Table of Contents:

    02:30 – Authentic Learning
    02:43 – Marcia Kish @dsdPD
    03:43 – Marcia Kish @dsdPD
    04:11 – Marcia Kish @dsdPD
    04:31 – Marcia Kish @dsdPD
    05:09 – Authentic Learning
    05:52 – Authentic Learning
    06:33 – Authentic Learning
    07:12 – Authentic Learning
    07:39 – Authentic Learning
    08:16 – Authentic Learning
    08:54 – Authentic Learning
    09:21 – Authentic Learning
    09:22 – Authentic Learning
    09:52 – Authentic Learning
    10:17 – Teacher AI Tools and Resources
    10:40 – Teacher AI Tools
    11:03 – Teacher AI Tools
    11:59 – Teacher AI Tools
    13:18 – Teacher AI Tools
    14:13 – Teacher AI Tools
    15:16 – Teacher AI Tools
    16:17 – Teacher AI Tools
    18:34 – Teacher AI Tools
    18:38 – Teacher AI Tools
    19:02 – Teacher AI Tools
    20:16 – Student AI Tools and Resources
    21:21 – Student AI Tools and Resources
    22:45 – Student AI Tools
    23:00 – Student AI Tools
    24:02 – Student AI Tools
    24:45 – Student AI Tools
    27:52 – Student AI Tools
    29:00 – Student AI Tools
    30:03 – Student AI Tools
    31:35 – Student AI Tools
    33:11 – Marcia Kish @dsdPD

    hi this is Mara and welcome to my session on AI adapt and be [Music] prepared hi everybody I want to first start out by apologizing for missing my session I don’t know what happened I guess I wasn’t using AI in my calendar I put the date for the session for AI tomorrow for verus today I guess I just lost track of time during the summertime so 100% apologize because of that I’m going to be giving out a lot of great free resources to you the link below is what you’re going to go to that will take you to a PDF that’s going to have all the resources and more that I’m going to be talking about there are 60 plus AI tools that are part of this PDF also inside of there are some really good like handouts you can use if you you’re going to be presenting on AI talking about when we use AI sample of AI written articles and of course there are some really good just Hands-On activities that you can do if you grab the PDF now print it and use it then you can also keep track of the ones that I talk about today we’re going to be talking about adapt and be prepared these are T tools that we can use in our classroom and also tools that maybe student students have so I’m going to show showcasing two the one thing that two different types teacher tools and student tools because I want us to be aware that there are so many things out there that students can use that are going to help them or create an environment that is going to maybe encourage a little bit more cheating I’m just giving you some examples and heads up the one thing that I’m not going to be spending much time talking about is chat gbt uh Gemini or co-pilot I’m going to show you teacher tools that already have those integrated into it so it’s going to make your life a little bit easier but also I’m going to show you student tools that already have those integrated into it so let’s not delay today we’re going to be talking about adapting and be prepared so you’re going to see at the very beginning I’m going to be showcasing what we need to do in the classroom to help support the teachers as they venture out into this new world of AI all right everybody hi my name is Marsha Kish you’ll see all my information as we’re going through my emails at the bottom our websites down below as well so as we’re going through that if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me just want to give you some background information I spend a lot of time in Texas I’m in the Houston area I’m in the Dallas area quite a bit working with teachers side by side and how to use technology in a blended learning environment so if you’re looking for extra resources or would like some support in that area as well as how to deploy AI in the classroom feel free to reach out to me I once was a library believe it or not I was a classroom teacher and then I had a small little spell or small little job I was a classroom teacher and then I also had a job as a librarian where I would came in as a media specialist to help design the next wave of the library where we still had books we’re still checking out books but we really use it as a media hub where students can come make videos where we are using learning Studios so I get where you’re coming from in the librarian world so I’m right there with you we got this let’s take on this journey together if you would like more resources from today again you’re going to always see my email at the bottom of the screen but you will also can get R more by going to this bitly m Kish 2024 fill out that form because if I mention something today I will send whoever filled out that form the extra resources so don’t delay grab a hold of that so you can stay to date with all the AI tools all right I am from the great state of Tennessee born and raised in Ohio but we just recently moved to Tennessee and the University of Tennessee is right down the road from us and I love going down to campus because of all the the adventures that that has to offer including one of my favorite AI BS yes that’s right this little guy across the street is carrying food from the food court to a student in the dorm rooms how cool is that the students will order up food from the food court they put the food into this really heated oven bot and as a students go out to get it they tap it with the top of the phone and out comes their warm meal okay I kind of wish I had this when I was in college because that would have saved me a lot of time from walking from my dorm room down to the food court but then I also think about it hm I probably would have put a lot of extra weight on too but at the same time AI is everywhere and part of today we’re going to be talking about how we can authenticate learning and is using AI cheating is it cheating getting your food delivered through a bot I don’t think so if you need it and you don’t want to stop studying Why Not So today we’re going to talk about how we can authenticate the learning process through formative assessments from open-ended questions from from data meetings check-ins also visual thinking and differentiated instruction all this together is going to make sure that when the students are doing any type of work I mean anything from book reports to doing math problems to even artwork we want to make sure it’s the students work not AI so by setting up these different environments it’s just going to help us so let’s talk about these small group instruction is the foundation small group is where we can build relationships with the student students where we can really start to differentiate using some AI tools and move towards personalization AI is not going to replace teachers in fact it’s going to make teachers even more important but in a different capacity whole group instruction is not going to really be the wave of the future it’s important never saying get rid of it but we’re going to be going more towards that small group because that’s where we can really start to differentiate and find out if the students are actually understanding the content and they’re actually creating their content here’s an example of a small group environment so the teacher is at algebra classroom and she’s pulling students back to her small group when she’s back there she’s going through and working through the problems with the students side by side while some of the students are doing visual learning they’re up at the board showcasing how they solve their problems while other students are on digital content this is the way the classroom runs about twice a week every two days a week the tday set these Learning Studio to do these check-ins and make sure the students are doing the work because there’s so many apps out there that if you just scan a math problem it’s going to work it out for you step by step so small group is where you can really authenticate that learning formative assessments you’re going to see I’m going to give a lot of good resources today showcasing AI tools teachers can use but also AI tools that students can use and doing formative assessments inside a small group is one way to ensure that the students are are answering Those Questions by using that data it’s going to help to drive our small groups so you can do offline online and again giving equality data open-ended questions this is where you can check for understanding the this is your first AI tool of mini this one is called New parlay and new parlay ideas allows you to put in any topic and it will give you discussion questions that you can use either as an opener a hook you could do it in your small groups or even as a closing but we want to get our students talking more we want them to be able to apply the knowledge they’re learning because if they can apply what AI is doing it’s going to really help to make a better quality environment of learning student check-ins we’re talking about data meetings here and AI is going to really give some great information about what the students are doing while they’re online so a data meeting is where you’re going to check to see how they’re doing on their checklist how they’re doing on those online applications where maybe they’re watching a video and answering questions you’re going to be able to go in and just set goals with the students and when you do that you’re authenticating the learning to making sure that those students are reaching their goal and their potential and the more they have a goal to strive for the less likely they’re going to be going over here and using AI visual thinking you just saw just a minute ago inside that algebra classroom where the students are going up to the board and they are drawing and writing and showcasing their learning well when we’re doing visual thinking when the students come back to your small group you’re going to say bring your mind map bring your timeline bring your sequence of events you’re going to actually have them go through and showcase what they are doing so they can’t just copy and paste from an AI generated resource oh I do love this I forgot to put this in there video recap when I was in the classroom I would do video Recaps where they would actually themselves talking about what they learned for that day if you’re a librarian one of the things I did was I would have the students do video Recaps of books and inside of the book we would have a QR code that students other students could scan to get like a preview of that book so again we’re just authenticating that learning that the students are grasping the understanding of what they are doing in in the classroom or in the library all right differentiated instruction AI tools are going to help us and that is one of our goals is that we’re going to really go in and use AI to help support teachers with the differentiation process there’s so many tools and resources but I’m going to Showcase a couple of them that are going to make it really easy to differentiate I’m also doing a session on closing the Gap so if you want to learn more watch the closing the Gap video all right it’s time it’s time to dive in to AI tools for teachers these are all tools to make your life easier so as a librarian you can share these out out at your next staff meeting or I even think I would use it in my media room because I think that some of these tools and resources could just help me make my life a little bit easier so let’s dive in here we go these are some of the tools that I’m going to cover I don’t think I’ll go through all of them but I’m going to go through a great majority of these different tools to help you get started if you need to know more information I do have a YouTube channel you see that down at the bottom of the screen that I have these videos set up and you can go watch individually the different AC AC it or different apps and I put out a new app about every week talking about a new one so here we go let’s go in quickly here’s what we’re doing grade scope grade scope is great for teachers who are grading a bunch of papers now this is a premium website there are free parts and there are paid Parts but what I like about grade scope is it’s using AI to help give instant feedback students want to know do they get it right or did they not get it wrong but what I like about this tool is that when you go into grade scope and I’m going to scroll ahead down here it has a AI assistant here’s what it looks like so the AI assistant Will Group your students for you based off of their answers here’s group one here’s group two here’s group three based off of the answers that you put into grade scope oh my gosh this is a great resource to have because you’re going to be able to quickly set up your small groups in an instant based off of that formative assessment all right eduid this one I can’t live without this is a free and a premium website meaning you have to pay for part of it you get 15 searches free a month which is fine but I’m an instructional coach and I work with teachers from kindergarten to 12th grade so I actually ended up paying for this website for the year and I don’t regret it the reason why is because it’s using all the opsource material and putting it into teacher friendly language that way I don’t have to use use prompts it’s got the prompts already built in so what I do is I go in I grab my teak I’m going to copy it and put it right inside of eduid and now I’m going to be able to use their whole entire Suite to help enhance my lesson from the 5e model to Kagan structures to engaging activities independent practice and even differentiated lesson ideas Eda AI is a resource that I am just over the moon excited about because it’s giving a Kickstart to those teachers that just need to spice up their lesson it’s enhancing the district lessons of course always use your District lessons first resources first and maybe if you just need to go okay how do I take it to the next level or how do I break it down for student use edua to help you amazing got to go for it okay Cod last year at TCA this was all the craze everybody was talking about C pod and I know why because it just as when you’re in a crunch you want to be able to have an engaging lesson and sometimes as much as I want to be super prepared and over the top ready for anything and sometimes life just happens so cyod what you do is you go in and you could put in your standard and it designs an engaging lesson that you can use so students get onto their device you give them a code and they can draw they can write they can answer questions as you’re giving your lesson I love this easy it kind of reminds me a near pod or a pair deck but it’s using exactly what you’re putting in your standard it comes up with your lesson editable you guys got to take a good look at cyod all right Dino guide I had to brag about this one dag guide is our website that we created to go along with our 12 elements of student engagement and ownership and the way we Design This is that there are all these different elements that will help you to get to higher levels of student engagement by going through small group independent practice digital content and Hands-On activities and more so what we designed is a video series but we incorporated AI into the video series that when you’re stuck and you’re like well how do I continue to level up my craft to student engagement ownership we have that you just click the level up button and it has an AI bot that has gone through all of our blogs all of our videos and giving you just a quick snippet all right you’re ready to level up to the orange belt here’s some strategies for you to try love it AI is incorporating it into a lot of websites so don’t be afraid of using it just embrace it because it could really help you save some time speaking of Saving Time conquer AI conquer AI is an assessment tool where you can make multiple choice extended response questions right there in the moment this is so so easy you go and you put in your standard you tell it what you’re looking for and it creates a formative assessment and I saying formative not summative most districts have really good summative assessments continue to use that but if you want a quick check to see how your students are doing give a quick little formative assessment with conquer AI it’s easy to use you can print it out you can upload it right to your learning management system it’s awesome and I love this because if I teach five different preps in one day I can have five different quick assessments for the students to use so now you’re seeing my assessment gives me the answer so I know exactly what it is it even has some drag and drop matching activities so you guys get conquer AI a try Okay gu how I get really excited about these things but this one for sure is one of my absolute favorites and it ties to the Texas taste now so that makes it even more exciting diff it. me an easy way to differentiate any article any topic any video yes you could take a a like a poem put it into here into diff it. me and it will go from a second grade level all the way up to a 12th grade level and the best part is it can even switch it over to different languages to Spanish to French to Arabic German what ever you’re looking for it will be able to translate it for you so it creates a quick little blurb if you’re doing like a a topic your teque it’ll give you something to read that they’re going to read as questions open into questions but then it gets better it will drop it right inside of a Google Dock and I’m going ahead here so now once it has generated the resource it will say would you like to export it to Google and or to power point and what happens is it turns that article that’s differentiated into how many other levels you want into an engaging activity that the students can do right inside of Google and since it’s a Google slide you can edit change adapt move things around it is phenomenal this is something that I would have you go and take a look at if you filled out my form I will send you a code that will give you a whole free year of diff so that code I’ll put up at the end so you want to if you want this resource for a free defit domme account make sure you put your information into that that Google form and I will send you the link diff it. me wow it is really impressive and here’s like a quick little example so here’s a Google form it says what do you notice what do you wonder it has turnning talks it has vocabulary whoa you guys this is really really cool and it’s a premium website and maybe you’ll get it for a whole year for free you never know we talked about parley Genie already it’s giving you discussion questions and I’m going to skip kiwi video the reason why I’m going to skip kiwi video is because inside of diff it I like it better since I’ve created this I actually use diff it. me for videos I can take any video and drop it inside a defit and it will go and chunk my video and create interactive resources so kiwi videos good but go to def. me drop your videos in it’s way easier and better all right I love this one called whimsicle Whimsical is a great one for breaking down a teaching concept I know the standards are changing in Texas for science so one of the things that I would do it I put my new standard text teque for science into whimsicle and what it’s going to do is it’s going to break down how to teach that activity it’s not going to teach it for me but it’s going to break it down like here are the different key elements this one is really good for like brainstorming how you can actually take a big large concept and chunk it for students or even just for your life if you’re just like well how do I do X Y and Z so today I put in how to design a blended learning environment and it literally broke it down for me and I always do something that I know very well to see how close it came and this one blew my socks off I’m like oh my gosh are people going to even need me anymore they got AI just teasing but it is great because even after it breaks down the concepts you can click on that bubble and it’ll break it down even further it’s a good one to have especially for special ed students or students that are really gifted and you want to help them to take their big ideas and break it down whimsicle decom all right those are some of my AI tools for teachers take a break if you need to pause the video go in take a look at some of those resources cuz next up are suited AI tools okay you’re back it didn’t go anywhere I just kept on going so we’re going to talk about some AI tools that students are currently using and I do want to tell you right now I my husband and I do not have any children but I have two nephews here one that is a junior in high school and one that is a sophomore at Ohio State University and I was just talking to them yesterday while they were visiting with us and I said okay do you use use Ai and I uh yeah and I’m like okay how do you use it and they’re using AI to get ideas now are they copying and pasting pieces of Parts yes no but at the same time they’re getting it get ideas but they’re still taking time to learn the material so when you’re looking at these new apps I want you to really think about it and I want you to think about like AIS ice cream I’m not going to play this video for you but I want you to go on watch this because this AI is like ice cream really does hit home with the fact of like they’re going to use it right just like when we were in school you know like or our grandparents you know they didn’t have calculators but we had calculators they thought we were cheating you need to know how to do that math right we have a calculator now right well no I’m going to use a calculator because it’s here and I’m going to use it now my calculator is on my phone why wouldn’t I use a calculator right so it’s just the evolution process this new AI is just making things faster everything that we’re showcasing to you today you can do by doing a Google search you don’t need a well yes you do need a because AI makes it easier but it’s already there it’s been there for years I did a TED talk about AI 10 years ago and I talked about web 3.0 and how it’s going to revolutionize and personalize education but this video really brings it all together AI is good at synthesizing information but it’s not good at empathy or things that are funny and John Spencer really does a good job explaining that so go in watch this video AI is like ice cream okay now let’s look at some student AI tools these are all things that students are using I know I says barred up here I know a chang this name to Gemini I know I need to go update my slides but here are some things that we’re going to be talking about about today so let’s dive into some AI tools that our students are using the first one pl. a this one is a personal tutor it’s a learning companion and what the students do is they will go in they’ll scan in a question or an assignment and playo will give them the answers and give them resources so we’ll summarize transcribe or give them practice and it’s a premium website for students if they go and they go on the website for multiple days then they get streaks and the more streaks they get the more coins they get the more coins they get the more answers they get so it’s kind of like a little bit of a Snapchat tease here right but students are really using it to help them when they’re struggling yes it gives them the answers uh photom has been doing it for a long time so we just need to be aware that small group instruction needs to be a part of of the lesson to make sure that the students understand that Concepts all right this is Gemini and I said today I’m not going to be talking much about Gemini and chat gbt or co-pilot because I know that you know these but if you don’t you just put in prompts and that’s what’s different from the ones that I showcased before a prompt is where you act like somebody like act like a sixth grader trying to learn more about the water cycle and then it will give you that information where the websites that I showed ear a for teachers those are the ones that already have those prompts built into the program that’s why you might be paying a little bit of money for it but of course any of these AI open stores you know you just need to be aware about what you’re putting in there and what you’re getting back always bet your sources all right this one I can’t live without and I even as a media specialist in the library I feel like I have learned to become a better writer because of the fact of grammarly grammarly has taught me so much about passive voice I didn’t I’m like why is this passive voice but anyway it has really helped my writing process is it cheating I don’t think so I feel like I have a personal grammar tutor right there helping me out but now grammarly is everywhere I have it on my desktop I have it in pages I have it in Google I have it in my email I have it in websites I have it in my social media and grammarly now has a AI comp component so giving you an example not saying I’ve done this if I need a blog post about artificial intelligence I can go into grammarly go generate a blog post about artificial intelligence then pros and cons and we’ll do it and then I can go and reuse some of the resources or I can just copy and paste it right into my blog post I would never do that because I want to make sure I add in empathy humor and I want make it personal so I would never do that but at the same time that’s how easy it is and like I said grammarly is in almost all the students that I have been working with lately have access to the free parts of grammarly so just be aware that grammarly now has AI built into it and the kids can write instantly some quick things to or quick essays there is a way to check to see if students did this and there’s multiple ways but this is a one way that I tell my teachers when a student turns in an essay of course we’re going to be doing small groups and checking the process throughout everything but when a student turns in an essay go and look at the revision history if at 8:06 p.m. there was nothing on the page and then at 8:08 pm. there’s a whole entire essay chances are they copied it and pasted it from somewhere so just give you heads up the revision history and all the online applications from Google Drive and even Word Microsoft Word they all have revision histories that you can go in and love to see putting it into an AI Checker I’d probably say away from for a little bit just because it’s not giving it’s giving false data like I’ll go in and put something that I have personally written into an AI Checker to see if somebody else wrote it and it comes back saying a I wrote it but I was the one who wrote every single word and then I did the reverse I went and put a AI I created essay into the AI Checkers and it comes back and says that it was written by a human so just be careful I would stick to the revision history right now and also look at word choice but the words that the students are using inside of it are a little over their head and chances are probably they didn’t write it grammarly love it it’s amazing fantastic now this one slides gbt slides gbt is just like Chachi BT you go in you give it what you’re looking for like I would like to know how to deploy Blended learning again I used a topic that I know a lot about and when I went into doing that I put in how to deploy Blended learning in the classroom and as soon as I set that up this little cute little hamster in a hamster gr starts moving around and he starts to create a whole entire slideshow presentation with title page with re uh references speaker notes pictures bullet points and it literally took me six minutes to wait for the hamster to get done working now this is a premium website you get the slideshow for free but you do not get to edit it if you want to edit you pay for the slideshow so just be aware when the teachers assign a a slideshow presentation that slid gbt could be quickly used by students and they know about this they’re just not telling us all right now we talked about math how you going to scan some questions we talked about language arts we talked about how you can search for anything so it could be even social studies and inside of Gemini but now we’re going to talk about the Arts there is app Runway and this app will take photos and turn them into AI photos photos H kind of crazy right so it’s AI video creation where it will remove backgrounds or put photos on top of photos it will make videos for you this is a digital art teachers worst nightmare because we’re trying to use digital art but now it makes it really easy for students just to go in put in a prompt like I want a giraffe in the middle of the ocean writing on unboard and it will do that for you so Runway is a great tool for students but also kind of takes away that creation piece right all right this one I’m sure you know about but I’m going to go over it anyway every school district that I work with across the country every single one of them has canva now there’s magic right inside a canva and what you do like the students can go in and again I’m going to do how did you what are top 10 things you need to know about Blended learning and it literally will list it out and since I’m in Cana I can go to design and create my poster I used magic right for an end of the year project one of the schools I was working with assigned a project to the students about they had to create a poster about a famous mathematician and I’m like what a great idea I love this they give them all week to work on this poster so I sat there in class sitting beside a student of course they didn’t see my screen but I went in to Cana went into magic right TP J give me top 10 mathematicians and of course Isaac Newton showed up and I’m like all right so then I went to Magic right I’m like all right create a poster for Isaac Newton and it did it created a whole entire poster from a heading to um information about Isaac Newton and even had a meet and greet to meet Isaac Newton underneath the apple tree you guys I was like oh my gosh it took me less than 30 seconds to create a poster on a famous mathematician so that’s why small group is important because we got to check to see the students we’re actually creating what we’re asking them to do the last one I want to showcase to you is and autodraw is an art teacher is another crazy one an art teacher is like cringe when I show this because the fact that it’s using AI for the drawing but I want to give it to you from a classroom teacher’s perspective the te is saying that the students have to Showcase a sequence of events or a retelling or a main idea or even just doing a math problem or a science experiment right we’re going to be focusing on the te what is a te asking us to do the te doesn’t say the student has to be a perfectionist artist so I want the ideas to come across so I’ll send the students to and then while I’m drawing a boat I’m not very good at drawing AI comes into play and be like oh what were you trying to do were you trying to draw a watermelon were you trying to do a boat what were you doing right so it actually creates your drawing into what you’re trying to convey love autod draw because it just gives us students the ability to Showcase their thoughts and not be so concentrated on a drawing we can definitely do drawing in other places and making sure that we’re working on the skills too all right I know that I wasn’t live with you during our sessions today and I do apologize but I wanted to give you some really good res resources for you to take a look at don’t forget to grab oh I want to put that link up there one more time for you if you would like more resources definitely go ahead and scan this QR code and or go to that bitly and I will send you some more of those resources including that code for free trial for a year for D it. me you guys thank you so much and again my sincere apologies for not making it there today it was enough because I didn’t want to be there I just had the wrong date and we all make mistakes I guess I need AI companion in my life more often to remind me of when I signed up for conferences all right guys enjoy I hope you are not afraid of AI I hope you embrace it but remember small group is where we can really authenticate that learning I’m Mara Kish have a great day [Music]

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