out the back as well number 88 out the back as well I think that was J hindley no that was vazov so the 288s not helping Derek G and uh the other G Garen Thomas at the back here as well we want to see the front end of the group 4.6 km yeah the Canadian Derek G here out the back as well so yeah that is a big shame now we’re seeing juuzo coming to the front here the former Podium finisher of the welia the former under 23 Jed Talia winner they’re just doing rotations here between the three of them this is remarkable stuff by the UAE guys 4.5 km until they get to the Finish they want to grind down everyone Yas is exposed there is no Mato jensson now there is no Mato jensson Yas is exposed now this is what we said was going to happen Yas is completely isolated this is not good Yas isolated Yas is in danger now this is danger time rogl is isolated the UAE boys are driving the pace getting rid of everyone that isn’t UAE all the other um all the other domestics are gone apart from Miga Landa is there for rcoo L is riding incred incredibly here go on Randa Lis MO is alive number 64 going out the back here for barin victorious is that bill bow potentially it is uh we’ve got uh Felix gal going out the back as well uh Egan Bernal the former champion of the toural France and Jalia Champion out the back uh but what a good return to form for him Almeida just bossing this now just accelerating hard here uh I think we just lost one of the Riders was that adomat or was it who was that we’ve lost two of the UAE guys here so it’s down to Almeida as the only UAE guy yess is sitting great Adam Yates out the back Adam Yates the third place finisher of last year is not going to keep that Podium this year almea looking so good so good from almea here this is great RIT is here Rodriguez is here a little Tre Rider is is that Chone yeah Chone Chone just losing a bit of distance there but Shao Chone that was great riding the Poo Jersey winner of last year yonis vingle riding second wheel he’s got taracha on his wheel Primus rogl riding fourth wheel Remco Veno there as well 3.5 km until we get to the top of the climb great to have almost 2,000 people in the chat like make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel as well if you want to see your name immortalized Forever on the stream plenty of you have already done that so far but right now we’re seeing Almeida friend of the channel pushing on we’re finally seeing Ben Healey here coming back to his team leader of Richard Keras here 1 minute and 27 seconds down for katas so that’s not good oh Rog rogich is he the next one to drop out is he he’s sitting in the danger seat here with Manda but Remco is looking great rcool is looking great here 3.2 km to go here 3.2 km to go of the climb remember we have got a lot to go here Rog glitch is in problems Rog glitch is in more problems here oh Almeida saying come on you need to pull who is he saying needs to pull here uh is that juuzo he wants juuzo to do the pulling so a bit of a heated temper here going on between the UAE boys he’s taking juano to come up and do a turn uh so that was quite funny so yeah these two having a bit of past issues if you will before but yeah it’s great to see that UAE are doing exactly what we thought they were going to do here and uh yeah three Kil under three kilm to go until we are the top of the cig liia juuzo was he thinking of maybe getting his own GC position but they should be all in for tid patcha the tid patcha show here the Jalia t double in the season is well and truly still alive Juan Yuzu taracha almea the fre UAE boys against the world here we got Jones Bingo Remco venol Carlos Rodriguez oh this is going to be interesting isn’t it land is still there landimore is still alive sudal quickstep all the nayay is saying that quickstep didn’t have a strong enough team look at this Yas is isolated okay we could have had SE here let’s just not forget about that small detail but yeah L Landa being brought in to the team for exactly this reason uh rogl is still hanging on here so doing his best just making sure he’s still in touch here uh and rogl when we come to The Descent maybe Yas can really try and put some time into some uh to T of G we might see a bit of a dangerous descent here from the GC guys but right now it is Jah almea doing his best to push the pace on here what more can he do here great to have almost 2,000 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from let us know who you think is going to win this is an exciting finish to this stage and of course we are going to be doing the streams every single day of the torron so why not join us for that as well the recap at race analysis is over on our sister channel the cycling Daye extra to an extra added on but right now juano almea the pair very talented both of them having finished on the podium in the J italan and welta espano respectively but right now yuzo is turning himself inside out for his team leader T Bacha the winner of this year’s Jalia absolutely Shao to every single one of these guys making into to the selection inside the last two kilometers of the C gbia rco Veno wow so many naysayers with Remco vapo after that doofan coming back from that crash as well like rogl these two and jonis wingle all of them caught up in the bass country crash who thought that they would all be sitting here pretty yeah certainly many wouldn’t but right now Almeida is pushing on this is yeah Al friend of the channel he’s been on the channel plenty of times super nice guy but right now in his first ever Tau of France the Portuguese can we get the Portuguese say hello as well in the comments it is is uh baluma he’s doing his best here pushing everything he has the podium finisher of the Jalia last year winner of the tour of Poland in the past such a great Rider such a nice guy J made it behind him the former J High under 23 winner super talent in his own right also his first Tour of France but these two debutants doing a great ride they have the two-time defending Tor of France champion on their wheel and the other two-time Tor of France winner of t ATA and then on his wheel we’ve got Remco Veno the debutant of the tour fronts last year’s fifth place finisher of Carlos Rodriguez there as well and then we got Mika Landa a four bmer fourth place finisher on the tour fronts and then we also have primas rogich last time he finished the Tour of France was back in 2020 when he finished second that yellow Jersey stolen away ripped away from his shoulders on laan De belfi by taracha taracha wanting to create his this year by winning the jir and the tour and maybe even doing the Triple Crown by winning the U the world championships in uh none other than in Switzerland later on this year but we’ll wait and see 20 kilm to go and it is J almea pushing on at the front J almea Yus vingo shadowing the this Duo out in front and great to have so many people here even Guyana in the house Georgetown I guess but uh yeah these two we’re coming inside the last kilometer we’re going to see dagacha hit out before we get to the top here we’re almost at 2,000 people so hit the like button subscribe to the channel and who’s going to win that HR de gr prize is it going to be almea or woo here there’s one kilometer to decide here it’s Remco going to attack who thought Remco was going to be up here we thought the Breakaway was maybe going to contest it but that was they were their hearts were destroyed by the uat memer climbing machine and it’s incredible to see what’s going on here the Tor of France the biggest race in the world and right now we’ve got 800 M until we get to the top of the clim 2 minutes and 30 seconds down to Richard kapas or yellow Jersey but here we go tyacha lifting the engine now he’s attacking Ty Pacha is attacking Ty Pacha is attacking this is what we’ve come for he wants the Henry de gr prize he wants the stage win being miked by yonis vingle has this suffed him up are we going to see a between the two of them it doesn’t look likely yonis Bingo marking him rogl out the back he can’t answer it Remco tries to answer the motor camera doesn’t even know what we’re doing and Pacha is trying to get a gap between him and bagore but it’s just not happening vingal is marking him completely it is 2023 all over again vingo vingo is distanced bingo is distanced bingo is being distanced here Bingo is distance we’re 400 m until the top of the climb and Pacha has distance yonas vingo this is alarm Bells alarm bells for this malissa bike Yas vingo as we know he is on the back foot but right now he is losing ground to taga T Pacha there’s about two seconds 3 seconds of a gap oh no no no this is danger Town RL dropped everyone’s being dropped now but yores Bingle for the first time in a while is being dropped by tacha the two separated by 20 M 270 M until we get the HRI de gr prize it looks like it is going to be T of gatas that 5,000 is going to go to UA memores but T OFA trying to finish off what his teammates has served on a play for him 200 M it might have to be back to the drawing board for V Malisa bike they were the weaker of the two teams and tyacha trying to eek out everything he can 100 50 m to go here of the c g this is getting interesting 5 Seconds the Gap now 6 seconds the Gap y veg go doing everything he can to just close the gap he knows he can maybe get some time back on on the on the uh downhill here the HRI de gr prize has been settled that has been taken by tacha so if you did say tacha Well done Shao to anyone who said tacha but right now yonis mingal is in a spot of bother 9 seconds is the gap now he’s up against none other than uh yeah tacha but 15 seconds back to the r Ino group with rogl they’ll have to try and make what they can out of the numbers Advantage here on The Descent tacha doing his best to do everything on this gbia climb he’s probably not as good a descender as yis wingal Maybe but we did see on the S LCA climb he did put yonis vingo under a bit of problems and great to have 2,183 people in the chat make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel here on the cycling day if if you haven’t already why not head over to the cycling day extra and the cycling Daye action for a bit more fun after this stage but right now tacha is just guiding himself down these slopes and he has 13 seconds 14 seconds to Yus wingle this is getting Mighty interesting now miss Melisa bike they are looking down the barel of the gun of not have not being able to wear that yellow Jersey for maybe this whole race we know that Yus was weakened we know that was the case but binging go is the best of the rest he has just made well he has met uh Tat’s challenge here and let’s see what happens here Adam Yates is in that third group here Adam Yates with number three as well mat yenson mat yenson couldn’t do a lot to help yonus Singo unfortunately but tacha pushing on here 11 seconds between the two 11 seconds 12 seconds tach is he going to take it a bit easy here is Yus going to be taking it easy remember it wasn’t a descent where he crashed in the tour of Bas country but right now TB gacha what can he do here he’s got 17 kilm until he hits the finishing line but it’s all still to play for great to have 2,200 people in the chat let us know who you think’s going to take the win has Ty Pacha just won the Tour of France okay there’s a lot long way to go to nice but it’s an 8 seconds 9 seconds Advantage here so it’s coming down it’s coming down and yeah Tacho versus yoris vingle it’s all still to play for who will win the stage who will win the stage there are time bonuses up for grabs as well but who will win the stage will it be vingle will it be T Pacha will it be one of the group behind they’ve got a 21 second deficit here and of course thank you to every single one of you for joining I do appreciate you all joining me here it makes it a lot more interesting or I’m just talking to nobody 16.6 km still left here of the climb the C the Galia Mingo needs to do his first or his best Tom pick coock impersonation to bring this Gap back Richard caras heartbreak for the equadorian and Ecuadorian fans 3 minutes and 50 seconds down he’s not even come up to the Finishing Line or the finish of the cig Galia so this is sad times sad times for the race here but right now we are seeing T gatcha pushing on as hard as he can here T gatcha doing his best just guiding himself around the corners here what can he do here 8 seconds between Bingle and tyacha 30 seconds down to rogl and remol this is getting very interesting 4 minutes and 11 seconds wow wow wow 25 seconds to Remco Veno this is getting very interesting here what are we going to see between the two of them in these three weeks is bagore just getting stronger and stronger but ret kapas passes the top of the C Gali 4 minutes and 5 Seconds down oh hemorrhaging time here hemorrhaging time but vingal very cool calm collect here what can he do here we would love to see the messages in terms of the teams but it’s 11 seconds now 11 seconds so it’s come up a bit since we last check 11 10 seconds dies is the margin and uh yeah this is an absolutely accelerating part of the stage what are we going to see what are we going to see here oh uh Remco Veno is he going to be able to close this Gap as well he’s thinking of the podium rogich is his main rival for the podium potentially rodri as well all these guys it might be a close battle for the podium in terms of that third step but 14.2 km still to go here for T pach out in front the man looking to make more history to become the first ever winner of the J Tire and the Tor of France since 1998 so the first R to do that this Century 11 seconds now 11 seconds 12 seconds he’s going 76 km an hour on this stretch now 80 km he’s doing his best to keep safe and then get it down H this is going to be interesting we kind of saw this coming in some respect everyone saying T Pacho is going to win the stage and here we are almost 3,000 people in the chat great to have you all here reminder we have got a competition out on the community chat after the stage for a signed cap by Alberto contador and Vincenzo libery so check that out as well if you want to be involved with that but right now tacha just bossing this climb doing his best Tom pick up personation and behind him he’s got the two-time defending Tour of France Champion he himself has two Tour of France uh titles to his name but right now Remco Veno Primus RIT they’re trying to get down this road as quickly as possible 32 seconds 4 minutes and 10 seconds down to Richard ceras sad times that sad times for Richard Keras oh that what could have been what could have been for Richard cat pass to say the least but right now we are seeing uh Primos rugit doing his best to try and get as fast down this descent as possible it’s Panic stations for many of these teams rco what can he do the debutant of the tour to France taking it quite steadily he’s crashed before in a descent in a ground tour and then J retire but right now tatcha music on a bike this is Art In Motion what can he do he’s accelerating out of every single corner here he knows the momentum is in his favor here but 12 seconds is not a long time here here not a long time to say the least what can he do here great to have almost 3,000 people in the chat welcome welcome and right now we’re seeing yoris vingal here 12 km to go here 12 km 12 seconds between the iconic Duo the best rivalry we’ve seen in a very long time in the Tor of France and dle uh contador is probably the last time we saw this but these two have been battling across four Tor Frances that is more than both Alberto and Andy did but right now it’s getting very interesting Pacha doing his best 11 seconds this Gap is hovering around the 10 13 second Mark and sometimes dipping down into the 8sec mark But 11.5 km to go how much energy has this descent taken out of the two of them that is the big question but great to have so many people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from and who you think’s going to win the race right now 72% of you believe it is going to be a win for tater despite the slim margin of 14 seconds but it is a good margin he has been able to stagnate it 15 seconds now he increases it a bit more 16 seconds has taraga just been able to crack yis fingo a bit here on the climb they’re absolutely going crazy here wow wow wow what are they going to do here all still to play for here all still to play for what who’s going to win the stage tacha yonus Wingo they’re all it’s all out here this is what we love about cycling it’s all out attack mode on a descent down the galib the tour is back we had a bit of a boring stage yesterday but the tour has repayed US History was made yesterday and maybe we’ll see taga rip that yellow Jersey that he gifted somewhat to Richard car pass yesterday he’ll take it back he’ll say Richard I want it back today 10.3 km 18 seconds down to tacha oh yonas vingo and yonas vingo has a 12se second deficit to the Carlos Rodriguez group here so Yus might actually end up getting caught by the second third group or the second chasing group on the road and uh let’s see what’s going to happen but right now it’s an incredible race here between the two of them and that chasing group looming behind the GC battle is certainly not going to be over today the race is not going to be one today but we’re certainly going to be seeing the chase happening a bit and uh if you haven’t already check out the cycling day extra Channel if all 3,000 of you went over and subscribed now you would help us out daily because it’s not at uh it’s not at 1,000 subscribers so if you could all hit the link and subscribe we would really appreciate that we only need to get it to 1,000 so only 500 people to do so so I would be forever grateful but right now back to the action 9 kilm to go here 9 km 19 seconds yis mingle we’re still on The Descent still on The Descent here so let’s see what happens it’s all still to play for here in the race we’ve got that third group with Remco Veno and Mika land he’s 6 seconds behind Kos Rodriguez and I believe Primus rogich so there’s going to be a lot of damage done by this climb here as we expected that uh we’ve got another group here we’re not quite sure who that is I think it’s Bill b with in your scen is guys in there as well um is this with rogl we’re not quite sure if they could just show us a bit more uh it is a white jersey so that would let you to believe it is Remco venol but it could be a different white jersey ju Al uh the white jersey of UAE is a bit too uh yeah we’ll waiting to see but right now Tad Bacha 7.8 km still left of the stage he’s still in The Descent 22 seconds he’s just taken a double of a of Advantage into into climb now great to have over 3,000 people in the chat this is the most we’ve had on a Toral France stream I think uh definitely in this Toral France so if you haven’t already make sure to subscribe to the button to uh to the channel to see your name forever be internalized and uh yeah right now it is a very pretty picture on the road T Pikachu doing his best impersonation of super tucking without super tucking of course but yeah what an exhilarating stage this is the big guns have come out and in full force tacha descending like a demon down this climb and uh yeah his fo of the last three years T oh yones vingo the two-time defending torto France Champion is doing his best to defend we know the recovery has been long for him and yeah what can he do here what can yoris do to just mitigate the advantage here but right now it’s looking like a very interesting dynamic in terms of the race in terms of what’s going to happen the power of be with the might that UA memers have this is going to be a very hard race for visma Lisa bike they can’t outgun the team at all but they can maybe outgun them um smartwise but uh we’ll wait and see but yeah over 3,200 people as I said subscribe to our little brother Channel if you haven’t already let’s try and get that to a thousand sub subscribers it’s free of course it’s in the chat and I would dearly um I would dearly be grateful for that but welcome aboard everyone 5.5 kilm to go strap in this is it this is the finale 29 seconds mingal might be caught by this Trio chasing him down of Carlos Rodriguez of his former teammate of um uh Primos RIT and I think there might be a UAE guy there in as well in this this group so that would be absolutely dire if that is the case for the other guys if they just have another UAE guy it is Juan yuzo Juan yuzo is in this second group so 34 seconds now between yoris vingle uh juuzo Remco Veno Carlos Rodriguez so this is a sad point now oh this is sad this is sad now vingo might just be brought back by this group now and uh yeah they have to try and make it way back here with that paper weight of Juan yuzo so tacha hasn’t tasted the yellow Jersey for well in Paris for two years and he wants to taste it in nice close to where he lives so uh yeah we’ll wait and see here we’ll Wai and see this is absolutely incredible what’s happening in front of our very eyes here what is going to happen are we going to see T Pacha take this all the way to now are UAE going to let go of that yellow Jersey I think not I think we’re going to see a very KY UAE now all we’re going to see that very aggressive UAE like we’ve seen in the jir tire but welcome welcome everyone over 3,000 people in the chat and the what an incredible race we have right now Remco Veno is coming back to that second group as well so that second group has an advantage or a deficit of 36 seconds so TI catch has certainly taken a huge uh chunk of time on his main Rivals here and the icing on top of this cake of a day is that his teammate of uh juuzo the debutant himself is going to be inside the GC as well so it’s absolutely remarkable what’s happening here in front of our very eyes we are going to see um yeah a big battle here on the road a big blow by tacha like wow this is incredible um what’s going to happen that is the big question here we’ll wait and see 3.3 km to go 3.2 km to go here for tyacha it looks like he is going to be tasting another stage win here the man from kunda this is incredible to see is he going to win the stage again oh my goodness this is all still to play for for him he’s a remarkable Rider he’s a monster this is it um yeah what more can we say then is he going to win the stage today here oh remarkable stuff here by the man uh the fear the Slovenian here’s the next Eddie MKS the modern day Eddie Ms and what more can he do than what he’s already doing here on the road wow wow wow this is incredible riding by him 2.1 kilm still to go here 32 seconds 34 seconds even and uh uh yeah are we going to see them do anything here can they get some time back here 35 seconds 36 seconds there are bonus times bonus seconds available at the Finish as well so everything still to play for in terms of that are we going to see him take the stage win um yes we would think but almea as well not far behind 51 seconds down on Ty Bater but 1.1 1.5 km still to go here he’s going to be swooping in to the Finishing Line and this is going to be an incredible finish here wow wow wow what more can we say than absolutely emphatic between him tacha this is remarkable what more can we say than Shao Shao Shao Shao this is it the man the myth the legend he’s done everything he can and uh yeah what can yonis vingle and Remco Veno do to try and limit the losses Remco Veno nothing much here to be done Primo rage in that group as well but Ty batcha is fighting for everything he can here this is going to be it he’s going to raise his arms a loft here this is going to be the moment the victory is in the bag here 500 M to go inside the last final kilometer for the second Chase group or the main Chase group here T Pacho coming into the finishing line here he’s going to salute the crowd this is it our first tour to France win from taracha since last year and wow this is incredible his first year where he’s tasted success in both the jro and the tour in terms of stage win and he adds another Accolade to his impressive 2024 remember this man has already won St biani he’s already won Le B he’s already won the Walter Catalonia and the big Crown the Jalia he took that in emphatic fashion six stage wins the blue jersey and the malosa and here we are the man is going to rip the yellow Jersey off the shoulders of Richard cater pass he’s going to take the yellow Jersey once again and the time starts now he takes the bonus seconds available Remco Veno coming towards the Finish is it going to be Remco versus uh pach no RIT it is those two are going to be challenging it for the bonus seconds but are when are they going to stop the clock here Remco venol just driving it all the way to the finish here Remco venol doing his best to get rid of everything else when are looking to get involved in the bonus seconds here can he do something here yonas vingo is being distanced Rea viol takes second place oneu third place rit in fourth place and yoris vingo just losing out there a bit and Carlos Rodriguez he takes fifth place there on the day or yeah uh mikanda Strong finish from him as well finishing with a former quickstep Rider of joala the friend of the channel here on the cycling Dane and great to have so many people here watching on the cycling day we’ll get you the top 10 we’ll get you the GC before I go off and do the recap race analysis with Jack but uh yeah right now it’s looking very interesting in terms of that GC picture wow wow wow wow that was incredible stuff wasn’t it 1 minute and 20 seconds since we’ve seen history created we’ll get you the top 10 but meanwhile while we digest what just happened in front of our very eyes why not go over to the cycling day exra Channel and help us out here by getting that to uh yeah 1,000 subscribers of course we are going to do uh some some very cool videos about the Tor of France on that uh the video I’m linking to is actually where I rode with none other than Primos rug so uh if you want to check that out that’s in the comments now and thank you to every single one of you who has of course already subscribed to that channel of course we are going to do the competition as well um for anyone um who subscribes to the cycling day action Channel about winning the Alberto contador Vincenzo nibi signed cap so that’s going to be a very interesting Tor France competition coming up and uh yeah we’ll see um which of you get that right but right now we’re seeing a former to France winning coming towards the finish line here that is of course Egan Bernar former jot tour winner uh let’s not not forget about that put some respect on his name Scott Julia chakor is racing towards the finish here he looks like he’s going to be doing a GC uh Escapade here but yeah minor positions here Adam Yates last year’s Podium finisher he’s coming towards the finish and if you haven’t already subscribe to the channel here on the cycling Dane and uh yeah I’m just waiting for pro cycling stats to give us the top 10 of each of well the classification and also the day as well we’re seeing um Alexander vazov as well not a great day by him uh unfortunately not up there to be able to help Primus rug we’re seeing Derek G coming up with the Finishing Line 3 minutes and 7 Seconds down so good ride by him Richard kapas is coming towards the finishing line here as well so uh yeah big shame here for Richard kapas here um yeah Ty batcha already in the warm down Zone here and uh yeah warming down a very important part of cycling and of sport everything all of us could do better at that me included I’m not very good at warming down but yeah we’re seeing the remlin of riders being dropped coming in here who can we see enrik M big loser on the day in terms of the time losses um I think Vana was there we still haven’t had caras careras we’re still waiting for him and we’ll get the GC so we’ll wait and see here it’s certainly looking very interesting what’s going to happen here Sprint going here on here by Vine wield remember we’ve got the recap race analysis over on the cycling Dan extra Channel coming up later on on the cycling day extra Channel um and on the cycling day in action Channel there’s some good stuff coming up tomorrow so uh yeah that’s a reason to subscribe there we’ve got some tour related content as well and uh yeah on the rest day we should have some content there so lots of things to look forward to and um yeah it should be an exciting one to say the least what’s going to happen in the jro in the Toral France picture here 4 minutes and 30 seconds so we still haven’t had caterp pass cross the finishing line here cater pass we’re still awaiting cater pass uh he’s getting Guided by Ben Healey here Ben Healey coming towards the finish so uh yeah um what’s going to happen in terms of caterp passes toward France we’re talking about potentially being uh Podium Contender that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen uh thank you for all the kind comments as well I love having you here you energize me as much as anything um so yeah we’ll wait and see here but Ben Healey Ben Healey doing a great job to just shepher cater pass towards the finishing line here and uh yeah what a shame there but kapas he did what he could and uh yeah t of gacha putting yeah absolutely throwing the gauntlet down and many of these guys just couldn’t respond to that and uh yeah we’ll get you the top 10 the we have had the first well we had a non-starter in terms of Kasper pson so that was a bit of Shame for sud out quick step um still waiting for the confirmation here okay we’ve got a top 10 so I I was actually incorrect with the borrowing Victorious Rider as well let’s give you the top 15 because that’s a good picture in terms of the GC well not the GC but in terms of the top 10 uh top 15 standings um yeah that that was a very exhilarating battle and the damage has been done to say the least and now we’re going to try and dissect that battle just quickly uh the we also are available on Spotify as well so I’d love to see you all there on Spotify but uh welcome to all everyone who newly subscribed uh really do appreciate every single one of you and I hope to see you on uh every single stage of the Tour of France and it’s always great to see regulars coming back I really do uh I really do appreciate that but anyways top 15 here we go tataa wins his first stage of the Tor France adds another Victory to his already incredible palarz and uh yeah Remco Veno second place tacha we assume takes over that yellow Jersey as well but we’ll get on to that with the GC standings Remco vle white jersey is in second place that means he does take eight seconds uh yeah there were bonus seconds available on the top of the Gia so those went to tcha uh Remco Remco Evo the Belgian national well Belgian hope the next Eddie MKS is they prized called him he uh 35 seconds down he wins the Sprint the best of the rest AO finishing in the third place sweeps up those final bonus seconds so no one else can get them in front of primas rogz the red bull borans rider who looked a bit shaky on the Galia but he’s done a good job to recover from that and uh yeah we’ve got um yanus Vore team Miss Melissa bikes pride and joy we know he crashed in the tour of the Bas country but what a comeback still to be up here the fifth best Rider on this stage uh second best Rider on the climb he’s just going to be nursing his form into this uh race you have to think and uh yeah right now it’s looking pretty good um maybe not for winning the race Podium potentially but his form is certainly a lot better than I was thinking it was going to be 30 7 Seconds down on his rival on the stage Carlos Rodriguez the pride of inos Grandes right now he certainly wipes away any question of Tom pitock challenging him for that leadership he finishes in front of uh the group that was the duo of mikanda and J almea what can um what can Carlos Rodriguez do that is the big question we’ll have to dissect that a bit when we look at the GC but Jah almea friend of the channel fin ing in eighth place on his first Mountain Stage in well we could say that with bmco Veno and J Juana yo there we go both Jays sometimes it confuses my brain especially when bit dehydrated but uh yeah Jo maer what a great ride him really demolishing the Breakaway uh well demolishing the other GC favorite teams and so did jalme and Juan yuzo those two really put in great effort and uh yeah and then we had Julia chor last year’s polka do Jersey winner of course there’s NE T gagh har here so we were questioning whether little Tre would just going to stick to the the Sprints or yeah with MES Pon we saw them finishing second place yesterday with M Pon but um yeah are we going to see potentially um are we potentially going to see them going to be doing anything here but like yeah right now it’s looking quite pretty for uh Julio chakor here like we said as well um there was a barin victorious Rider in there and that wasn’t b b like I said the top 10 finisher of last year’s Tor France and Stage winner as well that was in fact Santiago Bago um he was the one who took the stage or was the best uh his first ever Tour of France as well so a lot of first toal France Riders up here uh great to see uh so many debutant r ing so solidly but the level of debutants is quite high in this year’s to France when you look at it come on Remco Veno debutant AO a debutant almea a debutant like this is a high caliber to say the least but uh yeah right now we’ve also got um yeah Felix gal last year’s C de laa winner he finished in 11th place then we have mat Jorgenson the best of his Malisa P other than yanis Bingle 2 minutes and 28 seconds down that is a sizable Gap you have to say Mato jensson not really the American he was hoping to keep his his dreams on um well uh he was looking to have his Shepherd from janga Colorado with him but it didn’t look like yeah unfortunately Co got the better of him but yeah it’s an absolutely remarkable one I’ll get you the GC standings as well before I Scurry off and do the recap race analysis with our in-house Sprinter Jack Bennett of course there’s exciting projects coming with Jack on the cycling day in action Channel and that’s why you should check out the cycling day and action Channel as well I’ll link it once more if all of you listening right now went over and hit the like but uh subscribe button you would get that to a th000 in a second so uh people action but uh yeah anyways we’ll get the GC standings here before I Scurry off and do that recap race analysis which is available on the cycling day extra Channel or on Spotify so if you are on Spotify check us out on that I’ll talk you through the top 15 of course Jack and I will talk through this in some detail but just so we have it before we Scurry off and then tomorrow of course we got another stage so I hope that you all join me for that as well and we’ve got the Stage Preview coming up in the on the cycling day extra Channel as well uh courtesy of Jack um and me so uh let’s just get you the GC before we Scurry off in terms of the Pogo Jersey I think we still have Jonas abrahamson just hanging on to that by Four Points Ty pach of course taking the HRI de gr price and that meant that he’s shot up into second place uh 20 seconds behind him but uh yeah let’s just get you the GC standings that’s what I was alluding to doing doing the the tech and talking at the same time can be quite hard but right now tacha leads the Tour of France 18 bonus seconds is what he has and that means that he has a 45 second gap down to his second place which isn’t yoris vle it is actually Remco Veno of all people who sit second in this tour to France Remco Veno sitting very high up only 48 seconds away from tasting That Glory could he potentially do something here that would be great to see um yeah we would love to see Remco Veno getting that yellow Jersey potentially after stage seven we’ve got that time trial coming up we’ve got some flat stages as well so it’s certainly not a done deal here in terms of the the GC if you’re new here as well subscribe to the channel to see your name flash up for immortality as well on the stream but Juan yuzo is oh jores Wingo the two-time defending Toral France Champion is sitting in third place 50 seconds down on his rival unfortunately juuzo his teammate of T Pacha in his first de to France is sitting 1 minute and 10 seconds down what a ride that was by him doing a lot of the work with uh Ty batcha before we got to the top and then we have Prim rage the pride and joy of uh Red Bull Borah hrow that was very weird I don’t know why I said it like that but yeah Red Bull Bor HC he certainly had wings today and yeah we also had Carlos Rodriguez 1 minute and 16 seconds down the pride and joy of um Inus SC like we said moving up as well rodri RIT moving up 12 positions remember he was caught out a bit on that first um on the second stage even but right now it’s looking very very good here mikanda in seventh place there Jah MAA in eighth place so we have three UAE guys in the top 10 tacha Juan yuzo an Almeida all in top 10 Julia Chon Ninth Place Egan beral find himself inside top 10 as well dropping down two places but a good ride by the Jiro tour champion in the past Mato Jorgenson in 11th place uh Felix Gall in 12th Place Adam Yates sits outside in 15th Place still moves up nine places vazov had a bad day down 14th Place and Santiago Bago the best of the Bahrain Victorious bunch here so uh yeah what a day that was absolutely remarkable if you haven’t already make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel check out the cycl Dane extra Channel and please please please subscribe to the cycl Dane action Channel there’s a lot of fun videos already there and it is our youngest of the channel so um you have time now to check that while Jack and I do the recap race analysis but of course as always thank you to every single one of you who have joined around the world really appreciate that we look forward to seeing you in the recap race analysis coming out hopefully in an hour and of course


    1. Great ride by Jonas . . . No Dylan Van Barle, no Sepp Kuss and still not in top form. Jonas should continue to get stronger and stages 14-21 should be a real battle between him and Tadej. So proud of Jonas effort and his performance. Tadej is a beast, but Jonas is still in a good position. Remember Greg LeMond in 1989 . . . This TDJ has a similar vibe.

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