Hey Trek Fam. I just bought what I presumed was a new fuel exe. It was marked down (multiple stores in my area have them marked down currently). When I picked it up I noticed it had a large scratch on the top (Dnister black, so it stuck out badly). They took another few hundred off.

    Just went on my first ride and while I was on my ride I connected the trek app. I was surprised to see the bike had 300 miles and 84 hours on it. Is this to be expected from let’s say in house testing on the motor before shipping. Or did I pick up someone’s old return? 🙁

    by roidsrcandy


    1. AlarmingComparison59 on

      I could see if it was 3 miles and an hour, hour and a half MAX. Then I’d believe it was pretty “New”. That mofo is a return.

    2. almostalwaysafraid on

      That’s almost certainly a return. Did you ever ask if it was a new bike? It’s possible it was a rental that they are selling, a demo that has been used for something, or some other legit use but they should have been upfront with you about most/all.

      You can play this two ways:

      1. Was the deal good enough now knowing it’s slightly used? If so, ignore it, ride on and be happy you get all the new bike protections that come from buying a Trek.

      2. Walk back into the store and ask to speak with a manager. Explain to him that you thought you were buying a new bike but 300 miles and almost 100 hours of riding is a bit more used than you were expecting. A good manager will do whatever is in their power to make you feel good about the purchase without threats such as returning it. If they don’t offer you something you feel offsets the use, make the threats. If they still won’t do anything for you, either make good on whatever threat you choose and/or give Trek’s corporate customer service a ring and let them know about your dissatisfaction.

      You’ll get taken care of by one way or the other.

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