Go behind the scenes on departure day as we welcome back Jude Bellingham and the rest of the squad as the three lions were visited by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales at St. George’s Park to wish the #ThreeLions good luck for the tournament. As well as being greeted by young England fans who got to see players one last time before they head to Germany.

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    #England #ThreeLions #EURO2024

    okay good been a while man here we go then 5 weeks cameras around me bro man giving me a history lesson relaxx okay good been a good walk past the B that’s it just little thumbs up there good boy yeah good we missed you thank you very much okay yeah do you need me passport yes please we go good do guys how are you good good how are you second arrivals one can oh my God hello again how you doing get radi again this all we do yeah so it’s so good we did it twice do you watch these Anthony I don’t I used to oh yeah now that you’re in them you don’t watch them I used to watch them when I wasn’t in them yeah I don’t want to see myself thank you sir you’re good yeah thank you you thank you thank you good to see bro welcome back thank you how are you I’m well you so good good how we do this oh you good made it for a second there you thought we going here thank much thankam all right ni St yeah day bre day break hey D right bro good man how are you positive mate positive struggling here I’d help you man it’s my one job going to that’s going to be caught up on the thing is it do it [Laughter] again um cuz I see the other day when people recreate them videos they went guarantee there’s an awkward handshake or something like that it’s usually me isn’t it bro yeah good some new Swag yeah no G need trainers to match it all not these there you go here I am again was you expecting someone else I don’t know you play go yeah it cheers problem thank so much cheers m safe drive back home here we go then 5 weeks how are we guys okay see again see you again okay to see you bro yeah good thanks how are we you okay going on what’s Happening you man good to see you bro how youing so it’s you so you I know it must be what not even 48 you job you good yeah I’m good a couple hours all L Here We Go Again boys how’s it going good you good man it’s been a while in it got the on who’s winning Max but they’ve just had a safety car so it’s going to be a good 12 laps with who do we want to win Orlando George or Lewis got to keep it keeping it English your boy is in third my boy yeah I don’t mind him do you Reve over the world that I’m Australian working with the England football team well if they’ve never heard your accent on that camera I try to hide sometimes [Applause] actually you boys again hello again leave you alone for a few days right good good good how’s it going brother good good to see you bro you youate how you going man good man you welcome backo see you again good you’re right the give you a warm welcome hello hey man how are you good man how are you aw thank you you’re welcome good man you got big candy yeah it’s finishing home before before Camp get it done that’s you appreciate man all right byebye nice to meet you how you doing man thanks how you good good you are hours so everybody you you’ll see why we had a slight delay to wait for his Royal Highness he’s very kindly come uh to meet us today as some of you know way better than anyone else in this room tournament football is brutal and it requires a lot more than you’ve already given you had a long All Season as it is and we’re going to ask you to go again it’s going to be difficult it’s going to be fun it’s going to be challenging it’s going to be everything that you’ve ever dreamed of you know wearing that England shirt I think the biggest thing I’ve known from coming and seeing you guys over the years and every England dressing I’ve been into is the togetherness and I get that you know what Gareth has instilled in all of you over the years I really feel you’re you’re a unit um you fight for each other you play for each other and and you really care about putting that shirt on you guys have got all the talent in the world you’re a great Squad um but Talent alone won wins the the tournament and so whatever you can do draw on those experiences in other parts of your life growing up other Inspirations other people family members whatever it is because you never know when you might need in the tournament I just want you guys to know how much it means to everyone back here that you go out there give it your role um play for this sh play for each other um play for the country because everyone’s behind you very few people have said to you when you’ve had had the Legacy caps get to play for England within this you’ll see how few have won the various numbers at a European Championship so whilst this is our moment we are in a line of History here the shirt and the badge is bigger than us but there’s also a nod to your Grassroots Journey where you all started where you came from to remind us that that’s why we started playing football the love of it so we’re going to experience that over the next few weeks as well the first will be Captain Harry with his fifth tournament and we have our three youngest players all up their first tournament so 24 Cole Pala five Adam water 26 assassin got bring that back now bring that back wasn’t very well behaved though weren you no really not at all really no your parents wall see cameras around me bro man giving me a history lesson know know don’t relax I know who they all are yeah you know who it is soing what do you mean do you know who it is you ever watch Mal in the middle don’t know like a fine wine though Blossom Blossom oh yeah come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] safe journey brother ask [Applause] there you go big smiles thank you big smiles thank you up there new angles is the cleanest guy on the team right now you coming with a new angle still I like it I like it same flight my brother thank you bro Jo your okay how you doing how you doing how you doing you okay good good yes I’m thank you very much [Music] you’re on the list


    1. Avec la motivation du prince William, l'Angleterre risque de gagner l'euro. Les joueurs sont déjà hyper motivés de donner le meilleur. Et de deux l'Angleterre c'est l'équipe complète en Europe. Elle a beaucoup des bons joueurs comme Harry kane, jude Bellingham, Bukayo saka, Phil foden, Decline Rice…

    2. Greetings on your new addition, and best wishes for happiness and love I'm eager to feel this amazing emotion and have the honor of becoming a mother in the near future. 🏏

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    4. To demonstrate their devotion to their nation and their excitement for it, they ought to arrive in a single vehicle bus and dress in the official England national team uniform. They are all excellent players in my opinion, but they fall short when it comes to teamwork and enthusiasm.

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