Nigel Farage has joined the general election race.

    Announcing his candidacy in Clacton today, we caught up with a few voters who were pleased to see him back on the ballot.

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    being called a racist now so boring I’ll tell you that much is boring so you call me what you like throw what you like at me but that being labeled of races is actually boring now I feel like a foreigner in me own country that’s what I feel like and do you think that’s fair but as you can see there’s a lot of support for him uh his views and his opinions and uh I share them cuz after brexit we were told that immigration would be uh tolded and uh it would be controlled and the absolute opposite has happened we’ve just been lied to there’s no other way of putting it you know if the conservative party and the labor party had said we believe in open borders vote for us then people would have voted for that but the Tories have just completely lied in everything they’ve said so um yeah so I think uh you know I share the views of most people here not the media obviously but the most people here um that he speaks for the silent majority Nel barage gives a he’s a source of inspiration for me cuz he shows that it’s possible to get ahead in public life in this country even if you were born with disadvantages like um myself and he shows that you can get ahead even if you are a racist I feel like a foreigner in my own country that’s what I feel like and do you think that’s fair tell tell me why why do you feel that way well because it’s we’re surrounded by foreigners that’s why here not in Clon why do you think everyone’s moving out of London to to move to seide Tans do you think they want Trevor Phillips the black politician yeah he said about people moving out moving out moving out so is he racist is he wrong Trevor Phillips said it yeah people are moving out they’re Shifting the prices of AES in London are just astronomical I’ve always been a conservative um but the conser party as it uh is now is conservative in name only have you heard any of their call outs to voters like you so previous conservative voters who’ve turned to reform do you know they had an immigration announcement yesterday they had their national service announcement last week did any of that tempt you no no I mean the uh the national service is just nonsense a it’s an option you can either do that or you can do community service so you can go and pick up a bit of litter or whatever um quite honestly in the short term it’s the last thing the uh the uh forces need uh when there uh uh there was the original national service it was a liability for the Army they they were just babysitting delinquents to be quite honest you’ve had a conservative MP here for now for quite some time but they haven’t served you no I mean the conservatives have have just lied if they had said to me you know 14 years ago we believe in Open Door immigration we don’t believe in control and immigration you can then vote for that you can say well that’s fine I’m a globalist let everyone come in it’s uh enhances our country and we need the workers if that’s your view your belief great but we were lied to you know we were you know obviously tens of thousands was unrealistic no one expected that from when Cameron came out with that statement um but if they’ kept it say 150,000 200,000 so it’s manageable so that are infrastructure all the housing and all the rest of it could cope that’s fine but we would just lie to terms of your priority where are you starting immigration and then economy or IM immigration really cuz I think it affects the economy me and my partner we run a veterans breakfast club uh and we are trying to get back in we want more more more say in Parliament for veterans old and old age pensioners which I happen to be both so in terms of mean you’ve got a conservative veterans minister at the moment has he not been serving your well have we he hasn’t been serving your needs no I mean I had a I had a meeting with jles Watling uh he wanted to know what I was interested in and what we wanted what we needed what we wanted I gave him a whole list of stuff I will take that back to the house he said what happened nothing there’s no leaders where are the leaders where people that we can stand behind with integrity I believe Nigel’s got that and I don’t believe there’s any other leader that’s got it and mark my words Angela Raina is waiting in the wings with a big sharp knife for K sta he should never have let her get in that position what don’t you like about Angela Raina I think she’s just there waiting and she wants the job who doesn’t sunak waiting wanted the job as soon as he could out came the knife Boris SC on right where’s the Integrity where’s what they believe in why why do I believe this one minute next minute I don’t opinion poll goes that way oh yes I believe that it’s disgraceful stand up for what you believe and take the punch on the chin if it goes wrong you know there’s no fairness here we’ve got no voice and the Reform Party of giving people like us a voice a chance to say something you got to tell me what what is it that you want to say that you feel you can’t say I just think there’s got to be fairness across the board you know at the end of the day um what I’ve got grandchildren like I said and that the things they teach them in score and the brainwashing and the adverts on the Telly 30 years of brainwashing what are they teaching what sexualization and all sorts you know young kids talking about sex education I don’t want to go deep into that but at the end of the day it’s not right yeah when you’re 18 years old and you’re an adult you can choose to be who you want to be not when you’re 9 years old yeah when you’re an adult and Nigel will bring that back in I don’t know hopefully but I know that he’s a man that speaks the truth and steps forward we’ve come to see Nigel and hopefully he’ll be an MP and he’ll be able to speak for us in Parliament um I followed him since about 2015 um and on the EU um parliaments as well and really he said the same things for years and years and years so it’s not just some he’s decided to do for this election like a lot of them um he really did does seem to believe in the people I watched him in uh I’m a celebrity you get me out of here and it proves there’s nothing phases him he he’ll take whatever they give him we’ve got friends that are all various nationalities so I’m not I’m not against anybody coming into the country if they can contribute and make a difference in their in this country brilliant I mean most of the doctors that my husband and I have had to see over the last few years um are all from all various countries and but they are not taken from the country they are giving a lot to us you know and we are very grateful for that you know so hopefully he’ll get in and make a difference I’m I’m looking forward to seeing him in Parliament well we the country is dying a it I’m an Englishman in England and I don’t feel like I’m an Englishman in England let’s have it right and I’m not afraid to say so this wokeness I don’t even understand what it’s all about what is it what what sort of wokness what worries you small pressure groups that have got hold of the media and they very clever at knowing how to manipulate it are getting laws change talk to the average person and they say well this is nonsense How can a child be be a cat it’s ridiculous how can a child be a cat of course it can’t we all know that we all know what a woman is and what a man is and yet if you voice that opinion it’s wrong


    1. I’m born and raised in Essex and I’m not white. I lived through the NF and the Skins 🤮🤮🤮 Thankfully this outlook is only a small majority of people nowadays and younger people generally aren’t like this at all.

    2. I think i will give clacton on sea a miss for next years holiday. Im sure science will find the missing like there, its like the land time forgot

    3. The cat thing was discredited but that doesn’t matter to these idiots. There was cat litter in classrooms in America incase of school shooters and the pupils needed the bathroom.

    4. Beyond idiotic that you can encourage a child to believe they can be whatever they want like a cat. Nigel Farage is the only one with the balls to go against this wokeness. Screw current politicians for increasingly dividing society and contributing to a decadent GB.

    5. It’s funny people say Birmingham and London are crapholes because they have large amounts of minorities but apparently Clacton, Jaywick and Grimsby aren’t?

    6. Why do these poor disadvantaged people vote for a guy who works for big money? They are being completely conned by Farage. He has absolutely no interest in Joe Public. Sad, ignorant people. It is the rich who prevent them having jobs, homes and opportunities. Not immigrants.

    7. CRT and gender queer theory are both about group idendity over i dividual identity dressed up as individual rights. Both Communism and Nazism were about group (class/race) idendity over individual rights.
      Its pretty obvious.
      Vote Reform for liberty.

    8. "If you're disadvantaged". Yeah, Farage – son of a stockbroker, public school, commodities trader. Oh, how my heart is breaking for one so badly off. How are people so fucking gullible?

    9. Lol to the second guy on, who lied to you about Brexit stopping immigration 😂😂😂😂. Best comment since the guy in Hartlepool said he wouldn't vote for labour because both the local police station and A&E had closed down. Both were closed under a Tory government.

    10. Sad and concerning 😮the people interviewed feel so under seige! If Mr Farage gets voted in as their MP, I hope they're not disappointed, (but suspect they may be)

    11. Please vote guys if you can because not or non voting is still classed as a vote from you. It means you voted to be happy with the status quo meaning you picked that your happy to stay & still be conservative.

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