In 1995, Steve Mera first began investigating reports of poltergeist activity at a property in Rochdale, UK. As well as more familiar poltergeist phenomena such as objects moving, this council property began to experience the spontaneous appearance of water dripping from the ceiling culminating in enough water droplets to form and fall as rain. Prepare yourself for one of the strangest and most bizarre cases of poltergeist cases ever recorded in the UK.

    #paranormal #poltergeist #rochdalepoltergeist #mera #stevemera #haunting #haunted #hauntedhouse #paranormalinvestigation

    e e [Music] hey everybody how are we doing hope you’ve had a good Monday as ever yeah welcome along welcome along it is it is an absolutely fascinating case tonight um I had to get Steve Mir on for those that um may have some people may have known Steve miror from the we talked about Keith Linda’s case in Washington state he investigated there uh but also Keith Linder I had investigated has investigated one I think one of the strangest pist cases just purely because of the some of the the phenomena that was reported so we’ve got uh like say we’ve got we’ve got Steve Mir in um thanks to everyone in the chat thank you so much for joining us Alex say just um before we start everybody if I if you’re in the if I met you at the paramet Midlands it was such a good such a good um time on the Saturday uh Kev always good to see andth and um yeah so it it was a great week and I’m a slightly sunburnt still I have red arms from too much time with a pint just sitting there I only had one I was driving but uh yeah it was good it was really good really enjoyed it and uh anyway enough of that let’s let’s get because we could just be talking about that let’s let’s get Steve on hi good evening Steve good evening on um so um first of all all uh we’ve got a lot to kind of go through with this case because the rad pist case I mean lot like lots of people has put it here read this book and uh it’s it’s a lesser known case I’ve got to say probably even even now it’s a less well-known case you know we we talk about the nfield case and you know and uh and others and it’s is not as welln but I but I I do think it should should genuinely be out there more uh because it is um like I said I called it one of the most bizarre case I’ve I’ve heard of regards PGE um you investigated it it was in 90s 1990s but um we’ll go into that in a second so first of all for I just want to start off first of all for those that don’t know you I mean I know you have been investigating the Paranormal and UFOs for so many years to give people a little rundown of of yourself there Steve yeah uh started investigating me first case was 83 so that tells you something um uh I’m an author um International leer researcher investigator journalist um I run events um run a magazine um and pretty much do everything in the subject really you know it’s 360 degrees and uh you know it’s never a dull moment and is an obsessive subject but I do as much as I possibly can I’ve been involved at the resident residential level and corporate level on investigations over the years in the Paranormal um and of course I do quite a considerable amount of work in various different topics and subjects and now the uh one of the one of not a handful of investigators uh specialized subjects uh called project doorway which is a research program and advanced study program which I’ve been involved in the last 10 years that’s kind of where I’ve ended up you know to do at work over the years I still enjoy it as much as I did in the early days um yeah I have uh I I still at witness for NOA you know I’ve done since a child um and um the Poltergeist cases I’ve done probably I could count them at one hand four five you know over the years yeah very true Poltergeist phenomen is very rare despite what we might see on YouTube you know there’s a lot of dodges um and uh that one that one was the only case actually and it just hit me around about that time in 90 it was sort of ending 95 into 96 which because of what happened I actually almost left this subject yeah we come we come on to that as well I do know about that yeah so obviously like I said you you did the corporate work you know the only you say the only person investigated yeah it’s purely by chance Justin because um I got contacted by um um two businesses which um occupy a Ministry Defense building and they reached out to me because they had problems at a managerial level because staff wouldn’t work late wouldn’t work in certain places of the building and it became a managerial error that couldn’t be resolved and um they reached out to me to see if I could assist them I ended up on the first corporate investigation it was confidential a cap document we call it confidential Assurance policy for 10 years U so we couldn’t talk about this properly really much until after 10 years we could come out with all the details and um yeah it was a it was a problem for them and what happened was it was I got linked onto the um um public relations office Network around the country because it was a Ministry Defense building I guess and um I didn’t know this was happening actually to be honest with you until I started getting calls from companies and other places around the country um asking me if we would be involved in the corporate confidential investigation they become our clients we we treat this in a completely different way it’s not like treat dealing with people living haunted homes yeah residential buildings um they they become our clients the business and we are trying to protect their business um in regarding trying to resolve the best beneficial outcome for them um you know because of the you know the impact of the business because of the disturbances supposingly do quite a lot I did 16 and a half years of that that’s that’s a long time I mean that’s a long time just doing corporate so obviously they say it pretty much started that way so at what point did this property in Rochdale come to your attention then well I mean wasn’t one that I reached out for ear it was uh came it ended up in the man E News newspaper which was a local you know Rag and um I became aware of it and I I’d read about the council had been involved and I thought I wonder what’s what is this then what’s are they are they going to resolve this um so I reached out to Rell Council and I had a meeting with them and we talked to them regarding what they’ done they’ve been very Vigilant they’ve done very good work they’ done as much as he possibly to do for the family in regarding trying to resolve if the the usual things you know check the electrical system check for check for leaks check for condensation issues all sorts of stuff like that report forms was left with them for a regular report for so they the family could fill out the day-to-day incidents report back to the council and uh it just couldn’t get resolved the fact in fact the family were were losing you know a lot of their furniture and stuff because of the what was what was going on and you know and it was becoming a real problem uh but they didn’t want to move it wasn’t like oh well you know we want to move he didn’t want to move yeah so just just just you know go we’ll go into this a lot more detailed but essentially you had a family obviously in the local newspaper with this supposed this this parent poge activity where the M would you say the main manifestation was not exactly just throwing objects and and moving things around it it was this phenomena to do with water well there was things like that happening but it wasn’t listed in the in in the newspaper it was just the primary Pro Focus was on the the problem that they had mostly which was um outpourings of water um to the point where it was damaging you know to to any you the stuff they had in the property was you know ruining furniture and things like um and that’s they they’d have tried their best with rdel Council and they had done their best but it hadn’t resolved any issue and it would kind of just went into stasis because nobody really knew what to do at that point how do you help tenants tenants didn’t really they they’re reaching out to trying can you please help you know can you please move us but can you please help yeah and so it was became quite stagnant for a couple of weeks after the report now in the newspaper he really was scratching the Reds luckily it’s was just the right time I reached out to them and um I I went down as you know as a corporate investigation to some degree it was kind of bit both that one to be honest with you because I was trying I was personally trying to help the family yeah you know regarding their issues as well but you know I had I had to consider rdale city council as the they those are the ones that you know which real got this problem to try and resolve uh but they need clarification and you can’t get that from from just Council workers you know that’s how it got involved in that so I mean just to to go back obviously we talked about the main issue is water manifesting in in what form did that you know what did it look like where did it appear did was it forming on the walls was it ceilings what exactly was it experience um I mean you you I give you three different scenarios um the lounge door which was it was hot it was a summer August 96 there was a heat wave had been on for six weeks that’s even even stranger in the UK it hadn’t ranged there was a hose pipe B it was a prefabricated Bungalow um it was had metal tin kind of on the outside so it was pretty warm in there as you can well imagine but it wasn’t condensation there was no form of condensation at all um there was suddenly a the whole door became beaded in water a click of a finger you didn’t didn’t see it form it just what it’s just there and you look at the door it looks like you’ve just gone like this and splashed all water all over the door every part of it um and that would quickly disappear as well as it would arrive on another occasion um it was there was single droplets that were just no matter where around the house suddenly a big droplet of water just hit you on that head and you could feel it and you think and you’re looking up and there’s nothing there’s no water there’s no it’s dry you can even run your hand across in it’s bone dry Dusty and you’re thinking it’s quite a big droplet where’s that and it was hling to different investigators in different parts of the building of the of the home um so that was an odd one but then there was real downpours such as you know there was a call out I went into the kitchen and it wasn’t it was kind I have to say it’s raining inside the house the whole ceiling is a shimmer of water all the ceiling not a little bit in the middle not a bit in the cor all of it the whole ceiling in the kitchen is a shimmer and from that Shimmer were coming down big droplets enough to because Mr Garden was making a cup of tea for us in the kitchen and he’s one of these guys that puts the milk in first you know and uh the cup was on the side the kettle was on and he called out went rushing in I wasn’t on own over Louis and you could see it was raining I mean the droplets are that big that I remember a droplet going into the mug and the milk jump out a little bit you know so that’s how big his droplets were and he was absolutely so now what was really interesting was is that I mean Mr Garder sat in the corner and what I’ve seen he sat a little on a little four a little square stool with an umbrella up with this smirk on his face as to sort of say I told you so and uh I just didn’t know what to think I’m just like what the hell what is going on here and I thought to myself how can this happen you know I’m going through did he manage to throw water up the ceiling how did he manage to get it all over the ceiling how much water is on the ceiling how could he have moved all that water so quickly onto the ceiling why is it continuing to drop why is it not just you know and all these things are going in my mind and I just couldn’t process it what I was seeing I was I was just going to say obviously for something that’s just so ridiculous you know for for it literally to be raing inside um what what steps did the council take to to work out what was going on I mean they sent people in but what what did they find but and also what did you do to try and work out what was happening in that household this kind of led us to writing protocols for councils is about probably about maybe 70 of different councils including Scotland Sterling was the last Council that approach me for our protocol document and it help is to guide them through this process and and what to do because nobody had them across the country so we had to introduce them to them to protect the businesses but they’ve done as much as they possible any Council would do they they they go in they they conduct an investigation on the electrical system they conduct um a check on all water pipes then they brought in condensation meters to find out if there’s condensation in the property and when they got z00 Z they gave them some report forms which were to fill out it used to be on the fridge on held on the magnet and I used to see I took photo of it and they they put daily things on it so they wanted them to keep a regular record but when I know when the record comes I know that they’ve already come to a dead end they don’t know what to do yeah because that’s when the report form comes you know to get the family that’s after they’ve done all investigations and it turned up nothing at this point it’s like well what do we do well what they tend to do then is start sometimes they do something which is really really silly and we noted this in the protocols don’t accuse them of Faking it don’t accuse them of them throwing water on the ceiling and things like that yeah because if you’re wrong you can be liable so you’ve got to be careful because you got to treat tenants in a certain way tenants you know have more rights than the landlords um and it’s been like that way for a long time and really they could then they didn’t pursue it they could have done they could have gone as well I’m not paying rent because it’s not a livable condition for us and so you’ve resolved this issue um but they didn’t go down that path you know so it wasn’t about that and they didn’t really want to move you it wasn’t about that it about trying to get help and they weren’t getting it so the council had done as much as they possibly can until I came in uh and and conducted an investigation yeah and as obviously like um because there’s there’s a few people obviously in the chat thinking come on you know it doesn’t rain indoors you know there you know the council done their thing but there was there was no water pipes in the in the ceiling there’s no there was no there nothing like that okay so this makes it very simple because it’s a prefabricated Bungalow built prior to the war and uh metal tin side you know surroundings on the outside of the house so with being a bungalow there was nothing up there in the Loft The Loft hatched there we went up there’s nothing up there because the water comes into the house ground level being a bungalow and the heating system for the for the water is is in the bathroom and uh it heats the water so there’s no water going up to come down there’s no header tanks there’s nothing there’s nothing up in The Loft at all it’s just a storage location dry Dusty very hot up there at the time um but we had water manifestation in the hallway which is right next door to the trapdoor and what was ined about this though this particular this was water that appeared as a patch on the ceiling but then we watched it as it moved and like look the parts of the how can I explain it it’s like getting a glass and throwing it across your kitchen floor when you do that with water you get little parts of the water comes out beads off that’s yeah it was like it was beading off and then the rest would follow and then beading off and rest would follow and it moved moved right round an art Arch right round a light fitting purpose took an action start to move around this art AR right around the light fitting and we were like what the hell we were looking out here uh and we went up in a loft and you could put your hand in from in the LOF you could put your hand out and you could touch the other side of that ceiling and you can look underneath and you can say yep water is there but there’s nothing there up there in the Loft so yeah um within minutes it had just gone and I just want to talk about this thing where you witnessed the the the water literally moving around a light socket you know moving around electricity do you and I we could go into this but obviously if you when you’re witnessing moving itself around an electrical light fitting like that I mean I know obviously you’re observing that and things like that I mean do you have any kind of theories about oh why so my my camera’s just gone off just one second I’ll put it back on again you can see C talking there is s number of theories and that you know I when I looked it it wasn’t the water wasn’t coming through the ceiling it was on the surface of the ceiling so it was moving across the surface of the ceiling but not coming through it I had no idea you me I had no I mean we’re back in 95 you know I mean she I’m still pretty you know I’ve been involved for you know um 12 years at that time in the subject but still nothing like now you know but um I had no idea what I was looking at I to just work out what the hell is going on yeah and um we took samples though you know water samples and we had those all tested and stuff but we have no idea where it but it it Phantom just vanish it didn’t go into the ceiling it just seemingly just suddenly got smaller and then smaller and then kind of just gone and and the other thing as well which I find really interesting is that the we’re not just talking one room here I mean did this this this happen in different places at different points with different people how how did it appear I mean it happened prior to us obviously being on scene and you know and uh other people had witnessed it um and it happened in the hallway whilst we were there um happened in in the living room whilst there in the kitchen whilst we were there and there were reports on the bedroom it happening there but we weren’t there then so we won’t ever turn around and concur that you know it happened in the bedroom because can’t prove it happened in the bedroom you know but there was reports that happened in the bedroom as well yeah and and obviously that was that the most bizarre things I mean was there anything what what other po activity was happening at the same time as this this this phenomena it got a bit confusing because sometimes you know I mean you there are too many things wrote you know an accepted as the rule book it’s written in stone spr put out a number of things and I’ve I’ve I’ve confronted I said it’s actually wrong you’re wrong you know it’s just dead fast wrong on some of these things um in other words you remove the focus or or the Catalyst of atig infestation the phenomena you know follows the Catalyst of the focus no doesn’t all the time at all that’s that’s inaccurate um other other things such as said you know um that you know they can be cross turned into the haunting phenomen because Mrs Gardner husband late husband she’d remarried Mr Gard remarried to Mr Garden then but when we were doing the investigation but her previous husband died in the building um in the hallway um and uh he resided in the back bedroom and he died there but he was a a smoker of a pipe with liquor well with like a licorice tobacco yeah um very potent and we could smell that on it occasion um and it had been reported also prior to our investigation and by others um so you’re thinking to yourself okay so is this haunting but then it was poiz infestation type stuff taking place objects moving um apportation um projectiles you know disembodied voices unusual sounds strange odors noises you know all sorts of different things um in and around um Mr and Mrs Gardner’s daughter and granddaughter when she was staying there and we thought okay well it seemingly the evidence points towards more politicised investation but there’s some elements there you could say okay well you got a bit of Haunting stuff with the old tobacco smoke and you know and things like that so the problem is with is is that we’ve created these boxes you know the haunting and the pter guys and stuff and and and there is no separation between these two this is the problem problem you know I me people are taught these things and it’s it’s wrong you know what you have to do is report it for what it is it’s as simple as that and you have haunting elements mild haunting elements and high severity high frequency B investation on top you know so it’s it’s just another element of the Paranormal in total you know and that’s what we had um whilst we were there I I’m just seeing all the chat and there’s loads and loads and loads of questions I will give chance to answer those questions later on so I I know some of you are home are kind of like burning away with want wanting to know about condensation was there an air conditioner is it hot and cold air is it this is it that is it the other we will be trying to go through as many of those questions later trust me we look you got to understand that a lot of work had been done before we’ve gone in the council had gone in you know they’ even brought all sorts of things in equipment there was no condensation there was no condensation units going sometimes in people’s homes on his condensation the council will bring condensation units in to take the vapor out the air to resolve an issue temporary issue until they can resolve the matter yeah they didn’t do that because they realized there’s no condensation there there’s not condensation condensation gathers in the corners and the ceilings and things like that where where it becomes stagnant the air vapored air becomes stagnant in cornered rooms and usually look them into the corners to see it you know and things like that but no you know it wasn’t like that there was no uh condensating stains on the ceilings no water stains it the phenomenon never left any water stains really just the add one or two until they completely disappear I was say between the appearing let’s say raining and for it to go dry how long were we talking here before it would I mean yeah I mean okay so it stopped raining so it stopped raining in the kitchen now what’s this interesting is that the the whole Shimmer of the ceiling in the kitchen stops and you can see it it’s it stops and you think okay but you can still see it’s wet and then you’re looking down on the floor because that didn’t disappear the water on the sides and then the corpse and on the floor and everywhere didn’t that did but this didn’t and um what was interesting is that Mr G had this routine he had four mops he had this over this cover got these just four different mops and he’s like and he’s he’s getting he’s like you could tell he used doing this it was like it was like a robotic protocol he was doing I was like what the hell is he doing he’s mopping it up he’s just he’s just going go getting on to it and just sorting it out in the meantime when I’m looking up it’s getting less water on the ceiling I’m think where’s it going it’s evaporating it’s well okay it’s hot in there you know it’s a prefabricated Bungalow it’s in the summer it’s hot outside it was 86 degrees during the day by this time it’s probably about 73 you know and I’m looking up say okay right so water but water evaporates at every temperature no matter what temperature anyway and I’m looking up and I’m thinking okay so where’s it going uh and within 10 15 20 minutes tops it was gone you know but they act differently what was on the wall on the floor that was gathered and stayed whatever we did first um and that was cleared up by Mr G and wiped down and all that sort of thing hence how their Furniture got so damaged through outbreaks of water as soon as I entered the home for the first time could smell that dampness you know when you got wet clothing and and stuff and wet Furniture you can smell it in the air and I went in and everything was everything was wrapped up in plastic sheets you know it was just it was an nothing thing you know even the carpet everything was carpet been rolled up in the corner and it was just the flooring was down and it was it was crazy everything was all from rain it could be damaged anyway even electrical items have to be covered over you know stuff just opened the with the television was just a sheit at the time you know and another thing which I also find just fascinating is that you you know you had this water analyzed and you it was sent away for chemical analysis to basically see is this regular t water where do it come from what’s what’s in it and what I found fascinating and I’ve never heard of this term before uh uscm now which is something I’d never really come across I didn’t know about anything about it can you just talk about that because I find this really really interesting Ian you know there conductivity within water because especially you know most water pipes you know I mean they’ll tell you we’re dealing with plastic now but there’s still copper pipes out there um anything water moving through um Metals causes a slight challenge of conductivity yet so when we for instance fill up a glass of water from our tap in the kitchen though that I wouldn’t advise people to drink tap water anymore be honest it’s different when you were a kid I suppose um but um the ucsm value is probably I don’t about about 90 something like that 0 between 80 and 90 USS which is normal and that’s from the copper piping that the water’s going through normal tap yeah normal water tap and that can be measured now the whole point of taking a sample was the we took a sample of the water forming and we took a sample from the only water coming into the house and that’s coming from the TS because it hadn’t been raining um and so we marked them up and we went off for analysis to see we want to know is the Paranormal water whatever this thing is this infest you know this manifestation is it diff does it differ because where’s this water coming from yeah is it identical to tap water we just didn’t know we first time we’d ever deal with this and uh luckily um my colleague of mine had contacts with Northwest water Northwest water Laboratories and they conducted the analysis and it came back now don’t get me wrong they were leeching into the uh the Paranormal forming water from the surface of the ceiling um and that’s because the ceiling had a covering of Chip wood paper covered over in paint uh and you know and stuff like that so you had chemicals in there from the paint yeah um because the water’s obviously on the surface of the ceiling wasn’t coming through it though um you know and there were certain chemicals from British gypson so we had to check with British gypson regarding what their chemicals are there and we checked with Dulux British gypson Dulux for the pain British gypson and the W coverings for you know for the wood chip uh to cancel out all the chemicals which are in there what was left though was some the ucsm value the ucsm value was it was crazy it’s like 1,790 or something like that you know normally T wers about 90 for conductivity charge of electricity within water is yeah yeah so what we wanted to do is prove it’s not t water we know we it can’t be rain water it’s not rain for 6 week prove it’s not t water because how else does water get into your house even if you’re going to throw water up on the ceiling you’re going to get it out of a tap you know it’s not tap water you know so that’s all we wanted to prove as for what the UTS ucsm is and why it’s got so much connectivity I don’t know there’s still so much things we don’t know regarding the Paranormal this water was electrically charged essentially well it’s it’s an odd one I have to say um all we wanted to do for was that that time is prove it’s not tat water because if it’s not tat water it what can it be it was water it was H2O you know but it wasn’t at Water um and its appearance and disappearance was not a normality not normal not natural um so of course you know it’s it’s a tricky one and I hadn’t like I said at that time I hadn’t heard of any other cases it was only years later um case like that the laboratory that did this investigate had they seen water like this before you know that that that charged he didn’t give them the details it’s best not to because when you’re dealing with scientists and you go in and start saying oh we we sample this or sample this big foot hair or whatever you’re going to get you’re going to it’s going to inflict across your conclusions just because of their beliefs yeah you know what I mean so we don’t we go in just say we just need this T because we know we’re going to get Thor service and it’s going to be honest so we just say we want our samples against these two samples to find you know to conduct the analysis um and they gave us a you know a report on that you know a legitimate honest report which is what we want uh sometimes you don’t get legitimate I’ve dealt with Scientists in in establishments and said look I need you to sample what is it well you tell them and then you get like you know and you don’t get proper true details back from them because sometimes it’s against their beliefs or whatever or you know they don’t want to put their name to it because they think it’s a bit dodgy or whatever um so we don’t we don’t tell them purposely so that they don’t know is anything unusual about that water so they just have to do their job yeah what I’m going to do is um normally I leave like questions for like 10 minutes near the end I I think we’ll we’ll probably start questions earlier than that um because like I said all I’ve seen on the chat is loads and loads and loads of questions um so thank you to all those questions I will be going through them so um I like say so when we get on to the questions pleas you know if you’ve got something burning that you want to say or ask Steve about this particular case and one thing that did crop up that people were saying was um first of all H how long was this investigation the property what conclusions did you draw from it and how did it resolve itself or did it resolve itself in the end uh well the whole case probably lasted maybe about six months um from our being for recognizing what it was um and uh until it finished until they got you know it was all concluded um and uh how it got resolved was is that they H the family didn’t want to but the family were relocated to another home um the phenomena followed them for a couple of weeks and then died out um the building um the prefabricated Bungalow uh we convinced through Pro call with rale Council to follow the house and then um uh and then process after that for 12 months Wonder say probably not understand what following is um following a house is in regarding um to try and rid phenomena from there is remove all electrical I mean the electricity coming in at the at the three phase coming in right to the building um void of any um tert frequency light in other words sunlight so it’s all boarded up no entrance it’s left basically empty for 12 months without any electrical input in there in hoping to starve out any form of phenomenon that be there manifested um and then what you do then you do a check you do a number of checks after 12 months and then it goes open then to be help to be rented then it’s a specialized form it goes out to those people it asks questions in a certain way nothing about the power normal but with their answers we can assume you know that with them telling the truth that it’s not nothing paranormally has been witnessed anymore experienced yeah very specialized form so that’s the process in the Pro in part that protocol um but it got resolved all in about six months and you say some of it some of the activity followed them was was that what type of activity what how did that what did that look like it was just OB projectiles and object movement the water formings had stopped by then but right he did follow for a couple of weeks like say and I know that obviously the you mentioned as well that at one point you something happened to you personally that made you leave the Paranormal completely you know this this oh yeah almost yeah so do you want to dulge what exactly happened to on to leave well the process of Investigation was we were going around from room to room there were a number of investigators who were always in P Mya on my occasion it was an extra person so I ended up with two investigators in the back bedroom and uh I’m sat on the end of the double bed which was in that back bedroom and facing me was a a small dresser a little chair over there and um it was Pitch Black and we were just a listening to the house sounds because you you know when you’re doing any investigation you’re not aware of what those sounds in the house should be you know every little you know you got expansion and de expansion sounds because it’s a prefabricated bu and it’s heat during the day and you know you’ve got uh expansion sounds in the day and the expansion sounds at night where it’s retracting and just all sorts of things which we’re not used to because it’s not our house but we were just listening to the environment there had been a number of times when you know unusual sounds had been heard such as like a radio and the name a name being called a name being called and stuff like that your shoulders typical P type stuff um and I was Sting the darkness on the in the middle on the end of the bed to my left was a few female investigator Val to me right was another female investigator called Carol and uh both were older than me you know so um and uh been involved in the subject for quite some time and um all of a sudden because we’re satting in darkness and quietness we heard this deep rasping voice uh breathing from behind as if somebody was in the bed um and it was a couple of big deep breaths but kind of rattly a little bit so so he wasn’t very good with breathing maybe which led me to because that was the same rumor her late husband died uh he died in hallway but that’s where he and he died from he had asthma he had serious Asma empa in terms of yeah he had a he had a problems with his chest he had Asma as well and a problem with his Jaz forum and um I’m assume I didn’t think that at the time because you didn’t know that time you know but um of course this this these heavy breathing and I Look to me right I can just make out cowl and she’s staring at me and I Look to me left and Val’s staring at me and I thought I know what they’re doing they want me to turn around and look I’m the only guy here you know and I thought flipping out and so I thought okay all right well fair enough so I kind of L that back and I just turned it around just as me ching got over my shoulder I got whacked and um the next thing I remember is I’m on the I’m on the little Dressing Table don’t remember getting off the bed I was on the dressing table and I’m big guy takes a lot you know what the hell happened h i was immediately immediately in a lot of pain a lot of pain and um and I did what any professional investigator would do I uh I ran i r out the room and out the front door this this was this must been this is not some kind of tap on the shoulder this is a a proper hit oh yeah I was I I was holding me back I was out there I ran out the front door and then got out to the street and I didn’t know what to do then because it’s early hours in the morning I’m thinking just sit on the wall sit on the wall and I sat on the wall holding me back and of course investigators put lights on and couple of them come out to me you know he’s nothing know right what’s happened Steve what happened I saw you sort of off the bed sort of thing you know anyway the co I was the co trying to coax me back into I I’m not bloody going back in there no chance I’m not going in there because that was the first time I’d ever experienced that and the thing that was going through my mind was how do you protect yourself against something you cannot see uh and I don’t want this experience again and be honest if this what I mean okay I’ve been in the for 12 years at that time I’ve never experienced anything like that um but I thought to myself but if this is what’s to come I don’t know if I want to be part of it I don’t get me wrong I’m trained electrical engineer alarm security engineer telecommunications engineer I have options not a problem you know but uh I thought oh and the coach they did I mean what do you do at 3:00 in the morning you know what I mean coached me back in made me a coup of te switched all the lights on and a no reason it wasn’t just because they want to take photographs of me back that was all it was and he did Steve see you about there take some photos and they had this big red mark and it turned into a bruise that lasted a few weeks and it was just you know it was very painful now thinking about what happened is there’s no way that punch in my back could have lifted me onto that few feet ahead of me just couldn’t have done you know um though was a a hell of a whack in the back but I’d been electrical engineer and when I was doing me training as an electrical engineer I don’t think you do it now because of health and safety issues but in my day he used to give you an electric shock only once they say you know because it repels you you know said right you never forget that you never forget that being an electrician you know never you don’t want that happen again you don’t you know so okay I thought to myself well that’s kind of what it’s like it’s like I was repelled forward and at the same time so it’s like have an El quite an electric shock and a thump in at the same time it’s kind of consists of both natural electrical phenomenon a physical impact which pushed me or threw me kind of lifted me onto the the The Dressing Table um that’s the only way I can describe it so of course afterwards you know I was like oh I don’t if want to do this but as days went on I kind of got into thinking how does phenomena do that there must be a mechanism for it what is it and well that kind of ended up backing it again even more trying to work out how that hell happened but at that time no I was I was it that was it for me yeah um what I’m going to do is I’m G to start asking people to put questions in for you because like I say I’m going to start earlier because I know there’s going to be lots and lots and lots of questions for you the first one I’ve just seen here saying the two ladies who were with you at the time they witnessed you did they witness you kind of levitating into the air and landing on top of the chest of drawers what was their account well they described it as if as if I just suddenly was pushed so heavily forward in an instant it was no it wasn’t a shove I was suddenly up and on this Dressing Table it all happened but you got to consider we’re satting the pitch black is because no lights were on so got a really good Clear View everything because I it was really dark and at the back um of the of the building because the door was shut so you don’t get contaminants in audio going through um the back Garden looked over U there was like a church at the back and an open field and stuff so there was no street lights at the back so there was no light coming into the room it was very very dark in that back bedroom um so they probably didn’t see very clear but what they did say is that one minute you on the bed next minute you on there and it all happen so fast yeah exactly what kind of I perceive to be honest um I know that Brian this this actually I think relates more to Keith Linda’s case but Brian has been has asked a couple of times he was talking about um and I think it was on the Keith Linda investigation where I’ll just go to this briefly where the orted objects that were kind of appearing and and moving were were you kind of had analyzed and there were like I think it was like two cups or two mugs and and one had changed on on a molecular level compared to the one that hadn’t been moved or thrown or orted well that’s not the Kei Linder case that was that was a Sor that was a PO case that took place in moram um in the 2000s and uh it was Lancaster University it conducted microscopy three levels of microscopy on the orted mug and um what’s interesting from what we’ve learned and this is Paranormal mechanics this is where what we working now is that the mug that left might not actually been the mug that arrived and the the mug that arrives back as the aort acts as a Quantum anchor to deliver phenomena to that location because that’s how resourceful the phenomena is so that phenomena could be acting out in various different Homes at the same time and just knows where to deliver phenomena to because it leaves something there for it to deliver it to that location acting as a Quantum anchor so the dimic reactions and alterations in the mug the computers couldn’t even recognize that it was the M be honest against against the T sample M that we had and interesting that the DI reaction we’ve seen before and we found it not in the Paranormal cases but in the eological muon case actually of a UFO that manifested close to the ground people saw it in cars passing by it suddenly just appeared and affected the plants scientists came out to plants uh parts of them to analyze it was known as a plant biological traumatology test diic reaction in the plants was almost identical to the dimic reaction in the mug hence does the sudden appearance and manifestation of a UFO and a sudden appearance of an apport in the Paranormal case you utilize the same physics it starts getting very interesting and starts getting very deep very deep I say Bri just saying is is that kind of data available to kind of you know for for those kind of things t openly about it you know we’ve discussed it if it’s been going on for many years and we that’s nothing compared to where we are now in regarding the airport phenomena and stuff but uh um yeah I mean is sometimes his time latency Associated to airports but the problem is most airports don’t show time latency within them because they don’t you know they don’t break down in time time latency effects if you put a mug on the shelf for 10 years you don’t see any difference you know so things that have a biological nature in more differentially um changes through times like newspapers and stuff like that and was just asking about the you know the the fact they like a punch did you from what you understand it do you do you think it was an electric shock rather than a physical punch no it was both I mean I felt I felt like a a punch it was a fist it did feel like a fist the shape of the bruising and the size of it was about fish fish size um but it wasn’t El shock as well so it was kind of both yeah just that’s I I found that really interesting the fact that you know it’s um yeah it’s interesting that you we talk about this the electrical charge of the water you know is po guys phenomena in terms of using electricity in some way you know the fact it’s been electrically charged and the fact that it felt like a bit of a combination of the two physical force with electricity I know that from you know anybody knows what it’s like to get thump in the back properly you know what I mean but at the end of the day I’m also gifted with the fact that I know what an electric shot feels like and it does rep and there’s no way no way that punch could have lifted me on got got me onto that small Dressing Table there’s no way you know I’m just gonna go I’m just trying to go back in the in the chat um but like say if if you put asked a question earlier regards the water phenomena the house the you know those kinds of things um if you ask a question because there there was loads of questions at the start so if you want to put that again in into the chat then I’ll basically try and ask it one um was from Kev ker though a good friend of mine saying was the W forming water originating from a break in a pipe beneath the house the houses earthing Rod may have had had an issue which could have fault current through uh maybe aided by the tin shell of the house I mean yeah I mean luckily for me I’m an electrical engineer so I was I’d already trained as when I was even there so you know everything had been efficiently bonded what you refer to is bonding pipes and stuff was and was tagged appropriately it was only done two years prior um and um the water coming in from the Main’s water supply Under Pressure comes into the heating system the water heating system Heats that water up um and is delivered around the house so it’s all coming in one place and that’s at ground level um so there’s absolutely no I mean we couldn’t find it the the builders you know the the landlords the council they couldn’t find it I couldn’t find it um so it’s definitely I mean were manifesting in areas where there is no water pipes yeah you know so it’s the hallway there’s no water in the hallway there’s no water coming into the hallway or anywhere um so the manifestation locations were in places sometimes often without any water in the location Mike asked a question earlier on saying uh you mentioned uh have you mentioned how often this water phenomena happened like or was there a rhythm or a pattern to the water incidents um it was random um and it was in various rooms um but it tend to took place in locations where sometimes there was only one person or no people and you were drawn to the location to experience it um it didn’t happen when you got four people satting the room and then suddenly it was like up you you know um which we did note that down but that’s just kind of I think the way the you know the the potic Ia works very deceptive sometimes um but uh there was no no we couldn’t find a pattern there were various different forms the beading on the on the doors and stuff the water the the the raining you or the or not raining at all because when it happened in the hallway and it was moving along ceiling not a drop was falling to the floor you know so we got three various different forms of the of the water forming taking place and uh again I’m was going to just ask a couple of questions as as well I mean there’s been a couple of questions saying you know was there any kind of underground water whether there was an underground well or Underground anything or a leak or anything along those lines beneath that property no nothing I mean the property was built in 1931 so it’s getting all it was only designed to be temporary homes initially but they still carried on they still use them even now um but uh there was nothing that we could find nothing geological Association to the building whatsoever um they know just couldn’t find it nothing famous one alist crow is in the here he is he’s saying uh he said you left a hidden recorder inside the setti was there a particular reason why you did that what did you think something dodgy was going on no it’s just a normal practice I do um you know especially when um this this was actually done joining interviews one of the first interview process this is before we even got involved in any research and experiencing the phenomena the know you go out you sit down and you get them to tell you okay what’s happening at that very process uh the the at that point the the one of those processors do is is have a tape record and it’s only small one and I put it behind the cushion on the setti I left it recording and uh and left I said thank you very much we’ll be back in touch you know there is’s me number you just just you need me to call me you know give me a ring um in the meantime we’ll be back in touch a couple of days you know just to gather all our details to get the information and report back to you know watch Council now I’d left that run in recording so we got in the car and I drove around the corner and we sat and you know just give it a couple of minutes and I went back and knocked on the door and I said to Vera you know and Jim her husband I think I’ve left a recorder somewhere I think it might have been on the CTI and she said oh I’m coming in sort of thing so I came in and I was like looking around and said oh there he is got a problem oh I’ve got it thank you very much sort of thing you know and off I went and of course got it back in the car went around the corner and pre and starts and Press Play We press play and of course you can hear me recording you know being recorded me leaving and then basically it was this was AB this is the reasons why I do these things Absolut classic Mrs Gardner says to Mr Gard said they’re going to think we bloody lost the CL something like something along those words yeah he says he says yeah says I don’t think they can do anything you know I mean what can what can they do H and it just this like conversation going backwards and forwards between them as if to sort of they concern that we’re going to think they’re Nutters yeah absolutely lost the plot and and Mr G is thinking well I don’t know if the council can’t help these guys can’t help I don’t know what they do and it was a very legitimate conversation and the the recorder hadn’t moved it was hidden by the cushion hadn’t moved at all and you’d hear the movement because it was up right up against the cushion so because when you listen to when I come in to collect it you can hear the very loud ruffling sound of me you know moving the cautioner side to pick it up so and that was not so they didn’t see it there they didn’t move it and they didn’t act out for it so I thought okay well that’s that’s to me that’s like well that’s that’s that’s gold bust that because you know you’ve got some authentication there of that these people are actually telling you the truth join an interview um I’m I’m trying to go through as many questions as can just bear with me guys um so one from question saying how did the phenomena play out I think we touched on it a little bit earlier in terms of how it ped out the end but you know you know over the time that you were there how did it play out um well I mean it Peak it has an RS Peak value you know else were there like P often does um we had the family relocated um so that they weren’t in the home so no human agencies fake human agen be involved in any of those dodgy things eliminates them straight away and we had phenomena take place so you know and some of that was if it’s BGE related which assumably it was it was not key tied should we say to the focus or Catalyst that’s spr would say you know they always are they not it’s not really St um and um so the phenomena was taking place over there and it continued we ended up having to have the family relocated the phenomenal tra back with them for two about two weeks then died out suddenly um the house where they was standing was left fellowed for 12 months um and then reoccupied under test condition yeah um obviously Brian’s asking Lots those questions I will try and get through some of them Brian honestly um but one of them he was talking about were you know obviously talking about the the the water linked with the temperatures obviously talk about it was a heat wave you know you said that the activity was random or did it happen when the the temperature differences between the outside and the inside of the property was particularly extreme was there was there any kind of Link no it happened to it happened 5:00 in the morning Happ Jo the afternoon it happened in the morning you know there was no it was when I say random there’s no pattern of when the manifestation could take place in association to geological changes temperature or moisture um there was nothing to to sort out a pattern between the environmental phenomena um and and the phenomena itself so it’s it just couldn’t find any anything to sort of save as a pun and it was also saying did you was there a test for mold in the walls yes the Council of hor who conducted their own test we have we conducted our own test as well there was no problem whatsoever um like I say it was hot dry Dusty there was no moisture even really in the air you know we’ve got equipment and measure stuff like that nothing um and that’s exactly the same the council have got you know so they didn’t know we didn’t know you know there was no signs of any anything unusual on that um obviously you’ve investigated you know Kei linders and and lot you know quite a few what you would say well say you say four five say what you would regard as genuine pist cases so Louis is saying what is in your opinion a pist and why does it happen well po are feir feeding parasite you and there’s two forms of of that there’s the physical manifestation of poltergeist um which is a fair feed encrypted and is the Poltergeist infestation type stuff that happens in homes so got two variants there the um it happens because they’re intelligent they can interact when they want to they can choose to to interact with and it usually has to be they so resourceful it has to be rewarding for them rewarding in in some way that is generating enough vexation on the vexation cycle for it to continue it’s all about continuation as long as it possibly can sometimes the short spells are only 21 days sometimes up to six years people say you I’ve never experienced one six years old now yeah um wisdom saying would you say that the roar poist had intelligence oh God yeah you can entice fena especially poist if you know how to you can entice them yeah they’re definitely intelligent yeah of course they are but in this particular case you know you’re saying you know like one of the things we mentioned earlier was that this water seemed to bead across the ceiling and go around a light socket um do you have any theories about why that happened or was it avoiding electricity what what you what you witnessed yeah I think I mean you know it’s probably one of the worst thing Associated to electricity is water you know um most people will know that and I think the intelligence knows that you know the there’ll be an interaction between electrical current and the water this is why we we we talk about currents in water you know it’s it’s just it’s not a good mix yeah um just asking people asking about the book uh book’s here have a look for it it’s called the roard guys to True Story by Jenny Ashford and Steve mirror like it’s like I say it’s not a huge weighty tone and things like that but actually everything is in it is is there’s no Babble in that book it just and I’ll tell you how it came about right because I wrote the report up and I’m like a scientist you write a report up and it’s a report it’s not a book it’s a report and Jenny Ashford looked at it and she said Steve this should be a book now Jenny Ashford is a h novelist she’s well known she doing H horror novels in the US and uh and I said I’m not into all that you know she said well he it deserves to be a Bo Steve we should do it together I said well I’m not doing it you do it she says well you can’t I gave her the stuff she said I can’t put that in the book Steve said why said because you’ve got nothing in it that shows you’ve got any emotion your cheeky s but you don’t when you’re scientifically putting reports together you don’t put emotion into it how you feel stand and she says well it is pretty scary stuff I said well yeah it was go yeah I I experienced it first time I know what it was like yeah I said well I said but you don’t WR that you don’t write like that in the scientific reports he said well let me do the book with your stuff and let me interject some emotion into it you know and I said Okay and she did and when I read it and I thought you know what yeah it’s okay you know I had to let my partner read it because I looked it and go you know because I’m just too much of the Science Guy I guess but she said oh no it’s brilliant it’s really good you know and I didn’t there was loads of things I could have listened I could have gone on and on and on and made that book three four times thicker and I thought no I’m not doing it let’s just get straight in straight to the point let’s just give you all the good stuff all the side babbles taken out of it yeah and that’s why it’s only a small small book but the people that read it say that it’s as good as the others because it’s been wrote in a way where it just takes away all the rubbish that you don’t need to know and and can I just ask you actually um just just kind of similar to that point there are a lot of YouTubers there a lot of Ghost Hunters a lot of you know but obviously I would regard you in terms of the way you go about things from that scientific point of view um in a very serious way how in in terms of how you know if you had for instance a family saying we have a podcasting activity what how would you go about investigating it in terms of how would you you know rather than obviously you’re not one of those that would go in with silly gadgets and stuff like that so in terms of how you would go about investigating a genuine case how how conduct that it’s like the Linda case I mean it has to be warranted first I mean we’ll travel all over the world you know it has to be warranted it’s got to be warranted so the see nobody’s going to pick up the phone and get us to go down is going to take months for us to get there unless a child unless there trauma or child involved you know that’s a different story however in the case of Linda it was like six months and we went backwards and forwards with questionnaires and backwards and forwards with interviewing him to see if there was any changes in his information you know we’re looking for you know deception we’re looking for faking we’re looking for hoping uh and uh and all the all the forms that get filled out there’s a point there’s a pointing system so it’s got to be a certain pointing system to even one an active investigation because people contact us and it doesn’t want an active investigation it’s just documented and you can talk with doens that sort of thing it doesn’t you know I think guess a lot of people probably W flying in there but that’s not always helpful you know so we got to Warrant it and then when we do go there is there are specialized pieces of equipment don’t get me wrong we don’t use the the toys I we call them the toy the ones with you know the flashy lights and bells and things on them because are absolutely useless at eliciting anything truthful from the Paranormal however the uh we do but that isn’t the main the main focus of that is to is about the family the family unit okay what’s going on in the family unit you know as the family issues Financial issues what the living conditions you know what’s going on you know what the family unit is like together as acting together are they individuals are they having problems you know um where did he sleep you know how often are they in the house and it’s so so much that comes into that um and it pinpoints Us in regarding if there’s an attribute to the phenomena such as a catalyst or Focus um sometimes surprisingly you might think oh there’s two teenagers here but it turns out it’s not it’s the father you know um just because he didn’t want to tell us that he’d been having experiences since he was eight years of age you know so and and that can happen you know you know so you’ve got to do you can’t just assume oh this a teenager and she’s responsible yeah and sometimes no one’s responsible you know sometimes the intelligence hasn’t got that connection doesn’t have to have a time with the Catalyst of Fes you know so it’s we do a lot of different things like that you know and eventually well then we start to to do the split it into and then go into active investigation um which we we’ll do we do conduct but we’ll take the people from the environment we’ll have them relocated because we were investigating the environment and then we investigate the phenomen if the f one is only producing around those individuals we have to do that secondary after investigating the environment so we split the two it’s called normal splitting normal agencies you know so there a whole different process but then you know resolving poter infestation is a process called starving the phenomena and that can be quite you know it’s all about the from unit and getting them to act differently lower the vexation cycle um just Alice is saying are there any paranormal investigators out that you would love to investigate close up whether that’s them personally or investigate with I think that’s who would you rather want to kind of examine under you know like whether they’re actually doing be honest really no there isn’t nobody in the Paranormal really you know I mean I mean have been with a lot of these different people I mean been on investigations with um with with psychologists and Par psychologists you know so um so there’s nobody in that real not not really no not in the Paranormal in other areas of other subjects and yes yeah abely um let’s have a little look I’m getting there’s loads of comments in the chat not necessarily questions obviously I think obviously this is um you know one thing say Shield Maiden just saying have say questions have popped into my head while I’ve been listening and they already been asked in chat explained debated reason darling good human respect it is it like and it’s interesting stuff I think you know with this kind of phenomena I I do think um it is really important to have a grown-up conversation around these things and it is also really important I think to to have that skeptical mindset about this as well well it is because you know you split this into you know mean there are ghost hunters all Ghost Busters whatever you want to call these guys and um or The Thrill Seekers because really are they being able to if someone’s on the phone crying to them you know traumatized by the phenomena what do they do to help because an investigation of just trying to Capt something on video and or audio is not going to help it’s not going to help them so what do you do you know so it is hum is it is that a that side of things that’s important because you’re dealing with people and that’s the most important thing you know if you can help somebody in regarding in their disturbances just just in the life alone it’s reward rewarding you know and sometimes we’ve had to go in and what we refer to is cleanups and this is because they’ve reached out to the wrong people and uh you know and it’s it’s very sad that that does happen it happened to an elderly couple which was in nottingam which I was involved in and they’d had at least three or four different people go over honestly it was terrible and um you know there were just draw so and it’s not necessary and you know just just people just not aware that you know that uh you know that that can happen to them so they separate you know there’s a difference again Brian’s got these great questions and this is another one did you experience cognitive dissidence where your brain was fighting with what you witnessed with your own eyes yes for about maybe about 10 minutes or so when watching the phenomena produce itself whilst I’m looking at it um and then confirmation from other people with me that they were experiencing because never I’m looking at this and I’m thinking to myself they must be seeing it because they’re stuck there but I had to question are you seen this I’m I’m seeing this they’re seeing the same thing so it was a shared experience and it was a physical experience uh so yeah absolutely and sometimes the phenomena can create something we refer to as cognitive limitation which means that you don’t act accordingly when you should do during certain experiences but that’s when it’s interacting with individuals rather than an infestation of a home yeah and and I imagine that you know witnessing it raining from the ceiling and the owners there of an umbrella literally kind of uh laughing at you must be up there surely and you know what you start to think of of anything which I mean even even you think about the yet the thing that you think could happen is absurdity yeah I say like right okay so he’s hidden tiny little valves into the ceiling and he’s he’s got some setup and he’s been it for months and he’s put all these in he’s he must be professional is he a magician and then I’ve think to himself clipping it that’s more absurd phenomenon you start getting into it you know and think no sometimes you start say it is what it is theend yeah uh quick question here from Louise saying uh because obviously you work with Don Phillips are you still working with Don in any way yes I work with Don Phillips on um um um phenomena project U which is still ongoing and um and we’ll be Fe Fe on a very big Prime Time TV show American in October this year on Netflix okay I I was going to say it to you I mean because I know you’re you’re not one to kind of rest on your laurels and take it steady after so long investigating and what’s what’s coming up what are you doing well there’s a lot of TV shows I mean just just finished with what the world’s biggest television show on the subject and uh which will appearing on Netflix in October it was supposed to go out in July this month this the show starts July this month um but they split the season into two and they’re going to push mine back it’s the longest episode ever they’ve done on out of all the episodes which is my episode because Des so much data and evidence they they added a little bit extra to it so they’re going to leave that till October you know because I think it’s probably more befitting for them to for the time wise so yeah I’m still working with Don still doing experiments and things um and pushing forward but I’m also doing a number of other different things as well now and um you me you mentioned just before came on a that obviously even though this happened quite a while ago the r out thing um it is due to have a bit more publicity coming up is that correct that in terms of oh the pipeline yeah it’s in the pipeline um there’s a companies that have reached out to me regarding that the show they would like to do a three-parter documentary drama on the watch uh watch P case um which uh which might be interesting you know so because things like that people seem to like you know and they’ve been in three-part Enfield ones and you know other ones that they already in so it’s uh we’ll see we’ll see you know there it’s always a lot of interest in the inat Shell Paul case yeah it was one of the biggest books I sold in Japan actually D oh really Japanese loved it for some I don’t know why but you know and and obviously I know you’re kind of heavily involed involved with project doorway and the UFO project as well and the euphology generally how much your time is pretty much split between the the I know that there’s big crossovers don’t get me wrong but split between the Paranormal and and the euphology stuff uh 703 70% into the UAP stuff um and Associated paranormal phenomen Associated the UAP Stu it’s about 17% remember quite a number of think tanks and organizations in the US the SCU which was scientific Coalition at UAP studies um um and a few others so it’s I’m involved at that sort of high level of that research um but I’m also in regarding the Paranormal phenomenon I I specialize in paranormal mechanics which is the uh the breaking down looking at the how the phenomena reacts and acts you know even politi guys phenomena and how it how it’s dependent upon um the observer effect you know and many other things and if anybody wanted to get a hold of you or see your work and things like that you want to I I know say you might want to promote your YouTube channel and because uh or your websites and things is there anything you want to promote particularly in terms of your work and what you’ve done my YouTube channel is Steve Mera official um which is a new channel because sometimes I put out red topics and sometimes YouTube like you know what can I say you try to tell people what’s going on but sometimes they don’t like you to tell you the truth you know so um so yes that’s they got a new channel up now and uh Steve official that’s YouTube and phenomenom is currently going under some changes but uh the new website’s been upgraded as we speak uh and we do magazines when magazine comes out every month there which people can read and we do have a members section it’s also coming very shortly for that but I would say to most people you know just Google Steve Mera really is you know it’s usually popping up all over the place rather than I say you like say in terms of you know the UFO stuff and and the podcast you know the the Paranormal things you know your your name has been out there for quite a while there there’s plenty to read and plenty to to learn about um you know forever you know and um but I just want to thank you again for coming on it’s been endlessly fascinating and I’m sure everybody who’s been watching has found it thoroughly fascinating and probably is going to leave with more more questions um Happ yeah happens there’s always many many questions yeah I mean heading off very shortly to the Pyrenees Mountains with Barby Fitz Jael for part projector investigations so oh it’s not a bad place is it to investigate you know what it’s 38 degrees there at the moment and it’s set to rise to 42 and oh is a it too warm T yeah um but do you know what it’s fun and uh experience of phenomena you learn you know through experiencing phenomena some people will only experience it a few times or whatever um but if you work out a position where you end up being able to witness this more often then you can start working out certain little patterns and things you know and and and the most the most prominent one is Paranormal mechanics is because now we we we would never solve anything about power normal we don’t look at in little tiny chunks trying to beig trying to put that jigsaw puzzle of a picture together is a nightmare you got to look at the tiny pieces and work them out and now we know that you know they they can’t generate audible sounds in normal in a normal way like you’ve mentioned about frequencies yeah we know about you know the movement of objects of kinetic abilities we know about the phasing abilities the manifestation process the Appo process you know we know lots of different things and how they might be doing certain things but it all falls on onto mechanics and that’s where it’s going to head just before we go Mike’s got a great question just just there a comment here Mike just but didn’t catch who the two people were who were sitting next to him when he got punched in the dark room was it ruled out that it wasn’t either of those people yeah it was H it was Valerie and she was at the time probably around 65 and uh and Carol which was probably around about 60 and I was what 95 um I don’t know I was I was uh probably late 20 30s 30s thank you Julie for gifting the membership very very kind of you thank you um yeah I’m going to leave it there so thank you so so much for for this evening it has been thoroughly enjoyable hugely enjoyable ABS I’ve loved every minute of it but just because i’ I’ve since I’ve read that book I thought I I you know we’ve done the Keith Linda thing and things like that but I I do just think it’s it is a a very very very strange case with it with the manifestation of water and I needed to get you on it to talk about it even though it was what 30 OD year ago like that I mean I’ve been involved in so many cases and I’ve got cases like that I know what that would never got wrote up into a case if it wasn’t someone saying Steve’s G to do it let me do it let me do it because I wouldn’t do it you know but but uh people apparently liked it and stuff I mean I’ve been involved in other politic guys cases you know one or two actually which I could cons definitely consider sort of demonic orientated oh here we go but I’ve never wrote about them you know as book formats I’ve got the reports you know so who knows maybe there’s more to come in the future and and just before we very finish this is my very very last question but then I’ll I’ll let you go because we’ve been over well way over an hour so I apologize but is there anything that’s happened to you like said you mentioned that obviously you know you that punch pretty much you you were kind of thinking s that for the for a game of you know you know for a game I’m just going to be out of the PO out of the Paranormal have you witnessed anything since that has been so extraordinary that um you’ve you’ve questioned yourself oh yeah yeah um but not that’s probably the the worst injury I’ve had you know from from anything to this date but uh um and I thought that was scary but it isn’t compared to all the stuff I’ve witnessed nothing nothing I I think I would love to you know just just for some of the other things which are really not well known just getting you on again to talk about yeah sure I mean I’m quite happy to talk about some of the darker cases I’ve been involved in and there tell you what they are you’ve got to make a you’ve got to make a real decision then if you really want to take forward one of them was an exorcism case actually and I wasn’t actually I was I was involved with the people associated with it and I and I was told by the family I could go to the exorcism and I’ll just finish on this and when I got there there were three priests and uh they going into the they’d move the boy uh when he actually a girl I usually say a boy though yeah U downstairs because you know it was easy accessible um so his bedroom his bed had been brought down into a room and these priests were going to go in and I was there was a very small priest and said he was two my by sort of my size and one small and I was following them into the bedroom and um and just as I’m going to the door he he turned around sharply and said are you coming in here with us I said well the family said I could do because I’ve been following you know following the cas sort of thing and he said all right no problem he said and he put his hand on me he sort of SLA me on the chest he said do know though if you do come in the devil will always know your name I I’m going wouldn’t go I didn’t go in did you not no I didn’t you see I’ve learned from this before you know what I mean and I thought I don’t want to attempt fate you know if if I’m too if I’m to to experience something like this then I have to experience it my terms and not some else’s terms and uh and he was he was he didn’t he wasn’t grinning he looked dead me in the eye and he was absolutely honest and I said go ahead yeah I need to get you on again I tell you shut up that’s it I I think um I’ve got I’ve got plenty in um in terms of between now and uh August but I will I’m G have to get you in where it’s August or September because I I we we need to delve into this a bit more some of this weird stuff because I don’t ever talk about demons I just think it’s you know something that’s been concocted almost I I would love to get your thoughts on it yeah I mean I think demons are just the name to be honest but I think the phenomena presents itself in a whole different way which is not nice at all um so absolutely yeah sure that be amazing touch J and we’ll do something yeah yeah ABS definitely definitely so thank you so much again uh thank you to everybody in the chat um I I’ll let Steve go and but thank you so much Steve but yeah I’ll I’ll message you and we’ll try and arrange something else because I I I think there’s more to be said but there that way no problem thank you so so much thank you right um everybody’s watching I hope you’ve enjoyed it I hope you’ve just loved the uh you know the it’s just mad it’s just mad I I really hope you’ve enjoyed learning about the roar pugge more um I’ve been waving this bloody book around but it’s it’s genuinely really interesting um it’s like I say it’s not a huge book to read you can read it in one a couple of days it is you know fascinating stuff um one last thing next week uh I’ve got I’ve finally got them on Ouija brothers are coming on next week and they better bloody remember so Stan Griff I’ve got your number you better be coming on next week and uh yeah it it I don’t think it’ll be quite as complicated as it was tonight I think it’ be a bit more easygoing you know spe for st’s on Port because then it’s it’s going to get very messy if he is butth yeah so thank you so much for joining me I hope you’ve enjoyed it and as ever if you’ve liked it you know uh please thumbs up because people forget you know thumbs up if you’ve been Shar you know please do share if you if youve if you’re not subscribed yet please subscribe if you want to be a member be a member um but uh but thank you so thank you for your support thank you for the chat it’s been I I’ve been loving the questions I may not be asking him the questions straight away but I’ve been loving the the the the analysis basically that you know the the hard questions to ask Steve about this thing because it it it’s great that we can actually ask those hard questions about the case and being very skeptical because I think we’re all pretty skeptically minded and uh yeah it’s been great so thank you guys for that thank you for your support and uh I shall see you next week all right guys byebye [Music] oh [Music]


    1. Just saw your channel from Crows Live Stream so wanted to check it out. This looks very interesting to me! Blessings from SC in USA ❤🙋‍♀️🕊

    2. Just catching up tonight ❤ thanks for another brilliant episode Justin and thank you Steve .. amazing 😮
      come on guys if you watch it takes a second to hit the like button please 🙏 🎉

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