Listen to our Philips Park volunteers talk about what they get out of volunteering with us.

    Volunteer with us:

    Many thanks to Youth Leads UK for the video

    my name is Sheila Wentworth I’m a volunteer here at Phillips Park and we meet every Tuesday just to keep things tidied up we encourage Wildlife we maintain the ancient Woodlands it’s good physical exercise get out in the fresh air I’ve learned a lot I have certificates for Hedge Lane and and it’s a good group of people we you know we we get on well and uh it’s it’s a good social exercise as well I think it’s it’s quite rewarding um it’s good for your mental health it gets you out of the house and you’ll meet some really good people my name’s Hannah fult it’s been great for my mental health I mean I’m autistic and I struggle with anxiety I mean before I started coming here I was sent to the doctor for various reasons things have gotten better dramatically since I’ve started coming here it’s helped me cope with the stress of uni I’ve even got some help here with my thesis as well hi my name’s Becky I’m a volunteer with the Lancashire Wildlife trust at Phillips Park well it’s a regular thing that gets me out once a week but the my main my main reason for doing it is to put something back I’ve loved coming here to Philips Park and to press Rich Forest Park ever since I’ve lived here um and the opportunity to join an organized group is is is really important but also to be able to put something back and improve biodiversity here but also to work with like-minded people and get to know other people

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