Police are investigating after a man appears to have been kidnapped in Bradford, West Yorkshire.

    CCTV showed the moment four men appear to pounce on the victim and drag him into the back of a red van.

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    1. 😢😢Λυπάμαι ζούμε δύσκολα χρόνια τελευταία τρέχει ο πονηρός στη γη επιρειαζει προσευχή

    2. I'd hate to live in a hole like Bradford and Birmingham.. You'd not think your in England, its like a Bangladesh or alike. TOTAL HOLE and them lot 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

    3. Bradford literal hell on earth, place runs on drug money 1.4 million live their and only has 50 tax payers, police dare not enter, very dangerous place

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