Lanterne Rouge presents highlights of Stage 2 of the UAE Tour 2023.

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    Footage | Amaury Sport Organisation
    Photos | Cor Vos (unless stated otherwise)

    UAE Emirates light this stage up a bit of infighting but T pagat launches the huge attack at the end of the Gia this is stage four of the T to France our third GC stage in a matter of four stages from Pinola to Vala and we have the cestria and more Geneva climbs very gradual climbing not too many steep sections and then the glier from the quote unquote easy side up to 2,600 M bonus gate on top the last8 K is where it matters and when the flag went down because of the intermediate Sprint in the first 20ks of the stage there was some co-mingling of riders like cuts and vanard trying to get in the Breakaway as well as mads pedison trying to get up the road to take those intermediate bonus seconds pedison is going for green dedicated attempt from him in little Tre and alberon to kernick did not want him in with dilia chasing then Vanderpool Tre then doing a lead out uphill with Phillipson just not able to Sprint after all that jumping coming forth behind Pon B and coard and you could see UA’s plans Jorgenson Dr jumps to get a bid on and covs immediately on his wheel following the goal for UA was no inos vism or Bora in the Breakaway and a big break went 17 Riders but not too many Fantastic climbers Las is of course good but pollet had an outstanding day today controlling this Breakaway on cestria and MRA completely by himself really really impressive performance from the German who joined UAE team Emirates this year keeping the Gap never over 3 minutes wavering between 2 and 3 minutes and on The Descent UAE team Emirates even split the race of Mong Geneva before the valley for gbia was cair whacking it rco looking back to see who’s dropped and there must have been some writers of note on GC dropped but UA didn’t keep it going in the end because they had other plans for later on the gbia plans which involved of course yonas finger guard trying to take time on him here it starts there’s a descent offered as well a descent finish pollet after pulling for about 3 hours says he’s done it’s time for someone else to take over vanar already dropped at this point when Tim wellin starts to smash air on the wheel that’s going to be the order this is on the big road as you can see into mostly a headwind uh before they turn right onto the Steep section or steeper section here it is onto the narrow road it is mostly a headwind it is only 6% in most Parts but still UAE going to absolutely drill it and try and break the record COV goes for 3 minutes but that’s enough to drop Simon yat and Tom Pitcock so any GC Ambitions for both of them pretty much out the window but then covs done there’s a change Yates is on the radio saying whose turn is it because they’ve got Yates Alida a Uso and we don’t really know I mean Yates folded into that role on San LCA very quickly but it’s Al maer that actually goes first starting to Pace with 6.7k to go on the galier dropping caraz putting Bernal Under Pressure Alida was fantastic today reducing this group but he has his own Nemesis ao’s in the group sitting at the back he looked like he was dropping actually uh but he got told to move up Jorgenson in the wheel of Almeida and in fact AO did have good legs rco’s there R is there Bernal still hang on L’s there and Al forces AO through saying you know if I’m going to pull and potentially sacrifice GC spots or time you’re going to pull AO drops Gull drops Bernal almea goes back to the front and look at the American flag it’s a cross headwind almea is basically putting it in the gutter uphill Rodriguez is eating you know a lot of wind as well uh vingard is actually in a better position than pagat relative to the wind when it was in the gutter like that and rogl looked like he was about to drop in fact but ala stopped he’s had enough of AO sitting at the back he waves and pater also gets on the radio to tell AO to go to the back AO kind of looks back at Lander he’s like who me me Pace Al gets on the radio maybe to dob him in and so AO goes back to the front and they begin pacing in the TTT once again with pagat on the wheel of vingard and a super hard Pace from the both of them dropped reduced the group to about eight Riders but when was the Patu attack going to come we’ve been waiting we know it should be coming the last K is 9% it really it’s the steepest kilometer of the whole climb we’re over 2,600 M and here it comes the big dig from paga could vingard respond back to the wheel like he did on San Luca on stage two it looks like he does initially we’ve got a series of turns coming up where pagat is going to use his burst to try and get separation off the wheel even after vingar ke back in the wheel here but see The Hairpin bang slows down Pacha kicks out of the saddle again and like we saw on Pome last year like we saw on Grand colomb Pacha takes the gap on vingard or indeed on cter on stage six is vingard cracking how is his preparation affecting him is paga going to take 20 30 seconds at the top the Gap starts to go out with 250 M to 20 M 25 M Pacha looking back at his foe in the end at the top the Gap was about 9 to 10 seconds to vingard but one of them looked a lot fresher over the top before The Descent started Pacha looking really good the first part of the descent is very very technical good for someone like Carlos Rodriguez who is leading almea and a Uso R and Landa also came back to that group that was the third group on the road in fact no sorry there was Remco in between uh vingard and that group but on The Descent Pacha took a lot of risks you can see how technical it was right at the start and vingard actually closed the Gap at this point you’ve got the Melt from the snow there vard who had that big crash in B country how would he go having to chase Pacha for his GC every second counts but then it got less technical it got down to 7 Seconds that was the minimum here but when the road opened up when it became a bit more pedaling focused that’s where the lighter Riders like Rodriguez and vingard were very good technically had less of an advantage or had a disadvantage in fact ahead of against t ater and you could almost visibly see it from the eye test patcha was absolutely flying on the straights compared to the Domin of vingard and that Gap ballooned to 31 seconds 4 case to go matters almost get worse for vingard it’s too late for the group to really help him behind they stabilized the Gap at 35 seconds but now there’s other people that are going to take bonus seconds away from him Pacha winning the stage beating his chest saying the king is back in town dropping yonas finger gard and taking the biggest gap on the road that he’s taken for a number of years against him in the tour to France rco very very good just struggled on The Descent a little bit takes third and vard’s even on a gap of two seconds to him after being on the wrong wheel of Rodriguez through the corner to add insult to injury sikachi wins the Stage 35 seconds ahead of a Uso RIT then 37 to vingard and Rodriguez and Landa almea Chone andr R out the top 10 yeah it was uh a lot of headwind in the climb so uh yeah on the will it was not uh super hard but the team did a super well job but yeah I didn’t want to go too early because uh because of the wind and I had to do all the difference I could in the last few hundred meters and then uh yeah I know the downhill but uh I was a little bit surprised to see uh wet Road the first few Corners so it was a bit uh a bit scary but uh then uh then yeah this descent is super fast and uh yeah if you know the road also it helps in terms of GC pagat goes back into the yellow Jersey but this time not just on stage placements 45 seconds ahead of aan Paul 50 ahead of vingard now he’s got his teamate AO not far behind vingard in fourth hope you enjoyed the video I’ll see you with a recap of the Sprint stage tomorrow till then ciao


    1. Pogi definetely had power advantage on the pedalling part of the descent, but what is also worth noting is the setup – Pog on do-it-all V4RS and visibly deeper wheels vs Jonas on climbing specific R5 and shallow wheels. Didnt notice that during the stage at all, only now when re-watching, I wonder how much seconds that gave to Pog

    2. This descent going to Valloire is like TT last year that Vingo is madness like a rocket 🚀 This time is Pogi going burst and lightning speed going down 🛬
      Interesting is that Ayuso is making peekabo on Almeida 😅

    3. The ASO hasn't learned a thing. Another downhill finish. With melted ice on the road as well. Simply appalling! Shame! Who else has to die for these clowns to learn their lesson???

    4. Visma really needed Kuss and peak WvA today. Satellite Wout would have been incredible today, and I almost feel like he could have hung on partway through Galibier in the peloton if he went really deep.

    5. For the Ecuatorians that like statistics, I have one for the history. Carapaz lost 5 minutes the first day as a lider. El EF pay too much money for a third class rider. 😂

    6. Looks like the tables have turned… Last 2 yrs it was Visma vs Pogacar… Now it's UAE vs Vinegaard… Unless Jorgason and Kelderman can help Jonas… He's toast… If Jonas is going to win he's going to need the team to exhaust Pog on flats and beat him uphill…Jonas is ready it's the team that's not.

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