All the training and nutrition behind how a Pro Cyclist prepares for the Tour de France. I’ll be cheering on the EF boys all the way this year!

    Amacx Giveaway: Let me know your worst hunger flat story to go into the draw for a nutrition starter pack. Winner will be selected on July 31 2024

    All the details on our new partnership with Oatly:

    EF Lemon Chia Overnight Oats:

    Relish Recipe:

    Cured Egg Yolks:

    Confit Garlic:

    00:00 Quick Note
    00:38 Intro
    02:00 Day 1
    22:05 Day 2
    24:45 Heat Training
    29:15 Amacx Giveaway
    31:28 Day 3
    36:55 Team Physio
    40:40 Kit Drop
    42:55 Wrap-Up

    just a quick note before the video begins I’m not at the tour this year that’s just the way the Elite Sports goes you can prepare as hard as you want but it doesn’t mean that it will always happen so yeah I wish the best of luck to all the EF guys I’m sure they’ve made the right choice and they’ll have a really really good race um yeah regardless of the preparation Jacob and I made this awesome video for you guys to watch so there was no reason to delete it and Silver Lining is I’m on an Italian holiday with my parents and girlfriend so hope you enjoy and yeah see you in the next one there you are seriously like so this I was off the back I was sick I felt terrible and I’ve seen this crash like 200 M down the road and I didn’t even like touch the brakes I was just riding and I saw the crash so I like tensed up a little bit and then I was on the road like seriously like I like on this all like on my ass with the hands out down the road and yeah it took me eight seconds or nine seconds to stop so so you’re back at Wet n Wild yeah back and Wet n [Applause] [Music] Wild pive well here we are guys another video for you to watch we are 10 days out from the tour to France now so do doing the final preparations we just got back from dorphin so we’ll have a few days easy um I’m going to show you guys probably 2 or 3 days bit of training little bit of food I hope you enjoy and uh yeah I’m actually about to cook Jacob the best the best sandwich he’s ever had in his life I think so we’ll uh take you into the kitchen and give you a nice look we also have got a new Brom machine one of the loveliest pieces of equipment I’ve ever seen in my life life couldn’t be better all right so for lunch today we are doing a recovery ride after we uh we just drove down from J or drove up from Joan I had to pick up some equipment to do the next training block so recovery day today um we are going to make the most delicious sandwich in the world so I’ve got some fresh ficca dough ready to go on some nice LM Tomatoes mozzarella comfy garlic and star of the show we have some cured egg yolks and then for a little bit of extra protein there is some grilled tenderloin that I made a few days ago so we’re going to do a leftover lunch and Jacob’s going to tell us if it’s the best sandwich he’s ever eaten which I’m pretty confident it will be so oh we also have a few extra bits and pieces I got these on my holiday in Greece after the end this is balsamic vinegar with Thyme and honey pretty nice and also some of their best olive oil I bought enough to last the entire to to France the old vasilas estate um but yeah this is really nice and spicy adds a bit of an extra kick so going to run you through what we’re doing why you wrapped out um because it’s so bright and sunny in here that it will destroy the olive oil so that was what I learned on my wine and olive oil tour so we’re just going to start with the fatcha cuz really really flying yeah always olive oil is healthy F which we need in our lives so look at that I’ve got a new food ethos that I’ve been testing out the last few days which is very minimal ingredients but really high quality all right so the dough is in we just basically need to bake this on as hot as the oven goes I mean it fresh out of the the fridge so it’s still actually a bit cold inside but like we’re not having a crunchy sandwich so I guess it doesn’t really matter that much and also on today’s episode I guess we can figure out the the broom machine yeah you know someone in gree actually told me me that every true person that lives on the island of Creek they have a tablespoon of olive oil first thing every morning really yeah which I just find a bit hard to believe but have you tried it no I haven’t but when we did the olive oil tasting we were having teaspoons of olive oil and it’s bloody unreal it’s like proper it’s like spicy in your throat and that’s how you know that you’ve got a good olive oil tablespoon a lot though yeah but you know they do want to live long true right so have a look at this it’s looking pretty good so far we’re just going to go for a bit of flaky salt on top before it Cooks bit of pepper so we’re going to leave this in the Sun for a bit because the dough needs to warm up a little bit before we cook it so just going to put it there and then we going to cut up the rest of the stuff you know someone in the last video said they left a comment that said I can’t believe you would wear shoes in your own house that’s so disgusting so I don’t know how we feel about that but yeah but sometimes you can just get crummy feet exactly you can get crummy feet oh yeah but then you don’t have much tomato Integrity yeah I think it holds up holds up quite so which way do you say I go I slice oh across this way yeah all right see is falling get them nice and thin though I don’t think this is sharp enough I think it’s been quite blunt it seems like there’s a better ratio this direction bit of tender loine have to cut the fat off that it’s not as delicious when it’s cold is it oh there’s also something else that I forgot that we’re going to add to it is that I’ve made recently along with some homemade BL blueberry jam we have tomato Johnny tomato and G and ginger relish so it’s a bit of a game changer adds a little bit of spice to your meal you know what the Euros can’t do a relish yeah and probably the same as these Tomatoes I have heard that you should always salt your Tomatoes always Yeti if you’re watching One ask want a big esy for a barbecue you do want a big esy for a barbecue while after theart just cooking maybe we do a bit of an intermission and see whether we can um dial in some custy beans what are you reckon yeah that sounds good so I bought a a milk picture I bought a milk picture and I didn’t check how big it was and you can’t even like when you pull a shot into this you can’t even fill it up with milk Sor that’s the last time I buy an internet [ __ ] milk jug if there’s any Baristas out there I’m already going to say there’s going to be a comment about the uh the grinder having a popcorning effect I think it needs more Puck prep more Puck prep I think you need a norm core I think you need no no all right well this is the fullest basket that I’ve ever had so sh we’re off to a good start you timer no I’ve got a timer here and on there but it’s got 6C pre-infusion oh if that ain’t some delicious looking espresso notes of maripan notes of maripan and Brom I can smell red grape and almond I can smell the OV I don’t know I think it’s pretty good like that’s definitely warmed up by now nice beautiful day here in Andora it is a beautiful day in and windy that is that’s delicious and what did that take all of 5 minutes to make I mean I mixed the dough together but like that that really didn’t take me that long you know when you do all the prep on a recovery day I just do like a bunch of food prep like I’ll make some some Chutney or this afternoon I going to make some overnight oats for tomorrow morning um and it just makes your life better it food tastes better you have more time it’s morale it’s morale so yeah stop Uber Eats it’s not directed at anyone well I don’t know I know a see if you can guess I know an Australian Sprinter he won the green jersey and I don’t think he’s gone grocy shopping in about 3 years ever who do you think this could be drop us a comment down below who do you think that could be it’s not an attack it’s not an attack not an attack oh also this reminds me about comments is um ax they watched the last video and they also want to do a giveaway so um um you’re going to have to do some action I’m going to leave the information in the comment in the description but you’re going to have to do an action I’m not sure what it is you’re going to have to comment something down below and follow ax and uh yeah I’ll I’ll draw the winner say like the end of J day before the tour yeah um the end of July say when the tour finishes I’ll check the comments and uh the best comment wins whatever the parameters are but you’ll be able to win like an aax starter pack which I assume would be like see we have a bit of a merry go round going but in here like I assume you’ll get like some something stuff from Ax they they we talk to ax and figure it out and they’ll send it directly to your house so um yeah comment something that I’m not sure yet um I’ll ask ax what they want and yeah make sure you check the description aart is done look at that Prime real estate for a bit of a s how big of a sandwich do you want like that yeah sure to build the best sandwich in the world bit of coni garlic lead off oh how’s the smell all right how we looking so far it’s pretty Deluxe cpra style um what am I going to go for next I think I need to put chuty bit of Chutney on top healthy scoop I’m going to go for a bit of this Secret Sauce the balsamic vinegar glaze pretty delici oh and one more thing we need a little bit of the finishing olive oil and this ising this is going to be the best sandwich you’ve ever eaten in your life levels am I right levels to right right give me the camera and take a bite of that see what you think that’s pretty darn good e pretty darn good oh yeah I’m glad we didn’t wait for the bread to cool down I’m starving yeah what are we we’re at nearly 300 p.m. I’m guessing first meal of the day do you reckon you can say that it’s the best sandwich you’ve ever eaten or not yet I’d say it’s definitely out there definitely out there yeah like top three top three sandwiches that’s that’s pretty good I mean we put this together in 20 minutes yeah and I didn’t get paid for it so I’m all about it he very Mediterranean living yeah very you can thank Grace for that Grace changed him Grace has changed you as a man on our way up Ang gasters how’s that sandwich digesting yeah good really uh got me sitting low in the position what do you think about the scalpel by the way yeah it’s good R has it someone did 170 on that two days ago apparently so don’t know who what idiot would have done that but honestly wouldn’t advise it I mean maybe if it was suited to your your position it’ be okay but I’d ha to try and average 280 for like 6 hours or whatever yeah we’re good if any of the viewers of the channel come to Andor I would highly recommend to swim in angleas Lake yeah Eng’s hydroelectric Dam it’s also a beautiful place for walk with your girlfriend and dog uh shout out [Music] JD Man Loves a romantic walk around Anglers just don’t swim near the generators yeah and then you’re right they he I didn’t charge the uh bike after my 6 hours on the mount bike the other day maybe Jacob’s stuck in the 3610 oh come on bro you’re almost there get those glutes going oh come on it’s not that big of a GE do like 300 watch but what the [ __ ] that’s me burn that Sanger off yeah yeah sure did all right well I guess we’ll see you at dinner time then yeah see you dinner that wow that’s pretty great that is pretty great should we I reckon we should make some overnight oats sounds like a great idea we should do the EF overnight o recipe what’s that about to show you honey would you believe I’m about to use a recipe for this no team EF lemon Chia overnight oats but we’re going to make lime Chia overnight oats with coconut and we’re also going to make four times the recipe I reckon that seems about right how many servings in in one I don’t know one single Ser last time I did eight times but that was a bit excessive 240 G of Oats cinnamon I’ll watch out just get my spice drawer open Ginger pretty half a teaspoon of cinnamon was that was way more than cam we don’t have that salt that looks about right much cinnamon one tablespoon of Chia seeds so we need four T oh no teaspoons there’s one two three four exact measurements in the description below four tablespoons of honey no I’ll actually you know what I’ll do I’ll just link it on the website yeah yeah I just link it oh no just just pour the honey I want to see your tablespoons oh okay oh this is thick 1 2 3 4 all right well I’m going to do two two zests cuz they’re pretty small what was that just oh maybe hold on let me just oh it’s already turned on you wouldn’t know though all right now we’re just going for it says a quar of a lemon all right and then we’re just going to go for like a dash of coconut just cuz I want I want that flavor mix it all up pretty good I mean it needs it needs to to sit for a little bit on training camp I reckon I was having 500 G of that in the morning and it works out to be like a th000 calories like 250 g of carbs or something so it’s pretty good you know actually what a great recovery meal is is coconut water mhm with Blended frozen bananas and dates inside it’s like the most potassium dense thing that you can possibly have potassium good for Recovery yeah potassium is the opposite of the sodium in the muscle pump in the cell potassium pumps the water out of the cell sodium pumps the water into the cell you also need it to lation muscles for dinner tonight we are going to do a reverse here P which is just a rump cap if you’re Australian um so we’re going to put this into the oven first and then sear it after and then we’re going to make a nice salad with our pumpkin and looks like a nice bit of meat yeah this is all part of my new series just just cooking simply so maybe I should actually uh come out with the cookbook going to put a bit of Tabasco on it so the idea now is that the fat Cup on top is just going to melt down and make the meat nice and juicy so now we just need to cook it for tonight’s carbohydrates we’re going to do twice cooked potatoes so we’re going to boil them first and soften them the edges get a bit starchy and then those bits get really nice and crispy in the oven so going to Chuck them in some cold water so good rule of thumb is everything that grows below the ground you start in cold water and everything that grows above the ground you start in hot water so now we’re just going to dice everything up and Chuck it in anyway so now we’re just going to fill it up with cold water till it’s above and we’re going to boil this until the potatoes are like literally about to fall apart and when they’re about to fall apart we’re going to take them out drain the water and then just roast them hot as they go so potatoes are roasted we have some caramelized red onions and the BNA is in here just resting before we do the sear and our potatoes are boiled and as you can see a little bit steamed so now is is bit of olive oil on the potatoes so they’re roughed up a bit as you can see they’re pretty roughly here we go juice test time to build up the salad sundried tomatoes in there as well this going to be a pretty El salad croutons and then our secret ingredient B secr but see so the potatoes are officially twice cooked now and they should be oh D going to have to get to the middle for that medium rare if it is there right I tell you what though this salad God de God dear s banana yeah just the banana and the Brew you sitting on my bed here we are on Jacob’s bed just because second mattress hasn’t arrived yet how was asleep I mean it was pretty good pretty good pigeons came and interrupted my sleep up there overnight a pretty good I’d say I mean Cher seeds never look the most appealing but it’s pretty delicious so I got 500 G of this which I’m guessing based on the EF recipe is yeah about 1,000 Cals um and then today on the training program I have four or 5 hours with three by 10 minutes 3030 plus a ramp up with a Sprint at the end so that’s pretty solid day the 303s are at between 460 and 6:30 so was pretty hefty 10 minutes rest in between each set so that’s going to be a hard day um might come on the mountain bike and do it with you yeah yeah easy work easy work we could send this to Netflix for the documentary Unchained see you boys have fun I’m going to swing off go go have a sleep reason I came on so we don’t have any in ride footage from today I’m sorry but the GoPro toasted itself did pretty pretty solid ride 245 average to nearly 4 hours it was a lot of efforts did a bit bit on the gravel pretty sweet anyway now we’re going to uh we’re going to get cracking on a on a smoothie because I actually have to jump in the bath would you believe and do heat training so after I make my recovery food I’ll show you how I cook myself this was the um the smoothie I was talking about yesterday that really just gets the job done Coco massive again don’t bother using a glass for those at home the water that comes the water that you sit in has to be like 45° so I need to go in there for 30 minutes Harry’s heat crap for tour to France active heat PR hot baring oh the water only needs to be 40° oh back a b 40° check the water every 2 to 3 minutes drink a lot start at 25 minutes up to my neck now I just sitting here for 25 minutes this is genuinely one of the most horrible things things I’ve done we’re at 39.9 I have that feeling like when you’re about to faint in the sauna like when all your skin starts tingling seriously like I’ve done hot saers before like 90° and 20 minutes is like no big task 40° and a 40° in a bath now it’s cuz you can’t cool down you know like You Can’t Sweat in you are sweat you you are the sweat sometimes I wonder what it be like being like an NBA player or a golf player oh well I guess I better get some clothes on and eat some lunch what a God what are you cooking for me a little little Bagel Burger this some lovely Patty that we got from canu the other day some tomato chutney beetro an egg sounds like pretty uh healthy all the food groups protein oh this one’s CRA other oh yeah some potatoes as well if you want some extra carbs yeah I I could go I could go throw them in the throw them in the pan I’ve recovered from the uh from on the heat training for today so that’s great news um we’re off for pop eyeses for what oh for po no we’re we’re just off to go have dinner at a friend’s place so you guys won’t see dinner I know that that’s only reason you watch the channel is for the food but uh yeah you won’t see that but we’ll be back again for breakfast tomorrow I assume yeah what are we going to do for breakfast overnight oats again well I mean we still have overnight oats left true there po wow amazing yeah we still have overnight oats left um so what’s on the training tomorrow well tomorrow on the training it was going to be motor pacing but my coach wasn’t able to get a scooter in time and my vesa long story oh add that to the list story but Jess thinks the veser is a lemon I love the veser uh but yeah the front headlights still out and it’s it took me about 2 hours maybe 2 and 1/ half hours of in-depth internet research and the only place I could find a switch that I need for this vesa from 1989 I found in a news an Italian newspaper excerpt from 1990 in Google Images so I tracked that down so then I knew it was possible and I found a guy selling it on a for him so he sent it from the ukuk so that’s the part that I need the part that I broke um and I will not be risking with the police here because I got fined last week as well they’re cracking down yeah they’re cracking down I got I got got got as part of their uh part of their aimed defecting yeah aimed scheme at defecting motos and scooters so anyway we’re not going to be doing that anymore um but no motoracing for me no motor pacing for Jacob for the moment so he’s stuck riding this riding the mountain bike W that’s a nice Wrangler I I came up with a good idea for the aax giveaway I want if you guys want to win the package from Ax whatever that may be I think it’s going to be like one of their starter packs you need to tell me down in the comments the worst hunger flat you ever had I want to know the story about your worst ever hunger flat yeah and yeah we’ll pick we’ll pick it from that so that sounds like pretty good idea no yeah I want to hear something pretty extraordinary like like my worst Tung of flat story I got hit by so this goes a long way back I got hit by a car had knee surgery then the other knee was was cooked after I had the surgery so then I had surgery on the other knee and then on the way back from the hospital our car got T-boned and it injured the same knee like it was just like the the worst week of my life like I my car flooded I broke my phone I bought a new phone I broke that phone kind of like similar to the week that I’m having right now breaking all this different [ __ ] so anyway I’ve had knee surgery I haven’t trained in like three months and I decided to do this big loop out the back of Debra and I got like I got back to the Sanford range but on the wrong side of the mountain I ran out of energy and I was so boxed that I just I I I was cross out I just rode off the edge of the road and crashed like I just rode into the ditch and crashed and like coincidentally someone that I knew was riding past at the same time and they’re like oh are you okay and I was like yeah I’m fine and then I just laid in the ditch and mom came to pick me up so pretty big ditch that one to be fair yeah yeah big ditch so um yeah that was my worst ever won so up there yeah if if anyone can beat that one then you get you get yeah you can have an aax starter pack and yeah you probably fully deserve it like if you have a story that beats that then you really you do really deserve to get some free [ __ ] yeah b bonera b and we’ll see you tomorrow morning real badman real bman all right see you tomorrow welcome to day two day two here we are or day three now day three now I guess day three now here we are gring gring some beans for espresso in the in the harer that’s like what what what sort of coffee do you call that again when it’s just the just the tip RTO RTO oh I’m back in Italy oh beautiful M that that espresso is so thick you could hold a spoon up right in it you got to start somewhere though but we’re so desperate if Mal coning is watching this video shut up if anyone that makes Grinders is watching this video Yeah doesn’t have to be Mal it can be it can be anybody if lit’s watching this video I love your machine yeah we love hook us up with a grinder look at that look at this comes with a bottomless portter filter come on I’ll never get a rocket I love my pop machine I think I’ll never get a rocket I’ll get a little lit though I think it I think it’s excessive it’s unnecessary skip was also the same like no I love my Chic love my Che love my CHX still not achiev much still not great is this yours now is it yeah this is like the [ __ ] dad cam upgrading the uh the filming business now hasn’t learn hasn’t learn how to operate no he doesn’t know how to use either of the cameras but the light is not on me still it’s like a camera it only works night right guys here we are we’re back in Harry’s Gaff and uh the boys have just ridden up the valley there and it’s raining as you can see so you know thoughts and prayers with them at this point but it’s not looking good bro it’s not looking good War here but G Harry before leaving this morning oh no it’s okay I won’t need a rain jacket today you jinxed it bro you jinxed it I’ve uh clocked off for the day 5 hours not oh not yet I’ve done 5 hours and I don’t know probably 3,000 B so going to make same as yesterday and I re I’m going to put some of this homemade blueberry jam in it I that would be pretty delicious but I reckon today I’m going to have spoke to Ben about this and the doctor I reckon I’m going to have my recovery meal as well sit around for a bit let it digest and then have the bath okay so not just going in straight away and cook yourself I’m not going to Raw a dog the bath today I’ll uh I’m going to smash this and then I’ll uh bring you along the way for some lunch I’m going to make you Curry yeah yeah apart from the rice I reckon I can make this curry in 10 minutes 10 minutes yeah you’re going to have some coconut and lime rice I believe we still have a lime somewhere uh yep coconut and lime rice and then maybe a bit of coriander in there and then good soap yeah a bit of soap and then I’m just going to smash together some veggies and then a little bit of that um P yeah the pic olive oil in bit of curry paste bit of coconut milk oh I should have mixed that how much P it’s a good handful yeah 9 minutes 20 9 seconds now we got to wait on yeah but the rice shouldn’t be too far away go that is the 10 minute Curry 10 minute Curry plus the rice 30 minute countdown that’s like I feel it was significantly better this time I didn’t feel like I was going to die in the last few minutes so it’s ideal positive adaptations Ben did say it gets better about to get a check up with the team physio who’s in laa um he’s driving up to my place now so I get a massage off him and he can check my bits and pieces um so in the lead up to the tour we’ve got my coach jez hunt who’s up in Andor as well so do a bit of pacing and he can just follow and make sure I’m training properly and yeah also we’ve got um Paul up here as well so he’s uh he’s up here for a week or so before so yeah we’ll um we’ll quiz him on on what he does in the team so you guys can actually get an idea of what a physio does in the team and uh yeah maybe Jacob can ask him some questions but he should be here soon so what does a physio do physio what what is your job what do you do this is Paul team physio do you want to tell us about yourself Paul uh I am what an Irish physio I’ve been with the te now 11 years and so yeah seen a lot of comings and going down the years but um uh yeah I suppose I spent a lot of years just going to races more as a swier and then physio in gerona and and andur and now um for for the past few years working more in performance support H so it’s been a nice change yeah so what’s your what’s your day to-day look like then like when you go to races what are you up to so I don’t go to races anymore uh my role more is with uh say training camps supporting athletes like now that we the women’s team as well both male and female in Jona and then like at times of the year we have 14 up here so also just like working with uh Jeremy Jeremy hun to like support right Riders we have and find just find ways we have of doing that yeah then there’s a lot more just in terms of like keeping track of all the injuries and what’s going on with all the Riders follow up with them coordinating all the DNC for the Riders as well H logistics for camp and Camp preparation there plenty of stuff going on in the background yeah yeah so it’s more than you’ll ever know M yeah well that’s the thing it’s uh it’s well it’s kind of important as well that you don’t see what goes on in the background and all the all the business because ultimately what we want to present to writers is that you know things are well organized and relaxed and under control and to kind of create a relaxing environment for you guys as well so Jacob knows that he works for specialized downhill team oh yeah yeah moving well not so much of a moving circus as you guys but yeah he’s probably proba glad now that you don’t have to go to races all the time and yeah yeah no to some degree anyway no no I am like I miss obviously I miss a lot of the staff and and just been around the race and even with the Riders as well like you get a you get to know the Riders really well H just by spending so much time with them and obviously your friends on the team as well J on training care one of the days on Sierra jez was following us and we stopped at the cafe to get a brew like 6 hours in or something and jez just drove the car straight into the curb and popped the tire so yeah it’s uh yeah but it’s very Dynamic workplace yeah all right hurry well Paul’s dropped off some gifts Paul has dropped off some gifts I think maybe the fans should get a little bit of an unboxing all right Salomon S laab fantasm 2 this is the biggest surprise carbon plated running shoes yeah for all the times you need to run up onto the podium no this tour Jacob Jacob said like why do I need these but of course I need carbon plated running shoes why don’t I need carbon plated running shoes we have a few new kits including our new sponser the original Ole so do you think I I actually think that o maybe we we should do a collab yeah they do make a really good Barista milk with the massive jug think about how how much use of their milk I could make with that you know what slaps as well is the oat chocolate milk oh yeah yeah once reviewed by the famous cut bals what else got few jerseys this is like our mid-season kit drob new sponsor scoa bank I don’t think that was there before bro that Jers is Tiny some what do you mean looks that easily that’ll easily fit me Ax my favorite bars of villa F Bar delicious some heart rate monitors grape more grap oh and this is their new turbo the watermelon Turbo mix sounds lovely what great flavor um energy fruit orange what this that’ll that’ll work mhm honestly I appreciate everything ax and I think that my girlfriend’s probably going to appreciate a lot of that as well she usually steals that when she comes to visit well guys thanks for watching that is a wrap on preparing for the tour to France had a good two days with you it’s been a while for Jacob and I um and I think I’ll see you after the to France finishes now and what else do I have to do don’t forget to um tell me your worst hung flat Story down the comments and you can win the aax package and apart from that I think we’re all all done all G yeah it’s all done thanks for watching good luck at the tour have fun see you in the next one Jacob just working hard cuz he deleted our footage I didn’t delete anything don’t think I don’t think so anyway it’s not my fault at all same on yeah someone going to do the hard yards there


    1. I couldn't let a good video go to waste, so I hope you guys enjoy watching how I prepared for the TDF. I'm not there this year, but that's all part of being a Pro Cyclist and obviously no hard feelings at all. Looking forward to getting stuck back into racing with the team after a short break!

    2. I always enjoy your cooking, trainings and any daily stuff! Looking forward to more videos, also looking forward to you racing in next grand tours!!

    3. Great video as always, fair play for uploading the video even though things didn't go your way. Who is the Irish rider you were with? Looking for an EF Ireland jersey everywhere!

    4. great video guys!

      my bonk story:

      I decided to do a 50km "fun ride" out in west texas last year that happened to fall on the same day as the north american solar eclipse. my first time riding anything close to that distance (which also had 1500ft of elevation) so I only had a small breakfast just bc of the nerves and got out on the road with just a pack of gummies. 16 miles to the aid station and the heat is getting to me: vision's getting blurry, headache coming in, stopped sweating…there wasn't a cloud in the sky, no animal sounds, no wind, and at totality it briefly went dark. it felt totally surreal, and just added to the bonk feeling. finallyyyy make it to the aid station and down a bunch of electrolytes and bars, and somehow made it through to the end!

      it's funny bc my friend did the ride with me, and thought we were racing so she was booking it to finish before me, thinking the whole time that I was chasing her down. meanwhile i'm pushing along at 8mph, counting all the individual rocks i'm passing, with no thoughts on my mind except finishing so i could get our free bbq and beer afterwards haha good times!

    5. Best Hunger Flat story…..
      I had 4 hours with some efforts. I planned my food for the ride and went for it….I met my mate halfway through the workout and he said: Lets go for this little loop with that one little climb.
      Little I know it was a 29km climb through the alps in 33 degrees….ma mate and I, we were cooked so we stopped and tryed to stop a car to ask for anything eat or drinkable.
      An old lady stopped and she was so kind to go down the climb, got us two slices of cake and went back up.
      She told us that she ownes a caffee with selfmade cakes and till that day we get one free cake everytime we come.

      Thanks for the video Harry…good luck this season👊🙌

    6. The sun was high in the sky as I cycled up the winding mountain road, feeling confident and strong. I had been travelling for a few hours, but I had miscalculated my diet. My energy gels had run out and hunger was gnawing at my stomach.

      Suddenly I was at the end of my tether. My legs turned to jelly and dizziness overcame me. Every pedal stroke became a huge effort and my pace dropped to a crawl. I fumbled for my almost empty water bottle and knew I was in trouble.

      As I continued to struggle, a female cyclist came up behind me. When she saw my condition, she handed me an energy bar without saying a word. I gratefully pounced on it, the sugary sweetness was my lifeline. I slowly regained my strength and was able to pedal again.

      We reached the summit together. Exhausted but relieved, I knew that I would never underestimate the importance of proper nutrition again.

      This story is by ChatGPT, but thanks for reading. I'm really new to cycling and just bought my first (used) bike last fall and didn't do any large tours to be honest, so I've never experienced a true hunger flat :)). But if I had some energy gels and bars and stuff like that, I would dare to do some longer rides and try to go for the 100 or 150 Kilometres.

    7. Hunger flat story: Deep winter training ride 5 hours endurance with some mates. Rode the first 3 hours with a horendous headwind to reach the turning point and have a tailwind back home. Decided to get a midride snack in the form of some fried fish next to the beach. 10 minutes after we got back on the bike we all bonked. The tailwind ride home took us longer than the headwind part, one of my mates even crashed because he was so empty. Learned some lessons that day

    8. The unexpected rescue in Italy

      During my cycling vacation in Italy, I set off on a sunny Saturday morning on an ambitious 150-kilometer bike ride. The first 100 kilometers went smoothly, but at kilometer 125 the hunger pangs hit me with full force. My legs felt heavy, my head was spinning and I had nothing left to eat. Every pedal stroke was agony and I felt like I was about to keel over.

      I stopped desperately at the side of the road, out of breath and drenched in sweat. The Italian sun was burning mercilessly and I had no more food with me. With shaking hands, I searched for anything edible in my pockets, but they were empty.

      Suddenly I heard a strange ringing. An old, rickety ice cream van came around the corner. The driver, an elderly man with a white beard, stopped and asked in Italian if I wanted an ice cream. I told him about my hunger pangs and he laughed heartily. He gave me not just one, but six scoops of ice cream in a huge cone and said: "This will help you."

      With renewed energy and a big smile on my face, I continued my journey. The ice cream gave me a much-needed energy boost and I managed the remaining 25 kilometers.

    9. Worst bonk story :
      I was like 1h away from home when I started bonking hard. (big mistake as I didn't eat a good meal before the ride and end up with nothing to eat for the last 2h).
      At one point, it was so bad that I started day dreaming or something, it was so weird. I wanted to go to my parent's house so that my mother could prepare me hot coffee and bakery. (It was like 4 years since I moved in my own house).
      Then when I finally come home, I had to lay down in my sofa for like 1h, couldn't move, drank a redbull, ate everything I could, like eating an entire jar of honey but also eating cooked meat with mayonnaise at the same time.
      I started to get really cold even with a blanket on me.
      Finally kicked my ass to go to the shower, I just couldn't stand on my feet and had to turn the bin down so I can put it in the shower and sit on it while putting the hottest water possible.
      It was bad. Found the strenght to go the restaurant with some friends after that but I was def not the most funny guy that night lol.

    10. Really great you doing these videos @HarrySweeny. It’s so cool and fascinating what a life looks like as a pro and compare it with what I was dreaming about 35 years ago and what friends of mine then lived. Thank you for sharing! And you will make it to the tour – the best is yet to come. Keep going! You are a very good cyclist and a very authentic and likeable person.

    11. hunger flat story
      This was before I ever heard about gels and such. There was a mountain bike group near my village with which I was riding for the first time. I did not know the pace or length of the ride, I was young and naive. It turns out these guys ride really hard and I only had 1 bowl of cereal to eat and took just one jam sandwich with me. Needless to say I was gone. I said to the group that I would leave early and take a shorter route home but half way up that road I had the urge to sit. I got of the bike and found a bench, then the urge to lay down came. I hid my bike in some bushes and then just laid in a ditch on the side of the road. About 1 hour later I woke up, after having fallen asleep. Got on the bike and struggled to go even 10 mph. When I saw a cafe up the road I got off again and stumbled into the seating area and completely fell over a table and some chairs. People came to me with some bananas and coke and after eating those I just quietly left and went home, which I eventually did.

    12. The worst hunger flat/bonk that I’ve ever had: 2 days before my birthday last year, I decided to complete my first century, with about a week on the bike before hand. Felt like I crushed the first 60 miles, then around mile 63, I completely broke when I realized I still had the biggest climb I’d ever attempted just ahead. I was still ~40 miles from my home, so I was not going to call a ride, so I pedaled up the climb about 10 meters at a time. When I finally crested the big climb, there was still a small climb to go, feeling deflated, I sat for a bit, mixed feelings of success, defeat, and disappointment in myself filled my head. I continued on after some rest, and my vision started to darken and narrow as I made it to the final crest. Continuing on the descent I saw a sign for a fruit stand just as I hit my complete limit. I pulled off the road, but couldn’t even dismount, just fell over I was so gone. This kind lady working the stand took my bottles, got me some water, exchanged some small bills for some cold fruit, and was offered a chair from their home so I could get myself together again. This was at about mile 67. Continued on when I was feeling stronger, only to crack again at mile 84, where I was saved by a man coming off his houseboat. Said he saw me roll into the parking lot in bad shape, so he brought me a banana for my cramping and some water and a packet of salt. At mile 98, I was mentally broken. I had nothing in me, my stomach felt like it was eating me from the inside. I stopped at a gas station and practically drowned myself in a Gatorade. Finished out my century with one thought in my head, eat more on the bike because I never want to go through that again.

    13. Have loved reading the hunger stories, thought I would share mine, my worst hunger flat:

      On the final leg of London to Paris, I got T-boned by a car coming out of town 5km into the start of the ride. One brief shouting match with a frenchman, some antiseptic, and a cry later and I was back on the road. However, my rear derailleur was no longer functioning from the impact, so I had 95km of french countryside on a single speed gravel bike between me and Paris.

      As the day drew on I tried to keep on top of the food but just could not, and the latter half of the ride was very much spent in grumpy silence with my girlfriend, lead entirely by my own "h-anger". Only when we get to the border of Paris do we realise there are strikes/riots currently ongoing, the give away was the third burnt out car that we saw, so now we're trying to alter the route mid ride. In my hungry haze I lead us onto a motorway without realising, and before I knew it we were throwing the bikes over the barriers to push them through the bushes alongside the river.

      It was at this point I admitted defeat, gave up, and got a train. To this day it is the only ride to have defeated me, but that shower and baguette at the end of the train ride changed my life. I met god that day.

    14. BONK story. Was doing a gravel race in Canada, and the start went well, but 10km in I lost both my bottles going over a section of loose gravel/washboard. This left me with less carbs than I would have preferred but I continued without them (someone gave me a bottle of water later on so I still had some water). The race from that point in included a crash, several punchy climbs and a constantly high pace leaving little time for eating. By the time I was 70km in I had eaten barely anything and couldn’t see straight. My vision was blurry, colours looked funny, and I was being passed by riders left and right. What felt like a max effort to try to get into riders wheels was only barely 200 watts. The final straightaway was an endless 2ish km, and I could see a mush of coloured jerseys from quite a ways from the line, but those last few hundred meters took minutes. Ended up lying on the ground army crawling to the granola bars for 20 minutes after the finish before I could stand up again. Lost a solid 10 minutes in those last 15ish kilometres. Not fun.

    15. Sorry to hear your not at the tour but I'm sure you will see more tours & your digging your Italian Holiday too! Thanks for a great video! Such a beautiful location that Andorra is 🤩That was an awesome looking sandwich !! Your such a great cook whipping out things so quickly! Also thanks for the banana/date/coconut water idea & info on why😉 Really enjoy your channel Thanks again!

    16. My story is essentially quite typical. There is a hilly section of road about 30 km from me where I usually train. I generally only take a few energy bars with me for training, but this time I had nothing with me. I was just recovering from a collarbone fracture, and I was able to get back on the bike and move properly, so I felt everything would be fine. This fracture was my first, so I didn't know how severely my endurance could deteriorate. Around the 40th kilometer of the training, I felt something was wrong; I was getting tired. I was so exhausted that my legs literally stopped. I got off the bike and collapsed into the grass. This mountain road is essentially in the middle of nowhere, without even cell service. I think I lay in the grass for 30-40 minutes. I got up, thinking I would now have enough strength to ride home, but I was wrong. I started pushing my bike home, while strangers, going about their everyday lives, cycling past me, presumably rushing to the store or somewhere. Imagine, a man in his 60s or 70s riding past you uphill on his bike, while you struggle to trudge along… Eventually, I was able to get back on my bike and made it back to my town, but I was so weak that on a completely flat section, I somehow just fell. My helmet flew off my head, my bike chain fell off, and my rear derailleur broke. So I decided to push the bike again… I finally made it home; I don't know how long it took, but it felt like about half a day to me. At home, I was shivering so badly that it took me hours to recover while curled up in front of the fireplace.

    17. Worst hunger flat.. out tearing it up on the grav. Corrugations got me all wild and both bottles go flying out of the cage. I bust out a hero skid to return from whence I came to retrieve said bottles. Alas the skid was so powerful and with the ripple strips I proceed to roll the tyre off the rim an hours walk from the car where I have left any form of tyre inflation device.. literal HUNGER FLAT..

    18. First of all thanks for another look into the life of a pro cyclist, love every vlog! 2019 this 59 year old cycled 5000 miles in and around Kansas feeling good about myself. Due to extreme cold cycling is limited in first couple of months of the year. As the months passed I was low on energy and always tired which I put down to turning 60. Also my left leg would swell after a ride and stay that way for a couple of days. After turning 60 in May went on a lumpy 55 mile ride with a friend which I usually dominated but struggled considerably to where I had to rest in the car afterwards before driving home, The usual swelling remained all weekend resulting in me going to Urgent Care after 3 days. The result was being told I had AFIB which I didn't have a clue about. In addition a clot was found in my left leg. Was told to go straight to the emergency room. The result was an ablation a couple of months later and 3 years later I'm back on course for 5000 miles. Not going to urgent care would probably have ended in a stroke or worse.

    19. Forget the food content, I'm here for the espresso content. The Lelit looks great.

      I don't have any prize-worthy bonks, but the first time I rode 100k back in the day I bonked so hard I had to stop to buy food less than 1km from home. I just wasn't going to make it.

    20. I have a good story. Went on trainingcamp in Calpe, Spain for two months. Firstly the appartement I stayed in was full of cockroaches, that was a great start. This problem got never fixed so I just continued like they were not there. After that my car got broken into and my spare gear was all stolen. It didn't end there because I crashed my bike and broke it and was full of battle scars after that. After the bike got fixed (approx. 1 week) I still had one week to go and in this week I got food poisoning and had to go to the hospital in Denia. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, on the last day I tore my muscle while riding so I was out for 2 weeks after the camp. Great experience. After this I never was able to find a good position on the bike which led me to stop completely. Now I can't ride more than 30 minutes pain-free.

    21. When L’etape Australia was cancelled I did the ride with two mates, bonked out bad on the climb out of Kangaroo Valley, bonked so bad my brain stopped working, only think keeping me going was the heckling and “kind” words from those utes with P plates 😂 raided the Robertson pie shop at the top

    22. Tried to follow my pro conti friend for a big ride 5-6hrs ish. Only 2 of us and the first half of the ride I felt strong af and didn't even eat during a pit stop bcos I saw him not eating. Felt so good until a rolling section full of DOGS chasing like 20 of them + sudden surge of heat. Coming up to a climb and I cant even push 100 watts🤣. Descended back down the other side and he even made me stop again and let me eat a plate full of rice. Continue our ride back home but the pace keeps on getting faster and faster (i felt like it hahaha) because his wahoo is dying and we need to go back home before it died. I end up letting him go home alone and called my other mates to pick me up at a random petrol station HAHAHAHA. Ever since that day I learned to NEVER EVER SKIP YOUR FOOD!!

    23. started cycling again hard at age 40 never dieted ate correctly but doing it now what a difference it makes to life! i now am up to 40 mile cycles and pushing as much as i can ride to survive! now a lifestyle not a hobby top work on the vids gonna keep watching.

    24. Probably my worst hunger flat: at the time I had only been cycling for like a month. Did 80k on a very windy day, was absolutely cooked after 50k because I had no clue about fueling, I just drank some water and had maybe a biscuit. So as you can imagine, completely imploded and my mates had to push me up every hill for the last 30k, which was made worse on the last climb as there was this oldtimer parade, so it truly was the climb/ride of shame. Then at the finish we had just one beer and I swerved home on my bike, half drunk on a Saturday afternoon from one beer because of the hunger flat. Seven years later I still get laughed at for it sometimes.

    25. Worst bonk story: I was very young maybe I was about 13 years old. I lived at the bottom of a mountain valley about 1500 metres away. That day was my first outing after the winter when I was only cross-country skiing. My goal was to start from the valley floor, take a ride to the plains and get home. In the plain there were unforeseen events with the wind, I had caught the strongest wind against my life for about 1 hour and I had arrived at the beginning of the climb totally destroyed. However, my goal was to get home by bike so I started the 30km valley all uphill. After a while I realised that the fuel was gone and I started to work so hard. At that age I didn't know it depended on food so I didn't even think about stopping to buy food. It took me about two hours longer than usual to get home and while I was going up every about 5 minutes I had to stop because the effort I was doing was really a lot.

    26. Worst bonk story: I was very young maybe I was about 13 years old. I lived at the bottom of a mountain valley about 1500 metres away. That day was my first outing after the winter when I was only cross-country skiing. My goal was to start from the valley floor, take a ride to the plains and get home. In the plain there were unforeseen events with the wind, I had caught the strongest wind against my life for about 1 hour and I had arrived at the beginning of the climb totally destroyed. However, my goal was to get home by bike so I started the 30km valley all uphill. After a while I realised that the fuel was gone and I started to work so hard. At that age I didn't know it depended on food so I didn't even think about stopping to buy food. It took me about two hours longer than usual to get home and while I was going up every about 5 minutes I had to stop because the effort I was doing was really a lot.

    27. Worst hunger flat story…

      I had only been cycling for a year when I decided to do a long day out with my mate, who behold, has nearly double my FTP at that time. I’d only done 60k before, but this would be 170k. I figured, about 1l of plain water und 5 energy balls, would last me the day. It turns out, after 1/3 of the way (with us cycling way too fast for me), I found myself in his slipstream with my eyes closing repeatedly. It was really hard to keep them open, whilst on the bike pedalling.
      A little while after, we had to reduce the speed to a snail’s pace, at 2/3 of the way, we stopped at a supermarket for 30mins, I still only having one pastry and a little juice.

      Made it home somehow – a lesson now learned, always overestimate your energy needs or get them right in the first place.

    28. Hunger flat story:
      Did 60g carbs on a 4 h z2 ride because i was ti vold on my fingers to grab anything from my pocket😅 3 degrees and rain in Norway😂

    29. Bonk Story:

      Spent a year or so training for the Coast to Coast in NZ, bonked just after the highest point in the race on the run over the southern alps, one of the race Marshalls thought I didn’t look too good so stopped me and asked for my name. Mate, the bonk was so bad I couldn’t even give her an answer, had no clue where I was or who I was.

      Long story short, I pulled off course by way of a mighty Hilux and some off roading, had a 2 hour ambulance ride to the nearest hospital, and a night at in the Christchurch emergency department hooked up to an ECG machine.

      Valuable lesson, if coach gives you a fuel plan for a race, you should probably follow it hahah.

    30. Hunger flat story: 3 weeks in an altitude camp in austria, massively overtrained, I decided to do another 5h ride with 4 mountainpasses while the rest of the team took a restday.
      During the middle part of the ride, the weather turned from sunny to hail and rain. Froze my bum off in the descent, feeling my energylevels just fading. Unfortunately I had one more 15km climb to go back to the hotel. Only 5k in, I started bonking so hard.. I had to put my foot down.. only not to get going again. Swerving on the road, trying to get going again.. to no avail. To make matters worse, I saw my teammates coming in the opposite direction in their van (going to the nearby village on their restday). I waved in desperation to make them stop, only for them to honk the horn, wave back and just pass by me. So depleted, overtrained and emotionally unstable, tears shot in my eyes. After another 30min of trying to get going again, a car came by with some tourists. They stopped and looked a bit worried about me. They eventually gave me a ride back to the hotel. Me, on the backseat eating all of their cashewnuts like a hadn't seen food in weeks.

    31. Worst bonk – long ago, I was a junior and did my first race over 30 miles. It was 56 miles of hills and I was dropped and riding alone less than 20 miles in. There were no bike computers so I had no idea where I was. I ran out of energy on an epic level which, at 13 years old, I had never experienced. It was so bad that I climbed off the bike and fell asleep on the shoulder of the road. I was awoken by a family who thought I was dead. They were on their way to a party and had a bowl of jello but no spoon. I used my hands and ate almost the entire bowl while their two boys stared at me and thought I rose from the dead. When I got back on the bike, it turns out that I was less than a half mile from the finish. As I rode across the line, an hour after the winner, the promoter was taking down the banner and they had to lift a section of the banner by hand so I could duck under it.
      It turns out the husband of the jello family worked for the local paper and wrote an article about the brutality of a sport that has 13 year olds falling asleep on the side of the road. It turns out that I never told them my name so he just called me 'Jello Boy'.

    32. Hunger flat story… Many years back when i went to do training session (cross-country skiing) here in Finland. My goal was just to do 30km (2 hours) quite easy pace, but it felt so good so that continued training and decided to do about 3 hours and 50km.

      That was quite (brainfart) and then everything started went downhill from that point on. At point 40km i started to feel bonking and that time i had one half litre energy/caffeine drink with my and i noticed that that was light drink so no sugar so another (brainfart). So i decided turnaround because it was 10km back to car and when there was 3-4 km left i was so bad state that i have to stop every 100 metres and i was sure that im not going get back to car. Maybe 50km is not so long at cycling but in cross-country skiing it is quite long.

      But luckily i managed to get back to car somehow and went inside car and offcourse put heating on because it was -10c outside. I was just shivering inside my car and texted to my girlfriend to put sauna on. Here in Finland almost every apartment has a sauna. When i was in the car my shape was pretty awful so decided to rest couple minutes before heading out to home.

      But then i woke up when some old guy knocked at my car window and asked is everything allright, he had noticed that the car is on and i was sleeping there. I just say that yeah everything is allright and started drive back to home and my memories is pretty foggy from that trip back to home, (notice, if you feel that bad don´t drive) .

      When arrived back to home i went immediately to fridge and started to eat everything. After that i was still shivering and went straight to sauna. After sometime my girlfriend came to sauna check up on me because it was so quiet there and about 30-40 minutes had passed.

      So offcourse i was sleeping there and when she woke up me i felt pretty sick and headed to toilet to vomit almost everything i had just eaten.

      This took me about one week to recover from that. Now my rule of thumb is take allways one gel or something with me.

      Nice videos and quite funny too with Jacob. Like Beavis and Butt-head 🤣

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