A tour of Waterloo town centre in the evening! #uk #liverpool #waterloo #towncentre

    right now I’m standing at A565 and just across me this is Saint Faith’s Church at Great Crosby so this area is basically called Waterloo and a little further down uh it’s Crosby after all like Crosby and Waterloo they are together so you can see on the post we have the name Waterloo and Main Waterloo Town Centre is a little down that way towards the right and look at these houses like their design reminds me of some fairy tales aren’t they amazing so the day was a little cloudy still you can see it’s a little overcast but the sun has appeared finally towards the evening so I’ll take you towards the other side jay walking is definitely not good but I’ll hold on here all right I’m waiting for the light to turn green cuz if I cross right now this could be dangerous now I think it’ll turn green oh no what’s wrong by now it must have turned green yep let’s go and then you see this board here next concert 15th June that’s already passed they haven’t changed it I wanted to see this concert but unfortunately could not manage time though I just live across there and maybe they change it for next time because they have uh I think every month so I’d love to see this concert one day right now I’m walking along King’s Way so you can see some old houses but what they do is when like the new Tenants come or like they sell the houses what they do is they renovate or refurbish the houses so some look new like like look at this this one looks relatively new because they refurbished it before uh handing over to the new customer new buyer and on this side we have somewhere here Kings Way Surgery that’s a GP Doctor’s Clinic could be somewhere here but the sky is still cloudy rain is building up and the Sun is setting on that side and light breeze it’s cool uh the temperature highest this year so far was last Wednesday it hit 27° and that was some heat otherwise like oh yeah here this is what I was talking about earlier and obviously Dental Practice is here as well a little expensive people say some beautiful plants in the yard of these houses now look at that Buddha’s sculpture so this is King’s Way look how these plants look exotic now we are into a quieter residential area you can see all the cars parked here because today being a Sunday I don’t think people went to work so their cars are home as well even if they had been to work they would have returned by now so I’m taking you to a park which is called Rimrose Valley Country Park and this park is uh not a park in the sense of a Garden because mostly we misunderstand Park as Gardens this is more of a national park sort of Park look at those flowers like look like artificial flowers but they are natural and this red roses wow amazing look at that one single flower looks like a whole bouquet and now one interesting thing like when you come to an anglophone environment you learn different things right for example here you see a board that says no tipping now when I was not here I knew tipping tip in the sense like the tip of something like tip of your tongue or maybe to give money to like in a restaurant you give money to uh servers and all that tipping so but here here tipping also means to throw garbage so if you throw garbage here no tipping m maximum 3,000 pounds that’s more than a common man’s one month salary so you would not dare doing that and one thing I forgot to tell you this is your community allotment This Is A New Concept we don’t have this uh in our place because here people have Farms those who are farmers who own land or like take land in lease and farm they have their own plot of land but here mostly the houses are designed by Builders and build up now where you go if you have the hobby of gardening and all so this community allotment is for you this is called Sefton Green Gym like people have small area here where you can grow your own vegetables and everything I don’t know how it functions but this is basically that and now we are in the Rimrose Country Valley Park oh Rimrose Valley Country Park look at this a wooden board and these flowers quite impressive colourful vibrant some are pretty new to me I had never seen them look at that okay let’s move on you see my shadow and the houses like shining bright when the the Rays of sun fall on them for this last hour of the day and this is pretty much Rimrose Valley Country Park look at these little wild flowers look at the Color Wow and the sun is shining bright so they look amazing and one thing I I must show you here is this little yellow flowers I think they they are called buttercups but I want to show you this do you remember this this looks like dandelion but it’s different it’s much bigger yeah and let me check if I can blow it or not this looks pretty strong can’t blow wow oh look at that oh now this is how the seeds of plants get dispersed through wind like wind carries them away so we have a trail here we can walk along mostly people come to this park to walk their dogs even like uh people from this pet care business like they take care of other people’s pets dogs and all so they come here to walk the dogs of their clients and the most common bird here is that one look at that it’s running away from me it’s a Mac pie a black and white bird look at that plain Beauty black and white now this is a trail for bicycles you can of course walk along this is a part of Transpennine Trail they call it and a few buttercup flowers here and there and this Blackberry bush see the grass has grown tall now earlier there was not much look at this puppy little one hey that bush looks beautiful with pink flowers on it look at that and as the breeze brushes past them like they wave how amazing is that you can hear the cooing of these wood pigeons is it this one the cooing no it’s cooing somewhere else calling its partner this one is there and then I got scared because last time while I was walking along I heard several gunshots and when I turned my head and looked towards the gunshots like I uh saw some Sparks of fire like maybe bullets and then like a number of these wood pigeons flew away there some hunters might have tried to hunt them down so now we are moving towards the canal and along this path you can see that there are Sensor Lights fit so as it grows darker these lights will turn them themselves themselves on you can see there these lights there still 1 hour or more of daylight I suppose and voila we’ve arrived at the canal look at these ducks and that moorhen taking rest now to talk about this canal this is Liverpool Leeds Canal so before locomotives were invented maybe this canal this Waterway was used for transportation like there would be these long Canal boats that would take you from Liverpool to leads even now you can have a fun ride a weekend holiday trip on those boats that take about 2 days to go along this uh Canal from Liverpool to LS oh my goodness I can’t believe this this Canada goslings it h i can’t express myself like they were hatched it feels like a couple of weeks or two three weeks ago and now look at them my goodness it’s a whole flock of them and and look at that that one that one is the guard coming towards me I know it’s alert but like these are a little friendlier because when people come around here they feed them breadcrumbs and Grains and all sort of things but I feel like we should allow them to Forage for themselves and find natural food instead hey buddy hey come here oh what a splash and here we do have some goslings which are still little ones fluffy little goslings now after a few days this will also grow too big oh no but these are not goslings these are like more hand six yeah look at that do it again man oh they they his like a snake if they have to warn you so I thought these were also goslings when I looked from a distance but they are moorhen chicks so this canal is about 200 km long from Liverpool to Leeds and I’ll take you along this for a while and just divert away from it and take you towards Waterloo town centre now something interesting those birds that flew away just now they are black and in our part of the world whatever is black whatever looks like that is a crow but here I realized that there are Ravens that look like crows and some other birds too and there are those two goslings still adorable obviously even when they grow up and become adults like this they look elegant but I like them when are they little ones fluffy ones look at that the Moorhen there in the nest there is a little chick and the Moran was feeding just a while ago and now the bird has rested on it to protect the chick to keep it warm maybe it’s too little to come out on its own so I maybe if I could have a better angle I would be able to show you but not lucky enough like the The Nest is covered in Reeds now look at this isn’t it amazing the water is not perfectly still because the birds are waddling along but still look at the image of the sky clouds houses plants everything the reflection on water it’s amazing those yellow flowers and their reflection on water and then now these birds Disturbed the water like creating waves but still look at that amazing look here the houses on this part of the canal they have this Terrace on their back backyard where you can relax watching birds on the canal taking a sip of tea early in the morning or maybe any other drink would be fine just a good place to spend time wonderful look at these purple flowers dangling down on water looks good and here we have a sub station look at that those Transformers capacitors and all fans to cool down the system this substation is uh it controls the supply for this area I guess and there are there are signs telling you not to go near danger of death keep out it’s clearly written look at the electric shock you could get electrocuted if you try to trespass and look at this bridge narrow bridge for cyclists and pedestrians and there’s a new sign here caution Runners ahead so this track is used by uh not only pedestrians but Runners who run along now I’ll leave the canal and divert towards the other side I don’t know if I diverted at the right place look at this wow these purple flowers wild flowers they look so wholesome oh wow look here what I have for you right across on the other side let me zoom in slowly can you see those lotuses blooming over over there wow that one those are lotuses I think you can identify them from their flat broad leaves as well floating on water and that one is almost a full bloom and on this side as well a few buds and this one almost a full bloom wow lotuses folks amazing I’m glad that I could show you this look look at this Milestone this says Leeds 122 and a quarter miles and on this side we have Liverpool 5 miles so if you add 122 and a quarter and 5 that makes 127 and a quarter Miles so 127 times 1.6 that makes almost 200 kilometres and those flowers the yellow ones are the lotuses too because they have plat leaves floating like this as well and the only plant that bears flowers on water has flat leaves like this I know is lotus so sorry about that but like this looks amazing those yellow flowers look beautiful too and those white ones on the bush and those red roses in someone’s Garden there look at this duckling chasing insects okay it’ll jump and try to catch mosquitoes and gnats and other sort of his uh insects and the mama duck is guarding this little one look at that look at that oh Wow so agile can you see that it’s looking at me as well now I realize that I overshot because I arrived here and if you remember someday I had posted this very house on my Facebook post look at these flowers amazing and these houses also like really lovely just at the vicinity of the canal and these yellow flowers beautiful these ones too could have made a bouquet out of them um this bridge is the most beautiful of the bridges uh in this side of the this part of the canal and I know I over shot I should have diverted before but it was worth it I got to show you those lotuses so I’ll take my course to this side and these Lawns like in the onset of spring these lawn would be full of this white little flowers you can see still some of them are there look at that it’s a house cat amazing now it’ll run away that was amazing I I took a trail hey hey Kitty come here look at that how it’s looking at me look there it’s just staring straight at me maybe it was going to hunt down some mice into the jungle maybe or some birds as well but when it saw me it went back and H there looks lovely hey Kitty come here meow meow me and here we have a little rivulet stream Brook whatever you call it depends on the place where you are but like full of garbage needs conservation this side garbage all and that high-rise tells us that we are somewhere near the Town Centre the path here is boggy it rained yesterday and even this morning it was raining intermittently so the track here is a little boggy at places and you have to be careful because there are stinging nettle plants and I’ve got stung a few times times thankfully today I’m wearing long trousers so this is stinging nettle even I think they can sting even inside my trousers no they can’t so to protect yourself from this stinging nettle in our part of the world like we just pluck these birds we just nip the bird on the top and then cook as vegetable and eat people use it as like herbal medicine those people who have hypertension and high blood sugar diabetic people also consider it safe diet and after all it is organic I’ve arrived here on this bridge and the railway tracks are here and there are no trains incoming from this side I guess and this side we have Bootle and Seaforth station if I’m not mistaken and on that side we have Waterloo station on that side where you can see the yellow light and why not look at these yellow flowers too the high-rise that we saw earlier it’s right there in front of me but I won’t take you that way instead we’ll take a right at this point it’s safe to cross because this is one way only Vehicles will come from that side and when it’s safe Crossing cross it from here oh no this looks like a wood pigeon devoured by some hunting bird and here I am at the Sefton Community Learning service I don’t know what its function is maybe it works on like additional learning opportunities for the citizens I’m not sure and I’ll show you one interesting thing here the bus stops here look at this this is a bus stop you have a small bench sort of thing here but you can see people barely sitting here and the buses that come along this route are these two so 53 and 781 so this 53 goes to Crosby Islington Via Crosby Road South South Road Oxford Road Mersey View and Coronation Road and the timings are given Mondays to Fridays you can see these are the timings and this 781 goes to Chesterfield high school so here you can wait look at the time if the bus is coming you can hop on and go to your destination look at this house this is being renovated no I think it’s complete but you can see some bags of rubbish over there so maybe the old tenant left and the housing company renovated it to sell maybe or to let it and I have arrived here at the crossroads from here it’ll take me just a 5 minute walk to the seashore but the problem with this Crossroad is like there is no pedestrian Crossing you can see this is weird isn’t it no pedestrian Crossing why why is it so aren’t they concerned about our safety do you see The Pedestrian Crossings could be up there and on this side further down but not here so since the vehicle has stopped I’ll just cross till this point I’m safe and I’ll let it pass and cross quickly believe me jay walking is not safe and I’ve come come here at Liverpool Seafarers Centre you can see the temperature is 14° Celsius in summer like this is the temperature in Mid Winter in our place jay walking is not good and so this park looks like it’s fallen into disuse but I can see that there is a ramp where some Lads like do cycling and uh surf boarding what do we call it boarding like skating skateboarding sorry couldn’t catch that word now we are almost on the seashore you can see those pink roses there it’s getting dark a little but still the sun’s already down and we have this Twilight this will stay for maybe half an hour or so so we won’t be in trouble and on my left we have Port of Liverpool I’ll show you from further down now this point Beyond we don’t have houses residential houses on this side oh look at those clouds there looks like an abstract painting from a prominent painter look at that from here you can see those cranes for loading and unloading container ships and there is one whole heap of like a stack of these containers over there can you see that I don’t know if it is safe to film here but something I would definitely like to show you is the mural over there the wall painting you can call it a mural as well and now these plants give the vibe of autumn gradually now today is the last day of June from July August and around around August end of August mid September I think Autumn begins and that was when I came last year it’s almost been a year time flies like an arrow look at that magnificent mural here it depicts people going by their business like some selling newspapers and some are crossing the river or maybe with their dogs and uh a ship there and a train this is one very big mural on the wall and and there are notices all over like this this give you information about this mural the Waterloo Murals Project this mural the first in a series tells the story of the 20th century from 1900 to 1914 by depicting icons connected to the area further murals will continue the story through to the early part of the 21st century so overhead Railway five lamps um Wilson’s Grocers electric trams Cormorant Cormorant is this board so this board gives you certain information on the mural and what’s going on here like there are vehicles with emergency lights blinking I don’t know this lady officer maybe I’ll try and ask her if she’s this is an ambulance oh emergency ambulance this is not a red emergency uh I’m just uh filming for a Blog am I not allowed investigation oh that’s there is an investigation going on yeah yeah you’re not allowed to walk there sorry all right no worries like I can’t film but I can walk right you’re not allowed well even if you go up here mhm even if you go up here you won’t be able to get past anyone else they’ll just tell you to turn around all right thank you very much officer see you again so you heard the officer saying that there is an investigation going on for a crime and I don’t know what’s gone wrong there must be some serious business going on there otherwise they would at least allow me to walk because I have walked that way several times up to the radar like the the lighthouse or radar what whatever you call it there but now she stopped me right here means something serious is going on look there yellow and blue lights flashing earlier the police officer did not allow me to go along that part like people are walking there but from there she said that they would ask me to return that’s why I did not go that way but you can see the lights Flash passing and as she said there’s something some investigation going on maybe for a crime so in summer people go to beach and then things happen no worries at all not if that way I could take you to the seashore along this way having a good view of the lake and this this lake house the lake house after your adventure you can just get in and take a sip on your favourite drink order some food this is a lovely place to be Sun’s already gone down and due to the lighting conditions you might not view it as like it would be in broad daylight when the sun is shining but still good to see from this point the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles police vehicles ambulances and there and you can hear when the waves crash into the Rocks here creates a sweet music sort of thing can you hear that oh it’s rhythmic those structures red cranes just to load and unload containers on freighters or cargo ships or containers s whatever you call them now one thing I find common in our culture and this culture is we also build like benches generally platforms resting platforms under trees called ‘Chautari’ and here also people people build this sort of benches keep this sort of benches in memory of their departed ones loved ones um I won’t read the name of The Departed person but the lines written here feel really make us feel really uh touched like a place for us to feel close to you on land when we need a hug or to Hold Your Hand we find your footprints in the sand isn’t it amazing like so this is like sort of anthropological similarities I would say and this is a children’s play area during the daytime on holidays you can see children accompanied by their parents and Guardians playing here a lovely safe place for children to play I think I won’t take you to the seashore because you’ve seen that seashore uh on my other Vlogs as well so instead we’ll move towards Waterloo town centre because it’s getting dark so I’ll take a right from here and you see the lights are already on in Waterloo and one interesting thing happened to me when I came here first in September you can see that those trees and white flower like things on them and at first I thought they were flowers but when I went close like this is the lower part of their leaves and when the wind turns the leaves to the other side the lower part is exposed and it is white so from a distance they look like they are in full bloom that fooled me for the first time lights are on this street lamp has a retro look and CCTV cameras monitoring on all sides look here on this Pole and on top as well it’s safe to cross here because most of the vehicles will take a turn to this side from here as as I told you you can see the vehicle take from this side because there’s no through Road on this side only the residents go towards that way now this is Waterloo Town Centre it’s called South Road as well and there’s this pub called Marine Bar and Kitchen you can come here to watch sports and enjoy your drink and the Serbia versus England Sunday 16th June 8:00 p.m. so today you can watch the game live live here they are showing and all the restaurants take away grills and bars this side Turkish and Mediterranean Bar and Grill so this is main town area and this is professional dog grooming salon if you look at the dogs like you might as well say I wish I had a dog’s life looks like somewhere live music going on sounds like this one rattis bar maybe Irish American Bar the sound of music is coming from this side and there’s a pub like you can see the sky sports logo you can watch the game here as well it’s 7 minutes after 10 and there’s a still daylight it’s amazing look at that restaurants gleaming with lights decorated with little Diamond like lights this bus goes to city centre Liverpool um this is from the company Stagecoach you can see the that there are basically two companies on this reason Arriva and this is Stagecoach double decker buses to reduce the amount of traffic on the roads now when I look at these double decker buses I wish we could make wise decisions like this as well but instead what we are doing is we are increasing the amount of traffic by adding private vehicles and smaller public vehicles too so that is not done that’s not a wise decision that will increase traffic jams because we don’t follow lane rules and when there are more vehicles of course it means the roads will be clogged and I have arrived at Waterloo station this is Waterloo station pretty plain like you have to just climb down the stairs to access this station but I heard that uh Liverpool Baltic station is being constructed uh it will be completed by 2027 I guess and there you you could access the trains right from the road so I don’t know whether that will be safe or not but sounds amazing so the tracks here on this side the trains from Southport to Liverpool and further away and there’s one coming from Liverpool to Southport let’s see just four carriages and passengers alighting these trains are around till maybe half past 11 or quarter to 12 so if you want to hop on and keep going you can come here this is Waterloo station once you get off at this station you can see the hidden gems of Waterloo this is the war memorial and waterloo seafront and all the Antony Gormley’s Another Place Crosby Lake and all local area information given here like buses from stop a from stop B and stop C see so tourist information it’s almost dark now and right by the station you have this Home Bargains shop top brands bottom prices why I’m showing you this is I read somewhere the owner of this chain of stores was the richest man in England in the UK not only in England I’m not quite sure whether he was the richest or the second richest but like he is in top three the Liverpudlians are rich here they are stinking rich and there’s a Nepali restaurant here it looks it’s closed today is Sunday so I don’t know they close on Sunday here but the one that is in the house where I live closes on Tuesdays and then open throughout the week so this one’s closed this Da Gurkha it’s a Nepalese restaurant and some takeaway here naan wraps shawarma and all and that blue bus 53 to Liverpool that belongs to Arriva earlier I talked to you about two uh operators bus service operators so that’s one of them and there’s a place to chill a pub and a letting agency this is the mobile repairing this belongs to a a British citizen of Pakistani origin like I went there earlier to get my phone repaired but I couldn’t get it repaired so I just gave it for recycling and got a new one and this is the Liver Lovely One a pub right at the A565 and the plaza the plaza the red light you see that’s the community Cinema it’s just like 2 minutes walk from my place so I walked a lot today and one good thing about Cinemas here is they are censored and then categorized given license according to the age like you have 13 plus 15 plus and you have 18 plus as well 15 rated films earlier they had 18 rated but you needed an ID proof of your age document to watch that so Horizon and American Saga and the Garfield movie showing right now oh it’s already dark you see the lights are on street lights are on and this is Crosby Community Library here read a book and Waterloo primary school and managed by the head teacher Mrs R Baldwin a leader in education lady leadership women in leadership position and this church looks lovely the architecture is it gives the ancient Vibes and just by the church we have these apartments block of apartments and just one Studio apartment here could cost you about 1,000 more than 1,000 pounds a month Sky Gardens all right I have arrived almost where I had started just a few minutes walk look at this one your Flower company come with me this is amazing look at that wow isn’t it beautiful like and these people are on Facebook Twitter which is X now and Instagram like every business is on the social media platforms now do you remember this church this is where I started from and there’s a chain of food retails called Tesco that’s here just opposite to the house where I live and there’s a copy spot you can get your documents printed in colour like make flexes Flex boards and all everything here there’s a toy store already closed and the bus stop is right in front of the house where I live and then this is the restaurant Da Mount Gurkha and it’s closed our brothers are there shaking hands closed for today this is the bus stop and this was where I started and it’s dark now thank you for being with me please share this video with your friends if you like it please subscribe to my channel if you want to watch these Vlogs sometimes casual Vlogs and some uh language test preparations thank you for being with me I’ll see you next day take care enjoy

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