The map resembles multiple places in France, such as influences from the regions of Nouvelle-Aquitaine in the south-west of the country and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur in the south-east. The topology is heavily inspired by Beynac-et-Cazenac, including an almost identical recreaction of the river course that run through the map.

    In the centre of the map there is a castle that is infulenced by south-eastern communes like Sisteron, also called “Gateway to provence”.

    Since Haut-Beyleron is not based on any one region of France you can expect snow, thanks to the new seasons.

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    [Music] hello welcome back to the channel can you guess where we are yet we’re at ubu well the department of ubu um I’m on my PC today um I want to continue my rant I’m really sorry I want to continue my rant I’ve had a few thoughts I’ve had a yeah and I’ve not done a lot base game fs22 is coming to an end fs25 is out November 12th you see I can’t afford to pre-order it and got that sort of money um so that’s where we’re right now just talking to the boy and the misses my older boy that is and uh he’s only 14 but he’s got his head screwed on so what we what we’re thinking is back to my rant and that the fact that I was complaining that um FS on um console was still very laggy very glitchy very clunky and he said which is the valid point what if it’s laggy and clunky on next gen consoles or current gen whatever you call them Xbox series and PS5 because it’s been limited by the backward compatibility of Xbox One and PS 4 so it’s being held back hence the um the issues valid point not going to knock him for that however next gen current gen consoles what they four years old my PC I made this pop the components together shall we say before we had my son my on that is so it’s a minimum 14 years old minimum I’ll tell you how old is any PC guys out there will know I’m running DDR3 RAM there you go that t I’m in that’s how old my PC is and I’m here on a 4K map 14 years old minimum no glitching no lagging no moving just plays now the reason I don’t generally record and play on PC is because I’m a console game and I enjoy playing on my Xbox I’ve discussed this before I’ve gone through the generations you know had a spectrum ZX commod 64 Comal 128 Atari um I’ve had Sega Mega drives Mega discs Master System Super Nintendos Nintendo Entertainment Systems uh handheld ones game boys um what was this was the Sega one Sega did a handheld one didn’t they I had that as well and then I had PlayStation one didn’t like the controller must admit didn’t it didn’t feel it didn’t it wasn’t me and then soon give that to me little brother and I bought on Xbox um and I’ve been Xbox ever since I mean I have dabbled in PC games don’t get me wrong um Gears of War uh Call of Duty on PC do you what I mean when I was growing up that was a thing command on conquer oh suits you anyways I digress I just wanted to show you guys out there that I old dilapitated computer is still less clunky than a current gen console for Farm Sim I mean it won’t run the new Call of Duty or that thing it’s just it hasn’t got the berries you know I mean it’s just she’s old bless her she needs to sit in the corner but she will run Farm Sim I don’t record on here very often on Farm Sim is because she gets Mighty hot um I mean she will do it this is full HD I’m only recording at 30 frames because my graphics card won’t record at 60 frames and play at 60 frames therefore my game’s been limited to 30 frames and my recording is 30 frames otherwise the uh graphics card freaks out and end it with a blue screen but that being said it’s running running pretty smooth but yeah so I wanted to do a series on um one of the base game things I started off on M Creek with a Bare Bones Challenge and I didn’t get very far uh had a few Xbox issues and it crashed and then lost all my saves um and then I decided that I do zongker but that was part of the same crash and I lost all that as well and ubu or Bao or ubong or whatever you want to call it the French map I’ve never I I’ve never played on it I’ve played on it with the kids you know bit of multiplayer at home with the two boys it’s fun right but my PC doesn’t have all the um expansions by the way I think I got season one pass so I got the Platinum thing but I didn’t get the root crops there’s a few DLCs I didn’t get for this because I’m not playing on it I’ve got everyone except the farm production pack on console and the reason I get the farm production pack is because I’m not that big into Productions if I’m being completely honest I play it to unwind chill out and yeah so that’s where I’m at so my PC is hooked up I got the g920 steering wheel and shift pedals and my Logitech Extreme 3D joystick which is what I’m using to turn and look around with and then I got a few controls set up for like front loaders and stuff any right not sure if this will be a series or a one-off I’m going to treat it a bit like a live stream and I’m just going to play so um hook yourselves in [Music] now ubu or UB or whatever you want to call it the end of the map’s kind of heish and then this is the trees and then these fields are quite skinny and then I think if I’m if I’m not Mis misremembering it’s here somewhere isn’t it it’s this area it might actually even be this area but this is this is the the the 4K uh 4K the 4X um version of that map which is pretty cool um I think I downloaded this when it was in the the beta stage and this is as close to finished as I can find I absolutely really enjoy playing on here there’s a lot of new things so if you’re if you’re small and vulnerable or you just don’t like that sort of thing I mean there be some things on here that I might not attempt to do so I go into here you’ll see what I’m I’m All About so you your standard crop types right you got tree saplings you can grow those there’s a production to grow tree saplings which is pretty cool and then this is all your your Basics I’ve got some mods in here as well so that might add a few different things but generally I say some of wheat some of barley some of canola goats milk go cheese canola straw organic waste down jackets belts you see where this is going H um then you got all your different milks uht stuff apples kitchen Furniture jams syrups sweetties you got your peppers and salad and stuff so you can’t add any mods to this that give a Fu type because this is heaving with field types uh crisps as I would call them or chips chips of what we call french fries don’t ask although we have french fries french fries and chips are made of potato and you fry them crisps are crispy potato look crunch when you bite them which you would call a chip like a pringle irrelevant tangent I’ve gone off on one muffins syrups uh a little bit for the growed UPS there I’ve not growed up enough to have wine bottles kicking about the place and then we have an apperto you see I’m going so you actually make money from pigs rather than just selling them back so someone else can do it you can do it yourself and then you got your um some of your premium stuff Platinum stuff sorry I got no premium no vegetables no root crops In fairness if I had it in it I couldn’t use it anyway on the basis that there’s too many already in here so so that’s where that’s at and the other good thing about this map is I never really dabbled in Silver Run I’m not going to lie to you I have had a go on it there was a um I know I’m waffling on there was a challenge by oh I can’t think of it was who did the challenge the rags to riches it wasn’t Rusty money gaming there was another challenge and it was you had to buy the little tiny plot of trees with a little thing and place pigs on it and then the Pigs Would expand I can’t remember who did it if I remember I’ll put it in but Wasteland gaming did have a go on it come I did have a go with that off screen I thought well I don’t know I don’t know but this incorporates that well the Productions and all that and it also incorporates the roller coaster so we jump down here quickly there’s nothing here turn around you fool we got silver runs roller coaster cool right which means I actually build with a roller coaster here in France what we say in the French don’t have roller coasters of course they do don’t be so stupid there’s traffic lights which I might Adar to some of them then again I might not and you’ll notice scattered around there’s a cow Farm there more cows and that’s chickens goats um I did see horses just now uh More Cows up here sheep more sheep over this way I’m sure there was horses somewhere here there’s horses all the um all the traffic lights are marked on here and this is the new start farm so we fied 33 32 and plot one all the main Farms are numbered so if I find another main Farm there’ll be number number five is here plot area five I’m pretty sure that’s set up for multiplayer and then you got your train you see I’m sure there’s a rent the train thing here somewhere there is so you rent the train and it takes it off to Here There and Everywhere which goes around most of the map so we jump down here there’s a farmhouse spin around spin around this way I actually grabbed hold of the mouse I’m so used to grabbing the Mouse um house Gates fence truck me turn my speakers up just a tad truck and we come this way around because why not pot plants deck chairs outside living and this is a new yard uh so we’ve got a silo but you can buy things and put it in there so if you decide that you want lime you can buy lime and put it in there potatoes road salt all the good stuff you see that’s the sort of things you can buy and you can store it in there which is pretty cool and then you got a letter sheds this side a Le sheds this side and then you the open Easy shed that runs all the way up and yes our farm yard has traffic lights cuz why not I’m pretty sure they’re for root crops those arched buildings we have a Monumental grain silo which is just Bonkers um there is just your basic grains there’s nothing fancy so you got your wheat barley and all that good Shenanigans pilot storage is just here um this thing takes your straws and your wood chips chaffs that sort stuff it also takes a canola straw uh and then this this side takes stuff that you could use for feed so you got your straws Haze grass silage that sort of Shenanigans in this side also you see the shed moves all the way up um got another shed over there with the solar panels on so we do get a slight tick up from that two more sheds here and that’s our Harvester the top liner which is basically the same as you’d get originally right the we jump into the store into the store so you got your sty which is what you end up with normally um the VRA and the Massie I’m pretty sure those two you start with base game um U um but on this one you also get uh 7715 which is pretty cool that is upgradeable to 220 horses I think Harvester truck trailer headers cultivator seeders we got a forage wagon you get that on the base game or not need a forage wagon this little symbol here that’s canola straw header and I think it’s two weights yeah so that’s where you start and then the fields we got is I got um Precision farming installed as well I think so that’s ready to harvest and then the field over there you’re also ready to harvest so you got canola and wheat so I’m going to treat this a bit like a live stream don’t think it will be a series I may play on it off screen if I don’t get any um any response but yeah this is literally all of this so should we do some farming because you guys are going to get bored else first thing I want to do is check the sales that a’t bad is it what’s really going to go wrong with that other than the fact like I’ll pull it I got nothing big enough to put it that oh love that that’s like my favorite of I know it’s not very big but that’s like my favorite of favorite oh 77 Grand oh no that is like my most favorite CEDA in game for some unbeknown reason of all the seeders in all the world this one absolutely love this one I can’t pull it there’s other things we need to buy man but 77 Grand you see my p is a bit slow it loads the um old pictures there but 77 26 uh um it will load eventually give it time I come oh I come back out there come back in it loaded there you go it’s because I’m still in that menu I’ve grab a drink I’m tempted just to grab that you know I know 77 Grand Jus but that’s like I’m buying it call me stupid but I bought it you’re stupid thanks mate oh I want to sell that as well don’t really like that nothing wrong with it don’t me wrong don’t need it c um while we’re here quickly waffle through uh I got Lisa field Precision farming Advanced bank loans cosplay I got the stock check thing I got some additional settings down here which I generally don’t use it’s just the engine starter and that sort of stuff I use on there and then all that all that regular Shenanigans and then this one I’m going to turn that up a little bit threee I’m going to leave it on easy because why the [ __ ] not why have I got to struggle with goog is off um 5 days per thing not sure why I went for five I think I was going to speed that up but August will be 1 month so I leave it on three i w knock it up like 10 for the 5 days I you ain’t going to see much of it anyway but I will and then I’ve got the tip anywhere good stuff and then I’ve got the net wrap and all that good stuff added in as well animals and dynamic loans and exhaust dust and all that um stuff there’s no animal pens as yet that’s what we’ve got now so that’s where we’re at so the first thing we need to do is find is find ourselves a tractor isn’t it let’s go find a tractor um actually actually AR if I oh I’m tempted I’m tempted to go either New Holland or Massie I do like me a Massie so I’ve got ignore those the 5650 and the tx32 I’m thinking go with this one it’s cheap as chips right right so let’s grab this again I’m going to treat this like a live stream because I can I’ve got the um yeah I’ve got everything running manually I got manual attach um manual gears with clutch not so much with this one cuz it’s um it’s um automatic so it doesn’t count but um yes so I’ve got in cab um [Music] oh that’s not [Music] right right be with me two seconds right there we go just didn’t feel right so we get this to the store and um get this swapped out for grab a couple of masses we can get that filled dur no time so we might end up selling the um the um what is it the VRA and the sty and just go through a lot of lot of masses look at that like clockwork they knew we were coming those [Music] lights I am indicating no one’s paying attention to me anyway the um the lights the traffic lights on here when you drive up to them I’ve noticed I’ve got two habits habit one is they will just automatically change habit two they will go through a cycle and they will run every light except the one on parked at so I haven’t played this rendition bit of a lag there but then again I haven’t moved I haven’t been anywhere my PC is getting all toasty as well so that’s helpful um this way put some flashers on um yeah I haven’t been any I haven’t done anything you see red light I got realistic cab view thing on which is really good when you’re doing harvesting cuz you can just lean across now I’m waiting for lights up is what it is I suppose no rush yeah oh indigestion we get this sold by a cutle of those masses my turn hey look at that the we was waiting I do play cuz I have played on my PC without recording um just a bit of fun I play relatively realistically I’ve got all the Rea stuff installed all the mod system and all that installed I like getting stuck um my youngest well I say youngest he’s 5 months my 5-year-old he likes to sit on my lap and drive and and do a bit of plowing or a bit of cultivating or just just silly little things so I’ve actually got well three maybe four polish Maps installed look at the UK Maps um solely because he enjoys playing on them and you can do a little bit of this and a little bit of that and it doesn’t eat eat up your entire day right let’s jump out of that get clunked head with a l brilliant excellent job bud doesn’t need repairing we can just sell that sell that that needs repairing for 3 quid oh I’ve got the service thing installed as well so you have to pay for a service and all that good Shenanigans sell that there’s our uh our new Cedar not sure why I like that so much I just really like that I’m hoping that was in 19 I’m hoping it’s going to be in 25 it’s got to be in 25 surely oh double check it and appeared in the sales I have noticed that sometimes you look at things zoom out look at things zoom out zoom in zoom out and then all of a sudden bof there it is in your um in your sales I’m not saying that’s always the case but you know it’s option two I like yeah these KS uh standard sticker yes I want a cabin which supp look at that uh leave all that leave all that leave all that that’s all good that’s all the same old Shenanigans that’s the same I want that with a cover I the upper pipe I don’t know why I like the upper pipe I just like that uh I’m going to leave that off for now I’m run that on cos plate and I’m not sure whether that’s going to interfere or not probably will so I’m going to leave it off I don’t want GPS can get cosplay to do it I might add GPS to a tractor or two but not to this uh do I want probably should shouldn’t I back only is there a French no 56 Grand well I’m going to buy I could lease them and buy them later I got lease to [Music] own you know want to’s do that and then oh what am I doing you silly boy I want that one and at some point we’ll um we’ll buy them if I remember correctly the only issue I got with this is the fact that these headers don’t always want to sit on those trailers very well right let’s grab this one get that started up um reverse I want to knock the range up there we go I’m I need to get the second one first I think yes I’ve got manual gear shift and clutch as I mentioned before I’ve got all of the above it’s not just automatic for me buddies oh no oh you can’t see that but I pushed so hard on the brake pedal lot of you guys have used the G9 g920 setup oh but that break pedal is mighty stiff guys mighty mighty stiff where am I going over here somewhere so how the Dickens is everybody I hope you are all doing well you see this is exactly what I was talking about it’s like nope I am not going on there and I stole my harest there do you see that what an idiot because I can I’m hoping you’re not going to be to hear my um my speakers but the chances are you will I need to get me a new headset that’s what I need if anybody wants to donate me a headset not going to complain I’m not too far away that darn manual attach I’ll tell you why I um I stalled it it’s because I’ve got a habit of Dipping the clutch changing gear from forwards to reverse and um there’s no connections no from forwards to reverse and rather than rather than Breaking the Gap just use the uh the clutch all jump down something’s not right with my chair it keeps moving I don’t like it I don’t like it we need that header oh there’s so many ranges on this if any of you guys play with the g920 or the PlayStation equivalent I can’t what that was G29 or whatever the new one is and you play with a shifter let me know how you play the reason I came with a q that time rather than a is because I had the mouse in my hand yeah let me know how you play how you how you set your gears up the why I’ve got mines up one is forward Direction two is backwards Direction three is gear up four is gear down five is range up six is rang down and reverse does nothing I haven’t set reverse up to do anything you going to find it you’re thinking about it there we go darn thing I don’t know why my chair is moving around so much it’s bugging me like every time I get a break or accelerate or dip the clutch it rolls backwards no don’t get in there I want to walk you silly boy there we go stupid chair so money is up to 56 413 we got two new Harvesters have I still got follow me on let’s jump in let’s jump in here if we find out uh got auto drive but I haven’t set any routes up no you follow me oh well is what it is I suppose dly clutch start with three sometimes you can get away with three listen to a complain I could get a regular worker to try and run it but why why would I even think that would be a good idea right so I’ll get this one up to the farm we get a cosplay route set up for both the combines is having manual with clutch sliding again a turnips a turnips oh no look now I’m in the way put the hazard lights on I broke down keep oh no you don’t want to know what I did please tell me there’s no one behind us that’s just just me holding myself up actually see we just leave those on right right dip the clutch start the engine put the brakes on bluming chair still rolling yeah I’ve decided to ride the clutch rather than um hold the brakes down cuz it’s pushing my chair backwards ah turnips don’t catch can I crash okay I didn’t think I was going to put away quite so quick that’s got some poke a eh I’m going to have to break now aren I why is my chair decided it’s going to [Music] roll something’s a foot I’m not sure what it is don’t know I don’t know more there’s more Jas okay so the guys to the right of us I’ve got right away this time see I like this immersion there’s hardly any traffic on the blooming map but but there’s traffic lights and stuff I’m in C I got mysterium wall got me pedals got me uh w a bit of a bump there I think I caught something should we do the wheat first or the canola first there should be a little dirt path up there that goes between the two where is it yeah I wouldn’t say this is um a virtual farmer realism experiment but I do like all this Inc caption anigan um I need somewhere largish retractor I need to get that header on on the combine without driving through my crop so let’s ride the clutch down here and hit the fence I’m sure I just caught that fence right let’s get those off we jump out yeah disconnect that we need this in you probably do the wheat field In fairness can I miss that I don’t want to drive into the trailer I’m hoping I’ve gone far enough forward where I’m going to miss it there we go is anybody used now I don’t do PC very often as you know I’m a console gamer I’ve been telling you this all the episode um does any of you use the um movable mirrors mod and is it any good I mean I could just L that didn’t I I could just download it and find it for myself couldn’t I don’t drive into the canola should have changed down a range or two I’m pulling away far too fast it’s got too many beans and not enough um look how quick it’s trying to jump away from me who Jers let’s um let’s come down a couple it’s like it’s you know like it’s turboed I just want to pull away I don’t want it to you know fly up the road that’s ridiculous I stop that there is backwards you see again I use the um I use the uh the clutch to stop it rather than any else now I need to attach that and the hoses I’ve made that mistake before and then you think we’ll start with the with the wheat yeah let start with a weight why not needs plowing does a can plowing it BL well does you know jump in here jump out of here oh because it’s manual everything um it’s going to have it a rolling I want this one start stop fuel save void driving and through prop raise tools late lower them early don’t miss any do I that’ be stupid and then we need to create a job cosplay Fields this one open big it it’s not very big is it shouldn’t take too long should we do two workers put both in the same field to get it done or put another worker in this field think we’ll do that one and then longest Edge cuz that’s how I like it there’s nothing in the field so that should be good close cancel back this one first way point I like the blue dot go not sure where the first wayo is but off they go don’t Lous it otherwise I’m going to end up with it’s over there what you doing in the middle of the field it’s over there lower the header lower the header straw job job Ed let’s go get the other one it says no you can’t start that because you’ve um not dip the clutch and I thought I left it in gear here I’m pretty sure I got traffic on overco compensated there didn’t I what am I doing stop right in the clutch man and drive let me get back the farm I’ll have a quick shift here see see if I got the um traffic on I’m sure I saw traffic earlier I don’t think there’s any um any extra there there’s a car I’ve got traffic on I’m not sure if I got any extra traffic on the map I think it might just be um you bulks down the traffic and because it’s getting held up with like traffic lights and all that shenans it’s just takeing a bit of time to get around the map now am I even going the right blooming way can’t see um I think I’m got to go down here I’ve probably just just completely lost that I’ve round him up on the dirt there we go I’m hoping this will take me to a bridge yeah job job Ed come on race for the lights let’s get there before they change oh Dar and dag NAB it should we jump the lights I hope this hasn’t come in [Music] no you see there’s a car coming Byron not sure if any you guys watch Mr zor Mr Z but he’s named all the traffic Byron black car Scarlet drives a red car obvious reasons there there a good few of them good few silly little names and um water he’s got the white car but Byron Cy causes some issues that boy I tell you every time I pick my cup up to drink my tea the misses has made me the lights change yeah so I mean I’ve had a few glitchy few bits here and there but nothing compared to what I get on Xbox nothing at all so but like the boy said it could just be it’s been held back struggling to uh process with the limited resources that it has available yes I said available not available it’s just one of them silly words that Muggin ear comes that with there’s water but yeah if you want to see this I’ve got the like oh American fools going I’ve got um the banish Adventures by Mr Jack sge on no man’s land and then I’ve got the Polish uh mazava Frugal Millionaire on the go um but I wanted to do a base game he says win a cheesy grin I want to do a base game map but I didn’t want to do a base game map but not done hubu and um I can’t see the combine I lean forward see it no um and this is a 4K version of ubu so why not why not give it a go but if you want to see more of this I’m going to do the canola field with this one I think if you want to see more of my shenanigans on here then uh leave me a message and um I’ll see what I can do that maintenance mod thing that I’ve got installed can’t think of exactly what one it is but I’ve got one of them and um I’m just hoping that it’s not going to say you needed new clutch on your Harvesters because you’re riding them who backwards do look I’m down gear wanted to reverse well stick this in the canola let’s drop that down so I can see on going get that lined up on there I’m not sure why I’m bothering it’s probably going to um get those off and then no I didn’t want to get out no I want to get out you silly boy get off the step no the back up it’s too far away there we go and then start stop didly do didly do raise dos late lower them early oh I didn’t do this on the other one did I uh unload on first head stop while unloading I do like it to stop this one create a job cosplay fiber field 33 uh two of those kittens sharp don’t overlap too much longest Edge there’s no bypass close that cancel that come back first wayo Blue Dot let him do his thing jump out I’m sure they’ll work out where they’re going I need a tractor and a trailer a the trailer that I’ve got oh you silly boy run I think the trailer that I’ve got um where is it stop one un load in unload on first Headland let’s save it there let’s save it haven’t saved it all this time right again computer’s old but it’s running it fine let’s jump out of here jump out of here ex IED can I move this kitten yes I can where should I put that um you like it out there I don’t particularly like the um the pop of itself and auto drive pops up right in a Senter which is pretty cool let’s just dump it there it was just so that I could see when it was um needed un loading shall we say so let’s grab ourselves a tractor uh yeah we we stick that on there open that now one of these sheds up here it’s got a trailer in it not that one it’s got a St in it this one oh it’s got the welga I don’t like that I really don’t like that trailer we may swap that out for the Massie I’ve got a couple of Massy um LIF up I’ve got a couple of Massy um Trail is installed and as we is going to go for a Massy type Farm I think we should probably switch this out for a Massie I’m well off have I got that installed N I have got it installed I thought I did I need to map that to my joystick for woods man I I got a lot of the Rea stuff installed so the heavier the implement the heavier the whatever the um more power it requires from said tractor I’m not sure if you’d normally do 33 km through your yard but we’ve got the space and there’s nobody here can I make it through the a it’s like going for the width of a stretch here isn’t it look at that and then I think it’s this guy that needs unload and it’s costing me money we’ll see how well they perform um these combines I do like these combines I think that’s the same combine I had on the gate to [Music] challenge there we go break let go with the clutch just run the brake it rolls look is it going to roll not the minute it says we do need to get out of here though pretty sharpish cuz that guy is going to want to take off empty this into The Silo then go and empty that guy probably I’m rolling go with a break Bel did you see there we go he no longer needs do hickey in so we get this guy out of the way uh once he’s completed the Headland on this side there should be room here for me to swing this round hopefully no [Applause] just I’ve caught something I’ve caught the trailer can I get around this time I’m in the Harvesters way there we go so uh yeah I’m actually having fun actually having did you notice I’m not coughing all that much today too busy concentrating to cough he say as he starts to gol I’m uh I’m riding a clutch a lot here let’s let’s drop that down the problem with this um no boners through the yard do I there’s nobody else here it’s just me but there’s also arrows on the floor down here which way you should go in and out of this Silo and this is technically the out that I’m going to go in okay yeah I really don’t like this trailer wow I say I don’t like the trailer it’s not it’s not the quickest at doing well anything let’s be honest it’s just not the quickest to do [Applause] anything again I’m going to treat a bit like a live stream I’m just going to play I may shut up and just crack on and you can just listen to the Tractor noises to that guy wherever he is the dude in the canola will be the next guy that needs emptying um there he is Miss do it also I got the mud system we got the Raa stuff the only Rea one I don’t have installed is the center of gravity um and there’s a reason for that I’ve got a have a tip in the track practice is he cutting in to stop or is he cutting in to turn the corner to turn the corner yes I’m riding the clutch that’s why it’s rolling backwards I’m pulling forwards it saves on brake pads I know it’s not very um economical and cost effective to wait for the Harvester to stop I should probably keep him moving or I could use um I could use course plade to just empty the thing the problem is I’ve now got two I did break that time I got two Harvesters doing two different crops and one trailer and tractor are you cutting in or are you driving into me I’m your way how back are you going wowe it’s a long way back to go nowhere needs to be something then driving the crop do I oh there we go you lift the clutch up just ever so slightly the uh the idol pulls it which is kind of cool I off it St and then I roll backwards which is pretty cool so again when you think my PC’s pretty old and uh she doesn’t particularly like recording and playing we should do one or and the other but recording and playing isn’t her thing um you good yeah I think she’s doing all right but so I’m just hoping uh when fs25 does drop I know there’s going to bugs there’s going to be issues there’s going to be lot of little silly things he needs emptying lots of silly little things that are going to be required shall we say updates bug fixes all that Shenanigans I’m just hoping I’m really hoping that I can get a smooth lag free experience without having to worry about oh I can’t have x y and Zed at my yard because that causes frame rate issues that causes this that causes that mean I’m playing All American fools immediately a mod map and if I use a few trucks a Mac Truck in-game Mac Truck I might add not like a fancy one just an in-game Mac Truck and um as I drive it bounces go watch the episode before the last one as I’m driving the whole screen shaking whereas the TX truck that I’m using absolutely fine not a problem with it you see what I mean I connected to Studios kid it’s spot on with their file optimization and Giants can’t I think for me personally if it wasn’t for the mod maps if it wasn’t for all the extra little bits that you get from all the Fantastic moders that are out there Farm Sim wouldn’t be Farm Sim it would be boring it would be annoying it would be glitchy it would be laggy it would be clunky it would be everything that you don’t want it to be so big shout out to every one of the moders here because they do an amazing job and without them we wouldn’t have this game we would have again would just have the clunky base game which would be a bit well wouldn’t be great would it let’s be honest it wouldn’t be great well I’m on just I’m just off with that why is the sticker now not in Focus what’s going on there you go it’s Focus again crazy thing I’m sure I can see the sticker just now anyway guys if you want to see more of my Shenanigans here in France shout and uh I’ll be more than happy to try to get some more of these longplay me waffling talking shenanigans that wasn’t the word I was going for could you tell talking Shenanigans in France you just going to pull away and hopefully don’t drop Grain on my tractor who do you think he is is tractor grain dropper I want to spin around this way today wait for to get out of the [Applause] way go and empty this and then go and find a canola man yeah if you want to see more give me a shout if you don’t want to see more you think hang on a minute you console gamer playing on PC with all these fancy PC mods what you’re playing at then let me know I don’t care I mean I am a console gamer that is what I do that is what my channel is I have dabbled on here before I don’t know F if you don’t want to see anymore I just play on my own play with the kids I don’t care that came out wrong but there’ll be a lot more incab in this series if you want to see it because it’s more immersive especially with the the controls I’m using I need to um set that move some key bindings for that joystick actually so the unload dump here button whatever you want to call it um is mapped to that button there you can’t see I’m pointing at it which unloads the trailer right because I got the twine addon I tested it out earlier make sure it’s still working because I got the twine add on added on for the Bor when I go to unload the bail the twine add-on goes no you can’t do that mate you have to empty the Baer so it throws a twine on the floor not the bail so I need need to tweak need to tweak that I need to I know what the buttons at the top do I got refill unload and then um turn on tool lower tool so lower the header raise the header and turn it on and off or lower raise the mower turn it on and off that’s what shans um so I’ve got all that and then there’s a few BS on the bottom one is cover um which I think is this that’s um that one that one’s cover you see the mirror that one’s cover and I’ve got unfold and pipe out of these two so I got three buttons here that I have absolutely no idea what they do um the side button on my joystick I hold in and then use the joystick for front loaders remember that much and then the trigger at the front I use to get in and out of whatever the vehicle is oh it’s pulling away in and out of whatever the vehicle is um and then just using the joystick as is moves the little man’s head around and then the little button on the top little trim button what you want to call it does indicators and zoom in and out if I jump out of cab that one does this you see the flashes and then this one Zooms in and out and then this one moves the camera around you see how that works so I need a button for I need a button for um is 80% and ejecting bales I might move them around a little bit and the unload button I might have one side and the unload bail button I might have the other side for I’m bailing and then one of the three keys I can’t remember what to do I might change one of those to refill is he get over there then when you drive to like a bag of seeds and you refill the seeder that sort of [Music] shenanigans he’s not flashing yet so we’re good at a minute oh bit of a hill while I’m properly riding the clutch to get up here wonder how many farms are watching that actually um spend a lot of time riding the clutch in their tractor see the clut depress you see I’m literally it’s not all the way up if I roll there you go that’s all the way up I love the animation in this tractor it’s it’s very um authentic with what I’m actually doing don’t get too close because he’ll want to put his pipe out and I wanted to fill up it’s very close to what I’m actually doing which is pretty cool if I move this one to the forward and reverse moves cool right and then the range sure there was a range one and then you got the um gear stick it’s cool right by the time I’ve done this guy I’ll be back to the weak guy again don’t roll down the hill don’t roll down the hill just moving my chair ah sh my Timbers anyway guys I’m going to leave it there I’m going to get this braks I’m going to get all well both these fields do hick harvested and then not sure what to do with Canola straw I can go into one of the Productions to make bags and stuff I think fabric all right I can’t remember now oh dude something with it I may well um swap that trailer out as well I may well get a Bev what say we got a forage wagon picker uper which is great if you want to sell stuff you can’t get a a lot lot in a forage wagon that’s a fair few trips and the fact this is a 4K map 4X map it makes more sense to bail it and then get a bail pick a rapper and then get yeah if I get not much autoload but if you got an auto load the one that’s supposed to be Auto load not one of those fancy ones that just magically appears on the trailer a pop autoload but the Aran there got the little thingy that you pick up you know what I mean explaining to you which of a prank brush to hold um you can take a lot more to sell than if I had a Traer when I Traer holds 32,000 L surviv 8 1.8 m bales I saw you a couple of bail it CU I could get like 124 on on a bail trailer you see what I’m saying anyway guys I oo going to struggle to stop I think I’m going to leave it there let’s jump out yes so if you want to see more of this Shenanigans let me know and uh we may very well play again we long going to play anyway so yeah fun times Well at least get all that stuff sorted out I might change that for the um I’ll show you before we leave I’ll show you quickly um trailers I’ve got uh these two and that one’s black sheet this one might black sheet modin so 17 and 17.2 that’s 133 F this is 133 if it ever loads and 13250 sorry but even that some chunky at Ties on bkt’s michelins is bigger than we got now Ain it capacity wise I mean that’s almost double what we’ve got anyo I digress I I may not buy that I may buy trans 70 I won’t buy the trans 70 you tell I do a lot of Polish maps craple of those 16 19 Grand Bailey trailer do like the Bailey Traders um got a lot of trailers in here to be honest I might do something anyways I to some guys the weak guys complaining he’s full again so as always thanks for watching please like subscribe and comment each and every one of you please take care and I’ll see you all in my next adventure cheers guys [Music] n [Music]


    1. Dude I cut my teeth on the 2600 so I know where you are coming from. I've owned every Xbox. I recently started playing on my laptop and I can't go back to Xbox now. I'm ruined 😂 Colecovision, Mattel Intellivision, VIC20 C64 and 128. I just wish I had the the money for a wheel or panel but I'm stuck using keyboard mouse controller.

    2. We are always interested in seeing all of your shenanigans! Great video! I just got the PS5 and have FS22 on there but have already preordered FS25 for my pc… decisions decisions. My son asked if we could give you the preorder FS25, and I surely would gift it to you if I can figure out a way!

    3. Well, knock me over with a mangel wurzel! Didn't expect to see you on the pc 😊 I didn't get FS22 until October last year because I needed a new pc to run it. I'm pretty impressed that your old rig can run it, and with a 4x map. I sure hope Giants can optimise the new game for your console. I can't afford to preorder unless I get some birthday loot in October 😂 But, like you say, the new game is usually quite buggy and bland, it really is the modding community that lifts it to another level.

    4. Nice to see you on PC again. I still can't get my sound levels right, maybe at some point, but I will be on the controller, I think, as I don't have any of the wheels or anything.

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