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    #PDProudlock #England #Slovakia

    [Applause] ch [Music] [Music] uh good evening everyone I hope you all keeping well fan reaction CH for the win against Slovakia this is where you can come on and have your see on the game and my word we absolutely got away with one completed the night we really really did after being absolutely embarrassing pretty much for that 90 minutes which I’ll never get back in my life I mean Mason how you feel after that because we oh how I’ve never seen us be so Jammy like that ever in my life H it was D till a certain Mar came with a an assist for Jude bams overhead kick which I was celebrating more because of who assisted the goal and um yeah it’s just pretty several but did going yeah play play play X in second off we still shade still shade yeah anyway guys you know what to do if you enjoy the show hit the thumbs up it keeps us up those search results please of course if you are brand new at the champion not yet subscribing and you enjoy what goes on weekend we out hit that subscribe button free to do so it does that make the channel grow and of course hit that Bell notification because I will let you know whenever we are live or when to pre-record a video takes place on the day so that will notify you what is coming up on the channel week in week out and if you like to give a donation feel free to do so if you want to become a member it’s 99 p a month hit the join button to become a member and you’ll be put to a prize draw we do on the channel as well but Di a few comments first l no [ __ ] we Jude say oh how lucky we England very lucky David Southgate out k out yeah Southgate still out for me that was [ __ ] it was certainly shight you hey guys hey hope you wellan how how Jammy England very indeed good evening John hope you’re well evening Ian as well Pete hope you’re well as well and there a lot of people saying hello to in the chat Colin good evening still not good enough now how the do we win that slak must be absolutely good they’d be absolutely hard broken they would have been absolutely hard broken that they’ve not gone away through to the quarterfinals of this competition cuz but that 90 minute they well and truly deserved to go through we didn’t even have a shot shot until the kick the goal that Bellingham scored was our first shot on target would you believe it and I’m sorry but that is just not good enough at all it’s not not good enough at all I it just feels like we’ve lost in a way to be fair like because surely Bon Slovakia will be absolutely devastated that they’ve gone crashing out after pretty much nearly seconds away of being through a normal time till Jude comes up with an overhead kick which de braa unfortunately had no chance of saving and then first minute in extra time they going concede a goal from har Kane it will be because of obviously being majority of the game one up and obviously in the 95th minute yeah um had a had to SLE punch right end obviously with bhe kick so uh yeah absolutely uh if you want to get on and give your thought to the game the link is pin in the chat and we’ll bring just people on one at a time again like we do normally and we’ll get people sorts on it as well a lot of over thehe passes most of the game is certainly where I’m going to the door on Friday probably bump to Southgate or col evening all again hope you’re well Cole well we’ll get the first guest in it is leis that that just tast it old isn’t it this our reaction I mean you’ve got to say you can’t you could say that 90 minutes of normal time of was any good at all know that’s could be one of the worst 120 minutes I’ve seen for for a long time I mean the way Slovakia got through our defense was absolutely unbelievable and the one thing is you bring everybody on but you didn’t bring Gordon on G what what G have to do now to get a get a chance in the side of Paul from last game a few minutes plus stoppage time it’s not good enough at all G’s only played five minutes in the Euros absolutely um I’ve got to say foran was rotten the day unfortunately why does he need to be that far offside yeah but may maybe is he still too high after he’s after his kids being born I don’t know I mean he was stinking that free kick sumed up for me as well where he just hit a tree the wall that would have been a good one for Tripp and to have a go at I know barely any power and he shot it straight at the wall but it looks like Tripp is injured well well maybe it could well be but um I know Kane scor the winner but he was a passenger for 90 minutes totally disgraceful he was yeah but work this one out it’s quite a funny one as well even in peace like like we scored the 90 the first goal was scored in the 95th minute the second one was scored in the 91st minute yeah good evening Ian I repeat meing not be all well after that P of Sher has gone sh southgate’s boyfriend like to know Lads we were G for three minutes the rest was southgate’s defensive and boring tactics says jul I’m not going to disagree with that but I got admit yeah who who was the number 19 player what was his name um it was CA just CA he should have been sent off he should have been sent off because he was booked in the first half yeah and he did five challenges after that more than five challenges where was the second y card exactly but after the referee was abysmal as well I mean I didn’t get handed out yellow cs just for the freaking hell of it at the beginning of the game T ref got um I see this punch punched in the face R chman and turkey yeah it was him you know it was him yeah it was him oh he’s copyright copyright copyright come on hry on YouTube get done for copyright there we go we can still see it great yeah we can’t play against any team going forward in future we get ton will certainly will be anyway call me down the N UFC transfers please yeah crazy transfers as well that have been T going on as well is just like oh his medical oh well anyway um I the fact is why Le why are we did we how could we not manag to get a shot on target before bellingham’s go because Harry Ken his legs are gone now we can see that is literally when the ball goes back to our goal he’s halfway not running for the not running for the ball his legs are gone yeah all absolutely Ian says he must have done something the horse game not to get a game the team is crying off for his pace and direct running absolutely Ian thank you so much for coming a member for seven months on the channel really appreciate it k p you got a yell from that ref already you wasn’t even playing I’m just going to see I’m just going to say I’m just going to say must be sick of his life right now I mean I just feel like I just feel like we’ve lost in a way because I think Slovakia were well and truly just well and truly robbed in that way because we were Absolut we it was just absolutely shocking from the all the way right until before dude well just to to Jude goal we we offered nothing we absolutely offered nothing at all I think Slovakia just started to tire out in a way no no one picked Jude up in the box and he just says thank you very much it was a cracking call as well yes well then just before you go Lewis did you will you pick a man of the match day by the way I’m just gonna give to Jude for that goal fair enough I don’t think anyone really had a good came to be fair like no the Jo of being England I mean it’s it’s not good enough and we play like that against Switzerland we are TR getting pumped out out of the tournament if if SC say watching this play for play Gordon play Gordon that’s what we’re crying out for yeah should have Mason say he Tony holds the baller better than Kanan for more mobile and keep doesn’t keep dropping to Center back or CDM I think Kane needs a partner that’s the problem hi Pete Lewis and all in the chat hope you’re well wi as well anyway Lewis no problem Lewis well than thank you for coming on see you lat I forgot there was no show yesterday on Friday off this week but we’re back next week no problem which probably is gonna be Friday because England are playing on the Saturday yes anyway problem Louis take care bye okay Lewis okay so that was Lewis what we’ll do is we’ll get another guest while waiting for more comments coming on so we’ll get going in next I mean that’s another come on man what was I watching tonight that was a dad it was just people watch it was really painful to watch I mean oh if we got out tonight I I would be seeing those players to walk home and I’ll see what the manager and the hope and the manager pretty much would have been sacked after that Julian member for six months thank you very much if we could be t i s would have got Saka Morrow yeah he certainly certainly would have done we kept giving Saka ball with his back to goal in the street Defender obri him that’s not a strength of his game I was very disappointed with Saka today look how well Cole Palmer did when he come on and Tony Tony yes as well H Mr Ian flemens just give a five Super Chat if england player like that old tournament and win it would you complain we wouldn’t complain but oh the football is just painful to watch Mason it’s absolutely painful to watch very lucky result tonight chaps good evening David play like that and the Swiss will run Riot look at the way they took ity out at the tournament yesterday that was incredible they were incredible yesterday absolutely incredible and we’ve got to be a lot more better than um as well I mean G get his second yellow card of the tournament so it looks like he may miss the next game if it’s two yellow cards that he’s picked up is is it not three got to pick up I think I think it’s two is in a Chell Mason too and I’m pretty sure that was the second one so that means conza com in so that means probably kza or Gomez is gonna end up coming in for the next game by the looks of it but I think G had a good game but yeah I mean how annoyed with you that we didn’t get a chance H the first shot on tet till right at the stoppage typ for jud’s goal sh another play he was another player was warful Bellum Bellum again didn’t look good qu comfortable a lot of the times before his goal I thought Walker got absolutely torn um down by their left sided player we seriously need to fix up completely because Switzerland is going to be a total catler fish and they’ve been really really good in this tournament yeah he misses next game say he in as well um as well yeah do you think Kane need to partner alongside of a Gordon I think KY dropped an app to there Watkins not a bad idea because again it’s there’s a lot of laziness from Harry Kane why is he playing so deep when he doesn’t need to do it no need for it dra Kan and put Watkins or T from the start yeah I know they had 10 buying the ball a lot of game but we had nothing sh for ball and didn’t move ball quickly either says wacky angler watching Spain now and they’re on a completely different level South G will need to make major changes if he’s serious about the final he’s got to surely we found a way to win we did but it was very lucky we took the wrong place to start with has to be a fit left back somewhere Hall would have done ex absolutely I’m not saying trip has been played bad but you can tell he’s not a left back at all he’s definitely not Str I mean if he misses the next game who comes in there gay suspended it could have to be oh be might have to go concert C back probably Jo goes at left back by the looks of Itor K you play five bu and plays a cam or a backup Striker yeah absolutely and people just say a each other in the chat anyway uh yeah just before you go would you do you pick a man of the match for anyone tonight in defense G yes good good work to provide the assist he did didn’t he else yeah if we play two up front should be Tony and Watkins gner spent three minutes on the pitch this whole tournament and makes the headlights for flying office bike could make it up absolutely totally D I don’t get it anymore I really really don’t anyway Gordon thank you so much for coming on than on again P sorry thanks us on no problem going hope we see you again soon you on Friday Pete yeah we should be back to on Friday because England are playing no problem TK going see you later by H just before we get CH in M what did you make at the spot at the end where it looks like their man the Slovakian manager gone to push race and race is getting absolutely mollified for it what was said there but it’s a manager who’s um how would you say um he he must be devastated but come on there’s no need to react like that salty salty yeah salty yeah salty Bard again you’ve you’ve lost but there’s youve there’s no way to overreact like that that could land himself in trouble if he’s not careful right especially right in right in front of the match officials and all which again right in front of the officials I mean come on so but anyway the f plan in a straight drop self give out don’t have kittens I’m joking oh I just don’t want any how to go there did De braa have a safe to make other than those two attempts going no he didn’t he actually didn’t he may as well have had a dick chair majority that game and that’s disappointing why we not testing him more a lot more out because he surely would have been the weak link for Slovakia because the times and games in this tournament as well he’s looked he’s looked really edgy as well and I just why could we not why did we not work him enough I just I don’t know it’s not good enough it really really isn’t Georgia Georgia scored George have scored what’s your K name from what’s the Kat name from na again oh their names are long that’s [ __ ] keep that’s a a oh it’s a it’s say oh so wow one nil Georgia interesed basically the the kid um well at least soon has got the job set the Thursday I’ll be celebrating hat oh well George are in front George are in front I get K anyway H just before we get again before we get chers we’ve got 64 people watching we are streaming both on live Twitter orx and also YouTube uh please do remember to get this the thumbs up as well just so it keeps us up those results so if you don’t mind either hopping onto YouTube as well and giving us a thumbs up and do subscribe if any of you are brand new at the channel and tuning in tonight as well you would be really really appreciated as well it was k What the fu cavi whatever it’s called yeah yeah Slovakia played decent football times but they went anything special and we struggled which is really worry and absolutely air wacky and good evening Julie hope you’re well well then we’ll get Chippers in now here he is [ __ ] now honestly man that was just oh how would you get excited of that how would you be so happy I feel like I feel like we’ve lost tonight I feel I feel like that away well to be honest I wish we did I’m not saying that because I want go I’m saying that because I mean if did went out I would have complained if we went would went out as well go through it simp that I think Slovakia been well truly if we if we got no complain and as for that TOS spot who manin he’s he’s got a Jammy result it’s as simple as that he didn’t would he’s got more jamming he’s Donuts than anything else because he spunked his way through quarterfinals we don’t deserve to be in the quarterfinals um if like I said if we got knocked out on I wouldn’t be crying or anything I w’t be disappointed because I know for find fact you you like to think be getting bined in the morning because and some of these players the likes of Kan Walker even pick extend they need to be start thinking about moved on and we need to start changing the generation on because I don’t think pigford’s been the weak Link in this team he hasn’t but he’s you know you need to stop thinking about after him because how many I know keepers have longevity about him but how how many more tournaments has he got I mean he I think personally he’ll retire shortly anyways I think he’ll just say enough enough and I’ll just play for Club Harry Kane his legs have gone he can’t even walk and have a mind run he needs a partner he needs a Zimmer that’s what he needs he needs it’s just ridiculous him up front um you know Haven to be bailed out by an overhead kick which in the 95th minute of the 96 minute game we shouldn’t be having that um no I didn’t celebrate both goals personally because no disrespect with playing svia it’s a game you should be winning anyway um I’m not being entitled or anything like that I’m just saying that because we’re ranked the fourth best team in the world and the fourth best team in the world should be beating Slovakia um just his substitutions again shocking making a sub because somebody’s injured that’s the only reason he made the first sub they made two subs before we even made a sub which tells you everything you need you know and then when you go two one up you you R back five what you playing at you know you invite them on you again when you know F well they’re capable of scoring I just you know what he took Min off had no right game I thought Mino was did very well and then he put SAR at left back and had in the second half because obviously had no left backs because the stupid di took injured exactly so I’m sorry but Saka isn’t a left back he may have started his career there but he’s not a left back um qu [ __ ] when he came on played him on the right wing he’s not a right winger Phil for’s not a left Winger I just I don’t get him I do not get all this fuss about I don’t get what the f say that we that we Dawn because I see somebody who’s literally putting Square pegs and round hes and was spunking his way through tournaments there’s nothing I mean today we were so lucky it was ridiculous Saia looked like the team that was a team today and we just look like we were just put Square pegs around hor and we’re just literally prit sticking stuff together just that’ll do that’ll do we’ll get away with that’ll do not think about long term because better our sides includ Switzerland on Saturday will beat us I think so I think I think we will be going out on Saturday it wouldn’t surprise me cuz Switzerland going to be a tall Kettler fish they’ve played some really good football and look at the way they look at the way they took Italy out of the tournament as well but the thing is they’re drilled they’ll have somebody if Shaw moves up Jaca goes back into Center back and things like that they allow that to happen we haven’t got that you look at the goal SC it was a one ball up front it was a flick on passer through and he scored so easy Kyle Walker he needs to retire as well unfortunately because he he got skinned the day completely you ever seen him play in an England top he shouldn’t be in the England squad no more players like that are like I said they need to start be Thinking Beyond these players now because they’re too not too old but they’re not at the level of international football anymore um f Bellum scored a fantastic goal he did nothing else for yeah he’s playing out position but he was ineffective um he was I mean I was disappointed that also annoys me is these players like for like Bellingham who play for Madrid Man City are used to play in teams like Sakia in the league terms where they play Low Blocks and they’ve got to break them down doesn’t even look like capable of breaking them down it took us a throw in to break a team down set pce yep um how can be posi only positive thing is were through how you look at it any of our waiters were fled away through and if you look at side of the draw the final we should get to the final because we’re missing all the big hitters we get Switzerland next if we can beat Switzerland went there was at semi-finals yeah get semifinals will play the winner of one of the Lesser quarterfinals so we should be getting to the final don’t get a final then he’s to me he’s I think n just if we don’t get to the final it’s it’s very much underachievement again there’s only one man to BL him in South Gate yeah is yeah absolutely is uh just before you go then uh would you pick a man would you pick a man of the match anyone today or not the fans F put that sh none of the players deserve man the match simply as that no problem anyway chippers thank you so much we’ll not be seeing you next week I don’t think no I’m at work Friday night and Saturday night so probably week after unless unless you do anything next Sunday or whatever then I proba you probably not t for two weeks no problem CH was goodna say um okay NE catches good night take care CH yeah well up to with me comments I think I’ve missed a lot of B for p CH say me are you getting great says Ian you good Julie he’s G more greaters the EUR have gone on watching England hi at least gner is going to be well rested for next season possibly K needs dropped in the in the rain yes chip is 451 me was our best player most of the game in my opinion self game master class we have threee players who can play a left wing Gordon Bourn and Saka and we play CM there exactly even Bruce’s only second worst manager in the world South G being the worst the Swiss are good players but an excellent team much better than the some of their parts we were an awful team with decent players absolutely in niik Williams say p class must be having a good game for Spain so far even though they’re still one n down when you look at a team and can’t tell what formation they are playing at it isn’t good it’s certainly not good at all chippers run I mean I’m again I’m not hopeful against Switzerland are you Mason L enough I didn’t watch a I didn’t watch a game yesterday because I was out he the I what only thing I got to was Billy on the commentary but thee Switzerland were absolutely outstanding and look at the way they took out the winners of the last who won the last Euros Italy they absolutely well and truly took them out I I didn’t say it yeserday because Gran chak when I’d seen the score score yest thought [ __ ] hell see gran Shaka Gran which one the game yesterday swi G for is this is this is this is this some new Switzerland and new Switzerland would actually win yesterday I really did I had a feeling they would actually win quite comfortably and they did um the fact is Switzerland granny Chaka I’m concerned about him I really am because he’s done he’s been brilliant in this tournament for Switzerland and he’ll know where we are well and he’ll work out what we are being so poor in this tournament because he’s one of the best cdms I’ve seen him play and he’ll work us out Fabian CH he’ll he’s he’s had Kane in his back pocket before and fuckus as well they’ve got that um amundi who played who plays for Burnley I mean yeah and and went and I got went down with B but he’s he’s he’s a handful of times he didn’t he not score with Man United I think so um another player that’s good for Switzerland and D hasn’t been too bad in this tournament that’s another player they’ve got that kid I’ve got they’ve got that kid who played for who was um born born in London who grew up in Switzerland who scored the first goal against um for then in their first game MH him it’s funny they’ve got who who who who could have played for who could have played for um England England as well as freaking Switzerland um but I some they’ve got as as you’ve just said Gran Shak and I and I was a and I was a TOS I didn’t me personally I didn’t because the way the way he was it Arsenal because he was times when you look at the team he’s basically the the Swiss Bruno Fernandez he’s sh is a leader and I’m worried about him next week I really when leader when you look at a team and can’t tell what formation they are playing it isn’t good to those Wy I absolutely agree J was Rand right mix spot on your prediction was very almost spot I did say one nil Slovakian how close was I it just took one moment of absolute luckiness to get us that thingy and oh it’s not it’s just not good enough anyway I’m just we’re going to get another guest in it is Archer hello well Archer come on then I mean oh well that it was absolutely [ __ ] first off I think it was absolutely [ __ ] first off no I can’t we should have been playing we should have been play playing like that D for the whole 0 minutes and end up uh scoring at the in the literally 90 94th minute mhm and then then har har Kane scores an extra time like we can’t like we can’t do that against Switzerland Switzerland are are very really good comp team really really good they not they know what they know what to they know what to do but uh it’ be tough a tough game against Switzerland like but sh this is a good enough football Archer we’ve just fluked away through the night it was garbage for 90 plus minutes yeah fact is De braa in goal who’s not been great he may as well have had a deck chair at times because we didn’t test him really at all yeah the bu had a the Buka had a a kind of good game but uh he could I don’t think he could have done out about no it was just we I’m just I just it’s like you want to be positive but how can you be it just feels like we’ve just absolutely robbed a team that were second pretty much under a minute away from going through uh right we must prove to be twittering says Julie ABS AB absolutely Julie what day do we play next week it’s Saturday just a very well organized W to be much improved need to get players at Chu I think it is I left dou a look we need need to get players at chucker heals he’s not got got a good temperament so be nasty in there he does have that um discipline issue but he’s a leader for a play he’s he’s an absolute leader he’s been an absolute leader for Arsenal and he’s look how he’s been for buying lus and can see he’s won the he won the Bundesliga we must just these AR just beers looking in pristine says wacky the Spain Georgia match is the best tournament by a mile end to end stuff this I’m going it on because I’ll go we’ll go I’ll probably end up catching it um after the show did we have a shot and talk for 0 minutes we didn’t and that shocking that for players we’ve taken in this tournament that is absolutely that’s absolutely pathetic I he to bra’s name once when he punched a corner well that was it at times all fabers want to worry about we must goore past him yeah absolutely Julie he’d be well on his game and he has had Kane in his back pocket before that’s I mean AR you are you hopeful for Switzerland or do you think we’ll exit out the tournament then I’m hopeful we do we do have a chance but if the we if we play like what we did against got any chance and they’ll well truly take it to the cleaners plus they’ve got plus they’ve got Fabian shot the back I mean if Slovakia fans would be feeling we’ve been absolutely well and truly robbed of that win cuz we outand look at the way yeah how how predictable England were at times they did look like getting an equalizer at all devastated they’ll feel like they’ve been robbed completely yeah I think so s need to make a few changes on sday like yeah we are still missing a play of the quality of [ __ ] Phillips have we had that player we would have won the match comfortably within the 90 minutes sthk telling the press the tactics was spot on oh for God’s sake he’s the most lucky manager in football Slovakia world rank and 46 Swiss are 19th in will so tougher assignment coming up says David y West elness and a player the quality of Calvin Phillips have have have we had that player we would have won the match comply within an name minutes [ __ ] hell good grief not to mention AR McGuire when he nor self gate loves him too says Julie absolutely Julie as well well just before you goer do you pick us M of the match for anyone today for England or uh I think for me I think for me I would probably have to go with that young Corby he did play R yeah but yeah he did very well uh he did look a bright Spar didn’t he but the rest but the rest of them played shotgun even though we did get the two goals Jude thans Julie I didn’t think Jude was Belling and was on his game a lot of the time to be fair Wella thank you so much here for tuning in and hopefully we’ll see you on the next show all right and the crazy show next Friday take care man take care man yeah know the comments so here comes another guest we’ve got Tony he guys you right I mean Tony um a what do you make of that I mean I field we’ve just absolutely we’ve go we’ve just absolutely fluked that today completely because we were shite for 90 plus minutes look not the great game um off for the first half we deserve to go behind um we didn’t even test topra to be fair and we didn’t that’s what annoys me Tony we didn’t you know and I’m surprised we didn’t but second half um look I thought the referee was very C happy if I’m honest he shocking the day as well that referee that’s the one the Turkish um chairman went out on the pitch and give him a smack you know um and I’m not I don’t mean this nly but probably you can see why he went out and give him a hidden um but anyway yeah apart from that um second half came in again we had the ball in the back of the net and then it was offside from for which it was unlucky but shouldn’t have been offsite cuz if he held his run he would have still got there and scored MH um and it was crying out for Anthony G to be on that pitch as well as well as Cole Palmer and I was getting more frustrated because I thought well right this is your last game this is you gone now South Gate bye-bye um because I didn’t see where an equalizer was coming from and then Kell Walkers long throw in and um I think it was from gu the head the head there um that fell into the path of Bellingham and I mean what an overhead kick for Bellingham to put in the back of the net I mean look that’s why he’s a 100 million pound plus player you know he’s got that quality concern his birthday is 21 as well I mean look what a player he is on his game and I thought he played really well today Bellingham I thought he was trying to drive everything I thought Pickford was as one you could see if you watch pfad in the first half he was really getting frustrated because he was sick of the ball coming back he was telling him to get it Forward um you know he was screaming at the defense get the ball forward he was getting really animated um and I didn’t blame pfad for getting animated I thought you know he’s right what he’s doing um but like I say Bellingham scores that equalizer and I’m off my seat like you know running around the living room like get in there you know because I mean look that was get out of jail that was last gasp that was um and then second half obviously when the ball comes in Ian Tony HS it back over but he doesn’t just hit it over he puts it back in the danger area and HS there Harry Kane in the back of the net Spain have just equalized by the way rodri’s just scored for Spain oh on 38 minutes so it’s one all now um and then you see like I see you see um you know Kan get that goal and you think yes that’s it now we’ve got it but I’m still a bit be amused why Anthony Gordon didn’t come on in the um extra time because look he could have give him a run out he gives galagar run out okay Galaga gets in there and he gets on the end of stuff but um look I just wanted to see Gordon gets some minutes um it’s not offside by the way that go it stands I think even though there’s a player it’s maratas in the way and he’s offside but I don’t know if that’ll get choked off but I don’t think it will I think it’ll stand um but I mean look I’ve got to say the luckiest player who escaped a red card in that game was Kutcher yeah how on Earth did he stay on that field how many bad fouls did he put in and that referee did not pull out that second yellow he should have been off should have been off um the end of the game was saw The Italian manager yeah other checking the goal we saw The Italian um we saw The Italian manager push race don’t know why he pushed race now I hope now I hope you here for act because not only did he push race but I don’t know if anybody else saw this but one of the coaching staff from Slovakia grabbed race around the neck put his hand on his throat now you if I need to come down hard on these or that I’m sorry you’ve lost the game yes you’ve lost the game but you do not react like that remember pod you head button David Miler he got a hefty ban for that should have been sacked by cast un honesty on Gross misconduct tell you what U I may come down hard on these and I hope they bloody well do because there was no need for that one no need for the push and two no need to grab somebody around the throat either that’s disgusting um I thought Sakia were a very dirty team there were you know there were there was a lot of fouls committed look we’ve won ugly we’ve won the game sometimes in tournament football it’s not all about playing pretty football sometimes it’s about just winning the game and it might not have been pretty at times day but we’ve won the game sometimes you just can’t play the brilliant football all game sometimes you got the grand results out and look Slovakia played well give them the credit they played okay they made it hard for England and it was like if you want to win this game England you got to break us down we eventually did break them down Ivan Tony could have made a 3-1 just before the end of extra done yeah absolutely but look he made a difference when he come on I Tony I thought and I did as well um but you know against Switzerland it’s going to be a different game different you know in dusel D on Friday H Saturday at 5:00 pm but I still think we’ll do it um I still think I think we’ll do it and um we’ve just got to improve that’s all yeah that’s it uh Tony went a Swansea transfer short taking place Mason the Swiss W need their army knives to beat us now they won’t today was very frustrating but we need to take the positives in the Switzer match next week yeah ref shite see night of spoons what do you think this this first goalkeeper we are signing I when you number two pul always gets injured so is this chap good enough to step in for us I don’t know we doing this on Sean John’s show as well and fortunately some of us are not very convinced by it at all well that’s why Benfica got rid of him so just get rid of keep pass for no reason I how that game ended without the ref sending someone office Beyond me SP go so good Spain equalized 1 Rodrigo yeah I think was given de Peter G say is a number three and cost three to four million okay make I guess he’s only number three if D St and that is supposedly unlikely we bu braa replacement as well says Mick why is anony gone not playing we like to know why I pely buying new number one and half pus too but maybe that will happen in 12 months time Julia wants mades Philly still we old it’s an idea I mean he’s had a cracking game tonight there as well he’s he’s pulled off some good saves night I mean look there’s no harm why can’t we get go and get him and you know I’m sure Pope could stick as a number two I mean yeah I know Pop’s are number one but I mean look it’s all about preseason whoever plays the best INE PR season but you know it sometimes it’s better to have two Top Class goalkeepers look we had given in harer you know yeah if in Harper no disrespect but if he’d gone to another club he would have been an England goalkeeper Harper I I quite believe he would have been yeah I agree you know um but we had the two best goalkeepers in the Premier League in Harper and given you know that’s it yeah absolutely the yeah go on Mason with um pop he was in this position before when he was a b till Tom heon disate left he was he did yes it didn’t I didn’t see him I didn’t see him comp when he was sitting constantly till he got his not just his should thought once he come on he wasn’t Rusty he was he was decent decent for Bley would if we get this FL in we you probably won’t complain po because for some for some reason Eddie may give him a chance here how he is and if he’s sh he’ll probably go back and for po yeah he’s got that but the fact is as well he’s got that experience of playing in Champions leag football yeah long the trip uh I suppose Tony fall very disappointing to day as well I mean left side it’s not his position but it’s a it’s the fre that one of the Free Kicks and he had to trat the wall without any Pace that would have been perfect for tripier and just fall he gets it all wrong yeah I mean that that free kick was awful I mean even Bellingham had sort of was on the edge of the area if I just rolled to him he could have had a shot on goal but his free kicks were very very poor and his couple of Corners he took from the left hand side H seemed all right but other than that he he wasn’t that great I I I think South Gate needs drop him on um Saturday if I’m honest with you yeah for on Saturday you’ve got to find a place and put Gordon in there you’ve got to get Gordon in there and give him a go because look if Gordon had to come on in that second half of injury T extra time or whatever he would have he would have ripped their defense to bits with his Pace it scker very ineffective for me as well at times yeah he’s not doing it he’s not doing it for me times he’s going down ask looking for decisions I mean come on I mean if you’re going to play him at left back play him at left back and then put Palmer right and then put Gordon left but absolutely you’ve got to drop foron I’m afraid I mean kobby man had a good game as well I thought you know he did very welled into quite a few teams at the time does Tony does Tony feia playing the well drill Swiss I I am I mean look they’ve played well as Swiss I mean they played better than everybody thought they would have done to be honest with you but Italy were very very poor yday we’ve just got up our game for Saturday and I hope Southgate looks at that now and does something he has to I mean look would you be against if I wouldn’t be against it if this if the fa decided now do you know what right you’re suck Gareth after that game you’re sacked and we’re going to give Harry red up the chance I would say that now I’ll tell you why I take Harry red up now old sagy face as they call him right because I’ll tell you why sagy face would do well for England I mean look we’ve come up against him many a time for Tottenham he’s been out a job while though hasn’t he it it doesn’t matter Pete doesn’t matter you know look how long Keegan was out of football for thing is right what I’m trying to say is when we when yast used to come against Tottenham on the Harry red naap teams yeah how often did we sometimes find ourselves one or two n down within the first 15 minutes because they play that attacking football he plays a highly attacking football and you know even Spurs fans this day still say Harry redut was one of the best maners they had for football wise as well and he he would just come in there he would shake that up and he would play a totally different system and I’m sure for a start Anthony Gordon would be starting along with Cole Palmer he wouldn’t be putting up with any of this non I know South Gate is saying oh well you know we we don’t want to really disrupt the balance but I’m sorry at the end of the day if you want to win something and if you want to get further in the tournament then you might have to change these players and this is where I want to see I want to see Phil foron dropped I want to see Gordon left but then if Gordon doesn’t play I’m Not So I me I’m going to be biased yeah but I’m not bothered because I don’t want to get an injur and being selfish as well so the more he doesn’t play the more he doesn’t get an injury be that could rule him out of next season so but look I still think we can win on Saturday we just got to turn up better no problem just before you go to any any player for man of the match Bellingham all day long no problem all right then there chers Tony chers thank you coming on do check out Tony’s channel it’s all black and white TV as well if you haven’t already done he do some really really good content on there as well so cheers Tony on the next one take care Tony that was Tony we just run through these out there yeah go ahead I was just saying H the LI what what was said by by that manager and race he said the manager said shut up your [ __ ] and rice came up and said oh shut up you B CT Slovakia were out the feed after 70 minutes they Scot sat back and try to hold on won their lead they got what they deserved as the F 15 minutes of the game they didn’t take their chance to got punished but we were just [ __ ] throughout the game and that’s why we’ve absolutely fluked it tonight Paul goes to being a number two it’s like giving up on his International career that’s a good point there call apparently big S wants a job due to unfinish business is ready steep in Jesus Christ no hurry the r up the melted Welly face football has moved on since Harry the bastard well yeah the fact G play no minutes today self geare clearly doesn’t fancy play in the ladder doesn’t trust him we like to know why if that is the case it was just the sheer frustration of zero movement from anyone ahead of the back four the old good players has to be the manager says y yeah it’s got to be the manager he’s not playing people’s in correct positions and he’s telling these players to go and play this Bland football Harry stole Remy when we tried to sign him yes he did I remember remember that like Remy I mean I am very fearful for Switzerland I really really am if we play Dr I think I think we’ll be heading out the tournament I really do because Switzerland look how well they’ve played this season they’ve done very very well very close to beating Germany to be fair in the group stages should they should they should have technically beat Scotland but they’re just but um first game they played were really good against hungry as well they did very well in that game um that’s why it’s going to be really challenging on Saturday if we not on our game we’ll get absolutely covered apart when in England last place against a Swiss oh was it that Nation was it that Nations League I when I think it was yeah I think it was the Nations League I think we last faced them I could be wrong but I’m sure it was but Swansea are Switzerland are definitely a really good you said Swansea there I know did I apologies but Switzerland are really really good team Ibrahimovic overhead kick got to remember that when he SN against England at the time I seen that highight what [ __ ] goal oh Pete loves the swans says no Peter David it’s right in your it’s right in your city freaking fan base man that fan base never that football club never Lans you know what is it called it is go on oh called if I just said it h he he well but yeah it’s going to have to be a lot better next Saturday because for he I be I’m really nervous for that g because I just worry Switzerland could do to us it’s a five o’cl kickoff as well oh it’s going to be a really really challenging game if we get through great but if we go out I wouldn’t be surprised as well because if we get just like that pre preseason will be right in front of because it’ll be already be taking place and again and again I’m forward with Swiss Sweden mixed up and steamish nice try d That’s yeah I just can’t believe how we’ve got away with one tonight we’ve really really got away with it tonight massively we did deserve anything at all of those 90 plus minutes it gold just came out of nowhere from Bellingham was a great finish but Slovakia will be going out will be thinking will be absolutely heartbreaking that they’ve crashed out with this tournament like that because we didn’t truly deserve to win that we never did we definitely didn’t this is some of the mo this is just some of the most disgusting football I have seen since I’ve been watching football ever oh it’s horrible to watch Southgate dismissing told that this would beat his last game in charge if they lost I don’t see him leaving anytime soon if we go out this tournament in the next game he’s gone he’s got to be gone well he’s got to be gone if we win this competition he’s got be gone more or less anyway I mean we need I think I think England team need to we need a manager that is that is is going to bring uh some that is going to H place is going to provide some decent football for these Lads because they are better we’ve seen how the do to the club but Southgate just doesn’t utilize that he really really truly doesn’t and the football’s spe pathetic in this tournament I mean I I just want the you I want the football season to be back I really really do first July tomor preseason preseason we starting tomor so well yeah I just want to prop I just want to prop I’d rather watch the team as support two weeks until two weeks two weeks till play yeah which I’m surpris you’re not going doing I don’t know I’m de here to be honest it would be up to him would it e would boot him out on his ass they would it’s mental as the are three wins away from sth having a statue Bill outside Wembley it could actually happen based on the TRW could grief but well we in see I suppose but I’m really not hopeful for sday I really really AR as much as I like to be positive in this tournament it’s really hard to be unfortunately we just we that is probably one the most very luckiest games I’ve seen in my lifetime any decent manager would have this te proper rocking absolutely and Southgate is certainly not a decent manager and again I’m not bringing up all the the semifinals in the world cup and last Euro final anymore I’ve gone way past saying that now pretty much any Tune transer shows this week Pete we’ll see what happens we could maybe do something we’re not entirely tooo sure yet um it’s always been if either John’s been doing it or Tony and um we just do a like a shared screen um show then where it goes on all of our three channels but they will be notified if there’s any uh news that we’ve done just normal videos of which they just upload to the channel there’ll be there’ll be things like coming out that um as well so just uh stay tuned that’s what you got to do just make sure you hit that notification Bell to let you know what is coming up week in week out on this channel so it’s going to be busy while in New Castle yeah looks like our next schedule live show if we don’t think of any others would be Thursday and that’ll be the preview of course for Switzerland um Friday will be the crazy football show will be back Saturday will be the live fan reaction after the game as well so but we we’ll try and think of something else to do during before then if we can or if there’s any videos I might just do up if there’s anything worth interestes and read upon they’ll be notified on that as always so what is South Gates managerial history it’s not good at all was very poor at um middle spr he got them relegated he he got them relegated and under 23s at times he had a really poor tournament and one of the tournaments I’m sure of was one so yeah but this manager certainly not doing anyone any hope given anyone or any new top at all did you do our five W Defender yeah no I haven’t done that yet again it’s just always been with the Euros so far try look to do something on that at some point with the best we can so wait and say what you will be notified of what is coming up on the channel weekend of course week out so there you are but yeah I mean being a really good show tonight good people had a few C few guests coming on tonight as well also thank you people that have tuned just to on the live chat as well which has been really really fantastic as well mods as well on this channel as well thank you so much as usual really really H brilliant is what you do for this channel as well thank you so so much as always we’re going to start to wrap up now anyway guys so again we’ll let you know when the next Air Show is if we do one before the next England preview you will be notified as always but again thank you so much again for tuning in tonight really being a really crack and short tonight lot of great points came across tonight from everyone and yeah none of us are hopeful that we will be TW Switzerland on Saturday because we we continue play like this and it’s going to really come back to Hess completely really really is so you are but anyway guys remember if you have enjoyed tonight’s show do give us a thumbs up it does keep us with those results on YouTube again we have been streaming of course to YouTube and Twitter or X tonight so please do drop us a thumbs up on this video as well please of course if you’re brand new the channel if you’re not yet subscribed and you enjoy what goes on week in week out smash that subscribe button free to do so justes help me the channel grow one hour way we’re nearly not too far away from 2,200 subscribers help us get there as soon as we can your support is always appreciated and that’s what end you guys to help make the channel grow as well please do hit that Bell notification because that will let you know whenever we are live or when to pre-record a video has been uploaded on the day as well and again if You’ like to give a Don ation feel free to do so if you want to become a member it’s 99k a month so hit the join button you’ll be put to a prize Jo we do you next to on the channel as well we’ll dive into three more comments well great Shaw Peter andon cheers so much Ian take care all thank you so much David for 199 Super Chat great show guys thank you so much good night everyone take care you as well Julie than you so so much so yeah well then guys we’ll see you or later everyone again we well and truly rode the Lu tonight and oh Slovakia will be absolutely heartbroken that um they were just under a minute away from going through to the quarterfinals and we would have been going home but until then guys we’ll see you all later enjoy the rest of your weekend as well so take care everyone good night we’ll see you all later take care everyone enjoy the rest of your night folks get care folks

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